Wednesday, Sept. 25 - Tuesday, Oct. 1 2019 Weekly Print Edition
Vol. 106, Issue 7
San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913
Students march in climate strike by Jadyn Brandt CONTRIBUTOR
On Sept. 20, the San Diego State community marched for climate reform in the Global Climate Strike inspired by 16-year-old climate activist, Greta Thunberg. Students, faculty, alumni and community members gathered in front of Hepner Hall at 11:30 a.m. to march throughout the campus. Participants of the march chanted and carried handmade signs in favor of climate justice. The march’s finale features an array of speeches given by student organizers, staff members and congressional candidates. “At SDSU, we feel that our climate action plan is not enough for what we need to achieve by 2030,” international studies and business senior and Lead Climate Strike Organizer Sarah Karver said. “So we really wanted to get carbon neutrality into our asks to make sure that climate is a priority moving forward.” According to the event’s Facebook page, students’ participation in the Climate Strike was focused on asking the current administration at SDSU to reach carbon neutrality by 2030, creating a Chief Sustainability Officer position in President Adela de la Torre’s office and ensuring the SDSU
3 suspects in custody after campus robbery by Aretha Matsushima STAFF WRITER
Photo by Jack Molmud
The SDSU community marches on Centennial Walkway as a call to action for climate change.
Mission Valley campus will be carbon neutral. Many of those involved saw the Climate Strike as a way to take small steps towards bigger changes. “We have to be loud and get the university to listen to us, you feel like you don’t know what to do about the Amazon on fire, but you can come to your school’s climate strike,” environmental and physical geography senior
and Logistics Coordinator Taylor Campbell-Mosley said. The turnout at the strike and the enthusiasm of those involved left some of the attendees feeling as though the future is in good hands. “I’m hopeful,” CampbellMosley said. “Sometimes it feels like you’re alone but when you see students, staff, faculty, community members here listening and cheering, and the
administration here wanting to talk to us, I definitely think there is going to be change.” The strike reached such large proportions that two candidates running in the Democratic primary for U.S. House California District 53, Joaquin Vázquez and Sara Jacobs, attended and spoke at the event. SEE CLIMATE STRIKE PAGE 2
The San Diego State Police Department released an update about an arrest made regarding an armed robbery that occurred on Montezuma Road on Sept. 19. In response to the recent incident, three possible suspects were taken into custody over the weekend, according to a universitywide email by SDSUPD. The armed robbery took place on Thursday at 4:17 p.m. at the north alley of 5700 Montezuma Road. The suspects asked the victim for cigarettes then brandished a small gun. They then took a vape pen, cell phone and pocket-knife from the victim, according to the original email sent by SDSUPD. The victim was not an SDSU student, university police spokesperson Raquel Herriot said. Herriot added after the incident, the suspects were known to have fled south from campus, initiating a search. “San Diego Police Department had a swat detail on Friday night in City Heights and they took seven suspects into custody,” Herriot said. “They confirmed that about three of those suspects were related to the Thursday incident.”
Black Resource Center debrief covers racial descriptions by Daniel Farr STAFF WRITER
After San Diego State was forced to notify students of an off-campus robbery that occurred last week, the Black Resource Center held a debrief on Monday, Sept. 23 to discuss racial descriptions in crime reporting. The crime bulletin was sent to SDSU students on Thursday,
Sept. 19 in a campus-wide email. All three suspects were identified as black males between the ages of 20 and 25 years old. Psychology senior Darren Wilson serves as the coordinator for the Afrikan Student Excellence Council, which oversees the 17 black organizations on campus. Wilson led the meeting and explained the importance of clarity in reporting. “I read the reporting policy
and (the university does) have to talk about age range, gender, race/ethnicity, body type and/ or height and two articles of clothing,” Wilson said. “In (last week’s report), the height and body type was missing for two out of the three suspects. Height and body type is a huge distinguisher between suspects, so that is definitely something that needs to be a criteria.” Last October, university police
collaborated with the office of Faculty Diversity and Inclusion to implement changes to the way the department reports racial descriptions of suspects. Most significantly, the new protocol requires a more detailed description of the suspect for their race to be relevant. “The race of the suspect will not be released unless there is enough identifiable information to distinguish the suspect from
our students, faculty and staff of color,” the email said. The changes came after a suspect description sent by campus police left uncertainty about almost all of the suspects’ identifiable attributes -- aside from their race. “Victims and witnesses described the suspects as tall, SEE BRC DEBRIEF PAGE 2
Photo by Daniel Farr
The Black Resource Center hosted a debrief to discuss suspect racial descriptions.