The Diamond Group
$900,000-‐ $999,000 Million Plus
Lubbock Connection
3 4
$800,000-‐ $899,999
$700,000-‐ $799,999
$600,000-‐ $699,999 $400,000-‐ $499,999 $500,000-‐ $599,999
July 2011
$300,000-‐ $399,999 $200,000-‐ $249,999 $250,000-‐ $299,999
‘A Cut Above The Rest’
$100,000-‐ $149,999 $150,000-‐ $199,999
The Diamond Group @ Keller Williams Realty
$50,000-‐ $99,999
4747 S. Loop 289 Suite 110 Lubbock, Texas 79424
Under $49,999
806.771.HOME (4663)
Price Range
4.0 17.0 19.0 6.2
76 127
9.07 6.13
128 258 459 469
4.86 4.25 5.93 3.55
Months Supply of Inventory
Number of Active Listings
N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 2 1 5 15 20 91 51
2 Bedrooms or Less
N/A 1 1 1 5 2 14 46 36 60 141 377 334 40
3 Bedroom
13 2 5 16 12 29 62 79 55 63 102 62 44 5
1 N/A N/A 1 1 2 6 25 12 22 48 89 96 36
N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A 2 3 9 6 4 11 23 32 6
4 Bedroom Number of Monthly Or More Pending Expireds Contracts
2 4 2 3 4 7 23 45 30 34 78 164 165 53
Number of Expired YTD
N/A N/A 1 1 1 5 4 14 15 23 53 108 79 27
Monthly Solds
1 N/A 1 2 3 12 11 36 46 63 155 303 270 64
Number of Solds Three Months
N/A 2
N/A $796,250
17 21 64 79 116 264 554 501 137
Number of Solds YTD
$506,734 $431,305 $335,103 $268,897 $217,371 $167,888 $119,242 $76,642
90.90% N/A 95.58% 96.59% 94.74% 90.63% 95.61% 95.98% 96.35% 96.56% 96.89% 96.81% 95.71% 91.49%
List to Sales Price Ratio
Average Sold Price Last YTD
117 N/A 79 129 153 194 148 131 133 107 110 107 110 101
Average Days on Market
Total Market Overview Residential and Single Family with Acreage Year to Date as of July 31, 2011 Numbers pulled from Navica 8/6/2011 Lubbock Association of REALTORS
Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid PERMIT NO. 10 Wolfforth, TX
The Diamond Group Keller Williams Realty 4747 S. Loop 289 Suite 110 Lubbock, Texas 79424
806.771.HOME (4663)
Current Resident or:
A Note from Elizabeth
This year our team at The American Diabetes Walk is:
Keller Williams Realty / Team Devynne! The young girl below is Devynne and she is apart of our KW family!! She has been living with diabetes for years and we are WU\LQJ WR KHOS ÀQG D FXUH IRU KHU DQG PDQ\ RWKHUV OLNH 'HY\QQH We are doing our part in The Fight Against Diabetes by helping UDLVH PRQH\ WR WU\ DQG ÀQG D FXUH What can you do to help? Donate to our team or join our team and help raise money!! You may donate online or by sending us a check made out to: The American Diabetes Assn. Please send all donations to: The Diamond Group 4747 S. Loop 289 Suite 110 Lubbock, Texas 79424
Welcome to the wonderful world of houses, where your agent does matter. How are you going to know when home prices and interest rates have If you would prefer to donate online send an email to: hit BOTTOM?......when they start going back UP! and I will send you a link that directs The time to buy is NOW! Ever wonder how your neighborhood compares to others in Lubbock? you to the American Diabetes Assn. secure online payment center! What is the educational level of my neighborhood, are there more rentals 7KDQN \RX IRU \RXU VXSSRUW LQ ÀQGLQJ $ &XUH )RU 'LDEHWHV or owner occupied homes? How do the schools that my children attend compare to other schools in Lubbock? My new website at can answer these and many more questions! Please register today and go to the tab marked ‘Market Leader’, you’ll be glad you did! I am never too busy for your referrals, Please call me at 806-771-HOME(4663) Elizabeth
Connect with The Diamond Group online @ Active Rain, FaceBook & Twitter
It’s that time again and we need YOUR HELP!!