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Wednesday, Sept. 12 - Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2018 Weekly Print Edition

Vol. 105, Issue 5 www.thedailyaztec.com

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

Eric Rivera to retire in December by Bella Ross NEWS EDITOR

Courtesy photo

Vice President for Student Affairs Eric Rivera will retire on Dec. 12.

After nearly a quarter-century serving the California State University system, Vice President for Student Affairs Eric Rivera will retire at the end of the fall semester, university officials announced on Sept. 5. “As I look back at my higher education career, spanning four institutions across the country,

I am most proud of the past 22 years spent at SDSU and the contributions I have made to our students’ achievements,” Rivera said in a statement. San Diego State President Adela de la Torre said Rivera has made notable achievements in areas like the increase of graduation and retention rates, the expansion of student support centers and in the development of parent programs on campus. Beginning Dec. 13, de la

Torre said current Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Christy Samarkos will serve as the interim vice president for student affairs until a permanent one is selected through a nationwide search. Students may not know Rivera’s name, but they’re sure to be familiar with his work. Popular student support centers such as SEE ERIC RIVERA, PAGE 3

‘I am SDSU’ campaign strives to increase student involvement in community events

Photo by Abraham Jewett

Aztecs cornerback Ron Smith (center) leads the “I am SDSU’” chant alongside running back Juwan Washington (right).


University President Adela de la Torre’s ‘I am SDSU’ campaign, aimed at raising student involvement in university-wide events, kicked off last week with a pep rally. Students gathered in front of Hepner Hall on the afternoon of Sept. 6.

De la Torre spoke at the event to welcome new students, faculty and staff. Other speakers included former basketball coach Steve Fisher and Associated Students President Chris Thomas. The crowd also enjoyed appearances from the cheer and dance team and performances by the Diamond Dancers to live music from the pep band. “We like to keep our talents hidden here at San Diego State,”

Thomas said. He said de la Torre came up with the idea of the campaign as a way to start her first year at SDSU by highlighting all of the talent SDSU has and the impact it has both on a national and local level. During the rally, Thomas spoke about his slogan for Associated Students under his presidency. The slogan is “The Year of the Heart” and it relates to Thomas wanting students to know how

much Associated Students cares about them. “Through our actions, we will show students that A.S. is here for them, cares about them and advocates for them,” Thomas said. Fisher said it will be the responsibility of SDSU students to be present in the campus community to contribute to SEE CAMPAIGN, PAGE 5

Student hospitalized with bacterial meningitis by Bella Ross NEWS EDITOR

University officials on Sept. 5 were warning students who participated in recruitment activities for the College Panhellenic Association this week to get preventative treatment after a student contracted meningococcal meningitis. The student, who was not named, was being treated at a local hospital Wednesday after being diagnosed with the bacterial illness, officials said in an email to the campus community. Students who participated in formal recruitment activities for the Panhellenic Association between Sept. 1-3 were recommended to receive preventative treatment, often offered in the form of a pill. Student Health Services offered the treatment between noon and 5 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 6, and between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 7. The treatment is recommended regardless of prior immunization for meningococcal disease, officials said. Anybody who may have contracted meningitis after coming into contact with the infected person likely will experience symptoms before Friday, Sept. 14, university officials said. The last time meningitis made an appearance at SDSU was nearly a year ago in November 2017, when three students were diagnosed viral meningitis, the most common form. The more deadly bacterial form of meningitis killed an SDSU student in 2014. Student Health Services Medical Director Cynthia Cornelius said in the email that the disease can progress in as little as 12 hours, making “prompt SEE MENINGITIS, PAGE 2







New Associated Students program punishes Ofo bike users for parking incorrectly.

The College Area experiences its third robbery in a little more than two weeks.

Football rallies late to pull away in victory against Sacramento State.

Backup quarterback takes the reigns after Christian Chapman injury.

The Smashing Pumpkins thrilled San Diego fans with the sounds of another generation.






2 News Crime report: petty theft, sleeping in EBA, alcohol possession

Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Bella Ross • news@thedailyaztec.com

The Daily Aztec


SUSPICIOUS PERSON A non-SDSU student was ordered to stay off campus for seven days after urinating on the North Art building stairs at about 5:15 p.m. Aug. 28. TRESPASSING Two people were reported for sleeping between the basement and first floor or the Education and Business

Administration building just before 6:50 a.m. Aug. 28. ALCOHOL AND DRUGS Two SDSU students were cited for being minors in possession of alcohol on Dorothy Drive just before 12:15 a.m. Aug. 28. A non-SDSU student was cited and told to stay off campus for seven days for possession of a controlled substance at KPBS just after 12:30 a.m. Aug. 30. THEFT

A laptop was reported stolen from West Commons around 2 p.m. Aug. 30. A phone and wallet were reported stolen from Kappa Alpha Theta sorority at about 3 p.m. Sep. 3. An SDSU student was cited for petty theft of a hydro flask and a textbook from SDSU Bookstore just before 12:30 p.m. Sept. 4. A bicycle was reported stolen from the bicycle racks near University Towers Residence between 5 p.m.

Sep. 3 and 7 a.m. Sept. 4 An SDSU student’s bag was reported stolen from an open


for meningococcal meningitis compared to college students overall,” Cornelius said in the campus-wide email. The vaccine that helps to prevent meningococcal disease is not one of the three vaccines required in order to attend SDSU, but the Student Health Services website says it’s recommended for students who live in residence halls to get the vaccine. Student Health Services offers two different vaccines to address meningococcal disease in its facilities. Certain behaviors may also make people more susceptible to acquiring the disease. “Bacterial meningitis may be transmitted via direct

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File photo

A student was dianosged with meningococcal meningitis on Sept. 5, leading many students to get preventative treatment at the Calpulli Center on campus.

diagnosis and treatment” critical. “The early symptoms usually associated with meningococcal meningitis include high fever, severe headache, stiff neck, rash, nausea, vomiting and lethargy, and may resemble the flu,” Cornelius said. Students who live in residence halls are at the most risk for the illness, Cornelius said. “Further research released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows freshmen living in dormitories have a sixfold increased risk

locker in the Aztec Recreation Center lobby between 2:30 and 4 p.m. Sep. 5.

File photo

contact with oral secretions, through the air via sneezed or coughed droplets of respiratory secretions, or even through speaking closely face-to-face,” Cornelius said. “Examples of direct oral contact include sharing items, such as cigarettes or drinking glasses, or through intimate contact such as kissing.” Members of the campus community who need more information were asked to call SDSU Student Health Services from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at (619) 594-4325 and press “1” to reach one of the registered nurses or call San Diego County Public Health Services’ epidemiology division at (619) 692-8499.

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Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Bella Ross, news@thedailyaztec.com


The Daily Aztec


New rules crack down on Ofo bike clutter by Ronald Penh CONTRIBUTOR

Nearly five months after San Diego State launched a pilot program with the bike-sharing program Ofo, issues regarding the parking of the bikes have led the university to take up a new enforcement method. Concerns regarding people parking their bikes inappropriately pushed the company to make some changes in its user policy around campus. “Repeatedly not adhering to parking rules may result in the suspension of your Ofo bike sharing use privileges,” said Associated Students Sustainability Commissioner Cassie Weinberg in a campus-wide email. The new policy includes a point system in which users will be deducted points for not parking in the designated parking areas. The user begins with 100 points and can gain one point for parking in the correct area. Users will lose 20 points for not parking in the correct area and will be suspended from using the bikes upon reaching zero points, according to Weinberg’s email. The email said designated parking areas include bike racks and “furniture zones,” meaning the area on the sidewalk outside of where pedestrians walk, near benches and trash cans. Ofo also requests users do not park their bikes on the sidewalks as it impedes on pedestrian traffic and access for people with disabilities. Electrical engineering senior Thomas Barbarito said he felt optimistic toward the new policy. “I like it (and) I think it’s a good idea,” Barbarito said. “But,

it’s just tough to execute. I see the benefits of it but also the bikes cluttered all over campus is a problem.” When informed of Ofo’s new policy, Barbarito said he thinks it’s a step in the right direction. He added he thinks it is users’ fault the bikes are parked in the inappropriate areas, not the company. Urban Studies senior Tai Disla describes the new policy as a double-edged sword. “Being able to park wherever you want was the main convenience of having an Ofo, but now that the policy doesn’t allow that, I don’t see the point of it anymore,” Disla said. Disla later said there are benefits to the new designated parking areas and mentioned it is not as cluttered anymore. “I don’t see them that much anymore,” Disla said. “The monthly subscription is convenient because it’s more affordable. But without the convenience of being able to hop off wherever I want, I’d rather use my skateboard or get my own bike.” The Ofo program on campus was initiated by the Associated Students of SDSU in partnership with the University Parking and Transportation Services. Users pay a small hourly fee to temporarily borrow bikes through the Ofo app that are available throughout the campus and other parts of San Diego. The program has proven to be popular with SDSU students, gaining almost 5,000 users and more than 40,000 rides from the time it launched in early April 2018 to the end of the spring semester.

File photo

Ofo bike users could now be suspended from the program for parking in bike lanes or on pedestrian walkways.

Graphic courtesy of Associated Students

Ofo bikes must now be parked in the ‘furniture zone’ or on bike racks to avoid losing points with the new enfrocement method.

SDSU math professor wins prestigious CSU award by Ashley Na CONTRIBUTOR

San Diego State mathematics and statistics Assistant Professor Antoni Luque was announced as one of the nominees for the first Faculty Innovation Leadership Award on Aug. 28. Luque was among 25 other California State University faculty recipients to receive this award out of the total 23 CSU’s. On the day he received the email regarding the Faculty Innovation Leadership Awards on Aug. 16, Luque said he was planning to leave campus after work and had barely managed to check his email throughout the busy day. Luque said getting this award was refreshing because it

Eric Rivera:

continued from page 1 the Commuter Resource Center, the Pride Center, the Women’s Resource Center, the Black Resource Center and the Undocumented Resource Area all can be tied back to Rivera, according to de la Torre.

reminded him people still value traditional teaching methods in light of the increased focus on research. “The experience is rewarding in terms that I made a lot of effort in changes in teaching and sometimes, teaching doesn’t get valued as much,” Luque said. “Many of our main goals in the university (deal with) our research, to train students who research and to bring value to the university through research.” In a letter of support for Luque’s nomination, Professor and Director of Center for Teaching and Learning Jennifer Imazeki said Luque stood out in his commitment to active learning. “Since (Luque) joined SDSU in 2015, he has attended about

30 CTL workshops and engaged in initiatives to integrate active learning across campus,” Imazeki said. In a letter of testimony in support of the nomination of Luque, College of Sciences Associate Dean Cathie Atkin noted that Luque has an impressive track record when it comes to getting students where they want to be. She said Luque’s lab has mentored nine research undergraduates and is about to take on five more. Two of his four graduates, she said, have even gone on to be accepted into “prestigious PhD or Master programs.” “The research of these students has been showcased in local and national conferences and have been published in papers that are

under review,” Atkins said. Imazeki said when Luque took over the Methods of Applied Mathematics I and II courses in fall 2015, he changed the pedagogy and reorganized the topics after surveying faculty in physics and astronomy to identify the most important mathematical tools needed in those majors. He flipped the classroom to allocate more hands-on time in class using team- based learning. The lectures were recorded in short video segments using the Learning Glass technology. “Dr. Luque’s strength is developing courses where students use their time effectively in class and develop valuable soft, technical and intellectual skills that align with their professional careers,” Imazeki said. “His vision

has been reflected in the three courses that he has redesigned.” As part of the award, Luque will receive a $5,000 cash award and $10,000 to be allocated to academic departments to support awardee activities. Luque said he intends to allocated the money toward equipment so students who work with him have opportunities to do better research and better internships. The selection process reviewed the nominees’ catagories of teaching, undergraduate research, policy reform or improvement, collaboration with local or national organizations, advising and or use of data to advance student success, mentorship and student advocacy at both the local and national levels.

Looking beyond just the students, de la Torre said Rivera made notable strides in programming for the parents of Aztecs. The Aztec Parents Association, previously sitting at about 700 members, grew up to 20,000 members and increased funding six-fold under his watch. De la Torre continued to highlight Rivera’s success in

supporting students in their academic pursuits. “These efforts contributed to raising retention and graduation rates for all students while nearly eliminating achievement gaps among ethnic and racial groups,” de la Torre said. In a statement, Rivera said he plans to move back to the East Coast to focus on his family.

“There’s something happening here that’s really special,” Rivera said. “And I will miss collaborating with our students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni on a daily basis. However, as our parents are getting older, I am at a time when my time and energy need to be focused on family. While I am an Aztec for Life, I am moving back to the East Coast to

be with them.” De la Torre said Rivera’s final day will be Dec. 13, with a special event currently being planned in his honor. “I look forward to seeing the university continue on its upward trajectory, and will forever support SDSU and our students as a member of our coast-to-coast Aztec family,” Rivera said.



The Daily Aztec

Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Kemi Giwa • opinion@thedailyaztec.com

Give homeless people respect by Angela Rojo CONTRIBUTOR

Different countries, states, counties and cities take different approaches to tackling the issue of homelessness. Here in San Diego, the city provides a Homeless Outreach team and a Psychiatric Emergency Response Team aimed at assisting those with chronic illnesses, and providing them with the resources they need to transition into life off of the streets. In Oxford, England, they’re trying things a little differently with an app called, “Greater change.” This app is currently undergoing a trial run, and if implemented, it could change the way areas across the entire nation address homelessness. I thought this approach to homelessness was a rather intriguing idea, especially considering the fact that if the trial ends successfully, it could be something a city like San Diego, with rampant homelessness, ends up adopting. According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, San Diego has the nation’s fourth homeless population of any region in the nation. And this serves as no surprise. For this reason, I decided to research the app, analyze its implications and fuel a conversation about what this sort of system would mean for San Diego if implemented. The Greater Change app assigns a homeless person a unique QR code, along with a support worker who basically manages the homeless person and their account. With this QR code, people can scan it with their phones and through their phones, use the code to send money to the homeless individual electronically. Some of the code’s features include providing information about the homeless individual’s circumstances, information regarding their goals and ways they plan on using the money they receive through the app. Everything on the Greater Change website all sounds very altruistic, and I believe the creators have good intentions. However, there were many aspects of the app that I actively oppose and here’s why: Homeless people are still people, not objects. One of my biggest concerns with this app is that a person is labeled with a barcode as if they are an object. At first, I thought: our society is heading toward a more innovative and digitized future, it makes sense that an app should try to keep up with this progressive time. Yet, the more I thought about it, the more absurd it became. Reducing a person to nothing more than black and white squares is not only degrading, but also dehumanizing. I saw one comment about this app that

labeled it a “dystopian solution” and another that felt it signaled just how much “we are straying further away from humanity.” I think there is a better way to approach the issue of homelessness — one that doesn’t involve objectifying and humiliating them. Why not talk to them? Another issue I have with the QR code is the lack of face-to-face interactions. Like I mentioned earlier, by scanning the code you can find out many things about the potential recipients, such as their background information and their goals with the money These goals can be things like making a rental deposit or getting a passport. I find this feature of the app interesting because it somehow tries to humanize the homeless individual, but while doing that, it severely dehumanizes them. I understand people can be too busy to have a chat, but it’s sad that some would rather read about the homeless person than actually interact with them. Imagine if you’re homeless, and a person just came up to you, scanned your code and left. I’m sure we can come to a conclusion about how mentally and emotionally damaging this would be for them. Homeless individuals should be in charge of their own money. After an individual decides to donate money through the app, the donations are taken ahold of by a third party, which I’m slightly skeptical of. Knowing that your donation is going to a good cause is comforting, however, I also think it’s invasive. Homeless individuals shouldn’t have their money monitored, it should be under their control. Personally, I would find it intrusive if someone was controlling all of my expenses. If you choose to donate money to a homeless person, it should be up to the recipient to use it how they’d like to. If you have trouble trusting that a person in need will just spend your money on drugs and alcohol, why not buy them something like food? I think the creators of Greater Change mean well. But, I don’t think they are tackling homelessness humanely. I recognize this is merely a trial and the creators are taking notes for improvements. I don’t have the solution to ending homelessness, but I hope that if this app makes its way to San Diego and San Diego State University students engage with it, that we do our best to make sure we’re uplifting our homeless community and doing the very best we can, with what we have, to help them. Angela Rojo is a freshman studying public relations.


Illustration by Katherine Cooke

You don’t have to join a sorority to have fun by Angelena CONTRIBUTOR


My freshman year, I got to San Diego State with really no interest in rushing a sorority. I’ll admit, many of my ideas about them were shaped entirely by scenes from college movies like Legally Blonde or Sydney White, basically the stereotypical images of sorority girls. And no one in my family was ever in a sorority, so I had no idea what it was really like and I didn’t feel a connection to any of them. While those with prior experience or interest will have a completely different view, this was mine. As many girls in my freshman dorm were rushing, I always overheard parts of the process. I even heard one girl say she had to skip one of her night classes to attend a mandatory recruitment event the very first week of school. This was one of my first impressions of sororities and it reinforced my choice to not “go Greek.” Aside from my disinterest in the whole process, I knew I just didn’t have time in my schedule.Between being a full-time student, having a part-time job at Fashion Valley and still trying to maintain a decent social life with my new friends, I couldn’t imagine trying to add time for sorority events. In addition to limited free time, one of the biggest factors into my decision was that I just could not afford to join. According to the SDSU student affairs website, the average cost for a new member of a College Panhellenic Association sorority in 2015, my freshman year, was $1,242 per semester. Meanwhile, I could barely afford to eat out with my friends on the weekends. My parents didn’t have the money to pay for that and I certainly didn’t, either. Navigating through freshman year, I began to wonder if I was part of a very small group that decided to not go Greek. Yet I soon realized this wasn’t true. For Holly Davis, a recent criminal justice graduate, sororities felt like an unnecessary college expense.


“I truly believe that college is about figuring out who you are and what you want to do,” Davis said. “Rather than emphasizing individuality, sororities seem to constrain you to a single group. They tell you how to act, how to look and how to experience college according to Greek rules.” Emily Woo, a junior and international security and conflict resolution student, never felt like she would fit into one. “I know some of my opinions of sororities could come from stereotypes around Greek life, but it still does not seem for me,” Woo said. “I understand the benefits that come from joining Greek life, but I can’t help but feel like I would be paying tremendous amounts of money to be placed into a group of girls I’m supposed to consider my ‘sisters.’ I would much rather meet and get to know people through everyday settings where I’m able to, more or less, pick and choose the people with whom I share my time and energy.” Art & design senior Lisa Nguyen said she doesn’t like sorority culture. “I feel as if the girls have to live up to a certain standard within their sororities, as if society doesn’t pressure us enough,” Nguyen said. If you’re going through your freshman year not interested in joining a sorority, you’re not alone! My advice is to join clubs and organizations on campus that are based on your interests or your identity. For me, this meant joining the Andrea O’Donnell Womyn’s Outreach Association, PRSSA and PSFA Civil Core, just to name a few. Like me, you might find this is a great way to meet people, get involved and learn more about yourself during your time at SDSU without the costs and commitment of joining a sorority. While I will never know what it’s like to be part of a sorority, I can say I’ve met some of my best friends and made some of my most treasured memories in San Diego without it. Angelena Lufrano is a senior studying public relations


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News SDSU area hit with third robbery in 2 weeks

Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Bella Ross • news@thedailyaztec.com

by David Santillan ASST. NEWS EDITOR

Police were searching for a suspect in another robbery in the College Area Saturday morning. It’s the third robbery to take place near San Diego State’s campus in recent weeks. The latest incident was reported shortly after 11 a.m. in the 5000 block of 63rd Street, according to San Diego police Officer Steve

Bourasa. The suspect reportedly stole a purse, and had a knife at the time of the theft. Officers set up a perimeter and searched for the suspect, who was described as a black man in his early 20s, 5-feet-9-inches tall and wearing a light-colored shirt and black shorts, Bourasa said. Officers were not able to locate the man, and cleared the scene around noon. Two similar robberies took place

near SDSU’s campus about two weeks ago. On Aug. 27, two suspects reportedly pushed a victim and stole a cell phone near the intersection of Lindo Paseo and College Avenue, adjacent to the South Campus Plaza dorm halls. San Diego State police sent out a warning bulletin via email alerting students to that incident. The first robbery happened not long after midnight on Aug. 24 near Mary Lane Drive and Dorothy

The Daily Aztec



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Drive, a few hundred feet south of the University Towers dorm hall. Multiple men were believed to have stolen three cell phones and a set of keys from a group of SDSU students, according to an email sent out by Associate Vice President of Administration Jessica Rentto. Police didn’t say if they believe any of the three incidents are connected. Editor in Chief Will Fritz contributed to this report.

the success of the university. “We need you at events across campus,� Fisher said. “Be proud to be a part of the winning success and great tradition of San Diego State.� SDSU football players Chibu Onyeukwu, Ron Smith and Juwan Washington were also present at the rally. Ron Smith taught the crowd a new SDSU chant relating to the “I am SDSU� theme. Washington said the most important thing the students at SDSU can offer the team is their support. “We really appreciate the support and every time someone comes out and supports us,� Washington said. “It’s good for our team.� SDSU’s new basketball coach Brian Dutcher said he also feels the pride that is on the SDSU campus. “There is such great pride on campus, and we just want to make sure that everyone feels a part of that right away-especially the freshmen--the first week they step foot on campus,� Dutcher said. The Aztec football team beat Sacramento State on Saturday, Sept. 8, 28-14 in its first home game of the season, and it will be facing off Arizona State University this weekend.

File photo

The College Area has seen three robberies in a little more than two weeks, with the most recent incident involving a knife.

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The Daily Aztec

Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Abraham Jewett • sports@thedailyaztec.com

Photo by Raymond Gorospe

Junior running back Juwan Washington prepares to celebrate after scoring a first quarter touchdown during the Aztecs 28-14 victory over Sacramento State on Sept. 8 at SDCCU Stadium.

SDSU defeats Sac State in home opener by Aaron Tolentino ASST. SPORTS EDITOR

San Diego State football ran away from Sacramento State in the final quarter of the team’s home opener on Saturday night, defeating the Hornets 28-14 at SDCCU Stadium. SDSU (1-1) trailed 14-13 going into the final quarter, but two late rush touchdowns from junior running back Juwan Washington, including the game-winner with 4:05 to play, helped put away the visiting Hornets. Washington, who finished with 156 yards on the ground on 36 carries along with a career-

high three touchdowns, said the team was able to withstand a good effort from Sacramento State (1-1). “They came out and played a real physical game. We tried to come back with some punches and they were throwing punches, so we just kept going the whole game,” Washington said. “I think they kind of (wore) down a little bit towards the end. We were able to finish.” Despite a career-high of 36 carries, Washington said he feels fine physically and expects to be ready for Arizona State. “I’m feeling pretty good right now,” he said. “I’m not banged up too much. I just gotta go back

Photo by Raymond Gorospe

Junior linebacker Troy Cassidy tackles senior quarterback Kevin Thomson during the Aztecs’ 28-14 victory over Sacramento State on Sept. 8 at SDCCU Stadium.

and stay in the training room all week and just be ready for next week.” The last SDSU running back to carry the ball over 35 times was when Donnel Pumphrey had 38 carries against Fresno State in 2016. SDSU overcame losing senior quarterback Christian Chapman, who got knocked out of the game in the second quarter after Hornets sophomore defensive end David Perales went low on a tackle. Washington said the Chapman injury was a blow to the team but the team regrouped and stepped up for their senior quarterback. “He’s a senior on our offense and a leader,” Washington said. “Just to see somebody go down like that, it makes you want to play better.” Head coach Rocky Long said the Aztecs fought through adversity and did not fall apart after losing their starting quarterback. “There’s a lot of teams in this world that give in and lose,” Long said. “We didn’t give in. We lost our starting quarterback and didn’t give in. That’s a pretty good sign for the kind of character we have on the team.” Perales was called for roughing the passer on the play, and Chapman laid on his backside for several minutes before he was helped off. The initial diagnosis that evening was a left knee sprain. After an MRI Sunday, the injury was found to be a sprain. “The good news is that (doctors) think he’s going to be three to six weeks (out) and he’ll be able to play again,” Long said. “There’s not significant damage to his knee.” Though Perales was flagged for roughing the passer, Long

said he does not think the hit was dirty or intentional. “I don’t think their kid was trying to hurt (Chapman),” Long said. “He got cut on a block and he was scrambling on all fours trying to make a play.” Despite the injury, Chapman is still credited for a win as the starting quarterback, which makes him the most-winningest quarterback in school history at 24 wins, surpassing Ryan Lindley. Junior quarterback Ryan Agnew was inserted in the game and finished with 159 yards and two interceptions. Long said Agnew did a good job coming in fresh off the bench. “I think he was ready to play,” Long said. “It’s nice when a guy can come in a play pretty well when he’s called upon. That was really good.” The junior would have had another 70 yards through the air, but penalties negated two 35-yard yard completions to junior wide receiver Tim Wilson Jr. and senior wide receiver Fred Trevillion. Agnew said seeing his throws completed feels good, but that it is frustrating to see them negated by penalties. “Right when you complete it, you think it’s awesome,” Agnew said. “Then, you turn around and hear the whistle and see the flag. It’s pretty frustrating, but that’s the game of football.” The Aztecs committed eight penalties for 53 yards, but Agnew said the team fought through its mistakes. “We shot ourselves (in) the foot a couple times tonight,” Agnew said. “We just kept bouncing back… eventually prevailed.” Offensively, the Aztecs struck

first on a five-yard touchdown run by Washington in their second drive of the game to give SDSU the 7-0 lead in the first quarter. The drive looked to be stalling with the Aztecs facing a 2nd-and-26 from the Hornets 48 yard line, before Washington broke a 30-yard run to get SDSU into the red zone for the first time. SDSU finished the game with 429 yards of total offense, while the Hornets finished with 234 total yards. Running back Bryant Perkinson scored both of the Hornets’ touchdowns, including a one-yard touchdown run and a 64-yard catch and run from senior quarterback Kevin Thomson. The long touchdown pass was the lone of the night for Sacramento State, and gave the visitors a 14-13 lead with 8:54 left in the third quarter. Long said aside from the 64-yard deep ball, the defense played well but needed a better pass rush throughout. “I didn’t think we got enough pressure on the quarterback,” Long said. “I don’t know why we got pressure at the end that we weren’t getting earlier in the game.” SDSU senior safety Parker Baldwin said the secondary made strides from their performance last week against Stanford when they gave up four passing touchdowns. “We still have a lot of improvement to make,” Baldwin said. “There was a few bombs that they had. There’s a lot of improvement that we need to make, but it’s a good step in the right direction. We just got to get better every single day.”

Sept. 12-18, 2018


The Daily Aztec / 7






10:16 AM










Stop the SoccerCity Land Grab

NO on E



 Grow San Diego State – SDSU West provides land for SDSU to grow and thrive.

 Will Block San Diego State’s Ability to Grow – SoccerCity gives no right to SDSU.

 Provide a New Cutting-Edge Stadium for SDSU Athletics – SDSU West ensures a new 35,000-seat stadium for SDSU football and professional soccer.

 Doesn’t Provide a Stadium for SDSU Athletics – SoccerCity proposes an 18,000-seat soccer stadium. The stadium will not accommodate SDSU football.

 Provide 90 Acres of Public Parks

All without increased student tuition or fees! Organizations supporting SDSU West: n Aztec Club n Aztec Football Legacy n CSU Board of Trustees n Past Presidents’ Council of SDSU Alumni n San Diego State University Alumni Board n San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action n San Diego City Firefighters n San Diego Police Officers Association n Sierra Club San Diego n Linda Vista Planning Group n Point Loma Democratic Club n Eastern Area Communities Planning Committee n San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce n San Diego Military Advisory Council n San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce n Asian Business Association of San Diego n Lincoln Club of San Diego County n Building Industry Association of San Diego n San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council n San Diego County Democratic Party


 Doesn’t Have Environmental Safeguards SoccerCity uses a loophole to avoid environmental review.

Organizations supporting SoccerCity:

n None


CLAIM: Hedge fund speculators promoting the SoccerCity proposal claim SDSU’s plans for the Mission Valley West campus will raise fees. FACT: “The university plans to pay for the stadium without raising student fees or tapping state funds” –SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE 11.29.17



Paid for by Friends of SDSU, Yes on Measure G, a coalition of SDSU alumni, business and community leaders. Committee major funding from Jack McGrory Edward Brown Frederic Luddy Funding details at www.sandiego.gov/donors.

Paid for by Public Land, Public Benefit, No on Measure E, a coalition of San Diego taxpayers, community planners, local business, and education, park and environmental advocates, opposed to SoccerCity. Supported by Mission Valley property owners. Committee major funding from H.G. Fenton Company Sudberry Properties. Funding details at www.sandiego.gov/donors.



The Daily Aztec

Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Abraham Jewett • sports@thedailyaztec.com


Agnew should excel in role as starter by Kyle Betz STAFF WRITER

Senior quarterback Christian Chapman went down with a knee injury in the second quarter of San Diego State football’s first home game against Sacramento State on Sept. 9. Junior quarterback Ryan Agnew came on in relief, and went on to lead the Aztecs to a come-from-behind fourth quarter victory. Agnew threw two interceptions -- the first coming off a tipped ball -- but otherwise made impressive throws and extended plays to stage the late comeback against a relentless Sacramento State team. Agnew finished the game completing 11 of 17 passes for 159 yards, and also made moves with his legs by scrambling for 21 yards on three attempts. Agnew said seeing Chapman get injured was difficult, but he had to step in and fill the void. “You never want to see that, especially one of your best friends, one of the guys you look up to,” Agnew said. “But you’ve got to come in there and you got to make plays.” Agnew was productive from his very first play, completing a playaction pass to redshirt freshman Ethan Dedeaux.

“(Dedeaux) ran a great route. I was able to get it to him, so that got my confidence right from the get-go, which was awesome,” Agnew said. Head coach Rocky Long said Agnew is faster than Chapman, but Agnew becoming the starter won’t change the offense. “Ryan’s a little faster. So when he scrambles, (he) won’t get caught as often,” Long said. “But it won’t change the offense at all.” Agnew would have been credited for 70 more yards through the air, but penalties called back 35-yard completions to both sophomore wide receiver Tim Wilson Jr. and senior wide receiver Fred Trevillion. Agnew’s ability to throw the deep ball could expose defenses focused on stacking the box to limit junior running back Juwan Washington. Offensive coordinator Jeff Horton said Agnew is competitive but composed when he’s on the field. “He’s well coached...he’s really competitive and he just has a calmness about him and confidence in what he can do,” Horton said. “That was the thing that was amazing (Saturday) night.” The Aztecs’ next matchup is against No. 23 Arizona State,

who is coming off a home upset victory over then-No.15 Michigan State. Horton said he expects Agnew will continue to improve in practice leading up to next Saturday’s game. “I think the biggest thing that Ryan can do is continue to build

“He just has a calmness about him and confidence in what he can do.” – Jeff Horton, Offensive coordinator

on his pass game, look at the things he did well, and try to improve now as we incorporate and get him more of the reps in practice,” Horton said. Agnew’s big-time playmaking ability and awareness show that he is ready to perform against a top-25 program, and if he can live up to his potential, the Aztecs should be in good hands until Chapman returns. Agnew’s first start will come on Sept. 14, when the Aztecs host Arizona State University at SDCCU Stadium.

Photo by Raymond Gorospe

Junior quarterback Ryan Agnew holds the ball during the Aztecs’ 28-14 victory over Sacramento State on Sept. 8 at SDCCU Stadium.

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Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Abraham Jewett • sports@thedailyaztec.com

The Daily Aztec


Aztecs take down UC Irvine in overtime by Daniel Guerrero CONTRIBUTOR

San Diego State men’s soccer needed overtime to defeat UC Irvine 2-1, during the finale of the Courtyard Marriott San Diego Central Aztec Soccer Tournament on the evening of Sept. 9 at the SDSU Sports Deck. SDSU (2-2-1) fell behind early but used two late goals to secure its fifth championship in the event’s 11-year history. Head coach Lev Kirshner said the team was happy to come away victorious in the hometown tournament. “Obviously we are super excited about winning our own tournament,” Kirshner said. “I hate giving the trophy to the other team, so that makes us very happy.” The Aztecs trailed 1-0 until the 85th minute, when junior defender Miles Stray tied the game with a header off of a free kick from redshirt junior Pablo Pelaez. “It’s an amazing feeling,” Stray said about his equalizer. “Pablo played a great ball in. I didn’t really have to do much. it was served on a spoon.” SDSU secured the victory two minutes into sudden death overtime, after junior midfielder Emil Kjellker scored on a sliding

Photo by Abraham Jewett

Junior midfeidler Emil Kjellker celebrates after scoring the game-winning goal in overtime of the Aztecs’ 2-1 victory over UC Irvine at the SDSU Sports Deck on Sept. 9.

shot off an assist from redshirt sophomore midfielder Keegan Kelly. Kirshner said capitalizing on dead ball opportunities, like SDSU did late in the game and in

overtime, can determine a team’s season. “We talk about seasons being dictated by dead balls and your seasons being dictated by overtime,” Kirshner said. “The

goals came off dead balls, and we won in overtime.” Irvine (3-2-1) took the early lead after sophomore midfielder Alvaro Quezada slipped behind the Aztecs defense in the third

minute, scoring a goal in the far post off an assist from senior midfielder Ivan Canales. The Aztecs’ offense, meanwhile, took only three shots in the first half, while Irvine’s attack kept the pressure on, getting six shots off by the end of the opening period. SDSU also struggled with penalties, racking up four yellow cards during the match, which Kirshner said affected their game plan and the way they used their substitutions. “It just makes you more nervous on the bench,” Kirshner said. “You sit there and now you’re trying to make decisions on whether or not you need to make a substitution for fear of a second yellow.” SDSU was awarded three corners toward the end of the second half, and had multiple free kick opportunities near the Irvine penalty area as they looked to even the game in the final minutes. Kirshner said the Aztecs are learning to play better together as the season progresses. “I think we’re playing better and better and getting to understand ourselves more,” he said. “What I liked about tonight was the adjustment that we made to tactically beat them and how it got executed.” The Aztecs’ next match will be against Brown University on Sept. 14 at the SDSU Sports Deck.





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The Daily Aztec

Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Abraham Jewett • sports@thedailyaztec.com


Four yellow cards too many for Aztecs by Cristian STAFF WRITER


San Diego State men’s soccer secured a second win this season on the evening of Sept. 9 against UC Irvine, defeating the Anteaters 2-1 in overtime at the SDSU Sports Deck. The Aztecs also received their first piece of hardware this season by winning the Courtyard Marriott San Diego Central Aztec Soccer Tournament for the fifth time in 11 years in school history. Even though the team was victorious, many fouls were committed throughout the course of the match. Some resulted from frustration throughout the match, others from pure nature of the beautiful game. SDSU has made it clear physicality is part of its DNA, but it also displayed how vulnerable its decisions on the field can lead to unnecessary calls. The Aztecs so far this season have displayed their emotions on the field when things are not following the game plan. It’s hard to try and feel what the players

are going through over the course of a match. All sorts of things are happening at the same time. Pressure is always present to perform at the highest level for any member of the squad. When you consistently watch a team, over time you tend to notice what makes players tick and react in a certain way. However, some calls you kind of scratch your head in disbelief wondering what the referee saw that you did not. Soccer is a physical game, but sometimes emotions run too deep, and the result is a tally of yellow cards and fouls. “It just makes you more nervous on the bench,” head coach Lev Kirshner said. “You sit there and you’re trying to make decisions on whether or not you need to make a substitution for fear of a second yellow.” Key players like sophomore midfielder Keegan Kelly and junior defender Miles Stray accounted for half of the four yellow cards awarded in the match. “The worst part of those yellows is they came from the spine, and some very significant players for us,” Kirshner said. “You don’t really want to sub those types

of guys.” Losing crucial pieces in a match is a situation no team wants to be in, and the Aztecs have been pressing their luck, racking up a total of 13 yellow cards through six games played this season. SDSU received 21 fouls against UC Irvine, part of a combined 42 foul calls between the two teams during the match. Kirshner said it is unusual for both sides to end up on the tail end of foul play.

“There was just a lot of fouls,” he said. “When you have 42 fouls, there’s some interesting things to think about.” The team needs to remain calm and focus on the objective. Soccer, like any sport, has moments when things go from black to white at any time. If there is one area SDSU needs to improve, it is maintaining composure throughout their matches. Otherwise, these unwanted situations will continue.





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Photo by Abraham Jewett

The referee shows SDSU a yellow card during the Aztecs’ 2-1 victory over UC Irvine on Sept. 9 at the SDSU Sports Deck.=

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Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Abraham Jewett • sports@thedailyaztec.com


The Daily Aztec


Weekend in photos: Home-win edition TOP LEFT: Junior forward Robby Jacob fights through a UC Irvine defender during the Aztecs’ 2-1 win over the Anteaters on Sept. 9 at the SDSU Sports Deck. TOP RIGHT: Redshirt junior midfielder Pablo Pelaez competes during the Aztecs’ 2-1 win over the Anteaters on Sept. 9 at the SDSU Sports Deck. MIDDLE LEFT: Junior running back Juwan Washington celebrates after scoring a first quarter touchdown during the Aztecs’ 2814 victory over Sacramento State on Sept. 8 at SDCCU Stadium. MIDDLE RIGHT: Senior defensive lineman Anthony Luke lines up on defense during the Aztecs’ 2814 victory over Sacramento State on Sept. 8 at SDCCU Stadium. BOTTOM: Redshirt freshman defender Chad Morgan prepares to take a pass from redshirt sophomore midfielder Keegan Kelly during the second half of the Aztecs’ 2-1 win over UC Irvine on Sept. 9 at the SDSU Sports Deck.

Photo by Abraham Jewett

Photo by Abraham Jewett

Photo by Abraham Jewett

Photo by Abraham Jewett

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The Daily Aztec

Mundo Azteca

Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Vladimir Salazar • mundoazteca@thedailyaztec.com

Comparando la vida de universitario entre estudiantes en Mexico y EEUU por Vladimir Salazar EDITOR DE MUNDO AZTECA

A pesar de ser dos naciones vecinas, la vida de universitario entre Estados Unidos y México es distinta. Debido a que son dos naciones diferentes, cada país tiene un sistema educativo diferente, en donde varias cosas son distintas. La manera de ingresar, sus exámenes, el precio de colegiatura, y los aspectos culturales que existen entre un estudiante de la ciudad de San Diego a uno de la ciudad de Tijuana. Una de las diferencias más disparatadas que existe entre las universidades de Tijuana y San diego son el precio de la colegiatura. En la universidad estatal de San Diego, la colegiatura anual tiene un precio de 6,976 dólares, un aproximado de 125,604 pesos con el cambio de moneda actual entre ambas monedas. Angela Visaiz, 21 años, que estudia traducción de idiomas en la universidad autónoma de Baja California paga una colegiatura por semestre de 3,254 pesos, aproximadamente 180 dólares. La universidad autónoma de Baja California, es una de las universidades públicas que existen en la ciudad de Tijuana. “Cada facultad tiene un costo diferente de colegiatura”, dijo Visaiz. “Debido a que la facultad de idiomas es más chica, es más caro”. Visaiz también dijo que para ingresar a una universidad en Tijuana, tienes que tomar varios exámenes que consisten en conocimiento general, como matemáticas e historia. Al mismo tiempo, esos exámenes contienen preguntas acerca de la carrera. Para poder ingresar, también es requerido tomar un examen psicométrico, que tiene el propósito de ver si la persona está capacitada mentalmente para poder ingresar a la universidad. Otra de las diferencias entre los estudiantes de universidad de SDSU con los de universidades en Tijuana son la manera en que llegan a una universidad. En Tijuana aún no existe un método de transporte oficial en la ciudad como lo hay en San Diego con el MTS. Si un estudiante en SDSU no tiene un vehículo y usa transporte público, lo más seguro es que llegue a la escuela por medio del trolley o el camión. En Tijuana, si un estudiante no tiene vehículo para poder llegar a la universidad, normalmente usan un taxi o un camión de ruta como método de transporte para llegar a su destino. La manera que el transporte de ruta funciona, es que dicho taxi o camión pasa por cierta ruta entre ciertas horas. Dependiendo en que área de la ciudad una persona viva, varia en que

Foto por Vladimir Salazar

El metodo de transporte mas comun para estudiantes en Tijuana son los taxis.

pueda llegar a la universidad. Otro de los aspectos que varían entre las universidades son los precios de servicios como estacionamiento. José Carlos Muñoz, un estudiante que cursa en el Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana, y que se transporta por medio de su propio vehículo, dice que no paga estacionamiento en la universidad, debido a que es gratuito para los estudiantes. En cambio, en SDSU, estudiantes requieren de un permiso o pagar por un día para poder usar los estacionamientos. El costo del permiso para el esta-

cionamiento tiene aproximadamente el mismo precio que la colegiatura para un estudiante. Aunque la colegiatura es exponencialmente más barata en Tijuana que en San Diego, los estudiantes en Tijuana no reciben ayuda financiera como algunos estudiantes en Estados Unidos por medio de ayuda financiera. “Aquí eso no existe, uno tiene que rascarse solo”, dijo Muñoz acerca de la ayuda financiera que los estudiantes en EEUU reciben. Aunque los estudiantes en EEUU reciban ayuda finan-

ciera, normalmente el costo de atender a una universidad acaba sobrepasando el dinero que uno acaba recibiendo. Omar Ramírez, un estudiante de filosofía en SDSU que se acaba de transferir de colegio comunitario, dice que, a pesar de recibir ayuda financiera, batalla para poder tener suficiente dinero debido a que el costo para atender la universidad es caro. Una de las cosas que también diferencia el sistema educativo entre ambos países es el colegio comunitario. En México no existen los colegios comunitarios. Si uno quiere estudiar, tiene

Foto por Vladimir Salazar

Estatuilla de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

que lograr entrar a una universidad, o registrarse en una universidad privada. Otra de las diferencias notables entre los sistemas educativos son el hecho de que en México no se requiere estudiar sobre otras materias en la universidad. “Escoger clases de otras materias son completamente opcionales”, dijo Visaiz. “No es necesario que yo tome clases de matemáticas si estudio idiomas”. Lo más común entre ambas naciones y sus sistemas educacionales, es el hecho de que una carrera toma el mínimo de cuatro años para completar. Pero en México si no se logra entrar a la universidad pública por medio de examen, y no tienes los fondos suficientes para asistir a una universidad privada, normalmente se esperan un año escolar para volver a tomar el examen y tratar de ingresar a la universidad. La otra alternativa es estudiar tu segunda opcion de carrera, por si no lograste ingresar a la primera Una de las aspectos culturales de universidades en EEUU que es inexistente en universidades en Mexico, son los grupos de hermandad. Aunque si existen organizaciones estudiantiles, las hermandades, que son algo prominente en SDSU, no existen en Mexico. Las diferencias mas disparatadas a final de cuentas acaban siendo entre los precios de colegiatura.

Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Vladimir Salazar • mundoazteca@thedailyaztec.com

Mundo Azteca

The Daily Aztec


Recipientes de DACA protestan un año después de la terminación del programa por Alejandra Diane López

Luna &

El 5 de septiembre del 2017, el presidente Donald Trump anunció el fin del programa Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia que ayuda a miles de estudiantes indocumentados en EEUU. Alrededor de 60 personas , recipientes de DACA y apoyantes, protestaron un año después para demostrar que aún siguen peleando hasta que el Dream Act sea aprobado. La protesta se llevó a cabo frente al edificio de San Diego y la administración del condado en el parque Waterfront, el mismo lugar donde se protestó la terminación de DACA hace un año. El evento comenzó a las 6 p.m. con música mexicana e instrumentos que los asistentes tenian. Varios manifestantes se unieron para seguir luchando por los derechos de los recipientes de DACA. Desde que Trump terminó el programa, varios estudiantes quienes son recipientes de DACA, organizaciones y el gobierno estatal y local han demandado a Trump por su decisión, sin embargo, no se ha concretado alguna decisión definitiva en base a su situación. “El 5 de septiembre del 2017 no fue el fin del programa de DACA sino el principio del movimiento guiado por la juventud indocumentada”, dijo exalumno de la Universidad Estatal de San Diego Irving Hernandez de la Torre. “Entonces el día de hoy estamos celebrando nuestra batalla que sigue todo en pie y que no nos hemos rendido”. Asimismo, Dulce García, una abogada que es recipiente de DACA, dijo que la renovación de DACA no ocurrió por un acto de generosidad de los políticos, sino por los esfuerzos que obtuvieron para la renovación, y esperan ir a la Corte Suprema el próximo año. “Llevamos un año así con esta

Foto por Alejandra Luna Manifestantes se reunieron para apoyar a los recipientes de DACA un año después de su terminación.

incertidumbre y la razón del por qué estamos así es porque están utilizando nuestro estatus de DACA para atacar a nuestras propias familias, atacar a nuestra comunidad”, dijo García. “Y nosotros ya decimos basta, ya estamos hartos de que se nos trate de esta manera”. Los manifestantes demostraron su apoyo con letreros, cantos, música, incluso, los Dream Riders, una organización de los servicios nacionales Coreanos Americanos viajaron desde Seattle por 36 días montados en sus bicicletas para llegar a San Diego y exigir al Congreso que apruebe un permiso para jóvenes indocumentados.

Durante la protesta, los manifestantes invitaron a los ciudadanos que se encontraban en el recinto a alzar su voz votando, diciendo que las personas que son ciudadanas pueden cambiar al país votando para que no volviera a suceder lo mismo en las elecciones del 2018. Asimismo, García explicó la razón principal del por qué decidieron realizar la protesta un año después de que DACA fuera terminado, llamando al gobierno de Trump racista por atacar a su comunidad y no ayudar a los soñadores. “Creo que el Congreso necesita unir fuerzas y finalmente comprometerse con algo que sea útil

para todos y que no tenga impacto en otras personas como otros inmigrantes,” dijo estudiante de la Universidad de San Diego y recipiente de DACA, Andrea Tepale. “Si van a tratar con los soñadores, entonces trata con soñadores y con DACA como uno”. En la protesta, hubo organizaciones de la ciudad, como San Diego Border Dreamers, que dijeron que su meta es obtener un acto limpio donde puedan ser parte de este país legalmente y exigir que un acto limpio no perjudique a la comunidad y familias. “Conozco el miedo de ser indocumentado, conozco el miedo si debe ser seguro salir afuera

de tu casa”, dijo Alex Montoya, quien vino a los EEUU gracias a un programa médico que recibió para obtener sus dos brazos y pierna derecha debido a que nació sin ellos. “Pude venir a los Estados Unidos para recibir mis prótesis y pude ir a la escuela aquí ya que en mi ciudad natal no podía”, dijo Montoya . “Sin papeles, sin miedo”, fue el canto que los manifestantes repitieron constantemente frente al edificio de la administración del condado de San Diego. El evento concluyó alrrededor de las 8 p.m. y la manifestación nunca se mobilizó hacia otra parte.

Opinion: Los medios de comunicación latinos en EEUU deben de dejar de sexualizar a las mujeres por Carolina ESCRITORA


En una clase de medios de comunicación en español se nos asignó buscar medios influyentes en la comunidad latina que fueran de EEUU y esto fue lo que encontré. Las plataformas con más seguidores latinos en el país no han hecho más que inyectar de ideas superficiales a esta comunidad. Hay estudios en donde se comprueba que los medios de comunicación no pueden cambiar la postura de un individuo ante alguna situación, pero sí pueden hacerlos que piensen en algún tema al bombardearlos con el mismo una y otra vez. Este es el caso de la sexualización de la mujer en los medios latinos en Estados Unidos. Es un hecho de que los inmigrantes

en este país ya tienen desventajas en cuestión de idioma, hacer aun lado su cultura para incorporarse a la americana, y tener empleos mal pagados en donde son consumidos por una gran cantidad de horas solo para vivir al dia. Llegar a un hogar y sentarse frente a un televisor con programas de farándula en donde se tocan temas como la dieta de Jennifer López o el nuevo look de Salma Hayek, es una injusticia a esta comunidad vulnerable y un abuso del poder que tienen estos medios. Se ven en las plataformas más influyentes en latinos como El Gordo y la Flaca, People en Español y sobre todo, las redes sociales por cómo están plagadas de mensajes de belleza, lo cual el propósito para ellos solo es el consumismo. Crecí en un ambiente en donde

era común escuchar a miembros de mi familia admirar y poner en alto a personas con la siguientes características físicas; piel clara, ojos grandes o de color. En cuanto al cuerpo, el tener una cintura pequeña, caderas y glúteos voluminosos venía siendo lo máximo en sus escalas de belleza. He observado que estas ideas han sido ocasión de confusión y frustración, no solo en mi, si no en niñas preadolescentes, por supuesto en jóvenes adultas y hasta en lo que parecieran mujeres con bastantes años de experiencia en la vida y que aún se atormentan por sus inevitables canas. Es ahí donde se originan los términos derogatorios como tener patitas de gallo o piernas de pollo como referencia a arrugas o a tener piernas muy delgadas. De alguna manera, los mensajes que estas madres de familia les

dan a sus hijas, es que su apariencia física es importante para su sobrevivencia en esta sociedad, quitándoles así el enfoque en temas que realmente ayudarían a un crecimiento. Por una parte en nuestros alrededores nos dicen que la persona que en realidad quiere, nos querrá por nuestro interior dando a entender así, que no es necesario cambiar el cinco por ciento que nos conforma, osea el físico. Pero irónicamente, se ve que a las mujeres que cumplen con las anteriores características o cualesquiera que sean los ideales de belleza, se les trata como si su valor sea mayor a alguien que los carezca. Esto termina siendo como un bombardeo y contradicción de ideas de belleza, amor, atracción, valor de las personas, etc. De alguna manera fui producto

de la sociedad e ideas que siempre absorbí como esponja. Apenas ahora, en mi etapa universitaria me doy cuenta cómo estos temas superficiales dominaban mi ambiente. Es inevitable no hablar en contra del hecho que las pocas mujeres latinas en películas estadounidenses tienen roles pequeños y son hipersexualisadas, de que en cada imagen de una mujer sale fotografiado de su busto hacia arriba, y mostrar a mujeres con solo ciertos atributos físicos como el prototipo de belleza. Basta de esta degradación hacia la mujer. Indudablemente, la comunidad latina la pasaría mejor en este país si se les ayuda con temas como las injusticias de trabajo, aprender el inglés, incorporarse a la cultura, la mejoracion de relaciones en sus vidas o la educación hacia sus hijos.


The Daily Aztec

Arts & Culture

Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Julianna Ress • arts@thedailyaztec.com

The Smashing Pumpkins revive ‘90s grunge by Kelly Kerrigan STAFF WRITER

In San Diego, full of blue skies, palm trees and endless summers, the Smashing Pumpkins brought the dark wave of alternative rock that music fans have not forgotten about. It may not be the ‘90s anymore, but the Smashing Pumpkins proved that they have not changed a bit over the last few decades. During their three-hour set at Viejas Arena on Sept. 1, frontman Billy Corgan carried the crowd through a melodramatic rock-and-roll show. The Pumpkins opened the “Shiny and Oh So Bright” tour with a fan favorite, “Disarm.” Photos of Corgan as a young boy flashed across the stage.

“The killer in me is the killer in you,” Corgan sang, taking the crowd back to the band’s enchanting past. The reunion tour included Billy Corgan, James Iha, Jimmy Chamberlin and Jeff Schroeder, who replaced original bassist D’arcy Wretzky. The thirty song setlist ranged from classics “1979,” “Tonight, Tonight” and “Cherub Rock” to ballads such as “For Martha” and “To Sheila” and hard rock jams like “Solara” and “Siva.” Scattered throughout the performance were a theatrical rendition of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity,” a take on Fleetwood Mac’s ballad “Landslide” and a powerful version of Led Zeppelin’s classic “Stairway to Heaven” compelling the crowd to sing along in complete bliss. The variety of their setlist made it known

Photo by Sierra Mahoney

to the crowd that the Chicago natives are as versatile and talented as ever. “The show was incredible,” biology senior Griffin Rechter said. “(The) set was full of over 20 classic Smashing Pumpkins songs. Also, the unexpected Stairway to Heaven cover made for a great addition to an awesome set.” “We’re so happy to rock,” Iha told the crowd midshow. “We’re coasting. We’re going to get into the real part of the show in a second.” Despite the Pumpkins disbanding and reuniting several times over the years, and the drama that continued with the announcement of this reunion tour, they worked in harmonious unison once they hit the stage to reignite their sparks. In the sea of black T-shirts, jean jackets and dark make-up, the audience made it clear they were ready for whatever the Pumpkins threw their way, even if it included hooded cloaks, a 31-song set or even lectures about vaping. “Wanna know the secret to our

longevity?” Corgan jokingly asked the crowd. “No vaping.” The Smashing Pumpkins’ poetic lyrics exploring depression and enlightenment set them apart from other ‘90s bands that they are sonically comparable to, like Nirvana, Radiohead and Pixies. Nearly 30 years after their debut album, the band’s ability to almost fill an arena and keep the audience entertained for almost three hours verifies that they are still true rock stars. As Corgan reached out to the crowd during “Bullet With Butterfly Wings,” it was apparent that the crowd needed him just as much as he needed them. Throughout the night, the fans’ excitement and acceptance for the band drove the performance to be wonderfully weird heavy rock The world may be a vampire according to the Smashing Pumpkins, but it’s apparent that that world still sees them as grunge icons.

International Coffee Hour offers immersion in various cultures

The Smashing Pumpkins stopped by Viejas Arena for their “Shiny and Oh So Bright” reunion tour on Sept. 1

by Spencer White STAFF WRITER

Every Friday at noon, students of various backgrounds gather in San Diego State’s International Student Center for an International Coffee Hour, during which students present on their country and share some of the foods representing their culture. To kick off this year’s weekly coffee hour, a group of exchange students from Mexico brought traditional dishes as well as a slideshow on everything there is to know about their home country. The room was completely packed as students soaked up the information and chowed down on the food. Design major Andrea Lopez and linguistics major Sofia Montes are from Vera Cruz and Jalisco, Mexico, respectively, and they led the presentation about their home country at this school year’s first International Coffee Hour. “Giving the presentation made me very proud to be Mexican,” Montes said. Lopez echoed the sentiment. “It feels nice that people are interested in my country and my culture,” Lopez said. “These coffee hours have a lot to offer to students and can help them learn something totally new that they would not have known before.”

Montes especially appreciated that it gave her an opportunity to show people what Mexico really is. “I liked showing people that Mexico is not that awful violent place that people always hear about and the stereotype that gets thrown around is false. There are a lot of beautiful parts about it and people should know about those parts,” Montes said. Hajo Vis, an English and Japanese major from the Netherlands, found the coffee hour to be a valuable social event. “I missed the coffee, but I learned so much about the food and the culture,” Vis said. “It’s really cool to meet so many people in my first week here at SDSU and it makes it so easy to get in touch with people.” Vis is looking forward to the coffee hour covering the country that he studies, Japan. “I will definitely be coming to more events and becoming a member of the ISC.” Lisa Lyons, an international student advisor at the center, loves learning about other countries and seeing students get exposed to new cultures. “The opportunity it gives SDSU to get all these different kinds of people together is really special,” Lyons said. “I have really enjoyed learning about countries I never thought I would.”

Photo by Spencer White

At International Coffee Hour, students share food representative of their respective cultures.

Sept. 12-18, 2018 EDITOR: Julianna Ress • arts@thedailyaztec.com

Arts & Culture

The Daily Aztec


Greta Van Fleet holds intimate free show in L.A., screens Apple Music exclusive short by Kelly Kerrigan STAFF WRITER

In the middle of Hollywood Forever Cemetery, up-and-coming rock band Greta Van Fleet invited fans for a free private screening of their new Apple Music exclusive short film, “Up Next: Greta Van Fleet,” and an intimate performance on Sept. 4. “What I fear most now is being consumed, destroyed by what is a very extreme lifestyle,” lead singer Josh Kiszka said in the film.

a powerful beginning to a new era of their music. Greta Van Fleet credits nature as an inspiration for their music, and their new short film followed that theme, showing the band hiking, playing music and exploring the mountains and fields of Boulder, Colorado. “Up Next” also provided insight into the members’ relationships with each other, both as brothers and bandmates. Fans who attended the show and screening displayed visceral, emotional reactions to the film, laughing and

“It’s kind of like being in the eye of the storm. There’s so much going on around you that it’s kind of difficult to understand how much is going on, and in the very center of it it’s very calm, but all around it’s chaos.” – Jake Kiszka Greta Van Fleet guitarist While most people hadn’t heard of the band just last year, this year they have found themselves performing at Coachella, Lollapalooza and on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, quickly gaining notoriety for their 1970s-inspired rock music. So far in their young career, the Michigan natives have released a double EP, “From the Fires,” as well as two singles for their upcoming album “Anthem of the Peaceful Army,” which will be released Oct.19. The new singles, “When the Curtain Falls” and “Watching Over,” have created

smiling along, showcasing the close bond they have formed with the band in a short time. “It’s kind of like being in the eye of the storm,” guitarist Jake Kiszka said of their newfound fame in the film. “There’s so much going on around you that it’s kind of difficult to understand how much is going on, and in the very center of it it’s very calm, but all around its chaos. The band opened the show with their fiery song “Highway Tune” as Josh Kiszka belted the lyrics, making the crowd go ecstatic.

Photo by Kelly Kerrigan

Greta Van Fleet offered fans a free concert along with an advanced screening of their upcoming Apple Music film.

Photo by Kelly Kerrigan

Greta Van Fleet combines their influences from the 1970s with modern styles of rock.

The band jammed away the rest of the night with poise and confidence to the point that anyone who didn’t know who they were would think they were stage veterans. Brothers Sam and Jake Kiszka bounced off one another’s energy while drummer Danny Wagner led them through an incredible performance. Fans were grateful for the experience, and commended the band for not charging for tickets. “The fact that I got to go see this show for free was probably the coolest thing the band could do for fans,” rhetoric and writing studies junior Kelly Brady said. “They are such an amazing band to see live and I love what they are doing with rock music.” In previous interviews, the rockers have expressed their desire to continue making rock music in the style of legends from past decades. But while they do implement the sounds of classic rock, their modern take on the old sound has proved that they are ready to create a new wave of rock. The band played Haight-Ashburyinspired song “Flower Power,” which Josh Kiszka expressed to be his favorite. Sam Kiszka sat down at the keyboard, barefoot as usual, as he began the performance with the song’s beautiful, transcendent sound. As the performance moved along, Josh interacted with the crowd, making fans feel a part of the performance. “The reason I’m not really scared of anything is because we have each other,” the singer said in the film. And while the brothers have each other, they also have the rock world in the palm of their hands, awaiting what else Greta Van Fleet has to deliver. Greta Van Fleet will be stopping in San Diego for a sold-out show at the Observatory in North Park on Sunday, Sept. 23.


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The Daily Aztec

Sept. 12-18, 2018 Editor: Julianna Ress • arts@thedailyaztec.com

An’s Dry Cleaning combines unique ice cream flavors with laundromat theming by Lauren J. STAFF WRITER


Ever think about what fabrics like cotton, plaid or silk might taste like? The owners of An’s Dry Cleaning in San Diego do, and as a result, they have designed a gelato and sorbet menu to reflect that concept. Prior to opening as a gelateria on June 1, An’s was an actual dry cleaning business on Adams Avenue for more than a decade. In wanting to seamlessly merge the restaurant into this space, the owners decided to keep the original name as a homage to the previous shop. “We had originally planned to change the name, but we decided to keep it after doing a little research,” said co-owner Travis Bailey. “We didn’t want to really change the neighborhood that much. Spending time there, we found that it was kind of like a tight-knit community with good vibes.” A laundry theme has been carried throughout An’s interior design and branding, starting with the logo — an ice cream cone with a hanger incorporated into the scoop. “Ironing board” tables topped with ironshaped napkin holders protrude from one wall of the shop and a clothing rack acts as

really funky sea urchin gelato, but at the same time, it’s not your standard pineapple — it’s pineapple with basil. We try to make all the flavors almost like each flavor has its own little angle.” Like the silk that their almond-sage gelato is named after, the offerings at An’s have a distinctly smooth mouthfeel, highlighting the slow churning pace in comparison to ice cream. Beginning with an off-menu sorbet palate cleanser, guests are led through a carefullydesigned tasting that optimizes the ability to taste each flavor without overwhelming the taste buds. Some of their most creative pairings include the lustring (a carrot and orange sorbet with hints of ginger and mint), felt (ricotta, fig and balsamic gelato) and plaid (a Mexican hot chocolate-inspired gelato with pepper, cinnamon and honey). “Since we opened, one of the most popular flavors is what we call ‘cotton,’” Bailey said. “Cotton is basically milk, rice and cinnamon — it’s pretty similar to a horchata.” Though some people have lugged their laundry into the shop thinking it is still an actual dry cleaners, most of those who do find the mix-up funny end up buying a scoop of gelato. “I think anytime you’re going to a place called ‘the dry cleaner’ and you’re getting

Photo by Lauren J. Mapp

Co-owner Kris Warren opened the An’s Dry Cleaning gelateria this summer.

“Anytime you’re going to a place called ‘the dry cleaner’ and you’re getting gelato, it’s a cool, fun thing.” – Kris Warren co-owner of An’s Dry Cleaning

Photo by Lauren J. Mapp

a room divider at the service counter. Wall art made from fluorescent light bulbs of various sizes and colors along with art deco adornments between menu items complete the classic dry cleaner aesthetic. “I don’t think you’re going to find any other ice cream or gelato shop anywhere themed as a dry cleaning shop,” Bailey said. Co-owners Kris Warren, Jimmy Blalock and Travis Bailey have continued the theme by naming all of the flavors after different types of fabric. Together with collaborating Chef David Aguilera, the team takes great care into designing each flavor, Kris said. “We try to reinvent flavors,” Warren said. “We have a nod to the classics, so it’s not

gelato, it’s a cool, fun thing,” Warren said. “It’s a cool thing to tell your friends.” Taking the theme of a dry cleaner even further, the shop has options to enjoy their flavors like one might shop for pants: short, tall or with “starch” — the house-made, gluten-free waffle cone. Despite being made from a non-traditional batter, the cones do not lose any flavor value with the omittance of gluten. An’s will be launching a collaboration menu with Paru Tea Bar on Sept. 22, using their teas to create a new palette of gelato flavors. “We’re always kind of on a swivel looking out for kind of cool, smaller companies that aren’t big brands that are doing interesting stuff in the (food and beverage) world,”

What Is God's Will for Me and My Life? Many people wanting to deepen their personal relationship with God have asked this question. Elder David Helkenn, an experienced Spiritual Counselor at Faith Presbyterian Church (5075 Campanile Dr. at Montezuma Rd,) will lead three Sunday sessions exploring answering this question. Please reserve your place by calling the church office at (619) 582-8480. Sessions on September 23, September 30, and October 7, from 11 to 12 in room 1.

All are welcome. Photo by Lauren J. Mapp

An’s Dry Cleaning serves laundry-inspired, frozen desserts — such as this “cotton” horchata gelato.

An’s Dry Cleaning will be serving tea-infused treats — like this Thai Tea gelato — starting Sept. 22.

Warren said. “I remember I went into their tasting room and they had all their teas kind of laid out almost in a progressive tasting, similar to how we do it.” Though the two businesses serve different products, similarities between the two brands made collaborating together a natural fit. Both brands were honored by San Diego Magazine as the best of their dining categories in this year’s “The Best of San Diego” list, and both are small, boutique shops serving highquality products. As part of the new laundry list of flavors, the new menu reboot will feature a mango

sticky rice-inspired gelato, made with Paru’s genmaicha brown rice tea, and a Thai iced tea-inspired flavor. “Their Thai tea blend is super flavorful — it’s not just a regular Thai tea, they do their own custom blend,” Warren said. “Similar to how you get it in a restaurant with condensed milk, we’re doing a really straightforward Thai tea and condensed milk gelato.” Until the end of October, An’s is offering buy one get one free servings Mondays through Fridays until 6 p.m. to customers who show their student ID. Even at full price, the dynamic flavors and adorable concept make this shop worth visiting.

INTRAMURAL SPORTS LEAGUES Registration is Open. Free for ARC members.

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