Cinemagraph Development We visited areas beyond Tempe to show the diversity Arizona has to offer. In both Jerome and Flagstaff we found eye-catching compositions based on the unique conditions during each shoot. Below are a variety of scenes captured during our exploration.
Lockett Meadow in Flagstaff, Arizona
Lockett Meadow in Flagstaff, Arizona
Old West Junkyard in Jerome, Arizona
Old West Junkyard in Jerome, Arizona
Old West Junkyard in Jerome, Arizona
Old West Junkyard in Jerome, Arizona
Cinemagraph Finalized In Jerome we encountered a Glassblower, who showed us how to make a medallion. With the organic shapes of the fire and the meticulous movement of his fingers the composition was dynamic, expressive and impactful. It was a wonderful moment to capture someone who is so passionate about their craft. The final GIF is a total of 32 frames.
Layered composition (2fr, 16fr, 32fr)
Still frame (10fr)
Still frame (20fr)
GRA 422: Fall 2017 Motion Graphics / Interaction Design
Students: C. Francis, L. Schaecher, E. Streiff Instructor: Scott Curtis