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Inside: University suspends Kappa Alpha Wednesday, Oct. 24 - Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018 Weekly Print Edition

Vol. 105, Issue 11 www.thedailyaztec.com

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913


OPINION: HELP VICTIMS Efforts must be made to defend both men and women from sexual aassault. PAGE 4

Sigma Nu fraternity ousted from campus National chapter forces removal after unspecified alcohol violations by Bella Ross NEWS EDITOR

A little more than two weeks after San Diego State’s Interfraternity Council voted to end its party ban, San Diego State’s chapter of Sigma Nu has been removed from campus by


its national organization. According to an Oct. 18 statement from the Sigma Nu national organization, the decision was made “due to confirmed violations of Sigma Nu fraternity’s ‘Risk Reduction and Policy Guidelines’ related to alcohol.”

The fraternity didn’t say what the specific violations were. A university statement confirmed the removal of the fraternity from campus and said SDSU supports the national SIGMA NU, PAGE 3

The introduction of winter session allows students to complete courses in 11 days. PAGE 5

AZTECS SURVIVE LATE San Diego State football avoids upset with 16-13 victory over winless San Jose State. PAGE 6


Photo by Abraham Jewett

Or loculicaet? Solium inemus sestanum iam forem iacciena, fuit. Ti. Gra? Nost factem. PAGE 5

Students dance outside SDCCU stadium during a tailgate party prior to the Sept. 15 game against Arizona State

SDSU changes tailgate rules, frats suspend pre-game events by Shauny Silas STAFF WRITER

DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS Familias honran a sus seres queridos que han fallecido durante el festival anual. PAGE 10

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San Diego State officials have made changes to football tailgating procedures, now requiring students and student organizations to register in advance. An email sent to all SDSU students on Oct. 13 listed a new policy requiring students and recognized student organizations with more than 25 people in attendance to register tailgates with ACE Parking at least 72 hours in advance of a tailgating event. The changes to the tailgating policy took effect on Oct. 20 for the Homecoming football game against the San

Jose State Spartans. “As the 2018 football season has unfolded, a number of departments have collaborated to make adjustments to the tailgating policy in ways that ensure the safety and security of all Aztec fans and visitors,” university spokeswoman La Monica Everett-Haynes said. The Interfraternity Council is one of the student organizations that has made adjustments for the newly amended tailgating policy. “IFC decided internally not to participate in tailgates for the remainder of the semester,” Interfraternity Council President Jacob Mahony said. “Although our decision to stop tailgating aligns with the university’s, our

community did not have any major involvement with the new rules.” The process of amending the tailgating policy was initiated by SDSU Athletics, the Division of Student Affairs, Associated Students, Ace Parking, law enforcement on and off campus, community groups and city partners. Everett-Haynes said there was no single event that caused the university to amend the tailgating policy. “The change is reflective of SDSU’s ongoing, partnershipbased efforts to ensure a safe and enjoyable tailgating experience TAILGATING, PAGE 3

Meningitis vaccines may have been defective by Will Fritz EDITOR IN CHIEF

San Diego State students who received meningitis vaccines from Walgreens on campus earlier this month were being asked to go back to have their vaccines readministered, the company said Thursday. About 350 students received meningococcus B vaccinations from Walgreens at vaccine clinics held at Viejas Arena on Oct. 5 and 8. The company later discovered those vaccinations were not given at the correct temperature and was on Thursday in the process of reaching out to students who received them, according to a statement from a Walgreens spokesperson “We recently became aware that the vaccine temperature at the time of administration was not optimal,” the statement said. “While we believe there is no associated safety risk, in order to ensure that recipients received full efficacy of the vaccine, we are in the process of contacting the students to offer re-vaccinations.” In a statement, university officials said they are working with Walgreens and the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency to ensure all students who were affected by the defective vaccinations distributed by Walgreens on Oct. 5 and Oct. 8 are re-vaccinated “Walgreens is communicating directly with all students impacted, and SDSU has begun offering support to help revaccinate students while also hosting space on campus for Walgreens to re-vaccinate those students,” the statement said. University officials said there were no additional confirmed cases of meningitis on campus, but county health officials will continue to monitor the situation. The two vaccine clinics were planned after San Diego County health officials declared a meningitis outbreak at SDSU on Sept. 28, following three confirmed cases of the illness among undergraduate students since June. Students under the age of 24 were asked to get vaccinated. County officials and Kaiser Permanente also gave vaccinations to students at the clinics. Those vaccinations were unaffected.

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