Graphic Design GRA461 Willow Smith / Howell, Montgomery

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The goal of the Senior Thesis Presentation focuses on current social

common mental disorder in America. Our society breeds anxiety

issues. My topic focuses on Anxiety Disorders, more specifically

and it becomes a shared cultural condition. I plan to research how

Generalized Anxiety Disorder. My presentation shares a personable

Anxiety Disorders manifest and how we can tackle their nationwide

narrative about the reality of Anxiety Disorders and their prevalence

prevalence. I believe the implementation of group discussions and

in our society. Everyone experiences a certain level of anxiety in

promotion of awareness about Anxiety Disorders can combat

their lifetime but for some it takes over and becomes a full fledged

our anxiety epidemic.

daily battle. In the midst of a tumultuous time in history, our Anxiety levels have risen drastically, overtaking depression as the most

01 – Introduction

02 – Narrative of what having a Anxiety Disorder feels like

03 – Facts about Anxiety Disorders

04 – Characteristic of Anxiety

05 – Transition to different forms of Anxiety Disorders

06 – Various forms of Anxiety Disorders

07 – How Generalized Anxiety feels

08 – Suspected causes of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

09 – Common symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

10 – How Anxiety is hardwired into our culture

11 – What modern Anxiety looks and feels like

12 – Connections between Online technology and Anxiety

13 – Anxiety is different for everyone

14 – Conversing about Anxiety

15 – Anxiety Disorder awareness and treatment solution

16 – Closing

GRA 461: Fall 2017 Visual Communication V

Student: Willow Smith Instructor: Paul Howell, Eric Montgomery

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