Monday, November 30, 2009
Vol. 95, Issue 51
w w w. T h e D a i l y A z t e c . c o m
Tw i t t e r : T h e D a i l y A z t e c
San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1913
H1N1 vaccine arrives at SDSU
OPINION ISN’T NEWS Mainstream news sources often present commentators as real reporters to boost ratings. page 2
HOMEWRECKERS Find out what happens when the “other woman” takes your man. page 4
LOSING LAS VEGAS The San Diego State football team closes out its season with its fourth consecutive loss. page 10
Bryan Koci / Staff Photographer
A nurse receives a seasonal flu vaccine at San Diego State’s Student Health Services. SHS now has several thousand doses of the H1N1 flu vaccine available for free.
TODAY @ SDSU Celebrate Darwin Exhibit Donor Hall, Love Library Exhibit exploring Charles Darwin’s life and the theory of evolution. It features items gathered during his historic voyage to the Galapagos Islands. For more of today’s headlines, visit:
San Diego State students looking for added protection against the H1N1 flu virus can now find it on campus. H1N1 flu vaccinations are now available free of charge for students with a valid RedID. At this time, however, the number of available vaccines is dramatically less than originally planned. “We initially ordered enough vaccine to cover all students, faculty and staff,” Dr. Gregg Lichtenstein, medical director of Student Health Services, said. “When it became evident that vaccine supplies were slow to be distributed, we were asked to lower our order for the first batch.” SHS ended up ordering 5,000 doses of the vaccine. Its original order had been placed for 15,000. “This is still a much higher number of doses than any other San Diego institution of higher education has received,” Lichtenstein said. Despite the decrease, campus health officials are confident that more vaccines are on the way. “As more vaccine becomes available, we will inform the campus community of an expansion of
groups to whom we will vaccinate,” Lichtenstein said. One question that has arisen among many people who are choosing to be vaccinated is whether or not it is safe to receive both the seasonal flu and H1N1 vaccinations together. According to Lichtenstein, it is. “Because of current vaccine availability, we would suggest seasonal flu vaccine for students with highrisk medical conditions and those in the health care field,” he said. When deciding to get double vaccinated for both flu strains, there are precautions to follow that affect both safety and effectiveness. “People should wait 14 days between doses of the nasal flu vaccine,” Lichtenstein said. “Injectable seasonal flu vaccines — or a combination of one injectable and one nasal vaccine — may be given on the same day.” A small supply of the seasonal flu vaccine is still available at SHS. Unlike the H1N1 vaccine, which is free of charge, the seasonal flu shot costs $15. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has set up a comprehensive Web site to answer ques-
tions and provide updates on the national status of H1N1. According to the site, there is a target group of the population that has been labeled high-risk, and has priority during these initial rounds of vaccination. Members of the high-risk group include, “pregnant women, people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age, health care and emergency medical services personnel, persons between the ages of 6 months and 24 years old and people ages 25 through 64.” Though the local and national media have been highlighting H1N1 for months, questions still remain about the importance of vaccinations and the possible side effects — a fact many health care providers, as well as the CDC, would like to see cleared up. According to the CDC, reactions to the H1N1 have mirrored those typically seen with the seasonal flu vaccine such as soreness, body aches, fever and nausea. In rare cases, vaccinated individuals have developed GuillainBarré syndrome, a disease in which a person’s immune system
attacks its own nerve cells, sometimes causing muscle weakness and even paralysis. Although there has not been a direct link established between any vaccine and the development of GBS, there was a believed correlation between H1N1 vaccines administered in 1976 and cases of GBS, according to the CDC. There have already been multiple reported cases of possible GBS in the United States this month in connection with the H1N1 vaccine. Despite apparent side effects both mild and serious, health care professionals maintain the importance of getting the H1N1 vaccine. They say the preventative aspect of not becoming ill far outweighs the risks involved with getting the vaccine. “Immunization is our best defense against influenza,” according to SHS. To learn more about H1N1 and vaccination visit www . c d c . g o v / h 1 n 1 f l u . Appointments and information for SHS can be made by calling 619594-4736 or visiting the Web site at
Ride-sharing gaining popularity
INDEX OPINION.........................................................................2 DATING & ROMANCE.................................................4 SPORTS............................................................................8 CLASSIFIEDS..................................................................11 THE BACK PAGE.........................................................12
If traffic seems a little better this semester, it might be because of the increase in ride-sharing. San Diego State’s partnership with Zimride, a carpool and rideshare online service, has been growing in popularity, according to Tessa Petrich, Zimride’s vice presi-
dent of marketing. Since SDSU’s Zimride community launched in September, 975 users have signed up, according to Petrich. More people are signing up with Zimride every day and the service is proving to be successful, she said. “It looks like this community is really excited (about Zimride) and is taking advantage of it,” Petrich said. “We started out with 640 users in September and now we
have almost 1,000.” Zimride is working to enlarge its community and help more people share rides, Petrich said. She said sharing a commute can save from $1,000—2,000 yearly. If someone commutes 10 miles daily, for example, he or she can save up to $100 a month by sharing a ride instead of driving alone. “We don’t realize how expensive driving our cars is,” Petrich said.
Zimride is a utility for students; it can be cost-saving and convenient for those who have cars, as well as those who don’t. Petrich said that there is an average of 12 possible matches for each trip posted, so users can always find a suitable ride for their destinations. For more information or to access the SDSU Zimride community, visit
The Daily Aztec
Monday, November 30, 2009
Copenhagen a chance Humanitarian aid for climate reform for immigrants now
lobal warming is a hoax. The environment is fine. Don’t tax carbon emissions. Within the next weeks, we will be hearing similar statements as the United Nations climate change conference approaches. On Dec. 7, world leaders will travel to Copenhagen, Denmark to discuss human impact on the environment. Initially, each country was going to propose plans for pollution reductions and come to an agreement regarding emission constraints. But on Nov. 14, President Barack Obama and other leaders decided to postpone setting an international ruling against pollution. “There was an assessment by the leaders that it is unrealistic to expect a full internationally, legally binding agreement could be negotiated between now and Copenhagen,” Michael Froman, the deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs said. While leaders have decided to wait until another summit to set an agreement, putting it off will not make the problem go away. If they wait much longer to cap emissions, countries may postpone it indefinitely. Many have argued that the focus needs to be on fixing the poor state of the economy before tackling climate change. But it is crucial that world leaders construct an international treaty to improve environmental conditions. Although it is disappointing that world leaders will not make a decision in Denmark this year, a climate change bill awaits passing in the United States, which will hopefully set the standard for the rest of the world. Many senators disagree with the bill, claiming it will be expensive in a time of economic turmoil. One of the main opponents of climate change is Sen. James Inhofe, a Republican from Oklahoma. He has publicly declared he does not believe in global warming and that there is not sufficient evidence to prove it. But the proof that climate change exists is abundant and an overwhelming majority of the scientific community accepts it as fact. Professors, doctors, Rhodes scholars and people who have dedicated their lives to science agree that global warming is impacting the earth. Recently, climate change cynics similar to Inhofe have attempted to support their
claims that global warming is a hoax. Last week, the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in Britain was hacked in an attempt to discredit scientists. In one of the thousands of e-mails stolen, there was a discussion that suggests scientists manipulated data to fit into their view of global warming. All of this happened only a few weeks before the conference in Copenhagen. How convenient. Yes, the e-mails shed light on an individual research center, but do not account for the melting ice caps or the increase in temperature. Other research centers have provided data that state global warming is actual and affirm it directly correlates with human impact. After the e-mails were exposed, Inhofe said, “(Researchers) cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not.” Inhofe’s statements are selfish. To deny the impact humans have on the environment is naive and unfounded. He is a 75year-old man who will likely be dead before the environment drastically changes for the worse. He might not be around to observe the change in sea level, but his grandchildren will. We cannot let opponents of climate change hold up reform in the Senate, or in Copenhagen. Our generation will be inheriting these problems and if something is not done now they may be irreversible. Statewide and worldwide environmental reform is not only vital to our future, but it will also provide jobs for our present. A change for sustainable energy is an ambitious goal to set, but one that we must encourage our leaders to put into action immediately. We only have one earth and we must take care of it.
—Sarah Grieco is a public relations junior. —This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Daily Aztec. Send e-mail to Anonymous letters will not be printed. Include your full name, major and year in school.
MCT Campus
The United Nations conference in Copenhagen, Denmark will be an opportunity to address serious climate change issues on an international level. Solutions, not on the existence of climate change, should receive focus.
MCT Campus
U.S.-Mexico border humanitarian concerns needs to be addressed by the government on both sides of the border in order to protect lives, rather than force immigrants into crossing dangerous terrain.
mmigration has always been widely discussed in American politics. The positive and negative impacts have been debated for decades. However, what many fail to recognize is that immigration is not as much a political issue as it is a humanitarian issue. According to the American Civil Liberties Union and Mexico’s human rights agency, around 350 to 500 immigrants die every year in their attempts to cross into the U.S. from Mexico. While many argue that this is simply the consequence of illegal activity, the reality is human lives are being lost and something must be done to stop it. The All-American Canal is one site where many immigrants are losing their lives while crossing the border. The canal spans from Yuma to east of El Centro and provides water to Imperial Valley and San Diego. It was also the site of a recent demonstration by immigrants rights activists who were there to protest migrant drownings. According to the Imperial Valley Press Online, 530 people have drowned in the All-American Canal since 1943. Fifteen months ago, Imperial Irrigation District officials agreed a new cement lined stretch of the canal must be made safer. But since then, no safety features have been installed and 17 people have drowned. While Imperial Irrigation District officials must be held responsible for acting on their agreement of implementing more safety features in the canal, doing so is a small solution to a very large problem. The American Civil Liberties Union of San Diego and Imperial Counties and Mexico’s National Commission on Human Rights recently released a report stating that border deaths have increased despite fewer unauthorized crossings because of the economic downturn. Those who oppose implementing new safety measures along the border cite that advocates for the changes are also advocating for illegal immigration. This is a shortsighted assumption. Those who are concerned with immigrant deaths are concerned with unnecessary lives being lost, not finding easier ways for illegals to find their way into the U.S. While crossing the border without proper documents is illegal, the number of deaths occurring from the act cannot simply be written off as a consequence of such actions. In fact, it is policies such as Operation Gatekeeper, aimed at discouraging immigrants from crossing the border illegally,
which are indirectly causing the unnecessary deaths of so many. Rather than trying to deter immigrants from crossing the border by pushing them to cross more dangerous terrain, policy makers in both the U.S. and Mexico must work for a proactive solution to this issue. It must be recognized that this is an international issue requiring compromise, communication and synchronized action from both sides. Like many activists demonstrating for increased safety measures along the border, I am not advocating for illegal immigration, but rather that human lives must be made a priority. Once immigrants cross to the other side of the canal or any other part of the border and be caught by border control, it is fair to send them back. However, innocent people should not be losing their lives, especially when simple safety measures could help reduce the number of people drowning in the All-American Canal. The solution to this humanitarian issue lies in immigration reform and changes in border safety by both U.S. and Mexican officials. Those claiming such reform would result in increased illegal immigration fail to realize immigrants are seeking a better life and more opportunities. This was the motivation for the first immigrants who came to and established this country, and it continues to be the motivation for the hundreds who risk and lose their lives every year while trying to cross the border. Despite this being an illegal activity, no one deserves to lose their life in the pursuit of a better one. The drive for happiness and opportunity is one inherent in all humans and preventative policies aimed at discouraging illegal immigration attempts to resolve the issue in the wrong ways. We must work to an international solution to this problem while taking proactive steps toward making the border safer for the people who find themselves in danger.
—Renee Villasenor is a journalism senior. —This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Daily Aztec. Send e-mail to Anonymous letters will not be printed. Include your full name, major and year in school.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Commentators are not a source of actual news
hat cable network you choose to get your news from says a lot about your political beliefs. Cable news networks have become increasingly polarized and objectivity in journalism has been lost. Fox News and MSNBC have been challenged by none other than Jon Stewart from “The Daily Show” for failing to meet their own journalistic standards. Just this month, Fox has shown old, erroneous video footage of large crowds of people while reporting on both the Republican health care protest on Capitol Hill and Sarah Palin’s book tour. In addition, they showed the wrong book cover of her “Going Rogue” memoir. The significance of each network’s fact-checking failures is they aided in reinforcing the perspective of each network. When a comedy show is fact-checking actual news organizations, there’s a problem. Objectivity has been lost from news networks as a race to win ratings and advertising dollars sets precedence above real journalism. Such special interests control content and the agendas of news making. It’s no secret both Fox and MSNBC have political agendas. Any intelligent viewer can watch 10 minutes of programming on either channel and recognize the bias and political right-wing rhetoric of Fox News or the liberal propaganda of MSNBC. It is the opinion programming, however, that defines each network’s ethos and is the real cause for concern. Delusional commentators such as Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity are the hallmarks of the Fox network. Their programs personify Fox’s right-leaning perspective. MSNBC left-wing commentators such as Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow portray their network as liberal and elitist. None of these shows is news. This continued blurring of news and opinion continues to damage the reputation of both networks, in addition to damaging the standards of journalism. With such populist programming comes the degeneration of objectivity. According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 63 percent of Americans surveyed believe
news stories are often inaccurate. Moreover, 74 percent of respondents believe stories tend to favor one side of an issue more than another. Americans are conscious of the bias in the media and the networks’ failure to live up to their own journalistic standards. Journalism’s purported objectivity remains the crux of the problem. If Fox and MSNBC are going to continue to operate under the guise of objective journalism, then they need to consider adding on-screen disclaimers for their opinion programming, much like the age ratings at the beginning of non-news TV programming. Differentiating between blocks of news and opinion programming with on-screen graphics between segments, such as “Opinion Hour” or “Primetime Voices,” would be ideal. Other networks could also adopt such practices in hopes of maintaining credibility while still offering popular opinion programming. Recently, CNN purged itself of the very opinionated Lou Dobbs, because the network recognized the damage such commentators have on an organization’s credibility. With Dobbs’ resignation comes a renewed focus on objective reporting. It remains to be seen whether this backto-basics approach to journalism will succeed or live in the shadow of populist programming more prevalent on other cable news networks. Fox News and MSNBC have a responsibility to society to promote transparency and accountability in government. By choosing what to report on and what to exclude, they are acting recklessly. If you want real news, stick to local news outlets or non-profits such as NPR. They don’t choose what to report — they just report.
—Andy Lewandowski is a media studies senior. —This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Daily Aztec. Send e-mail to Anonymous letters will not be printed. Include your full name, major and year in school.
The Daily Aztec The Daily Aztec welcomes letters on all subjects, sections and stories. Published letters may be edited for brevity, libelous and overtly offensive content. In order for letters to be considered for publication, they must be submitted via email. Anonymous letters will not be printed; they must include the writer’s full name, year in school and major or professional title. Please send e-mail to The Daily Aztec offices are located in the basement of the Education and Business Administration building.
Approximately 4 million Toyota cars with faulty gas pedals are being recalled. The pedals can get stuck on the floor mats, creating a dangerous situation for drivers. Beginning in January of next year, new gas pedals shortened by about three-fourths of an inch will be available from Toyota dealers. New pedals will be installed beginning in April. The Camry, Avalon and Lexus ES350, IS350 and IS250 models will additionally have break override systems installed and will be standard in all Toyota and Lexus vehicles by the end of next year. According to the government, five deaths and two injuries have occurred because of accidental acceleration from floor mats and 100 incidents have been reported in which the accelerator may have been stuck. The recall was announced in September and owners were prompted to remove the driver’s side floor mats until the manufacturer decided on a solution. However, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration accused Toyota of reporting deceptive information regarding recall and that removal of floor mats did not “correct the underlying defect.” This occurred despite Toyota’s November statement that NHTSA found “that no defect exists in vehicles in which the driver’s floor mat is compatible with the vehicle and properly secured.” British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed a $10 billion fund to aid developing nations in decreasing their greenhouse gas emissions at the Commonwealth summit in Trinidad. Brown said that one-half of the funds will help reduce emissions and the other half will help these nations adapt to climate change. The U.K. will offer $800 million during the next three years with the first portion of the funds being available next year. Sarkozy proposed that the program fund $10 billion annually from next year to 2012, but did not state how much France would contribute. Both leaders said the measure could encourage developing nations concerned with the economic outcomes of reducing emissions to include themselves in a climate treaty. This was the only issue brought up on the Commonwealth summit’s agenda for the first day. This is the last major world discussion before the global meeting on climate change in Copenhagen, Denmark next month.
Iran has denied Norway’s claim that the Nobel Peace Price for human rights activist, Shirin Ebadi, was confiscated by the Islamic republic. Norwegian officials suggested the issue was implicated by tax evasion. Ebadi won $1.3 million for the prize and news reports claim Tehran’s Revolutionary Court demanded $410,000 in taxes and froze her bank accounts. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast denies these reports. Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store wrote in a statement that “the medal and the diploma have been removed from Dr. Ebadi’s bank box” and it was the “first time a Nobel Peace Prize has been confiscated by national authorities.” Mehman-Parast was quoted saying Norway needed to see both sides of the issue while also saying that tax evasion is a crime in Iran. Ebadi was awarded her prize for activism in human rights, particularly for women and children.
Crystal Hoy / Contributing Cartoonist
China has reported eight patients with a mutated strain of the H1N1 virus. However, infectious disease experts claim that while these cases might be a mutated strain it is not a reason to be alarmed. According to Dr. Mary Nettleman at Michigan State, mutations are not uncommon, whether they are significant is a completely different factor. She also stated although there have been several mutations; many have not had any significance in the virus. Chinese officials have indicated antiviral drugs can still keep the mutated viruses controlled, but officials are concerned that the virus might mutate into a form with antiviral resistance. Scientists have been observing the virus for mutations. According to the World Health Organization, the same mutation has been found in other countries, including Japan, Ukraine, Mexico, Brazil, and the United States. China’s Health Ministry has reported a total number of 104 H1N1 fatalities.
The federal government will soon finalize a new tax-supported program to increase the sales of energy-efficient appliances. The program, known as “Cash for Appliances,” will offer rebates from $50 to $200 to consumers that replace their older appliances with newer, energy-efficient appliances. The initiative is supported by $300 million from the economic stimulus plan, but has economists questioning on how well governmental spending will work for the economy. Economists also note unemployment rates that might affect the success of the program. Manufactures are worried that consumers will delay their purchases until the start of the rebate, resulting in an initial decrease in sales. The program will be directed by state governments that will determine whether or not consumers can only qualify if an old appliance is recycled and how many jobs will be created. The program is scheduled to begin some time between January and April of next year with California planning to begin in March. The Mexican government will soon be updating its border security to help reduce the amount of drug money and weapons smuggled by Mexican organized crime groups. A gate will keep motorists from driving straight onto Tijuana streets, cameras will be installed to take photographs of license plates, and scales and vehiclescanning systems will be used to detect cars that are weighed down with illegal objects. Businesses and trade groups may be threatened by the new barriers while others, including Baja California Gov. Jose Guadalupe Osuna Millan, worry about declining tourism in the already crumbling industry. President Felipe Calderon says the actions are needed to show improvement against drug cartels after more than 1,000 people have been killed in Tijuana with guns that may have been obtained in the United States since last year. Daily border crossers will be mostly affected by the increased security and Mexican officials estimate the new process to take eight seconds per car, translating to waits of at least an hour.
—Compiled by Contributor Aileen Pantoja
The Daily Aztec
Monday, November 30, 2009
Rebuilding after ‘homewreckers’ move in AN D R E A M O RA S TA F F W R I T E R
Secret lovers, mistresses or homewreckers — most people know who they are from personal experience or know someone who has encountered them. They are individuals who knowingly have romantic affairs with committed or married people. But whether one is the cheater or the cheated, someone always gets hurt. One mostly hears stories of the man or woman in a relationship who strayed and betrayed their partner’s trust, but rarely is the other man or woman’s role in an affair exposed or discussed The story of the other person who may or may not have been led on or illusioned is rarely shared because of the humiliation or guilt felt afterward. Some affairs begin with big promises and false hopes. A San Diego State student, who wishes to remain anonymous, dated a married man with two children for one year. They were co-workers and their friendship quickly grew while his marriage crumbled. He had been married for 10 years and this would not be the first time he strayed from his marriage. At first, they were just good friends and he would share his marital problems with her. Soon thereafter, he began to make promises of leaving his wife and finally getting a divorce. He started inviting her to parties and he also began attending her family parties. Things seemed to be working out, except that he was still legally married. He would say he was going to divorce his wife because he was unhappy and wanted the other woman to be his girlfriend. Their courtship continued for months until one day this past summer, his wife came home and caught them both in the marital bed. The wife angrily threw her out of the house
and threatened her. She never saw herself being in that situation and does not want to be labeled as a homewrecker, she said. Now, months later, he has reconciled with his wife. Why someone in a committed relationship cheats is a question with no universal answer because everyone thinks and acts differently. Why someone outside that relationship would want to enter a dramatic and chaotic situation probably has a harder answer. “I never expected him to leave his wife for me,” she said. “But I grew feelings for him.” Things are grim for all parties once all the cards are laid out on the table. The girlfriend or wife in the relationship is equally hurt, confused and torn. Infidelity will put a strain on any relationship, married or not. Deception, lies and betrayal are not easily forgiven and much less forgotten in any situation. Someone who has been cheated on often spends hours analyzing every detail and agonizing about the possible motives that led their partner to cheat. After the initial shock or rage, the cheated individual still has hope that their love is stronger than an affair. Couples who intend to rebuild their relationship may find it difficult. If ties with the other person are not completely cut off, it may take months to try to put the broken pieces back together and regain the other partner’s trust. Doubts of the other person’s true feelings or insecurities of the cheating reoccurring may always linger. “If you want to protect your relationship from infidelity, you must first protect your relationship from the silent killers — jealousy, bitterness, low self-esteem and mistrust,” Dr. Laura Berman wrote in the article “Why Do People Cheat?” “The only way to do this is through honest communication. Reveal your true emotions and needs to your partner and encourage him to do the same.” When the initial shock of an affair has sub-
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MCT Campus
After a cheater is caught having an “extra slice” of love away from his or her committed partner, the journey to rebuilding a healthy relationship can take years. But the healing only begins if the cheater is willing to change.
sided it is time for both people in the relationship to examine what role they played in letting the relationship fizzle. But if constant fights, guilt-trips and tears are shed, it may be healthier to call the relationship quits, accord-
ing to Just how there is no easy way to come to terms with a partner’s infidelity, there is no way to guarantee a partner will remain completely faithful.
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Daily Aztec
Playing house before marriage: pros and cons A U R E L I A A C Q UA T I CONTRIBUTOR
Just as penguins mate for life, humans are assumed to court one another for life as well. However, is it possible to know if two people can coexist peacefully without living together before marriage? The argument of whether or not it is beneficial for couples to cohabit before marriage is still controversial. Many people refer to this as the “trial run” of a relationship, to evaluate whether they are truly compatible before tying the knot. There are a handful of people who believe it is beneficial to experience living together before getting married. Others also believe a lasting marriage is more realistic when living together is saved until after marriage. Pros and cons are weighed extensively by couples, as emotions and personal beliefs play a major role in the decision to move in together.
by living together before the big day will result in a healthier marriage and a reduced chance of divorce. “I think it strengthened our relationship in a lot of ways, such as learning to solve daily problems together and it helped us to work more as a team,” Joya Beamer, international business senior, said. Beamer said she finds it to be beneficial to live with someone while they are dating, so they are able to see how they will act together and get to know each other on a deeper level. The U.S. Census Bureau found that by 2007, almost 6.4 million unmarried, American couples were living together. Each situation and circumstance is different for every couple, and many find it helpful to cohabit before tying the knot. Popenoe and Whitehead state that cohabitation is most beneficial when couples are planning a future together and it may give them a healthy insight into that future.
Cons to playing house
Have an
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Couples will often make the decision to move in together after dating for a certain amount of time, giving them the chance to evaluate how they will like living together post-wedding. Living together is defined as two sexual partners, who are sharing a household while unmarried, according to David Popenoe and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead. In 2002, Popenoe and Whitehead were a part of The National Marriage Project, which conducted research concerning cohabitation before marriage and its outcomes. Today, society’s view on couples living together before marriage is more open-minded and accepting. Generally, people believe that
Liquid Library
A study about cohabitation before marriage found that couples who live together before getting married tend to be more concerned with their personal needs and some have fewer thoughts about getting married in the future.
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—Joya Bearner, international business senior
There are still a handful of couples who decide to wait until after they are married to share a household. In The National Marriage Project, Popenoe and Whitehead also found negative effects resulting from cohabitation. They found that cohabitation actually increases the chance of divorce between couples, resulting from a lack of commitment. Couples who live together before marriage often focus on their own personal needs and not the needs of their partner, which is a contributing factor to failed relationships. Popenoe and Whitehead also found that attitudes toward marriage are changed when couples move in together. Some have the idea that getting married may be less likely in the future. Throughout the decades, studies have shown that there has been an increase in both men and women who find it a good idea to live together before marriage. However, The National Marriage Project has also found evidence suggesting many couples who decide not to cohabit before getting married often have healthier, longlasting marriages as well. Deciding whether to live together or not is a decision only couples can make together. Depending on their own personal opinions and beliefs, couples should weigh their own pros and cons of living together before taking the next step in their relationship.
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“I think it strengthened our relationship in a lot of ways such as learning to solve daily problems together, and it helped us work more as a team.”
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The Daily Aztec
Monday, November 30, 2009
Couples stay together as love and money diminish
MCT Campus
Couples that have chosen to share bank accounts, live together and even tie the knot are finding commitment even more binding as the recession makes breaking up financially impossible. Even if married couples find themselves desperate for divorce, the cost of separating makes staying together sound like the better option. And while couples stay together, singles are searching online for a significant other rather than going to a bar and spending money.
Is it true that misery loves company? Just look at the trends. Divorce lawyers say business is down. Online dating sites are experiencing double-digit growth. So in this troubling economy, it appears love really does conquer all, right? Not exactly. Struggling couples are staying together for love and money while singles are looking for romance and half the rent. “I’ve had clients joke about how they need a double-income household,” Lisa Purdum, a matchmaker for It’s Just Lunch in San Diego, said. While the number of divorce filings has been steady during the past couple of years, local divorce attorneys are seeing slower business. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 37 percent of its members said they typically see a decrease in divorce cases during national economic downturns. Steven Bishop, a San Diego divorce attorney for more than 30 years, said he gets lots of calls for his services but fewer callbacks when they hear his fees. This downturn, he said, is different from other recent recessions in that a quick rebound is not in sight. “Nobody has any hope that it’s going to get better any time soon,” he said. The uncertainty causes two distinct reactions in his clients, he said. Some are willing to wait out the downturn in hopes of recouping lost housing equity and other investments. Others simply want to be done. “It’s like, ‘I might be going down, but I’m not going down with you,’” he said. David Peters, a marriage and family therapist in Mission Valley, said some of his clients don’t have that option as the housing meltdown has made it impossible for them to move on. “I have a number of couples who are upside down on their house, and they just can’t get out,” he said. “People are delaying divorce for purely financial reasons.” Even as the recession complicates some marriages, it’s spurring more singles to
seek partners. “These economic times are a big, stressful factor,” Gian Gonzaga, senior research scientist at, an online dating site, said. “It pushes people toward relationships.” Online dating sites such as and have seen business increase dramatically during the downturn. At, registrations from September of last year to January have increased 20 percent from the same period a year ago. The worse the economic news, the more people seem to seek out love, Gonzaga said. For instance, when the Dow Jones dropped by 100 points or more, saw an increase in the number of pages people viewed on its site compared with days when the Dow Jones increased by 100 points or more. has found a similar trend. In the fourth quarter, when the Dow Jones plummeted, revenue increased 42 percent from the previous quarter and the number of registrants jumped by 62 percent. The sites attribute part of the increased interest to the fact that people are staying home to save money and spending more time on their computers. Finding someone online is simply more cost-effective than paying for overpriced drinks at a bar. Duane Dahl, CEO of, called relationships and online dating “one of those air-and-water categories that is never going to go away.” But Shoshana Grossbard, an economics professor at San Diego State, isn’t so sure that all those online daters are looking for marriage. She said marriage typically loses its allure during tough economic times. During the early years of the Great Depression, for instance, the number of marriages dropped from 1,233,000 in 1929 to 982,000 in 1932, a 20 percent decline. So far in San Diego County, marriage numbers have remained strong, however, perhaps buoyed in part by a flurry of gay marriages last year. Grossbard said a tough economy typically undermines the traditional appeal of a marital partnership, in which women are more responsible for running the house and men are more responsible for providing income. “More women are going to say, ‘Why do I need this guy? What is he good for?’” Grossbard said.
For men, the loss of a job means not only less income but a loss of identity as the provider. “It can threaten the entire balance,” Peters said. That was certainly the case for Jeff Brady. The recent transplant to Oceanside said his first relationship in town was doomed because he hadn’t landed a job. “She had a real attitude about it,” he said. “It really affected our relationship.” Now, Brady, 35, who is a musician and works for a tattoo Web site, said he uses free postings on the Web site and goes on dates two or three times a week, sticking to inexpensive encounters like a walk on the beach or a meet-up at a coffee shop. These days his lack of a traditional job is less of a drawback for would-be partners. “A lot of people are in the same boat,” he said. “They are like, ‘My friend got laid off. My mother got laid off.’ So everyone can relate in some way,” he said. Scott Stephens, 39, signed up for It’s Just Lunch, a matchmaking service, about a year ago, realizing he needed to get serious about
his search for love as the economy worsened. A sales manager based in Palm Springs, Stephens said he now realizes how important it is to find someone with a college degree and a career. “I want to have kids, and the only way to do that is with a dual income,” he said. Grossbard said it is important to remember that many marriages are based on more than love, so when the economy craters, many marriages do as well. “I believe in love, but we have to accept that the economic expectations will continue to be the basis of a lot of relationships,” she said. Jennine Estes, a marriage and family therapist in San Diego, is not convinced. Her clients are attempting to fix relationship problems exacerbated by tight funds because they need each other. She points to research that shows how a loved one’s touch can help calm a person down. “It is love that is going to help people through this recession,” Estes said.
MCT Campus
The Daily Aztec
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thomas nets 21 points as Aztecs rout NAU
Glenn Connelly / Photo Editor
Malcolm Thomas had 21 points shooting 10-11.
It’s not often that a college basketball game is over in the first five minutes, but on Saturday, when the Diego State men’s SDSU 89 San basketball team faced NAU 48 off against Northern Arizona, by the time five minutes had elapsed, SDSU was leading 13-2 and it was clear that NAU was severely outmatched.
The Aztecs (4-2) coasted to an 89-48 win against the Lumberjacks (2-3) behind a shooting percentage of 56.3 and doubledigit points by six SDSU players. “I told our squad after the game that sometimes in a lopsided victory you don’t have as quite as good a feeling as the fans do with the things you see,” head coach Steve Fisher said after the game. “But today I thought we probably did as good a job as we’ve done all season playing half-court defense. We did not give (NAU) dribble drives and we helped better (defensively). They didn’t make many shots, but I thought we contested a vast majority of them and did not give them anything close.” Leading the Aztecs was junior forward Malcolm Thomas who had a game-high 21 points on an incredible 10-11 shooting performance and tied freshman forward Kawhi Leonard for the most rebounds in the game with 10. Thomas also dished out three assists and recorded a block. “It wasn’t easy at all. (NAU) made it hard to get the ball, rebound or do anything,” Thomas said. “They have some good players. When they double-teamed, we were able to cut and throw it up high to one of our wings. We also finished almost everything today.” Saturday’s game is the third home blowout SDSU has won this year in its three home games. However, the Aztecs have struggled on the road, getting routed by Saint Mary’s, edging out Fresno State and, most recently, losing at Pacific. “The Pacific loss (on Wednesday) was a rude awakening for us,” Thomas said. “We thought we were playing better, but they came out and just smashed us. We
had a good practice and it showed in the game today. We watched a lot of film on the (Pacific) game. We didn’t get back in transition defense, we didn’t help each other and we just didn’t run. Defense was the main key for us today.” True freshman guard Chase Tapley had the best game of his young career, scoring 11 points on 5-7 shooting while racking up five assists. While Tapley’s physical ability is obvious, his coach believes it’s his superior attitude that will make him an impact-player in the coming years.
Advanced Test Preparation
Shots attempted by junior forward Malcolm Thomas against Northern Arizona
Shots made by Thomas against the Lumberjacks
Shooting percentage for NAU in Saturday’s game
Shooting percentage for the Aztecs against NAU
Assists for junior guard DJ Gay on Saturday, a game-high
First-half points for the Lumberjacks against SDSU
Losses in three games at home for the Aztecs this season 2009
Points per game for junior forward Billy White this season, a team-high
Advanced Test Preparation
“Chase is as willing a young freshman as we’ve had in my 11 years here,” Fisher said. “I love Chase. He’s a ‘yes sir’, ‘no sir’, no excuses, looks-you-in-the-eyes guy who accepts his responsibility — maybe even more than he needs to. I believe he will be somebody that our fans will grow to love and he will progress as a basketball player over his career.” SDSU returns to action on Wednesday when it heads west on Interstate 8 to take on crosstown rival USD at 7 p.m. at the Jenny Craig Pavilion.
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Monday, November 30, 2009
The Daily Aztec
SDSU gets swept against tough Paradise Jam foes B E AU B E A R D E N S E N I O R S TA F F W R I T E R
Before heading to the Virgin Islands to compete in the 2009 U.S Virgin Islands Paradise Jam last Thursday the San Diego State women’s basketball team received good news. SDSU achieved its first top-25 national ranking in 14 years with a No. 23 ranking in the Associated Press Top 25 Poll. “We needed confidence coming into such a prestigious tournament,” senior guard Jené Morris said. “And the ranking helped.” But it wasn’t enough. The Aztecs dropped two consecutive games against ranked opponents, before losing 58-55 to South Carolina on Saturday in St. Thomas. The contest between SDSU and the Gamecocks went back and forth until the end. With 30 seconds left, sophomore forward Charenee Stephens scored to give South Carolina a 5652 lead. The Aztecs responded with a 3-pointer from junior guard Jerica Williams to cut the lead to one. But sophomore guard La’Keisha Sutton came back with a breakaway layup to extend the Gamecocks’ lead to three. SDSU had an opportunity to send the game to overtime, but senior guard Quenese Davis missed a 3-pointer at the buzzer,
allowing South Carolina (3-3) to get the upset win. But the Aztecs still had something to take away from it all. Morris scored her 1,000th career point.
“I knew going in that Notre Dame does a great job spreading the floor and their experience really shows.” —Beth Burns, head coach “It’s an honor and (it’s) amazing,” Morris said of her achievement. “I really didn’t think I would make it, seeing that I transferred. I didn’t think I’d have enough time. It’s always been a goal, but I couldn’t have done it without my teammates.” The squad started off slow against No. 20 / 17 Oklahoma (4-2) and couldn’t get anything going in a 87-48 loss. SDSU was led by Paris Johnson, as the junior center was the lone Aztec in double figures with 10 points and also posted a game-high six rebounds.
SDSU struggled out of the gate against No. 5 / 6 Notre Dame, allowing the Irish to take a 30-9 advantage. But the Aztecs mounted a comeback behind a 13-8 run to cut the deficit to 44-29 at the half. SDSU continued to battle in the second half and was within single digits at 69-60 with less than six minutes to play. Notre Dame stretched its lead back to double digits, but Morris then hit three straight 3-pointers to bring the Aztecs within four at 79-75. Two free throws by Davis, who matched a career-best with 25 points, brought SDSU within a basket with 29 seconds left. But the Irish (6-0) connected on three of their four shots from the line to get the 84-79 win. “I was disappointed in our start,” head coach Beth Burns told “I knew going in that Notre Dame does a great job spreading the floor and their experience really shows — they capitalize on every mistake. I thought Quenese (Davis) played a fabulous game. She’s the only reason we stayed in the game. I encouraged our team at halftime to give her a little bit of help and I thought we came back and competed in the second half.” The Aztecs (3-3) will now prepare for UC Riverside at 5 p.m. on Friday in the Student Recreation Center.
Glenn Connelly / Photo Editor
Senior guard Jené Morris scored her 1,000th career point as an Aztec this weekend.
The Daily Aztec
Monday, November 30, 2009
Aztecs finish 2009 season on a low note
Glenn Connelly / Photo Editor
Glenn Connelly / Photo Editor
Senior wide receiver Roberto Wallace had eight catches for 106 yards and a touchdown in his final game as an Aztec on Saturday against UNLV. Wallace was one of seven Aztecs to record a reception.
Senior linebacker Luke Laolagi returned an Omar Clayton interception for a touchdown on Saturday but it was not quite enough as the San Diego State football team blew a late lead and lost its fourth consecutive game.
For the second time in three weeks, the San Diego State football team had at least a 17-point lead and lost. For the fourth time in four weeks, SDSU stumbled and found a way to lose a game. Now, for the fourth time in four years, the Aztecs have officially lost at least eight games in a season. “That’s the bad thing,” head coach Brady Hoke said after SDSU fell to UNLV 28-24 Saturday night in Las Vegas. “You always want to end with momentum to end your season, and to take into recruiting and have some momentum in that. It’s always disappointing.” After giving up seven points on UNLV’s first offensive drive of the game, the Aztecs scored 24 unanswered points, highlighted by a 55-yard senior linebacker Luke Laolagi pick-six. But then UNLV’s quarterback Omar Clayton caught fire, putting the Rebels on his back.
Clayton started UNLV’s comeback with a seven-yard touchdown run with 6 minutes 48 seconds remaining in the third quarter. Then, with 13:35 on the clock in the fourth quarter, Rebel defensive back Terrance Lee intercepted sophomore quarterback Ryan Lindley, taking it 40 yards for a touchdown, cutting SDSU’s lead to three. Clayton and the Rebels would complete the 17-point comeback in the final two minutes of the game when Clayton hooked up with receiver Phillip Payne for a 17-yard touchdown, giving UNLV a 2824 lead it wouldn’t relinquish. “They believed that they were going to win and we kept fighting,” Rebel head coach Mike Sanford said after the victory. “One of the things we have done this year as a football team is keep fighting.” Both teams came into the game with dashed bowl dreams, owning 4-7 records. Only 13,730 came out to watch the game at Sam Boyd Stadium. Yet in a rivalry game, on Senior Night, fighting for a coach who had been fired just a few weeks ago,
the Rebels were able to pull out a victory. “This win today is not about me and it’s not about the coaching staff, it is about our seniors and our players,” Sanford said. “I love the senior class. I am very proud of how they played today. I am very proud of how they represented themselves. I think they showed tremendous character. We were down 24-7 and we came back and won. We believed we were going to win.” As for the Aztecs, several key seniors are expected to graduate: offensive lineman Ikaika Aken-Moleta, running back Atiyyah Henderson, Laolagi, linebacker Jerry Milling and receiver DeMarco Sampson. Still, Hoke is ready for the challenge of turning around SDSU’s football program. “I think we’ve made a lot of progress, but still have a lot of progress to make,” Hoke said. “From development of our players and in a lot of different areas from strength to the athleticismº of the team, instinct of the team at times, as in going to make plays to doing some of the things we have got to do a better job.”
Monday November 30, 2009
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The Daily Aztec
An exercise in foreign logic
an anyone actually define what is “logical” or not? Yes, some things may seem logical to some, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s obvious to everyone else. In Costa Rica, logic seems to have an entirely different meaning and to be quite honest, sometimes I find it mind-boggling.
Example #1 I take the same bus to school every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 7:15. I usually get on at the first stop, but if I’m running late, I know which corner it passes next so that I can still catch it. Last week there was a protest by the taxi drivers and the streets were packed. As the bus pulled out, the driver decided to take a different route and circumvent the protest. This may seem logical if you’re in your own car driving just yourself, but the bus driver completely skipping four stops made me think, “What the hell would I have done if I didn’t get on at the first stop?” Lógico.
Example #2 Until about a week ago, it was rain season here in Costa Rica, meaning it poured every day. And although Costa Rica has two seasons, wet and dry, I cannot figure out why the general population doesn’t plan for this. I sit in a café for more than an hour waiting for my Costa Rican friend and when he finally arrives, he’s calmer than I´d like him to be and simply says, “Sorry I’m a little late; it was raining.” Really? No way! That’s odd, it’s raining in wet season, which lasts about half of the year by the way … OK he’s only 22 years old; it’s
Monday, November 30, 2009
with the rest of class who also had close to nothing done. Lógico.
not like this is his first wet season. So he never once thought that maybe with it raining, it might take a little longer? Lógico.
Example #3 Group projects suck. It doesn’t matter what country you’re in. But when you’re working with a partner in a class that’s not in your native tongue, it basically makes you dependent on your partners. First of all, we had about six weeks to complete this project, which involved interviewing someone, recording it and transcribing the whole interview to analyze. As if the interview itself wasn’t difficult enough because my Spanish is lacking; to transcribe it all word-for-word is practically impossible because half the words are too advanced. I understand the main idea, such as, “Life, difficult, money, none …” Oh! OK, got it. So I couldn’t do it alone, but every time I called my partner he made some horrible excuse. I was helpless. But when the day before it was due came around, I called and we planned to do it all together. I asked for directions to his house and he said, “So wait, you’re going to come here? For … to do what?” “Um, I was thinking the project that we’ve had six weeks to do and now only have one day. How does that sound?” “Yeah but class isn’t until 6 p.m., we have plenty of time.” Plenty of time, really? Lógico! So the day it’s due, he has some excuse for not doing it and the teacher said it’s fine and to turn it in when we can … along
Example #4 My friend who is also studying abroad learned Costa Rican logic with her own group project too. They had a few weeks to research something and make a presentation but for weeks they just kept telling her it was OK because they knew someone who had already done the same thing so they could use that. Perfect! So she kept getting more and more nervous and asked them to send it to her before the presentation so she could at least be familiar with what to say. They e-mailed it the night before and she checked the Web sites they used to get more information, only to find that there isn’t any more information because they literally copied and pasted the whole Web site into their presentation. Logically (American logic I mean), she freaked out with the word “plagiarism” flashing in her head. But when she went to her host family they look at her blankly and say, “Yeah, so?” She said, “That’s illegal! It’s stealing.” “No it’s not,” her host sister answered. “That’s just how you do it. You find what you need and put it in a document. How do you think I did my thesis?” My friend thinks, “Your thesis … for graduate school?” Lógico?
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (11/30/09) This year your energy shifts toward greater imagination and independence. Maintain a practical perspective as you move forward with fresh ideas.You don't need to dump the past in order to make this year a huge success. ARIES (March 21 - April 19) - Today is a 7 Start the new week with high energy. Emotions respond to physical work. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) - Today is an 8 - Present your findings as though you're certain. Others introduce emotional diversions. Stick to your point. GEMINI (May 21 - June 21) - Today is a 7 Even though it's Monday, spend extra time at home. Can you take a mental health day? It would be nice. CANCER (June 22 - July 22) - Today is an 8 - Try to check one thing off your list at work today. If you get more than one, give yourself a gold star. LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) - Today is an 8 Getting back into the workload takes effort. Apply physical energy to relieve emotional stress. VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) - Today is a 7 Yeah, sure, it's Monday. Still, be sure to
make extra time for the ones you love. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) - Today is an 8 Group effort moves a project forward. Get everyone on the same emotional wavelength for best results. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) - Today is a 7 - Put in special effort to understand the work you have in front of you.Ten minutes of thought can saves hours of wasted effort. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) - Today is a 7 - Apply your effort to something you love.This could mean putting a less enjoyable task on hold until tomorrow. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) - Today is an 8 - Back to work on changing the group dynamic. Reassign tasks to suit each person's skills and interests. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) - Today is an 8 - Rested and ready, you blast through work that has piled up recently.Then clean - yes, clean - your desk. PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20) - Today is an 8 - Back to the daily routine after a holiday. Actually, you feel pretty good about yourself and your work now. Enjoy. © 2009,TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
1 2
3 4
Instructions: Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit
—Kristina Peltin is an interdisciplinary studies junior studying abroad in Costa Rica. —This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Daily Aztec.
Solution available online at © 2009 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
Reporters wanted! CROSSWORD The City section of The Daily Aztec is looking for any student journalists interested in covering public meetings. If you are a student interested in reporting on Associated Students’ weekly council meetings, contact City Editor Kevin McCormack at 619-594-7782 for more information.
ACROSS 1 Vikings quarterback Brett 6 Recipe amt. 10 1960s-’70s NBA center Thurmond 14 Former Apple laptop 15 Eurasian boundary river 16 Expel 17 Marsh grass 18 Italia’s capital 19 “I’ll be there in __” 20 Shed some pounds 23 City square memorial 24 Suffix with Gator 25 Some NFL blockers 28 Begins 31 Woodsy route 33 Bear: Sp. 36 Logger’s tool 37 Either of two Modesto-based vintner brothers 38 Divide earnings equally 43 Fella 44 Charlotte of “The Facts of Life” 45 Fireplace residue 46 Ancient Indo-European 47 “Blue” evergreen 50 Fish-to-be 51 Topeka is its cap. 53 Mariner 57 Talk to the answering machine 61 Post-shower powder 63 Move, to a Realtor 64 Scatter, as seed 65 Impressionist 66 Former Lacoste partner 67 Draws closer 68 Ashram advisor 69 Caustic fluids
Solution available online at 70 __-craftsy DOWN 1 Dukes in boxing gloves 2 Pound __: cover one’s route, cop-style 3 Screwdriver liquor 4 Classic thesaurus 5 Barely make, as a living 6 Gang land 7 Often furrowed facial feature 8 Identical to, with “the” 9 Checkered pattern 10 Biblical helmsman 11 Koala’s home 12 Prufrock creator’s monogram
13 Abbr. covering unlisted items 21 Famine’s opposite 22 Beginning, informally 26 Leans to one side 27 Wade through the shallows 29 Pep rally yell 30 Insignificant one 32 WWII Brit. fliers 33 Schindler of “Schindler’s List” 34 Former veep Agnew 35 Classic boy-anddog Disney film 39 Actress Lupino 40 Big name in little trucks 41 Golfer’s goal
42 Put into service again 47 Dwarf who needs tissues 48 Big name in small planes 49 Day to put all your eggs in one basket 52 Pop singer Lavigne 54 French Revolution journalist 55 Golden __: senior citizens 56 Full of the latest happenings 58 Stocking hue 59 Shaving gel additive 60 Stylish ’60s Brits 61 “You’re it!” game 62 “The Simpsons” Squishee seller