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wednesday, October 19 – tUesday, OCTOBER 25, 2016 volume 103, Issue 8

W W W . T H E D A I LYA Z T E C . C O M



Celebrating Dandiya at SDSU P3

The College View area homes will be highly impacted if these two ordinances are passed. Kelly Smiley, Photo Editor

Ordinances may affect SDSU Caitlynne Leary Staff Writer Chandler atkins Staff Writer ____________________________

Mundo azteca

Día de las celulas madre en SDSU P7

The San Diego District 9 office, led by City Council President Pro Tem Marti Emerald, is proposing two ordinances to the City Council that will affect the community near San Diego State. These two ordinances will be voted on at the city council meeting on Nov. 14 at the City Administration Building, in downtown San Diego. The College Area Community Character Preservation Ordinance

Author and ComicCon founder speaks P17

The Daily Aztec publishes its printed weekly edition on Wednesdays and serves the students, faculty and community of San Diego State University.


arts & Culture

The College Area Community Character Preservation Ordinance deals with high occupancy single family dwelling units. It would limit the maximum amount of bedrooms and allowable off-street parking spaces. Citywide, houses with less than 10,000-square-feet will be limited to six bedrooms and four off-street parking spots. Houses over that square-footage will be limited to six off-street parking spaces. Within the college area, houses less than 10,000-square-

feet will be limited to five bedrooms and six bedrooms for houses over that square footage. Also, the bedrooms can only account for 60 percent of total floor space. This ordinance specifically targets the increase of “minidorms” around the area which have been seen since 2007. According to the college area website, a “mini-dorm” refers to houses in the area with added bedrooms that are individually rented to students. The site also refers to these types of houses as “nuisance residential property.” The SDSU website reports there are over 33,000 enrolled students with more than 85 percent of them living off-campus. NBC San Diego reported that there are approximately 700 “mini-dorms” surrounding SDSU. Marti Emerald, the San Diego city council president, who is for the Community Character Preservation Ordinance, addressed the “mini-dorm” situation at the city council meeting on Jan. 12, 2016. “At my office I know the council president’s office and development services are working on what we’re calling an overlay zone to help put an end to future remodels of these ‘mini-dorms,’” Emerald said. On Oct. 13, the planning commission reviewed the high occupancy dwelling ordinance.

Dylan Colliflower, the Associated Students vice president of external relations, said he urged the commission to withhold their recommendation for approval due to the impact it will have on SDSU students and community members. “The mission of the CSU and SDSU is to provide an affordable and accessible education,” he said. “However, the cost of living in the college area has increased exponentially in the past three years since I have been here and over the past 10 years with the rise of our school switching from a commuter school to a more residential school.” Colliflower said the practice of students living in “mini-dorms” is born out of necessity because they cannot afford the high rent for the limited amount of apartments in the SDSU area. “Basically this ordinance would only go to making housing less affordable for students,” he said. The commission voted 4 to 1 to recommend the city council approves the ordinance. Increased Code Enforcement Administrative Civil Penalties Ordinance The second focus in the proposal is the Increased Code Enforcement Administrative Civil Penalties Ordinance, which

would raise the maximum fine per person from $2,500 to $10,000 per violation. For a structure, the maximum allowable charge would increase from $250,000 to $400,000 a day. This means that a single person can be charged up to $10,000 for a violation such as a second noise complaint within 30 days, and a single house can be charged up to $400,000 collectively. “If you don’t want to pay a big, fat fine then be a better neighbor,” Emerald said at the Rules Committee meeting on Sept. 28 when discussing the fine increase. Previous drafts of the proposal included a minimum fine of $10,000 for properties deemed a “public nuisance” for repeated complaints. In a statement made via email, Emerald said the ordinances are to preserve community character across the city. “I would like to make it abundantly clear that I consider students a welcome and valued part of the community,” she said in an email. “I believe the city needs to do a better job of ensuring adequate housing for all San Diego residents, and the California State University system needs to do its part.” Those who wish to voice their opinion about the proposal can attend the city council in November.

P16 SDSU Football midseason review

Kelly Smiley, Photo Editor

2 news

oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: emely navarro • news@thedailyaztec.com

Campbell convicted of drug charge Sentencing delayed until end of trial for El Cajon arrest, jury deadlocked on resisting arrest charges will fritz sEnior staff writer ____________________________________ A jury found Marquis Campbell guilty of being under the influence of a controlled substance during his Sept. 15 arrest at San Diego State, but remains deadlocked on his four remaining charges of resisting arrest. Jurors reached their decision late on Friday, Oct. 14, Judge Yvonne E. Campos said in a status conference on the morning of Monday, Oct. 17. The jury was deadlocked 11-1 in favor of conviction for the two charges of resisting an officer and 9-3 in favor of acquittal for the two charges of resisting an executive officer, media specialist for the San Diego County District Attorney’s office Barbara Medina said. He was initially only charged with resisting arrest, but the San Diego County District Attorney’s office filed an amended complaint on Thursday, Oct. 6 with an additional misdemeanor charge of being under the influence of a controlled substance, specifically methamphetamine. A toxicology report showed Campbell had 118 nanograms of methamphetamine per milliliter in his system. Campbell was on probation at the time of his SDSU arrest, and so was found in violation of his probation as a result of being found guilty of being under the

Students protest outside of Starbucks in the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union on Sept. 24. Kelly Smiley, Photo Editor

influence. Resisting an officer is less of a charge than resisting an executive officer. Campbell could not have been convicted of both because it would have meant charging him twice for the same offense. Judge Campos declared a mistrial on the resisting arrest charges and continued the case until 9 a.m. on Friday Oct. 21. Campbell, 20, is also still awaiting trial for a separate incident in which he was arrested by the El Cajon Police Department for petty theft and resisting arrest on Monday, Sept. 26. Sentencing for his charge of being

under the influence will be postponed to follow the resolution of the El Cajon case.” The deputy public defender representing Campbell, Pedro Garcia, said on Monday the defense would attempt to reach a settlement with the prosecution. “We are negotiating, because they have the option of re-trying the other four charges, and they are indicating that they want to,” Garcia said. “Because of that, we are negotiating and seeing if we can get some sort of resolution to not only this case, but [also] the trailing case.” Garcia said he hopes on Friday they will be able to present to the court a resolution beneficial to everyone. Campbell was arrested last month on campus for appearing to be under the influence of narcotics after he was reported for trespassing in the Cal Coast Open Air Theatre, SDSU Interim Chief of Police Joshua Mays said. His arrest, which was filmed and posted online, started protests on campus as some considered it an example of police brutality. Bridget Weisz, a graduate bar clerk working on Campbell’s defense team, argued in the defense’s opening statement that Campbell was distraught on the day of his arrest, as he had recently become homeless. She said Campbell, a non-SDSU student, decided he needed to take a walk through SDSU’s open campus. He did not want to talk to anyone and “decided he needed to keep moving” when confronted for trespassing in the Open Air Theatre, which he entered through an unlocked gate. Eric Sanchez, a building technician for Aztec Shops, said he was passing the Open Air Theatre on a golf cart when he noticed Campbell entering through the unlocked gate. Sanchez said he thought Campbell was lost so he approached him and told him to stop. He said Campbell’s face was covered in mucus and snot when Campbell turned to face him. “He appeared to be high on drugs, definitely disoriented,” Sanchez said. His interaction with Campbell concerned him, and led him to call campus police. Nancy Craig, a security guard for Elite Services who was working at the open air theatre on Sept. 15, said she asked Campbell to come out of the gate after hearing Sanchez tell Campbell to stop. “I was a little concerned because he didn’t seem quite normal,” she said. “I mean, it was either like he was on something or he had a medical condition.” Craig said Campbell was “kind of fidgety” and that he “kept repeating” he was not there to hurt anyone, but was just

looking around. “Then he took off and he ran around me and he went over towards the Starbucks,” she said. Craig said she followed him to the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union Starbucks, where she saw him walk up the stairs. She said he made no threatening moves and was not hurting anyone during her interaction with him. Campbell was standing near Starbucks for approximately 15 minutes before SDSUPD officers made contact with him. Timothy Ripke, interim director of Viejas Arena and the Open Air Theatre, said he saw Campbell trespassing in the theatre on a security camera recording, although he said he did not actually witness him trespassing in person. Ripke also said he saw two police officers attempting to negotiate with Campbell, but did not witness the physical altercation itself because he turned his attention to prevent the growing crowd from “injecting themselves into the situation.” SDSUPD officer Jason Sieckman, who responded to the call about Campbell, testified he has had contact with individuals he believed to be high on methamphetamine “100 to 200 times” in his 14-year career as a police officer, and believed Campbell was under the influence of methamphetamine when he was arrested. He also said Campbell was agitated and had an elevated heart rate and rapid eyelid flutter when he was being detained by police, all of which led him to believe Campbell was under the influence. However, when questioned by Garcia, Sieckman said it was possible these symptoms were related to the physical altercation that had just occurred, rather than the small amount of methamphetamine in Campbell’s system. On an audio recording of Campbell’s arrest from a police body recording device, Sieckman can be heard first asking Campbell to sit down, then ordering him to do so, before Campbell was tackled by officers when he tried to turn away. Civil engineering sophomore Verne Patrick told jurors he was on his way to the student union when he saw officers confronting Campbell. Patrick was the only witness for the defense; the rest were all witnesses for the prosecution. He filmed the video of Campbell’s arrest that was posted online and led to protests on campus against police later that day. “I pulled out my phone and I started taking a video recording of whatever was taking place,” Patrick said. “Then I saw the police officers talking to Mr. Campbell and I proceeded to see police officers just asking him questions and then moving on to tackling him to the ground and skipping the whole detaining process. “And while I was witnessing this, I was questioning what was going on in my head and it just didn’t seem right.” Campbell can be heard in the video telling officers he had done nothing wrong. In the prosecution’s closing argument, Hagstrom said officers could have responded to Campbell with much more force than they did by wrestling him to the ground. “I don’t think that’s the bar we should set,” Garcia said in response during the defense’s closing argument. “I don’t think we should sit here and say, ‘Well, at least they didn’t shoot him. At least they didn’t beat him. They just took him hard to the ground, that’s it.’ That’s not the bar we should be happy with. Too much force was used here.”

news 3

Oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: emely navarro • news@thedailyaztec.com

Rock the Vote pushes registration jocelyn moran staff writer ____________________________________ Since fewer than 20 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds voted in the 2012 election, San Diego State Associated Students and political groups on campus are rallying the campus community to participate in this year’s presidential and local elections. Rock the Vote is a campaign hosted by A.S. with the goal to get more students to register to vote in this year’s election. “It’s important to get your voice heard,” Carmel Alon, A.S. vice chair of external relations, said. “As young people, we feel we’re not as heard or as informed. We want to make sure students have the opportunity to voice their concerns on a local, state and federal level.” The campaign started on Sept. 23 and goes through Nov. 8, Election Day. A.S. hosted a debate between SDSU College Democrats and SDSU College Republicans on Oct. 13, which highlighted both parties’ opinions on issues surrounding the election. Alon said debates like these allow students to hear both sides and opinions from other students. “We’re the same age,” Alon said. “We’re going through similar struggles, so hearing why one party feels this way and the other the other way puts it into

perspective.” College Democrats President Divya Sriharan emphasized the importance of voting throughout the debate. “People discount us,” Sriharan said. “They don’t think we matter. They don’t think our issues are important. :If there’s one thing that’s important to you on the ballot, go and vote.” Although both parties disagreed on various issues throughout the debate, they agreed on the importance of voting and said they want to see the voter turnout among 18 to 24-year olds rise. “It’s our future,” College Republicans member Vanessa McGoldvic said. “Yeah, we’re young, and some of these policies might not affect us as dramatically as they would if we were paying taxes, but we have to voice our opinions.” President of Aztecs for Bernie Sanders, Sofia Hughes, along with other members, gathered over 250 people to join the club last year and made registering students to vote a priority. This club held numerous registration sessions including a celebrity registration in May where several wellknown figures helped the club register voters on campus. Hughes said although Senator Sanders is not in the presidential race, she encourages Sanders supporters to align themselves with a candidate whose policies are most in line with his.

Associated Students’ Rock the Vote campaign goes through Election Day on Nov. 8. Elissa Tauscher, Staff PhotograPher

“It’s important people pick an ideology and stand up for it rather than picking a candidate and standing up for them,” Hughes said. “We weren’t standing so much behind Bernie as we were standing behind his policies and ideas for serious change.” College Republicans President Jordan Dennison and Sriharan both said there are many propositions and candidates for Congress to vote for on the ballot. Some of these propositiong include changes in the public education system, changes in healthcase, repeal of the death penalty, background

Dandiya honors India

Dandiya is the second largest Indian cultural event. Katelyn Mulcahy, Staff PhotograPher

georgina vargas contributor ____________________________________ The Association of Indian Students at San Diego State University, Sanskriti hosted the second largest Indian cultural event at SDSU, Dandiya, to celebrate the traditional folk dance from Gujarat, India. Nearly 300 people attended Dandiya at the Parma Payne Goodall Center on Oct. 15. “The significance of this event is the triumph of good over evil,” Byju Joy, the president of the Sanskriti organization said. The Diwali celebration is the biggest Indian culture celebration at SDSU and Sanskriti continues to honor and celebrate both events on campus. Dandiya is open to anyone who wants to learn about traditional dances, culture and food from India. Joy said food and dance plays an important role in Indian traditions and it is important for Sanskriti to continue celebrating anywhere they live. “During this time, this celebration is going on in India too so we replicate it,” Aishwarya Dev, secretary of the Sanskriti organization said. The Dandiya dance involves dancers whirling and moving their feet and arms while holding sticks in a choreographed

way to the rhythm of the music. The colorful sticks used for the dance are called dandiya and they represent the swords of Durga. Most attendees were wearing traditional clothing from India and dancing to the Dandiya and Garba dances. Dev, along with many of the women at the event were wearing colorful, embroidered dresses with jewelry for their attire. Some wear bright dresses with slacks. The men’s clothing also had colorful and patterned details. “For a guy, a dress and slacks under is traditional in Gujurat,” Dev said. The event consisted of several dances including Garba, Dandiya and Bollywood dance. Dev says one cultural difference from Indian culture is that prayer and dancing comes first and dinner is eaten in the evening. “Whenever we host something in our culture we offer food and dance because we feel that our guest is a god,” Joy said. Sanskriti was created about 15 years ago by a group of students on campus. The Co-Director of the Center for Information Convergence and Strategy and faculty of Geospatial Intelligence Akshay Pottathil said he is part of a small group that created Sanskriti to be able to celebrate these traditions at SDSU. “I’m extremely proud of the Sanskriti current leadership and students for continuing to celebrate the holidays and festivals,” Pottathil said. Sanskriti continues to encourage students to get involved in the organization’s events and learn more about India. Joy said they also celebrate events from all religions to include a diverse group of guests. They host about six events every semester.

checks before purchasing ammunition and the legalization of recreational marijuana usage. “It’s important to have your voice in there because in the end, if something goes your way or doesn’t, you shouldn’t be complaining if you’re not taking part in the process,” Dennison said. The last day to register to vote is Oct. 24, and the presidential election is on Nov. 8. Rock the Vote is holding a San Diego City Council Debate on Oct. 24 in the Union Theatre. There will be a poll site in Montezuma Hall from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Nov. 8.

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4 news

oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: emely navarro • news@thedailyaztec.com

Fall is a risk period for sexual assault rebeca reyes staff writer ____________________________________ According to a 2007 Campus Sexual Assault Study conducted by the University of Colorado Boulder, more than 50 percent of college sexual assault cases happen in the fall semester from August to November. This is called the “red zone,” a period between the start of fall semester and Thanksgiving when most campus sexual assaults occur. The study reported the most affected group are freshman, with 65 percent of cases being reported by first year students. However, San Diego State does not seem to fall under the “freshmen effect,” communication professor Brian Spitzberg said based on the results of a spring 2015 sexual violence survey conducted on campus. Spitzberg participated in the analysis of the results of the study. In total, over 9,100 SDSU students responded to the survey. 543 students said they had been raped in their lifetime and 1,435 said they had experienced a type of sexual assault. The survey reported the rate of sexual assaults with students involved in sororities was higher than any other group on campus and was also higher than the overall campus rate. “I think its more prominent on fraternities because they relate to more people, they’re more social I think,” junior

nutrition major Andre Gomez said. Spitzberg said there was clearly no “freshman effect” because sexual assaults are slightly higher sophomore year and almost equivalent in junior and senior year. “A senior may be saying they have been sexually assaulted, but maybe it happened during their freshman year,” Spitzberg said. “Here the data would need to be more analyzed to get a more accurate representation what happens.”

police monthly report. In November, there were two reports of rape, and five reports of sexual assault. In October 2015, there were also two reports for rape and seven for assault. In September 2015, there were two assault reports and in August four assault reports. “Even one of these occurring is too many,” SDSUPD Cpl. Mark Peterson said. “Our ultimate goal is to make it so that people who are coming to this campus are able to do so and not be fearful of

“ even one of these occuring is too many.”

- Cpl. Mark Peterson, San Diego State Police Department Officer

Another 2015 survey conducted by the Association of American Universities showed that about 12 percent of students from 27 universities have experienced a form of nonconsensual sex, physical force, threats of physical force or incapacitation since they enrolled at their university. At SDSU, there were 27 reported cases of rape on campus from 2012-14, according to the crime statistics issued by the SDSU Police. In 2015, there were nine rape cases and one statutory rape case on campus. During the fall semester of December 2015, there was one reported rape and two assault reports, as reported in the SDSU

experiencing some sort of sexual assault.” The red zone is questionable as, the cycle of violence hypothesis has not found enough evidence to show a correlation between sexual assaults on college campuses and the timeframe in which they spike, Spitzberg said. He said it is easy to speculate, but there are other hypotheses to consider such as a social network that increases the motivation to socialize into a peer group with more peer influences. Spitzberg said another variable is how cases are considered campus incidents and how the police deals with the incident.

“There are some differences in the ways in which crimes get counted based upon are they reported or are they charged,” he said. “There are a wide variety of forages in which the crime statistics that are being reported by colleagues aren’t what they need to be.” Another finding in the campus sexual violence survey is that most sexual assault cases happen within five miles from campus. More than one thousand students indicated they had been pursued and/ or followed in an unrequited way by someone while attending SDSU. “Sexual assault is notoriously difficult to prosecute because it’s so often a ‘he said, she said’ kind of situation,” Spitzberg said. “It often happens in the context of something that might have been a romantic relationship to begin with.” Alexica Rogel, an advertising junior, said this is interesting because she is still unaware of her surroundings during the fall semester of her third year on campus. “I’m going to new classes and everything is new,” Rogel said. “For freshman I can understand because they don’t know safe areas, and they haven’t made enough friends yet so they wander around alone.” SDSUPD Detective Carrie Hogan said freshmen tend to be a risk factor in sexual assault cases from what she has learned in her trainings. “I think it’s a relevant issue, but I don’t know if it’s heavier than any other crime,” Hogan said. “It definitely is present.”

Students expand their careers at graduate fair alex hall Contributor ____________________________________ Over 100 graduate and professional schools shared information about their universities’ program admissions criteria and curriculum with San Diego State students in Montezuma Hall on Thursday Oct. 13. Career Development and Diversity Engagement Counselor Christy Quiogue said the event was an opportunity for students to talk directly to representatives from different schools about admission criteria. SDSU’s career services department reaches out to several colleges’ assistant deans to see if they want to promote

their schools and programs to SDSU students at the annual Graduate and Professional School Fair. “It’s a great opportunity for students to explore the graduate programs because sometimes it is hard to figure out the next step,” Edgar Beas, Recruitment Coordinator for the College of Education, said. Because the fair has a variety of graduate programs, event organizers connected with campus partners, student organizations and student groups. “When looking these things up on the internet you sometimes don’t really know what exactly to look up,” psychology junior Madison Aquino said. “In person it was a lot easier, more



efficient and to the point.” Students from different years and majors attended this program fair. “We provide this event so students can directly interact with a person about their graduate school, goals and their plans,” Quiogue said. “It is one thing to read on a website but it makes it more meaningful when you actually talk to a person about the actual process, admissions, curriculum of the program and graduate outcomes.”. SDSU Career Services holds seven career and internship fairs throughout the academic year. Students at the event attempted to narrow down their field of interest. “I really want to find a place after SDSU to continue to further my

education and a lot of the schools here are really great,” senior biology and chemistry major Stacy Anselmo said. “I am trying to hone in on what I really want to do and see what school has the right requirements or right kind of curriculum for me. It is really great to stop by all the booths today.” With more than 100 Graduate and Professional Schools at this event, students gathered information they found useful to their future endeavors. “They gave us a lot of information and physical papers to take home rather than just sending us emails,” Aquino said. “I feel like I’m getting a lot more information than I thought I was going to get coming here. I think it has been really helpful.”

Who’sWho? Editor In Chief Jacob Sisneros Managing Editor Jamie Ballard News Editor Emely Navarro asst. News Editor Kayla Jimenez Sports Editor Anthony Reclusado asst. sports Editor Zachary Engberg ARTS & culture Editor Christine Whitman asst. ARTS & culture Editor Lilly Glenister Opinion Editor Andrew Dyer mundo azteca editor José Guzmán-Quirino Asst. Mundo azteca editor Andrea Lopez-Villafaña Photo Editor Kelly Smiley video producer Adriana Heldiz art director Hannah Lingle-Veale Production Designer Emily Lewis social media EDITOR Alex Piscatelli social media & marketing assistant Scarlet Keolanui Copy Editor Brian del Carmen senior Staff writers Cami Buckman Will Fritz Julianna Ress Nicole Sazegar Staff writers Chandler Atkins David Ayala Ahmad Dixon Joseph Faria Austin Gayle Kemi Giwa Alex Hall Nancy Moeller Jocelyn Moran Brendan Price Talia Raoufpur Rebeca Reyes Monserrat Torres Georgina Vargas Kayleigh Venne Staff Photographers Katelyn Mulcahy Elissa Tauscher _____________________________________ Advertising Director John Weil Sales Manager Matthew Volk Account Executives Connor Brooke Stephane Voitzwinkler Kelsey Silver Kamisha McKnight Georjana Doane Accounting & Contracts Alfonso Barajas Kalie Christensen _____________________________________ General Manager/adviser Jay Harn Graphics Specialist Chris Blakemore _____________________________________ ADVERTISING 619.594.6977 advertising@thedailyaztec.com editorial 619.594.4190 editor@thedailyaztec.com Print The Daily Aztec publishes 5,000 copies of its weekly print edition on Wednesdays. Web Daily content is available at www.thedailyaztec.com Additional sports content is available at www.dailyaztecsports.com SOCIAL MEDIA facebook.com/dailyaztec twitter.com/thedailyaztec instagram.com/thedailyaztec

Oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: andrew dyer • opinion@thedailyaztec.com

opinion 5

Accountability on ballot kemi giwa staff columnist ____________________________________ Who polices the police? In many cases, no one. Currently, the San Diego Police Department is responsible for investigating themselves. There is no way a department can objectively investigate itself considering what is at stake if any damning evidence is found. Departments should not be trusted to undertake such a task by themselves. In San Diego the Citizens’ Review Board’s role is to review the SDPD. However, that is all they can do, and only when there is an Internal Affairs investigation. They do not have the authority to independently investigate the police department as does the county’s Citizens’ Law Enforcement Review Board. Measure G is a critical step in holding the SDPD accountable. If the measure is approved Nov. 4, the new panel would have the authority to review, “all deaths occurring while someone is in the custody of the San Diego Police Department and all police-officer related shootings.” The mayor and the City Council would oversee the board. It is one of the most important measures on the ballot. When an officer’s actions result in another life being taken and all they receive is a slap on the hand and paid time off, that does not represent a well-

SDSU students protest the shooting of ALfred Olango by the El Cajon Police. Will fritz, senior staff writer

functioning system or even a system that is working equitably. Police officers are not above the law and should not be treated as such. This does not mean that there are not well-intentioned good cops. However, the system itself is founded on racist, biased principles that departments often encourage their officers to follow. This summer, the Justice Department found the Baltimore City Police Department engaged in a pattern of practices that violate the First and Fourth amendment as well as federal anti-discrimination laws. This includes unequal application of the law that disproportionately impact African Americans. Similar practices were found in Ferguson, Missouri, San Francisco and other cities across the nation. Justice Department investigations

suggest police departments do not work hard enough to train officers on implicit biases which can lead to interactions with civilians based on nothing more than stereotypes. These practices work to disenfranchise people of color and to keep them from upward mobility. Last year, SDPD shot and killed Fridoon Rawshan, a mentally ill and unarmed San Diego resident. The officer responsible for the shooting admitted to not complying with SDPD policy and not following what he was taught in police academy. Despite these facts, no disciplinary action was taken against the officer and no internal affairs review was conducted. Measure G is a small but important step into expanding the oversight of the police and in holding officers accountable.

Republicans losing with women talia raoufpur contributer ____________________________________

This campaign season has been corrupt, unprofessional and downright annoying. Both the Democratic and Republican nominees are among the most disliked in political history. Many voters are supporting one candidate over the other simply because they find his or her opponent intolerable. It is important to be critical not only of our country’s political system, but also of the individuals who play a major role in ensuring that this system perseveres. As a woman, I have never felt so distant from the GOP. I have never questioned the party’s values towards women until now. There has never been a more pressing time to stand by women, to advocate for women’s rights and their treatment by this country’s unjust economic and sexualized systems. Trump’s recent comments about grabbing women by their genitals, the sexualization of his own daughter Ivanka and his persistent critiques of women’s physical appearances have not created the uproar amongst female Republicans as they should have. The Republican party enabled Trump’s ascension and it is now too late to come together in support of one another and disavow Trump. Journalism junior Kelsey Donahue identifies as a Republican and a feminist. Although these values may seem contradictory, Donahue said she is a Republican because she agrees with

the value of hard work in pursuit of the American Dream. “Hard work can get you anywhere,” she said. “I do not believe that my future monetary successes should be claimed by the government.” The Republican party is in shambles. I am appalled with the candidate chosen by its voters. Regardless of Trump’s history of bankruptcy, views towards immigrants, Muslims, people of color and the ultra-wealthy, his objectification of women is reason enough why he should not be the leader of the free world. We should not forget former President Bill Clinton’s affair with a White House intern, and allegations of rape and sexual assault by multiple women. But Bill Clinton is not running for President. Donald Trump is. The same issues exist within the Republican party at the local level. The president of the San Diego State College Republicans has publicly expressed his disapprobation for Trump but not enough is being done to increase the organization’s female membership. Only 18 percent of the SDSU College Republicans members are female. Publicly pledging to oppose Trump appears to be genuine, but actually working internally to support women is a separate issue. If the organization truly cares about women’s issues, their recruitment and retainment efforts should be focused on women at SDSU. My own membership was revoked without warning. Business junior Audrey Block said that although her views fall on the

conservative end of the spectrum, she is embarrassed to be a Republican right now. “Trump promotes a culture of rape that as women, we are desperately trying to combat,” she said. I am also torn and exhausted. My conservative views on welfare, immigration, refugees and taxes are being lost in Trump’s misogynistic, debasing and sickening statements towards women, minorities and his penis. My positions on these issues often fall in-line with the Republican platform, but my interests as a working woman are not aligned with the de-facto leader of the party. Trump does not offer a sincere or realistic economic plan for Americans. I am a first-time voter and this election has me feeling nauseous. My vote does not appear to be as precious as I once thought it was. I am ashamed of the political party I stood behind for many years and am eager for this election to end. I know that my fiscal and social desires will not be met by either Trump or Clinton. If this election has not served as a wake-up call for the Republicans, they are doomed. Women like me will continue to criticize this party. Our leaders are completely disengaged with our gender. Although they might believe they are promoting platforms that benefit women, they are not. As women, our minds and bodies will not be idle and our voices will not be silent.

6 opinion

oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: andrew dyer • opinion@thedailyaztec.com

Vote yes for multilingual education andrea lopez-villafaña assistant mundo editor ____________________________________ In November, voters will decide on Proposition 58, the “English Proficiency and Multilingual Education Initiative.” If passed, it would give California school districts the ability to teach non-native English speakers with the program that it finds most effective and without the need for parental authorization. Parents could still influence how their child is taught under Prop 58 by requesting all English immersion, which the school would be required to provide. The proposition states that schools would be responsible for teaching English and requires districts to allow parent and community input in the development of programs. School districts, communities and parents would be able to join in on the conversation of how children who are native and non-native English

speakers should be educated. According to the California Department of Education there were approximately 1.37 million English learners in the state during the 20152016 school year. It only makes sense that schools adopt programs to better educate these students. The California Teachers Association and Governor Jerry Brown both support the initiative along with other teacher’s associations. The current law, Prop 227, requires schools to teach non-native English speakers in English and restricts bilingual programs. Under this law parents who want their children to learn in a bilingual setting must sign waivers to have their child considered for a specific program. In order to be considered students must meet certain requirements. Inez Kaminski, spokesperson for Prop 58, said that the waiver process was not effective due to long waiting

lists and schools often not having bilingual programs. “Voters should vote yes on Prop 58 because it gives parents the ability to choose a language acquisition program that best suits their child and because Prop 58 requires schools to offer language education methods that suit and fit the language needs of our community,” Kaminski said. “We should be in charge in the first place of language education in our state.” Opponents claim Prop 58 would allow schools to establish “Spanishalmost-only” programs that would set back Latino students. Proposition 58 is not just about offering classes in Spanish, the idea is to have a multilingual education in classrooms where students can learn different languages. “It’s problematic to think of Proposition 58 as in conflict with the prioritization of English language proficiency standards,” Kaminski said. Programs under Prop 58 would give students who are English learners

the opportunity to become proficient in English but also keep their native language. Multilingual education benefits native and non-native English speakers by increasing their proficiency in English and another language. Opening multilingual education to students at a young age would set them up for success as they pursue higher education because most high schools and universities have language requirements. The California Education Code establishes that high school students must complete a language requirement or some sort of visual preforming art. At San Diego State, students who are pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in liberal arts and sciences must take courses in a language other than English. Voting yes on Prop 58 would give children better opportunities in a state and country that is home to many different cultures and languages.

Muslims do not have a monopoly on terror andrew dyer opinion editor ____________________________________ A common fear expressed in antiimmigrant, anti-refugee and antiMuslim rhetoric is the threat terrorism coming out of these sometimes-insular communities. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has often repeated the (untrue) claim that neighbors saw bombs in the home of the San Bernardino shooters but did not report it due to a culture of silence in the Muslim community. Despite the inaccuracy of the claim, the concern has merit. People in contact with members of fringe political groups should be on the alert for signs of extremism and be ready to report potential threats to the proper authorities. The threat of terrorism is not limited to one religion, so the way terrorists are talked about should not be limited either. Right wing politicians and their media stooges are obsessed with classifying Islamic terrorism as “radical Islamic terrorism,” and have been critical of President Obama for not using those specific words to describe it. If the U.S. is serious in its fight against terrorism, it is equally important to stop sugarcoating rightwing extremism as “domestic terror,” or the terrorists as “militia members.” It is time to call it what it is: radical Christian terror. It is on the entire white Christian community to denounce these attacks just as it is on “moderate” Muslims to answer for every Islamist attack. Three men were arrested last week in Kansas after an FBI investigation uncovered a plot to attack Somali Muslim refugees. Surveillance revealed the suspects espoused the same type of vile antirefugee and anti-Muslim rhetoric that permeates the American right today. The toxic, demagogic campaign of Trump has propelled fringe conspiracy theories and white nationalist ideology into the Republican mainstream. The rise of Trump and his anti-Muslim rhetoric is correlated with a rise in

attacks on Muslims and particularly, Arab Muslims. Trump has cited conspiracy theories of an election that has been rigged by the media and global elites, a theory also popular with in the dark, antisemitic corners of his campaign. At a Trump rally last week, an annonymous Trump supporter vandalized a media sign with a swastika. With escalating levels of vitriol inspired by this campaign and continued threats by right-wing extremists, it is time for the community to step up. White Christian conservatives must start policing their own. Abortion clinics have been targets of radical Christian terrorists for decades. In the latest attack, in 2015, Robert

Other law enforcement agencies report good communication with the Muslim community. Less clear is the forthrightness among white right-wing Christians to also report suspicious activity. In 2014, a call went out among extremist social media channels that help was needed in Nevada. A rancher, Cliven Bundy, had been at odds with the Bureau of Land Management over cattle grazing rights on federal land. The BLM had seized the rancher’s cattle and anti-government rightwingers answered his call and an armed standoff with federal agents ensued. One couple that joined them was Jared and Amanda Miller. They were asked to leave the Bundy

it is time to call it what it is: radical Christian terror. Lewis Dear Jr. walked into a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado and shot 12 people. Three died, including a police officer. A friend told the New York Times that Dear idolized members of the Army of God, an anti-abortion group who had participated in previous clinic attacks. Was his attack a result of the failure of the white Christian community around Dear to predict his eventual violent action and report him? It was, just as much as it is the Muslim communities fault when one of theirs acts out. The trope that Muslims do not report potential threats is a favorite of Trump’s. After the Orlando nightclub attack in June he criticized the Muslim community for not reporting potential threats. However, according to FBI director James Comey, they do. “Some of our most productive relationships are with people who see things and tell us things who happen to be Muslim,” he told CNN in June.

Ranch because they were, according to Ammon Bundy, “too radical.” The Millers went on to kill three people, including two Las Vegas police officers. One officer’s body was covered with a Gadsden flag. The flag, which features a coiled rattlesnake along with the phrase “Don’t tread on me,” has become synonymous with far-right ideology. They also pinned swastikas to the bodies. Was the failure of Bundy to report the “too radical” Millers as threats just another in a long line of failures of the right-wingers to monitor and report potential terrorists? It was, just as the San Bernardino attack was a failure of the attacker’s neighbors to report them. Before Dylan Roof shot nine people at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, one of Roof’s friends said Roof had planned to shoot up a school. Again, no one warned the authorities about the potential terrorist. In the hyper-partisan atmosphere

of the U.S. how can anyone tell if someone has become radicalized by the far right? The normalization of hyperbolic and venomous rhetoric has made it difficult, but there are commonalities among right-wing terrorist actors. Paranoia and mistrust of the federal government are traits shared by terrorists from the Oklahoma City bombers to the Ammon Bundy-led militia that occupied an Oregon wilderness preserve in 2015. Hoarding of guns and ammunition could also be an indicator of radicalization. If people are going to be encouraged to report Muslims who purchase large amounts of weapons, they should also be encouraged to report white rightwing extremists who do the same. Many far-right terrorists have been radicalized as part of the militia movement, so these groups warrant as much or more monitoring as the neighborhood mosque. Iconography and ideology could indicate radicalization. The Gadsden flag and Confederate battle flag, as seen with the Millers and Roof, respectively, are also common in extremist circles. Even literature could be an indicator. In 2008, Jim Adkisson opened fire in a Knoxville, Tennessee church looking to kill liberals. Two people died. In his home police found books by right wing authors Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. Based on what Adkisson told police, it is difficult to deny that the rhetoric of these authors played a role in his radicalization. If a Muslim working a math equation on an airplane can be deemed suspicious, so can a white person reading Hannity or Savage a few seats over. In the fight against terrorism it is important to be aware of all potential threats, including the homegrown actors fostered and radicalized by the toxic rhetoric of the far right. It is important to remain vigilant and, as the Department of Homeland Security slogan goes, “If you see something, say something.”

oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: JOSÉ GUZMÁN-QUIRINO • MUNDOAZTECA@thedailyaztec.com

mundo azteca 7

Si a la educación multilingüe en CA andrea lopez-villafaÑA asst. editorial de Mundo azteca ____________________________________ La Propuesta 58 “Dominio de Inglés y Educación Multilingüe” es una de las proposiciones en la votación de Noviembre. En el caso que sea pasada, la propuesta les daría a los distritos escolares en California la habilidad de escoger el programa mas efectivo para enseñar inglés a quienes están aprendiendo el idioma. La Propuesta 58 quitaría restricciones a la educación bilingüe al permitir que las escuelas decidan cuales programas de idioma adoptan, sin requerir la autorización de los padres. Sin embargo según la Propuesta 58, los padres pudieran pedir que sus hijos siguán en un programa de todo inglés. La propuesta preserva que las escuelas son responsables por enseñar el inglés y requiere que los distritos

incluyan las opiniones de los padres y la comunidad en el desarrollo de los programas. Distritos escolares, padres y comunidades pueden ser incluidos en la conversación de cómo sus hijos quienes están aprendiendo inglés deberían ser educados. Según el Departamento de Educación en California, durante el año escolar 2015-2016 había 1.37 millones de estudiantes aprendiendo inglés por primera vez. Es lógico darles a las escuelas la opción de educar a estos estudiantes del modo mas efectivo. La Asociación de Maestros en California y el Gobernador Jerry Brown ambos apoyan la Propuesta 58 al igual de otras asociaciones de maestros. La Propuesta 227 que esta en efecto actualmente, solicita que las escuelas normalmente enseñen a sus alumnos ha aprender inglés en ese idioma. También pone restricciones a los programas bilingües. Con la Propuesta 227 padres que

desean que sus hijos estén en un programa bilingüe tiene que dar permiso para que el estudiante sea considerado. El estudiante también tiene que pasar ciertos requisitos antes de ser admitido a un programa. Inez Kaminski, representante de la Propuesta 58, dijo que el proceso debajo de la Propuesta 227 no es efectivo por las listas de espera y que muchas escuelas no tiene programas bilingües. “Los votantes deberían votar si en la Propuesta 58 porque les da a los padres la habilidad de escoger un programa de lenguaje que sea apropiado para sus hijos y la Propuesta 58 requiere que las escuelas ofrezcan programas de lenguaje que sean adecuados para la comunidad”, dijo Kaminski. “En primer lugar nosotros deberíamos estar a cargo de la educación en nuestro estado”. La oposición declara que la Propuesta 58 permitiría que las escuelas establezcan programas

de “Español casi todo”, los cuales atrasaran a los estudiantes Latinos. La Propuesta 58 no se trata de tener clases en español al contrario se trata de una educación multilingüe. “Es un problema pensar que la Propuesta 58 esta en conflicto con la priorización de el domino del idioma ingles”, digo Kaminski. Programas debajo de la Propuesta 58 les daría a los estudiantes quienes están aprendiendo ingles la habilidad de ser competentes en dos idiomas. La educación multilingüe prepararía a los estudiantes con la continuación de sus estudios, ya que varias preparatorias y universidades requieren el estudio de otro idioma. El código de educación en California establece que estudiantes el la preparatoria terminen un año de otro idioma mas que ingles o algún tipo de arte visual. Votando si para la Propuesta 58 les daría a los menores mejores oportunidades en un estado y país con tantas culturas y idiomas.

Día de conciencia para las células madre monserrat Torres escritora ____________________________________ El día internacional de conciencia de células madre se festeja anualmente en la San Diego State University. Este evento se celebra en la universidad desde el 2010 y se espera que así siga siendo por los próximos cuatro años (con los fondos de una beca). Este día se creó por el Instituto de Medicina Regenerativa de California (CIRM). La misión de CIRM es acelerar los tratamientos de pacientes de células madre con condiciones no satisfechas. Las células madre son un sistema de reparación para el cuerpo, capaces de reparar una parte del cuerpo que haya sido dañada. Ralph Feuer, Director del programa de células madre para internos de SDSU y CIRM, dio una explicación de lo que la gente puede esperar de la reunión anual de SDSU. “El día de conciencia de células madre en SDSU le dará a los estudiantes y el público general información de cómo la investigación de células madre y medicina regenerativa ha transformado la forma en que científicos y doctores tratan enfermedades humanas, en el presente y en el futuro”. Este evento también describe como fondos públicos del estado de California y del Instituto de Medicina Regenerativa (CIRM) han ayudado a que se haga un líder en investigación básica y transnacional”. El programa de estudiantes internos de células madre de SDSU patrocina el evento anual. Este año el evento contó con la participación de cuatro invitados, quienes dieron su punto de vista, algunos como científicos y otros como activistas de las células madre. El primer invitado fue Cullen G. Pivaroff del Instituto de Investigación Scripps de células madre. El habló de posibles oportunidades de salvar especies que han perdido una parte de su cuerpo, con la ayuda de células madre. Esto funciona reprogramando el órgano que haya perdido el animal y

El dia de las células madre revoluciona a la SDSU y al mundo. monserrat Torres, escritora.

después se le implanta. Otro de los invitados fue Aryan Zarrabi, graduado de Biología en la SDSU y de los primeros internos del programa de células madre de la SDSU. Zarrabi habló de la relevancia que tienen las células madre en el campo científico. “Las células madre tienen la posibilidad de cambiar la medicina dentro de unas décadas”, dijo Zarrabi. “Si tomo una célula de tu piel y la reprogramó a una célula madre esta será la misma de tu cerebro”. Durante el discurso, Zarrabi alertó a la gente de los peligros que hay al viajar a otros países como Venezuela y México que no cuentan con tratamientos verificados de trasplantes de células madre y advirtió que Estados

Unidos es el único país que si tiene este permiso. “La gente te va a vender todo, asegúrate con un profesional antes de ir a una de estas instituciones”, dijo Zarrabi. “Hasta gente famosa está acudiendo a estos tratamientos. Ya tenemos el caso de un famoso que se le implantaron unas células que no eran de él y se le formó un tumor que lo dejó paralizado”. El tercer invitado de la tarde fue Abed A. Mansour del Instituto Salk de Ciencias Biológicas. El habló del tipo de cura que pueden tener las células madre al combatir lesiones, diabetes, envejecimiento y Alzheimer mediante trasplantes de órganos. El último invitado de la discusión fue Chris Stiehl, profesor auxiliar de

mercadotecnia de UCSD y paciente de Diabetes tipo 1. Stiehl dijo que las células madre tienen el potencial de tratar enfermedades como el cáncer, VIH, diabetes tipo 1 y enfermedades del hígado. Stiehl padece de diabetes desde que tenía 10 años y recuerda que los doctores no le daban muchas esperanzas de vida y esto lo influyó a ser activista de CIRM y de la Proposición 71 la cual se dedica a la investigación de células madre. “Conviértanse en defensores, aprendan a ser defensores para los que no saben que son las células madre”, dijo Stiehl. “Promueve alguna enfermedad, no tienes que tener la enfermedad, solo tienes que ser voluntario.”

8 mundo Azteca SDSU fashionistas nancy Moeller Colaboradora ____________________________________ Como todos sabemos, ¡El otoño llegó a la San Diego State al igual que nuestra nueva sección de moda en Mundo Azteca! Estamos muy emocionados de poder capturar a los fashionistas de la SDSU de ahora en adelante, así que prepárate para ser fotografiado. Mantente al tanto de la nueva sección de moda #SDSUOOTD, donde podrás encontrar información de las últimas tendencias de la moda y algunos de los looks de tus compañeros. Las tendencias de este otoño trajeron nuevamente modas de los años 70’s

como la ropa de mezclilla, pantalones acampanados, al igual que faldas de pana. Los colores de este otoño son los tonos cafés, guindas, verde olivo, y amarillo mostaza. Las gargantillas espectaculares, ropa de terciopelo, y pieles increíbles fueron vistas en todas las semanas de la moda alrededor del mundo el mes pasado. Los diseñadores como, Saint Laurent, Louis Vuitton, y Marc Jacobs, se encargaron de regresar los años 80’s con telas metálicas y vestidos de un solo hombro. Si te encanta la moda, esperamos que encuentres esta nueva sección de Mundo Azteca interesante y que quizás te inspires por los atuendos de otros fashionistas de nuestra escuela.

Tuva Skei Toenset, Junior

Julia Petrinec, Sophomore

“Me encantan los atuendos que son cómodos y a la moda. Los tenis son mis zapatos favoritos y yo los uso con todo porque se ven bien. Consíguete unos tenis blancos”.

“Pienso que botas combinadas con una falda de pana crean el atuendo perfecto para otoño y quise aprovechar que el día estuvo más frío aquí en San Diego”.

Joanna Mersel, Senior

Nate Nguyen, Junior

“Normalmente uso ropa de color negro pero intento agregar colores. En este caso mi chaqueta de color rosa hizo este look, que es casual y cómodo para la escuela”.

El esta usando colores muy versátiles como el blanco y negro que se pueden usar en muchas combinanaciónes. Tip: Una camisa blanca es básica para cualquier closet de un hombre.





The screams start on SEPTEMBER 30 and continue on select dates through OCTOBER 31.

Present valid SDSU Student ID at the Box Office • One discount ticket per ID.

Not valid on FRIDAYS or SATURDAYS.

the restaurant and bar guide has been a staple of the daily aztec for many years.

this year, we’ve decided to spice it up. instead of the ‘typical’ guide we partnered with several san diego restaurants to highlight some local hotspots. please note the following content is sponsored.


10 restaurant & bar

oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: christine whitman • features@thedailyaztec.com

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Primos Public Corner Courtesy of primos public corner

cami buckman the daily aztec ____________________________________ The soon to be open Primos Public Corner will put a new spin on how people enjoy Mexican cuisine. The Mission Valley Primos location is not yet open, but it will be available to the public on Friday, Nov. 4. Throughout Southern California, there are 20 locations of the popular Primos Mexican Food and Cantina to-go restaurants. However, this new establishment will provide a more casual, sit down experience for customers. “The design and look is a very industrial, Mexican look,” Chief

Marketing Officer James Quijano said. The new Primos casual dining concept will take authentic Mexican recipes and combine them with the San Diego community. The 5,000 square foot newly renovated restaurant will feature a full bar and sit down menu. The place is set to feature large television screens for displaying the latest sports broadcasts. “The overall look of the restaurant is very cool, and people are going to be blown away,” Quijano said. While the visual appeal of Primos is fresh, the menu is as equally appealing. Unlike most restaurants, Primos uses New York cut steak for their tacos and burritos. “I don’t believe anyone is doing this

in San Diego,” Quijano said. Not only will Primos offer quality Mexican food, but there will also be a creative spin at the bar with their selection of craft brews. Primos provides a wide variety of hand-made craft beers from Baja California. Chief Operations Officer and San Diego State alumni Esteban Arroyo, noticed that many of the craft beers served in San Diego are from San Diego. “I have never seen craft beers in San Diego from Baja California before,” Arroyo said. “I think a lot of people will be turned on to these craft brews.” The process of creating and developing Primos has been an exciting experience for both Quijano

and Arroyo. “I really enjoy the freedom and creativity we’re aloud to have at Primos,” Arroyo said. Primos is staffed with friendly employees eager to open its doors to the public Nov. 4. With the wide selection of craft cocktails, variety of sports and close location, Primos Public Corner is sure to delight any SDSU student or faculty member. “I think the look and the ambience of Primos will have something for everyone,” Arroyo said. Primos Public Corner is located at 2401 Fenton Parkway, San Diego. Hours are 11 a.m. to midnight every day. Phone 619-684-5777. For more information visit www.primospc.com.

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Dirty Birds Bar and Grill Courtesy of dirty birds bar and grill

nicole sazegar The daily aztec ____________________________________ Voted Best Wings in San Diego by San Diego CityBeat every year since 2012, Dirty Birds Bar and Grill is a sports bar that focuses on sports, wings and beer. With 37 different sauces, a majority of which are homemade, Dirty Birds offers a variety of flavor profiles for their wings. “The whole process for cooking them: it’s unique, it’s different than anywhere else you’re going to go,” General anager PJ Cagnina said. “The wings are a little bit crispier.” Dirty Birds, has been open for 8 years and the College Area location is

coming up on its 1-year anniversary in November. Dirty Birds is also located in Pacific Beach, with a third location to open in Liberty Station. With 24 beers on tap, 37 different selections of wings, pizzas, salads, sandwiches, burgers and sliders, this bar offers daily specials and happy hour specials that cut their already cheap prices in half. Dirty Birds offers half price wings and select pitchers during happy hour from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. They offer $13.99 all you can eat wings 6 p.m. to close on Mondays, Tuesday is all day happy hour, Wednesday is half price pizza and select pitchers, Thursday is $4 draft beers, Friday is $3 wells and

domestic pints and weekends are $15 domestic beer buckets, $12 champagne bottles, $3 mimosas and $5 SVEDKA drinks. Cagnina believes that word of mouth always brings new customers into the bar. “We’ve got a great rapport with the city,” Cagnina said. “People know our brand. It’s been consistent, and they’ve learned to check us out if they haven’t before.” SDSU alumnus Cagnina enjoys the fast paced, high-energy environment of Dirty Birds and hopes to stay with the company for a long time. “We put together an awesome staff here, so I enjoy coming to work, which is kind of rare when people say that, but I

thoroughly enjoy it,” Cagnina said. Marshall Faulk, a hall of fame running back from San Diego State is an investor and owner of Dirty Birds, so this bar stays SDSU oriented. “It’s kind of cool to be that close to San Diego State and have Marshall be part of the company,” Cagnina said. “It’s a good vibe in here: good music, lots of TVs for sports and we’re all about San Diego.” Dirty Birds Bar and Grill is located at 6499 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. Hours are 11 a.m. to midnight Sunday to Thursday and 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Phone: 619-265-2086. Dirty Birds is open to all ages. For more information regarding menu and drink items please visit their website at www.dirtybirdsbarandgrill.com.

oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: christine whitman • features@thedailyaztec.com

restaurant & bar


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Pesto Italian Craft Kitchen julianna ress

julianna ress the daily aztec ____________________________________ Pesto Italian Craft Kitchen prides itself on making the healthiest Italian dishes possible, without ever compromising quality. Creating delicious Italian food runs in the veins of owner and chef Alexander Massire, as his Sicilian family has a lengthy history in the restaurant business. He worked in his family’s pizzeria throughout his childhood, but eventually started working with a more seasoned chef in a proper, sit-down restaurant environment. He learned more advanced cooking techniques, and by age 19 he was

managing a restaurant. “One day I woke up and said, ‘If I’m this good at (managing a restaurant), I want to open my own. I want to give it a shot,’” Massire said. After opening several pizzerias on the East Coast, Massire decided to move to San Diego and opened Pesto this past April, a restaurant which reflected his changing eating habits. “I wanted to change my lifestyle,” he said. “I wanted all my products to be organic and clean. I (didn’t) care if Italians (didn’t) do it. I (was) going to do it.” Massire decided to name the restaurant ‘Pesto’ due to the green color of pesto sauce and the fact that it is a healthy, organic sauce.

Pesto still takes from authentic Italian recipes, but the menu is well rounded and adds a healthy spin, incorporating quinoa and gluten-free options. “We’re the first Italian, organic, healthy place and we actually are good as far as we know what we’re doing,” Massire said. “We’re highest quality you can possibly find in anything that we do, from our coconut tea all the way to our linguine.” One of the most popular items on the menu is the Italian Chop salad, containing romaine lettuce, chicken breast, pesto, tomato, avocado, cucumber, olive mix, carrot, provolone and lemon. Another popular dish is the Pestofredo, which is linguine topped

with chicken breast, broccoli and a mixture of pesto and alfredo sauce. In addition to creating, the best, healthiest Italian cuisine possible, the Pesto staff also aims to make personal connections to all customers. “We know (our customers’) names, and they know our names. They’re like family to us,” Massire said. “We’re not just here for the buck, we’re here to give service and make a lot of friends at the same time.” Pesto Italian Craft Kitchen is located at 6011 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 10 a.m. to midnight Fridays and Saturdays. More information can be found on their website www.pestocraft.com.

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McGregor’s Grill & Ale House Courtesy of Mcgregor’s grill & ale house

nicole sazegar the daily aztec ____________________________________ McGregor’s Grill & Ale House is a friendly neighborhood saloon with fresh ingredients and friendly customer service. McGregor’s opened 20 years ago when managing partner Ian Linekin’s friend asked him for help opening the place. Linekin’s duty while opening the restaurant was putting together the menu. Linekin started in the restaurant business when he was 15-years-old when he first started working at the Old Ocean Beach Café, and then started working at the Brigantine until he helped

open McGregor’s. While working at the Brigantine, he made thousands of their beloved, famous fish tacos, so he tweaked their famous recipe and brought them to McGregor’s. “Our fish tacos are the bomb,” Linekin said. “I think (our fish tacos) are better than (Brigantine’s). I know they’re better.” Linekin’s inspiration for the menu came from the idea of “keeping things simple, keeping things fresh and offering enough of a variety without getting crazy.” McGregor’s offers Baja fish, grilled mahi, chicken quesadilla, carnitas and grilled shrimp tacos as well as burgers, nachos, salads, soups and wings. This bar only offers housemade salad dressings

and soup. They also offer 14 beers on tap as well as 20 different types of bottled beer. McGregor’s presents simple dishes with fresh ingredients. “We’re a bar, and we don’t have to serve food but we do and we do a great job,” Linekin said. “We take a lot of pride in it.” Linekin also makes sure to hire friendly people to ensure a fun environment and exceptional customer service. “You can have a bar or restaurant, and you can serve a drink but unless the people you’re interacting with who are serving you make a connection, it’s not always a real experience.” Linekin hopes his bar’s customer service enhances the customer’s

experience. Meeting the different types of people McGregor’s welcoming environment attracts is the reason why Linekin loves his job. “I like the fact that everyday is always a little bit different,” Linekin said. “You know what to expect to a certain degree, but there’s always that certain element.” With 27 TVs and multiple pool tables, McGregror’s offers new customers and San Diego State students and staff a place to watch sporting events and have fun. McGregor’s Grill & Ale House is located at 10475 San Diego Mission Rd., San Diego. Hours are 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. all week. Phone: (619) 282-9797. For more information, please visit www. mcgregorssandiego.com.

12 restaurant & bar

oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: christine whitman • features@thedailyaztec.com

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Slater’s 50/50 Courtesy of slater’s 50/50

julianna ress The daily aztec ____________________________________ Slater’s 50/50 is known for its outrageous burgers, but the menu as a whole is just as impressive as its most signature dishes. Slater’s 50/50 currently has six locations, all in Southern California, the first of which opened in 2009. The San Diego location has been open since November 2011. Other locations include: Anaheim Hills, Huntington Beach, Pasadena, Rancho Cucumonga and San Marcos. Jeff Hall, general manager of the San Diego location, has worked in food service since he was 16, and his passion for bartending, serving high quality

food and working with people led him to Slater’s 50/50. One of Slater’s 50/50’s mission statements is, “Be authentic in everything that you do.” Thus, it is known for continuously pushing the envelope in creating new dishes and improving upon it’s current ones. “There’s always some unique new challenge,” Hall said. “My favorite things to do are the ones we don’t have to do.” Hall describes Slater’s 50/50’s burgers as uniquely over-the-top. Perhaps the most well-known item on the menu is the signature 50/50 patty, which is made up of 50 percent beef and 50 percent bacon. The patty is served on a number of the burgers on the menu.

Additionally, 50/50 furters were recently added to the menu. The furters are all natural meat hot dogs stuffed with bacon inside, and wrapped with bacon on the outside. A number of burgers from the Slater’s 50/50 menu have been featured on various Food Network programs over the years, which helped increase the restaurant’s popularity. “Since then, we’ve been able to cultivate a nationwide name of a place that people come and make a destination,” Hall said. People tend to associate Slater’s 50/50 with burgers, but everything on the menu is created with the same amount of thought and effort. “Anything we do we’re going to do it great,” Hall said. “If we’re going to put

it on (the menu) we’re going to do it right.” Despite the burgers’ fame, salads, chicken sandwiches, craft beers and milkshakes are all big selling items as well, and are met with tremendous praise. While the food remains a main priority, Hall credits the atmosphere of Slater’s 50/50 for its popularity. “I always say that our hospitality caused our success more than our food has,” he said. Slater’s 50/50 is located at 2750 Dewey Rd., San Diego. Hours are 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. weekdays, 11 a.m. to 12 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sundays. More information can be found on their website www.slaters5050.com.

sponsored content

Miss B’s Coconut Club Courtesy of miss b’s coconut club

cami buckman The Daily Aztec ____________________________________ Miss B’s Coconut Club is the spot where old school tiki flare and San Diego charm mix together to become one awesome destination. Located in the heart of north Mission Beach, Miss B’s Coconut club opened in April 2016. This vibrant establishment can be described as an American kitchen with a touch of Caribbean spark. “There’s nothing else around in San Diego like it,” General Manager Natasha Ross said. Miss B’s Coconut Club was the first project Ross was able to build from

conception. She is proud to look around the restaurant and know she had a large part in creating it. As a San Diego State alumni, Ross said college students will love the atmosphere of Miss B’s Coconut Club. “It’s a good place to take a little study break,” Ross said. While the tiki atmosphere is memorable, the drinks served at Miss B’s Coconut Club are nothing shy of Instagram worthy. Miss B’s Coconut Club fuses old school tiki cocktails with their own creative twist to create over the top, deliciously decorated drinks. With the large tiki-inspired punches and bowls, sharing with friends is welcomed.

“Our drinks are like a vacation in a glass,” Ross said. Miss B’s Coconut Club also offers the best craft beers, with 20 local and microbrew tap handles. To compliment these beers and cocktails, Miss B’s Coconut Club features a plethora of unique menu items. Popular options include meals like the one-ofa-kind jerk chicken and waffles, or the flavorful curry coconut chicken. This establishment offers great deals for customers on a budget. Happy hour features specialty priced beer and cocktails served Monday through Friday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday nights at Miss B’s Coconut club feature $1 freshly shucked oysters.

Miss B’s Coconut Club welcomes all parties, large and small. This restaurant hosts many personalized events for groups and displays the latest sport showings. “We’re definitely a fun spot to hang out at,” Ross said. Miss B’s Coconut Club is the place to go for a freeing and fun time. Customers will be transported to a vintage style tiki hang out spot, without the hassle of flying to the Caribbean. Miss B’s Coconut Club is located at 3704 Mission Blvd, San Diego. Hours are 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. every day. Brunch is served daily until 2 p.m. Large reservations are accepted. Phone 858-381-0857. For more information, visit www. missbcoconutclub.com.

sports 13

Oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: anthony reclusado • sports@thedailyaztec.com

Football sees development pay off

Junior wide receiver Mikah Holder claps after a first down catch against UNLV. Kelly SMiley, Photo Editor

Brendan Price Staff columnist ____________________________________ What a difference a year makes. This time last year, San Diego State football was 4-3 as head coach Rocky Long was only beginning to quiet emerging whispers about his future on the Mesa. The Aztecs’ Qualcomm Stadium roommate, the San Diego Chargers, were 2-4 following a pair of close losses under

head coach Mike McCoy. This year, Long’s Aztecs are 5-1 and in prime position to make another run at a Mountain West championship, buoyed by the leading rusher in the nation in senior running back Donnel Pumphrey. McCoy, however, is fighting for his job following another 2-4 start. The point is dividends are not necessarily immediate, and danger looms in a world driven by immediacy. In the case of the Aztecs, they have seen multiple players burst onto the scene this

season in new roles. Junior tailback Rashaad Penny has nearly matched his rushing output and total touchdowns from last season in just six games. Freshman wide receiver Quest Truxton has stepped into the special teams unit as the go-to punt returner this season, averaging nearly 10 yards per return. Redshirt sophomore kicker John Baron II is 6-for-7 on field goals and looks increasingly comfortable from 40 yardsplus. Defensively, junior cornerback Derek Babiash has three interceptions. Sophomore linebacker Ronley Lakalaka has 23 tackles and one interception return for a touchdown in six games after recording only 11 tackles in 2015. These are just a few of the red and black excelling in larger roles who were recruited by Long and his staff the last three years. Talent takes time to nurture and bloom, as it did the second half of last season and the beginning of this one. After a 1-3 start in 2015, the Aztecs have gone 15-1 since. In that time, the Chargers lost several key starters to free agency, with the replacements in these positions being subpar or average at best. Wideout Keenan Allen has been lost to injury twice, while running back Danny Woodhead, cornerback Jason Verrett and linebacker Manti Te’o are all out for the season. There are players that are showing promise for the Bolts, notably rookie linebackers Jatavis Brown and Korey

roads to success start here They provide the potential. We provide the fuel. Putting knowledge to work prepares students for success after graduation. That's why San Diego State University offers more than 300 student organizations like the Aztec Baja SAE team, whose members develop the talent, teamwork and tenacity they'll need as working professionals. SDSU.edu

Toomer, coupled by emerging offensive threats in tight end Hunter Henry, second year receiver Tyrell Williams and the potential starting center of the future in Max Tuerk. Talent takes time to nurture and bloom, something the Chargers are still waiting on. After a 2-4 start in 2015, they have gone 4-12. The point in this parallelism is that two teams that were both facing questions in coaching and personnel have gone two different directions from an oddly similar starting point. The Aztecs had been getting, recordwise, progressively worse with limited postseason success under Rocky Long and questions were starting to be asked about whether or not the football program could be elevated to the next level. The program had lost eight straight to Power 5 opponents and despite an encouraging start in MW play, pundits and fans openly wondered about the quarterback play and secondary offensive options beyond junior running back Donnel Pumphrey. But here we are, a year later, with a dramatically different landscape. Long is safe and sound while McCoy has, charitably, tenuous job security. It is an important reminder that results, good or bad, hinge on player development which takes time and patience. SDSU football fans almost panicked, but thank goodness they didn’t. Sorry Chargers.


Oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: anthony reclusado • sports@thedailyaztec.com

SDSU wins first home meet of 2016

The San Diego State swimming team was able to beat Vanderbilt University and UC San Diego last Friday. courtesy of SDSU Athletic MEdia relations

Joseph Faria Staff writer ____________________________________ Already a month into the season, San Diego State swimming and diving hosted its first home meet in a

double dual match against Vanderbilt University and UC San Diego on Friday. The Aztecs defeated both opposing schools, scoring 168-94 against Vanderbilt and 154.5-139.5 over UC San Diego. The victory on Friday improved the

red and black’s record to 4-0 on the season with a second place finish at the Chick-fil-A Invitational last weekend. “It felt good to be home and get the win,” sophomore swimmer Cailey Steffens said. “We had a long weekend beforehand and worked our tails off, so we deserve to be rewarded.” Steffens was victorious in both the 100- and 50-yard freestyle. Her times were 52.40 and 24.50 seconds, respectively. “I believe I raced well today,” Steffens said. “There’s always something to improve on, but the encouragement of my teammates definitely kept me going.” Her teammates found success in their races as well. Freshman McKenna Meyer won her two events, the 1000-yard freestyle (10:10.91) and 200-yard individual medley (2:04.15). Fellow freshman Kassidy Henson won the 200-yard freestyle (1:53.85) and freshman Morganne McKennan placed first in the 100-yard breaststroke (1:04.82) and second in the 200-yard breast (2:21.44). Senior Frida Berggren captured the 500-yard freestyle with a time of 5:01.88 and claimed second in the 200-yard butterfly (2:03.13). The Aztecs also won the 200-yard medley relay (1:44.51) that consisted of McKennan, freshman Alma Thormalm and juniors Summer Harrison and Alexa Clayfield. “We’re fatigued from last weekend,” SDSU head coach Mike Shrader said.

“But we competed really well today. And once again the strength of our team showed, our enthusiasm. That’s what motivates us.” UCSD proved to be tougher of the two opponents, winning five of the events, including a sweep of the 1- and 3-meter dives. “We saw some good competition once again today,” Shrader said. “And I am very pleased with our effort, especially with all the traveling we’ve done so far. We will keep fine tuning our starts and turns as the season progresses.” Interestingly enough, Friday’s victory improved coach Shrader’s dual meet record to 120-15, good for a .888 winning percentage, in his tenure at SDSU. The five-time Mountain West Coach of the Year now has an overall career record of 209-27-1. Despite all of his previous success, Shrader believes this may be his best team yet. “In my 10 years coaching at this school, I’ve never had a team that has started as well as this one,” Shrader said. “I’m so excited for what the future has in store for us, and so should all the girls. Like I’ve said before, I am blessed to be a part of the Aztec family and coach this team.” The next home meet will be December 2 against Pepperdine University. For now, the Aztecs will look to overcome a road test against Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, on Nov. 4 and 5.

This week in Aztec football & soccer history Anthony Reclusado sports editor ____________________________________ Oct. 16, 1993

NFL Hall of Famer, and former Aztec, Marshall Faulk rushes for 89 yards against Colorado State in 1993. File Photo

It is no secret that the San Diego State football team is in a golden age of dominance, which has not been felt atop the Mesa since legendary head coach Don Coryell and his “Air Raid” offense led the Aztecs to three undefeated seasons. However, the time between Coryell and current head coach Rocky Long wasn’t very fruitful for SDSU’s football program. Combined the Aztecs went 216-218-7 (.497 winning percentage) in the 38-year gap between the two coaches. But as the nearly .500 mark suggests there were peaks and valleys in between, especially, in the Marshall Faulk era. In his three years in the Scarlet and Black, Faulk established the gold standard and in his final season shattered multiple school-records. Faulk (4,435) broke Monty

Gilbreath’s career all-purpose yard mark (4,409), by amassing 137 total yards against Colorado State. He would go on to end his Aztec career with 5,562 all-purpose yards, which was surpassed by senior running back Donnel Pumphrey earlier this year. Despite the record breaking performance by the future NFL Hall of Famer running back, it was the SDSU defense that shone brightest on that night. The Aztecs shellacked the Rams, 303, before 32,335 fans at San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium. The defense held CSU running back E.J. Watson, who rushed for 210 yards a week prior, to 30 yards on the ground and held the entire Ram offense to 168 total yards. But digging a little further and the game was even more of defensive lover’s dream. Of CSU’s 12 offensive possessions, eight ended with a punt, two on unsuccessful fourth-down attempts, one on an interception and one with a questionable call that resulted in the Rams only points. “That should have been a shutout, if it wasn’t for those bull-jive calls,” free safety Darrell Lewis said after the game about the flag. “We’re going up for the interception, me and Eric Sutton have the ball in our hands, and they call pass interference that puts them in field-goal range – or that would have been a blank.” The near “blank” was even more sweeter as this was the first game in 7 seasons the Aztecs held an opponent out of the end zone. The stellar defensive effort was not

an indication for the rest of the season, as the defense allowed 43-plus points in each of its final four games. In contrast to the stymied Ram offense, the Aztecs were able to move the ball at will. Quarterback Tim Gutierrez finished the night 21-for-31 for 304 yards and three touchdowns, including a 59-yard bomb to wide reciever Kieth Williams 46 seconds into the game. The often forgotten phase of the game was perfect for SDSU as well. Kicker Peter Holt converted his three field goal attempts — hitting from 33, 33 and 26 yards. SDSU finished this season with a 6-6 record, but failed to receive a bowl invitation. Oct. 21, 1991 The Aztec men’s soccer team raddled off its 10th win of the season, and fifth shutout of the year, against CSU Bakersfield, 3-0. SDSU quickly pounced on the Roadrunners , with a goal in the 11th minute by Jevin Alburquerque. While the second half resulted in two goals, the Aztecs missed multiple opportunities to bury CSUB further. “(In the second half ) the pressure just wasn’t there,” head coach Chuck Clegg said. “It’s really hard to play 90 minutes of perfect soccer.” Despite Clegg’s belief in a team unable to play a perfect match, his team outscored it opponents 31-10, including 31 assists. The Aztecs played Stanford and UC Berkeley next, which just happens to be the current’s team next two opponents.

Oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: anthony reclusado • sports@thedailyaztec.com

sports 15

Aztecs finish seventh at Nationals Jamie Ballard Managing Editor ____________________________________ The San Diego State water ski and wakeboard team took home 7th place in the Division I National Collegtiate Water Ski Tournament last weekend, solidly placing itself among the highestranked teams in the nation. The seventh place win is reportedly the highest the team has placed since 1979. “I couldn’t be more proud of my team and more excited to have been a part of this,” junior business major and club president Tabbie Manger said. “Last year we got 8th in the nation, and it was the best performance from SDSU in any of our lifetimes. So to do even better and see improvement in our team was great.” Waterski tournaments consist of three main events: slalom, trick and jump. Slalom skiing requires a water skier to carve around a series of six buoys, with varying boat speed and rope length. The faster the boat speed and the shorter the rope, the more points a skier can earn. Trick skiing requires the water skier to perform a series of tricks. Each trick has a different number of points assigned, and the more difficult tricks are worth more points in competition. Jump skiing requires the skier to be launched off a 5-foot ramp, land in the water and ski away. Points are awarded for distance and the boat speed varies. Men’s events and women’s events are separate. Five skiers from each team compete in different heats. Skiers are scored individually and then the individual scores are added up to determine the team’s overall score. SDSU’s high ranking was largely thanks to strong jump performances from the men’s team. Three members - sophomore Curtis Williams, senior Newt Cutcliffe and sophomore Ben Leeds - jumped over 100 feet. Williams jumped 138 feet, and Cutcliffe and Leeds tied with 102 feet each. The women’s team performed solidly overall, and was led in both jump and trick categories by sophomore Kari McCollum. She jumped 81 feet, placing her among the top 20 collegiate women jump skiers in the nation. She also garnered the most points for SDSU women’s trick event with 430. McCollum’s high performances in all three events - including 345 points in slalom - led her to the number 14 spot in the nation for collegiate women’s waterski. The 345 slalom points represents McCollum getting around five buoys in the water going 34 miles an hour with a rope length of 14.25 meters. McCollum said she was hoping to perform better, but is still happy with how the tournament went. “It was a lot of work but I had a blast helping to host and I’m so proud of our team’s seventh place finish,” McCollum said. In some tournaments, simply getting five people who can land the jump and ski away can pose a challenge. SDSU, which had limited training opportunities because its home lake is 92 miles away from the campus, managed to perform well with a total score of 1,045. In addition to McCollum’s 81foot jump, the team’s score was also bolstered by 45-foot jumps from juniors Hannah Gaharan and Allie Hart, as well as senior Allie Vlahos’s 41 foot jump. Rounding out the team was Manger

with a jump score of 35 feet. “Every single one of my girls landed,” Manger said. “That’s awesome.” In addition to competing in the tournament, SDSU skiers also faced the daunting task of hosting the tournament itself. The tournament took place Oct. 1315 in El Centro, Calif., and attracted hundreds of skiers from across the nation. SDSU’s team was responsible for ensuring every detail went smoothly. As club president, Manger was largely responsible for everything from organizing the judges, who score the tournament, to assembling concessions and food for hundreds of people. “Every free moment I’ve had for the last few months, I’ve been doing something to prepare for Nationals,” Manger said. “I’ve never run a tournament before and it was bigger than I anticipated, but I think it was a great success.” Cutcliffe has been on the team for several years. He was a member the last time SDSU hosted Nationals, in 2013. “This team has come a far way,” Cutcliffe said. “In August 2013, we were struggling to recruit enough people to even qualify to ski in the Nationals we would be hosting that year, let alone have enough of a workforce to run it. Three years later, the team was ready, we were skiing at a different level and we had more leaders standing up on the team. I think that’s the biggest difference, the levels and abilities in all aspects rising over the last few years.” One of his favorite moments was his last jump, which was also the last jump of his collegiate water skiing career. “On my last ride, I was thinking about it, and how the stars had just aligned perfectly and the entire team was there to send me off on my last college ride, on our home lake. I couldn’t have been happier,” Cutcliffe said. “That last jump ride, distance didn’t matter one bit.” The SDSU Waterski and Wakeboard Team is part of the sports clubs program affiliated with the Aztec Recreation Center.

Sophomore Curtis Williams jumped 138 feet during Collegiate Waterski Nationals in El Centro, California. courtesy of SDSU Waterski and Wakeboard club team

16 sports

Oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: Anthony Reclusado • sports@thedailyaztec.com

SDSU football midseason review

The San Diego State secondary lead the team out of the tunnel. From left to right: Senior safety Na’im McGee (21), junior safety Trey Lomax (3), senior safety Kameron Kelly (7) and junior cornerback Derek Babiash (31). Kelly Smiley, Photo Editor

zach engberg asst. sports editor Austin gayle staff columnist _____________________________________ The San Diego State football team entered the 2016 season with lofty goals, as any college student at the onset of a new school year. However, while most students talk about receiving perfect marks but quickly falter, the Aztecs had a legitimate shot at running the table. But even the football team fell susceptible to the early season misstep. Despite the loss, the Aztecs are 5-1 and hold one of the most prolific running backs in college history. What better way to quantify SDSU’s season then a school staple: grades.

Offense The 2016 season began with hope of a dual-threat attack, as redshirt sophomore quarterback Christian Chapman threw for 283 yards and two touchdowns against University of New Hampshire. But the offense has since devolved into the run-heavy attack it has been in years past, highlighted by senior running back Donnel Pumphrey’s career-high

38 rushes in the Aztecs’ 17-3 win over Fresno State. Pumphrey has been accompanied by junior running back Rashaad Penny, who eclipsed 100 yards in a game for the first time in his career in the Aztecs’ 26-7 win over UNLV. Pumphrey and Penny have combined to give SDSU the 18th-best rushing offense in the FBS, grinding out 246 yards per game on the ground over the first six games of the season. Penny has represented a threat out the backfield in the passing game as well, catching three touchdown passes, tied with junior wide receiver Mikah Holder for the team lead in reception scores. The only other player with a touchdown reception for SDSU is freshman tight end Kahale Warring, who has caught only two passes in 2016, both for scores.

GRADE: BMost Valuable Player Despite Penny’s all-purpose greatness and Holder’s breakout season, SDSU football would be hopeless in 2016 without Pumphrey. He is the nation’s leading rusher, and with 1,111 yards, he is 169 yards ahead of any other rusher in the FBS. This season, Pumphrey has singlehandedly led the offense in victories

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over UC Berkeley and Northern Illinois University, rushing for more than 200 yards and three touchdowns in each contest. If he continues on his current pace of 185 yards per game, Pumphrey would break former University of Wisconsin running back Ron Dayne’s all-time FBS record of 6,397 yards by nearly 500 yards. Even if he doesn’t break the all-time mark, Pumphrey’s season will be hard to forget, as he passed Marshall Faulk as SDSU’s all-time leading rusher and placed himself firmly in the Heisman conversation.

Defense With Pumphrey continuing to steal the national spotlight with each carry, earning interviews with ESPN and a reasonably sized banner on Montezuma Road, the Aztecs’ defense has exceeded expectations within the star running back’s shadow. Remaining stout against both the run and the pass, SDSU’s defense has allowed 297.2 total offensive yards per game this season, a feat bested by just seven other Division I teams in the nation. The Aztecs are No. 6 in the nation against the run and No. 11 in defensive yards per carry. Senior linebacker and captain Calvin Munson, SDSU’s current leader in tackles with 58 combined tackles (31 solo), anchors the center of the Aztec defense, shutting down opposing ball carriers in 33 consecutive starts. In the Aztecs’ Week 2 contest against Cal, the Golden Bears torched SDSU’s secondary for 522 passing yards, raising questions surrounding the Aztecs’ defensive backs. They quickly responded. Led by junior cornerback Derek Babiash and senior cornerback Damontae Kazee, SDSU’s defense is tied for fifth in interceptions (11) and ranks 29th in passing yards per game (199.2). With three picks each through six games, Babiash and Kazee share the team-high in interceptions. If SDSU’s defense can maintain their spear’s polish, regardless of the injuries, the roaring Aztecs will cast their own shadow in route to adominant finish to the 2016 season. Munson could even earn on a spot on the back of Pumphrey’s banner, nothing too obvious, of course.


Most Valuable Player Intercepting Cal’s senior quarterback Davis Webb with just 56 seconds left on the clock, Kazee secured the Aztecs’ first victory over a Power 5 school since 2012 and gave them a 2-0 record. Since then, his stock has continued to rise. In addition to his three interceptions, Kazee has accumulated 30 combined tackles (26 solo), good for second on the team behind only Munson. As one of three defensive captains for the Aztecs, Kazee’s consistent play and outstanding ability in the clutch pushes him ahead of Munson and senior defensive end Alex Barrett as the defenses’ MVP.

Special Teams As we saw in the Aztecs’ 42-24 loss to University of South Alabama, even a position as seemingly minute as starting long snapper can play a huge role in their success. Freshman long snapper Turner Bernard suffered an injury on the first attempted punt of the game, and the backup mishandled the snap on an extra point attempt and a punt, the latter leading to a Jaguar touchdown. As the injury highlighted, the special teams unit has been a difference maker for the Aztecs in the 2016 season. Senior punter Tanner Blain has flipped field position and junior kicker John Baron II has extended his scoring range. He is 6-for-7 on field goals and 3-for-4 on kicks of 40 yards or longer, including makes of 47, 48 and 50 yards. Additionally, Penny is a threat on kickoffs once again, returning one for a touchdown in the win over Cal.

GRADE: A Most Valuable Player Tanner Blain has been the unsung hero of the 2016 Aztec team. Starting in the 45-40 win over Cal, Blain has made a habit of pinning opposing offenses deep in their own territory, dropping 14 punts inside the 20-yard line. His performance has taken the pressure off the defense and on many occasions made up for an otherwise unsuccessful offensive possession, which the Aztecs have experienced plenty of this season.

oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: christine whitman • features@thedailyaztec.com

arts and culture17

Alumnus turns fiction into reality David ayala staff writer ____________________________________ Have you ever been sitting in lecture wondering who the student sitting next to you will become in the future? Some students become engineers, teachers or even writers. Such is the case of San Diego State alumnus and novelist Greg Bear. Bear credits his decision to become a writer to an experience he had at the age of six while being stationed with his father in the Philippines. “I was at the officers club watching ‘20 Million Miles To Earth’ and that evening I had a nightmare,” Bear said. “I realized (in my nightmare) that the monster from Venus was coming out of my bedroom wall. I thought (it) was so cool that I started writing and reacting to it and at that point I started putting together stories and artwork.” A native San Diegan, Bear enrolled at SDSU in 1968, the same year United States astronauts orbited the moon for the first time. “(I found no) difficulty getting in because San Diego State was very accessible and not very expensive at the time,” he said. Bear’s experience at SDSU was rich to say the least. He recalls a time when the campus was starting to become a forefront cultural diversity and social activism. “(There was) a point when protest of the Vietnam War occurred,” Bear said. “There was a lot of student activism and a lot of cultural activity.” Through his most recent visits to the campus Bear has a hard time recognizing certain areas. “The (Conrad Presbys Aztec) Student Union is really different from what it used to be,” he said. “When I was there they (had just) started building the new library.” Over time, the library became a kind of sanctuary for Bear. His time spent there encouraged hours of reading and time to indulge in authors he considers to be his inspirations including Arthur Clarke, H.G. Wells and Jules Vernes. And with shows like “Star Trek” and films like “2001: A Space Odyssey,” his passion for everything science fiction only grew. Perhaps his fondest memory includes spending time with his mentor, late English Professor Elizabeth Chater. Bear said he bonded with Chater over their combined love of science fiction, a topic Charter was well-versed in having already written books on the topic. “We kind of made a connection,” he said. “I was just an undergraduate so I didn’t have any teaching credentials, but she kind of made me her assistant teacher for that course. Together we watched the sci-fi community take off at SDSU.” Bear and Chater brought the first ever sci-fi course, to SDSU students back in the early 70s. But they encountered some opposition from the English department. “(The) English department deeply resented the fact that this was a hugely popular course,” he said. “They were a little conservative on their attitude towards the curriculum and there was a lot of fighting for funding.” Bear said Chater stayed true to the course, even finding funding, before passing away in 2004. In 1970, Bear became one of the five co-founders of San Diego Comic-Con.

Greg Bear’s new science book, “Take Back the Sky,” will be released this December. Courtesy of Greg bear

This convention is an international, multi-genre entertainment and comic convention, which has become a staple of the culture of San Diego. Bear partnered with fellow science fiction fans from San Diego and New York and created the first Comic Con in the basement of the U.S. Grant Hotel. “It blew up,” Bear said. “By 1983 it was so big that the San Diego City Council wanted to shut it down, because all of these comic book fans were running around downtown being a nuance. But amazingly it continued and now it’s a cultural meme.” After graduating from SDSU in 1973, Bear turned his passion for science fiction into a reality. He became the recipient of prestigious awards and nominations, including the Hugo and Nebula Awards. The Hugo Awards are given annually for the best science fiction or fantasy works and the Nebula Awards honor the best science fiction or fantasy works exclusively in the United States. Writing acclaimed books like Darwin’s Radio; a novel that explores human evolution, and Moving Mars; a coming of age story that explores political issues in a futuristic setting. Nevertheless, Bears lovechild can be considered Eon, a story that details the Cold War in an alternate history. Over the course of his career, Bear has written 44 books, many of which have been on the best sellers list. Currently living in Seattle, Bear rarely visits SDSU but said he credits much of his professional experience to its classes and people.

Bear said the courses still alive and well at the university convey the importance of science fiction courses in providing a different approach to “cultural and social issues.” Greg has partnered with Love Library to donate a small collection of his literary manuscripts, including drafts, corrected galleys and correspondence. Special Projects and External Affairs Officer Lynn Hawkes, said she has Bear to thank for the ever expansion of library material, even calling Bear its “super friend.”

As for current aspiring writers and science fiction fans, Bear has some words of advice. “If you are writing about what you love and keep working at it (without) getting discouraged, you can make up some good work out there,” he said “Find what you really want to write about, find what you love to write about and keep at it.” Bear is currently writing “Take Back the Sky,” a science fiction book, which follows a man held in isolation on Earth. It is set to be released this December.

18 arts and culture

oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: christine whitman • features@thedailyaztec.com

Sex researcher visits Love Library Kayleigh venne Staff Writer ____________________________________ Gender identity is a complex subject that can be difficult to explain. Charlotte Tate gave professors and students an informative talk on the multifaceted view of gender identity that is cis and trans-centered in the Love Library on Wednesday, Oct. 12. Tate was San Diego State’s first LGBTQ Pride Week speaker this year. She is a psychology professor at San Francisco State University and a respected social personality psychologist. She is a butch-presenting lesbian and open trans woman. Tate did not disappoint with her two-hour talk that was filled with humorous jokes and thought-provoking topics. Tate’s goal for her presentation was to present a quantitative perspective on gender identity in a way that would not oppose qualitative perspectives. “I hope to have reciprocal communication,” Tate said. “Both the interpersonal and intrapersonal approaches are necessary for complete gender understanding.” Tate started off her presentation by addressing “being gender” and “doing gender.” “To do gender is to engage in social behaviors that are not or are ‘allowed for women,’” Tate said. “To be gender is to have a deep sense of a personally felt experience about self-categorization.” Tate went on to explain that genitals

are not what tell you about gender. “Genitals are different than a person’s self-categorization,” Tate said. Tate’s presentation depicted gender as a bundle of constructs. “If gender came in a little box, these aspects would come out,” Tate said. On the screen, five different shapes flew out of the gender box. She joked that the animations on her PowerPoint had taken a lot longer than they looked like they would and the audience laughed in unison. This animation showed that gender is made up of different aspects other than one’s genitalia. Elements such as birth assigned gender category, current gender identity, gender roles and gender presentation are each vital in identifying one’s gender identity. “Sexual orientation has to respect that there are five different facets to gender,” Tate said. “In psychology, we are good at talking about it. We are not very good at measuring it.” Tate then used celebrities Portia de Rossi and Rachel Maddow as examples of different ways that women present themselves. Both lesbians and women, however Portia is a “more expected presentation.” “Obviously the social presentation is not going to be the key thing to determine if someone is a man or woman,” Tate said. Tate’s talk turned to explain binary vs. non-binary gender experiences. If a person experiences a gender

identity as either female or male, this person can be described as having a “binary experience of gender.” According to Tate’s perspective, cisgender and transgender simply describe developmental profiles to this identity. On the other hand, some people experience gender identity in something more complex than an either or way. “Genderqueer or nonbinary are terms used by people that have this gender experience,” Tate said. “I may be wrong about this, as I am a binary person. I identify as a woman, yet I am telling you about a non-binary experience. This is just my own analysis.” Tate was not afraid to address the fact that her analysis could be wrong, as she does not identify as gender queer herself. Tate also expressed that psychology is not doing much of anything to clarify the topic of gender identity. “We have been f-cking it up since 1888, before psychology was even a thing,” Tate said. The crowd laughed as she continued. “Homosexuality as a mental disorder was bad science, even for that time.” Tate brought up the fact that surveys or questionnaires, the question, “How do you currently identify?” consists of only two answers: male or female. Tate said she wanted to find a way to ask this question in a more precise way. Tate presented her Gender Self Overlap Index. “It sounds healthy when you say the

acronym,” Tate said. The GSOI is a way to index the felt-sense of gender as gendercategorization. “Maybe there is a ‘felt-sense’ of gender categorization,” Tate said. “But how do we measure that?” This is where the GSOI comes in. The GSOI utilizes diagrams and drawings to describe one’s felt-sense of gender identity, as words often lack in accurately depicting this. What makes us feel close to others is difficult to capture in words, and gender identity is no different. After testing the GSOI out on different populations in San Francisco, it proved to be a success. As a result of the more inclusive demographics, populations were showing different patterns almost immediately. The GSOI appears to successfully track one’s felt-sense of gender identity as self-categorization. “I am trying to say that I am a lesbian by how I present myself,” she said. “But also, I am trying to say that I am a woman. We are all using the same channel to do this social presentation.” “Tate’s presentation about gender identity was very interesting,” criminal justice senior Maria Castaneda. “Tate covered the different gender roles and expectation for women, men, boys and girls.” Tate was able to successfully identify the issues in psychology while also informing professors and students on this complex topic of gender identity.

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oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: christine whitman • features@thedailyaztec.com

arts and culture 19

The Julie Ruin fires up the crowd Julianna Ress senior staff writer ____________________________________ The Julie Ruin took the stage at the Music Box San Diego Oct. 16 with a performance that combined front woman Kathleen Hanna’s pioneered riot grrrl punk with tokens of experience from her past, leaving the crowd equally fired up and inspired. The Julie Ruin’s latest album “Hit Reset” was released July 8, and the band has since been touring in promotion. The San Diego show was The Julie Ruin’s last until Nov. 10, when it begins the European leg of its tour, so obviously it had to go out with a bang. The band greeted the audience with a performance of “I Decide” interspersed with Hanna’s unabashed dancing, a recurring visual throughout the night. Her moves served as a physical encouragement for the crowd to let loose and move along with her. The band got into its groove right from the get-go, following “I Decide” with a performance of “I’m Done” as snarky and angry as it is on the record. “I hear your opinion all the time now,” Hanna sang. “Sitting in an old chair leaning on the bed, writing dumb comments on an Internet thread.” However, Hanna’s tales and life lessons she shared with the audience between songs were just as compelling as the actual performances. She brought up how she had recently watched videos regarding Donald Trump’s controversial behavior with his daughter, and how she was treated similarly by her own father. “I can stand here and say that my dad is a terrible person even though I am his biological offspring,” Hanna said. “I finally

The Julie Ruin left the crowd equally inspired and fired -up after their show on Oct. 16 Courtesy of Shervin Lainez

don’t have to fear that he’ll be able to find me. Finally, at 47-years-old.” She went on to discuss how victims of abuse often have to pretend everything is okay, because abuse is all they have ever known. The claim was met with vast agreement from the crowd. “Just seeing (Hanna) use her platform to voice opinions against abuse was inspiring as ever,” said San Diego State alumnus Ryo Miyauchi. “It’s one thing to have fun at a show and see your hero play, but it’s another to go home inspired.” While on the subject of abuse, the band segued into “Hit Reset’s” title track, a song inspired by Hanna’s relationship with her father. “I want to dedicate this song to all the women and men who’ve experienced abuse and are dealing with it however they want,” Hanna said. Throughout the night, the band


Across 1 Unlike this clue, obviously 5 Driving force? 10 Bar regulars, and then some 14 Bible book before Romans 15 One-named singer with 10 Grammys 16 William of “Broadcast News” 17 Does well at the casino? 19 On 20 URL ending 21 Bridge call 22 Hang loosely 23 Star’s statuette 25 Cereal box factoid 28 Mushroom cloud makers

30 Pale 31 __ shadow 32 Tip to one side 33 Etiquette expert Baldrige who was Jackie Kennedy’s social secretary 37 Concert finale ... and what 17-, 25-, 50- and 60-Across have in common 41 Comes back with 42 Hardly scads 44 Beer choice, briefly 47 Part of un mes 48 Ready for the piano recital 50 Opera house level 54 “Ugh!” 55 Climbed aboard

appeared extremely personable, especially with the banter between Hanna and keyboardist Kenny Mellman. Mellman often expressed his admiration of Hanna, repeatedly saying she wrote some of the best music of the 1990s. Hanna and Mellman also humorously discussed their differing opinions on Julia Roberts, with Hanna expressing her disdain for the way “Pretty Woman” depicts prostitution. The powerhouse performances continued, featuring throwback “Apt. #5” and a surprising cover of Courtney Barnett’s “Pedestrian at Best,” followed by the band members’ high praise of Barnett’s music. The Julie Ruin returned to playing tracks from “Hit Reset” with “Rather Not,” with the bluntly honest chorus begging to be sung along to. “I wish I’d never met you, I want you just

to go,” Hanna sang. “And if you really love me, I guess I’d really rather not know.” Prior to performing “Mr. So and So,” Hanna described her experiences with tokenism and how they inspired her to write the song. “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life being invited to places to talk about sexism in the music industry just so someone can give themselves a pat on the back for including me,” she said. The Julie Ruin exited the stage after performing “Oh Come On,” a track off its 2013 album “Run Fast,” but the fans refused to let the night end. The band encored with “Rebel Girl,” Hanna’s most iconic punk masterpiece originally performed by her band Bikini Kill, ending the night with her always empowering feminist punk that makes all of her songs anthems.


56 Some Neruda poems 58 Hawaiian tuna 59 Snack since 1912 60 Bullied 63 Musée Marc Chagall city 64 Ancient Greek region 65 Conversation piece? 66 __ chair 67 Minute 68 Archer of myth Down 1 Researcher’s garb 2 Puzzle with a quote 3 Recent medical research subject 4 Org. operating full-body scanners

5 Prepare, as avocados for guacamole 6 Ancient theater 7 “Tradition” singer 8 “Bravo!” 9 “You eediot!” speaker of cartoons 10 Ventriloquist Lewis 11 Delighted state? 12 Prize in a case 13 Fla. city 18 Go-__ 22 Overalls material 24 Financier aboard the Titanic 26 Strong string 27 1960s dance 29 Add sneakily 34 China’s Zhou __ 35 “In Here, It’s Always Friday” letters 36 Diminish 38 Enterprise choice 39 Academic figure 40 Southwestern farm owner 43 Rear ends 44 “See ya!” 45 Everycity, USA 46 Tenochtitlán natives 49 Where to see IBM and JNJ 51 Deschanel of the musical duo She & Him 52 Whom to trust, in “The X-Files” 53 Astronomer Hubble 57 PayPal’s former parent 60 Morsel 61 Salmon eggs 62 More than impress

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oct. 19 - 25, 2016 • THE DAILY AZTEC editor: Christine Whitman • FEATURES@thedailyaztec.com

I am still contemplating vomiting ahmad dixon Contributor ____________________________________ I haven’t thrown up in a while. Peanuts and avocados usually do the trick but I’ve avoided those like a lot of my classmates avoid showers. The closest I’ve come to vomiting recently came one early May morning while I was waiting for my friends to come pick me up. The three of us were going to drive to the San Diego Convention Center to see Donald Trump speak. I was sitting in the restroom, picturing how my day was going to go. My dad had sent me a video of civil rights marchers being beaten in the south with the audio of Trump’s classic “in the good old days” speech over it. This didn’t put me at ease. I’m a person with brown skin, an ethnic sounding name traveling in a truck with a Bernie 2016 sticker on the bumper. Nothing indicated that that day would go well. After staring at my bathroom tile for 20 minutes I briefly considered calling Roger, the owner of the aforementioned Democratic-Socialist Chevy, to tell him that I didn’t feel well but he was already out front. I spent another five minutes in the restroom, just in case, before hopping in the backseat of his truck. On the way, I noticed a homeless man talking to himself. This observation that slowly became the theme of the day, mentally unstable men speaking incoherently about nothing of substance. While we were waiting alongside my

fellow Americans to enter the Convention center, my nervousness slowly turned to boredom and for the first time in 24 hours, I felt like my breakfast was going to stay in my stomach. While outside we saw a woman carrying a handmade sign with the words “Trump isn’t afraid to say Radical Islamic Terrorism,” a man selling “Make America Great Again” hats, a particular item that would be incinerated later in the day, and miles of people adorned with “Hillary for Jail” merchandise. I can only assume they got their shirts at the “Hillary for Jail” Etsy online page. Saying the crowd was entirely Caucasian would be disingenuous of me. Inside I could see an African-American mother with her daughter, waving their American flags and wearing their Trump 2016 shirts, an African-American man in a black hoodie, a rather sizable Chinese family with a large banner saying “Chinese for Trump” and me. Inside the convention center, we were finally able to do what we came here to do, which was talk to the people without the 24-hour spin of mainstream media. We mixed and mingled, all secretly hoping we’d get a hot date for that evening. We spoke to several people, one woman who originally supported Ben “I stabbed a guy” Carson, then Ted “Insert Zodiac Killer Joke here” Cruz but happily supported Trump once he became the Republican nominee. All these people were totally and utterly polite and even praised us for being young men interested in politics, which

was not exactly I had in mind earlier that morning. I attribute this politeness to the fact our group had an unspoken agreement to be as non-confrontational as possible. Those speaking at the event were a good mix of conservatives, including some veterans, as it was Memorial Day, and the representative of the California’s 50th district. After a few of these speakers were all exhausted and I’m in a rotten mood, not because of the message but because I can’t sit down. I had run out of gum because I had given a nice man standing next to me who came all the way from Connecticut to hear Trump speak. He wasn’t a fan of political correctness, but he was a fan of gum. For the first time during the entire event I was suddenly excited. I got to see one of the people who first got me interested in politics back in 2008. Tina Fey herself, Sarah Palin. I thought her speech was everything I could ask for from a political rally, delightfully folksy while praising the virtues of Trump. You had to have been there. Trump, and I mean this sincerely, is a master entertainer. He knew to play all his greatest hits. When he mentioned Mexico the crowd responded with, “Build the wall!” When he mentioned Clinton or Obama the crowd erupted with “boos.” But Trump didn’t stick to his classics. Half way through Trump started talking about a hotel was planning to build in between the White House and the Capitol

Building. I guess I wasn’t paying attention when he explained how that was relevant. After the event, my friends and I went outside to watch the protesters. A large crowd divided themselves into two factions separated by police in riot gear. On one side I saw two men waving the American flag and on the other were men waving the Mexican Flag. I witnessed one fistfight and signs with words too vulgar to be printed in a school newspaper. But my favorite comment actually came from a person having lunch outside a nearby restaurant who said, “I was going to bring my American flag today, but I as worried something bad would happen to it.” While I was standing a safe distance away from the protesters, I did strike up a quick conversation with a woman who I will never forget, despite forgetting her name. She was simply trying to get on the trolley to go home but her commute was disrupted by all the shenanigans. She then said, “No matter who gets elected we’re all screwed.” I anxiously replied, “You can’t think so cynically.” Then I said something about love that even in the moment I thought was cliché. At the beginning of the rally, I had an exchange with a woman doing security. She said I looked nice in my jacket and tie. I responded with, “Well you have to look nice for a great man like Trump.” I’ll let you decide whether or not I was being sarcastic, while I contemplate vomiting again.

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