Lubbock Connection January 2012
‘A Cut Above The Rest’ The Diamond Group @ Keller Williams Realty 4747 S. Loop 289 Suite 110 Lubbock, Texas 79424 806.771.HOME (4663) thediamondgroup@kw.com
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elizabetha@kw.com www.lubbocktxhomes4sale.com www.ringthediamonds.com
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The Diamond Group Keller Williams Realty 4747 S. Loop 289 Suite 110 Lubbock, Texas 79424
806.771.HOME (4663) thediamondgroup@kw.com
The Diamond Group
Current Resident or:
A Note from Elizabeth Welcome to the wonder world of houses, where your agent does matter. How are you going to measure when home prices and interest rates have hit BOTTOM? When the market starts going UP! If you are thinking of buying or selling NOW is the best time! For the best service and professional advice, call The Diamond Group and get in on the great interest rates…………..don’t just wish you had! 806-771-HOME(4663) www.lubbocktxhomes4sale.com
Here’s to the new year... May it bring more joy and success And less grief and regret. To our dreams... May we never stop believing in them And taking the actions that will make them a reality. To our friends, loved ones, associates (or colleagues)... May we take the time to let them know How much it means to us To have them in our lives. Let us encourage more and criticize less, Give more and need less. And whenever we can, Let us create harmony and peace. To new beginnings... Let us start fresh, right now, To make this the very best year ever. A very Happy New Year to all of us! By Joanna Fuchs
Elizabeth and Amy of The Diamond Group wanted to say a BIG thank you to all our vendors and clients for making 2011 another wonderful year! We look forward to making 2012 just as good and even better. If you know of anyone needing to buy or sell a home give us a call with their information and we will be glad to help out. Hope everyone’s year is ÀOOHG ZLWK PDQ\ EOHVVLQJV
Connect with The Diamond Group online @ Active Rain, FaceBook & Twitter Elizabeth and Amy