Sp15 nyc resources dwhandout

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Summer ’15


new york must-shops



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Whitney Eve

Blank NYC

Love Sadie

Seventh Avenue, Suite 11 Dusty Costa 213.488.7700

Delfine Showroom 530 Seventh Avenue, Suite 11 Sasha Mills 212.221.0734 sasha@showroomdelfina.com

Place Showroom

530 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2206 Melody Rodriguez 212.764.5100 melody@placeshowroom.com

Bella Dahl

Hotline Showroom 231 W. 39th Street, Suite 200 Kara Meyer 212.391.5550 kara@hotlineshowroom.com

J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 5

1400 Broadway, 15th Fl. Sue Mazawey 646.383.8244

275 W. 39th Street Will Redgate 212.944.3676 will@blanknyc.com

Babel Fair

545 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1250 Erica Kiang 646.455.0524 erica@babelfair.com

House of Quirky

511 W. 25th Street, Suite 502 Chelsea Segall 212. 255.6891 chelsea.s@houseofquirky.com

1441 Broadway, 10th Fl. Brandy Lewison 212.835.3511

Love Sadie Twinz Showroom 226 W. 37th Street Jeanette Bozzo Ryder 212.719.0320 jeanette@twnz.com


1385 Broadway, 18th Fl. Dane Lamendola 212.216.6033 dane.lamendola@mambro.com

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