Fundamentals 03 + 04

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ALA 226 – Fundamentals 03-04

03 What is the Nature of a Door? A door is a threshold. As a Janus-like element, it is both an entry and an exit. Doors can be round and square, hinged and on rollers. It is a means of access, both physically and metaphorically. And, when one closes, another opens. Break on through.

04 What is the Nature of a Stair? A stair connects one floor to another. It can also be a place to sit and to gather, even stare. What sort of stair will you find? It makes me wonder, ooh, it makes me wonder.

03 What is the Nature of a Door?

Gammage Auditorium has two flying buttresses on either side of the building. Frank Lloyd Wright designed them to be analogous to “outstretched arms welcoming students to Arizona State University.� At the top of each of these flying buttresses is a door leading into the main structure. To the left of the door is a tall window. Opening this door requires key card access for authorized personnel only, but looking through the glass of the door one can see an elevator, a drinking fountain on the left, and a storage closet on the right. Towards the back one can also see that these are located at the end of a hallway.

e Auditorium has two flying s on either side of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed e analogous to “outstretched coming students to Arizona versity.� At the top of each ying buttresses is a door to the main structure. To the door is a tall window. his door requires keycard r authorized personnel ooking through the glass or one can see an elevator, fountain on the left, and a oset on the right. Towards one can also see that these ed at the end of a hallway.

03 - 01

03 - 01

A glass door at the top of the stairs inside Interdisciplinary A. The door creates a separation between the Hispanic Research Center upstairs and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Operations Center downstairs.

03- 02

03 - 02

Accessibility, partition, ventilation, and movement control. Without doors there is nothing but voids carved into buildings and structures. Entrance and exit, a door maintains the consistency of being swung, or slid. Interdisciplinary B contains sets of doors on both ends of the rectangular building. A corridor parallel to the long side splits the building at its center. At each end the corridor is capped with these doors that act as windows concurrently. About ninety percent of these doors are composed of glass from floor to ceiling. This allows for as much light as possible to enter into the prolonged corridor.

floor plan


03 - 03

03 - 03

As one walks up the stairs of the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, they approach the double door front entrance. On either side of the stairs is a metal hand rail and a black light pole. The symmetrical building wraps around the occupant and two windows look out perpendicular to the entrance doors. The double doors are primarily glass and open outwards. A key lock is positioned on the right hand door. A pillar rests on either side of the entrance door. The entrance seems to mimic a simplified form of Greek architecture.

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03 - 04

03 - 04

This door in the Social Sciences building has a glass insert in the center and metal lever knobs on either side. The window is framed with a beveled border that is painted gray like the rest of the door. There are stickers on the glass that read, “United We Stand” with stars that surround it and underneath a sign that reads, “STOP. Not a public entrance. Use main office door.” The window that these signs are posted on is backed with paper to block the view of whatever is held on the other side. The contradictory combination of a door that should not be opened and a window that cannot be seen through adds to what made this door the most interesting in the building.

03 - 05

03 - 05

The entryway/door I have chosen is located in Wrigley Hall (2006). This is an entryway leading “into” the building, supported by concrete columns. As you take a right, you enter my door. My door is glass, making it feel open. The whole building has a sense of open, almost like you’re outside while being inside. My door lets in light, controls traffic, all the while being aesthetically pleasing. While the door does not provide support in itself, the support surrounds with the concrete walls.

03 - 07

03 - 07


This particular door is the entrance to the chapel. It separates the religious area from the everyday bustle of campus right outside the MU buildings. Once the doors are closed, the outside noise is muted which creates a solemn, peaceful environment. There is an understanding that once a person enters the church through these doors, they themselves become solemn and peaceful. There is a very drastic difference between the college campus and the world within those closed doors.

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03 - 08

03 - 08

Doors open up a world. It is expected of a door to allow people to walk through as a way of navigating between two spaces. Doors guide a course of action for living things. Choosing this door in particular was interesting to me for the reason that it being the biggest opening, yet its wood framed glass windows are blocked with shutters not allowing a person to view what’s on the inside nor it had a handle on the exterior, limiting the experience of continuity between both spaces. Perhaps the purpose behind this door being inaccessible from the outside form an uncommon understanding for the capability of doors.



03 - 09

03 - 09

A door is usually a swinging or sliding barrier by which a space is opened and closed. The door I have chosen is about 8 feet tall and is made of metal and glass. I enjoyed the design of this door as it was very sleek and modern. It separated a private conference room from the main hall of the lower level of Hayden Library. What is interesting about this door is that it is supposed to separate a private space, but is composed of mainly transparent glass. Even as I was taking pictures of the door to study, people inside the space we’re looking at me as if I was crazy. Perhaps this door was a poor design decision for a private room.


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03 - 10

03 - 10

The door is a set of large pocket doors that spans twelve feet across (six feet each) and are ten feet tall. These doors offer the possibility of a large space suited for banquets when open or a smaller more private area removed from high traffic areas when shut. The detail about these doors that is so interesting is that these doors act as walls, because of their large size when they are opened it’s as if an entire wall has been removed. This illusion is only aided by how the doors slide into the walls and become a part of it.

03 - 11


03 - 11

There is one door at the Durham Language and Literature Building that is actually unique. With the windows and walls being the same throughout, it’s nice to see a special door that stands out as you walk the halls. On the first floor of the building, there is a tinted glass door that leads to a narrow hall, where a majority of teacher’s offices reside. It isn’t the most pleasant door to look at, but as you approach it, you feel the urge to see what continues. This particular door makes you want to stop what you’re doing and explore the building further.

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03 - 12

03 - 12

Even as far back as the Dolman tombs, humans have been creating doors. Doors create a point of entry and exit from a space. Walk in, go to class or enter the office, prepared to start the day. Walk out, breathe the fresh air, grab something to eat, or take the final stride of the day. Humans live their lives in and out of doors. Some we glide through with ease, others require a bit more of a push or pull. This door is a sturdy one, requiring a sense of purpose when entering and exiting. Its steel exterior with wood frame filling gives it this quality.

03 - 13

03 - 13

This door in the Cowden Family Resources Building rejects the natural Janus-like aspect doors historically follow. Only accessible from the inside, the door is constantly locked from the exterior. This door is also one of the four main doors in the building that open to the exterior. While there is another door facing south, that one is shaded more often and this door is receiving daylight during the majority of the day. This door gives off an informality that the others do not; it is situated in a corner and has no extensive framing like its counterparts.

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03 - 16

03 - 16

My door is from the Center for Family Studies. This door is the entrance to the office side of the building. It is unique because of the connection that it creates on the face of the building with the centering window. Most of the doors in this building are very similar, allowing this door to stand out. As I was drawing the door, it was interesting to see how doors are built alongside 12� thick concrete walls. When you see the door in plan and section, I think it shows how much of an emphasis is put onto the door from the walls.

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03 - 17

03 - 17

A door way closes and opens. Doors connect places, inside and out. In Murdock Lecture Hall, the doors do just that. They connect students and faculty on a professional level. They welcome them into a wide variety of seating in the Hall. The door on the northern part of the building does this perfectly. As students pass by the long-divided brick wall, they come to a double-set of wooden doors to greet their learning desires. It’s almost as a grand opening to the future. The door connects the outside world, to a learning one.

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03 - 21 03 - 21

03 - 21

This unique door located in the student health services building does not feature a hinged system, rather it incorporates a 4�x8� steel I-beam as a sliding track with wheels attached and a lock that is concealed by the long stainless steel handles which activate a steel rod to deploy into the foundation thus securing the door from any entry. This door is specifically unique for the fact that unlike a traditional door, it gives the sense of a wall moving and closing or opening a space to new areas of the building in an unconventional manner. Not only is this piece functional but it is also a pleasant decorative addition to the interior and leaves a feeling of diversity in contrast to other doors in the building but also a solidarity to the materials and design to the entirety of the building’s contemporary composition.

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03 - 25

This door is the main entrance to the Lyceum Theatre. Is is a set of steel double doors, with an arrangement of glass panels above and beside it. The door does its best to seem inviting. It has a diamond shaped glass insert on each side, at eye level, that allows sight into the building when approaching the entrance. This can make one feel that they are already inside the building, so there is no need for hesitation before entering. The door is locked with a vertical lock bar. It can be opened from the inside via a pushbar, and from the outside by simply pulling a fixed handle.

03 - 27

This is the primary door type of this facility. This door is electric for handicap accommodations. The handicap button doesn’t work, however one the door is opened a certain distance, the motor at the top of the door takes of and holds the door open automatically. This door leads to the elevator and bathrooms so it sees a lot of foot traffic. The door has two windows as well as a friendly note welcoming visitors into Old Main. The most interesting part of this door aside from it’s electronic functions would be the base. There is an opening at the bottom so that there is no friction when the door is opened but a rubber shield to keep dirt out.

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03 - 32

This door, located in the Mathews center, allows faculty and students to enter the building while also adding character. The large columns and pilasters located to the sides of the doorway show off the height of the building as well as the classical influence. The door itself consists of glass windows, allowing people inside to view the walkways and trees that frame the entrance. Because this building houses the Disability Resource Center, the large metal handles, and push bars are able to provide easy access to its occupants.

Floor Plan


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03 - 34 03 - 34

This door is located on the MU’s basement. It is besides a study area. As we know, basement did not have too much entrance and exit, so this door gives people convenience to leave the building without go upstairs. It is made by glass and metal. The light can go through the glass and makes the study area very bright. This door is very special that when I sit in the study area, I can see the outside through the door. There is a small courtyard outside. When I see the plants I feel very relax and peaceful. This is why I really like this door.

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03 - 35

03 - 35

This door is located at the main entrance of the Physical Education building, by Orange st. The significance of this door is that it’s the first thing one can see the moment one walks into the building and the walls make the entrance very defined. The best view is when one is inside the building it really frames a good picture of the university. So other than that one can watch the traffic of a university, but this door also separates one from become apart of it. The materials for this section and plan are glass, metal, concrete and steel, very basic materials the door is not complex to make, but gives a great experience.





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03 - 36

03 - 36



The Meovur building has two types of doors throughout but this specific door stood out because of its placement in the back of the building and its handles. It is situated in between a peculiar shaped border made out of brick and cement. It also only has one handle on one side of the set of doors to get in. The sections of glass are unique for it matches the windows of the building as well. The three by three set of glass accents the top half of the door and gives detail where it is lacking in other areas like the bottom half and its body.


03 - 37





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03 - 37

The main entrance to the bookstore is a wide garage styled door, with doubledoors located on both ends of the door. Both the garage door and double-doors are composed of multiple windows with aluminum framing which encases the windows. The use of windows allows natural light to illuminate the entrance of the bookstore, where a coffee shop is located. The irony of a garage styled door as the entrance is not for cars to go through, but for a better flow of people coming in and out.

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03 - 39

This is an entrance located on the north side of the Business Administration Building. The door separates the interior and the outside space. The metal frame around the door seals the glass which gives a better support to the glass. When it is locked, it provides security for the people inside the building.


03 - 40

03 - 40

Unfortunately, since Hayden Hall is a dormitory it has a repetitive structure. I was able to get a unique window detail, but all of the doors (or the majority) associated with Hayden hall are twoinch-thick metal doors. They have a metal handle on both the interior and exterior sides. It is a very general and simple design, with a screw on each handle to secure it, and a metal frame around the entire door to support noise cancellation.

03 - 03 41 - 41

The main entrance to the Piper Writer’s House is one of the most important features of the house. Some may think it is just a door but it is not. It serves as a barrier between the comfort of a home and the chaotic college scene. This door features a window which allows people walking past the property to get a glimpse inside of the residence or allows the residents to observe the outside world from the comforts of their home. This door also leads to a little patio with a few seats for people to relax outside, underneath a porch.

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03 - 42

On the second floor of Discovery Hall stands an interestingly peculiar sort of door. Unlike the rest of it’s neighboring doors, door 201 is a wooden Dutch door. Because of this double hanging, this door acts not only as a door for human passage, but also as a sort of window between the main hallway and the lobby on the other side. Besides having this unusual characteristic, the passage one takes through door 201 is quite interesting as well. Coming into this barrier from the exterior hallway, one crosses into a little lobby, and from there is given the choices of three other doors. I find this interesting because door 201 decides not to allow a direct passage from hallway to room, but instead acts as an intermediary between the hallway and three separate rooms.

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03 - 44

This set of doors is located in the north side entrance of the Student Services building. It is placed between two curved walls, one brick and one glass ribbon wall, creating a unique entrance experience. The two set of doors on the left open outwards and have a rounded handle on the exterior and a push-to-open longitudinal handle on the interior. The doors are made of glass with a metal painted frame. The second set of doors on the right side have the rounded exterior handles; however, don’t have a handle on the interior. Shown in the section of the left set of doors, the door ends at about seven feet with a level of metal to state the name of the building and a glass panel is continued above it.

03 - 45

03 - 45

An aluminum frame glass door introduced as a significant element of pre-war international style architecture in Europe and North America. The door provides ambient lighting in and gives a beautiful view when first entering into the Sun Devil fitness complex. Aluminum framing on the outside and to glass rectangles on each side, with a medal door handle to gain access. The unique part about this is that the whole wall all the way up is a curtain glass wall which provides a ton of ambient lighting in.



03 - 46 03 - 46

One of the purposes of a door is to open opportunities to enter a new world. In this case, the double door in Noble Library determines which world one is in. It divides and combines the staircase in the back of the library or the interior to where the Writing Center is located. This door enables light to enter the interior hallway through its glass windows. Perhaps the most interesting part about this door, in my opinion, is not the different types of handles that are used in the exterior of the double swinging doors, but its locking mechanism. Normally, the push bar of the door in the interior enables one to open the door, otherwise, the door will not open. When I tested the door mechanism, I did not even need to push the bar for the door to open. Once I observed its function more, I realized there is a hole for each double swinging doors located at the bottom. At that moment, I realized that the locking mechanism locks the door vertically instead of horizontally.












03 - 47

03 - 47

The door I chose is the main entrance door to the Galvin Playhouse located next to the ticket booth windows. I chose this window because it was one of the only doors that has glass surrounding the metal door frame. This door is main constructed of steel with glass elements, that is all enclosed by the cement mortar blocks that the Galvin Playhouse is built out of. Alongside the glass, I really liked that in front of this door, as you enter the arched brick walls, is a unique design piece of the floor that read “Paul V Galvin Playhouse� in honor of Paul V. Galvin, whom the building is named after.

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03 - 48

03 - 48

The main entrance door of West Hall is intriguing to observe in detail, as this door has been adapted and updated since its initial use in the 1930s until now. Initially, this wooden door was built without any footings or sills, relying on being shut by its lock. In the more recent decades, additions such as a metal door closer propped above the inside frame were added, along with a metal door bar on its interior. It is interesting to note that these features have changed the function and the aesthetic of the original door design.

03 - 49

03 - 49

While looking for a door, I spotted this door at the end of a stairway hall. It seemed almost hidden and seemed not to be used very often due to its placement. While walking towards the door, I noticed that this door was a replacement from a previous door .The door was made of glass, and metal. Brick was surrounding the edges of the door. While going through the door, you exit and see a brick wall on your left and a bike rack on your right.


03 - 50

This particular door is unique not just in this building, but in every building. The door rotates on an axis that is about 14 inches from its left edge, resulting in a small portion of the door swinging in while the rest of the door swings out. The door is composed of glass, with a stainless steel handle and 4 stainless steel plates, two of which hold the door on its axis and two of which allow the door to be locked respectively. The door grants access to a secluded glass box which serves as a study room. That room is only accessible from a metal walkway, and both the walkway and the room are suspended above the first floor.



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03 - 54

An entrance door can simply separate the indoors and outdoors of a structure, allowing passageway into and out of a building. However, with the glass in doors, designers can frame the views of the exterior and at the same time allow a peak into the interior. In Schwada’s Classroom Building, these double entrance doors provide a transparent view of the interior, enticing the public to travel through its long hallways, and a luring view of the exterior’s vegetation and blue skies. The thin use of glass to cover the facade of this door allows it to become a glimpse of what is to come when one passes through its barriers.

03 - 55

03 - 55

The drawing represents a gate located by the staircase that leads to the sun devil stadium. It is a long gate that encloses the whole main staircase that leads to the seating area of the stadium. It is a gate that allows people to see through it and to get a peek or an idea of what is behind the gate. The gate is also decorated with multiple different sizes of columns located on the doorway of the gate and it is surrounded by columns on both sides. The doorway that is located in the center does not have a knob however it is locked with a lock.

03 - 59

03 - 59

A small 6 x 11 ft. glass paneled wall on the south facing side of the ERC is tightly situated between two parallel brick walls. The glass wall is divided into rectangular sections by metal frames, the lower left two sections act as an entrance to the building. The enclosing brick space outside intimately corners the back door to the building. The 3 ft. wide door is unassuming, indistinguishable from the rest of glass wall at a distance, appearing as one. The top of the glass wall extends as the ceiling, sloped at an angle, it allows sunlight to enter from above, filling the vestibule with light. From the interior, the glass threshold extends the confines of the building, its transparency an honest anticipation of the outside.

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03 - 63

Coor Hall sports a signature grey and its doors are no exception. The heavy steel door leading to the lower level from the outside is painted a dark grey, with a perforated face and thick frames bordering it. One of the more interesting aspects of this door is the fact that it can only be opened from one side. An effective security measure, this makes it difficult to go to the lower level of Coor outside of school hours. The push bar on one side enables the door to swing outward from the user, and there is only that one door, mostly likely determined to be a one-way traffic exit from one level to the next. What sets this door apart is how rigidly it was designed with only one functionality in mind.

03 - 65

03 - 65

This trap door stands out for the obvious reason that it’s a perfectly functional door on the ceiling of the press box at the stadium. A ladder is necessary, of course, to access the hatch and the world above, and thus the opening is meant for intelligent bipeds. Locking mechanisms provide the security associated with doors, and there is one both near the door’s handle and the door’s hinges to prevent opening and closing respectively if necessary.






03 - 66

This door is an uncommon entrance in my building, seemingly seldom used, if at all. Two doors in fact, mirroring one another, split by what can be described as the step of a concrete pyramid. They are standard, framed, full glass doors with simple door handles, and push bars on the inside. What makes them special is their symmetry. Their near-abandoned appearance. They are used as a connective tissue between the inside and outdoors, and the lucky few who appear to use them enjoy a curated, porous, mirrored entrance into the territory of the arena.




03 - 69

03 - 69

Many see doors as a simple functional element of rooms which allows movement from room to room; however, doors usually have a deeper significance as well. In this case, the door’s functionality comes from its utilization as the diving towers only entrance. The opening itself, located on the first level, is the only opening which contains a door; the openings located on the upper levels, are simple “punched� openings in the poured-in-place concrete wall. This means that the door, which is clad with thin aluminum steel, has a deeper significance which comes from its ability to secure. The diving tower only allows limited access due to privacy and safety.

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03 - 71

03 - 71

Doors globally indicates the entrance to an enclosed place. It represents a gateway that transfers us into a new world and separates between inside and outside creating some kind of a curiosity, wondering what is on the other side. But no body talks about back doors and how important they are. It is like an escape way and an emergency one when needed. This door is located on the north side of the Science and Technology building, leading to this beautiful and peaceful mini garden. It takes us from labs and science to a zero stress natural place, creating a very unique paradox.





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03- 72

03- 72

03 - 72

The door from this building is a double door that’s within the building to access a conference room with computers. It’s mostly made of steel for the framing and glass to make it transparent to see from inside and outside of the room. It also only has a handle on one of the two doors to get in and out of. On the right side of the door it has a keypad and card scan to be able to get into this room. It has a little bit of space at the bottom of the door and in each corner of both sides of the door it has a small pole like feature. This helps open and close the door. Above and on each side of the double doors are windows which was unique because this was the only door that had windows as a wall structure for the room.

0303 - 75 - 75

Pictured here is one of the U.S.E. Building’s square garage doors, containing rows of double pane windows placed between the outer metal sheets. Window placement is at eye level, so when users walk by, they are able to see the projects being worked on inside. Simultaneously, the windows are allowing natural light into the space. The enlarged size of the door allows the workshop to function more effectively by allowing increased flow of movement into and out of the space, and large machinery can easily fit through the garage frame. This door controls privacy by acting as a barrier between the interior workshop and outdoor area. The user can roll the garage door upwards along the tracks for fresh air, or keep the space enclosed for a quieter workspace better suited for concentration. Lastly, the door is oriented to face the interior courtyard of workshops, which encourages a sense of community and connectedness with the other classrooms and users.

03 - 77

03 - 77

The dark semi-circular hallway winds slowly to the left. Lit by dim fluorescents, it branches off like a maze to countless wooden doors lining each side of the oppressive tunnel. One door stands out; a dense metal gateway to the bright and calming atmosphere waiting beyond those walls. Set back into the curving structure of the School of Music’s third-floor rooftop is a commercial grade, peach colored, heavy steel door flanked on either side by pentagonal columns. Closing off the symphony of music within the school’s halls, and isolated from the busy campus below, the door allows passage onto a remote and peaceful rooftop retreat where one can easily find themselves sitting down to get lost in thought.

03 - 84

03 - 84

Buildings, while all different in their own way, also have many similar aspects which reflect back on how humans as a species navigate their way throughout these different but same structures. The door lies within this different but same category. This particular door lies at the bottom of a set of stairs, hidden away in a corner from the main areas where people typically tend to pass. Someone would need to explore a but before finding this particular door which is why it was interesting to begin with It leads to the basement of the GW Science and Engineering Center which upon exploration seems to hold many labs for professionals in these fields.

03 - 85

Due to Neeb Hall’s unique layout the building is only accessible through the front. This limits the way in which students move through the space. Which prompted my curiosity for the unusual doors located at the edges of the building. These can only be opened by someone in the interior of the building. This specific design eliminates exterior distractions given how well they isolate and separate these two worlds.

03 - 86

03 - 86

Choosing a door to study was hard on my building as most doors look the same. The door I ended up choosing actually had a window in it which made it much more interesting to see as when you looked through the window you could see the classroom, but if you are on the other side you can see the hallway. This window is what made the door much more intricate as no matter what side you are it is like you are in different worlds. As doors are meant to open worlds and separate space.


03 - 87

Doors are openings in walls to help with entry, exit, ventilation, access to rooms,etc. The door I chose is a garage door that opens upward with a rotation mechanism to reel-in the door in a circular motion. The exterior of the door is big and it made me think of what is behind this door and what they put inside that needs this big of a door opening. It turns out there is nothing but junk from older projects behind it. There can be no access of a car or technically anything. The walk way is blocked off, so I guess another reason for a door is to hide objects behind it, or to keep it safe from damage from the weather. It still isn’t a useful way to use the door still, in my opinion.

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The door is the entrance and exit of a building, and the door is used to connect two or more spaces. The tennis court door connects the outdoor training grounds with the space for indoor athletes to rest. Athletes and others can freely enter different spaces through this door, which is very convenient for people. This door is made up of a transparent glass and aluminum frame. People can clearly see the introduction boards of athletes and coaches hanging on the wall through the glass.





03 - 96

03 - 96

The Sun Angel Stadium does not have doors that open and close, but instead a rectangular opening that is vertically oriented to allow the movement of people in both directions through the stadium. This opening controls the movement of people from the front of the track to the back of the stadium and vice versa. The stadium doors separate the loud, sunny, and overwhelming space of the track, from the quiet, and shaded space found beneath the stadium seats.

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These hinged swing doors are the tallest of all the doors within the ISTB1 building, matching the scale of the structure but without being uncomfortable. At around 9 feet tall, this designated portal denies and permits passage between the exterior and the lobby. Comprised of an aluminum frame surrounding double pane glass, these doors allow for visibility and the connection of the two spaces while helping to maintain the building’s temperature. These double doors can be closed and securely locked, yet easily opened outwards by means of emergency push bars, making them not only aesthetically pleasing but safe as well.



03 - 108

03 - 108

Every exterior door on the building is either an oversized overhead door, or an opaque maintenance door. This is the sole pedestrian door. It is a standard glass door with metal trim and details; however, it is positioned in way so that it blends seamlessly with the large vertical glass panels that accent the concrete wall. Instead of customizing an oversized glass door, the standard door was used and then surrounded by two glass panels to make up for the size differential between the door and the other glass panels along the length of the wall.

03 - 135

03 - 135

This door is located on the second entrance of the Computing Commons building. This tis door is the one of a couple of doors’ that let you in the second floor. From there you can only get to upper levels by an outside staircase and elevator. This interior door is made from solid wood trimmed with a metal frame. The push handle makes it very accessible to everyone, but is always propped open.

01 - 136

03 - 136

No opening is more important then that of the entrance. Some buildings make sure to have the entrance front and center and other buildings like those of Frank Lloyd Wright are more obscure and to the side. At the Sonora Annex the main entrance cannot be missed as is under a tall rectangular tower, in resemblance of a steeple on a church. The door that welcomes the inhabitants is a single glass door with two floor to ceiling windows on each side. This door leads to a small lobby which one can use to access a small grocery store or an office area which leads you directly to the pool in the south side of the building.




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03 - 138

03 - 138

These double doors are connected to the outer perimeter wall of the Sonora Center. It is made of an iron frame with iron panels on the outside frame creating a hollow center. It has a unique design that looks like a sun rise cut into both panels that gives you a slight view into the complex. Also, placed at the bottom interior of the doors are a series of flood lights. These fascinating doors serve a few purposes for this complex. They act as a continuous perimeter wall since they seem to always be closed for safety reasons. However, they can open outwards because of the connected hinges, which gives a clear view to the center path of the courtyard leading to the dorms. It gives this older building some outside aesthetic because it is the first thing you notice when walking towards the complex. Just like the windows, the doors give you a view of the interior landscape and outdoor student activities.

03 - 139

03 - 139

These doors are the only entrance and exit to the Engineering Center Annex building other than a fire exit which is locked from the inside. I wanted to showcase the complexity of these glass doors because of how simple they may seem to anyone who is simply using them to enter and exit this building. The contrast between the transparency of the windows and doors leading into the building and the opacity of the brick walls that surround the rest of the building draws attention to the fact that this is the greatest connection this building has to the outside world.

03 - 140

03 - 140

The door represented here at Farrington Softball Stadium is the door that is located at the back of the field for the players. This drawn door represents where the players can enter and exit the field for their games. This door in this location is special because it is reserved only for the players. No ASU fans can come through this door. The door is connected into the surrounding fence of the field and even though it is not the most “fanciest� looking door, it means a lot to them because this is where the players enter to play the sport they love the most.

03 03 -- 153 153

03 - 153

Under the stands at the ASU soccer stadium is a custom made sliding door. This allows for maximum ventilation which is exactly what you want on a public bathroom. It sits on a track off of the angled wall. It’s made from square stock steel tubing. In a dark place like this underground bathroom the perforated holes on the door also allow light to enter in. It’s an extra large door to allow pedestrians to enter and exit at the same time.

03 - 154

The door I have chosen appears to be an average door but it’s unique in several ways. It is a very odd door due to the fact that it is below average height, with a handle that is located towards the top and is not solid. This door has non-movable, vent-like blinds that let air in and out of the small room, which gives it no climate control. The purpose is simply to conceal what may be in the room behind it. However, the door makes the space under the stairs, where it is located, feel less closed off and gives that space a purpose. Plants grow all around the door but a path still remains to it.

03 - 006A

03 - 006A

Doors, the symbols for new beginnings; a threshold, gateways, transitions, etc. But a door is much more than just a metaphor, it is what separates the outside living environment from the inside, but can also connect the two as well. The door to enter the Engineering Center A is a see-through glass door held together by metal, guiding you into a small lobby. Since glass takes up most of the door, the rest of the metal portion is filled with Polystyrene, acting as an insulator between the two environments. The door remains unlocked during the day, and during after hours can only be unlocked by scanning your ASU ID card.

03 - 053A

03 - 053A

This door is located on the east side of Bateman Physical Sciences B-wing. This is a metal chain link door that slides from a hanging wheel mechanism. The right side of the door also includes a lock. The main purpose of this door is to protect lab equipment/ materials outside of the building. The door ventilates by allowing air through its gaps, filters light during the day, and also protects what’s inside by creating a boundary between equipment and the students.

03 - 057B

03 - 057B

“One door closes, another door opens” This quote is an example how doors are viewed in today’s society; as opportunities. The primary function of a door is to regulate access to various parts of a structure. Additionally a door can regulate privacy, noise, and exterior doors can regulate airflow. Doors can be locked to restrict access to certain areas at certain times. Some doors are solid while others have windows. This particular door has a large window and is set into a large glass wall. This door is also key card protected, so that only those with access are allowed to enter.

03 - 104A

03 - 104A

A vehicle arrives at the entrance of a parking garage. A user reaches out of the vehicle to insert a plastic chip into a box, holding the key to a sort of limbo. This box accepts the user and then swings its spanning arm above the user’s head and vehicle, allowing both to enter its associated structure. The arm of this box moves in many ways. Specific to this one, the arm will rise and then bend, creating a passage way in. An entrance, designed for vehicles, but vehicles, used by people.

03 - RP01

03 - RP01

Bank of America on Mill gives its building a whole different essence. The semi-circled curtain wall + door, they defined as entrance, means much more than that. This unusual entrance to the offices, provides a glance to bystanders of a piece of art, that is very well under-appreciated. The curvature of steel-made beams presents connection, support, and security to a building where those characteristics are a must. Furthermore, the Brickyard on Mill has accommodated a door/ window/wall to mix them together in order to display an example of all 3 elements working together as 1.

03 - RP02

03 - RP02







This sliding gate serves as the doorway for vehicles exiting the parking structure. Unique from other doors in the structure, the gate’s sliding motion is triggered by motion sensors which recognize approaching cars. Light and air are screened through constantly, regardless of the door’s position, while vehicles are only able to exit once the gate is fully open. The gate’s red coloring as well as the large amount of sunlight it lets through invites and directs drivers to the exit location. Despite being slid closed the majority of the time, the gate continues to allow an understanding of what exists beyond its barrier.





03 - RP03 03 - RP03

03 - RP03


At the Solar 45 Parking lot, the door aspect that shows up in the structure that is on the lot is an open space between two separate columns. The door has a covering for the people that are walking through it to get a source of shade. This can be considered a door because it gives one the ability to walk away from the side that they were on and gives them a different opportunity to experience what is on the other side. The particular area that I choose to draw was not one of significance because the row of columns all have the same type of opening so it was not more important then the other.

03 03 -- X80 X80

03 - X80

04 What is the Nature of a Stair?

The selected staircase at Grady Gammage Auditorium connects the flying buttress to the parking lot. It helps to elevate the user from the parking lot to the doors on the second level of the main auditorium. As part of ADA compliance, this straight-run stone staircase also contains a long, winding concrete ramp beside it. This ramp wraps around the staircase to allow the handicapped to easily elevate themselves onto the buttress which bridges over the parking lot towards the entrance. The staircase and ramp combination acts as one of multiple ways people can move from the parking lot towards the building.

04 - 01

04 - 01

Stairs can be found inside Interdisciplinary A. The profile of the steps have an irregular and curved asymmetric shape, which makes it unique to this building. The support pillars under the stairs and landings almost seem like an art piece and demand your attention in the way that they interact with the stairs and their surroundings as it comes in contact with the ground.

04 - 02

Serving as a form of transportation on the three-dimensional level, stairs have become essential to walking diagonally from one floor or platform to the other. Whether it be up or down, stairs function to fix the elevation of a pedestrian. For my building of study, the stairs are located outside of the building’s infrastructure. In other words, they stand adjacent to the walls that provide entrance into the facility. This allows to take in the surrounding ambient as one climbs or descends the stairs. An alley way with big trees provides movement for bikes and walkers seen from above down.

04 - 03

04 - 03

The Stairway is a switchback which leads between the first and second floor of the school of Human Evolution and Social Change. The stairwell is likely a pan stair frame though the internals are not exposed. A three foot guard rails runs along the inner portion of the stairwell. The back wall is composed of expose brick and has a window that illuminates the scene. An alcove with a desk and chairs resides under the staircase.


04 -

04 - 04

The staircases that lead to the upper levels of the Social Sciences building mirror across the centrally located atrium. The landings of the stairs are made of concrete that taper as they extend into the open air space before leading up to the next floor. These landings are great spaces to gather and admire the atrium. Plants surround the ground level while ambient light floods the space. Up the second flight, blue and green tile cover the wall beside the stairs leading to the upper level. In conjunction with the ambient light, sprawling vegetation, and decorative masonry, these stairs elevate the viewer to another understanding of the building.

04 - 05

04 - 05

My stairs, located outside of Wrigley Hall (2006) lead to a secret passageway on the second floor. On the South side of Wrigley Hall, surrounded by trees, is where my stairs lie. Their unique shape catches attention as people saunter by, making you want to climb them. Their unique color of teal adds to the aesthetic. Once you ascend the many stairs, they bring you to the 2nd level, eager to explore what lies behind the single door.

04 - 07 04 - 07

This staircase is the only one that elevates a person to the second floor for the entire building. It is located on the outside of the building starting on the east wall and wrapping around the south wall. The stairs lead to a door that is always locked, and because this door is locked it evokes a sense of curiosity to find out what is beyond the door. Though this building is a church, there seems to be no religious context for the stairs. Their main purpose is to elevate a person from one level to the next. They are hidden behind trees and placed near the back of the church.

04 - 08

04 - 08

Stairs should be designed as a social interaction and connection area. The versatile nature of these stairs provides an informal area for gathering and socializing in a highly flexible, outdoor environment. The history of stairs dates back to the first human structures, yet learning stairs are now resurfacing as an active design concept in educational environments becoming a multipurpose, studentcentered spaces. Hence the doors are locked at all times, this set of stairs acts as a social space since it offers an impromptu and informal seating area for students.

04 - 09

04 - 09

Stairs come in many shapes, sizes, and materials. Despite guiding people either up or down, the purpose of these structures varies from space to space. The stairs I have chosen lead to the entrance of Hayden Library. I have always enjoyed the experience of descending from the main level of campus to the underground portion of the library. It feels as though you’re entering a somewhat secretive area as the steps widen at the bottom. As you are leaving the building, you take the stairs and rise back up to ground level where it ever so slightly narrows in width.

04 - 10

04 - 10

These stairs follow the curvature of the wall making the ascent or descent between floors very smooth, an almost effortless transition. They make two quarter turns one at the top and one at the bottom with landings placed where the wall curves. The lack of corners keeps the wickedness from getting caught on the stairs and disturbing the members of the University Club. The staircase has a light fixed in the center which pours down light onto the stairs as well as the lobby creating a nice transition from dark into the light. This change in light might feel like an bridge into a afterlife of sorts for the alumni, the campus they once roamed they now watch over and provide for.

04 - 11

04 - 11

The use of stairs can date back to the first human structures, to allow humans easier access to raised or lowered platforms. The nature of stairs, however, have changed throughout history. There are many ways stairs can facilitate and organize people, just like in the Durham Language and Literature Building. On the southern side of the building, is an egress staircase that is situated outside. With walls and structural elements surrounding the staircase, it is hidden from other views. This particular staircase is special due to how students interact with it and the odd nature of the brick faรงade in the middle. With it being mostly hidden, a minimal amount of students make their way through this area. After further observation, students seem to act slower while walking up and down. The stairs themselves have a wider run than usual, making students feel the need to slow down and take a deep breath.



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04 - 12

04 - 12

The stair elevates one to new worlds and proves there is much more to life than can be experienced on the ground. Stairs evoke new feelings and bring about particular moments that can only be experienced through height. The invention of the stair prompted the innovation of the balcony, pointing one in a specific direction to be able to look out to the world beyond and appreciate it at new heights. These stairs, located at the ASU Psychology Building, with a multitude of landings that also function as balconies, evoke a real sense of curiosity. As one walks up, they are able to experience a new view at each level, and wonder what they will see at the next.

04 - 13

04 - 13

Not only do these stairs provide access throughout the Cowden Family Resources Building, they also provide a mental ascension. By their nature, they automatically draw the eye upwards and create a sense of interest as to what is at the top. This is the main staircase in the building and is much more decorated than the rest of the egress stairs located on the edge of the building. These stairs also provide a sense of direction; if you see them you know where you are in the building. The sense of identity that the stairs give off is why I chose them.

N 04 - 16

04 - 16

There stairs are from the Center for Family Studies. These are the only stairs located inside the building leading to a small second floor. Focusing on the bottom two stairs, they have a different rise and run from the rest. The most difficult part of this 3-D drawing was the railing. I spent the most time making the detail and dimensions of the railing to be correct as well as the small overhangs on each stair for the carpet material that covers them. These two railings and floors on the top connect, but I left these out of the drawing to be able to see the stairs.

04 - 17

04 - 17

Stairs are a main part of society, everyday life, and to Murdock Lecture Hall. Within the building, stairs are an import part of student life and faculty. Between the socializing or waiting around for class, there is a set on the southern side of the Hall which connects everyone together. Rather than connecting one space to another it connects people with its open surroundings and open vegetation on either side. The small rise and the long runs make you slow down and enjoys the surroundings. The long concrete steps have more of a purpose than just connecting one elevation to another.

04 - 21

04 - 21

This staircase located off E. University Dr. at the Student Health Services Building establishes a connection from two levels of the offices, bringing different disciplines of doctors and patients together while also utilizing as much space as possible by placing a help desk just under the steps on the first level. In addition, the stairs are bordered with a frosted glass faรงade which evokes a type of intimate privacy during the elevation transition. On the Eastern wall two large windows present this space with plentiful amounts of light which can be interpreted in a religious aspect as transitioning from dark to light, or more appropriately for a medical building; from sickness to health.

04 - 25

04 - 25

This stairway leads to the seating area in the Lyceum Theatre. Upon entry to the room, you are confronted by a wall that seems to tower over you. You have a choice of turning left or right, each leading to a set of stairs. These stairs have a rise of 8� and a run of 10�. This combination makes the people walking up there feel like the stairs are at a higher incline. Once you reach the top, you have a view of all the seats and can quickly choose one. These stairs do a good job of establishing the sense of leaving an area and entering a new one.

04 - 27

04 - 27

These stairs represent generations of ASU students and alumni. Out looking a grassy lawn and a rustic fountain is a staircase that has welcomed many students into Arizona State University. When ASU was just beginning, Old Main was the only building and the school’s pictures where taken on these very steps. This is where it all began.

04 - 32

These stairs located on the exterior of the Mathews Center, connect the ground level to the a lounge on the second floor. The stairs themselves are made from cement and are supported by metal beams as well as a concrete wall. The wall adds visual interest because of its placement in relation to the building. There are windows within the wall that creates interesting shadows in the afternoon sun. The stairs and wall function together to elevate and separate space.




04 - 34


This stair is the main stair in MU. When people enter MU in North entrance. This stair is the convenient way to go upstairs or downstairs. The stair is supported by a concrete wall and a glass wall. Which means the stair does not need extra light in daytime and people can look outside through the glass wall. The most special thing is every step in this stair has the skid resistance course, it make the stair also very safe.


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04 - 35

04 - 35

These stairs are located at the main entrance of the Physical Education building, by Orange st. The significance of these stairs is that they are near the entrance and the exit, but also it’s that they have a two way flight of stairs. The good thing about the switch back stairs is that they are very wide and accessible for students and teachers, just in case there is a fire or emergency. The stairs are made of concrete, steel, and the rails are made of wood and medal to hold the rails.

04 - 36

04 - 36

When thinking about the purpose of a staircase, one could say it is to elevate someone or something. What caught my interest in this stair case is that there was no purpose. The staircase itself is quite fundamental, but upon reaching the bottom of the staircase, it leads you to a complete dead end. Specifically, a window is what you run into. It’s as if there is supposed to be a door, but indeed a window to actually prohibit you from your journey. When having to come back up, the railing makes the rest of the structure just as peculiar since there is a platform between the two sets of stairs. It makes you question what the designers were intending and thats what makes it even more intriguing.

04 - 37

04 - 37

As humans we create bigger ideas than ourselves, then we create new ideas to reach them. There was a set of stairs within the bookstore, which is used to reach out for products they sell like clothes that are too high up. What made them different from most stairs, is that it was a rolling latter. They are very useful because they can be used almost anywhere, can be moved from place to place. Its wheels make it easier and more convenient when trying to move the stairs.

04 - 39

04 - 39

This is a part of the switchback stair outside the Business Administration Building. The stair provides access to different floors. The beginning part of the stair has a very unique design. It makes people feeling like stepping into a room, but it is opened to the outside environment. The brick veneer wall also gives the stair “entrance� an interesting appearance.

04 - 40

Dormitory’s serve the convenience of being able to access different levels where rooms are present due to stairs. Stairs are a set of steps, which consist of a bottom stair landing, a top stair landing and the flight of stairs. These stairs allow freshman students to walk conveniently up and down as they please. The railing is for support and guidance up the stairs. The hand rail also helps walk down the stairs fast with ease. Stairs are needed in case of emergencies for beings to walk down swiftly and safely.

04 - 41

04 - 41

Piper Writer’s House has a very unique staircase located straight in front of the main entrance. The staircase has design cues that are very representative of the time it was constructed. It seems that this style of design is slowly fading away in favor of a more modern look. With the stairs being placed directly in front of the main entrance, this allows the owners to quickly get to the stairs without having to walk past any obstructions. The way it is positioned and designed makes it the focal point of the interior because it is symbolic of the era it was made which is truly unique.

04 - 42

04 - 42

Stairs perform the primarily the function of connecting levels; whether it be inside a building, outside a building, or different topographic grades. The main staircase of the Discovery Hall building does just that. It connects all the levels of the building, from the basement all the way to the third floor. I noticed that this is not the only performance this staircase does, it also serves as a social connector. The staircase serves as a place for friends to meet up together right before a lecture so that they could sit next to each other. It serves as a place to sit down and have a snack break before heading to your next class. This staircase is unique because it not only serves its purpose to connect one from the basement to the second floor, but also as a sort of ‘room of requirement’, taking he function of whatever it may be required for at the time.

04 - 44

This set of stairs are the first stairs seen after entering through the main entrance on the east side of the Student Services building. The building’s most prominent features include the abundance of circles including the entrance to each floor. There are twelve steps, then a stand, and another twelve steps before it reaches the ground of the second floor. The steps are covered in tile and the handrail of the stairs include a concrete barrier and a rail that raps around a curved edge at the bottom. The stairway itself is enclosed and stands out in contrast to other stairways in the building like egress stairs. It elevates and evokes an atmosphere due to it’s placement below an opening of natural lighting and the center of an open lobby giving users a chance to view their surroundings.

04 - 45

04 - 45

Stairs are just more then giving you access to a level up or level down. They connect space and quite frankly can provide an aesthetic look on them. For this stair when you first enter the sun devil complex this is the first thing that catches your eye. With motivating words on them, and the unique stair case this is the attention grabber when you enter this facility. The stair made out of tile and a red brick wall as the background gives it a beautiful unique look to this staircase and that is why i choose this.

04 - 46

Although staircases were a symbolic piece of architecture in the past, people today see their purpose in a less spiritual or symbolic way. Today, they are known to simultaneously connect and separate spaces, such is the case with the chosen staircase for the drawing. Located at the back of the Noble Library, this staircase connects the restrooms of the first floor and the Writing Center of the second floor. Facing southwest, I cut a section right through the northeastern wall to show the full axonometric drawing of the entire staircase. The railings that were not supported vertically are connected to the masonry wall. Perhaps what interested me the most about this staircase is its chosen texture. Most of the staircases in the library are made of masonry, but the contrast of the plastic that was chosen for its texture is something that caught my attention.



04 - 47

04 - 47

This staircase is located between the ASU Art Museum and the Galvin Playhouse. The architect of the Nelson Fine Arts Center built these stairs to separate the west and east sides of the art center. This particular staircase is the largest staircase in the Fine Arts Center located outside. When at the top of the steps you can over look a majority of the Fine Arts Center and see all the architecture that composes the building. Also, students interact with this staircase by sitting on the steps to congregate, do homework or even gather with friends and sing.

04 - 48

04 - 48

The side entryway stair at West Hall is intriguing, as it is multi-functional, with a ramp attached. The steps were in a set of three, which attracts the viewer’s eye to their formation and function. These stairs are also fascinating in that the long length and the ramp feature are recent additions to this pathway, most likely added after the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This stair that may seem ordinary while in passing is, in fact, a notable piece in telling the history and adaptation of the building. Newer additions which are required by law that are made to older buildings evoke the question of what the original designer would think of such adaptations to their design.

04 - 49

04 - 49

In the center of Wilson Hall building is a staircase that is used throughout the day constantly. Many professors use many students use the stairs to visit professors for office hours. The stairs are enclosed with walls and on the first landing there is a window viewing a bike rack. Steps are made of concrete, these steps are also a size that can be used to walk up quickly, since it does not take long strides.

04 -045050

This staircase is interesting because the first four steps are dug into a slab of concrete, rather than being built up out of any material. The staircase then turns and rises above the concrete slab before turning again and meeting the second floor walkway. The concrete serves as both a platform for the staircase and a place to sit and rest. The staircase that sits upon the concrete slab is composed of aluminum folded into the shape of steps. The steps themselves rest upon I-beams, which hold both the staircase and the walkways on the second floor.

04 - 54

04 - 54

Stairs can transfer individuals from one space into another, but what is often forgotten is the stair becoming a space itself, a transition or blend between the two spaces. In the Schwada Classroom Building, these exterior stairs lead you to the firstfloor entrance of the building which is situated below ground level. These wide concrete steps are narrowed and defined by two exterior slabs of concrete on either side, making the descent down these steps one characterized by a loss of natural light and open space. The user is overcome by the weight and height of the walls as the exterior setting of the building becomes lost.

04 - 55

04 - 55

The drawing shows part of the stairs that connects to the upper seating area of the stadium. It is a long and wide staircase that turns at an angle every 10 or 9 steps. The staircase is also interesting because it is very wide which allows many spectators to enter at the same time and it is decorated with vegetation in the middle to separate the people that are exiting and entering the building.

04 - 59

04 - 59

The stairs in the ERC are individual stairwell units and come in pairs with the elevator shafts throughout the building. The conventional circulation route is dominated by the elevator, which isolates the stairwells from heavy traffic within the building. The south east staircase is a three quarter turn structure and is a metal pan design with precast terrazzo steps. The individual pans are welded to each other, welded to the stringer, and the stringer is then bolted to the wall of the fireproof stairwell. The metal risers, stringers, and railings that make up the staircase are worn and painted green.

04 - 63

04 - 63

Coor Hall has seven stories; six on and above ground and one lower level Other than the elevator, there are two flights of stairs on either side of the building which lead to the main walkway in front of Coor. At the landing against the wall opposite of the stairs is a gravel area with vegetation native to Arizona such as Weber’s Agave and Trailing Dalea. The guard railings attached to the concrete wall on either side of the stairs are made of steel and painted grey to match the rest of Coor. These stairs lead to classroom after classroom making the stairs one of the most populated areas of Coor, attracting high volumes of traffic through the day.

04 - 65

04 - 65

This staircase functions both as an elevator and an establishing element, providing seating as well as a method of ascent to a better view of the stadium. The stairs themselves are constructed in such a way as to make the user slow down a bit to prevent a fall and to make a safe stopping point for one to enter the benches on either side of the construction.

04 - 66

Flanked by large, monolithic stone planters, this central staircase is fairly minimal and uniform with the surrounding exterior features of the stadium itself. These stairs help to establish the circular framework on which the stadium is regulated by serving as a crucial elevated point to gain access to the building’s interior. The stairs, while sizable in presentation, are minimalist in construction and consistent in the design of the building.



04 - 69

04 - 69

Stairs do more than simply function as an access to different levels of buildings. From its importance of elevating for spiritual or sacrificial purposes, to evoking social mixtures, stairs are utilized in a variety of ways. In this case, the stairs elevate to create a large space which is utilized as a seating and viewing area. The stairs are also used to evoke an audience; a gathering of spectators. Rather than working as a traditional flight of stairs, these stairs have steps that each have an individual importance as they do not simply lead to a separate room or level, they are their own level.

04 - 71

04 - 71

Stairs are mainly used to connect one level with another. It can be inside the building or outside it. It is placed in the best spot to assure the easiest circulation. All stairs look the same but creativity involves the way it is attached to the building in an unusual way, a way that turns the stairs into a focal point instead of a secondary accessory. In the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology building V, the back stairs were rapped around a wall. The wall have no function to the building, but it surely serves the stairs, creating a gate to a garden hidden in the back, as well as an entrance to the building on both first and second floor.





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04 - 72

04 - 72

The stairs from this building are switchback and go from the first to the second floor. It is made of steel and marble stone. It has a curve platform to give people a break from the stairs to prepare for the next set of stair. This happens twice before people can make it to the second floor. These are the only accessible stairs for guests and students who aren’t apart of the science department.

04 - 75

The staircase leading into the West entrance of the U.S.E. Building acts as a bridge that connects the outdoor parking space to the interior space. Indoor and outdoor separation is emphasized by an elevated row of plants that runs along the building’s floor outline. Thus this small garden creates a continuous physical border between the building and its surrounding environment. Because of this wall, the stairs initiate an atmospheric shift as one progresses up the steps. The top landing is aligned over the edge of the plants’ wall, elucidating the idea that a user is crossing over this border into a completely new space. Additionally, the roof overhang and railings partially enclose the landing area, creating a subtle shift from the freedom of the outdoor space into the enclosed interior of the building.

04 - 77

04 - 77

Along the sidewalk on East Gammage Parkway where the School of Music meets the corner of Mill Avenue, a passerby might notice the amusingly long spanning arm of a pale red colonnade. Dead center among this row lies an archway flanked by columns and three concrete stairways consisting of three steps. Respite from the monotonous exterior design, the arch and the stairs guide one forward up into a shallow orthogonal stucco cave. One more set of stairs awaits, two curving steps. Interestingly enough, the sight lines both within and beyond the cave all point to the buildings most important rooms; the main entrance and two adjacent wings where students work tirelessly to master their instruments.

04 - 84

04 - 84

Stairs have the potential to elevate up or down. The chosen stairs lie in a stairwell elevating down into the basement of the GW Science and Engineering Center. They are interesting due to the fact that they are surrounded by huge slabs of concrete which almost hide the stairs entirely. The surrounding walls are drawn to be hidden so as to show the stairs themselves as well as the thickness of the slabs of concrete. A sense of curiosity arises as to where the stairs lead. When looking at the stairwell from the outside, one would never suspect there to be stairs leading underground.

04 - 85

04 - 85

Due to Neeb Hall’s unique layout the building was constructed in a descending slope. One that stretches throughout the entire building, with a single exception. The small staircase at the front. This staircase creates the most noticeable distinction between students and educators. As it elevates speakers to a podium, and to a place of authority higher than that of the rest of the seats in the hall. This spotlight they are placed in reflects authority and the ability to impart knowledge to students.

04 - 86

04 - 86

If you look at the right side of the art building you will find some stairs that go up the side of the building. The style of these stairs are switch back stairs, as the ones you would find in case of a fire, however, these stairs are much thicker than your regular fire stairs and the outside is made of concrete blocks. They are surrounded by walls to every side of them. Which make them very hidden to the public.


04 - 87

Stairs help to gain access to and from a room or space, it elevates, evokes, and it can control motion of people. The art warehouse house doesn’t contain stairs within the walls of the building but rather outside the building. It’s called a curb. Curbs elevate, they gain access to and from the building (not in and out in this case), and it controls movement of people around it so it can guide where people should walk around it. So, I would consider it to be a stair.

04 - 94 04 - 94

Stair is a component that connects spaces of different heights. It is convenient for people to move another height and it is an essential element of high-rise buildings. In addition to walking, the stairs can also be used as a stand for the venue. The stands of the Whiteman Tennis Center are made up of stairs. Each step of the stairs has chairs for people to sit on, and a right angle of the stairs is changed to an acute angle so that there is a small space for people to put their legs. There are two walls are placed on either side of the stairs. The height of the walls increases with the height of the stairs, which protects people’s safety and does not let people fall. On the back of the stairs, not a closed wall, but supported by four square columns, which creates more spaces. This kind of stairs can be seen in the stylistic movement, and people can see the situation on the stage more clearly and more stereoscopically.

04 - 96

04 - 96

This drawing is a section cut of the Southern most stairs at The Sun Angel Stadium. The stadium has six stairways that alternate between six sections of stadium seating. The stadium seats take the form of larger stairs in comparison to the smaller stair cases. The smaller dimension for the stair steps suggests quick movement when going up and down the staircase.

04 - 98

Upon approaching ISTB1, attention is drawn not only to the looming structure above but to the exterior staircase to the side. These stairs, which revolve around a rectangular column, jut up from the ground and appear to carve into the side of the cantilevered structure. These apparent egress stairs not only inform arriving occupants where to escape in case of an emergency, but that safety was taken into account when the building was designed. Walking up the stairs offers views of where you were, making the familiar new and undiscovered, thus elevating your physical self and your state of mind.

04 - 108

04 - 108

This stair, the only exterior stair and only stair accessible to students, facilitates the change in elevation from that of the adjacent street to that of the covered walkway shown. This tunnel, created by the overhead, detached facade of the building, serves as a transcendent space in which the division between academic and residential spaces is crossed. The monolithic environment created by the concrete stair and walkway, CMU block wall, and precast concrete facade allows the brain to reset while traversing the neutral environment before entering the new space beyond. The stair forces the user to slow down as they cross this boundary.

04 - 135

This staircase is located on the above the main entrance of the Computing Commons building. This staircase is the only one located in the building while the other are on the outside. This staircase creates a study space under the runs. It is made with a metal frame, with floating concrete steps. The steps have a rise of eight inches, and a run of one foot. The railing is a two inch metal frame, and glass panels fill the center. When you walk up to the first platform you can see the curtain wall.

01 - 136

04 - 136

Stairs are great options for getting people from one floor to another. Stairs are usually placed adjacent to walls inside or outside of buildings but some like those found on mountains make it easier to cross more rugged terrain. The same goes with the steps found in swimming pools, like the ones seen here in the south side of the Sonora Annex. These steps allow for easy access in and out of the pool as well as convenient resting spots to enjoy the water after a long swim.




04 - 138

04 - 138

While walking down the center path in the courtyard of the Sonora Center, you come across this fascinating set of steps. These 5 steps can lead you directly to the student’s dorm rooms but first to a study room with elevators located on each side. The steps outline forms a trapezoid like shape with the connecting side steps mirroring that outline to create points at the corners. Not only do I find these corner points interesting but also the side steps are carved out and filled with rocks. I’ve never seen something like this before, but it led me to think they could have once been occupied with plants to fill the landscape. Upon multiple visits, you can see that they play a great importance because of the number of students that walk up the steps. Their composition allows for a great transition from the rest of the complexes structure.

04 - 139

04 - 139

This stair is an egress stair on the east side of the Engineering Center Annex building. I wanted to focus on highlighting the stair’s connection to the outside of the building because it is unique considering all other stairs in this building run through the middle of the inside. Since it is an egress stair, its function is primarily for a safe exit from the second floor in case of emergency, however since emergencies are not frequent it gains a different purpose from the space surrounding it. It is a part of a space concealed by other buildings and grants a user coming from the second floor access to that unique space.

04 - 140

04 - 140

The stairs I chose for my project were the stairs next to the bleachers in the stands of Farrington Softball Stadium. These stairs caught my attention right away because they surround the field and serve as a “leading staircase� in this building because it brings you up the seats where fans can watch the game. I chose this one section of the bleachers and stairs to show as my favorite stairs because they have a perfect view of the field and can watch the players play and also look at all the other fans who came to cheer on their team. I think these types of stairs are unique because they allow people to walk up and look down onto the field to watch the game.

04 - 153

The stairs leading to the stands of the ASU soccer stadium allow fans to rise above the field to not only separate themselves from the game but to gain a better vantage point at which to view the whole field. Made from steel columns these stairs feel light compared to the heavy stadium. Stadium throughout time have been a symbol of power and money. They evoke of feeling of excitement and intensity. These stairs easy direct the fans to there seats allow fans to connect with players.

04 - 154

Within this building, there are switchback stairs that take you above the greenery. The railings on the platforms allow for a clear view and a nice breeze from the bottom level. There is a door under the stairs that gives you access to a small room with controls for the watering system to keep the various plants alive. The door is hidden beneath the stairs, out of sight, but the view from the stair platforms grant a glimpse into the atrium. Structurally, these stairs are composed of a concrete beam that hold up the concrete steps that people walk up to their classrooms.

04 - 006A

04 - 006A

Stairs, layers of steps that lead from one space to the next. Connecting two spaces while simultaneously disconnecting two spaces. There is a private staircase that is apart of Engineering Center A that immediately emits an eerie ambiance upon entering. Coated in dirt and trash, this particular staircase is hidden and looks barely used for its actual purpose; ascending people into a different floor. The stairs are of metal material, painted a blandish pale color, enclosed within a structure.



04- 053A

04 - 053A

This set of stairs is located on the north side of Bateman Physical Sciences B-wing. The main purpose of these stairs is for safety. They would be used as an outdoor escape in the event of a fire. They are known as egress stairs composed of concrete because they are fire resistant. Although these stairs may also be used elevate people to different floors, their main use is to being people down and out of the building.

04 - 057B

Stairs have been used in ancient civilizations as a visual representation of an accent of knowledge, and spiritual elevation. And in old Gothic churches the detail and number of steps was carefully paid attention to. Gothic churches always had stairs in odd number sets so that when you begin the ascent with your left foot you would always walk into the church with your right foot. In modern construction stairs are used to connect two areas of case is supported by 2 steel risers and landing. The actual steps are made of cast concrete and have perforated metal sheets wedged between them.

- 104A 04 -04 104A

Walking out from the underside of the parking garage, there was a stair that caught my eye. In front of me was the busy street, people walking by, cars driving. But almost as if an off ramp from a freeway, these stairs curled around my path, directing me upward. The stairs offered a place to sit, angling my view, as well as giving a path to walk. They successfully stitch together the street and the garage, giving not just a new angle to the street, but a pathway to the top of the garage.

04 - RP0

04 - RP01

A 30 ft escalated stairway is the foundation of the Brickyard on Mill. Followed by an Arc-shaped entrance the user encounters, as I call it, a people mover. This item is engineered to move in the upward direction only; it moves at a pace that allows the user to observe artwork on the ceiling. As the user goes up the escalator, He/ She is traveling through a time-line that contains a breathtaking story depicted within the paint strokes on the ceiling. This moving stairway is an invitation to depart from the distractions of the world and journey through a pocket in time.





04 - RP02


04 - RP02

These Stairs serve as the main staircase of use in the parking structure. Differing from the other three stair cases in the building, these stairs are only 1/2 of a switchback design, existing on the East side only. Adjacent to each stair level is a walkway that wraps around to meet the next stair flight. By having the stairs on one side only and the walkway open to the parking levels, it helps aid individuals in remembering where they parked by slowing down their movement, allowing them to observe the current level, then decide to exit there or continue to the stairs again.





04 04- RP03 - RP03

The stair aspect that is present at the 45 Solar Parking Lot is actually one of a ramp. The only change in elevation that is seen in this space is one that separates a row of apartments from the parking lot itself. This is a significant area because it makes the space look not so flat and boring and adds a sense of dimension when one encounters it. It is an important piece that was smart in its addition of it to the parking lot because it offers up more then one way to access the parking lot or even the apartments that are on the other side of th barrier. It also works with the ADA Standards that are required so that everyone may have access to this area

04 - X80

04 - X80


1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 21 25 27 32 34 35 36 37

Sobelman Hidalgo Miramontes Medrano Grenda Duble Stueve Montgomery Momika Stein Mackey Clouse Shott Ben-Shalom Saltwater Santana Glass Duarte Smith Cole Xu Estrada Sanchez Hollock

39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 54 55 59 63 65 66 69 71 72 75 77

Palma He Villegas Ruiz Al-Thaher Salazar Cabrera Pugat Burdge Hickey Marentes Kalas-Hernandez Caldera Ben Abdelkader Vogliotti Ho Mckay Jones Cruz Hernandez Alaaeddine Frazier Marshall

84 85 86 87 94 96 98 108 135 136 138 139 140 153 154 006A 053A 057B 104A RP01 RP02 RP03 X80

Oneill Garibay Lopez-Rodriguez Kattan Dalgai Li Wilson Odwyer Bascom Levato Berber-Arias Becerra Van Horn Censorio Beazer Pearson Mcgrath Corell Head Rosenberger Gonzalez Torgerson Palmer

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