The District Post 20 April 2018

Page 1

Making magical movies

The English Festival

Pages 12

Page 3

Harry Potter star comes to Christ’s Hospital

A very English weekend planned for Horsham

Friday 20.04.2018

Horsham’s only independent newspaper 01403 289709


Wartime evacuee delighted to return to Rusper Village martin read


Iris Shepherd will be 90 in October and was very pleased to visit the Horsham district again for the first time in almost 80 years. Iris had a particular reason to come over from Chelmsford with her son John and granddaughter – she was evacuated to Rusper in 1939 from Peckham in south east London and was keen to re-visit the places of her childhood. Iris told the District Post: “When the war started my parents were concerned for the safety of my two brothers and me, so we were sent out of London. I was told not to get separated from Charles and Frederick. The authorities made sure that happened and fortunately I was billeted in the cottage next door to them. I was very lucky to be housed with a very pleasant young couple, William and Mary Miles. I walked to school with my brothers, quite a long way, I recall, and we often ran through the grounds of the big house (the Nunnery).” Local records show that quite large numbers of London children came to the district – some from Peckham going to Billingshurst and others to “a luxury camp” in Itchingfield. For unaccompanied

children householders received ten shillings and sixpence a week (52.5p) for a single child and eight shillings and sixpence (42.5) for each child where more than one was taken. The children brought hand luggage with gas masks, a change of underclothing, night clothes, shoes and/or plimsolls, spare stockings or socks, a toothbrush, comb, towel and handkerchiefs, together with a warm coat or mackintosh. Parents came down to visit them and although rationing followed, some evacuees enjoyed Christmas parties and other festivities, the London County Council thanking the Horsham area for the hospitality provided. The plan for evacuation was called Operation Pied Piper, after the story The Pied Piper of Hamelin - in which the piper played a tune and the children followed him out of town. Ironically, Hamelin is in Germany. Rusper and our rural communities were a far cry from London and many of the evacuees had never seen farm animals before and found rural life very strange. It is said that during a nature study ramble a group of London children saw a man digging up potatoes and after some time one of the children asked: “Why did he put them in the ground in the first place?” In his book ‘When the Siren Sounded’ Cliff White told of Terry Briscoe being evacated to Rusper with his brother in a bak-



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er’s lorry and saying: “We landed up in a farmouse with weird looking animals with things on their heads! Some idiot told us that that

was where the milk came out – we didn’t believe them, of course!” Margaret White of the Rusper Chronicle says: “We have a copy




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of the list of evacuees in the village.

Continued on page 2


Friday 20 April 2018

News 20.04.2018 Contents

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Care home invites locals to a royal celebration this Care Home Open Day


What Matters to You? Tell the council what you really think Page 5


From the right CIDER town Page 11 Entertainment

Harry Potter star come to Christ’s Hospital Page 12

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Huge thankyou to our contributors: Horsham Rocks, Keith Holmes, Tim Hewlett & John Lines

A care home in Horsham is inviting local people to visit the home to join in its celebrations for Care Home Open Day. Today and tomorrow (Friday 20 and Saturday 21 April), from 2.30pm-5pm, the team at Skylark House on St Marks Lane will be opening the doors to the care home for a free family-friendly event. The day is in celebration of Care Home Open Day, a countrywide initiative to create lasting relationships between care homes and their local communities.

To commemorate the Queen’s 92nd birthday, Skylark House has organised two days of royal-inspired celebrations. With homemade crowns at the ready, the Care UK team is looking forward to hosting garden parties across both days. On Friday 20th, entertainment will include live music from saxophone musician, Alison Clark. Guests will also be able to enjoy a delicious spread of afternoon cream tea. On Saturday 21st, there will be live entertainment from singer and guitarist, Tommy Parsons,

and guests will be able to enjoy a delicious barbecue. The Skylark House team will be on hand throughout both parties to meet guests and give tours around the home. Devendra Lallchand, home manager at Skylark House, said: “We’ve already had a brilliant start to the year at Skylark House, and our Care Home Open Day celebrations are set to be a real highlight. The day is all about enriching the lives of residents by building lasting relationships with the community, so what better excuse to invite the people of Horsham to the home than to celebrate the Queen’s birthday. “The residents are looking forward to decorating the home fit for a queen, and we cannot wait to open our doors for this royal celebration.” Visitors to the Care Home Open Day event at Skylark House will also be able to pick up their copy of Care UK’s guide, A helping hand. For more information on Care Home Open Day at Skylark House, please call home manager Devendra Lallchand: 01403 887 578, or email: devendra.lallchand@ To find out more about Care Home Open Day, please visit:

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Iris returns Continued from front page Iris (then called Wills), Fred and Charles were enrolled on September 12th – nine days after war had been declared. Others had been enrolled the day before and, as far as we can tell, 37 evacuees came at that time, which would have been an experience for the (small) school!” It is known that wartime classrooms boosted by evacuees did not have sufficient room, so they worked in shifts with half of the children being involved in outdoor things when the other pupils were inside. What happened to Iris and her brothers in Rusper? Iris explains: “I liked it and did not want to go back, but after a year my father, who was a volunteer Fire Warden in London, came for the boys because the blitz hadn’t started, so I had to go back with them. Later, when London was being badly bombed we were sent to Cornwall and were lucky to be put with another nice family. Some evacuees were harshly treated but the people of Rusper and Horsham were so kind to us and it has been lovely to come back to see the village again and to be shown round the cottage where I lived.”

Friday 20 April 2018 3 get the news online and on the go at


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A very English weekend planned for Horsham

This year’s Horsham English Festival promises to offer a fantastic blend of traditional cultural icons, celebrating our English heritage across two days of dance, music, and vehicles, supported by themed stalls and entertainments on Saturday and Sunday 6 & 7 May. The Broadwood Day of Dance: Kicking it all off on Saturday 6 May will be the incredible 25th annual Broadwood Morris Day of Dance; a riot of colour, music and dance featuring around 25 dance sides mostly from the local area. Commencing with a procession at 10.30am, the dancers will then disperse throughout the town to perform a variety of dance traditions, including Cotswold Morris, Step Clogging, Border Morris, Appalachian Clogging, North West Morris and more... just listen out for the Drummers! Children will be delighted to have a go at circus skills. At 3.00pm, the day transforms into an ‘anyone can join in’, open air Barn Dance at the Bandstand. Everyone is invited to come along and join in the fun. Long term member of the Broadwood Morris Men, Dick Streeter, recalled: “Interestingly, The Day of Dance was originally intended to be a one off event, to celebrate the 21st anniversary of The Broadwood Morris Men and also to make good use of the newly pedestrianised town centre. The dance teams, expected to be around ten, turned out to be more like 20, and the day was so popular that they all wanted to come back the following year. “Ever since then, this is now a

regular annual event in the town centre that (one year) attracted nearly forty guest teams”. The Day of Dance is supported by Weltons Artisan Brewers, The Beer Essentials – East Street, Courtney Green, and Back in Action. The Carfax market traders have been invited to theme their stalls in keeping with the event, and a group of Classic Morris Cars have been invited to display, once again, on the Forum near Sainsbury’s and Tk Maxx/Dunelm. A Celebration of English Tradition featuring the Concert in aid of Samaritans: And if that was not enough, Horsham Folk Club and Horsham Samaritans, supported by Horsham District Council and partners, have planned the festivities

for Sunday 7 May. At the heart of the day, on the Carfax Bandstand, Horsham Folk Club and friends will be presenting a concert with an outstanding selection of performers, including Julie Roberts, Rhythm & Sole dance company, The Show Choir, Okee Dokee, The Rocking Bankers, and Dave Toye. The concert will take place on the Carfax Bandstand between 11am and 4pm. Elsewhere, visitors will be treated to such varied spectacles as King Henry the Eighth and his Tudor Court, Race winning bikes from Dresda Motorcycles, plus British classic car and motorcycle displays, including an HWM Aston Martin supported Aston Martin Owners Club display from 11am, story telling and fairground

activities for kids. The legendary Loxwood Joust team takes over Market Square for a mini-festival of medieval mayhem, look out for their knights around Carfax during the day. Locally produced food and drink will also follow a traditional theme, led by a Hog Roast and Hot Roast Beef from Pig in a Jacket and Garlic Wood Farm respectively, Loxwood Mead, and Hepworth’s Real Ales. Ice creams will be available from local shops Candy Box and Paninos and face painting will be provided by Busydays. All car and bike displays will leave in a mass parade through Carfax at 3.30pm. “The concert is free and is planned to be fun, entertaining and varied so we hope lots of people will come along to enjoy

a range of music from rock to folk with some blues and jazz in between,” said Caroline Thomas from Horsham Folk Club, “We are particularly pleased to have the Show Choir and Rhythm & Sole dance company, as well as notable local musicians, such as Julie Roberts and Dave Toye, amongst others - so there will be something for everyone.” The Carfax is in the centre of Horsham and within easy walking distance of all the car parks. Roger Dugdale, Director of the local branch said: “The Samaritans of Horsham and Crawley are there for anyone at any time. Problems have a way of piling up and, without someone to talk to, it can be lonely and stressful. We want to help people if they [sic] feeling emotionally distressed.”

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Friday 20 April 2018


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Racoons Receive Egg-cellent Easter Treat at Drusillas Park

The racoons at Drusillas Park, Alfriston, have been enjoying some seasonal surprises, as keepers served them up an egg-citing platter of treats as part of their Easter celebrations. Chocolate was not on the menu though; instead, the Easter bunny delivered boiled eggs decorated with edible paint to mark the festivities. The naturally curious raccoons were a little apprehensive to begin with; unsure what to make of the colourful painted eggs that were placed into their enclosure. However, after a bit of observation, they established that the eggs weren’t going to launch an at-

tack and were safe to approach. The egg hunt proved to be a smash hit with racoons, Bandit and Turpin, who egg-splored the enclosure with enthusiasm. They scrambled to discover the unusual offering, before polishing the meal up in minutes. Quite a frenzy ensued, as bits of egg shell were thrown around, nibbled on, fought over and begrudgingly shared. Head Keeper, Mark Kenward, said: “delivering the animals’ meals in imaginative and unusual ways is part of the zoo’s daily enrichment programme. This ensures they receive a varied and diverse diet, as well as encouraging them to think and work for their food as they would in the wild.” “Eggs are an important source of protein for the group. Serving them whole in shells means the animals have to work a little harder to get their food. They have to roll them around and work for their reward; they had a cracking time figuring out how to get into their treats.” Located just off the A27 in Alfriston, Drusillas Park is open from 10.00am daily. For more information, please telephone 01323 874100 or visit the website at www.drusillas.

Council supports first environmentally friendly all-electric taxi cab

Horsham District Council welcomed its first all-electric private hire/taxi to the District on 5 April. The Council, which is responsible for licensing all private hire/ taxi vehicles across Horsham District, gave Billingshurst based taxi company Jake’s Cars a boost by licensing its fully electric vehicle at a much reduced rate for the first year of its operation. Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Housing, Cllr Kate Rowbottom, commented: “I am delighted that we have been able to

help drive down pollution emissions in the District. “This is an excellent opportunity for us as a Council to support a local company actively wanting to reduce air pollution and it very much supports the Council’s commitment to being at the forefront of environmental innovations in transport.” The Council is offering its licensing discount for the first 12 months for any all-electric private hire/ taxi cab in Horsham District. This comes as the Government intends to move drivers away from tradi-

Please help us to avoid rejection of our household recycling

Please help us keep our recycling clean and avoid rejection at the recycling facility. We’re asking the


A-Z of recycling !

horsham .gov beforeyo .uk/think uthrow

residents of the Horsham district to check; • Is it Clean? (No food residue)

YES YESplease please


• Is it Dry? (No liquid) • Is it Loose? (Not tied up in bags or boxes). • A quick rinse of tins and plastics will do. • We can only accept dry paper (if it tears and makes a sound, it’s ok to go in) so keep your lid closed.

glass bottles glass bottles glass bottles glass bottles & & jars glass bottles & jars jars & jars & jars

Some other incorrect items we find in the recycling bins include household waste, Pyrex©, polystyrene, plastic bags and crockery. NONE of these items can be accepted in the blue-top bin for recycling.

If you are ever unsure please check our web pages at /thinkbeforeyouthrow This includes a link to a handy A-Z of recycling showing you how and where you can recycle everything from aerosol cans to zinc batteries.


However if the wrong items are placed in the recycling bin this can sometimes cause the entire load of recycling to be rejected and sent to landfill, undoing the good work of hundreds of residents. Plastic bags can clog up machinery at the recycling facility and any food or liquid residue can also cause problems.

tional petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040, urging them to shift to ultralow and zero emission vehicles. Commenting on the trend of new zero emission cars, Jake Edsor owner of Jake’s Cars said: “I am very proud to have the first taxi like this in Horsham. It’s a great initiative and I am grateful to the Council for their help with this”. There are two rapid charge points in the District, where cars can be charged and ready to go in 20 minutes. The cost for using these points is £0.30 per kilowatt, with a minimum charge of £1.50, and an overstay charge of £5 for more than one hour. These are located at: • Storrington - Library car park, Ryecroft lane, North Street, RH20 4PA • Billingshurst - Six Bells Car Park, Mill Lane, Billingshurst RH14 9LB There are also slow charge points in Horsham in the North Street Car Park RH12 1RL, which typically take three hours to charge. Please note there are local restrictions and parking charges. Other charge points are available in Waitrose in Horsham, at Horsham British Rail Station and other locations linked to hotels.

Check ou t the


Recycling in the Horsham District is easy - recyclable items are all just placed in the one bin. No separating, no fuss.

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plastic bottles & containers

NO NOthanks thanks

• Newspapers • Magazines • Cardboard and corrugated cardboard

• • • •

• Wine bottles • Beer bottles

• Jam jars • Sauce jars

• Fruit juice cartons

• Soup cartons • Milk cartons

• Milk/drinks bottles • Bathroom/laundry bottles and tubs

• Food, fruit and ready meal pots, tubs and trays • Plastic container lids

• • • •

• Food cans • Drink cans • Pet food cans

• Empty hairspray and deodorant aerosols

• Batteries • Electrical items

• Clean takeaway containers

• Tin foil

• Pet food pouches • Crisp packets

Catalogues Telephone directories Cereal and egg boxes Junk mail

• Shredded paper • Paper towels

• Pyrex® • Drinking glasses • Crockery

Plastic bags and film Plastic toys and furniture Plant pots and seed trays Polystyrene and nappies

NO garden waste • NO general rubbish or food • NO electrical items • NO Building Materials • NO Textiles

Friday 20 April 2018 5 get the news online and on the go at

Heron Way pupils support hospice during Easter break! Two pupils of Heron Way Primary School, Horsham, took time out during the Easter holidays to raise money for London charity, Richard House children’s hospice. Evia Baker (7) and her friend, Imogen Brown (8), spent the day running a charity cake sale. Evia’s dad, Myles, is running the London Marathon on Sunday (22 April), in aid of Richard House, and the girls wanted to

eferral “

What Matters to You? Tell the council what you really think

help raise funds. For 7.5 hours, the year 3 pupils sat in the front garden selling cakes, hot drinks, and even thought to offer doggy treats for dog walkers heading into St. Leonards’s Forest! Thanks to the incredible generosity of Dickens Way residents, and Heron Way School parents, who went out of their way to support the girls, they raised a whopping £130! People living in West Sussex are being urged to say what they really think, in a survey looking into everything that keeps the county moving and working. ‘What Matters to You?’ run by West Sussex County Council every two years, asks residents and business owners across the county for their views on all services the County Council is responsible for. There are questions on highways to libraries, and social care to the fire and rescue service – and everything in between. The County Council spends more than £500 million pounds of tax payers’ money on council services for more than 821,000 residents, so it really does need to hear what residents think. The survey, which is available until 16 July, gives people a chance to influence how the County Council shapes those services,

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what its main priorities should be, and how its budget is set for West Sussex in future years. Participants are asked to select their top three areas from the West Sussex Plan 2017-2022, which sets out what the focus of the County Council will be over the coming years. They will also be asked for their views on how much Council Tax should be set at. West Sussex County Council’s Leader, Louise Goldsmith, said: “As an elected member I am here to put in to practice what people in the county need and want. I am here to represent our residents and businesses and make their life a little bit easier with the decisions we make. “Getting people’s views into the way we work and what we focus on is vital if we are to continue to offer our residents the very best

services and the best value for money. I hope everyone will embrace the chance to have their say and tell us what matters to you.” If telling the County Council what you think of them isn’t enough of an incentive, those who take part in the survey can also enter a prize draw to win £500 for a West Sussex registered charity of their choice. In 2016, responses to the survey helped to define the council’s priorities in the West Sussex Plan 2017-22. This sets out how the council will shape its services for the coming years, focusing on: Giving our children and young people the best start in life; Ensuring West Sussex is a prosperous place; Our communities will be strong, safe and sustainable; We will support you in later life to remain independent; We will be a council that works for our communities. Feedback from the 2018 survey will help decide which three of the five priorities in the plan matter most to residents and will help ensure resource is focused most on these areas. The survey, as well as terms and conditions for the prize draw, can be found at: uk/whatmatters2018

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Friday 20 April 2018


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Foresters’ Friendly Society support Southwater First Responders Foresters’ Friendly Society’s Horsham Branch, Court St Leonards, presented a cheque for £350 to Pauline Flores-Moore, Team Leader of Southwater Community First Responders, and a recent volunteer, Michael Durrant, at its April branch meeting held at Whispers in Billingshurst. The First Responders were the local charity chosen by Michael Brinton, Court St.

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Council release community survey results for Horsham Park and Chesworth Farm

Leonards’ Chief Ranger in 2017, to be the focus of its local fund-raising activities last year. Michael, a resident of Southwater, said: “The Southwater First Responders provide a vital service to our community. I am delighted that Foresters’ Friendly Society has been able to support them in the life-saving work they carry out every day.”

Hundreds of local people have had their say in a recent consultation to shape the future of the much loved Horsham Park and Chesworth Farm areas in Horsham. An online consultation into creating a management plan for each of the sites was launched during October 2017 and ran until the end of November 2017. The response has been amazing with some 890 responses to the Horsham Park survey and some 400 responses to the Chesworth Farm survey. Commenting on the survey, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture Cllr Jonathan Chowen said: “I am so pleased that so many

local residents took the time to take part in our public consultation. Both sites have received so much positive community engagement and I am particularly glad to see so much support for an increase in natural habitats to encourage wildlife. “We now have the input we need to create an effective management plan for each site to create parks that our residents will be even more proud of.” Among the findings from users about Horsham Park included: Overall satisfaction with the Park was very high with 96% respondents being very or fairly satisfied with the park; Walking was the most common mode of transport

to the park; Younger people are more likely to visit the park for socialising, those aged 35-44 for activities such as sport or public events and people aged 45-64 for reasons relating to pets or nature; The most frequent facilities used were the gardens, café, seating, pond, play area, and events/ entertainment, and 40% respondents said they would like to see more events with music and family events. The most common issues reported were toilet provision, littering, and vermin control. The main findings about Chesworth Farm revealed: Overall satisfaction with the farm was high with 97% saying it was very or fairly well managed; The majority of respondents were in favour of the provision of more parking; The most common reasons for visiting the farm were related to nature, physical health and walking pets; There was strong support for increasing natural habitats to attract wildlife and improving information available on the site and online; The most significant problems were seen as muddy paths and dog fouling. The results of the surveys will now be used to develop management plans for each of the sites. A more in depth analysis of the consultation results can be seen on the Council’s website: www. . Design Search Social

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Friday 20 April 2018


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Public opinion sought on new bus strategy proposals West Sussex County Council is developing a new bus strategy to explore ways in which it can work with bus companies, and other partners, to help sustain and improve services. The Council has made a request to: “hear opinions on proposals for the new strategy and if there is anything else people think we should include.” Bob Lanzer, West Sussex County Council Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure,

said: “Your feedback will inform our approach to (and investment in) bus services and community transport, between 2018 and 2026, so this is a great opportunity to have your say.” To find out more and to take part online, please visit: or call: 01243 642105 to request an information pack. The closing date for the consultation is 6 June, 2018.

Collyer’s champion, Omkar, makes the right moves!

Bus Strategy Consultation Have your say

Bus Strategy Consultation

The County Council is developing a new Bus Strategy which will explore ways in which we can work with bus companies and other partners to help sustain and improve bus services. We would like your views on our proposals for the new strategy and if there is anything else you think we should include.

For further information and to take part in the consultation please go to or call 01243 642105 to request an information pack.

Have your say

The County Council is developing a new Bus Strategy which will explore ways in which we can work with bus companies and other partners to help sustain and improve bus services. We would like your views on our proposals for the new strategy and if there is anything else you think we should include.

For further information and to take part in the consultation please go to or call 01243 642105 to request an information pack.

The closing date for your feedback is 6 June 2018 WS962 4.18

The closing date for your feedback is 6 June 2018 WS962 4.18

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At the annual Collyer’s Chess Club Awards, Omkar Kerkar was presented with the prestigious and coveted Chess Board trophy, having won a hard fought Collyer’s Chess Championship 2018. A proud Omkar received the trophy from Collyer’s principal, Sally Bromley. The Collyer’s Chess Club, run by maths teacher Alex Taylor, a chess champion in his own right, has gone from strength to strength this year.

Newly crowned “Collyer’s Chess Champion”, Omkar was delighted: “I always believe in

It’s great to see how enthusiastic the students have been to play chess performing to the best of my abilities. I never lose, either I win

or I learn. Winning is only half of it, having fun is the other half.” In addition to running the Collyer’s Chess Championship, the Chess Club has a very strong team, which has competed successfully against schools, colleges and universities across the region over the past year. The prize for “Best Team Player” was awarded to James Maclean. He said: “I had a lot of fun representing the college throughout the year. Massive thanks go to Alex Taylor for organising everything. Hopefully, this is just the beginning to more success next year!” Alex Taylor said: “It’s great to see how enthusiastic the students have been to play chess. From playing in a college league, against the Horsham Juniors, and against universities, they have all represented the college brilliantly.” Collyer’s Principal, Sally Bromley, said: “Huge congratulations to Omkar and James, and well done to the chess club for their team success over the course of the year. A big thank-you also to Alex Taylor for all of his hard work.” Picture (left to right): James Maclean, Omkar Kerkar and Alex Taylor

Important changes to your bin collections are you ready? If you live in this general area, your bin collections will have changed this week. Find out which bin you need to put out and when: bincalendar


Remember: • all bins to be out by 6am


• where possible use your normal collection point • bin handles to face the road.

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Friday 20 April 2018 11 get the news online and on the go at

From the right CIDER town

Partridge Green, on the south of Horsham, was once home to a thriving apple growing industry, supplying the markets of Sussex and London, utilising the trains which started running in 1861. Trenchmore, a small family farm on the edge of Partridge Green and Cowfold, is growing apples again and planing to reach new parts of Sussex, since the Southern Co-op agreed to trial their cider. “Unfortunately we can’t use trains to deliver our cider, but are finding some beautiful parts of Sussex whilst dropping off stock and enjoying meeting staff, and look forward to meeting new customers, once our tasting sessions get under way next month” explained Rachel Knowles, who works on the family farm, which


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has over 19 varieties of traditional cider apple trees in their orchard of over 1400 trees. Kate Hibbert, Southern Co-op Local Sourcing Manager, said: “As an independent regional retailer in southern England, it’s vital that we play a pivotal role in supporting local food producers and the rural economy; this is very much part of our business ethos as a cooperative.” Food security and sustainable farming methods are important to the family team at Trenchmore, mixed farmers with livestock and grains as well as apples. According to Andrew Knowles who managed his first farm in 1977: “Mixed farming rather fell out of fashion, but it’s been making a revival at Trenchmore, and experts are looking again at mixed farming

and coming to the conclusion it is more sustainable!” With the cattle muck fertilising the heritage wheat, the straw from the wheat bedding the cattle over winter. The red Sussex x Wagyu cattle are mostly grass fed, and are also treated to brewers grains from Horsham’s Two Tribes Brewery, and Linseed meal from the Linseed Farm at Barns Green. Every Autumn, the cattle get excited when their autumnal feast of left over apple pomace arrives. This is where the name Silly Moo came from. Rachel continued: “We only use fresh apple juice in our cider from Sussex grown apples. No added sugar or sweeteners; instead, we blend in some apple juice before bottling, to create a slightly sparkling, medium dry cider, which has been fermented on the farm over winter. “After 13 tonnes of apples were delivered last Autumn at our swap and we needed to find a few more stockists, so [sic] were delighted when Southern Co-op approached us. We hope to see more and more local food and drink producers in Sussex. Buying local is really important for the local economy, as more of the money spent with local businesses stays local and we think it tastes better too!” Silly Moo cider is now stocked across Sussex. To find out more, please visit: www.trenchmore. Trenchmore will be open again this September, as part of the Horsham Food Festival.

FREE FAMILY LAW ADVICE CLINIC IN CRAWLEY AND HORSHAM We offer a free 30 minute consultation at our family law advice clinic every Tuesday 1pm – 4pm, covering: • Divorce, separation and finances • Children matters (contact and residence arrangements) • Cohabitation disputes where couples are unmarried • Consent Orders • Options available on the breakdown marriage or civil partnership • Prenuptial agreements By appointment only. Please book in advance by calling 01293 596947. Crawley clinic: 117-119 High Street, Crawley RH10 1DD Horsham clinic: Lavinia House, Dukes Square, Horsham RH12 1GZ Alternatively, we offer a one hour fixed fee appointment at £100 plus vat (£120). To book a convenient fixed fee appointment please call 01293 596947.

Saxon Weald announces new Chief Executive Steven Dennis has been appointed as Saxon Weald’s new Chief Executive in preparation for the retirement of current leader David Standfast. Steven, who has been a director at Saxon Weald since 2008, will take over the helm on Monday 4 June. Simon Turpitt, Saxon Weald’s Chairman, commented: “Steven has a long history of success in his roles at Saxon Weald and impressed us with his enthusiasm, vision, and drive to be the new Chief Executive and take us to our next level of success. These are exciting and challenging times for housing, and Steven’s leadership, supported by the Board and staff, will ensure that David’s great legacy is built upon and that the organisation goes from strength to strength.” Steven added: “I’m proud to have been a part of Saxon Weald’s achievements over the years and am now tremendously honoured to become its new Chief Executive. I believe that Saxon Weald has a great future and that, thanks to the support and enthusiasm

of its fantastic staff, we will deliver long lasting viability, growth and success.” Steven joined Saxon Weald in 2001, shortly after the association was formed. He is currently Property Director, overseeing the in-house repairs service, asset management and IT, and has a background in business improvement.


Friday 20 April 2018

Entertainment Horsham District Gig Guide

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Harry Potter star come to Christ’s Hospital

Friday 16th 20/04/2018 September

Murdochs Crazy Eyes The Overtures Railway Inn, Wildwood GolfBillingshurst & Country 21:00Cranleigh Club, 18:00 T Slammers Soul Band The Barley Mow, Tandridge


20:00 Horsham Rocks Presents: “RHYTHMIC” (The Hat Man) Saturday The Carfax17th Bandstand, Horsham September 14:00 - 16:00 Horsham Rocks Presents The Voodoo Sheiks The Horsham Bandstand, The Malt Shovel, Horsham Carfax, Horsham 20:30til 16:00 11:00 Jellyhead Nell Bryden TheCapitol Six Bells, Chiddingly The Theatre, Hor20:30 sham 19:30 Larger Than Life Duo Goffs Park Social Club, Crawley Paul Wingham Acoustic 20:30 The Bear, Hounds of Horsham Sound 15:00 Broadbridge Heath Village


Centre, Broadbridge Heath 20:00 Quo-caine The Mulberry, Goring Acoustic showcases 20:30 The Surrey Oaks, Black Heart Angel Newdigate The Malt Shovel, Horsham 20:00 0:30 Acoustic Open Mic Night The Jolly Tanners, Staplefield 20:00


Sunday 18th September

South Saxon Beardsmen Gathering The Malt Shovel, Horsham 12:00 til 18:00 Open Mic Night Open Mic night The Bear, Horsham The Shelley Arms, Broad20:00 bridge Heath 19:30 Riverboat Shuffle Horsham Sports Club, Horsham Open Mic night 20:00 The Star - Dorking,



Dorking, Surrey 20:30 Open Mic night The Bull Inn, Henfield 20:00 Acoustic Mic Night Farlowe,Open Anderson and The Jolly Tanners, StapleBrookes field Cranleigh Arts Centre, 20:30 Cranleigh Blues 20:00Workshop Northgate CenOpen Mic Community Night tre, TheCrawley Cock Inn, Southwater, 20:00 Horsham Open Mic Night 20:00 The Royal Oak, Ifield 20:00 Acoustic showcases The Surrey Oaks, Newdigate 19:30

Tuesday 20th September

Gig guide kindly supplied by horshamWenesday 14th September Electric Jam Night The Malt Shovel, Horsham 20:30

Thursday 15th

On Thursday, 26 April, Christ’s Hospital is hosting an evening with Chris Rankin, the actor behind Wizard Percy Weasley, plus three special guests involved in creating everyone’s favourite magical world. Chris Rankin was 16 years old when he sent off a letter ask-

ing for an audition to play Percy Weasley in ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’. He went on to play the role for 11 years. Chris is a regular at Comic Cons and Events around the world, where he regularly meets with the fan community and speaks about his experiences in one of the most

beloved and successful film franchises in cinema history. In this special evening Chris will bring together other guests from the set, in a hosted panel, to talk about their stories and experiences of working on one of the best loved film franchises in recent history. Guests will be other performers or creatives involved on the productions (to be confirmed nearer to the event). There will be plenty of time for audience questions! There will also be the opportunity to meet the guests after the Panel and Q & A session and obtain signatures on any items you wish (some items will be on sale on the night). For this, there is a separate charge of £5 if purchased in advance or £10 if purchased on the day. Please note that this event is not affiliated with the Harry Potter franchise, J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros. Please contact the Christ’s Hospital Box Office for more information: 01403 247434, boxoffice@

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Still time to host a Pawsome Tea party Cats Protection is inviting the cat-loving public to host their very own Pawsome Tea parties this month, to help cats in their local area. The event, launched last year, was met with an enthusiastic response and the charity is hoping even more cat-lovers will sign up now to raise money for the thousands of unwanted cats and kittens in Cats Protection’s care. Anyone interested can sign up now via: to receive a free pack, complete with recipe ideas, cake flags and great ideas on how to prepare for a fabulous afternoon of fun any time in April. Cats Protection is the UK’s leading feline welfare charity and helps over 190,000 cats each year through a national network of over 250 volunteer-run branches and 34 centres.

West Sussex Philharmonic Choir continue 40th anniversary season Continuing its 40th anniversary season, WSPC is performing two choral works by Romantic composers this weekend at St. Mary’s Church in Horsham: Gioachino Rossini’s Petite messe solennelle and the Cantique de Jean Racine by Gabriel Fauré. Rossini was 71 when he composed his Little Solemn Mass in 1863, more than 30 years after he

had ended his career in opera. He described the piece as “the last of my sins of old age”, and there is also a hint of irony in the title he gave to this sacred work, which is neither short nor entirely solemn but full of passion and intensity and unmistakeably operatic in character! Fauré wrote his Cantique de Jean Racine in 1864, at the young

age of 19, as a graduation exercise for the Ecole Niedermeyer in Paris, winning first prize for composition. The serene, contemplative setting of the text – a French adaptation of a mediaeval Latin hymn – already anticipates Fauré’s later religious works, including his much-loved Requiem. Do come and join us for an evening of glorious music!

Concert: Saturday 21 April at St. Mary’s Church, Causeway, Horsham at 7.30 pm. Tickets: £14 (student concessions £7) on the door. WSPC currently has about 75 members, and regularly hosts ‘Come and Sing’ workshops. New voices are always welcome. For more information, please visit



40 Anniversary Season

Rossini – Petite messe solennelle Fauré – Cantique de Jean Racine Conductor – Stephen Hope

St. Mary’s Parish Church, Horsham

Saturday 21st April 2018 7.30 pm Tickets £14 with Concessions for Students £7, on the door or from Horsham Piano Centre, Waterstones or The Candy Box

registered charity number 276763

L18_CA09 Addictive TV poster.indd 1

22/03/2018 09:52

Friday 20 April 2018 13 get the news online and on the go at


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VOODOO ROOM: A Night of Hendrix & Cream

Tonight, The Hawth Studio plays host to a tribute to the masters of classic blues rock, Hendrix and Cream. Voodoo Room, a new and exciting power trio featuring some of the UK’s finest musicians, are a tribute band with a difference, and their refreshingly energetic and unpretentious live show is not to be missed! The band delivers a full-on show that features all of your favourite Hendrix and Cream tunes,

performed with an energy and virtuosity that transcends tribute band status. The sheer musical ability of the band is a force to be reckoned with. This is definitely NOT a wig wearing, dress up, pantomime style tribute band – rather, it is simply great music performed by great players with real pedigree. This is a band with real talent. Virtuoso guitarist, Peter Orr, has been thrilling audiences throughout the UK and Europe

for nearly 3 decades, mashing up classic riff based rock anthems, with the energy and style evocative of their time. Drummer, John Tonks, is a leading session musician with superlative touring and recording credits, including such diverse luminaries as Massive Attack, Steve Winwood, The Streets, Fish and more. Completing the line-up is Andy Tolman, who has played live bass for the likes of Ben E King, Jo Harman, Alfie Boe and Rodriguez, whilst also fulfilling many a music enthusiast’s dream by participating in a recording sessions with legendary Beatles producer, George Martin. Voodoo Room’s mission is to deliver the all-time great Cream and Hendrix numbers, with a true passion and energy worthy of the classic masters. The show is beyond any tribute, it is simply a celebration of the pure power trio. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the thrill of this musical ride as it was back then. Performance: Friday 20 April, 7.45pm, The Hawth Studio Crawley. Tickets: £13 in advance (£15 on the night), available from The Hawth Box Office: 01293 553636 and online:

Mon 7th May 2018

St Mary’s 5k trail run & family fun day 10am Children’s fun obstacle course and colour run £5 11am 5k trail run (run, jog or walk) £10 in advance £15 on the day

Barrack field next to Cricket club, Horsham For more info visit Charity number 1132246

Beers, Bangers & Beats – this Friday to Sunday at HC&SC Entertainment Martin Read - Sports Reporter This weekend Horsham Cricket & Sports Club are launching another mega event - “Beers, Bangers & Beats” in the Cricketfield Road Clubhouse, Bar Manager Shaka Shambrook telling the District Post: “Come and join us for a celebration of the very best selection of local beers, cider, sausages – outstanding produce and refreshments from around Horsham and District - coupled with live music showcasing our finest local talents. We’ve got sausages from New Street Butchers and Claphams in Horsham – and Bangers Galore, all cooked

to perfection by our catering supremo Jenny Wise and her team! This Friday the event will run from 6-11pm with the wonderful, evergreen Willie Austen providing his unique musical entertainment. Then on Saturday and Sunday the programme will continue from noon until 6pm, with, on Saturday lovely songstress Sydney Rutherford performing a set at 2pm. Sydney has recently released an album and been featured on Radio 1, so that is certain to be brilliant. There’ll be a host of other well known local performers, too, ensuring that with over 20 beers and ciders on tap and Jenny’s great food it’s going to be another memora-

bly great weekend at the club!” And, Horsham ground staff have been defying the elements to get the cricket pitch ready for a pre season friendly against fellow premier league club Eastbourne on Saturday afternoon and a planned match with an Essex touring side on Sunday. Tickets for the Beers, Bangers and Beats event are going well but some are still available from the club office and bar at the very modest price of £5 per session or £10 for a pass for the entire weekend. Horsham Cricket & Sports Club, Cricketfield Road, RH12 1TE https://www. – 01403 254685

Box Office 01403 750220









8 M T 2 55P SA L 5. I R AP






Friday 20 April 2018


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We take notices for all celebrations, births, deaths, marriages, anniversaries and acknowledgements To book your notice, please contact the team on 01403 289709 or at HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 Notice is hereby given under Article 15(3), (4) or (5) or Article 16 that the following applications have been submitted to Horsham District Council, registered between 9th April and 13th April 2018 Please note the below list of applications advertised are only those we are required to do so by law. A full list of applications is available by visiting our website at DC/18/0755 Myatts White Horse Square Steyning West Sussex BN44 3GQ Replacement of glazed roof over entrance with a slate roof and roof light window Reason for Advert: Conservation Area. Affecting Setting of a Listed Building.

DC/18/0521 Monks Farm Honeywood Lane Okewood Hill Dorking Surrey RH5 5QA Application for the retention of existing mobile home. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building.

DC/18/0771 The Dovecote Old Rectory Lane Pulborough West Sussex RH20 2AF Demolition of existing garage/workshop and erection of a linked extension to the north of the property (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area.

DC/18/0760 53 Brighton Road Horsham West Sussex RH13 6EZ Demolition of existing flat roofed garage and erection of new detached two storey dwelling (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building.

DC/18/0747 Piries Place Horsham West Sussex RH12 1DG Installation of 6 fascia signs; 2 hanging signs; 2 totem signs and 1 canopy sign. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area. DC/18/0739 Kettlesbridge Farm West Chiltington Lane Coneyhurst Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 9DN Use of two rooms in existing residential property and use of Camping Barrel in garden as occasional overnight accommodation in connection with Ellasfield Therapy Unit. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0725 Lyons Farm Estate Lyons Road Slinfold West Sussex Erection of sign to front of property Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0740 Scout Hall Bakers Lane Shipley Horsham West Sussex RH13 8GJ Erection of a changing room. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0766 The Dovecote Old Rectory Lane Pulborough West Sussex RH20 2AF Variation of condition 1 to previously approved application DC/17/0568 (Demolition of existing garage/ workshop. Erection of a linked extension to the north of the property and internal alterations - householder). Minor material amendments to approved roof and elevations. Reason for Advert: Listed Building.

DC/18/0759 53 Brighton Road Horsham West Sussex RH13 6EZ Demolition of existing flat roofed garage and erection of new detached two storey dwelling (Full Application) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. DC/18/0765 20 London Road Horsham West Sussex RH12 1AY Installation of 7 number wall mounted external air conditioning condenser units and associated internal heating/ cooling units. (Full application) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area. DC/18/0772 20 London Road Horsham West Sussex RH12 1AY Installation of 7 number wall mounted external air conditioning condenser units and associated internal heating/ cooling units. (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area.

S106/18/0009 Land South of Broadbridge Heath Old Wickhurst Lane Broadbridge Heath West Sussex Discharge of planning obligations to approved application DC/09/2101 in respect of schedule 9, part 2 of the S106 agreement relating to the Neighbourhood Centre specification and Schedule 14 relating to the Parish Office specification Reason for Advert: Section 106. DC/18/0689 Leonardslee Gardens Brighton Road Lower Beeding Horsham West Sussex RH13 6PP Improvements to visitor car park including refurbishment to access from existing site entrance and exit, landscaping works to the car park, refurbished toilet block and greenhouse and erection of a glasshouse. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0719 Cote Brasserie 1 - 1A East Street Horsham West Sussex RH12 1HH Installation of replacement extract flue (in relation to DC/18/0657). Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area. DC/18/0198 Dendys 40 Heath Way Horsham West Sussex RH12 5XJ Removal of half of dining room terracotta flooring to re-lay a sub base for damp-proofing and put back the same flooring in original position. Replace the concrete slab of other half of the floor with uniform terracotta tiles to match. (Listed Building Consent). Reason for Advert: Listed Building.

DC/18/0773 2 St Catherines Steyning Road West Grinstead Horsham West Sussex RH13 8LS Erection of 2 metre timber fence to southern boundary adjoining B2135 Steyning Road Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building.

DC/18/0657 Cote Brasserie 1 - 1A East Street Horsham West Sussex RH12 1HH Refurbishment of building following fire damage, including internal alterations and associated works, installation of a staircase and installation of replacement plant. (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area.

DC/18/0777 Mill House The Hollow West Chiltington Pulborough West Sussex RH20 2QA Erection of a single storey summer pool house and outdoor pool. Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area.

DC/18/0676 The Old Farmhouse Nuthurst Farm Nuthurst Street Nuthurst Horsham West Sussex Replacement of oak weatherboarding and timber wood windows and doors. (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. DC/18/0745 Cote Brasserie 1 - 1A East Street Horsham West Sussex RH12 1HH Installation of 1 non-illuminated front fascia sign, 3 front canopies with exterior lighting, 1 front wall mounted projecting sign with external lighting, 1 illuminated front wall mounted menu box and 1 free standing menu board. (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area.

DC/18/0720 Cote Brasserie 1 - 1A East Street Horsham West Sussex RH12 1HH Installation of 1 non-illuminated front fascia sign, 3 front canopies with exterior lighting, 1 front wall mounted projecting sign with external lighting, 1 illuminated front wall mounted menu box and 1 free standing menu board. Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area. DC/18/0690 St Josephs Monastery Lane Storrington Pulborough West Sussex RH20 4LR Erection of first floor side extension over existing extension. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0732 Old House Farm Old House Lane Coolham Horsham West Sussex RH13 8QP Erection of two agricultural buildings Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0707 5 Church Street Storrington West Sussex Minor Material Amendment to previously approved application DC/17/0193 (Pair of two bedroomed cottages on site of consented office and flat (DC/10/0686) and associated parking) amendments to rear extension roof. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0670 Holmbush Farm Landfill Site Crawley Road Faygate West Sussex Reserved Matters approval sought for a new road within Phase 2 of the Kilnwood Vale development, to form the High Street of the Neighbourhood Centre, along with the associated landscaping, drainage and parking” Reason for Advert: Major Development. DC/18/0794 Glen Arun 9 Athelstan Way Horsham West Sussex RH13 6HA Demolition of existing single storey accommodation and erection of two storey southern addition with associated external works Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0371 Longbury Hill House, Veras Walk, Storrington, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 3JF Proposed erection of a two storey dwelling and associated landscaping on residential land Reason for Advert: The proposed development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated.

S106/18/0008 Land East of Billingshurst To North and South of A272 East Street Billingshurst West Sussex Discharge of planning obligation to approved applications DC/13/0735 and DC/15/0059 (amended) to Schedule 9, Section 2, Paragraph 2.1 (Financial Contributions Statement) pursuant to Housing Parcel H8 a, b and c. (Application to re-discharge this obligation following s106/17/0011) Reason for Advert: Section 106.

South Downs National Park SDNP/18/01591/HOUS Catsland Farmhouse Bramlands Lane Woodmancote BN5 9TG Retrospective application for the erection of a rear oak pergola and fence Reason for Advert: Involves a Listed Building SDNP/18/01596/LIS Catsland Farmhouse Bramlands Lane Woodmancote BN5 9TG Retrospective application for the re-painting of existing painted brickwork and painting of existing window frames (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Involves a Listed Building SDNP/18/01147/LIS Clematis Cottage School Lane Washington RH20 4AP External works to boundaries and gardens only to Clematis Cottage (Listed Building) Reason for Advert: Conservation Area and Listed Building SDNP/18/01146/FUL Clematis Cottage School Lane Washington RH20 4AP External garden works including erection of replacement boundary fencing, erection of a security gate and erection of a new detached greenhouse/shed. (Full Planning) Reason for Advert: Listed Building and Conservation Area SDNP/18/01877/LIS Stotts Corner Hog Lane Amberley Arundel West Sussex BN18 9NH Retrospective application for new rear patio and retaining wall (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Conservation Area and Listed Building SDNP/18/01876/FUL Stotts Corner Hog Lane Amberley Arundel West Sussex BN18 9NH Retrospective application for new rear patio and retaining wall (Full Application) Reason for Advert: Conservation Area and Listed Building

A copy of each application and the submitted plans are available for inspection on the Council’s website if you cannot view plans on line please call 01403 215187 for guidance. Any person who wishes to make representations about any of the applications below should do so in writing to Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL by no later than 21 days from the date of this advert. Please note that any representations received will be made available for public inspection and posted on the Council’s website or the SDNP website.

New ‘Evergreen’ home designs to be released at Abingworth Meadows

A brand new selection of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes will be released for sale on Saturday 21 April at the landmark development of Abingworth Meadows which is surrounded by countryside in Thakeham, just outside Storrington.

Following the successful sales of homes surrounding the new cricket green and pond, awardwinning housebuilder Oakford Homes in conjunction with Abingworth Developments, is about to unveil the latest view home to demonstrate the first

Quote The District Post when booking

of the new 2, 3 and 4 bedroom designs known as ‘Evergreen’. Chris Coates, managing director of Oakford Homes, said, “Our latest release introduces some new house designs which have been created for people looking for well proportioned rooms and plenty of light without compromising Oakford’s high quality specification and finish. “Our aim is to design and build homes which are distinctive and uncompromising which we hope we’re achieving at Abingworth

Meadows. We have now set out to build homes which have wider appeal in terms of price but with the same high quality both inside and out.” About to be released for the first time are just two homes in ‘The Brooklime’ design which will feature two well-proportioned double bedrooms, each fitted with ensuite facilities and built-in wardrobes, while downstairs accommodation includes a spacious living room and an open plan kitchen/dining/living room, perfect for modern lifestyles. ‘The Vervain’ house design will also be released on 21 April. This character home provides three bedrooms while complementing the downstairs open plan kitchen/ dining/family room is a separate, practical utility room. Both styles of new home will also benefit from an adjoining garage. “We’re very proud of these two house designs which will bring a whole new dimension to Abingworth Meadows,” said Chris. “Coupled with the new community facilities which will be opening this summer, including a village hall and the new cricket pitch, it’s already becoming a fantastic community, all of which helps to make this a unique place to live.” More details about the first of the ‘Evergreen’ homes are available now via the Abingworth Meadows marketing suite which is open daily between 10am and 5pm (01798 813071) or email the sales team at thakeham@ to book your appointment for the launch of the new view home on Saturday 21 April.

KNIGHT FRANK KNOWS SUSSEX To find out how we can help you please contact us Horsham, West Sussex RH12 Guide Price: £250,000

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Henfield, West Sussex BN5 Guide Price: £625,000

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Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 Guide Price: £1,150,000

Crawley Down, West Sussex RH10 Guide price: £1,200,000

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District Post - 9th April 2018 - Pages 1 & 2

10/04/2018 11:46:08

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District Post - 9th April 2018 - Pages 2

10/04/2018 11:47:54

Chesworths Estate Agents 26 North Street, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1RQ  01403 255420   

OLD GUILDFORD ROAD l £435,000 Freehold


BROADBRIDGE HEATH l £375,000 Freehold


GRENE HURST PARK l CAPEL l £400,000 Leasehold


Built in red Victorian brick ‘The Old School House’ was constructed in circa 1870 and was the old headmasters quarters within the original Shelley Village School.

A near new and well presented family home benefiting from a cul de ac location within Wickhurst Green.

This impressive Victorian conversion is a substantial two bedroom apartment situated on the first floor and presents many of the original features associated with a period building of this type.

TOWN CENTRE PROPERTY WITH GARDEN - This spacious, purpose built, two/ three bedroom, ground floor maisonette is situated only a few minutes’ walk of Horsham’s historic town centre.

An impressive and spacious apartment situated within the heart of Horsham’s town centre and an ideal investment or first time purchase.

Sold subject to contract. Similar property urgently required for waiting buyers

  

01403 255420

26 North Street, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1RQ

Chesworths Estate Agents

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Friday 20 April 2018 23 get the news online and on the go at got a story? email us at


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Friday 20 April 2018 25 get the news online and on the go at


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New season Grays and Kookaburra hockey in stock. Canterbury & Gilbert rugby boots and protective gear in stock. Updating of annual cups and awards engraved on-site

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Your sports notice board Gatwick Flyers Trampoline Club Roffey Robins Rockets U13

Horsham Rugby Club Ho

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ages are invited to training sessions at New Players al ys Horsham Rugby wa Club we lcome fr om under 6 on Tuesd ay’s 18.30 or to 18. Sund 10.30. PlayContay’s act Jo n Pratt on ers 07 requi red for all the 785 3829 09 or fema le team s. Cont act jon.pratt@sk om Tony on enigmy.c a149 8@ yaho

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Horsh dminton Club Ba Players needed for

Gatwick Flyers New players areTrampoline required Club high qualfor theprovides team who play on ity coaching and welcomes Saturday mornings and newon members to join their train Monday evenings. Billingshurst For Players neededsquad. in various information visit www. positions. Please contact Robert Foley on 07775 647983 or

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Walking Baseball Club Horsham

football. ales ite males and fem Inv All ages and ability to over 6 years of age Tuesday and Thursday d learn an ng come alo mornings baseball Shipley Community s 10am to Saturday’ at Inglefield 1.00pmProject - £2 per r SchoolRuss Contact Mano session 07519 847295

Heron Olympic FC require players born between Sept 2004 Under 7 and under 8 players and Augrequired 2005 to for join the new U13 season. Anyone their 11-a-side interested in coming team for the 2017-18 along to season. training please contact Chris at Contact Ian Palser on chesworthrovers.chris@ 07973 242270 or email

Chesworth Rovers

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Holbro ok Allstars Lad ies Basketball Horsham Parkrun Club

The club would like to hear

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Heron Olympic FC



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Do you have a notice? email us at

Comptons Tennis Horsham Comm unity Club Netball Club

Always welcome Welcom es 8-12 yearnew olds members of all ages and At Collyer’ s Sixth Form abilities.College Please visit our website and Facebook Wednes days 5.30-6.30pm or contact our coach Andy Contact : Ian Ford 07764 Tope: 146338 / @horsha 07833 252342

Tan brid geot G Ba irls dm Fo ton ba llinin Cl ub Hors ham

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Friday 20 April 2018


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Record Awards for Horsham Bluebelles Baton Twirlers Many months of hard work and training were rewarded when 30 girls from The Horsham Bluebelles took part in the 4 day International Baton Twirling Championships in Bournemouth. Winning 4 out of the 6 top awards. Top Twirler sashes were awarded to Jamiee Lea Benn in the Juvenile division, Hannah Jones in the pre-teen division, and Lucy Martlew in the senior division, along with 2 championship

sashes. Amy, Lucy, Louise, Emma, Gemma and Maddison also won the overall award of Top Team of the competition. Not satisfied with these fantastic results, the girls also placed in 57 solo events and 14 team events. These results reflect the commitment and enthusiasm the girls have for their sport. In the 34 years the corps has been running, these are the most successful results anyone can

remember. Baton Twirling is a unique sport that combines dance, agility and co-ordination coupled with grace and flexibility. Girls and boys can start from the age of 3 and many of the senior girls have been competing for 20years, passing down their experience to the next generation. If you’re interested in joining or would like more details, please e-mail Carol at

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Roffey cricketers excel at Chestnut Tree House day Cricket Martin Read - Sports Reporter Roffey cricketers enjoyed another successful day of golf at the Mannings Heath course last Friday in aid of The Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice, organiser Martin Rivers telling the District Post: “After so much rain the course was wet, but it was playable and we had a great day, 32 players teeing off, a mixture of Roffey cricketers and guests. We were delighted to raise £750 on the day for the Hospice – through fund raising during the competition combined with some corporate sponsorship from companies that support the club. This is the third year that we’ve held the event and to date we’ve managed to donate over £4,000 to Chestnut Tree House. Roffey Cricket Club is very proud to be associated with such a worthy cause.” At Mannings Heath the competition was played under Stableford rules (whereby, rather than counting the total number of strokes taken, as in stroke play, the system involves scoring points based on the number of strokes taken at each hole). The Team event winners were Roffey Cricket Captain Matt Davies, accompanied by fellow

First XI players Luke Barnard and George and Josh Fleming, with a score of 98 points. Roffey first team opening bat Theo Rivers collected the prize for the longest drive – a prodigious 320 yards, while Brad Smith picked up the “nearest to the pin” award, finishing three feet from the hole, and ace Roffey spinner Luke Barnard won the Individual prize with a tally of 43 points. Chestnut Tree House provides much-needed advice and information for children with life limiting or life-threatening conditions and specialist short breaks, together with emergency and end of life care, supplied by the multi-disciplinary team at the Hospice. The unique facility also delivers home and community services for children and families in their own homes throughout East and West Sussex and beyond, coupled with bereavement support, befriending, counselling, plus palliative and spiritual care, Martin Rivers adding: “During the summer at Roffey Cricket Club we will host a number of children under Chestnut Tree House care, giving them the opportunity to play some cricket in a specially arranged fun day.” www.chestnut-tree-house.

Luke Barnard

Theo Rivers

From left to right - George Fleming - Matt Davies - Luke Barnard - Josh Fleming (all Roffey first team cricketers)

Friday 20 April 2018 27 get the news online and on the go at


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Boro complete learning curve with much to contemplate

Broadbridge Heath back on the winning trail Saturday April 14 – Southern Combination Football League – Premier Division Broadbridge Heath 2 1 Newhaven Football Martin Read - Sports Reporter

Photos by Di Game Saturday April 14– London 2 South East Pulborough 26 68 Beckenham Rugby Martin Read - Sports Reporter Boro’s first season at their highest ever level ended as it began – with a heavy defeat at the hands of Kent’s Beckenham, serving to highlight, if reminder be necessary, how difficult it is for one of the smaller rural clubs to compete with a major metropolitan set up with infinitely more playing resources in its hinterland. Having worked so hard to get into the London SE2 league, sadly Boro’s season culminated in rel-

egation. They had three wins – all at home – confirming that away availability has been a worry. They beat 7th in the table Dover in September, Haywards Heath (6th) in October and bottom club Barking in November, but were without a victory since then, Boro Head Coach Clayton Saunders telling the District Post: “There is a massive step up in intensity in London SE2 and we need to learn, both from what we’ve done and from what the successful clubs do in this highly competitive league. We’ve got a small pool to call on and it has been difficult to maintain team cohesion with quite a few of the players working in London, making it difficult for them to get to training. But, we’ve

got players with natural ability and flair - fitness, though, is key – competing for 60 minutes is not enough. Most of the time we were there or thereabouts, and beating Dover and Haywards Heath was a real achievement, but against the big clubs we’re likely to get punished if we run out of steam in the last quarter of the game. After six years at the club I’ll be continuing and we’ve strengthened the team management, so it’s a question of what the players want to do – what is their ambition. If we can hang on to the key players and tap in to some others coming back to work in the area then we can still give a good account of ourselves.”

Broadbridge Heath were delighted to return to winning ways on Saturday, their defeat of upper table Newhaven ending a six game losing streak with only their second victory in almost four months. Initially, honours were even, but much-strengthened Heath took the lead midway through the first half when Tiago Andrade got the ball over Newhaven’s onrushing keeper Jake Buss. Newhaven created opportunities, but were off target and Heath led 1-0 at the break. Heath came out positively after the break, a free kick following a blatant Newhaven foul eventually being cleared, but their pressure was soon rewarded, George Cousins

crashing home Andrade’s supply via a Newhaven defender to put Heath two up. Action at both ends followed – Michael Chester in the Heath goal preventing league top scorer Lee Robinson from grabbing his fortieth of the season ahead of Gicu Iordache’s attempt going off for a corner which Andrade headed over. Then, 18 minutes before full time, a Newhaven free kick found its way into the Heath penalty area for Robbie Keith to head home. Sniffing at least a share of the points, Newhaven kept pushing, but the Heath defence was up to the task, Heath running out worthy winners. With four games remaining, although Captain Tom Bold and Tim Martin both have three match bans, others are coming back from injury and 15th placed Heath are hoping that their re-discovered confidence will produce further wins. On Saturday Heath entertain Hassocks (17th) before welcoming Horsham YMCA on Tuesday (24th).

Horsham finish in style – going through to another cup final Saturday April 14 – London 2 South East & Bob Rogers Cup Semi Final Haywards Heath 10 26 Horsham Rugby Martin Read - Sports Reporter After beating Haywards Heath by a single point in the first game of the season, Horsham carried off the double in last Saturdays away fixture at Whitemans Green, finishing fourth in the league and getting through to the Bob Rogers Cup Final on Saturday 28th in the process. Haywards Heath, though, opened the scoring with a penalty for not releasing in the tackle. Both defences were holding firm, but, after Horsham endured a 10 minute sending off for an adjudged high tackle, Heath went ten points ahead from a converted try, but that was as good

as it got for them as they failed to get on the scoreboard again. A Johnny Ordidge incursion put Horsham back in the game when Josh Steggles gathered the ball to score under the posts, Joe Wilde’s conversion narrowing Heath’s lead to 10-7 at the interval. The second half belonged to Horsham – they promptly took the lead with Ian Fisher’s try from a line out before Mike Watts got over the line from a scrum, Wilde again converting. Then Tom Johnson put the icing on the cake with a self-converted bonus point try following a series of telling line outs, Horsham easing home after a commanding second half, head Coach Nick Stocker saying: “It is always tough to play Heath on their patch, evidenced by the fact that they have not lost at home in three complete seasons. Horsham are the only side to beat Heath home and away this sea-

son. The slope and heavy ground made it very hard for both teams when playing up hill, so turning round 10-7 down was a good result with us playing more rugby as the game progressed. Man of the Match was our young colt Vince Everitt who had another fine physical game with telling carries and tackles along with excellent turnovers throughout.” Dartfordians won the league 18 points clear of Hove with Charlton Park third. Barking finished bottom with minus 3 points and a 1026 negative points difference. Horsham have won the last four Bob Rogers Sussex Cup Finals. This year it will be played at Hastings on Saturday April 28th, when Horsham will meet Hove again, for the third time in the last five years. In the league campaign just concluded, two close games resulted in a narrow win for each side. Horsham beat Hove 57-3 in last year’s final. Meanwhile, on Sunday, Hor-

sham’s all-conquering colts play Worcester in the last 16 of the National Under 18s Cup – at

Horsham Rugby Club, starting at 2pm.

Friday April 20, 2018

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football Broadbridge Heath back on the winning trail

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QUOTE OF THE WEEK There is a massive step up in intensity in London SE2 and we need to learn

Page 27

Clayton Saunders

Early goals from promoted Lewes thwart Horsham hopes

Photos by John Lines Wednesday April 11 – Bostik Football League South Division Lewes 4 2 Horsham Football Martin Read - Sports Reporter Horsham set back Lewes on New Year’s Day, but, while the

Hornets competed, they were unable to recover from an early two goal deficit in the return fixture at the Dripping Pan, the high flying Rooks clinching automatic promotion back into the Bostik Premier League with three games still to play. With 764 specators at the Lewes

ground – by some distance the highest attendance at a Horsham match this season – Lewes made the early running, Jonte Smith unleashing a clean strike to put the host’s ahead only four minutes into the game. And, it soon got worse when an uncleared Lewes free kick found Gus Sow who powered the ball home, giving deputy in Hornets’ keeper Joe Taylor no chance. Haseem Adelakun responded, but Chris Winterton gathered safely for Lewes before Sow might have put the Rooks three up, but he fluffed the opportunity and then Taylor was called on to keep out a strike from Bouwe Bosma. Although Lewes were in command, Horsham reduced the deficit mid way through the half when, from close range, former Lewes striker Dean Bown got the ball past Winterton in the Rooks’ goal. Bown was promptly in action again, but headed wide. Horsham, though were in contention – until Harry Reed finalised a rebound inside the six-yard box to put the hosts 3-1 up at the break, Bown’s crashing drive subsequently hitting the bar and Taylor pulling off a spectacular save to deny Lewes’ Leon Redwood. Early in the second half Taylor negated a Ronnie Conlon shot and then saved superbly - pushing Redwood’s free kick away. Bown maintained Horsham’s challenge, nutmeging his opponent, but the ball did not find the net, just before Lewes scored their fourth after a free kick went off for a corner, from which Frankie Chappell headed home. With little more than ten minutes of full time remaining Horsham needed a miracle – they did reduce the deficit when Shane Cojocarel kicked over Winterton’s head, but Lewes’ promotion was assured, leaving the Rooks crowing.

YMCA’s continues to struggle with poor draw Saturday April 14 – Southern Combination Football League – Premier Division AFC Uckfield Town 1 1 Horsham YMCA Football Martin Read - Sports Reporte Following YMCA’s lengthy unbeaten run, when clean sheet wins escalated them clear at the top of the table, their mysterious demise continued at rural Uckfield last Saturday. True, YM have not been having the rub of the green, but in the last five league games, including four at home, only two goals have been scored and two points obtained out of a possible 15 – enabling Haywards Heath, Three Bridges and Pagham to overtake. At The Oaks Ground the heavily grassed, sodden, pudding-like pitch did not permit the ball to bounce or roll. Finessing football was out of the question – the conditions called for first time, airborne shots and, frustratingly, YM had opportunities, but they came and went without fruition. YM, did, though have success after 14 minutes when Louis Rogers rushed out of the Uckfield goal to unleash a monstrous air kick allowing Sam Schaaf to run on to the ball and kick it into an open net. Dave Brown then, put Schaaf through but a real chance went begging, before Guy Harding headed a corner onto the outside of the upright, and Brown got through, but crucially delayed shooting. A potentially suicidal back pass was

then somehow saved by YM’s prostrate Aaron Jeal. Brown got through again but Uckfield were given time to push the ball over for a corner, either side of Phil Johnson and Schaaf being ruled offside when in pole position. Uckfield ended the first half strongly, but were unable to convert three consecutive corners and YM led one nil, but on another day might have had been four goals to the good. Callum Jeal instigated an early second half move from the half way line, but Johnson’s shot went wide, until Uckfield got the ball across from the far right for Dee Okojie to lob Aaron Jeal to equalise, fervent YM protests that the ball had gone out of play going unheeded. Suddenly looking more assured, Uckfield were defending as if their lives depended on it and earned three unrewarded corners at the other end. YM’s lacklustre, nonthreatening second half cost them dear and after dominating up to the break, but missing golden opportunities, the 1-1 draw against 14th placed Uckfield almost felt like defeat, YM Manager Peter Buckland telling the District Post: “It was a very poor pitch and our run of bad luck continues, as epitomised by their goal, but we should have taken our chances.” With four league games left, YM go to leaders Haywards Heath on Saturday before their re-arranged local derby against Broadbridge Heath at the Leisure Centre on Tuesday evening (24th) – earlier in the season YM beat both of these opponents.

Mercurial Horsham overturned by struggling Faversham Saturday April 14 – The Bostik League – South Division Horsham 0 3 Faversham Town Football Martin Read - Sports Reporter Horsham had beaten Faversham earlier in the season, coming into the return fixture at Lancing with a seven place advantage in the table - and the Kentish visitors had won just one game in their last ten outings.

So, there were hopes of securing a double. Alas, form was no guide, Horsham slipping to a disappointing defeat, coming unstuck against labouring opposition, despite being able to beat high flying teams. The Hornets conceded an early goal when Luke Harvey completed a long run, evading the defence and firing past Horsham keeper Josh Pelling. Earlier, a one-two between Dean Bown and Toby House had come to nought and then Darren Boswell supplied

House, who, with an equaliser looking likely, was unable to beat Simon Overland in the Faversham goal. The visitors had a similarly golden opportunity, only for Bolo Dawodu to miss from very close quarters. Faversham attacked again but the ball sailed harmlessly over before poor finishing denied Horsham. Right on half time Horsham had a reprieve when Dawodu’s header ballooned over the bar, but Faversham led 1-0 at the break. On the restart Pelling was

just able to push away a Faversham threat, but Horsham went further behind when Harvey scored again, heading in a corner. Seeking to reduce the deficit, House mounted a foray but shot at Overland. Then, Faversham hit the bar ahead of the Hornets having Shane Cojocarel sent off following over exuberance with the Kent side’s Oliver Lee in the box. Relishing their numerical superiority, Faversham soon twisted the knife, Dawodu firing home with just over 20 min-

utes remaining. House might have clawed back a goal, only to head off target, the game ending in 3-0 defeat after a goal post prevented the visitors inflicting further damage. On Saturday, 13th in the table Horsham go to Crayford, Kent to take on 16th placed VCD Athletic, before their last match of the season against Whyteleafe (9th) at Lancing on the 28th. Horsham beat both of these final two opponents earlier in the campaign.

The English Festival

Making magical movies

20 20 20 20 20

Harry Potter star comes to Christ’s Hospital Pages 12

A very English weekend planned for Horsham

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Friday 20.04.2018

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