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Wednesday, Oct. 10 - Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018 Weekly Print Edition

Vol. 105, Issue 9 www.thedailyaztec.com

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913


UNCHARTED TERRITORY Study Abroad Office pushes students to choose programs in non-European countries. PAGE 3


Frats end ban on parties, impose hard alcohol ban by Sofia Bert SENIOR STAFF WRITER

The San Diego State Interfraternity Council voted unanimously to end the selfimposed social moratorium and to impose a hard alcohol ban during a meeting on Oct. 4. The hard alcohol ban forbids any beverage with over 15 percent alcohol content from being served at an IFC event,

unless distributed by a third party vendor that checks identification, according to article XIV of the IFC’s bylaws. The hard alcohol ban was set in place to prevent people from getting intoxicated too much or too quickly, IFC President Jacob Mahony said. According to article XIV of the IFC’s bylaws, there are three tiers of violation in the hard alcohol ban. The first offense is a fine of $300, the second offense is a fine

of $600 and the third offense in a semester requires the IFC to have a meeting to discuss the need for the involvement of National Chapter officials or University officials. Mahoney said he was surprised both the lift of the social moratorium ban and the hard alcohol ban was voted


Psychology senior Kayla Johnson studied abroad in Italy to study gender and religion. PAGE 6

SDSU GEORGIA If concerned about graduating on time, SDSU Georgia offers practical study abroad options. PAGE 6

Photo by Sofia Bert

IFC members applaud the unanimous votes to end the social moratorium and impose a ban on hard alcohol.

TRAVEL TO THAILAND The communications and dance departments have an immersive abroad program in Thailand. PAGE 7

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INDEX News............................... 1-2 Study Abroad..............3, 6-7 Opinion.......................... 4-5 Sports............................ 8-10 Mundo Azteca.................. 11 The Back Page.................. 12

Greek social moratorium events bring prospect of culture change by Bella Ross NEWS EDITOR

During the seven months the Interfraternity Council social moratorium, or party ban, was imposed on campus social fraternities, chapter members were kept busy by a number of educational events that sought to solve the exact issues that made the moratorium necessary. These events touched on topics such as toxic masculinity, alcohol and drugs, hazing prevention and being a good neighbor. As a result of the social moratorium, Interfraternity Council President Jacob Mahony said a total of 700 fraternity members were educated on a number of topics relating to

issues fraternities deal with on campus. While events like “Good Greek, Better Neighbor” touched on issues like how long one is allowed to leave their trash cans on the curb by their house, others were more heavy-hitting. The Sept. 26 lecture on toxic masculinity, with an attendance of at least 400 fraternity members, had a level of popular resistance from audience members. “How many of you have ever been told to ‘man up’?” asked Chris Lara, one of the residence hall coordinators who led the event. Almost every fraternity member in the room raised their hand. However, two videos centered

around toxic masculinity that were shown later at the event were not as well received. Some audience members were resistant to the content because they believed the videos were generalizing and that showing the videos wouldn’t create any real change. “We came into this presentation thinking there might be some hesitation or some resistance but we kind of realized, ‘Hey, you’re proving our point that this is an issue that needs to be addressed,’” Lara said. Lara said he agreed a single lecture would not be adequate in addressing the larger societal issue CULTURE CHANGE, PAGE 2

Meningitis clinics get students vaccinated by Ronald Penh STAFF WRITER

In light of the recent meningitis outbreak at San Diego State, the university partnered with San Diego Public County Health Services to hold the two meningitis B clinics at Viejas Arena on Oct. 5 and 8. Walgreens and Kaiser Permanente were present at the clinics to provide coverage for students that are insured. Walgreens accepted most insurance plans and assessed costs according to the student’s insurance plan, with costs ranging from free to $195. Students who were insured by Kaiser Permanente were not charged a fee. The students who didn’t receive a vaccination from Walgreens or Kaiser Permanente received one from the County of San Diego. These vaccinations were free of charge for qualifying students, and, despite limited quantities, covered all students who needed them at both clinics. “We want to have something for all students 23 and younger,” said Student Health Services Medical Director Dr. Cynthia Cornelius. Students also have the option to get vaccinated through their healthcare provider, pay out of pocket for a vaccination from Student Health Services or seek services from San Diego County. Student Health Services, which does not accept insurance, charges between $120 and $154 per dose, depending on the type of vaccine, and normally requires two or three doses. Through county services, those who qualify may be vaccinated for free at one of San Diego County’s walk-in clinic sites. While many students may believe they have already been vaccinated, Cornelius said this is normally not the case. She said a lot of the confusion surrounds the fact that the university does not require the meningitis vaccine for attendance at SDSU. “Most students that received a meningitis vaccine did not receive the meningitis B vaccine,” Cornelius said. “Meningitis B is not as commonly administered as the conjugate vaccine which MENINGITIS, PAGE 2

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