Wednesday, Jan. 23 - Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019 Weekly Print Edition
Vol. 105, Issue 19
San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913
California College Republicans void formal recognition of SDSU chapter
Young candidates may be the answer to taking down Trump in the 2020 election. PAGE 5
BROKEN RECORDS Track & Field sees two school records fall on the same day PAGE 3
The San Diego State College Republicans lost its official, recognized status on Dec. 23 after the California College Republicans judicial board revoked its charter. Now, 10 state
chapters have voted to remove themselves in protest of CCR leadership. Associate Justice of the CCR judicial board Matthew Vitale ruled on Dec. 23 San Diego State College Republicans President Madison Marks-Noble violated an organization bylaw that prohibits the leaking of private
and confidential information. The private conversation was between Marks-Noble and CCR Chairwoman Ariana Rowlands. According to court documents, Rowlands referred to Chico State Republicans President Sarah Morcott as a “bitch.” Marks-Noble sent a screenshot of the conversation to Morcott,
who later produced a copy to CCR Parliamentarian Kimo Gandall. Gandall, who did not return a request for comment from The Daily Aztec, alleged the screenshot was in violation of an SEE COLLEGE REPUBLICANS, PAGE 2
Thousands of activists fill San Diego streets for third annual Women’s March by David Santillan ASST. NEWS EDITOR
Despite recent accusations of anti-Semitism, thousands of activists gathered in downtown San Diego for a third consecutive year to participate in the Women’s March, advocating for various causes including gender equality and LGBTQ rights, while also protesting the president. Two years ago, the Women’s March became the largest protest in U.S. history following the election of President Trump. Now, in the midst of the nation’s longest government shutdown, the platform of the march has widened to include issues such as immigration reform and gun control. “I’m marching today to support all of my women, I
RESIDENTES MARCHAN Activistas se unen a la Marcha de las Mujeres por la tercera vez durante el cierre de gobierno. PAGE 11
SPRING CONCERT GUIDE From ASAP Rocky to Muse, read up on the best upcoming shows in San Diego. PAGE 15
Photo by Bella Ross
Advocates took to the streets in downtown San Diego on Jan. 19 for the third annual Women’s March San Diego.
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