March 2011 Lubbock Connection

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The Diamond Group

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Lubbock Connection




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March 2011

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‘A Cut Above The Rest’

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The Diamond Group @ Keller Williams Realty

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806.771.HOME (4663)

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Total Market Overview Residential and Single Family with Acreage Year to Date as of February 28, 2011 Numbers pulled from Navica 3/7/2011 /XEERFN $VVRFLDWLRQ RI 5($/7256 Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid PERMIT NO. 10 Wolfforth, TX

The Diamond Group Keller Williams Realty 6 /RRS 6XLWH /XEERFN 7H[DV

806.771.HOME (4663)

A Note from Elizabeth Welcome to the wonderful world of houses, where your agent does matter. When you are ready to buy or sell a home it is important that you work with someone that has extensive market knowledge, knows the numbers and excels in customer service. Exciting news! Interest rates are under 5%.........can’t think of a better time to buy! Ready to downsize, Ready to me.........I Care! A special thank you to my past and present clients, you are all special to me! :RXOGQ¡W \RX UDWKHU VD\ ,¡P JODG , GLG UDWKHU WKDQ , ZLVK , KDG" Elizabeth

14 things you should ask a Real Estate Agent Having the right real estate professional by your side can greatly improve your home-buying experience. A good rule of thumb is to interview a minimum of three candidates. Here are 14 questions to ask during an interview: $UH \RX D IXOO WLPH SURIHVVLRQDO 5($/725Š" +RZ ORQJ KDYH \RX ZRUNHG IXOO WLPH LQ UHDO HVWDWH" :KDW JHRJUDSKLF DUHDV GR \RX VSHFLDOL]H LQ" 'R \RX KDYH D :HEVLWH" :KDW LQIRUPDWLRQ FDQ , Ă€QG WKHUH" +RZ ZLOO \RX NHHS PH LQIRUPHG GXULQJ P\ KRPH VHDUFK DQG WKURXJKRXW WKH WUDQVDFWLRQ" 'R \RX KDYH D VWDII RU D WHDP" ,I VR ZKDW UROHV ZLOO WKH\ SOD\ LQ P\ WUDQVDFWLRQ" :LOO \RX VKRZ PH SURSHUWLHV IURP RWKHU FRPSDQLHV¡ OLVWLQJV" 6RPH UHDO HVWDWH FRPSDQLHV GR RIIHU WKHLU EX\HUV¡ DJHQWV D higher commission if they are able to sell “in-houseâ€? listings. In those instances, there can be added incentive to limit the range of homes you are shown. This may affect your home search and how much you your agent’s fee will be.) :LOO \RX UHSUHVHQW PH H[FOXVLYHO\ RU ZLOO \RX DOVR UHSUHVHQW WKH VHOOHU" 0D\ , KDYH WKDW LQ ZULWLQJ" +RZ ZLOO \RX JHW SDLG" +RZ DUH \RXU IHHV VWUXFWXUHG" :KDW GLVWLQJXLVKHV \RX IURP RWKHU UHDO HVWDWH DJHQWV" :KDW LV \RXU QHJRWLDWLQJ VW\OH" 0D\ , FRQWDFW VRPH RI \RXU UHFHQW FOLHQWV DV UHIHUHQFHV" 'R \RX KDYH D SHUIRUPDQFH JXDUDQWHH" ,I , DP QRW VDWLVĂ€HG ZLWK \RXU SHUIRUPDQFH FDQ , WHUPLQDWH RXU EX\HU DJHQF\ DJUHHPHQW" ,Q WKH KHDYLO\ UHJXODWHG ZRUOG RI UHDO HVWDWH LW FDQ EH GLIĂ€FXOW WR RIIHU D SHUIRUPDQFH JXDUDQWHH 7\SLFDOO\ DJHQWV ZLOO RXWOLQH verbally what you can expect from their performance. Keller Williams Realty understands the importance of win-win business UHODWLRQVKLSV 7KH DJHQW GRHV QRW EHQHĂ€W LI WKH FOLHQW GRHV QRW EHQHĂ€W

A note from our client: “I just wanted to say Thank You very much to Mrs. Elizabeth Arduain. She has exceeded my expectations. Buying D KRPH IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH LV D YHU\ VWUHVVIXO HQGHDYRU EXW WKDQNV WR 0UV /LO\ , ZDV DEOH WR SXUFKDVH P\ QHZ KRPH without much ado. To The Diamond Group: <RX WUXHO\ KDYH RQH SUHFLRXV JHP ZLWK 0UV /LO\ Daisy

Connect with The Diamond Group online @ Active Rain, FaceBook & Twitter

Home Ownership Matters

The Diamond Group Current Listings

2030 63rd Street

/LVWHQ WR UHFRUGHG SURSHUW\ LQIRUPDWLRQ E\ FDOOLQJ 1.888.295.9686 & enter property code #

/XEERFN 7H[DV 3/2/Carport Approx. 1374 Sq. Ft. $64,900 Property Code # 6187

3415 68th Drive /XEERFN 7H[DV 3/2/2 Approx. 1734 Sq. Ft.

5422 32nd Street /XEERFN 7H[DV 3/2/2 Approx. 1603 Sq. Ft. $104,900 Property Code # 6100

$129,500 Property Code # 6280

2111 23rd Street /XEERFN 7H[DV 3/2/0 Approx. 1137 Sq. Ft.

$65,000 Property Code # 6285

2809 78th Street /XEERFN 7H[DV 3/2/2 Approx. 1568 Sq. Ft.

Sold in 2011! 8513 Kenosha Ave 6202 101 Place 6336 10th Street /R\ROD $YH 6508 87th Street 3706 37th Street Sell you home with The Diamond Group!

$100,000 Property Code # 6524

4014 38th Street /XEERFN 7H[DV 3/2/1 Approx. 1131 Sq. Ft.

$69,000 Property Code # 6312

4806 17th Street

We can make things happen when selling your home too. OR IF YOU KNOW someone that needs to sell or buy, have them call me today and I will be glad to do a Market Analysis for them and give them the right information and do the right marketing to sell their house! Call Elizabeth 806-771-HOME(4663)

/XEERFN 7H[DV 3/2/2 Approx. 2400 Sq. Ft.

$185,000 Property Code # 6327

Published: February 11, 2011 +RPH RZQHUVKLS KDV D VLJQLÀFDQW LPSDFW RQ QHW ZRUWK HGXFDWLRQDO DFKLHYHPHQW civic participation, health, and overall quality of life. And, home ownership helps create jobs—lots of them—right here at home. Home Ownership matters‌to people, to communities, and to America. :K\" *For every two homes sold, one job is created in the U.S. *Each purchase generates as much as $60,000 in economic activity over time. The home ownership debate Some who care about creating jobs also argue that home ownership may be overrated, and that we might be better off as a nation of renters. If that’s of concern to you, follow the debate about federal government incentives to home ownership—the outcome of which will determine whether the average American can still get an affordable mortgage and whether home owners can continue to GHGXFW WKHLU PRUWJDJH LQWHUHVW DV D EHQHÀW RI KRPH RZQHUVKLS taken from

Make housing affordable One way to make more people homeowners is to make housing more affordable. $OO 8 6 KRPHRZQHUV EHQHĂ€W IURP SROLFLHV OLNH WKH PRUWJDJH LQWHUHVW WD[ GHGXFWLRQ Many use government-backed mortgage insurance to lower loan costs. A variety of public and private programs offer low-cost loans and downpayment assistance to help Americans become homeowners. Help prospective homeowners save a downSD\PHQW E\ GRQDWLQJ WR VLWHV OLNH ($51 D QRQ SURĂ€W WKDW XVHV GRQDWLRQV WR PDWFK funds saved by low-wage earners.

Plant Trees To Save Energy and Grow Value By: Brad Broberg Published: September 12, 2009 Plant a tree to add value to your home and have a positive impact on the local environment. Trees don’t ask for much—dirt, water, sunlight. Yet they provide a wealth of beneÀWV 7KH\ LPSURYH WKH DLU \RX EUHDWKH FXW \RXU HQHUJ\ ELOOV ZLWK WKHLU VKDGH SURYLGH a home to wildlife, and add beauty and value to your home. :K\ VKRXOG \RX FDUH DERXW WUHHV" %DQNDEOH EHQHÀWV The most tangible bang from your bark comes from energy savings. Three properly placed trees could save you between $100 and $250 a year in energy costs, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Trees save energy two main ways. Their shade cuts cooling costs in the summer. In winter, they serve as windbreak and help hold down heating costs. A 2002 study by the USDA Forest Service pegs the value a single tree adds to a property of about $630. Of course, tree value depends on size, species, location, and condition

taken from

If you know of someone needing guidance for investments in farm/ ranch, or commercial leases or even apartment investments‌ call us we know who is the best person to handle the job! Call Elizabeth 806-771-HOME(4663)

The Diamond Group: Preferred Vendors Olive Garden 5702 Slide Road 806.791.3575

Service Title Company 4101 B 84th Street /XEERFN 7H[DV 806.794.9966 Great Service for more than 50 years

My Promise to You. Inspected once, Inspected RIGHT.

Ground-UP Inspections

TREC # 7046 806.438.5974 24 hr. 7 day service

MGS Mobile Wash 806.778.2602 Special! Special! $18.00 - Car Wash w/ tire shine $30.00 - Car, Truck Detail $40.00 - SUV Detail Semi Trucks $40.00 Wash

Design By Roo

+RZ DUH \RX UHDFKLQJ SHRSOH" :DQW WR EH LQ WKH /XEERFN &RQQHFWLRQ RQ FRXQWOHVV ZHE sites viewed by Realtors and consumers as well as be the PDLQ UHIHUHQFH SRLQW IRU DOO RXU EXVLQHVV" &DOO (OL]DEHWK IRU more information: 806.535.3377

Cleaning House: Secrets of a Truly Deep Clean By: Jane Hoback Published: January 14, 2011 Deep clean your house and you’ll brighten rooms and help maintain your home’s value. Deep cleaning your house is that top-to-bottom, take-no-dust-bunnyprisoners, mother-in-law-quality cleaning that truly maintains the value of your home. Here are frequently overlooked areas that a little spit and polish wouldn’t hurt. 'H EXJ WKH OLJKW Ă€[WXUHV 6HH WKDW EXJ EXULDO JURXQG ZLWKLQ \RXU RYHUKHDG Ă€[WXUHV" 7XUQ RII WKH OLJKWV DQG FDUHIXOO\ UHPRYH Ă€[WXUH FRYHUV GXPS RXW Ă LHV DQG ZDVK ZLWK KRW VRDS\ water. While you’re up there, dust bulbs. Dry everything thoroughly before replacing the cover. Vacuum heat vents and registers Dirt and dust build up in heat vents and along register blades. Vents also are great receptacles for coins and missing buttons. Unscrew vent covers from ZDOOV RU SOXFN WKHP IURP Ă RRUV UHPRYH IRUHLJQ REMHFWV DQG YDFXXP LQVLGH the vent. Clean grates with a damp cloth and screw back tightly. Polish hardware To deep clean brass door hinges, handles, and cabinet knobs, thoroughly wipe ZLWK D GDPS PLFURĂ€EHU FORWK WKHQ SROLVK ZLWK :ULJKW¡V RU :HLPDQ EUDVV cleaner ($4). Dish soap shines up glass or stainless steel knobs. Use a Q-tip to GHWDLO WKH RUQDPHQWDO Ă€OLJUHH RQ NQREV DQG KDQGOHV Replace grungy switch plates $Q\ DPDWHXU FDQ ZLSH D IHZ Ă€QJHUSULQWV RII FRYHU SODWHV WKDW KLGH OLJKW switches, electric outlets, phone jacks, and cable outlets. But only deep cleaners happily remove plates to vacuum and swipe the gunk behind. (OK, we’re a little OCD when it comes to dirt!) Make sure cover plates are straight when you replace them. And pitch plates that are beyond the help of even deep cleaning. New ones cost less than $2 each. Neaten weather stripping Peeling, drooping weather stripping on doors and windows makes rooms look old. If the strip still has some life, nail or glue it back. If it’s hopeless, cut out and replace sections, or just pull the whole thing off and start new. A 10-ft. roll of foam weather stripping costs $8; 16-ft. vinyl costs about $15. Replace stove drip pans Some drip pans are beyond the scrub brush. Replacing them costs about $3 each and instantly freshens your stove. taken from

Oh by the way... if you know of someone who would appreciate my services, call me with their name and number, and I will be happy to help them.

Call them today for superior service Sandra Scott 6HQLRU /RDQ 2IĂ€FHU Cell: 806.790.4759

Hometrust Mortgage Service * Integrity * Trust 2IĂ€FH

S.W.A.T Pest Control Todd & Heather Vaughn

2IĂ€FH Cell: 806.441.0302 Fax: 806.748.8002

Western Title Company 4202 84th Street /XEERFN 7H[DV

806.793.0704 Fax: 806.795.9143

Michael Berg Farmer’s Insurance 5811 64th ST Unit A /XEERFN 7H[DV 2IÀFH Cell: 806-777-0811

Simply Clean 806.577.1198 *References Available Specializing in move-in/out

Landscaping for Curb Appeal By: Pat Curry Published: March 25, 2010 A well-landscaped yard creates curb appeal and helps your property retain maximum value. Here are a few tips and tricks for sprucing up your outdoor spaces yourself. A beautiful yard is a head-turner, no doubt about it. The good news is that even if you can’t tell a tulip from a turnip at the garden center, you can still create eye-catching curb appeal by paying attention to the basics of good landscaping. Ignoring your yard—or doing something that’s out of character with the neighborhood—can jeopardize the assessed value of your home. Appraisers are quick to praise the allure of a well-tended lawn and good-looking landscaping when it comes time to sell your home, but PRVW GR QRW DVVLJQ DQ\ VSHFLĂ€F LQFUHDVH LQ PRQHWDU\ YDOXH IRU XSNHHS Most professionals agree that curb appeal and a well-maintained appearance prevent your property from losing value. Here are the top suggestions from real estate agents, appraisers, and landscape designers for boosting the curb appeal of your yard: Green up the grass If your house has a front yard, make sure it‘s neat and green. You don’t want bare spots, sprawling weeds, or an untrimmed appearance. According to the National Gardening Association, the average cost of sod is 15 to 35 cents per sq. ft. If you hire a landscaper to sod your yard for you, labor will add 30% to 50% to the total cost of the project. Add colorful planting beds Flower beds add color and help enliven otherwise plain areas, such as along driveways and the edges of walkways. In general, annual Ă RZHUV DUH D ELW FKHDSHU EXW PXVW EH UHSODFHG HYHU\ \HDU 3HUHQQLDOV FRVW D ELW PRUH EXW FRPH EDFN DQQXDOO\ DQG XVXDOO\ JHW ODUJHU RU spread with each growing season. If you’re not sure what to plant, inquire at your local garden center. Often, they’ll have a display of bedding plants chosen for their adaptability to your area. Also, they‘ll be inexpensive because they’re in season, says Peter Mezitt, president of Weston Nurseries in Hopkinton, Mass. Try pansies in the summer, and asters and mums in the fall to add vibrant color. “That’s what we do around the entrance to our garden center,â€? Mezitt says. Add landscape lighting For homeowners who have made a sizeable investment in landscaping, it makes sense to think about adding another 10% to 15% to the bill for professional lighting. “You can’t see landscaping after dark,“ says Brandon Stephens, vice president of marketing for a landscape OLJKWLQJ Ă€UP LQ /XEERFN 7H[DV ´DQG EX\HUV DUH QRW DOZD\V ORRNLQJ DW KRXVHV RQ D 6DWXUGD\ DIWHUQRRQ Âľ Plant a tree 7KH YDOXH RI PDWXUH WUHHV LV SDUWLFXODUO\ GLIĂ€FXOW WR GHWHUPLQH /XFFR VD\V WKDW LQ KLV PDUNHW PDWXUH WUHHV FRQWULEXWH DV PXFK DV RI D $100,000 property’s overall value. In addition, a properly placed shade tree can shave as much as $32 a year on your energy bills. Expect to pay $50 to $100 for a young, 6- to 7-foot deciduous tree. You can make your own initial assessment of the value of your property’s WUHHV E\ YLVLWLQJ WKH 1DWLRQDO 7UHH %HQHĂ€W &DOFXODWRU )RU H[DPSOH D PDWXUH 6RXWKHUQ UHG RDN WUHH ZLWK D GLDPHWHU RI LQFKHV LQ WKH front yard of a house in Augusta, Ga., would add $70 to the property value this year, according to the calculator. Taken from

Bacon-Stuffed Mushrooms From: Midwest Living Servings: Makes 10 appetizers. Prep: 25 mins Total: 55 mins Ingredients 6 slices Nueske’s Smoked Bacon or other bacon, cut into 1/4-inch pieces 10 large fresh mushrooms (about 12 oz.) 1 3-oz. pkg. Cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup shredded sharp cheddar or smoked Gouda cheese (1 oz.) 1/2 to 1 tsp. Minced garlic (optional) Directions 1. Grease a 15x10x1-inch baking pan; set aside. In a 12-inch skillet, cook bacon until almost crisp. Using a slotted spoon, remove bacon from skillet; discard fat. Drain bacon on paper towels. Set aside. 2. Clean mushrooms. Remove stems from mushrooms; discard. Set tops aside. 3. In a medium bowl, combine cream cheese and cheddar cheese, stirring until well mixed. Stir in reserved bacon and, if you like, garlic. Spoon cheese mixture into mushroom tops. 4. Place stuffed mushroom tops in the prepared baking pan. Bake in a 350 degree F RYHQ IRU WR PLQXWHV RU XQWLO PXVKURRPV DUH WHQGHU /HW VWDQG IRU PLQXWHV Makes 10 appetizers.

Do you have a recipe you would like to VKDUH LQ 7KH /XEERFN &RQQHFWLRQ" 6HQG LW to us @

Fun Facts about St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day is observed on March 17 because that is the feast day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It is believed that he died on March 17 in the year 461 AD. It is also a worldwide celebration of Irish culture and history. St. Patrick’s Day is a national holiday in Ireland, and a provincial holiday in the Canadian provLQFH RI 1HZIRXQGODQG DQG /DEUDGRU The actual color of St. Patrick is blue. Green became associated with St. Patrick’s Day during the 19th century. Green, in Irish legends, was worn by fairies and immortals, and also by people to encourage their crops to grow. St. Patrick did not actually drive snakes out of Ireland; the snakes represent the pagans that he converted to Christianity. 7KH YHU\ Ă€UVW 6W 3DWULFN¡V 'D\ SDUDGH ZDV QRW LQ ,UHODQG ,W ZDV LQ %RVWRQ LQ In Chicago, on St. Patrick’s Day, the rivers are dyed green. Mayor Daley is also of Irish descent. In Seattle, there is a ceremony where a green stripe is painted down the roads. Many young people dye their hair green for the special day.

806.771.HOME (4663)

Meet The Diamond Group

Many people wear green on this holiday to avoid being pinched.



Elizabeth loves her career! She has consistently been a multi- million dollar producer and looks forward to working with you whether you have a small or unlimited budget. It’s your hard earned money, and we need to spend it well. She is an active member of the National Association of Realtors, 7H[DV $VVRFLDWLRQ RI 5HDOWRUV DQG /XEERFN $VVRFLDWLRQ RI 5HDOWRUV 6KH has sat on many committees and especially enjoys teaching and learning about new and innovative methods to be a better businesswoman. She is committed to keeping herself fully educated on top of the line technology for her profession. Her designations place her within a small percentage of 5($/7256Š QDWLRQZLGH Elizabeth is married to Roger and has a wonderful son, Alain. Alain is an engineering student at Texas Tech University and is a proud Red Raider. In KHU VSDUH WLPH (OL]DEHWK OLNHV WR UHDG DQG VWXG\ *HQHDORJ\ <RX FDQ Ă€QG her working on pictures and family history in her spare time. (OL]DEHWK LV YHU\ DFWLYH LQ RXU FRPPXQLW\ DQG Ă€UPO\ EHOLHYHV VKH RZHV KHU community a payback for allowing her to be a successful businesswoman. She is a member of The West Texas Museum Association and enjoys helping children achieve through the arts and sciences. Elizabeth is a self-starter, trustworthy, results-oriented, optimistic, competitive and innovative. She is a negotiator, problem solver, dedicated, sociable respected and says: ´, ZDQW WR EH <285 5($/725Š ´ Meet Amy! Amy works as The Diamond Group’s committed assistant. After experiencing a retail setting, Amy is excited for a new challenge and ready to gain experience from the best in the Real Estate Industry! Amy’s enthusiasm and energy in life carry over into the workplace. Amy lovespeople and is eager to serve the needs of potential clients. She knows the value of teamwork and shared ideas. Amy is hard-working and passionate about her work and her relationships with people. Spending time with her family and friends and learning new things are what she likes to do in her spare time. In addition to being active in her church, Amy is pursuing a degree in Design Communications at South Plains College.

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