Lubbock Connection January 2012
‘A Cut Above The Rest’ The Diamond Group @ Keller Williams Realty 4747 S. Loop 289 Suite 110 Lubbock, Texas 79424 806.771.HOME (4663) thediamondgroup@kw.com
V54,+' >W=WWW ;?=???'X' ;W=WWW G?=???'X' GW=WWW B?=???'X' BW=WWW D?=???'X' DW=WWW C?=???'X' CW=WWW F?=???'X' FW=WWW W?=???'X' WW=WWW <??=???'X' <<W=WWW <>?=???'X' <;W=WWW <G?=???'X' <BW=WWW <D?=???'X' <CW=WWW <F?=???'X' <WW=WWW >??=???'X' >GW=WWW >B?=???'X' >WW=WWW ;??=???'X' ;WW=WWW G??=???'X' GWW=WWW B??=???'X' CGW=WWW CB?=???'X' WWW=WWW <=???=???'X' <=>GW=WWW <=>B?=???'X' <=GWW=WWW <=B??=???'Y' <=WWW=WWW >=???=???'X' >=WWW=WWW ;=???=???' *54'"Q H+0%,' 2*5I,
elizabetha@kw.com www.lubbocktxhomes4sale.com www.ringthediamonds.com
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The Diamond Group Keller Williams Realty 4747 S. Loop 289 Suite 110 Lubbock, Texas 79424
806.771.HOME (4663) thediamondgroup@kw.com
The Diamond Group
Current Resident or:
A Note from Elizabeth Welcome to the wonder world of houses, where your agent does matter. How are you going to measure when home prices and interest rates have hit BOTTOM? When the market starts going UP! If you are thinking of buying or selling NOW is the best time! For the best service and professional advice, call The Diamond Group and get in on the great interest rates…………..don’t just wish you had! 806-771-HOME(4663) www.lubbocktxhomes4sale.com
Here’s to the new year... May it bring more joy and success And less grief and regret. To our dreams... May we never stop believing in them And taking the actions that will make them a reality. To our friends, loved ones, associates (or colleagues)... May we take the time to let them know How much it means to us To have them in our lives. Let us encourage more and criticize less, Give more and need less. And whenever we can, Let us create harmony and peace. To new beginnings... Let us start fresh, right now, To make this the very best year ever. A very Happy New Year to all of us! By Joanna Fuchs
Elizabeth and Amy of The Diamond Group wanted to say a BIG thank you to all our vendors and clients for making 2011 another wonderful year! We look forward to making 2012 just as good and even better. If you know of anyone needing to buy or sell a home give us a call with their information and we will be glad to help out. Hope everyone’s year is ÀOOHG ZLWK PDQ\ EOHVVLQJV
Connect with The Diamond Group online @ Active Rain, FaceBook & Twitter Elizabeth and Amy
The Diamond Group Current Listings Listen to recorded property information by calling
6117 9th Street Lubbock, Texas 79416 4/2/2 Approx. 2139
$129,500 5422 32nd Street Lubbock, Texas 79424 3/2/2 Under CONTRACT
4014 38th Street
6808 8th Street Lubbock, Texas 79416 3/2/2 Approx. 1913.5 Sq Ft
Lubbock, Texas 79413 3/2/1 Approx. 1131 Sq. Ft.
3507 33rd Street Lubbock, Texas 79410 3/2/1 Approx. 1444 Sq Ft
4806 17th Street
Lubbock, Texas 79416 3/2/2 Approx. 2400 Sq. Ft.
$185,000 Wrap it up and get it SOLD with The Diamond Group! To stay current on Real Estate in Lubbock visit our website @ www.lubbocktxhomes4sale.com
4720 22nd Street Lubbock, Texas 79407 4/4.4/3 Approx. 4334 Sq. Ft.
Do you know of anyone needing to buy or sell a home? Give us a call (or email) us their contact information and we will be more than happy to help!
$599,000 Call The Diamond Group today and list your home! 806-771-HOME (4663)
15425 C.R. 1850 Lubbock, Texas 79423 4/3.5/3 Approx. 3150
806.771.HOME (4663)
! # ! % " ( ) ! " ! ) " " * ! $ " $ # +1,%,,, +-1,%,,, # # 4 -/ % ! +-1,%,,- +.1,%,,, # 3 -/ % ! +.1,%,,- +/44%444 # 4 -,'1 % ! +0,,%,,, ! # .4'1 ) ! ! $ # ! ! )
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) $ # 0 2'1 % ! & +0,,%,,,5 ! ' " $ ' ! $ $ ! " $ $ ! ) 806.771.HOME (4663)
The Diamond Group: Preferred Vendors
Vendor Spotlight of the Month!
Call them today for superior service
Hometrust Mortgage Service * Integrity * Trust 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH www.hubcityhomeloans.com Michael Berg Farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Insurance 5811 64th St. Unit A Lubbock, Texas 79424 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH Cell: 806-777-0811 mberg1@farmersagent.com www.farmersagent.com/berg1
Sandra Scott 6HQLRU /RDQ 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHU Cell: 806.790.4759 sscott@hometrust.com
Western Title Company 4202 84th Street Lubbock, Texas 79424
Simply Clean 806.577.1198 *References Available Specializing in move-in/out
806.793.0704 Fax: 806.795.9143
Oh by the way... If you know of someone who would appreciate my services, call me with their name and number, and I will be happy to help them.
Service Title Company 4101 B 84th Street Lubbock, Texas 79423 806.794.9966
7. Get Out of Debt Was money a big source of stress in your life last year? Join the millions of $PHULFDQV ZKR KDYH UHVROYHG WR VSHQG WKLV \HDU JHWWLQJ D KDQGOH RQ WKHLU Ă&#x20AC;QDQFes. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a promise that will repay itself many times over in the year ahead. 6. Stop Drinking :KLOH PDQ\ SHRSOH XVH WKH 1HZ <HDU DV DQ LQFHQWLYH WR Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ VWRS GULQNLQJ most are not equipped to make such a drastic lifestyle change all at once. Many heavy drinkers fail to quit cold turkey but do much better when they taper gradually, or even learn to moderate their drinking. If you have decided that you want to stop drinking, there is a world of help and support available. 5. Enjoy Life More Given the hectic, stressful lifestyles of millions of people in the world, it is no wonder that â&#x20AC;&#x153;enjoying life moreâ&#x20AC;? has become a popular resolution in recent years. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an important step to a happier and healthier you! 4. Stop Smoking
Top 10 New Year Resolutions New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more LPSRUWDQWO\ IRUZDUG WR WKH FRPLQJ \HDU ,W¡V D WLPH WR UHĂ HFW RQ WKH FKDQJHV ZH want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes. This is a list of the ten most popular New Year resolutions.
If you have resolved to make this the year that you stamp out your smoking habit, over-the-counter availability of nicotine replacement therapy now provides easier access to proven quit-smoking aids. Even if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve tried to quit before and failed, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let it get you down. On average, smokers try about four times before they quit for good. 3. Lose Weight
10. Reorganize Life On just about every New Year resolution top ten list, organization can be a very reasonable goal. Whether you want your home organized enough that you can LQYLWH VRPHRQH RYHU RQ D ZKLP RU \RXU RIĂ&#x20AC;FH RUJDQL]HG HQRXJK WKDW \RX FDQ Ă&#x20AC;QG WKH VWDSOHU ZKHQ \RX QHHG LW WKHVH WLSV DQG UHVRXUFHV VKRXOG JHW \RX VWDUWHG on the way to a more organized life. 9. Be More Charitable
Weight loss is one of the most popular New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resolutions. Setting reasonable goals and staying focused are the two most important factors in sticking with a weight loss program, and the key to success for those millions of people who made a New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to shed extra pounds. 2. Get Fit
5HJXODU H[HUFLVH KDV EHHQ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK PRUH KHDOWK EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV WKDQ DQ\WKLQJ else known to man. Studies show that it reduces the risk of some cancers, in$ SRSXODU QRQ VHOĂ&#x20AC;VK 1HZ <HDU¡V UHVROXWLRQ YROXQWHHULQJ FDQ WDNH PDQ\ IRUPV creases longevity, helps achieve and maintain weight loss, enhances mood, Whether you choose to spend time helping out at your local library, mentoring a lowers blood pressure, and even improves arthritis. In short, exercise keeps you FKLOG RU EXLOGLQJ D KRXVH WKHUH DUH PDQ\ QRQSURĂ&#x20AC;W YROXQWHHU RUJDQL]DWLRQV WKDW healthy and makes you look and feel better. could really use your help. 1. Spend Time with Loves Ones 8. Learn Something New Recent polls conducted by General Nutrition Centers, Quicken, and others Have you vowed to make this year the year to learn something new? Perhaps you shows that more than 50% of people asked, vow to appreciate loved ones and DUH FRQVLGHULQJ D FDUHHU FKDQJH ZDQW WR OHDUQ D QHZ ODQJXDJH RU MXVW KRZ WR Ă&#x20AC;[ spend more time with family and friends this year. \RXU FRPSXWHU" :KHWKHU \RX WDNH D FRXUVH RU UHDG D ERRN \RX¡OO Ă&#x20AC;QG HGXFDWLRQ to be one of the easiest, most motivating New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resolutions to keep. ChalSource: About.com lenge your mind in the coming year, and your horizons will expand.
Meet The Diamond Group Elizabeth loves her career! She has consistently been a multi- million dollar producer and looks forward to working with you whether you have a small or unlimited budget. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your hard earned money, and we need to spend it well. She is an active member of the National Association of Realtors, Texas Association of Realtors, and Lubbock Association of Realtors. She has sat on many committees and especially enjoys teaching and learning about new and innovative methods to be a better businesswoman. She is committed to keeping herself fully educated on top of the line technology for her profession. Her designations place her within a small percentage of REALTORSÂŽ nationwide. Elizabeth is married to Roger and has a wonderful son, Alain. Alain is an engineering student at Texas Tech University and is a proud Red Raider. In her spare time, Elizabeth likes to read and study Genealogy. You FDQ Ă&#x20AC;QG KHU ZRUNLQJ RQ SLFWXUHV DQG IDPLO\ KLVWRU\ LQ KHU VSDUH WLPH (OL]DEHWK LV YHU\ DFWLYH LQ RXU FRPPXQLW\ DQG Ă&#x20AC;UPO\ EHOLHYHV VKH owes her community a payback for allowing her to be a successful businesswoman. She is a member of The West Texas Museum Association and enjoys helping children achieve through the arts and sciences. Elizabeth is a self-starter, trustworthy, results-oriented, optimistic, competitive and innovative. She is a negotiator, problem solver, dedicated, sociable respected and says: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want to be YOUR REALTORÂŽ â&#x20AC;&#x153;.
If you know of someone who would appreciate my services, please call me with their name and number and I will be happy to help them! Meet Amy! Amy has worked as The Diamond Groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s committed Marketing & Administrative Assistant for over 2 years. Amy enjoys gaining experience and working for the best in the Real Estate Industry! Amyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s enthusiasm and energy in life carry over into the workplace. Amy loves people and is eager to serve the needs of potential clients. She knows the value of teamwork and shared ideas. Amy is hard-working and passionate about her work and her relationships with people. Spending time with her family and friends and learning new things are what she likes to do in her spare time. In addition to being active in her church, Amy is pursuing a degree in Design Communications with an Art Specialization at South Plains College and will graduate Spring of 2012.
www.ringthediamonds.com 806.771.HOME (4663)