The District Post 17th August 2018

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Friday 17.08.2018

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Proposed move for Horsham Fire Service & Police Station martin read


Local residents are to have the opportunity to comment on proposals to relocate Horsham Fire Station at a new purpose built facility to be shared with the police and, possibly the ambulance service at an already publicly owned site at Highwood, at the junction of the A24 and A264 near Broadbridge Heath. The proposal is part of the well-established One Public Estate programme delivered in partnership by the Local Government Association and the Office of Government Property via the Cabinet Office. The programme was launched in 2013 with just 12 areas but today works in conjunction with more than 300 councils on projects transforming local communities and public services right across the country, the plan being to maximise the use of public land improving public services, providing one million new homes and further developing transport

infrastructure. In Sussex, the One Public Estate programme already includes projects at Crawley across a number of sites, including the Town Hall and County Buildings, at Burgess Hill – where a new tri-service blue light centre, housing and commercial space is planned – and at Chichester, where the redevelopment of a number of sites is in prospect. Other plans are also being developed at Littlehampton, Shoreham and Worthing. Long standing local residents will recall the previous separate arrangements for public services, including premises within the confines of Horsham Park (Fire Service) and the old Police Station in Barttelot Road in the town. When those sites were vacated the opportunity was taken to bring the services together in Hurst Road. The plan is now to have the blue light emergency services working even more collaboratively with the creation of the best possible, fit for the future arrangements, incorporating outstanding training facilities not currently available locally, with a public facing front counter for the police, an on call Fire Service, and,

Nightingale Road, Horsham



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potentially South East Counties Ambulance Service all operating from the one new site. Relocating such arrangements would free up a substantial area, with much needed land for housing and commercial use for redevelopment in Horsham’s Hurst Road in accord-

ance with local and national planning strategies, creating employment in support of local economic growth. Further information is available at https://haveyoursay. Residents are also encouraged to

visit drop in sessions at Horsham Library this Saturday between 10-12 or on Thursday September 13th between 17.00 and 19.00 and there is email contact available at uk together with the 01243 777100 contact number

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Friday 17 August 2018

News 17.08.2018 Contents

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New Director of Place at Horsham District Council


Grant to preserve unique art therapy archive Page 6


Last chance to get your stand at Horsham District’s Jobs and Skills Fair 2018 Page 9 Entertainment Come to Horsham Rugby Club’s Musical Extravaganza! Page 11

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Huge thankyou to our contributors: Horsham Rocks, Clive Turner & Tim Hewlett

Horsham District Council has appointed Barbara Childs to the new position of Director of Place. The role of Director of Place was created to broaden the previous role of Director of Planning following Chris Lyon’s departure, and reflects the importance of place shaping, driving economic growth and encouraging partner-

ship working. Barbara, currently Head of Strategic Planning at the Council, has a wealth of experience in planning and economic development and played a key role in the preparation of Horsham’s Local Plan. Glen Chipp, Chief Executive, said: “I am delighted that Barbara has accepted the role Director of Place. She was an outstanding candidate and has a wealth of experience which will be of great benefit to the Council and the District.” Commenting on her appointment, Barbara said: “The District is under a lot of pressure to grow and I see this role as an opportunity to influence how that growth happens, so that we maintain our special environment and provide places where people want to live, work, and visit. It’s about creating extraordinary places, whilst protecting what we value about the environment.”

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Minerals Local Plan for West Sussex West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority are pleased to announce the adoption of the West Sussex Joint Minerals Local Plan by both authorities. The document sets out a vision and ‘strategic objectives’ to 2033 and will be used as the basis for all planning decisions relating to minerals development in the county. Minerals such as sand, gravel, clay, chalk and stone are essential to our economy and way of life. They provide the raw materials that are used to construct the buildings and infrastructure (such as roads) that we use in our daily lives. The Plan was examined by an independent planning inspector, who deemed it to be sound, provided that some modifications were made to clarify the intentions of the Plan and how its policies work. Bob Lanzer, the County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure, said: “The adoption of this Plan is the culmination of extensive evidence gathering, stakeholder and public engagement, and partnership working between the county council and the National Park Authority over a number of years. “I am delighted that we now have an up-to-date Plan that will ensure that minerals development only takes place to meet identified needs and in a way that ensures that the environment and communities of West Sussex are protected.” Margaret Paren, Chair of the South Downs National Park Authority, said: “National Parks have the highest status of protection in relation to landscape and scenic beauty and we have worked in close partnership with West Sussex County Council over a number of years to develop a Plan with up-to-date policies that will help safeguard the special landscapes, wildlife and communities of this part of the South Downs National Park.” The West Sussex Joint Minerals Local Plan is now part of the statutory Development Plan for West Sussex (both inside and outside of the National Park) and includes use-specific and general policies. It allocates a single site for clay extraction, an extension to the

West Hoathly Brickworks site, to ensure there are sufficient supplies of raw materials to continue production at the brickworks to meet the demands of the construction industry. The Authorities have now begun work to review the need and availability of soft sand in the Plan Area, as required by Policy M2. The adopted Joint Minerals Local Plan, the Adoption Statement, and the Sustainability Appraisal are available for viewing on and are being made available at the main deposit point locations and opening times listed below. • West Sussex County Council, County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RQ (Mon-Thurs 8:30am5:00pm; Fri 8:30am-4:30pm) • South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, GU29 9DH (MonThurs 9am-5pm; Fri 9am-4:30pm) • Adur and Worthing Councils, The Shoreham Centre, Pond Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5WU (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) • Adur and Worthing Councils, Portland House, 44 Richmond Road, Worthing, BN11 1HS (Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm) • Arun District Council Reception, Planning Department Reception, Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5LF (MonThurs 8:45am-5:15pm; Fri 8:45am4:45pm) • Chichester District Council Reception, East Pallant House, 1 East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY (Mon-Thurs 8:45am-5:10pm; Fri 8:45am-5pm) • Crawley Borough Council Reception, Town Hall, The Boulevard, Crawley, RH10 1UZ (Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm) • Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council Reception, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, RH12 1RL (Mon-Fri 9:00am5:00pm) • Mid Sussex District Council Reception, Oaklands, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 1SS (Mon-Thurs 8:45am-5:15pm; Fri 8:45am-4:15pm) For further information, please contact Planning Services on 01243 642118 or uk

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Next steps for Horsham’s Novartis site announced at community stakeholder event

The latest proposals for the former Novartis site in Horsham were recently presented at a community stakeholder event, attended by representatives from Horsham District Council, parish councils, and local residents. Wider public consultation on the masterplan for the site is due to start in September, so this event was a chance for West Sussex County Council to present initial proposals and outline next steps for this exciting project. West Sussex County Council

purchased the site in December 2016, and feasibility and design work has been taking place to progress proposals for a mixed use, business and residential development to meet local needs. Louise Goldsmith, Leader of the council, said: “Our main driver when purchasing the site was to build on its long-established position as a major employment centre. This development gives us a terrific opportunity to provide a mixture of much needed, highquality commercial and residential space on a prime Horsham

site, whilst retaining the Art Deco building which is part of the site’s heritage. “The feedback from attendees at our kick-off briefing this week was invaluable and will be taken on board as we move to the wider public consultation stage in the autumn.” The emerging masterplan sets out the ambition for the site. Approximately two-thirds of the site is currently earmarked for commercial development to create and support higher-value employment. The remaining third is for residential development, which will include affordable housing. The 1930s, Art Deco building and an avenue of trees will be retained. The forthcoming public consultation will be promoted widely and will include two public events. The date and location of the first public event will be announced shortly. Further information on the project will be added to the Business West Sussex website: It is expected that an outline planning application will be submitted to Horsham District Council by the end of this year. Work on the site is not expected to begin before 2021 and could take around five years to complete.

Horsham District first in the county to reach National Recycling Target Following the introduction of fortnightly residual household waste collections, Horsham District Council has now seen provisional statistics for recycling exceed 50%. This makes Horsham the first collection authority in West Sussex to reach the target of 50% recycling of domestic waste – a target that the whole county is required to meet by 2020, and which Horsham has now reached two years ahead of the target date. The new bin collection service introduced recycling collections one week, and household waste being collected the same day the following week, instead of household waste being collected every week, back in February this year. The new service was implemented in response to increased national recycling targets, as well as the need to find a more cost effective way of delivering the service, given cuts in funding from central Government. Cabinet Member for Waste, Recycling and Cleansing, Cllr Philip Circus, said: “I am proud of what we have achieved, which has fulfilled all our hopes and expectations. “Our consultants estimated

that, based on the experience of other local authorities, we would be likely to increase our recycling figures from 44%,by somewhere between 6% and 9%. It is too early to tell where the figures will settle down but clearly, on the basis of the May, June and July figures we have surpassed the 50% figure and we may find our figures settle down at 54% or 55% which would be a 10% increase in our recycling rate. “My thanks go to our officers who have done a magnificent job in organising and seeing through the changes and to the public who have risen to the challenge to increase their recycling.’ The Council continues to ask all residents to keep thinking about how they might be able to reduce, reuse or recycle their household waste even more. For advice and tips including a useful A to Z list of what can and can’t be recycled, visit our online pages at https://www. Those wishing to subscribe to the garden waste collection service should do so online at bins/garden-waste or telephone 01403 733144.

Based within Arun Veterinary Group’s Storrington hospital our new service is one of only a few independent, dedicated emergency and critical care centres in West Sussex. Our team of night vets and nurses are always fresh, alert and available to deliver seamless care for your pet when your daytime vet is unavailable. From routine emergencies to high dependency care, we are on site all night for you and your pet. Find out more


Friday 17 August 2018


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Eaton’s Bridge: New and Improved The first public bridge in West Sussex made using a special fibreglass material is now open for walkers to enjoy. The new Eaton’s Bridge, made with Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP), spans the River Adur between Ashurst and Henfield. It replaces the steel and timber structure that was closed in the interests of public safety in November 2014. This had suffered rotting to significant parts of the cross-timbers that supported the deck. FRP is lighter than alternative building materials, which meant the new bridge could be constructed off-site and a small crane used to lift it into position. Ongoing costs are far cheaper, too, as there is no need for re-painting. Deborah Urquhart, county council Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “This replacement bridge has a single span between the riverbanks, without the need for two piers in the channel as with the previous structure. “FRP is a fairly new technology that has the advantage of needing less maintenance and is also extremely lightweight

compared to other, traditional forms of construction, such as steel. These were important considerations given the remote countryside location and the logistics of getting the bridge into position, which required the use of a crane. “I would like to thank walkers for their patience as they were unable to cross the river at this point since the end of 2014. Now, with the new footbridge open, I hope they can enjoy the crossing again in this beautiful part of the county.” Bob Lanzer, Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure, said: “This is the first, public highway, FRP bridge in West Sussex and we hope walkers will enjoy it for many years. “We are grateful to landowners on both sides of the river for their support during the construction works.” The bridge can be found by following the public footpath which starts near Ashurst Village Hall, on the B2135. People can also walk to it on footpaths off West End Lane, Henfield. The replacement bridge project cost a total of about £200,000.

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Pennthorpe School get the buzz

A West Sussex school has been declared the winner in an inaugural competition to encourage children to play music together in start-up music groups. The ‘Pennthorpe pBuzzers’ – from Pennthorpe School, Rudgwick, West Sussex – have been declared the winners in Brass Band England’s ‘Create a Buzz!’ competition held in conjunction with Warwick Music Group – developers of the award-winning pBuzz. The brightly coloured pBuzz has been specially designed for children’s small hands and is aimed at being the fun first step in taking children on what, hopefully, will become a life-long passion for music and brass instruments. Costing less than £20 pBuzz is an affordable and playful product that aids a child’s sensory and fine motor skills, encour-

ages self-expression, stimulates imagination and creativity, builds confidence – and nurtures their natural music talents. The ‘Create a Buzz’ competition involved schools, music education hubs and youth music organisations from across the UK, with five groups being shortlisted to take part. Pennthorpe faced stiff competition from other finalists from Oldham, Southampton, Trafford and Enfield. Each was asked to submit a five minute video of their musical journey, featuring a performance of composer Jonathan Bates’ specially commissioned piece, ‘Create a Buzz’ – a work that immediately became a huge hit with those who played it. Jonathan, who sat on the judging panel with staff from Brass Band England and Warwick Music

Group, said: “After viewing all of the entries, Pennthorpe School was my favourite. I feel the outreach in the community and wide range of performance opportunities, coupled with inventive filming, made them stand out. “It was so refreshing to see such enthusiasm and dedication across all the entries, with such a wide range of different approaches taken and so many young people engaged.” Pennthorpe will receive a set of ten pCornets and pBones – both plastic instruments developed by Warwick Music Group that have achieved worldwide recognition and sales – to support the next step of their musical development. They will also be invited to perform on the main stage of the 2019 National Youth Brass Band Championships of Great Britain in March. Each finalist received a classset of free instruments to keep and to work with over a six month period – using the free resources available on the pBuzz website. Linda Cole, Pennthorpe’s Director of Music, said: ‘The children had such a wonderful experience learning to play their pBuzzes and we will definitely be using them regularly in our schemes of work going forward. It’s been the highlight of the year and the children have had such fun.’.

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Collyer’s students premier new film Gifted Collyer’s students Tom Carter and Phil Davis have premiered their new film: Unforgettable, to rave reviews at the Capitol Theatre in Horsham. Unforgettable is a short film created by the students and is a story about two desperate people, of very different backgrounds, coming together at difficult stages of their lives. Tom Carter explained: “We received the first draft of the script from Phil Davis back in early 2017. We then decided to hold auditions for our main actors in August 2017 after meeting with our producer, Jacob Thomas.

Around this time we decided we would need some money to make it all happen, so started an indiegogo crowd funding page. “In the end, Jacob Thomas and Paul Mayer were our producers. Phil Davis wrote the original screenplay for us to film and Ed Waller composed the soundtrack.” Tom and Freddie have been friends since the age 4, and as their talents have blossomed, they have combined to become the perfect creative team, as Freddie is an aspiring actor/director and Tom is keen to work in cinematography.

County council pledges to boost community working

A new pledge has been made to boost community working in West Sussex. The county has more than 4,000 voluntary and community sector groups and organisations, ranging from small village community interest groups to members of national charities. West Sussex County Council has developed a new set of ‘Partnership Principles’ that sets out and renews its commitment to working in partnership with the groups. These include pledging that the council is community focussed in all its work and works in collaboration with groups. The principles have been developed with representatives from the voluntary and community sector. Debbie Kennard, Cabinet Member for Safer, Stronger Communities, said: “I’m really proud of our voluntary and community sector. “Whether a large or a small group, they all have an important and valuable role to play in helping to create and develop community engagement and resilience, and add to the vibrant diversity of our county.” Louise Goldsmith, Leader of West Sussex County Council, added: “We work alongside many partners to help us deliver county council projects across our wonderful county. I am delighted that we can make

this commitment to keep supporting our residents by working in active partnership with the voluntary and community sector.” The new principles are in addition to a commitment made by the county council and other partners in 2012, called the West Sussex Compact, to work in partnership and collaboration towards common aims and objectives. Sue Livett, Managing Director of the Aldingbourne Trust, Rebecca Smicle, CEO of Independent Lives, Nik Demetriades, CEO of 4Sight Vision Support & Cheryl Berry, Community Partnerships Lead – Healthwatch West Sussex, part of Supporting Community Based Solutions, a group of voluntary organisations that has helped shaped the principles, said: “Voluntary & community groups are connected to thousands of West Sussex citizens. We welcome the commitment West Sussex County Council are making to work more closely with us, and look forward to collaborative approaches to improve people’s lives”. Picture: Nik Demetriades, CEO of 4Sight Vision Support, Sue Livett, Managing Director of the Aldingbourne Trust, Rebecca Smicle, CEO of Independent Lives, Debbie Kennard, Cabinet Member for Safer and Cheryl Berry, Community Partnerships Lead – Healthwatch West Sussex, taken at the Aldingbourne Trust

Tom added: “I am considering film school, as I’m interested in the technical side of filmmaking (special effects, editing, and cinematography); I’m also considering computer science at university, as this relates to my interest in the technical side of things.” The creative duo looked at a number of scripts and Phil Davis’ “Unforgettable” stood out from the rest. After they read through it on the school bus, they realised they had to create something on a big scale to do it justice, as they felt the story had a relevant and powerful message that unites people of all kinds.


Friday 17 August 2018


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Grant to preserve unique art therapy archive

West Sussex Record Office and Outside In have been awarded a grant from the Wellcome Trust of £46,023 to preserve an archive which offers a rare insight into the use of art therapy as a form of treatment. Outside In is a charity which supports artists who find it difficult to access the art world for reasons including health, disability, isolation or social circumstance. The Vawdrey Archive comprises approximately 194 paintings produced by patients in art therapy sessions run by Dr Brian Vawdrey between 1951 to 1971 and a copy of Vawdrey’s illustrated thesis, ‘Art in Analysis’. The archive is an unusual record of early art therapy work which provides an important insight into the therapeutic process and has the potential to offer a unique perspective on the development of art therapy as a discipline.

This funding will enable the Record Office, in partnership with Outside In, to catalogue, preserve, and digitise this archive, eventually making the catalogue and digitised images available online. A series of consultation sessions involving Outside In artists who have had lived experience of mental health issues will enhance and enrich the catalogue – a new and innovative way of approaching medical and hospital archives. Debbie Kennard, West Sussex County Council Cabinet Member for Safer, Stronger Communities, said: “Our Record Office does an amazing job when it comes to preserving and archiving unique collections such as these.” Wendy Walker, County Archivist at West Sussex Record Office, said: “This funding will enable us to preserve a unique archive that will provide a fascinating insight into the role of art therapy at a critical stage in the understanding of mental health in the 1950s and

1960s. “I am delighted that we will be able to explore this archive with Outside In, contemporary artists, academic colleagues and health care professionals and develop innovative ways to make it accessible to new audiences today. “We are extremely grateful to the Wellcome Trust for all of their support in making this happen”. Marc Steene, Director of Outside In, said: “Outside In is extremely excited to be working with the West Sussex Record Office on this highly innovative project. “Enabling Outside In artists, with a lived experience of mental health issues, to be given the opportunity to guide and be consulted in the archiving of this incredibly fragile and rare collection of patient art work will provide important learning for all. “We are also delighted to continue our relationship with the Wellcome Trust and thank them for their support with this project.”


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Much needed Syringe Driver presented to Midhurst! The Billingshurst Macmillan Support Group have been fundraising for the Midhurst Macmillan Specialist Palliative Care Service for many years now. Earlier in the year, some members of the group visited the staff at the Midhurst centre to let them know the amazing sum of £63,796 that they had raised for them in 2017. However, at this meeting, Terri, Chair of the Group, decided that it would nice to raise funds for a specific item for the centre, and it was easily decided by Jo Stuttaford (Macmillan Joint Service Leader) that a much needed Syringe Driver would be an amazing gift. So the group set about informing all they met about this specific fund and that £1000 would be needed to purchase a new Syringe Driver. This was mentioned at local events, such as village markets and film nights. Other donations came in from Fowlers and the Wednesday Club in Billingshurst, but the largest donation was from Stephen Foster, who made collections at various David Bowie tribute concerts where he performed, raising

an amazing £230. The money was raised within just two months, thanks to the generosity of the people from the Billingshurst and Pulborough areas,

We would like to thank the Billingshurst Team so much for raising the money the Syringe Driver was ordered and delivered. On Tuesday 31 July, members of the group travelled over to the Midhurst Centre to make the presentation. Terri said that the welcome they received was amazing, all the staff at the Midhurst Centre were so happy. Jo from the Centre said: “We would like to thank the Bill-

ingshurst Team so much for raising the money, which has enabled them to purchase the Syringe Driver for us. This an essential piece of very expensive equipment that enables patients to receive a constant source of drugs for pain and symptom control when they are unable to take medication by mouth”. For any more information about the Midhurst Centre please contact: 01730 811121. Picture: Left to right: Pam Goldsmith, Ray Chick, Tracey Kimber and Sandra Dormer(are both nurses working with the Clinical Support Team arm of the Service delivering hands on care to our patients) Ann Roberts and Terri Ashpool.

Sun lovers urged to protect themselves from harm People living and visiting Horsham and Mid Sussex are being urged to protect themselves against the sun this summer to reduce the risk of skin cancer. Figures show that Horsham and Mid Sussex is significantly above the national average for incidents of malignant melanoma*, with 35.8 cases per 100,000 people, higher than the national average of 23.3 per 100,000. NHS Horsham and Mid Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) recommends following these tips to stay safe in the sun: Use at least factor 15 sunscreen and reapply every few hours Spend time in the shade between 11am and 3pm Avoid getting sunburn Cover up with suitable clothing and sunglasses Take extra care with children Mild sunburn can usually be treated at home to help relieve you symptoms until your skin heals, without the need to visit a GP. The NHS recommends having a cold bath or shower to cool down the skin, or you can sponge your skin with cold water or hold a cold

flannel against it. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, and apply soothing lotions to moisturise the skin. Dr Minesh Patel, Clinical Chair at NHS Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG, said: “We’re urging residents and visitors to the area to be aware of the dangers of being in the sun without protection. “Make sure you use sunscreen which is at least factor 15 with good UV-A protection but don’t just rely on this alone for protection, wear suitable clothing and spend time in the shade when the sun is at its hottest.” Anyone who feels unwell or concerned about their sunburn, particularly if you’re burnt over a large area or have any of the more severe symptoms (such as blistering or swelling of the skin) should call NHS 111, visit their GP or go to the Horsham Minor Injuries Unit at Horsham Hospital. *Figures for malignant melanoma are from skin/ccg/atlas.html and show incidences of malignant melanoma in the CCG area from 2011-2013.

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Friday 17 August 2018


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Revelation wins Gold in Strong Bitter category

Dark Star Brewing Company, the Sussex based craft brewer, is delighted to announce that Revelation was awarded Gold in the Strong Bitter category in the Champion Beer of Britain competition at this year’s Great

British Beer Festival. Dark Star released Revelation in 2010 and, since then, it has won two other regional CAMRA awards prior to this, its first national award. Revelation is a 5.7% ABV dry-hopped cask ale, brewed with

five hop varieties: Columbus, Chinook, Cascade, Crystal, and Warrior. James Cuthbertson, Managing Director of Dark Star, said: “I’m really chuffed about this award. It’s great when one of our beers gets this type of national recognition and the news comes at a really exciting time for the business. We’re about to break ground on a new Barrel Aging room and install a canning line, both of which mark serious investment for the brewery and will help keep us at the forefront of the national craft beer scene. “It’s been well published that we’ve been struggling with capacity over the past two years, but with additional investment and better efficiency, we are now able to grow our capacity and satisfy the demand we have for our beers across Sussex and beyond. With that in mind, this award couldn’t have come at a better time for us.”

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Get snap happy for summer and celebrate the beauty of Sussex Southern Transit - one of Sussex’s leading, and last remaining, independently run bus and coach companies - is delighted to announce the launch of its new ‘Splendid Summer in Sussex’ photography competition. Celebrating the beauty of Sussex, the competition invites the local community to take a photo of their favourite place in the county. Whether it’s one of the county’s iconic piers, historic castles, stunning beaches, national parks, harbours, railways, or any other location, every photo submitted will be considered as long as it captures Sussex at its best. Budding photographers have until Friday 7 September to submit their photos. All entries will then be uploaded to Southern Transit’s Facebook page and the public invited to vote for the favourite to determine the winner. The winner will be rewarded with free private travel on one of Southern Transit’s new Citymaster state-of-the-art buses, to a Sussex location of their choice, for them and up to 71 guests of their choice* - perfect for a special day out with a

group of friends and family, or to donate for a child’s school trip or local charity outing! Sue Rose, Operations Director at Southern Transit, commented: “Sussex has been the home of Southern Transit for over 15 years and we couldn’t be prouder to be based and one of the UK’s most stunning locations. The county has so much to offer. We regularly take our buses out around Sussex, whether we’re helping with rail replacement, the school run, private hires, our Route 3 service or even wedding and film work, and are constantly blown away by the scenery we get to see every day. “We’ve launched this competition as a great way to bring the Sussex community together to be proud of their county. We can’t wait to see all the entries!” To submit a photograph, simply email it to southerntransit@ by Friday 7 September, confirming the location, along with the photographer’s name, age and contact details. Terms and conditions apply. See for details.

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Business is a piece of cake for Brighton baker

Brighton Cakes is on the rise after receiving a little help from Sussex consultancy, Business Pulse. Eighteen months ago, founder Fay Millar was struggling to guide her cake company to success but business is now booming and cakes s say er is rt ve ad r ou t Wha are in constant supply. The transformation is down to t I came to the District Pos Business Pulse MD, Nasser ElaheeNO h six years ago wit bocus, who teamed with Brighton customer base, Since then, Cakes in MONTH to help Fay hit I have never had to look her customers’ sweet spot time and again. further for customers. Shermanbury “I was honestly considering shutting up shop for good,” Fay says. “There was plenty of work but Steve Hanna I was a one-man band and it was Proprietor chaotic. I didn’t see a way to make business more regular and stable, We’ve been using the District whileSuzanne also maintaining a healthy Travers Post every since it first Marketing Manager personal life.” started and have always rict Dist g the We’ve been usin seen a fantastic As soon as they met, Nass set ted.return on e it first starfrom Post ever sincinvestment our adverts. is are fantastic,about evaluating the company to themthere The team Advertising with very accomodating is part of and always find ways to improve Fay’s manus and essential forwilling to help with last minute y campaign we agement plan. Now, the company requirements. They make the each and ever advertising process very simple has grown from a one-person busirun. and provide a variety of options ness operating out of a home to a to suit different budgets. Advertising with them is an thriving concern with commercial essential for our business and is part of each and every premises, a team of helpful staff, Suzanne Travers campaign we run. and a rapidly increasing turnover. Marketing Manager

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tise r e v Ad little s a from 5+vat as £2

Fay continues: “The great thing about having Nass as a mentor is that he helped me to sort out my priorities and sharpened my focus in a way that was much more effective than trying to do it all on my own. “He supported and advised me until I could get into a position where I could handle things alone. The fact he’s such a nice guy is just the icing on top.” The partnership between Business Pulse and Brighton Cakes is just the latest success story for Nass, who has made a career developing solutions and enhancing companies across the country. “I’m delighted to see Fay flourish,” Nass says. “Like many entrepreneurs, she works incredibly hard and has an amazing product that people would want to buy. Business consultancy is about providing that all-important spark. Once you light the flame and receive some guidance, your business can soar to new heights. I have no doubt that Brighton Cakes will be satisfying the city’s sweet tooth for years to come.”

Friday 17 August 2018 9 get the news online and on the go at

Last chance to get your stand at Horsham District’s Jobs and Skills Fair 2018

Following the success of last year’s Horsham District Jobs and Skills Fair, the event will return on 19 September 2018 from 11am to 3pm, with the promise of 100s of jobs, apprenticeships and volunteering opportunities. The event, which is in its fourth year, will once again be held in the Drill Hall, Denne Road, Horsham. If you are an employer expecting to be hiring in the coming months then you need to act quickly to grab one of the few remaining stands on the day.


got a story? email us at

The Fair, organised by Horsham District Council in partnership with The District Post, Horsham Jobcentre Plus and The College of Richard Collyer, is targeted at those seeking a job, thinking of changing their existing one or considering on-the-job training through an apprenticeship to meet a wide range of employers eager to recruit and grow their organisations. The event is free to visitors and anyone can attend. Cabinet Member for the Local Economy Cllr Gordon Lindsay com-

mented: “Supporting local employers to find the right candidates for their workforce and facilitating appropriate training opportunities for local people is vital to our work as a council in developing the local economy. “I would urge as many recruiting employers and training providers as possible to contact us to reserve a stand at our Jobs and Skills Fair this year – its popularity is growing and spaces are now limited.“ Once again, there will be workshops designed to help people improve their employability skills and job prospects. Additionally employers will have the opportunity to sit down with prospective employees in the café to discuss opportunities. In the previous three years the event has been staged, 110 employers have offered over 1300 opportunities between them and about a third of these have been filled as a direct result of the day, with over 1400 local people attending. For more information and to apply for a stand on the day, visit the Council website https://www. employment-and-skills/horshamdistrict-jobs-and-skills-fair or contact Leigh Chambers at leigh.

FREE FAMILY LAW ADVICE CLINIC IN CRAWLEY AND HORSHAM We offer a free 30 minute consultation at our family law advice clinic every Tuesday 1pm – 4pm, covering: • Divorce, separation and finances • Children matters (contact and residence arrangements) • Cohabitation disputes where couples are unmarried • Consent Orders • Options available on the breakdown marriage or civil partnership • Prenuptial agreements By appointment only. Please book in advance by calling 01293 596947. Crawley clinic: 117-119 High Street, Crawley RH10 1DD Horsham clinic: Lavinia House, Dukes Square, Horsham RH12 1GZ Alternatively, we offer a one hour fixed fee appointment at £100 plus vat (£120). To book a convenient fixed fee appointment please call 01293 596947.

15,000 sq ft Unit available at Wobblegate Farm Businesses requiring a substantial commercial unit of 15,000 sq ft may be interested to consider Unit 4, Wobblegate Farm, which is located between Pulborough & Billingshurst and has just come to the market via Henry Adams Commercial. The business unit is of a portal frame construction with partial concrete walls and offers considerable open plan internal space as well as an integral office and a tea point. Rated B on the Energy Performance Certificate, the unit benefits from a double skin insulated roof, 200kVA power supply and biogas heating system. The loading door is a substantial 3m x 3m while externally, the property has good onsite parking and a

generously sized forecourt area with facilities for loading and unloading. Wobblegate Farm forms part of Scrase Farms in Blackgate Lane, set just off the A29 about three miles north of Pulborough which has a station, shops and a supermarket. Unit 4 is available upon a standardised estate lease, which is written for easy reading and quick occupation, for a term to be agreed at a rental of £60,000 per annum and payable monthly. More information and viewings can be arranged through Andrew Algar, Head of Commercial Property at Henry Adams in Horsham. Andrew can be contacted on 01403 282519 or by email at andrew.algar@


Friday 17 August 2018

Entertainment Horsham District Gig Guide

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Annual Ale & Entertainment evenings return to Amberley

Friday 16th 17/08/2018 September

The Overtures Rewind Wildwood GolfBillingshurst & Country Railway Inn, Club, 21:00Cranleigh 18:00 T Slammers Soul Band The Barley Mow, Tandridge


20:00 Horsham Battle of the Bands: FESTIVAL WEEKEND Day 1 Human Nature Saturday 17thGarden, Horsham Park September 11:30 til 21:00 Horsham HorshamRocks RocksPresents Presents: Horsham Bandstand, RHYTHMIC (The Hat The Man) Carfax, Horsham Carfax Bandstand, 11:00 til 16:00 Horsham Nell Bryden 14:00 til 16:00 The Theatre, TheCapitol Tony Stone BandHorsham The Bedford, Horsham 19:30 20:30 Larger Than Life Duo Ransom Goffs ParkShovel, Social Club, The Malt Horsham Crawley 20:30 20:30 Hounds of Sound Broadbridge Heath Village Centre, Broadbridge Heath 20:00 Horsham Battle of the Quo-caine Bands: FESTIVAL WEEKThe Mulberry, Goring END Day 2 20:30 Human Nature Garden, Black HeartPark Angel Horsham The Malt 12:00 til Shovel, 18:00 Horsham



Sunday 18th 21/08/2018 September Acoustic showcases

South SaxonOaks, Beardsmen The Surrey Gathering Newdigate The Malt Shovel, Horsham 20:00 12:00 til 18:00 Acoustic Open Mic Night Open Mic night The Jolly Tanners, The Shelley Arms, BroadStaplefield bridge 20:00 Heath 19:30 Open Mic Night Riverboat Shuffle George and Dragon, Horsham HorshamSports Club, Horsham 20.30 20:00

Our annual Ale & Entertainment evenings return on the weekend of the Friday 31 August continuing through to Sunday 2 September, with a selection of ales, ciders and perries to try and with local entertainment to enjoy. Starting at 6pm on the Friday, we will be open for a special evening until 10.30pm with ale’s and entertainment. For the Friday night, we have local musician Willie Austen entertaining us from 7.30pm. Tickets for the night are at £5 per person, over 18’s only. For this evening only, we also have return coach transport available from Worthing or Chichester at £10 per person. This must be booked in advance via our website when you purchase your evening tickets. The

route and pick up times are listed on our website. On Saturday daytime, we are open as normal from 10am until 5pm, with the bar open from 12noon. Spend the afternoon at the museum, explore the site and then enjoy some ale whilst taking in the scenery. Normal museum entry applies. At 6pm, the Museum will reopen for the evening, for another intimate evening until 10.30pm, withale’s and entertainment. On the Saturday night we have local Shadows tribute band The Barnham Shadows and Fine Vintage as our musical entertainment. Tickets for the Saturday night are at £5 per person - over 18’s only. On Sunday daytime, we are open from 10am until 5pm, with the bar opening from 12noon

until 4.30pm. Spend the day exploring the museum, with Morris Dancing entertainment from Black Dragon Morris and Temporary Measured. We also have two bands for the afternoon, Pixiephonic, Corvus and Loxley. Normal museum entry applies. Located next to Amberley railway station you can arrive by train, but please check the national rail website for up to date information on train times for the weekend. For more information, and to purchase the event tickets, please visit our website: www.amberleymuseum/aleatamberley. Amberley Museum is a remarkable heritage site in the Sussex South Downs, with 36 acres to explore and over 40 exhibit buildings to visit, focusing on industrial and transport history. Take a ride on our narrow gauge railway and historic bus. Exhibits include the telecommunications hall, electricity hall, working printshop, lime kilns, steam engines and more. Our museum is home to traditional craftspeople such as the Woodturners and Blacksmith, with a café, gift shop, nature trails and picnic areas. We are accessibility friendly and dogs are welcome on site. This year, we are celebrating its 40th season, and we are hosting over 50 events in 2018 from children’s activity days to classic vehicle shows. We will be open until 28 October. For more information on our events, or education programme, please see our website for full details: www.

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Virginia McKenna OBE inspires audience at Highwood Mill Visitors to a prestigious new retirement development were left truly inspired after hearing Virginia McKenna OBE speak about her fascinating work as an actress and wildlife campaigner. The audience at Highwood Mill, Horsham, heard Virginia talk about her career in the film industry, and the celebrities she has worked with. Virginia also discussed how she got involved as a wildlife campaigner, and the most recent rescue and release of King, a one-yearold lion cub. She then concluded her talk with a Q & A session and a poetry reading from her book ‘Tonight the Moon is Red’. Virginia – who is also the cofounder of the charity Born Free – was the first celebrity speaker in the Highwood Mill series of ‘Audience with’ events, where people can hear first-hand accounts from three national treasures. The next event, on Tuesday 28 August, will feature author and humanitarian campaigner, Terry Waite CBE, who will talk about some of the incredible moments of his life so far. The former assistant for Anglican Communion Affairs, Terry was kidnapped and held captive for nearly five years in Lebanon. Concluding the series, television actor, director and writer Christopher Timothy takes centre stage on Monday 10 September. Christopher is best known for his roles as James Herriot in All Creatures Great and Small, and Mac McGuire in daytime soap Doctors. Christopher is also currently appearing in Eastenders as Ted Murray. All talks have an arrival time of 10.45am. To secure your place, please email or call 01403 783400.


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Tuesday 20th Open Mic night The Bull Inn, Henfield September

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20:00 Open Mic Acoustic Open Mic Night TheJolly MaltTanners, Shovel, Horsham The Staple20:00 field 20:30 Blues Workshop Northgate Community Centre, Crawley Soho Dukes 20:00 The Malt Shovel, Horsham Open Mic Night 20:30 The Royal Oak, Ifield A Tad Tighter 20:00 Railway showcases Inn, Billingshurst Acoustic 21:00 The Surrey Oaks, Newdigate 19:30

Gig guide Wenesday 14th kindly September Electric Jam Night by supplied The Malt Shovel, Horsham


Friday 17 August 2018 11 get the news online and on the go at


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Come to Horsham Rugby Club’s Musical Extravaganza! Entertainment Martin Read Horsham Rugby Club is thrilled to announce its first Musical Extravaganza – Latitude51 - on the Saturday of the late summer Bank Holiday – August 25th. Organiser Claire Plinston tells the District Post: “It’s the time of year when people are looking for a memorable fun day out for all the family to really enjoy, so Horsham Rugby Club has arranged an exciting live music event – from 2pm to 10.30pm! Compered by our very own local comedian John O’Sullivan, Latitude51 kicks off with open mic sets by trademark local artistes - if you are a local band or singer and would like to participate then just let us know at The Open Mic session will be followed by outstanding tribute

acts – featuring Olly Murs, Blobbie Williams, Beyonce – and, especially, to mark the release of the new Mamma Mia 2 film, Abba Fever.” Fantastic kids’ entertainment is also lined up, with a Magic Show, Punch and Judy, Inflatable Zone, and Fair Rides, plus Face Painting And Festival Glitter. And, the perfect day out for all the family also includes a variety of local food stalls, hot donuts, drinks tents and a fully licensed bar, Claire adding: “The Rugby Club has plenty of space for everyone – so bring along your camping chairs, and picnics and set yourselves up for a terrific day out – there is ample parking at the club.” The Latitude51 Musical Extravaganza is a fund raising event with all profits going towards Horsham Rugby Club’s 2020 Project to further improve the clubhouse following the ad-

dition of the new dressing room arrangements and the installation of the state of the art Artificial Grass Pitch, encouraging and supporting participation for the district’s sporting community, providing the opportunity for the whole town share in the club’s success with function, meeting and conference facilities. Accompanied children under 12 get in free at the Latitude51 Music Extravaganza, while the cost for teenagers is £10 and adults £20 and, for groups block booking 30 or more adult tickets, there is a 10% discount. Advance tickets are available from The Candy Box in Horsham’s Carfax, from the Rugby Club and online from Eventbrite. Come along and enjoy a terrific day out at Horsham Rugby Club! – Hammerpond Lane, RH13 6PJ - hrufclatitude51@

Sounds from the Grounds coming to The Hawth Saturday 1 & Sunday 2 September 12noon - 7pm (5pm Sun) at The Hawth Crawley

Box Office 01403 750220


Friday 31 August 8pm






Come along to The Hawth for a weekend of fantastic free music offering classic pop and rock as well as workshops and film. Kicking off this family friendly weekend on Saturday will be Plush, a new band covering an eclectic mix of ‘80s rock and pop classics including hits by Blondie, Fleetwood Mac and more. At 4pm Stolen ID perform classic anthems from the likes of Queen, The Police, Guns n Roses, Van Halen, Pink Floyd and Deep Purple. While rounding off Saturday will be Dusted, the UK’s only Busted tribute band playing all the hits in a fun-filled, authentic set designed to get any crowd singing along. There will also be a free two hour Ukulele Workshop for complete beginners from 10am. Come along and join in! (some ukuleles provided, but please bring your own if you can). On Sunday, there are two acts performing starting with Slow Time Mondays, a Crawley 4-piece playing a wide mix of covers including indie, mod revival, pop and ska. Closing our wonderful festival weekend will be Oye Santana. The band are finalists in the forthcoming National Tribute Music Awards 2018. Oye Santana play four decades’ worth of hits from Black Magic Woman and Oye Como Va via Carnaval, Dance Sister Dance and She’s Not There to Smooth, Maria Maria and Corazón Espinado all played with power, passion and perfection. Come and listen, come and dance, come and party. Both days will feature a host of local performers throughout the afternoon, as well as harmonica and blues guitar workshops and music-based films and documentaries. Admission: Free



Friday 17 August 2018


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We take notices for all celebrations, births, deaths, marriages, anniversaries and acknowledgements To book your notice, please contact the team on 01403 289709 or at Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 13 OF APPLIC ATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION

Notice of Planning Application Ref: DC/18/1577. Silver Glen, Georges Lane, Storrington, Pulborough Change from a bungalow to a two storey house including side extensions, a first floor extension and change from a hipped roof to flat and hyperbolic paraboloid roof.

When placing a death, in memoriam or condolence notice in this paper you get 50 words free of charge. In addition, we have a range of styles and images to suit your needs. please contact a member of our team on:

Proposed Development at: Rushmear House, Sandy Lane, Henfield, BN5 9UX Take notice that application is being made by: Mr. & Mrs. M. Warren For planning permission to: Erection of a detached 4 bed dwelling Local Planning Authority: Horsham District Council Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham RH12 1RL Any owner of the land or tenant who wishes to make representations about this application should write to the council within 21 days of the date of this notice. ‘Owners’ means a person having a freeholder interest or a leasehold interest the unexpired term of which is not less than seven years. ‘Tenant’ means a tenant of an agricultural holding any part of which is comprised in the land.

or email:

DC/18/1654 Orchid Lodge Kerves Lane Horsham West Sussex RH13 6EX Erection of two single storey summerhouses with associated variations to adjoining fencing and landscaping. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/1616 45-47 Springfield Road Horsham West Sussex RH12 2PG Installation of 2 no. externally illuminated Fascia Signs, 1 no. internally illuminated Projecting Sign and 2 no. non-illuminated Vinyl Window Signs. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building.

DC/18/1406 Barrow Hill Farm Barrow Hill Henfield West Sussex BN5 9DN Replacement of an existing glazed french door and windows either side including raising of the lintel by 285mm from 1715mm of head height to 2000mm (Listed Building Consent). Reason for Advert: Listed Building.

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DC/18/1673 42 Carfax Horsham West Sussex RH12 1EQ Change of use from an unused estate agents to a beauty clinic/salon. Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area.

DC/18/1591 Rock Place Farm Rock Road Washington Pulborough West Sussex RH20 3BQ Installation of an array of 9 banks of photovoltaic panels on adjustable frames to be located in the north east corner of the paddock. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building.

01403 289709

Legal Services in Horsham for You, Your Family and Your Business

HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 Notice is hereby given under Article 15(3), (4) or (5) or Article 16 that the following applications have been submitted to Horsham District Council, registered between 6th August and 10th August: Please note the below list of applications advertised are only those we are required to do so by law. A full list of applications is available by visiting our website at

Family & Divorce Powers of Attorney Inheritance Claims Collaborative Family Law Partnership & Company Law

DC/18/1600 Bullrushes Mill Lane Partridge Green Horsham West Sussex RH13 8JU Demolition of existing stable building and erection of a detached outbuilding for storage and habitable accommodation. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/1576 13 Springfield Park North Parade Horsham West Sussex RH12 2BF Installation of a wall mounted boiler including a vertical flue up to the roof (listed building consent). Reason for Advert: Listed Building. DC/18/1626 Red Lion London Road Ashington Pulborough West Sussex RH20 3DD Internal alterations including removal of internal lobby, internal decorations and wall finishes, replacement floor finishes and installation of new lighting. (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. DC/18/1639 Coneyhurst Farm West Chiltington Lane Coneyhurst Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 9DY Demolition of existing front extension and erection of a replacement single storey extension and minor internal alterations to farmhouse.(Householder application) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. The development would affect a Public Right of Way.

DC/18/1640 Coneyhurst Farm West Chiltington Lane Coneyhurst Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 9DY Demolition of existing front extension and erection of a replacement single storey extension and minor internal alterations to farmhouse. (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. The development would affect a Public Right of Way. DC/18/1594 Cootham Lea Workshop Pulborough Road Storrington Pulborough West Sussex RH20 4JN Variation of condition 10 to approved application DC/17/2804 (Erection of an additional B1/B2 and B8 storage structure to form 3 no. units, together with change of use of land to B8 use, and associated works including new car parking spaces and amended fence positioning, and alterations to existing elevations, including roof, doors and windows). Change working hours. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/18/1638 Homelands Farm Stables Bines Road Partridge Green Horsham West Sussex RH13 8EQ Change of use of land to cross country equestrian training facility with associated jumps and landscaping Reason for Advert: The development would affect a Public Right of Way.

A copy of each application and the submitted plans are available for inspection on the Council’s website https:// if you cannot view plans on line please call 01403 215187 for guidance. Any person who wishes to make representations about any of the applications below should do so in writing to Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL by no later than 21 days from the date of this advert. Please note that any representations received will be made available for public inspection and posted on the Council’s website or the SDNP website.

01403 271222

To subscribe to our weekly e-edition email us at or call on 01403 289709

Coming soon: bespoke 4 bedroom detached oak framed home with double garage Coming soon - Set in the picturesque Sussex countryside, Wavensmere Homes presents this bespoke 4 bedroom detached oak framed home with double garage, substantial garden and spectacular panoramic views. 7 acre equestrian facility available by separate negotiation The property has been meticulously crafted to the highest specification throughout, offering 4 double bedrooms, including a spectacular vaulted master bedroom with large ensuite, spacious guest ensuite, family bath/shower room and a fabulous open plan kitchen/breakfast room, living and dining room. There is a substantial garden, double garage and balcony off the master suite, taking in the views of the countryside beyond. There is also a 7 acre equestrian facility available by separate negotiation. Please note, the main and internals images are computer generated and are for indicative purposes. Guide Price £1,450,000 Call Knight Frank on 01403 611050 for further information

Henry Adams Billingshurst appoints new Manager Henry Adams has announced the promotion of Daniel Porter who now takes up the reins at their successful Billingshurst office where he will manage the team of property professionals selling homes in and around the area. Daniel brings a wealth of experience to his new role, having spent eleven years in estate agency sales including the last five years with Henry Adams in their Haslemere and Petersfield offices.

His property career started at a large corporate agent followed by a small independent agency, so Daniel was keen to join leading estate agency Henry Adams which has all the advantages of a strong network of offices across the region coupled with the flexibility and professionalism of an independent company which is actively managed by the partners of the firm. Today Henry Adams offers a diverse range of property services

from residential, commercial and new homes, through to agricultural, surveying and planning advice. “Henry Adams has built up such a good name in Billingshurst so it’s great to be part of such a strong team here. We are handling property right across the board from attractive retirement apartments near the heart of the village to charming country cottages set in several of acres in nearby countryside, and almost every type of home in between. “With the station, shops, leisure centre, a thriving community, and such a great secondary school, The Weald, right here on the doorstep, Billingshurst has it all.” Head of Residential Sales at Henry Adams LLP, Gareth Overton, added: “Daniel has always shown an incredible capacity for hard work and a great ability to get on with people. He’s very approachable and is genuinely looking to help people move home as smoothly as possible. “Equally Daniel takes a very professional approach to selling

property effectively and I’ve no doubt he will go from strength to strength in his new role in Billingshurst.” For a free market valuation on your Billingshurst property, contact Daniel Porter on 01403 782991 or billingshurst@henryadams., or simply by visiting Henry Adams’s Billingshurst office in the High Street or check out their properties for sales or letting at

Daniel Porter

Connecting people & property, perfectly.

Wisborough Green RH14 Set in a beautiful secluded and well maintained plot, walking distance to the village. EPC: F. Guide price £630,000

Loxwood RH14

Loxwood RH14 The property has been expertly designed and crafted to deliver a wonderful and modern home on the inside with a more traditional exterior. Guide price £1,195,000




Sympathetically modernised character cottage situated in the heart of Loxwood. EPC: F. Guide price £650,000

Henfield BN5 Rural property with the benefit of planning consent for residential conversion. EPC: G. OIRO £835,000

Wiston BN44 Extremely attractive Grade II listed Sussex farmhouse within striking distance Steyning. OIEO £1,250,000

Copsale RH13 Set in the picturesque Sussex countryside, Wavensmere Homes presents this bespoke detached oak framed home with garaging, substantial garden and panoramic views. Guide price £1,450,000

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Connecting people & property, perfectly. West Chiltington, West Sussex RH20 4




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AN EXCLUSIVE COLLECTION OF 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Come along to The Mill at Highwood and view our two brand new Furnishing Packages by Alexander James Interior Design. For a limited time only we are offering you the chance to purchase your dream apartment, complete with a Furnishing Package of your choice which includes window dressings, light fittings and furniture** so your new home is perfect from the moment you move in. The Mill is a collection of spacious light apartments with a luxurious contemporary specification. Located at the end of a tree-lined boulevard, the apartments are surrounded by tranquil water features and an impressive plaza and benefit from easily accessible, secure undercroft parking. 50 minutes*** direct train to London Victoria 40 minutes*** drive to Brighton Secure undercroft parkingˆ

Walking distance to fabulous shops and restaurants in Horsham town centre 4 Show Apartments open to view

1 & 2 bedroom apartments available - Prices from £250,000*

TO FIND OUT MORE VISIT OUR SALES SUITE OR CALL 01403 887 093 Sales Suite open daily 10am-5pm (Wednesdays until 8pm). Highwood, 2 The Boulevard, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1EP. Photography depicts streetscene and Showhome at The Mill, Highwood and is indicative only. *Prices correct at time of going to press and subject to availability. **Terms and conditions apply. ‡Ask your Sales Executive for more details. ***Source: & ^Limited number of apartments do not have undercroft parking. Proud to be a member of the Berkeley Group of companies

Gardener/Handyman required A small private estate in Warnham requires a gardener/ handyman (3/4 days) that can arrange daily work duties, self motivate, handle gardening duties and the management of land. Undertake repairs and maintenance of machinery. The person must have experience, be qualified to operate machinery, be able to drive a tractor, have references and be happy to handle domestic pets. Salary on application Apply to 07831 632537

Personal assistant needed

Horsham Sports Club Vacancies

FULL TIME CATERING MANAGER REQUIRED Horsham Sports Club is looking to appoint a full-time Catering Manager (CIEH Level 2, Award in food and Safety in Catering) to work alongside the Club’s Administrator and Bar Manager. His/her role will be to provide for all of the catering requirements of the Club, including: • Running the kitchen midweek and at weekends • Providing for the regular requirements of the various sporting sections • Catering at Club Dinners/ Awards evenings • Catering for event bookings at the Club, for example parties and wedding receptions • Recruitment and training of casual catering staff • Maintaining supplies and cleanliness in the kitchen • Limited assistance with Bar coverage The post is offered on a full-time salaried basis. It is envisaged that the hours will be around 35-40 per week, but flexibility to meet the Club’s requirements is the overriding consideration. Job-Share options would be considered favourably. Those interested should submit their CV and a brief covering letter to the club office Weekend Bar & Catering Assistants also required

Personal assistant needed for lady in her 50 s wheelchair user with restricted mobility with accessing appointments days out ,and willing to do longer drives few times a year essential hence good driver with clean licence essential. The work also involves keeping the home tidy and clean and all aspects of domestic chores so must like cleaning. Must have use of larger car for placing wheelchair in the boot . Must be reliable and organised and can work on own initiative,fit and healthy to undertake above duties, friendly nature more important than experience common sense approach and must be flexible with hours on a weekly basis over 7 days. 9.50 per hour typical rate. This is a contracted 10 hour minimum per week position please phone:

Horsham 01403 732724 to arrange an interview

Part-Time General Maintenance Assistant (10–20 hours per week) An experienced general maintenance assistant is required for a rural private residence in the Horsham area of West Sussex. The role includes general upkeep of the property and gardens, with cleaning and basic maintenance of vehicles and machinery. Any experience/interest in light aircraft an advantage. Great reliability with high quality of work and attention to detail important. Immediate availability preferred. Top rate of pay for the successful applicant. To apply for this role, please send a covering letter detailing your experience and expertise to Lisa Davis, The Old Post Office, Worthing Road, Southwater, RH13 9EZ or

General Practice Surveyor required for Property Consultancy & Estate Agency practice in Horsham town centre, covering the Sussex/Surrey area. The role is varied and wide ranging and will include working with multiple property departments including commercial, agricultural, residential sales and lettings. The candidate must be RICS qualified and able to undertake redbook valuations, lease renewals, rent reviews, landlord and tenant work. The ideal person would come with a good working knowledge of the area, agency experience and a good understanding of property management. We are looking for a self-motivated individual with at least 10 years’ experience. The candidate must have a strong track record and the ability to win new business and clients. For further information or a confidential chat, please contact Andrew Algar – 07868 434449 or

Call 01403 289709 to place your ad

Friday 17 August 2018 19 get the news online and on the go at got a story? email us at


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New season Grays and Kookaburra hockey in stock. Canterbury & Gilbert rugby boots and protective gear in stock. Updating of annual cups and awards engraved on-site

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82 Lambs Farm Road, Roffey, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 4JH 01403 267805 Established 30 years

Walking football.

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Friday 17 August 2018


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Roffey win nailbiter to go through to National Semi Sunday August 12 England & Wales Cricket Board National Club Championship National Stage – Quarter Final Roffey won by 5 wickets Brentwood 166-6 off 50 overs – Roffey 169-5 (39.3 overs) Cricket Martin Read - Sports Reporter Last Sunday Roffey visited the Old County Ground at Brentwood, a venue previously used for County Championship matches by Essex, inserting the hosts after winning the toss. Brentwood made steady, if unspectacular progress and even from the sound platform of 137-3 could not go on to post a killer target, Guy Balmford top scoring with 66 from 112 balls, with just four boundaries. A late flurry from Tom Oakley took Brentwood’s total to 166 from their allotted 40 overs, seven Roffey bowlers retaining control with the wickets

spread between five of them. Usman Khan went early, but at 91-2 Roffey were well placed with 36 from Jibran Khan, but it was Rohit Jagota who got Roffey home with an unbroken sixth wicket partnership of 55 with Josh Fleming (24 not out) after Roffey had been in trouble at 114-5. Jagota’s unbeaten 60 came off 71 balls and he told the District Post: “This was a low scoring, really tight game. We were lucky with the weather – we had just one short interruption. The pitch looked OK, but it was slow and the boundaries were massive, so there weren’t too many fours – 180 would have been a very good score. At the end of the Brentwood innings we said that we needed one telling partnership and that won it for us in the end.” Coach Simon Fearnley added: “Brentwood – third in the Essex Premiership – are a good side and their bowling attack was ideal for the dry pace-off wicket. We contained them well,

but it was not an easy chase – it was a gripping nailbiter! All the time Rohit was in we had a great chance of winning – his was an exceptional innings under pressure. Jibran batted well, too, and let’s not underestimate Josh’s priceless cameo just when it really mattered.” Brentwood players and officials paid tribute to Roffey’s large travelling contingent of supporters, wishing Roffey well in the remainder of the tournament. Roffey skipper Matt Davies said: “This was a great win for us – we’re through to the National semi final - Stanmore here we come!” Subject to confirmation the trip to Middlesex and England’s Angus Fraser’s former club is expected to be on Sunday September 2nd, in between Roffey’s visit to Penzance in the Quarter Final of the National Vitality CLUB T20 and their appearance in the Sussex Cup Final at Hove on Sunday September 9th.

Horsham Under 12s crowned Sussex Champions

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Comfortable win at Hastings Saturday August 11 – Sussex Premier League Hastings & St Leonards Priory 212-8 (50 overs) Roffey 214-3 (41.1) Roffey won by 7 wickets – Roffey 28 points – Hastings 9 Cricket Martin Read - Sports Reporter Hastings elected to bat at their Horntye Park ground, getting off to a stuttering start with Alex Collins capturing the important wickets of Joe Billings – for a duck – and Harry Finch. Seven Hastings batsmen got good starts but Roffey’s bowling contingent kept them in check as wickets fell regularly, Collins finishing with 3-52 and Luke Barnard 2-31. When Roffey’s turn came to bat they lost Ben Manenti early, but a 138 run second wicket stand between Jibran Khan (55) and Theo Rivers (who finished on 102 not out) put them in a very strong position, enabling them to win with the better part of nine overs still in the bank. Coach Simon Fearnley told the District Post: “Hastings got about 30 more than they should have done because of a couple of dropped catches and some rather ragged ground fielding, but it had no effect on

the outcome – it was a relatively straight forward win. We were beaten at Hastings last year, so there was a determination to put that right. Luke Barnard bowled well again and it was great to see further good performances from two players who have worked so hard to improve their game – Alex Collins has made significant progress, bowling well at the top of the order – and at the death, getting big wickets, as he did again today. And, Theo Rivers is having a great season, too. Watching him bat is very easy on the eye and he’s fulfilling his promise by converting thirties and forties into big scores. Following his maiden hundred earlier in the season he has now got three tons, and he’s developed into a very useful wicket taking spin bowler, too, giving us very handy options.” This Saturday Roffey return home to play fourth-placed Brighton and Hove, whom they bowled out for 145 to win easily at the coast in June. Roffey remain top with 355 points, Eastbourne are second with 342. The following Saturday (25th) Roffey have a crunch match at Eastbourne, then, for the last league game of the season – on September 1st - they welcome third-placed Horsham.

Lewis Shivnarain – a rising star at Roffey Cricket Club Cricket Martin Read - Sports Reporter Consistent young Roffey batsman Lewis Shivnarain celebrated great success at Sussex’s Under 12 Festival – personally and for his team. Captain Lewis tuned up with 45 on the Monday before really getting into his stride with 100 at Burgess Hill next day. On the Wednesday, back at Roffey against East Grinstead, he retired on 112 not out to give others the opportunity to bat. Unsurprisingly, Lewis is already on Sussex’s radar in their youth development programme, telling the District Post: “At the Festival I felt re-

Cricket Martin Read - Sports Reporter Horsham CC entered the annual Sussex Junior Cricket Festival and were placed in the Bowl competition with 16 other teams from the top clubs in the county, taking part in four matches in a longer 70 over format. During the cricket week Horsham managed a winning draw against Cuckfield followed by victories over Ansty, Middleton and Chichester taking them to the top of the league stage. The highlights were Rahul Tangirala’s fantastic first century against Middleton and Liam Hughes’ five wickets for five runs - all clean bowled - against Chichester. The top two teams went through to the final and as Cuckfield also won their three other matches Horsham played them in a re-match. Cuckfield won

the toss and batted first, Horsham getting an early breakthrough with Liam Hughes removing Cuckfield’s very talented Henry Rogers. This brought in Wilf Pickard who proceeded to play a superb innings keeping the score ticking over with some excellent drives and pulls. Horsham kept the wickets falling at the other end with Alfred Haines taking 4 for 20. The Horsham team backed up their bowlers well with some sharp fielding particularly from wicket keeper Ruben Weide. Pickard managed to get Cuckfield to 148 before he was last man out for 80 after a useful partnership with their no11. The pitch had proved lively at times when Horsham bowled and Cuckfield’s Henry Rogers came firing in with some short pitched deliveries, but Horsham’s opening batsmen handled the situation very well, getting to 39 before Maxwell Bartlett edged one behind

bringing Alfred Haines in to partner Rahul Tangirala, who looked at his majestic best with excellent timing and sound defence, while Haines provided great support at the other end. Cuckfield tried to break the partnership by bringing Rogers back on and one wild over took Horsham past 100. Haines departed shortly afterwards following a run out and the youngest member of the Horsham squad Zan Copleston announced his arrival with a couple of boundaries. Horsham got within 20 of the target when Tangirala was bowled for 64 and just when the crowd were getting tense Copleston decided to get the job done with two further boundaries followed by a winning single to see Horsham to a 7 wicket victory with 6 overs to spare, to be crowned Sussex Champions.

ally good and confident, so I just carried on!” Lewis also plays football, but says that cricket is his favourite game, proud mum Gemma adding: “Lewis is at Horsham’s Forest School, where they are really strong on sport – and at the moment he’s the top-scoring batsman at Roffey, with 766 league runs at U12 and U13 level.” Fortunately, Lewis’s cricket-loving dad Simon – no mean batsman himself – managed to time his lunch breaks very well to get to the Festival matches to savour Lewis’s exploits – Lewis Shivnarain is certainly one to keep an eye on at Roffey Cricket Club!

Lewis Shivnarain

Friday 17 August 2018 23 get the news online and on the go at


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Garton’s top innings secures Saltdean bogey thwarts Horsham win at Brighton battling Heath Saturday August 11- Sussex Premier League Brighton & Hove 168-7 (35 overs) Horsham 171-8 (33.1 overs) Horsham won by 2 wickets – Horsham 26 points - Brighton 14 Cricket Martin Read - Sports Reporter The teams’ last encounter resulted in a disappointing home draw when Brighton confounded their league aspirations by making no attempt to get the runs, but this time it was a more competitive game, Horsham’s pulsating win at the seaside severely denting Brighton’s lingering chances of lifting the title. Brighton have been heavily reliant on their three big guns – Salt, Wells and Machan, none of whom were playing, but they still

posted a useful 168 off 35 overs in the rain reduced game – Friday’s cloudburst overcoming the sheet covers, delaying the start. After being put in, Brighton started well with a first wicket stand of 76, their top four batsmen all going on to make useful contributions, although late inroads by Will Beer, Joe Ashmore and Mika Ekstrom – all three bowlers finishing with 2 wickets apiece – curtailed the scoring. Replying, Horsham were soon in trouble, the cream of their batting -Tom Haines, Beer and Michael Thornely - mustering only 24 between them. Contrary to rumours circulating elsewhere, Chris Nash was not playing, and at 73-6 the game might have been won and lost, but Sussex’s George Garton took control, adding 81 with Mika Ekstrom. When Ekstrom departed

for 24 the job was still not quite done, but Garton with 87 not out from 82 balls, with 8 fours and 5 sixes, secured Horsham’s victory with 11 balls remaining. On Saturday Horsham return to Cricketfield Road for their penultimate home game of the season – against second-placed Eastbourne, whom they beat at the Saffrons earlier in the season. Last Saturday, Eastbourne maintained their challenge for the title, scoring 226-8 off 45 overs (Jacob Smith 99 not out) before bowling out mercurial Middleton 134 inside 31 overs. Meanwhile, with Roffey’s win reported on elsewhere in your District Post, Cuckfield’s match v Preston Nomads and Ifield’s game against East Grinstead both fell victim to the weather with no play at either venue.

Late goal ensures YM’s progress in the FA Cup

Photos by Tim Hewlett Saturday August 11 – FA Cup Extra Preliminary Round Fisher FC 1 2 Horsham YMCA

Football Martin Read - Sports Reporter

YMCA’s visit to St Paul’s Stadium, Rotherhithe, in the London Borough of Southwark, for an Extra Preliminary Round FA Cup game ended in YM’s third win from three starts this season. Fisher FC from the Southern Counties East League scored first but YM kept battling, a late goal delivering victory. After a very even first half on Fisher’s artificial pitch the score remained goal-less at the break, both keepers negating chances created by each side in the closely matched contest. Early in the second half YM began to make changes, Mark Cave coming off for Tony Nwachukwu a few minutes before Sam Pekun opened Fisher’s account by making the most of a flowing team move - followed by an acrobatic celebration to match his success. Then, Tony Garrod made way for Dean Bown, who, like Nwachukwu, has joined YM from Horsham. Julian Miller managed the side in the absence of Peter Buckland on holiday and his two substitutions proved to be inspired moves, because in the 78th minute Nwachukwu equalised from close range. Spirited play followed, with Alex Barbary and Ash Dugdale being given yellow cards before Bown then gave YM the lead from inside the box right on the scheduled end time to record YM’s first cup success since 2016. In the next round on Saturday August 25th – the FA Cup Preliminary stage, YM are away to Kent’s Ashford United at their Homelands Stadium. Ashford play in the Bostik South Division – the league above YM – and the winners of the tie will receive £2,890 and the losers £960. On Saturday YM take to the road again for a league match against testing opponents Chichester City

Tuesday August 7 Southern Combination Football League Premier Division Saltdean United 3 2 Broadbridge Heath Football Martin Read - Sports Reporter This was the third time in four games against Saltdean United that Heath have taken a 2-0 lead and ended up on the losing side. The first half went so well for the Bears with the majority of possession, and better chances, early Heath pressure seeing a shot from Devon Fender go narrowly over the crossbar, and Ben Chowney making his starting debut, almost scored following a defensive error that was cleared away by a retreating defender. Whereas, United’s first attempt on goal wasn’t until the 28th minute when Mark Fox’s goal kick miscued straight to Jamie Brotherton who advanced towards goal but shot straight at Fox, who gathered comfortably. Heath then took a deserved lead in the 37th minute, from a corner - Lee Carney side-stepping a challenge before drilling in a low right foot shot from the edge of the box. In the closing stages of the half Salt-

dean’s Josh Marshall had an effort well saved by Fox at the near post and it remained 0-1 at the break. Heath doubled their lead four minutes into the restart, when Scott Weller supplied Ben Hands, whose shot was blocked by the keeper, before Fender rifled the rebound into the net. Saltdean then upped their game, pulling back a goal in the 58th minute, Ben Bacon stabbing home a free kick from close range following a goal mouth fumble. Inspired, Saltdean pushed forward in search of the equalizer, but Matt Hurley’s distant shot skimmed the Heath crossbar. However, they equalized in the 66th minute, when, from a needlessly conceded free kick, Curtis Gayler hit a low shot past the defensive wall that went under the Heath keeper’s outstretched body into the net. The turnaround was completed four minutes later when Gayler received the ball from a throw-on on the left, his distant, speculative right foot shot dipped and swerved past Fox in the Heath goal. Heath rallied in the final ten minutes, Cousins, Bold and Fender all having goal attempts, but it wasn’t to be and despite a good team performance the Bears came away unrewarded.

“Tremendous Achievement” says Alan Lenton Chairman of The Lest we Forget Association Darts Peter Bedford He couldn’t believe the cheque for £13,000. presented to him by Chair of Horsham and District Darts League Glenda Wickersham at this seasons the recent A.G.M held at The Roffey Club. This huge donation was made possible by an inspired 12 month collection by the customers, staff, licensees and dart team players of The Dog & Bacon (P.H.) of £10,803. This total wins not only the Highest Donation Cup (presented to

Rob Massey A team capt’) but also the Highest Donation Cup runner up (presented to Si Boylett B team capt’). Along with the cups a special achievement award was presented to Debbie Benson representing The Dog & Bacon, this award is their 3rd now due to join the other 2 proudly adorning the wall at the pub. The grand total now donated to The Lest we Forget Association since the Leagues creation in 1946 is £103,578. All awards were presented by Alan Lenton & Roy Chapman of The Lest We Forget Association

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