The District Post 16th March 2018

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Win a holiday for 2

The Capitol Theatre

A week’s break at Nikiana Beach Club

An evening with the great Gambo

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Friday 16.03.2018

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Lauren thrilled with Crufts Young Braveheart Award martin read


Horsham’s Lauren Ashby is thrilled to have been voted Young Braveheart of the Year, the annual Crufts award celebrating the achievements of inspiring and innovative young people making a difference for their dogs. The acclaimed award is for really special young dog lovers who have been nominated by the public in recognition of the way that they have overcome personal barriers to achieve success. In January 2017, 14 year old Millais schoolgirl Lauren was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 3 and has since undergone surgery and six months of intensive Chemotherapy treatment, including spells in hospital and travelling to the Royal Marsden Hospital several times a week plus home nursing visits. Three years ago Lauren started agility practice with Billingshurst Dog Training Club with Meg, a six year old Cocker Spaniel/Springer Spaniel cross, and then with Percy, her Cocker Span-

iel/Poodle cross – a Cockapoo, aged three, whom she began working with just before she was diagnosed. Throughout all the treatment and procedures she set herself goals and targets to reach with them training them a few minutes a day when she wasn’t in hospital. Lauren also has an older dog – Devon, a Springer, and she told the District Post: “Dogs always love you, and its

My dogs mean everything to me and I really want to work with dogs, perhaps in the police unconditional love! My dogs mean everything to me and I really want to work with dogs, perhaps in the police, because I get great enjoyment from being active with dogs.” Lauren’s mother Dominique added: “Lauren had a check up this January and the cancer has returned, resulting in further ongoing invasive treatment. Continued on pg 2

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Lauren with Percy


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Friday 16 March2018

News 16.03.2018 Contents News

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‘Horsham Repair Cafe’ &‘Hepworth Brewery’ nominated for national climate change award

New look installation for walk way in Horsham Town Page 5


Great attendance at the extented Billingshurst & Horsham Chamber of Commerce Launch night Page 11 Entertainment An evening with The Great Gambo Page 15

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A West Sussex project and local business were shortlisted for an award at Parliament for taking action to protect the things we love from climate change. Representatives of Horsham Repair Cafe, and Hepworth Brewery, travelled to The City for the ‘Green Heart Hero Awards’ ceremony on Tuesday 13 March. The Horsham Repair Cafe was nominated by Jeremy Quinn MP in the Community Inspiration category, in recognition of the work they have done in the local area to encourage people to upcycle or repair items, thus gaining new skills, saving money and reducing waste. There is also a refill station for laundry and cleaning products, which also helps visitors save money and reduce the number of plastic bottles used. Shortly before the awards took place, Mr Quinn commented: “I was delighted to nominate the Horsham Repair Café and thrilled that it has been shortlisted. It is rooted in the local community to which it provides a great service, and is just one example of how small steps can together make a big difference.” The awards – which range from accolades for green schools or business to sustainable sports projects – will be presented by high-profile figures such as, broadcaster Clive Anderson and historian Bettany Hughes as part of a campaign by The Climate Coalition. Carrie Cort from the organisation said: “It is wonderful to receive recognition for all the hard work Jill, myself, the Horsham Quakers and all our wonderful volunteers are doing. “Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing the world today and its effects are being felt all around the

world. The wealthy countries are the worst offenders, but it is the poorest who are worst affected. We have to all transition to lower carbon lifestyles as soon as possible for the sake of our children and all who we share this great planet with”. The ‘Green Heart Hero Awards’ are the brainchild of The Climate Coalition – a group of more than 130 organisations representing over 15 million people ranging from groups such as the Women’s Institute and the Woodland Trust, trade unions such as Unison, and aid agencies such as CAFOD. The awards are the culmination of events by The Coalition to ‘Show The Love’ and celebrate the things we love which are at risk from climate change – whether sports rained off or natural beauty spots damaged by increased flooding. Clara Goldsmith from The Climate Coalition said: “It’s fantastic to see the work that groups such as Horsham Repair Cafe are doing to protect the things we love from climate change. “The people who have been nominated are just normal people who decided that they wanted to make a difference and help change the world – and they have achieved extraordinary things.” Hepworth Brewery,who have championed sustainability in the world of real ale, was nominated for the Most Sustainable Rural Innovation category in recognition of their innovative work, such as a home-made beer heat pump which has given an immediate 10-20% reduction in fuel bills. All of the brewery’s lights are low energy LEDs, and they are so proud of their solar panels that they have named a new beer ‘Solar’ in their honour! Christie Price from the Brewery

said of the nomination: “We have worked hard to make our brewery as green efficient as we could. Initially, we did so on principle but then we learnt that being green can also bring financial benefits and a top down green policy is inspiring to others: our staff have spontaneously worked out a water saving procedure, of which they are rightly proud. “It will require bold strategies to tackle climate change and the question is not “shall we or shan’t we do something?” It is “how much can we do?” Clara Goldsmith, Director of The Climate Coalition said: “It’s fantastic to see the work that companies such as Hepworth Brewery are doing to protect the things we love from climate change. “We are really glad to have the chance to celebrate at Parliament the great work people across the country are doing.” The Climate Coalition is holding events throughout the year for people to get involved with. Find out more at:

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Passion for her dogs and the world of agility gives purpose and focus Continued from front page The dog training is a welcome distraction and it was fantastic that we were able to get up to Birmingham for Crufts to see Lauren presented with her award, giving us all a great lift. At the moment Lauren is unable to attend school because of the risk of infection and is having private tuition at home. She would love to graduate onto a course at Plumpton College to further develop her skills with dogs. Meanwhile, we have set our hearts on getting to the 4 day International Dog Agility Festival at Rockingham Castle in August, to revel in all of the events with around 20,000 fellow dog lovers!” Lauren’s schedule is very exacting: formidable treatment interspersed with demanding studying, but she is determined to keep up the agility training with her beloved Percy, Crufts’ award citation reading: “Lauren’s doctors are amazed that she gets herself around the agility course. Her passion for her dogs and the world of agility has given her a purpose and focus, Lauren herself saying that she doesn’t know how she would have managed to get through the year without them or the wonderful community of agility. She even competed whilst on chemotherapy if her blood levels allowed her to be outside. The chemotherapy affects muscle strength, but Lauren somehow still managed to get herself around an agility course. Despite the worst, Lauren is just as determined as ever to channel her love and passion for agility and her dogs to make it through this difficult time.” Lauren Ashby richly deserved her prestigious Crufts award and everyone at the District Post wishes Lauren and her family the very best of fortune, enabling them to fulfil their dreams.

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Rookwood Charity Golf Day in aid of King’s College Hospital

Katie Bayley On Saturday 19 May, Rookwood Golf Course will host a charity Golf Day, in memory of Katie Bayley and in support of King’s College Hospital. Soon after arriving at her local hospital with her mum, Michelle, 2 years ago in May, Katie Bayley was transferred, by ambulance, to London, where she was admitted to the Liver Intense Therapy Unit at Kings College Hospital, with a viral infection. The virus was attacking her liver and stopping her blood from clotting. In the first few days at King’s, Katie underwent numerous tests, in an attempt to establish the root of the problem. During this time, Katie also needed a lot of blood over 50 units! Sadly, Katie lost her life on 7

June, 2016, aged 18. DR W Bernal, Katie’s consultant, explained: “Katie died from a rare, sudden, and very severe illness called Acute Hemophagocytosis. Most often affecting young people in previous good health, it may be triggered by a viral infection like that which usually causes glandular fever. For reasons which are poorly understood, in some young people this viral infection may cause major changes in the body, leading to an abnormal, overactive immune system response that may rapidly result in the failure of many of the bodies organ systems, and the development of a critical illness. The rarity and severity of the illness make it particularly difficult to study and to develop effective

treatments”. Kathryn Farrelly, Katie’s Aunt, said: “ Katie was due to start Westminster University to study journalism in September 2016, she was so excited about this next stage of her life. “Katie wrote a blog called OCE4NBLUE (hence the name of the charity day). She wrote about teenage life, family and friends. Feel free to have a look www. “Last year, we raised over £4000 at the golf day, and the overall total raised through the year was in excess of £23,000. “With the money raised, Kings College were able to purchase an amazing piece of equipment called a Motomed Static Therapy Bike. “This year, we are raising money for the New Critical Care unit being built at Kings College Hospital, London. This unit will have 121 beds and the world’s first Outdoor Critical Care Facility. This will provide safe access to fresh air and natural light, a sense of normality, stimulation and reconnection with the outside world – all while still providing essential life-saving care.” You can read all about the new unit on the uk Katie’s story is also on the “Patients’ Stories“ section of the website.

Win a beach club holiday free with The District Post and Seafarer The District Post has joined forces with beach club and the UK’s premier beach club and flotilla sailing specialist Seafarer to offer you the chance to win a week’s holiday for two completely free of charge. The Location - Nikiana Beach Club We’ll fly you from Gatwick to the beautiful Greek island of Lefkas in the sparkling Ionian Sea. Nikiana is a small and perfectly formed taverna style complex with only 32 rooms. It sits right on the beach where you find dinghies, windsurfers, canoes and paddle board at your disposal. If you don’t sail this is the perfect chance to learn – just ask any one of our beach crew and they’ll help you get started.


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The prize includes 7 nights B&B for 2 in a twin or double room – we don’t include other meals because Nikiana has its own lovely family-run taverna and there are some great local eateries nearby Return flights from Gatwick to Lefkas, and transfers to and from Nikiana Use of beach club equipment plus free sailing clinic and regatta NB: The prize must be taken in June or September 2018 For more details of Nikiana Beach Club check out How to win We like to keep things simple at The District Post so all you have to do to enter is visit answer one simple

Sad passing of Cllr Roger Clarke

It is with deep regret we announce that Councillor Roger Clarke, Chairman of the Council and Ward Member for Cowfold, Shermanbury and West Grinstead, sadly passed away on 10 March 2018. Roger was first elected to the Council for the Cowfold, Shermanbury & West Grinstead Ward at a by-election in May 2013 and was re-elected in May 2015. He was elected Chairman of the Council on 24 May 2017. Paying tribute to Cllr Clarke, Council Leader Cllr Ray Dawe

said: “I was extremely saddened by the news of Roger’s passing. Roger was a committed and dedicated councillor and I know how much becoming the Chairman of the Council meant to him. Despite ill health, I recall how determined he was to try to carry on with his councillor duties and fulfill his job of Chairman until he was stopped from doing that on medical advice. Like my council colleagues, I shall miss his positive approach and good humour.”

question, and leave us your email address. By leaving your details you will be deemed to have opted in to future emails from The District Post or Seafarer until you choose to opt out, which can be done at any time. The winner will be the first name drawn on March 27th and published in the District Post on March 29th. Heres’s the question On what island is Nikiana Beach Club A. Corfu B. Kos C. Lefkas Good luck and happy sailing. ENTER NOW BY VISITING


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Friday 16 March2018


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New 100-mile closed road sportive sells out in just four days

The first-ever Vélo South – a major new 100-mile closed-road sportive for the UK – has sold out of all its general entry places in just four days. Taking place on Sunday 23 September 2018, Vélo South will see 15,000 riders of all ability levels journey through the stunning West Sussex countryside, starting and finishing on the iconic Goodwood Motor Circuit and featuring the magnificent rolling hills of the South Downs National Park. The only way for prospective participants to now enter is through one of Vélo South’s Lead Charity Partners – Alzheimer’s Society, Age UK, Restart Rugby and the British Heart Foundation

– or via the Vélo South Business 100 challenge, which offers a VIP experience coupled with exclusive networking opportunities and training events. The event was officially launched at the 2018 London Bike Show in February, by Rugby World Cup Winning Captain and Vélo Series Ambassador, Martin Johnson CBE, together with British cycling icon and 1982 UCI World Road Race champion at Goodwood, Mandy Jones. With around 1,700m of climbing, the Vélo South route is relatively challenging, but the beauty of the route, support from local communities, and camaraderie

with fellow riders, will make for a truly unforgettable day of closed road riding. And with thousands of participants travelling from across the UK to experience Vélo South, the event will help raise the profile of West Sussex towns, villages and countryside, as a great place to visit and provide a boost for tourism. Aside from Ride London, Vélo South is the only other opportunity to ride 100 miles on closed roads in the UK in 2018. Jon Ridgeon, Executive Chairman of organisers CSM Active, said: “We are absolutely delighted with the response to the inaugural Vélo South and thrilled that it has captured the imagination of cyclists from across West Sussex and beyond. “To sell out all our general entry places so quickly shows the huge appetite for events like Vélo South; events that get people active, show off the glorious local countryside and help charities benefit from the thousands of riders who will be fundraising. “We are looking forward to working closely with our local authority partners to make Vélo South a truly unforgettable celebration of cycling in the region.” For more information, please visit:

Graduates celebrate success on National Apprenticeship Week

West Sussex apprentices celebrated their achievements at Chichester Cathedral, during National Apprenticeship Week, earlier this month. Around 80 graduates attended the ceremony with local businesses, friends and family members. This year’s apprenticeships ranged from Social Care and Digital Marketing to Engineering and Technical Theatre. Richard Burrett, West Sussex County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: “I’d like to congratulate all of this year’s graduates and thank the businesses that have supported

them throughout their apprenticeships. “I think it’s great to recognise what can be achieved from an apprenticeship; For instance, a Level 7 apprenticeship is equivalent to a Master’s degree. It’s a fantastic opportunity to earn and learn, so we are hoping to see this figure increase further in the coming years.” Terry Franks, who graduated at the ceremony, completed an NVQ Level 5 in Health & Social Care, said: “The best part of the graduation for me was having my family there, who have been very supportive throughout my

training. My friends also cheered me on, at both the reception and ceremony.” The graduation event was organised by West Sussex County Council and the Federation of Small Businesses, with support from District and Borough Councils and local apprenticeship training providers. West Sussex County Council is increasing the number of apprenticeships across its organisation, as a result of government changes. To find out more about apprenticeships, visit: Photo credit: Marston Robing.

Friday 16 March 2018


WSCC joins national charity to offer free Baby Buddy app

Hundreds of people across the county have already signed up to a free app to support young parents. West Sussex County Council has joined up with national charity, Best Beginnings, to officially launch the use of the app called ‘Baby Buddy’, which has been created to help parents, and parents to be, during pregnancy, birth and the first 6 months of a baby’s life.


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To mark the launch, the County Council held a ‘Picnic Play Date’ at Langley Green Children and Family Centre in Crawley. Dozens of young parents and children joined healthcare professionals and staff, who were on hand to show parents the app in action and explain how it can help set goals, keep records of any concerns, and track development, all at the tap of a button.

Stephen Hillier, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “The Baby Buddy app is a great resource. We know from experience that pregnant women and new mums can find it challenging to talk about the issues they are experiencing, and this new app is an interactive way to get information and advice 24hrs a day. I am also delighted to hear that Best Beginnings are turning their thoughts to how the app may be adjusted to support Dads as well.” Attendees at the event shared stories of their experiences using Baby Buddy and how it’s helped them. Georgia, a 20 year old young parent, said: “I used it when I was pregnant. There are lots of tips, like how far along you are, baby development etc. I thought it was good. I like the baby development so you know what’s going on.” Baby Buddy is just one of the many ways in which the County Council is working to support parents to give their children the best start in life. Why not join the 140,000+ people across the UK who have downloaded The Baby Buddy app which is endorsed by organisations including the Department of Health and the Royal College of Midwives? The Baby Buddy app can be downloaded for FREE. For further information, please visit: www.bestbeginnings.

New look installation for walk way in Horsham Town With plans for the Horsham District Year of Culture 2019 now well underway, Horsham District Council has teamed up with a local artist, Katie Wells, to create a vibrant new look for the walk way linking Horsham Town Centre and Horsham Park. Panels based on Katie’s hand painted artworks are being attached to the brickwork at either end of the underpass, between 20 and 22 March, requiring a temporary closure and re-routing of the footway. The new panelling illustrates spring and summer time activities in the town and park, using a family of animal characters which are being referred to as ‘The Townies and The Parkies’. A formal unveiling of the panels is being planned for mid-April when more details are set to be announced, about exciting plans involving the delightful animal charcters, over the coming months. Katie Wells is a local illustrator living and working in Wisborough Green, West Sussex. She graduated from Bath Spa University with a degree in Graphic Communications. Previously, Katie studied at Collyer’s College in Horsham. Katie’s Inspiration often comes from the surrounding countryside of the South Downs national park. This is a great source of inspiration for her illustrations. Katie’s work often features woodland and farm animals usually dressed in little

clothes, her illustrations are created using pen and watercolour. Commenting on the new artistic treatment to the walk way, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, Cllr Jonathan Chowen, said: “I am delighted that, as the district approaches its Year of Culture celebrations, we are reaching out and joining forces with local artistic talent to improve our town’s public realm and landscape in this way. “Embracing and showcasing local talents is what the Year of Culture is all about, and we look forward to discovering and nurturing more hidden gems, and building on our home grown creative skills, giving them a platform to promote themselves and grow, as the Year of Culture unfolds.” Cabinet Member for the Local Economy, Cllr Gordon Lindsay, added: “Developing our local culture is key to developing our local economy. It is vital to making our district more attractive to live in and visit, and will ultimately improve our tourism economy. “This walk way is a significant link for visitors to our park, and potential shoppers to our town centre, and it is needs to be an attractive entrance to these facilities.” Further designs have been commissioned by the Council, featuring autumn and winter scenes. These are set to replace the spring scenes in October.


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Friday 16 March2018


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Andrews Sykes announce new location in West Sussex International specialist hire company Andrews Sykes are to open a new depot in West Sussex next month to accommodate a surge in demand for their services in the area. Andrews are in the process of recruiting new engineers and drivers to handle operations across the region, while a new depot manager has already been appointed. The opening of a new depot in Bolney is indicative of the company’s continual growth and extends their network to ensure response times are cut throughout the county and beyond. Chosen because of its close proximity to Gatwick Airport, Brighton and surrounding major road routes, Andrews Sykes’ new base is perfectly positioned to accommodate customers across the region. A full range of services will be operated from the West Sussex base, with heaters, boilers, air conditioners, chillers, dehumidifiers, fans and pumps all available for hire. In a statement made prior to the official opening, UK

Operations Director David Himsworth said: “This depot provides us with a fantastic opportunity to deliver an enhanced level of service to those based in the immediate vicinity and beyond. We’re confident this strategic decision will strengthen our market position in the South East and enable us to cut response times in situations where immediate attention is required.” Further details will be available in due course, but the depot is expected to be fully operational from the beginning of April. As the UK’s leading specialist hire company, Andrews Sykes provide the best pumping, heating and cooling solutions to clients from a wide range of industries. Our aim is to help our customers address the real-life challenges they face - whether planned or emergency - in the quickest, most professional and cost-effective ways. We offer the safest, most reliable equipment sourced from the world’s top manufacturers.

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New priorities for Children in Care

Improving the outcomes for children in care is a key focus of a new three year plan. The West Sussex Child Looked After and Care Leavers Strategy 2018-2021 includes eight key areas of care looking at what is currently done well and what could be improved. With a rise in the number of children and young people in our care, one of the challenges tackled in the strategy is how West Sussex County Council and its partners can work together more effectively to deliver the best care for our children and young people. Partners committed to this include health, education, police, other councils, and the voluntary and community groups sector. Stephen Hillier, County Council Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “A four year

forecast shows that there is likely to be between 700 and 800 children in our care by 2019/20 - this echoes the rise nationally. So it is really important to make sure each and every one of these children and young people get the support they deserve. “We do a lot of great work already, such as supporting care leavers back into education or employment. We also have clear pathways for children at risk of child sexual exploitation, but there are also things we would like to do better.” Increasing access to Higher Education and wellbeing & mental health services are two areas of improvement which have been highlighted in the new strategy document. The three-year strategy builds on a previous plan and has a number of new areas of focus. This

includes a section for unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASCs), which was strengthened further after it was reviewed by the Children in Care Council – a group of young people currently in care in West Sussex. The young people who make up the council said that UASCs deserve even more support as - although they appreciated that most children in care have experienced trauma they also realised this trauma was even more extreme for children and young people who have been forced to flee their friends, families and countries. To support this, the County Council has recently been successful in a bid for targeted funding from the Government’s Department for Communities to take forward this area and meet the ambitions outlined in this strategy. The eight new themes within the strategy include: • Happy and healthy • Education, employment and training • Placements and residential care • Planning for permanence • Staying safe and building resilience • Transition, leaving care and preparing for adulthood • Unaccompanied asylum seeking children • The voice of the child and our commitment as corporate parents To view the document, visit: ds/edd/cyp/cyp04a_17-18.pdf.

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23/01/2018 09:37

Friday 16 March 2018 get the news online and on the go at



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Creative Assembly inspiring the next Did you attempt Dry January? Tell us how you got on! generation of UK games designers

On Friday 23 February, a group of local Year 9 students from The Weald School visited the UK’s largest games development studio, Creative Assembly, to have a studio experience day in creating immersive sound experiences. During the day, the students recorded sound effects, foley, and had the opportunity to read scripts for voice recording and hear in-game changes, using one of the studio’s latest releases, Total War: WARHAMMER, as an example. They met the BAFTA-winning audio team and talked about the journey into the games industry. Events, such as this, are a part of Creative Assembly’s Legacy Project, which was established to inspire

and educate the next generation of games development talent. The UK digital skills gap means there is a skills shortage in games, and wider technology industry, which is likely caused by not enough students taking up science, technology, engineering, art and math subjects through college and university, and not enough students graduating ready to enter the industry. The school workshops Creative Assembly run aim to address this, in the West Sussex region and beyond, by inspiring and giving young people the confidence to go on to study relevant courses. The studio also supports the Digital Schoolhouse, which works with schools, including Millais, to improve computer

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science education, and BAFTA, who run a Young Game Designer competition across the UK. Tim Heaton, Creative Assembly Studio Director and EVP of Sega Studios, explained: “As one of the largest UK game studios, we want to inspire future generations of game makers, through our school workshops and partnerships with national education initiatives, like the Digital Schoolhouse and BAFTA’s Young Game Designer. “It is always heartening to hear, first-hand, that our work with schools is making young people and teachers more aware of the wide-range of professional opportunities available in the games industry.”

West Sussex residents are being encouraged to share experiences from their Dry January journey. The County Council’s Public Health team is running a survey to collect participants’ feedback from their month-long, alcohol-free attempt. From cutting back during the week to completing the 31-day challenge, or having the motivation to try again – all personal accounts are welcome. Amanda Jupp, County Council Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, said: “Congratulations to all our residents who took part in this year’s Dry January campaign. Whether people reached Day 31, or achieved their personal goals, I think they should be proud of taking the first step to leading a healthier life.

“I would urge everyone who gave Dry January a go, and tested their resolve, to please take a few minutes of their time to answer questions around their experiences. It would be great, for example, to learn about the types of support that helped if the going got tough!” The survey will enable the council’s Public Health team to capture residents’ views and help shape future Dry January campaigns. If you would like to complete the survey, please visit: The survey closes on Wednesday 28 March. For more information, tips and support on making small changes towards a healthier lifestyle, visit:


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Friday 16 March2018


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The Weald Book Award celebrated its 10th year on Tuesday 27 February. Run by Mrs Jane Fella (Learning Resources Centre Manager) and Miss Elaine McKenna (English Teacher), the event brings together a number of Year 7 students from The Weald and Year 6 students from most of the primary schools that feed into the The Weald. The award not only encourages students to read more, but also supports the transition process that prepares Year 6 students for life at The Weald. This year, six book titles were shortlisted by a committee that is

via Skype and a further two, via pre-recorded interviews. The Award evening was hosted by Katie Chapman and Grace Read, who have become absolutely integral in the running of these events over the last few years. In the summer, the school will sadly have to say goodbye to Katie, as she leaves The Weald Sixth Form to move on to the next phase of her life. Mrs Fella presented Katie with Fellowship of The Weald Book Award trophy in recognition of her longstanding contribution to the Awards. Katie and Grace were joined by younger students who introduced each book to the audience of students, parents and staff, who were then adressed by each of the authors. Awards were presented to a large number of students for their tremendous efforts with the project over the last few months; the Trailer Trophy was scooped by Billingshurst Primary for their trailer of Perijee and Me. The evening culminated in the trophy for The Weald Book Award being presented to Ross Montgomery for Perijee & Me. Ross was unable to join in on the night, due to a prior engagement, but was delighted that he had won the trophy, and warmly thanked the students for their votes in a pre-recorded message, as he was travelling home at the time the announcement was made. Organisers are already looking forward to next year’s award, which no doubt will again be a tough contest.


in unicorns after joining Tomas’ spellbinding journey. With World Book day being celebrated on 1 March, this hour long play also inspired the children to think about the books they might like to read, as they were all invited to bring a book with them and, at the end of the production, they were invited to take one away with them. ‘I Believe in Unicorns’ won an Argus Angel Award for Artistic Excellence at the Brighton Festival. Commenting on this interpretation of his book, Michael Morpurgo said: “The show is moving and memorable, a glorious example of the magic of storytelling. I didn’t like it, I loved it!”

made up of both Weald and feeder primary school teachers. The books are mostly written by new authors and have been published in the last year. Titles included The Huntress Sea by Sarah Driver, Little Bits Of Sky by S.E.Durrant, Sweet Pizza by G.R. Gemin, Letters From The Lighthouse by Emma Carroll, The Dragon With A Chocolate Heart by Stephanie Burgis, and Perijee and Me by Ross Montgomery. During after school book club sessions, students are actively encouraged to read as many titles as possible and then take part in competition categories that have inspired them, ranging from designing their own book cover, creative writing, making a film trailer or devising a new character for one of the books. G.R. Gemin, author of Sweet Pizza, visited The Weald in early October followed by Ross Montgomery, author of Perijee & Me in January and both gave a talk to all the Weald Book Award participants about writing their books and the history that inspired them to write their novels. Mrs Fella, Learning Resources Centre Manager, said: “It was wonderful to see so many students enjoying and being inspired by the shortlisted books. Thank you to everyone involved, especially the authors who were able to be with us on the night. We are looking forward to next year and a new selection of books which we have started work on already.” This year, for the awards evening, staff and pupils at the school were delighted to be joined by 2 of the authors in person, two


Over 400 local primary school children visited Christ’s Hospital on 28 February to see an enchanting tale from the author of ‘War Horse’, Michael Morpurgo. The schools were offered free tickets for ‘I Believe in Unicorns’, brought to life on stage in the School’s theatre by Wizard productions. The play is set in a library full of books that hold more than stories within their pages. It is a tale of the power of books, and the bravery of a young boy called Tomas. Tomas hates reading and school, but his world is turned upside down the day he meets the unicorn lady in his local library. The audience was challenged not to believe

The Weald Book Awards 2018


Enchanting Play Inspires Children to Read

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Friday 16 March2018


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HDC’s first Apprenticeship Fair attracts over 1,000 people Over 1000 people flocked to Horsham District Council’s first Apprenticeship Fair, which took place at the Drill Hall, Denne Road, Horsham on Saturday 10 March. Nearly 30 exhibitors, including apprentice employers, training providers, colleges, and universities, provided information and advice, as well as over 300 opportunities, on the day. There were some major employers from the area, including Gatwick Airport and Nestlé, as well as some new companies offering apprenticeships for the first time. Hannah Whickman from Gatwick Airport commented: “It was a great success and we’ve seen a number of applications come in over the weekend for our apprentice scheme.” The event, organised by Horsham District Council, in partnership with West Sussex County Council

and local secondary schools, aimed to provide a platform for anyone wanting to find out about apprenticeships and the new style of standards being offered. With Horsham District Council now offering its own significant apprenticeship programme, it is in a strong position to help promote the increasing value of apprenticeships to local businesses. Indeed, the Council had three of its own apprentices on duty on the day, to help manage the event. Cabinet Member for the Local Economy, Gordon Lindsay, attended the event and was impressed by the exhibitors and the numbers attending: “There was an amazing variety of businesses represented at the fair, from small independents, such as Architectural Plants, and Horace Fuller, to large corporates, such as Nestle, Gatwick Airport, and UK Border Service. “It is a sign of the times that

there are so many more opportunities, not only for young people not wanting to go to university, but also for more mature workers wanting to change their career path or upskill themselves. “I was impressed with the number of young people, but also with how many parents attended to find out about career and training opportunities that do not involve university entrance. We hope this event goes some way to ensuring apprenticeships are represented as a real and meaningful alternative to university” The next employment event, organised by Horsham District Council, will be the Jobs and Skills Fair to be held in the Drill Hall on Wednesday 19 September. If you are an employer expecting to be recruiting around that time, please contact leigh.chambers@

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Food workshop for caterers teaches life-saving skills

Caterers are invited to learn life-saving skills and boost their reputations at an upcoming workshop. Taking place on 15 May from 10am to 1pm at Parkside, Horsham, the training will teach Horsham∙Warnham∙BroadbridgeHeath∙Southwater∙ManningsHeath∙BarnsGreen∙ legal responsibilities around food Billingshurst∙Pulborough∙Storrington∙Ashington∙PartridgeGreen∙Steyning∙Henfield safety and the key factors which contribute to a five-star food y sa s hygiene rating. er is rt ve ad r The Horsham District Post Newspaper is the widest What ou Southwater Topics will include how to: • Handle, prepare and cook food available free weekly newspaper both in print and online. t Pos t tric Dis the I came to hygienically six years ago with NO • Understand the differences customer base, Since then, between food allergies, intoler∙ 15,000 printed copies p/w k loo to I have never had ances and food sensitivities ∙ E-edition emailed to over 6,500 address’s p/w further for customers. • Be aware of the common Shermanbury symptoms of an allergic reaction ∙ Social media audience of over 43,000 p/w(via&Spotted The District Post/Horsham Horsham facebook pages) • Identify the 14 named aller∙ Over 100 distribution points district wide Steve Hanna gens that must be declared in food Proprietor products The event has been organised by West Sussex County Council We’ve been using the District Suzanne Travers Post every since it first Trading Standards and Horsham Marketing Manager started and have always rict Dist the g We’ve been usin seen a fantastic return on District Council Environmental ted. star rst fi it e Post ever sincinvestment from our adverts. is are fantastic,Health. themthere The team Advertising with very accomodating of and always West Sussex Trading Standards part is us and essential forwilling to help with last minute Please give one of the team a call on 01403 793777 to discuss the full range of options available y campaign we Manager, Peter Aston, said: “The requirements. They make the each and ever

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serious consequences of poor food hygiene and allergen control can be incredibly serious. “In the past customers have lost their lives as a result of allergic reactions and business owners have been sent to prison. “That’s why I strongly encourage catering staff of all levels to attend this course.” Cabinet Member for Safer, Stronger Communities, Debbie Kennard, said: “Unnecessary deaths as a result of allergic reactions can be easily avoided with the right training. “I hope caterers will come and make the most of this excellent opportunity to improve their knowledge on the subject.” Catering staff of all levels, including managers and supervisors, are welcome to attend. Places cost £35 + VAT and can be booked by contacting Trading Standards on 0330 2227669 or by emailing trading.standards@

Friday 16 March 2018 get the news online and on the go at

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Great attendance at the extented Billingshurst & Horsham Chamber of Commerce Launch night Thursday 8 March saw the launch of the newly extended Billingshurst & Horsham Chamber of Commerce. The evening was hosted by John Lewis & Waitrose at their Horsham store and was attended by over 70 local businesses and our local MP Jeremy Quin.

We are really pleased for this to have been hosted by John Lewis & Waitrose to mark the launch of the next stage of the Chamber’s journey. Following presentations from 3 speakers from Trading Standards, Environmental Health and Sussex Police on Cyber Crime, the attendees were able to mix and meet each other to further develop their business networks. Chris Cooper, Chairman of the Chamber, said: “We are really pleased for this to have been hosted by John Lewis & Waitrose to mark the launch of the next stage of the Chamber’s journey. To see so many new and established businesses sharing knowledge and information at an

event like this is exactly what the Chamber wants to provide. We will be running a series of events over the coming months from the regular monthly networking lunches through to some peer training sessions and a specific event on the forthcoming GDPR regulations”. All info for these can be found on Eventbrite. The decision to extend into Horsham was based on the huge success of the Chamber in the Billingshurst area and a desire to build on this. The aim is to focus on the larger community and on working more closely with the council in order to improve support for the business community. The new Chamber of Commerce is also looking forward to complementing existing groups and bodies that have been created in order to foster development in specific areas. The new look Chamber also hopes to become a central hub, where local community projects can make the business community aware what is going on, and of any sponsorship opportunities. Finally, the Chamber will be the place Councils and Planners can come to garner feedback from the business community of plans that may affect them. If you’d like to be part of this exciting new journey, please visit: for more information.

Photos by Alan Wright

Horsham-based business supports marathon challenge for cancer research

Horsham-based company Rudridge is sponsoring a mammoth fundraising effort by a son whose father lost his life to cancer. Aaron McSkimming, from AD Bly Construction in Hertfordshire, will be running the Virgin London Marathon again on Sunday 22 April, alongside his cousin, Kevin McSkimming, and colleague, Marc Hilton.

His Herculean effort will be supported by long standing supplier, Rudridge, the civil engineering and groundworks specialist in Horsham, as part of the organisation’s communityfunding programme. All funds will go to The Prostate Cancer Research Centre, a cause close to Aaron’s heart, after his father Alex McSkimming passed

away three years ago following a long battle with the disease. The devastating effects of the cancer have driven Aaron on to meet this challenge for a second time and raise awareness of the symptoms and treatment. In his first London Marathon last year, he completed the course in five hours and 12 minutes and raised an impressive £26,000. Aaron commented: “One in eight men will be affected by prostate cancer, at some point in their lives, and the impact is felt across the whole family - I was determined to take on this challenge in my father’s memory. Following my experience last year, I learned a lot about how not to run a marathon, despite training for over six months and covering nearly 600 miles. It’s a gruelling task, but it’s made easier with my running mates next to me and the vital support from Rudridge.” Darren Price, Group Operations Manager at Rudridge, said: “We are delighted to be supporting Aaron’s inspiring effort again this year. We know that Aaron and his team are determined to cross the finish line and we wish them all the best for the 22nd April.” To support Aaron’s fundraising efforts, please visit: https:// AaronKevinMarc

Paul Watts


Friday 16 March2018


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HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 Notice is hereby given under Article 15(3), (4) or (5) or Article 16 that the following applications have been submitted to Horsham District Council, registered between 5th March 2018 and 9th March 2018: Please note the below list of applications advertised are only those we are required to do so by law. A full list of applications is available by visiting our website at DC/18/0494 Land Opposite The Dun Horse Brighton Road Mannings Heath West Sussex RH13 6HZ Variation of Condition 1 to previously permitted application DC/18/0219. Replacement of floor plans for plots 1-4. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0458 Old Reservoir Farm East Street Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 9DA Erection of 10 no. dwellings with associated landscaping and new access Reason for Advert: Major Development. DC/18/0104 Rowarts Farm North Five Oaks Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RL Erection of a single dwelling as an alternative to permission previously granted under application DC/17/2278, ‘Prior Approval for the proposed change of use from B8 storage / warehouse use to residential dwelling; revised application further to DC/17/1435’. Reason for Advert: The proposed development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated.

DC/18/0476 Beeding Granary Gay Street Lane North Heath Pulborough West Sussex RH20 2HN Conversion of domestic garage to a residential annexe for occupation ancillary to the main house. Associated external alterations including erection of front porch and installation of roof lights. (Householder) Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0477 Beeding Granary Gay Street Lane North Heath Pulborough West Sussex RH20 2HN Conversion of domestic garage to a residential annexe for occupation ancillary to the main house. Associated external alterations including erection of front porch and installation of roof lights. (Listed Building) Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0485 6 New Cottages Brighton Road Lower Beeding Horsham West Sussex RH13 6NH Erection of a detached garage and construction of a new driveway. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area. DC/18/0492 Songhurst Cox Green Rudgwick Horsham West Sussex RH12 3DD Erection of two storey side extension. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building.

DC/18/0445 St Marys Lodge The Street Bramber Steyning West Sussex BN44 3WE Amendments following the previously permitted application DC/17/0039 (Single storey timber garden room.). Erection of a smaller log cabin. (Full planning) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area. DC/18/0479 Brighthams Farm Bines Road Partridge Green West Sussex Removal of Conditions 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7 and 10 to previously permitted Application DC/17/1628 ((Proposed alterations to previously approved application DC/07/0714 (Change of use and extension to building to offices B1 use)) to facilitate additional use as two self-catering holiday lets, as well as approved B1 office use. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/0105 Clemsfold Farm Guildford Road Clemsfold West Sussex Erection of 3x two storey dwellings with associated parking/hardstanding as an alternative proposal to permission previously granted under application DC/16/2951, ‘Prior Approval of Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3 Use Class). Reason for Advert: The proposed development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated.

DC/18/0449 Gallops Cottage Morgans Green The Haven Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 9BJ Removal of existing single-storey extension and erection of two storey side/rear extension. Amendments following withdrawal of previous application DC/17/2500. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. S106/18/0007 Abingworth Meadows Storrington Road Thakeham West Sussex Discharge of planning obligations, public art work Reason for Advert: Section 106. S106/18/0002 Barratts and David Wilson Development Site West End Lane Henfield West Sussex Application for approval of details pursuant to Schedule 4, Part 1 (Landscaped Areas), Schedule 4, Part 2 (Estate Roads) and Schedule 4, Part 3 (Off Road Cycle Path) of the S106 Agreement of DC/17/1140. Reason for Advert: Section 106. S106/18/0006 Countryside Properties Development Site Phase 9 and 11 Old Wickhurst Lane Broadbridge Heath West Sussex Discharge of Schedule 15 of the s106 under DC/09/2101 Reason for Advert: Section 106.

A copy of each application and the submitted plans are available for inspection on the Council’s website public-access/ if you cannot view plans on line please call 01403 215187 for guidance. Any person who wishes to make representations about any of the applications below should do so in writing to Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL by no later than 21 days from the date of this advert. Please note that any representations received will be made available for public inspection and posted on the Council’s website or the SDNP website.

DC-18-0378 Chantry Sopers Lane Steyning West Sussex BN44 3 PU Reason for advert: Erection of a terrace for Mr & Mrs R Van Pelt

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PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF THE MODIFICATIONS TO THE SLINFOLD NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN PARAGRAPH 13A OF SCHEDULE 4B OF THE 1990 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT MODIFICATIONS TO THE SUBMISSION SLINFOLD NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Following receipt of the Examiner’s report on the submission draft Slinfold Neighbourhood Development Plan (SNDP), Horsham District Council has considered what response it is taking in response to each recommendation in accordance with paragraph 12 of Schedule 4B of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act, and has published its decision statement in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. Following consultation with Slinfold Parish Council, Horsham District Council is in agreement with the majority of the Examiner’s recommendations. The Council does however have a differing view on a small number of the recommendations, and is therefore inviting representations in accordance with paragraph 13a of Schedule 4B of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act. The revised modifications, together with the Council’s reasoning are set out in a schedule and will be subject to a further focussed consultation for a period of 7 weeks starting on Friday 16 March 2018 and closes at 5pm on 4 May 2018. All representations will be considered and a decision made on whether to submit the Slinfold Neighbourhood Development Plan to further examination or proceed to referendum. WHERE THE PLAN CAN BE INSPECTED Copies of the proposed modifications are available to view on the Horsham District Council website. Please click on the following link: currentconsultations Hard copies are available for inspection upon request between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday at Horsham District Council offices; Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham, RH12 1RL HOW TO MAKE REPRESENTATIONS If you would like to make a representation on the modifications, please do so online at the above web address or alternatively please send your representation to neighbourhood.planning@ or in writing to: Neighbourhood Planning Officer, Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham, RH12 1RL NOTIFICATION All comments received will made will be publicly available, and identifiable by name and (where applicable) organisation. All personal information provided will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulations. For further information please see the Council’s privacy policy.

Heath Common Design Statement Notice of consultation The ‘Heath Common Design Statement’ is being published for a four week consultation period between 16 March 2018 and 13 April 2018. It is proposed this document be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) by Horsham District Council. The SPD would be used by stakeholders and planning officers as additional guidance to the policies set out in the Horsham District Planning Framework and the emerging Storrington & Sullington and Washington Parishes Neighbourhood Plan. Should you wish to comment please do so before 5pm on 13 April 2018. Comments on the document can be made using the comments form on Horsham District Council’s website: uk/planningpolicy/planning-policy/currentconsultations, or can be submitted via email to, or by post to the Strategic Planning Team via the Horsham District Council address below. If you submit comments please confirm you are happy to have your comments, name and organisation made publicly available. Hard copies of the documents are also free to view at: Horsham District Council Offices Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1RL 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

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Storrington Library Ryecroft Lane, Storrington, West Sussex RH20 4PA 9.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm Saturday Further information, or advice, can be obtained from the Strategic Planning and Sustainability Team on 01403 215398 or Design Search Social

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Friday 16 March2018

Entertainment Horsham District Gig Guide

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Marvellous March Barnstormers Comedy show at the Capitol Horsham

Friday 16th September 15/03/2018

The Overtures Wildwood & Country Open Mic Golf night Club, Cranleigh The Bull Inn, Henfield 18:00 20:00 TSam Slammers Band Kelly’sSoul Station House The Barley Mow, Tandridge Cranleigh Arts Centre, Cranleigh 20:00 20:00 Open Mic Night The Cock Inn, Southwater, Horsham 17th Saturday 20:00


Horsham Rocks Presents Horsham Bandstand, The Carfax, Horsham 11:00 til 16:00Troubadours The Electric Nell Bryden Railway Inn, Billingshurst The Capitol Theatre, Hor21:00 sham 19:30 Larger Than Life Duo Goffs Park Social Club, Crawley Never Forget 20:30 Holbrook Club, Horsham Hounds 19:30 of Sound Broadbridge Heath Village The Tony Stone Band Centre, Broadbridge Heath The Malt Shovel, Horsham 20:00 20:30 Quo-caine Horsham Rocks Presents The Goring TheMulberry, Carfax Bandstand, 20:30 Horsham Black Angel 13:00Heart - 15:00 The Malt Shovel, Horsham





Acoustic showcases Sunday 18th The Surrey Oaks, Newdigate September

20:00Saxon Beardsmen South Open Mic Night Gathering TheMalt Royal Oak, Ifield The Shovel, Horsham 20:00til 18:00 12:00 Acoustic Open Mic Open night Mic Night TheShelley Jolly Tanners, The Arms, BroadStaplefield bridge Heath 20:00 19:30 Open MicShuffle Night Riverboat George and Dragon, Horsham Sports Club, Horsham Horsham 20.30 20:00

21/03/2018 Tuesday 20th The Bob Dylan Story September

Cranleigh ArtsMic Centre, Acoustic Open Night Cranleigh The Jolly Tanners, Staple20:00 field 20:30 Blues Workshop Northgate Community Centre, Crawley Open Mic night 20:00 The Bull Henfield Open Mic Inn, Night 20:00 The Royal Oak, Ifield Open Mic 20:00 The Maltshowcases Shovel, Horsham Acoustic 20:00 The Surrey Oaks, Newdigate 19:30


Gig guide Wenesday kindly14th September supplied by Electric Jam Night The Malt Shovel, Horsham 20:30

Thursday 15th

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A little bit out of the usual loop this month, but no lesser a requirement when it comes to providing the usual Sunday night tonic that makes the Monday look that little bit more appealing. As usual, three top circuit acts will be gracing the Capitol stage with guest host Dan Evans (pictured), on hand to oversee the proceedings. This month’s trio of mirthmakers include: entertaining Kiwi Javier Jarquin, ‘Jarquin is seriously talented when it comes to working a crowd’ - The Stage; clever up’n’coming one-liner wizard Peter Brush, ‘Unique observations and connections that stand-ups crave’ – The Guardian; and outstanding improvisational comedian Russell Hicks, ‘One of

the top six stand-ups to watch’ Stand Up Talk Magazine, LA. Javier Jarquin: After appearing on television and playing and headlining some of the biggest clubs in Australia and New Zealand Javier Jarquin moved to the UK in 2010 where he has established himself as a circuit regular and headline act around the country and in mainland Europe. He has performed on the same bill with top names such as Jimmy Carr, Stewart Lee, Jo Brand and Paul Daniels. He is based in London. He is also well known for his Card Ninja act. Peter Brush: A highly distinctive performer and deft writer of finely crafted jokes, Peter Brush unassumingly takes the stage with

his slight bespectacled frame and scruffy hair, before consummately conquering it with an arsenal of razor sharp quirky one-liners and peerlessly original routines, all delivered in an amusingly awkward fashion. Peter has been a finalist in a variety of local and national comedy competitions including the BBC New Comedy Award 2013, as well as winning the Harrogate Comedian of the Year 2012. He has also written for BBC Radio 4’s ‘The News Quiz’, ‘The Show What You Wrote’ and ‘Newsjack’, and has done tour support for Arthur Smith and Stephen K Amos. In 2015 he performed his debut solo hour ‘Older Than The Oldest Dog That Ever Lived’ at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, receiving

4*+ reviews. That year he also performed as part of the prestigious ‘Big Value’ showcase run by Just The Tonic. He currently performs at weekend level (or paid 20 minute sets) for: Highlight/Jongleurs, The Stand, The Frog & Bucket, Manford’s Comedy Clubs, Kill For A Seat, Rob Riley Productions, Toby Jones Productions, The Last Laugh, Just The Tonic, Screaming Blue Murder, Buzz Comedy, Gag Reflex, XS Malarkey and various others. Russell Hicks: One of the most exciting comics to come out of America, Russell Hicks is branded one of the ‘Top Six Comics to Watch’ by LA’s Stand Up Talk Magazine. He has appeared on LA based panel show Direct TV’s ‘What’s News?’ and is a regular guest on hit podcasts such as Talkin’ **** with Eddie Ifft. Headlining the nationally acclaimed student circuit in the United States, Russell regularly takes his hour long solo shows across the country to the biggest universities. Prolific and consistently delivering quality new work, audience members are often compelled to return for two nights in a row. Fast and loose, no two shows are ever the same. Performance:Sunday 25 March, 7.30pm, The Capitol Theatre. Tickets: (£10 in advance, £12 on the door) Available online: www. or via the Box Office: 01403 750220

Friday 16 March 2018 get the news online and on the go at



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An evening with The Great Gambo For the first time, Paul Gambaccini reveals how he started life as a boy in the Bronx and wound up The Professor of Pop in Great Britain. Together with clips of great artists he has known, he will explain what it was like to experience the phenomena of Elvis Presley, as a child, and the Beatles, as a teenager, how he got into radio, his early experiences with ROLLING STONE magazine, his fascinating years at Radio 1, 2, 3 and 4, and Classic FM, and his regular television appearances. Hear him discuss the three great crises of his life: coping with the Vietnam War’s chal-

lenge to his American generation, enduring the era of AIDS, and surviving a hostile encounter with the Metropolitan Police. In a nod to his current Radio 4 series COUNTERPOINT, there will be a Music Quiz and a Q&A. Performance: Friday 6 April, 7.30pm, The Capitol, Horsham. Tickets: Available online: or via the Box Office: 01403 750220

A month of special events at West Sussex Libraries

Mon 7th May 2018

St Mary’s 5k trail run & family fun day 10am Children’s fun obstacle course and colour run £5 11am 5k trail run (run, jog or walk) £10 in advance £15 on the day

Barrack field next to Cricket club, Horsham For more info visit Charity number 1132246

Libraries in West Sussex are holding a range of special events in March to help residents stay healthy and well. As part of Wellbeing Month, more than 40 events are planned with highlights including: Laughter workshops, Dementia friendly film screenings, Guided walks, Help quitting smoking, and Wellbeing MOTs. Mood-boosting books will also be on display, along with a selection of self-help guides. For children, there will be activities, such as ‘Toddler time’ and story time sessions. Debbie Kennard, Cabinet Member for Safer, Stronger Communities, said: “Our libraries are at the heart of our communities and are safe, friendly and welcoming places, bringing people together whatever their age. “There are some great events and activities planned for Wellbeing Month. “Staying healthy, both physically and mentally, is so important and I would really encourage everyone living in West Sussex to visit their local library and try out one of these events.” A full list of events taking place in libraries throughout March can be found here: www.westsussex. Libraries also offer a full programme of regular activities throughout the year, including Reading Groups, Board Games, Knit and Natter, and Relax with Colouring. For more information, please visit: libraries/whats-on-in-libraries/ regular-activities-by-library

Box Office 01403 750220 E TH IO IN UD ST

HANCOCK & CO: ONE MAN, MANY VOICES Saturday 17 March 7.45pm



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07/12/2017 13:40

Friday 16 March 2018 get the news online and on the go at


Millais at the Minerva

Millais School will be performing The Changing Room by Chris Bush at the Minerva Theatre on Thursday 22 March, as part of National Theatre Connections – a nationwide celebration of new plays for young people. The Changing Room is one of ten brand new plays written especially for Connections by a selection of the best playwriting talent in the UK. The play is a lyrical piece about existing on the cusp of growing up - Bodies in flux and perspectives shifting; knowing change is coming but not what that change will look like. Are we teenagers? Are we children? What are we? ... Set in and around a swimming pool, The Changing Room follows a group of teens full of excitement, impatience and uncertainty, each with their own secret worries and desires for what comes next. Chris Bush explained why he wrote the play: “In writing this piece, I’m trying to capture something of the hormonal rush


got a story? email us at

and sensory overload of adolescence in all its messy and magical glory. While no two teenagers are the same, ultimately, I wanted to show that this is an experience no-one goes through alone. Cast size: 10–50.” National Theatre Connections is one of the UK’s largest celebrations of youth theatre. Plays are commissioned for and about young people, from some of the best contemporary playwrights, and performed by schools and youth theatres all over the UK and Ireland. In 2018, National Theatre Connections is working with up to 270 Youth Theatres and schools to stage ten newly commissioned plays, adding to the 160+ plays the National Theatre have commissioned for young people since 1995. All the companies will transfer their production to one of 28 Connections Partner Theatres across the UK (Millais will perform at The Minerva, Chichester). Rufus Norris, Director of the

National Theatre, said: “Connections is at the heart of the National Theatre’s work for young people and one of the most exciting and important projects we do. We think it’s vital that young people, wherever they are in the country and whatever their future path, have a chance to get involved in theatre.” Mrs Sykes, Director of Creative Arts at Millais, said: “Our talented young actresses will experience professional theatre-making, mirroring that of a company producing a new play in any theatre in the country. They will experience the rehearsal studio space the professional lighting and sound and most impressively tread the boards that Ian McKellan, Anna Chancellor, Lenny Henry and Ophelia Lovibond have before. “This unique opportunity has been a team effort with much of the inspiration and direction coming from the cast and we are thrilled with the performers and artists they have become. Their dedication and commitment to the show over the last 5 months has been outstanding and although we hope the process is not over yet, we hope they are as proud of the production they have realised as we are. In July, ten companies will perform as part of the NT Connections festival to represent each of the 10 plays at the National Theatre in London. Fingers crossed for Millais Productions so they can take this unique opportunity all the way to London!” To book to see Millais School perform ‘The Changing Room ‘at the Minerva Theatre, Chichester on Thursday 22 March – please contact the box office: 01243 781312 or visit: https://www.cft. For further information,please contact Mrs Davis: 01403 282013, or, to find out more about National Theatre Connections, please visit: Suitable for ages: 12+

Feast from the East for classical fans Entertainment Phil Dennett The chilling “Beast from the East” became a “Feast from the East” in Sunday’s heartwarming Brighton Philharmonic concert. All four immaculately played pieces had Russian connections and were shown off at their best with a verve and enthusiasm that produced one of the highlights of the season at the Dome after a Siberian wintry week. There was certainly nothing cold about Gareth Small’s embracing evocation of the Arutunian Trumpet Concerto. Small confidently emphasised the composer’s bold opening statement of intent and was assertive without being aggressive, with the orchestra galloping joyfully alongside him. Small drew out the melody brightly, with guest conductor Stephen Bell achieving a good dynamic balance between the trumpet and the orchestra. His warm tones with the mellow sounds of the muted trumpet were moving as he allied good control to an obvious nimbleness, even in the fastest challenges , as the folk-music charm of the piece unfolded.

Boldness was also a feature of the start of the engrossing Tchaikovsky Symphony Number 4, this time captured by the punchy orchestra before giving way to some splendidly soothing clarinet and mysterious bassoon. There was some entertaining pizzicato set against the soft footfall of cellos and basses and some delightfully playful woodwind in a rousing performance that included some dramatically emphatic brass and beguiling oboe and bassoon. Deft string playing brought out the lighter elements of Glinka’s A Life for the Tsar after another strident start, with some good decoration by woodwind and horns in a lively opener that always had a spring in its step. No less superb was Mussorgsky’s often dramatic Night on a Bare Mountain, where the orchestra, inspired by spookily unsettled strings, lit a fire under the witch’s cauldron of a score, clearly highlighted in the excellent crisp detail that was a feature of the whole concert. The final concert of the season will be on March 25 at 2.45 and will feature pieces by Sibelius, Delibes, Saint-Saens and Arnold.

Strictly Superstars come to The Hawth Theatre Strictly superstars Vincent Simone and Flavia Cacace return to The Hawth stage with their most audacious and thrilling show yet, Tango Moderno. The production comes to Crawley from Tuesday 27 - Saturday 31 March. Tango is the rhythm of the city, the heat of the streets and the pulse of life. Tango Moderno is the irresistible hot new stage spectacular from Vincent and Flavia: dance partners for over two decades, world champions, Strictly favourites and acclaimed West End stage stars, whose previous productions Midnight Tango, Dance Til Dawn and The Last Tango have all been acclaimed, sell-out hits. Having originally intended The Last Tango to be their farewell tour, Flavia explained: “As we

were creating our last show, we developed a number of new routines with so much raw choreography. It was thrilling to still be discovering new numbers for Vincent and I to dance, but we just couldn’t accommodate them in the production. We toured the country with the show and were overwhelmed by the support from our audiences and from people asking us to continue. Vincent and I spoke at the end of the tour and we decided that we wanted to continue; we love dancing together, we are having so much fun and a year after our last UK tour, we are more excited than ever to share this new work and show with our audiences.” The new production fuses together Ballroom, Latin, and Argentine tango to give you a performance that smoulders with

desire. With classic steps, they create a Tango for today. Tango Moderno is a breath of fresh air, pulsating with life, energy and colour giving you the most exciting stage experience in years. Tango Moderno is directed by Olivier Award winning choreographer and director Karen Bruce and produced by Adam Spiegel Productions (Motown The Musical, The Producers, Dance ‘Til Dawn, Midnight Tango, Love Me Tender). Performances: Tuesday 27 Saturday 31 March 7.30pm, Wed & Sat 2.30pm, The Hawth Crawley. Tickets: (Tue-Thur eve: £37. Wed & Sat 2.30pm: £34. Fri & Sat: £40. Discounts available on selected performances) available from The Hawth Box Office: 01293 553636 and online:

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Enjoy the benefits of buying a newbuild home at Solomon’s Seal

For home-hunters looking to save themselves time and money when they move, choosing a brand new home at Bellway’s Solomon’s Seal development in Broadbridge Heath near Horsham can offer some really significant benefits. For a start, buyers can forget about having to redecorate, or

te Quo rict Dist n e Th he w t Pos ing book

putting up with the previous owner’s dodgy décor, as a newbuild home is ready to start living in straight away. There’s no worrying about costly repairs or renovations either. Everything is brand new, completed to a high standard and backed by a two-year warranty, plus a ten-year insurance scheme

covering the fabric and structural integrity of the home. A new home is also cool in the summer and warm in the winter, thanks to modern insulation, double-glazing and energyefficient central heating – and this means savings on energy costs. In fact, the latest figures from the Home Builders Federa-

tion show that utility bills for a new-build home are, on average, £629 cheaper a year than those for existing properties.* Nicky Chapman, Sales Director for Bellway South London, said: “Buying brand new can save purchasers a whole lot of time, money and stress, as they can just move in and relax as soon as they’ve unpacked. “Weekends can be spent enjoying life rather than working on time-consuming and expensive DIY projects, while buyers can spend the money they save on their energy bills on anything they choose. “I’d urge anyone thinking about buying to visit our sales centre at Solomon’s Seal and find out about all the benefits of buying new.” There’s a choice of three, four and five-bedroom houses currently available to reserve at Solomon’s Seal. The development is located in the West Sussex village of Broadbridge Heath, near Horsham, within easy reach of both central London and the south coast. The Solomon’s Seal sales centre, located off Old Guildford Road, Broadbridge Heath, is open daily between 10am and 5pm (Thursdays from midday to 7pm). More information is available at



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Computer generated image is indicative only. Specification on site may differ. Prices correct at time of press. Photography of typical Bellway interior and may include optional upgrades at additional cost. *YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON YOUR MORTGAGE OR ANY OTHER DEBT SECURED ON IT. Help to Buy is subject to the Homes and Communities Agency’s (HCA) terms and conditions and is available on new build homes up to £600,000 to customers where the property represents their only residence. Not available on second, additional homes, buy-to-let or let-to-buy properties. HomeBuy agent eligibility check required. The equity loan is interest free for the first five years and needs to be a minimum of 10% of the purchase price up to a maximum of 20%. After five years, an annual fee of 1.75% of the outstanding equity loan is charged. This is increased annually by RPI plus 1%. The equity loan must be repaid after 25 years, or earlier if you sell your home. A monthly management fee of £1 is payable by the equity loan borrower by direct debit, from the start of the loan until it is repaid. The management fee and interest fees are not capital repayments to the equity loan and do not reduce the amount owing. Help to Buy operates under terms and conditions imposed by the HCA and may be subject to change. **Stamp duty paid either in full or as a percentage is available on selected homes and is not available on second or additional homes, buy-to-let and let-to-buy properties. Available on new reservations only.

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OLD GUILDFORD ROAD l £435,000 Freehold


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Built in red Victorian brick ‘The Old School House’ was constructed in circa 1870 and was the old headmasters quarters within the original Shelley Village School.

A near new and well presented family home benefiting from a cul de ac location within Wickhurst Green.

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TOWN CENTRE PROPERTY WITH GARDEN - This spacious, purpose built, two/ three bedroom, ground floor maisonette is situated only a few minutes’ walk of Horsham’s historic town centre.

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At Highwood, you will be able to enjoy weekend strolls by the river, superb leisure pursuits on your doorstep, great shopping and restaurants less than a mile away in Horsham, excellent transport links to the city – London is less than 50 minutes by train** and the beaches of the south coast are within easy reach.


Sales Suite open daily 10am - 5pm. Highwood, 2 The Boulevard, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1EP.

Computer generated image depicts streetscene at The Mill and is indicative only. Photography depicts typical Berkeley Showhome and lifestyle and is indicative only. Help to Buy is available on selected plots only and is subject to the Homes and Communities Agency’s (HCA) terms and conditions and is available on new build homes up to £600,000 to customers where the property represents their only residence. You will require a minimum deposit of 5%, a Homes and Communities Agency equity loan of 20% and a mortgage of 75%. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other debt secured on it. Check that these mortgages will meet your needs if you want to move or sell your home or you want your family to inherit it. If you are in any doubt seek independent financial advice. *Prices correct at time of going to press and subject to availability. **Source: Proud to be a member of the Berkeley Group of companies

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District Post - 15th March - Page 1

13/03/2018 11:07:19

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District Post - 15th March 2018 - Page 2

13/03/2018 11:15:10

YOU CAN ALWAYS CLIMB THE LADDER RETAIL SUPERVISOR – CRAWLEY DENVALE TRADE PARK RETAIL SUPERVISOR – CRAWLEY GATWICK ROAD SERVICE ASSISTANT – HORSHAM We’re on the lookout for no-nonsense, hands on people to join our ever-growing and supportive team. Find out more about our opportunities on our website.


Volunteering Opportunities Registered Charity No. 1158780 Please note that from April 1, 2018 as a result of funding changes from Horsham District Council HAMSVA will no longer be promoting volunteering in the district. For all volunteering opportunities after that date please visit communitysupport/community-support/community-development/voluntary-sector-support . Would you like to gain some valuable work experience or offer your valuable experience to your local NHS? Horsham Hospital is looking for volunteer administrators. Duties will include helping the administrator with filing patient notes, Making up files for new patients, archiving - filling out forms on the computer stating what is added to the archiving boxes, photocopying paperwork for the nurses to use with patients The minimum commitment for this role is six months after training. No qualifications are required except to be friendly yet professional and happy to work in a possibly noisy environment with children. The hospital also needs administrators to take on a similar role with its wheelchair service and with health visitors, where you would be making up health promotion packs for clinical staff to take to visits, photocopying and updating booklets. If you prefer the great outdoors, how would you like to help preserve the beautiful countryside we enjoy in Sussex? The Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) Sussex is looking for volunteers across the county to help preserve its beauty. They need a planning assistant to help monitor planning applications in the local area, identifying applications of concern and helping the local team to submit relevant comments and objections. The charity is also looking for general volunteers to work on a wide range of activities, including fund-raising, biodiversity, campaigning, social media, general administration, etc. if you have a specific interest or expertise that might be applicable to their work in protecting the Sussex countryside they would love to hear from you. Winston’s Wish is a charity which supports children who have been bereaved by the death of a parent. They need volunteer fund raisers to support at their events in the Southeast Some things you might do are to meet and greet participants and spectators, help set up and clear down the event, provide information at a Winston’s Wish event stand, answering queries and hand out refreshments or even wear the famous Winston Bear costume! AGE UK Horsham is looking for volunteers to help people coming home from hospital who may feel lonely and isolated and who would benefit greatly from practical and emotional support and confidence building. The NSPCC is looking for volunteers to help with a bucket collection at the Horsham Tesco on Wickhurst Lane on Friday 23 March – even just a couple of hours of your time would be hugely appreciated. Your support and the money raised could help fund the NSPCC’s Speak out Stay safe programme, which delivers age-appropriate workshops and assemblies to children aged 5-11 about how to recognise the signs of abuse and to understand where to go if they need help.

Personal assistant needed Personal assistant needed for lady in her 50 s wheelchair user with restricted mobility with accessing appointments days out ,and willing to do longer drives few times a year essential hence good driver with clean licence essential. The work also involves keeping the home tidy and clean and all aspects of domestic chores so must like cleaning. Must have use of larger car for placing wheelchair in the boot . Must be reliable and organised and can work on own initiative,fit and healthy to undertake above duties, friendly nature more important than experience common sense approach and must be flexible with hours on a weekly basis over 7 days. JR Print 9.50 per hour typical rate. This is a contracted 10 hour minimum per week position please phone: Horsham 01403 732724 to arrange an interview



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Friday 16 March 2018 get the news online and on the go at



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New season Grays and Kookaburra hockey in stock. Canterbury & Gilbert rugby boots and protective gear in stock. Updating of annual cups and awards engraved on-site

82 Lambs Farm Road, Roffey, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 4JH 01403 267805 Established 30 years

Your sports notice board Gatwick Flyers Trampoline Club Roffey Robins Rockets U13

Horsham Rugby Club Ho

rsen ham Wom & Ru gbyofClall girls ub ages are invited to training sessions at New Players al ys Horsham Rugby wa Club we lcome fr om under 6 on Tuesd ay’s 18.30 or to 18 . Sund 10.30 . PlayContay’s act Jo n Pratt on ers 07 requi for all the 785red 382909 or fema le teams. Contact jon.p Tony on enigm a1498@ yaho

Partridge Green Club ball Ar Footam un

Horsh dminton Club Ba Players needed for

Gatwick Flyers New players areTrampoline required Club high qualfor theprovides team who play on ity coaching and welcomes Saturday mornings and newon members to join their train Monday evenings. Billingshurst For Players neededsquad. in various information visit www. positions. Please contact Robert Foley on 07775 647983 or

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Walking Baseball Club Horsham

football. ales ite males and fem Inv All ages and ability to over 6 years of age Tuesday and Thursday learn come along and mornings baseball Shipley Community s 10am to Saturday’ at Inglefield 1.00pmProject - £2 per r SchoolRuss Contact Mano session 07519 847295

Heron Olympic FC require players born between Sept 2004 Under 7 and under 8 players and Augrequired 2005 to for join the new U13 season. Anyone their 11-a-side interested in coming team for the 2017-18 along to season. training please contact Chris at Contact Ian Palser on chesworthrovers.chris@ 07973 242270 or email

Chesworth Rovers

ath Co me and jo in Karate ClubFC Horsham , get fit, lose weig BBht, HFle Car ar neto lode okfe innd g yofo urrsepl lfay an erds m fo ee r tth ne eiwr frieU1 nd7/ s. 18 Clas tese s in am HoPl rsha eam se fo r nt co boac tht ad teul ts am manag aner d ch Alild anre Wn. hi te on Co nt 07 730ac t 22 Pa16 01 ul or Ellio ttail em 07 ajon 77@ wor 80 ks 584 hotm oruk ai82 semka@btin . m

Holbro ok Allstars Lad ies Basketball Horsham Parkrun Club

The club would like to hear

atfrom anyo every Held ne Saturday over 16 inter ested inin playi Park. Horsham ng basketbal 9.00am l. Experienc ed playe or andrsopen to enter Free beginners most welcome. The young, old everyone, toclub aim to teach, develop novice. or anyo experienced and engage with ne willing to www.parkrun. atlearn Register . For more infor mation visit www m and or emai then just go along l


intoRugby n Club At Holbrook we are Keen ers on keen toag build last seasect ion sons and build a Ar e yosuccess u retired anplayers. d with larger squad of ba dminto n experience ? All pla arey welcome to join us We Monday and Fr iat ytraining on Wednesday da mornings 9.30 - 12. nights at 7.30pm. For mo re details conWe train at The Holbrook ta ct Ma rianne on 0140 Club in North Heath Lane 3 258086 RH12 5PJ

Heron Olympic FC



Under 13 and yers of all me pla lco We9 dly s. Frien team m ages 7 fro s ard nd sta ge football villa to 70 plus team. se contact Adam to Plea For more info go 662 9 .or k oror on g.u662 w.habc ww0796 abc. h@ hip@h pgfc l mb ers.yout ail me ememai ail.c org hotm


GEU15 RID TAyN B ins L RobN e N C UB Roff O T BADMI ense ea ev

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Do you have a notice? email us at

Comptons Tennis Horsham Comm unity Club Netball Club

Always welcome Welcom es 8-12 yearnew olds members of all ages and At Collyer’ s Sixth Form abilities.College Please visit our website and Facebook Wednes days 5.30-6.30pm or contact our coach Andy Contact : Ian Ford 07764 Tope: 146338 / @horsha 07833 252342

Tan brid geot G Ba irls dm Fo ton ba llinin Cl ubm Hors ha

HoTh rsha m bSpwe arlco e clu rome ws sha ve ne w mme anmb y gi rlan s on ly ite ers tesam d inv su yo anto d co arme e loan ok in ginfo d r jo ne w in on play a er Fridsayinevth Unat eneing deFo r re 11st s, U1Bo 3sysan doo U1l6/ Sch 18 fro m ag 9.0e0 grpm oups Vi.00 to. 11 sit pm ww. w.Ple hoas r-e shco am sp ar ntact Ne rolia on.u k40 to3 01 fin 267331 d ou fort mo mor

41 Springfield Rd (01403) 275 553


Friday 16 March2018


follow us on twitter @dpost_sport

Determined Horsham pull off crucial win

Photo by Nick Evans

Saturday March 10 – South Clubs’ Women’s Hockey League Division 1 Horsham Ladies 3 2 Basingstoke Hockey Martin Read - Sports Reporter This was as demanding an examination as Horsham Ladies are likely to encounter. Basingstoke are an experienced, physically strong side, very fast on the break and they scored an early goal. But, in an hoighly entertaining game, Horsham clawed themselves back to equalise and subsequently win the closely contested match. Horsham had the first opportunity, with a short corner in the sixth minute, but this was cleared for Basingstoke to immediately be awarded a similar set piece, which they smashed in to take the lead with

the first goal that Horsham had conceded for nine weeks. Determined Horsham kept pressing, earning four more short corners. And, they had a golden opportunity from the penalty spot, but the ball went straight to the Basingstoke keeper for a routine block. Horsham though, kept fighting and on 29 minutes Bex Ross scrambled the ball in to level the scores, 1-1 at the break. Soon after the restart another Horsham short corner came and went, until, in the 13th minute, Louisa Denman broke through for Shiv Isaacs to snatch the lead. Another Horsham short followed but Basingstoke were mounting persistent attacks and levelled the score with a backhander. This was a potentially devastating blow to Horsham’s promotion ambitions but, undaunted, they kept pressing and were rewarded with the deciding goal, Tiff Male finding the net. Ten fast and furious, nail-

biting minutes remained but Horsham successfully closed down the game to win 3-2. Post Match Horsham Coach Chris Bowen told the District Post: “Basingstoke were good and pushed us really hard – harder than any other team this season. They kept coming strong at our young back line, who played so well. We had near misses from our short corners, including hitting the post, so the score-line might have been different.” Horsham Chairman Nick Evans told us: “Basingstoke are dangerous in attack but vulnerable in defence – they have scored 43 goals, but conceded 31, giving them an inferior goal difference compared with the other leading sides.” Horsham Captain Hannah Simpson added: “That was a tough game! We started slowly and missed a penalty but we kept digging and working hard and came away with an excellent win and three vital points.” With 45 points Surbiton 2s head the table, but are unable to go up because their first team are already in the league above. Horsham are second with 44 points – six clear of both Oxford University and Teddington. Staines remain cemented to the bottom with a single point. Horsham have three games to play – this Saturday they go to tenth placed Reading – whom they beat 2-0 at home in December, then, on Saturday week, in their final home game, they play Surbiton – the sides drew 1-1 in Surrey in January. Horsham’s final game is a rearranged fixture at Oxford University, at a date to be advised, the teams battled out a draw in November.

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Battling Boro unable to prevent relegation Saturday March 10 – London 2 South East Pulborough 14 26 Heathfield & Waldron

Rugby Martin Read - Sports Reporter Both sides came into this game in need of points to stave off relegation – a positive threat for Pulborough, but a lesser one for Heathfield & Waldron. In the event, victory for the visitors secured their future in the London South East 2 League, at the same time sealing Boro’s fate. Fortified by one of Pulborough’s legendary Vice Presidents’ lunches the large crowd saw Boro get off to a positive start, but, Heathfield opened the scoring when, following a scrum, the visitors set up an impressive passing movement to get across the line, the subsequent kick being judged astray. Heathfield then missed a penalty but promptly scored a second try in the right corner, duly converted to give them a 12 nil lead. Although Heathfield’s scrums continued to hold sway, Boro reduced the deficit when Frazer Oliphant-Hope got over

and kicked the extras to leave the score on 7-12 at the break. In the second half Boro were playing up the slope and into the increasing wind and after a missed Heathfield penalty Boro pressed hard, but the outcome was soon decided when Ed Koops pushed his way over and then got a second, bonus point, try to give Heathfield a 7-26 lead. Boro, though, then played their best rugby of the game, culminating in an excellent try from a rush up field for Nick Haynes to touch down under the visitors’ posts, OliphantHope again converting. But, sadly it was too little too late, Heathfield running out 14-26 winners, describing Boro as “a decent and proud side.” With four games remaining Boro do have only pride to play for and tomorrow (Saturday) they travel to Dulwich Common to take on eighth-placed Old Alleynians, the original fixture being postponed a fortnight previously because of a frozen pitch. Boro remain 11th with 16 points – the same number of points behind Deal & Betteshanger. Barking are firmly rooted to the bottom of the table on minus 8, without a single win.

Horsham overcome by second placed Edwardians Saturday March 10 – South League – Premier – Division 1 Horsham Men’s 1st XI 0 4 London Edwardians Hockey Martin Read - Sports Reporter Given Horsham’s track record and form this season, coming up against second in the table London Edwardians was likely to be a tough ask, and so it proved to be in the first half. Although the second session was a far more even contest, Horsham’s difficulty in finding the net made it impossible for them to overturn their three goal deficit after the break. From the whistle Horsham Coach, keeper Andrew Isaacs, was called on to kick off his line, but in the third minute porous defending allowed Edwardians a free shot and they went one up. Horsham Captain Sean Pearcy broke through at the other end, creating an excellent chance to equalise but the ball was blasted well over. The visi-

tors then shot wide, had a strike kicked away and hit the post, but Horsham responded with two attacks, Freddie Campbell bursting through to no avail, Angus MacDonald’s shot inspiring an outstanding save. Joey Humphreys, back in Horsham’s first team, also penetrated the defence, but after 16 minutes a backhander doubled Edwardians’ lead. Two more Humphreys’ forays followed but Horsham were unable to get the ball in. Edwardians might have increased their cushion but fluffed the opportunity, however a Horsham free kick went straight to the opposition, prompting an up field run and in a one on one with Isaacs the ball was fired in from a tight angle to put Horsham 3 nil down. A Horsham short corner then ballooned onto the neighbouring rugby pitch ahead of Barney Knights Johnson getting into the D without being able to get a shot in. Five second half short corners – two to Horsham and three to

Edwardians – all went unconverted, Isaacs pulling off some stunning saves. Horsham created opportunities, but just could not score, until, five minutes from the end Edwardians scrambled the ball in from close range to complete a worthy 4-0 victory. Horsham Team Manager Al Campbell told the District Post: We were short of four starters, which didn’t help us, then their first goal came from a miss-hit and an excellent shot of ours was somehow saved. That’s been our luck this season!” Andrew Isaacs added: “We’ve got a good core of players and now need to re-group.” On Saturday Horsham travel to south west London to take on seventh-placed Spencer, with whom they drew in December. Spencer lost 5-1 to Bromley & Backenham last week. Meanwhile, Oxford Hawks remain top – three points ahead of London Edwardians. With three games left to play, Horsham are six points behind penultimate club Henley

Photo by Nick Evans

Friday 16 March 2018 get the news online and on the go at


Horsham pressurise Deal to stay fourth

Horsham’s Rob Grant

Saturday March 10 – London 2 South East Horsham 14 5 Deal & Betteshanger Rugby Richard Ordidge & Martin Read - Sports Reporter Horsham defeated a spirited Deal & Betteshanger side who battled hard to secure a win that would remove the remote spectre of relegation, but to no avail. The Green and Whites had control of the game but without being able to pull away on the scoreboard. Joe Wilde opened the scoring with a penalty and then in the sixth minute after a fine multi-phase attack, Tom Johnson put in a perfectly weighted chip through to the in-

goal area and Rob Grant following up won the race to touch down as Horsham rushed into an 8-0 lead. Despite all the pressure, being in the opposition half in a rare attack Deal secured a penalty and then scored a well worked try from a driven maul to narrow the deficit to 8-5 before half-time. There was always the threat that the visitors could score off a breakaway but Wilde slotted two second half penalties to calm the nerves of the home support and close out the 14-5 victory, reversing the defeat Horsham endured in East Kent in November. Horsham Head Coach Nick Stocker said: “A fairly dour game played in poor conditions but a result that helps keep us in 4th with some interesting fixtures still to come. A

good debut from Loose Head Jolyon Nash together with the first full game for Tom Johnson since injury, which bodes well for the run in. Although we didn’t manage to string any fluidity together, we pressured Deal for the majority of the game and but for silly errors would have secured a score line reflective of the possession and territory Horsham enjoyed. The boys worked hard and ultimately came away with the spoils although its very clear that work remains to be done. Whilst it was a team effort, notable contributions from the likes of Rob Grant who took his try well, Jordan Bell who pressured defensively all afternoon and Mike Watts carrying with his usual threat. In the forwards, Jordan Smith, Nick Bell and Johnny Whiting made telling impacts. However, for his first full 80 minutes since injury, the physicality in defence and the clever kicking game, Tom Johnson was awarded Man of the Match.” Dartfordians are runaway leaders with 85 points – 18 clear of Hove, while Charlton Park are third with 66. Barking remain marooned at the bottom of the table. Fourthplaced Horsham have four matches still to play – this Saturday they are at home again - to Heathfield & Waldron, then, on the 24th they travel to Hove, before they take on Dover at home on April 7th. A week later the Green & White’s season ends with a trip to Haywards Heath. Dover overcame Horsham in Kent in December, but, earlier in the season, Horsham beat all of the other three sides that they still have to play.

Local football torpedoed by the weather again

Football Martin Read - Sports Reporter Local football was frustrated by the weather again last Saturday – this time the pitches were flooded – the previous week they were frozen. Horsham were due to play at East Grinstead, but suffered the only postponement in their


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league. The Hornets remain 12th and on Sunday they travel to fifth placed Cray Wanderers - looking for revenge after the Kent side beat them 3-0 at Lancing in September, before trouncing them 8-0 in the FA Trophy Preliminary Round, but Cray lost 2-1 to Hythe Town last Saturday. Meanwhile, Lewes top Horsham’s Bostik South Division League with 80 points – five clear

of Corinthian Casuals. Carshalton Athletic are third on 74 and Greenwich Boro fourth (73). Astride the top of the Southern Combination Premier League table, Horsham YMCA have not now played for three weeks after being thwarted in the planned visit to Crawley Down Gatwick on Saturday, the team that had beaten them 2-1 at Gorings Mead in October. YM still head the table with 60 points from 28 games – Three Bridges were unable to play Broadbridge Heath but stay second and Saltdean United third – both with 54 points. Chichester City and Haywards Heath Town are fourth and fifth respectively, each having 53 points - Three Bridges and Chichester have a game in hand. On Saturday YM visit Hassocks, whom they beat 6-0 at home in November – Hassocks currently occupy the penultimate berth in the table. And, on Tuesday (20th) YM return home for the first time since February 6th to take on high flying Chichester in a key rearranged fixture – the teams drew 1-1 away in October but Chichester eliminated YM from the RUR Cup at the Quarter Final stage.

Come to support Cottesmore golf’s charity quiz Golf Martin Read - Sports Reporter Horsham’s Heather Skinner recently took over as Ladies’ Captain at Cottesmore Golf Club and has launched a programme of charity events – including a forthcoming quiz - to raise funds for mental health charity Heads On, telling the District Post: “Quite rightly there is now a focus on mental health provision – one in four of us experience it at some point in our lives and most of us knows a sufferer. So, to mark this year’s 70th anniversary of the NHS, I decided to see what we can do at the club to support Heads On. They’re local, with excellent facilities at Langley Green, which they’re keen to develop further. They work in partnership with the NHS to make things better for those in need of help by introducing a range of projects, including provision of a gym to boost mental health, and other ways to assist patients and families – from across Sussex and beyond.” Heather started her programme with a coffee morning and next week there will be the quiz evening – on Friday (23rd) – when participants can enjoy a meal for a modest £12 and participate in the raf-

fle. A little later a sponsored walk, and a bike ride are being planned – and, of course golf related fundraisers, Heather saying: “I’ve been playing for a while and love Cottesmore, it’s a great course and they are very nice people here!” The beautiful Cottesmore course has a surprising history: it was originally a farm, with buildings (now the clubhouse) built by some of the many French prisoners in Britain in 1815 at the end of the Napoleonic wars. But, in 1975 the golf course opened, with another course added in 1983 before, nine years later, the country club complex, complete with its superb indoor pool, health and beauty club and fully licensed function rooms came on stream. Nine hotel rooms were provided in 2002 and seven, two-bedroom holiday lodges in 2007. Heather Skinner summed up saying: “Come along to support our quiz – its a lovely venue and we’ll have teams of four competing in friendly rivalry for an exceptionally worthy cause!” Cottesmore Golf & Country Club, Buchan Hill, Pease Pottage, RH11 9AT 01293 528256 – –


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