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Wednesday, April 17 - Tuesday, April 23, 2019 Weekly Print Edition

Vol. 105, Issue 30 www.thedailyaztec.com

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913


Adela de la Torre’s inauguration highlights curiosity, compassion

PREFERRED NAMES A new policy will allow students to use their preferred names on their diplomas starting fall 2020. PAGE 3

$162,000 LATER... Editorial: Adela de la Torre’s expensive inauguration says something about her priorities. PAGE 4

by Bella Ross NEWS EDITOR

As if 10 months on the job wasn’t enough to make it official, President Adela de la Torre celebrated her official inauguration in an April 11 ceremony in San Diego State’s Viejas Arena. The two-hour ceremony featured an array of speakers, including university curator and anthropology professor Seth Mallios, CSU Chancellor Timothy White and de la Torre herself. There were also multiple musical performances, an opening prayer and a video capturing de la Torre’s first

months on campus. In her presidential address, de la Torre focused on what it means to be the university’s first permanent, female, Latina president and how she plans to shape the culture of SDSU. “I know I stand here as the first woman to serve as permanent president to lead this university, but I recognize that I stand on the shoulders of women who have shaped the identity of SDSU from the very beginning,” de la Torre said. The ceremony was marked by the Spanish words “solamente SEE INAUGURATION, PAGE 2

Photo by Bella Ross

President Adela de la Torre addresses Viejas Arena, filled with university community members, at her inauguration on April 11.

Plant Power Black community, allies pledge to fight racism following break-in at BRC attracts over 1,100 customers on first day

MURRAY TRANSFERS Sophomore guard Najé Murray transfers to Cal, marking end of her career at SDSU. PAGE 5


the vandalism occurred. University spokeswoman LaMonica Everett-Haynes said the incident was under investigation and that officials still don’t know how the building was accessed. She said the incident resulted in more than $400 in property damages, mostly to equipment. Wood said the black community on campus is angry and hurt following the break-in. This incident marks the second time this semester the center has been an apparent target, with a video released in early March capturing the sound of a racial slur being shouted at the BRC by

Plant Power, San Diego State’s first completely vegan restaurant, opened its doors on April 8 and has been packed ever since. With students’ growing desire for healthier options on campus, Plant Power, located near the SDSU Transit Center, replaced The Den by Denny’s, which closed over winter break due to underperformance in revenue, according to February interview with Dining Director Paul Melchior. “We’re the first fully plantbased restaurant that also has full sustainable packaging across everything that we do on campus,” said Ravi Parikh, franchisee for the campus location. “We are also oriented towards a more full plant-based diet and we want to introduce that to people and show them how good it can taste and how good it can feel.” Popular menu items include “The Big Zac,” a spin on a cheeseburger but with a beef-like patty and a cheese alternative, the “‘Chicken’ Sandwich,” which includes a crispy chicken alternative and a variety of milkshakes made with almond milk. These fast food classics have even drawn the admiration of



GRADUADO DE SDSU Jerry Flores, graduado de SDSU, escribe libro sobre la segregación en la sociedad. PAGE 7 Photo by Kaitlyn Little

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INDEX News............................... 1-3 Opinion..............................4 Sports.............................. 5-7 Mundo Azteca.................... 9 Arts & Culture............10-11 The Back Page.................. 12

Dania Brett, University Senate Administrative Analyst, holds a sign that says “I stand with our black community” outside the Black Resource Center on the afternoon of April 15. She is part of a group that pledged to stand against anti-blackness on campus following two recent incidents where the center was an apparent target.


Students, teachers and faculty gathered at the Black Resource Center on April 15 to sign pledges to “create a welcoming and safe climate for San Diego State’s African American community.” Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer J. Luke Wood addressed event attendees, encouraging them to take three actions lined out in the pledge. The pledge had a checklist with each point directed at a specific group: faculty, staff, administrators and students. Some examples included faculty members doing things like

attending a seminar to reduce the classroom achievement gap for underrepresented students or implementing text that examines structural racism into their classes. Students were encouraged to pledge to enroll in an Africana Studies course or partner with the Black Resource Center on collaborative programming. All were invited to donate to the Black Resource Center and Africana Studies department and be an upstander to anti-blackness. The pledge comes after the Black Resource Center was broken into over the weekend, resulting in a damaged television and other items being moved around the building. No center employees were present when

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