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Wednesday, April 4 - Tuesday, April 10, 2018 Weekly Print Edition

Vol. 104, Issue 29 www.thedailyaztec.com

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

usic on Campus Issue SEE COVERAGE, PAGES 6-12

Photo by Kelly Smiley

Ben Lusher of Thirdstory sings during their San Diego show at the House of Blues on March 21. See full story page 7.

March for our lives hits streets of San Diego By David Santillan SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR

Thousands of people poured into downtown San Diego to show their support for student activists marching for stronger gun control laws as part of the nationwide March for Our Lives. The event, which was organized by student activists with the help of Women’s March San Diego, began at Waterfront Park before protesters headed through the streets of downtown San Diego. The march was led by teenagers and young adults who say they’ve had enough of gun violence and want to see changes in laws from politicians in the wake of the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., where 17 people died. “Something needs to be done about the shootings that are going on,” Lincoln High School senior Hector Enriquez, one of the student speakers, said after his SEE MARCH FOR OUR LIVES, PAGE 3

Elevate SDSU sweeps A.S. elections — save for one seat by Bella Ross SENIOR STAFF WRITER

Just before students left for spring break, Associated Students election results the night of March 22 showed every member of the Elevate SDSU slate will sit on next year’s A.S. executive board, except one. The executive board will consist of Chris Thomas as president, Nick Wohlman as executive vice president, Michael Wiafe as vice president of external affairs, Christian Onwuka as vice president of financial affairs and Ronnie Cravens — who defeated Elevate candidate Anya Shutovska — as vice president of university affairs. “Anya’s been working for this position since forever — since I met her as a freshman,” Thomas said. “She’s going to keep working and I’m going to make sure that she stays involved and does what she needs to do.” Prior to her loss, Shutovska said she is happy to have worked with “such a great group of people” and that she will always care for SDSU. “I still love SDSU and I’ve given it everything that I have,” Shutovska said. Cravens said he wants SDSU

to feel like a “home away from home,” and that he is confident in his ability to take on his new role as vice president of university affairs. “I’m confident in everything I do,” Cravens said. “I wouldn’t have signed up for this position if I wasn’t confident in everything I’ve done.” Despite competition from two write-in candidates, Chris Thomas was still able to secure his spot as A.S. president. While he was distraught over Shutovska’s loss, he said he has many aspirations for his time as president. “I never want to be known as ‘A.S. President Chris,’” Thomas said. “I want to be known as Chris.” Wohlman was one of three candidates who originally ran for executive office unopposed — Thomas ended up with two write-in opponents late in the campaign. Despite this, he said he worked hard talking with students to explore their expectations. “I wanted to have them show me what they’re about and I wanted to show them what I’m about,” Wohlman said. He said, for him, the work in his role as executive vice president starts now. “I’m going to start working

right away,” Wohlman said. “I love everything I’m about to do in this position. There’s no sleep, I can’t take my foot off the gas.” Latrel Powell, the losing candidate for vice president of

external affairs, ran alongside Cravens on the It’s Time SDSU slate and lost to Wiafe. Powell said while he was sad for his own loss, he was extremely proud of Cravens.

“I’m so proud of Ronnie because I know he’s going to make a lot of people proud SEE A.S. ELECTION RESULTS, PAGE 3

Photo by Andrew Dyer

Vice president of university affairs candidate Anya Shutovska, third from left, reacts to the results of the 2018 A.S. elections while Presidentelect Chris Thomas consoles her.

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