Wednesday, April 24 - Tuesday, May 1, 2019 Weekly Print Edition
Vol. 105, Issue 31
San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913
Black students, allies rally after BRC break-in
GREEKS SPEAK Event gives insight into topics like hazing, sexual assault and discrimination in Greek life.
by Bella Ross NEWS EDITOR
REVIVE RECYCLING Opinion: California’s recyling system is broken and in need of expansive reform. PAGE 4
Photo by Lauren J. Mapp
Cultural anthropology sophomore Tamiel McKee Bey speaks in front of activists during the Black Students Matter rally at San Diego State on Thursday, April 18, 2019.
GOLF WINS CHAMPIONSHIP Women’s golf captures second Mountain West championship in school history. PAGE 5
JABOUKIE YOUNG-WHITE The writer and comedian made a visit to SDSU’s campus for a stand-up performance. PAGE 10
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Black students, allies and faculty members marched down Campanile Drive to Hepner Hall during a rally on April 18 where supporters demonstrated their intolerance for racism at San Diego State. The protest was in response to a vandalism incident at the Black Resource Center over the weekend, which resulted in more than $400 in damages, according to university spokeswoman LaMonica Everett-Haynes. During the rally, Associated Students President-elect and business senior Christian Onwuka read a list of demands
News............................... 1-3 Opinion............................. 4 Sports.............................. 5-7 Mundo Azteca.................... 9 Arts & Culture............ 10-11 The Back Page.................. 12
from the students to the university. The protestors want heightened security measures for the BRC, including an alarm system monitored by campus police and security cameras. “We don’t have cameras at the Black Resource Center,” said Tamiel McKee Bey, cultural anthropology sophomore. “Can somebody tell me why every other center, building, frat and sorority house on this campus has cameras, but we don’t?” Other demands included a sign in the front yard of the center, more police officers to be hired to work as safety escorts and funding to create a research symposium for faculty of color. They also wanted protection
for faculty and staff who speak out in support students of color, “culturally competent” counselors, training for faculty to advocate against racism and student involvement in the hiring process of faculty. Onwuka said he was demanding the requests to be fulfilled by Aug. 30. “How the hell can I represent my campus when my campus doesn’t represent me?” Onwuka asked. “How the hell can I speak for my campus when my campus doesn’t speak for me? How can I love my campus when my campus does not love me?” The protest was also in SEE RALLY, PAGE 2
A case of meningococcal meningitis has been reported at San Diego State, with possible ties to Greek life events that occurred over the weekend, the university announced in a tweet last week. The events include the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity’s formal, which was held on the night of Friday, April 12, and a Delta Sigma Phi event that was held the night of Saturday, April 13, at the organization’s chapter facility. This is the second time SDSU has experienced a meningitis scare this year, with the first cases reported at the start of the school year. An outbreak of the virus was declared by San Diego County health officials at the end of September after three cases were reported. One of those cases was also tied to Greek life as the girl contracted the illness after attending sorority rush events. Additional testing was underway to determine if this case is connected to the outbreak from earlier this year, according to a campus-wide email sent by SDSU Medical Director Cynthia Cornelius. The email said all SDSU undergraduates under 23 years of age are encouraged to get vaccinated. Those who have only received their second dose are not fully protected. There will be standing MenB vaccination clinics held at Student Health Services on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2 to 4 p.m. For more information about the virus, visit SDSU’s meningitis prevention webpage.
San Francisco-based Gensler firm chosen to design stadium for Mission Valley project by Ronald Penh STAFF WRITER
Meningitis reported after Greek life events
The architectural firm Gensler has been selected to design San Diego State’s new stadium to be located on the university’s future satellite campus in Mission Valley. The Gensler firm is based in San Francisco and has designed projects in the United States and internationally, according to their website. Some notable projects include the Etsy building in Brooklyn, New York, the
Shanghai Tower in China, and One Microsoft Place in Ireland. The firm also designed the Chase Center in San Francisco, which will be the new home arena for the Golden State Warriors. Construction is aimed to begin in 2020 and is planned to be finished by 2022, according to a university press release. The stadium will be designed to satisfy various venue settings such as collegiate and professional SEE GENSLER, PAGE 2
Courtesy of SDSU NewsCenter
Gensler has been selected to be the architectural firm behind the construction of the Mission Valley stadium, which will be a part of SDSU’s future satellite campus on the site.