Contents 2-15
Featured Collection:
Drop Magazine covers Sad Girls Bar, the breakthrough NFT collection from Glam Beckett
Featured Project
Read about Alethea AI, the creators of the world’s first “iNFT” – NFTs embedded with AI.
Featured Artist
Check out our showcase on crypto-artist Dilan Dibek
Early Alpha in the field
EarlyAlpha reports on The Decentrazine Project
This week in the metaverse:
Catch up on everything you might have missed this week
The Melancholy Family SadGirlsBar is a 10K NFT collection sporting 350+ trait combinations under the uniquely noir art style of Glam Beckett. The hand-drawn collection is complimented with an official Skeletongues companion and with another “Sad Cats” collection on the way you can begin collecting your very own
melancholy family. Although minting began for the collection back in August of this year, Glam Beckett began drawing sad girls many years ago to express her own feelings of loneliness and emotion through art. Today, the Sad Girls Bar hosts a strong community of individuals who celebrate
and support each-other and the amazing artwork behind this project. The group are also offering their support outward with the collection roadmap aiming to donate 10 ETH to the Women Side by Side peer support program which aims to improve the mental health of women facing disadvantage.
Voted Best Bar in the Metaverse
t The Sad Girls Bar ticks a lot of boxes when it comes to appreciable value – the art stands alone as one of the best looking female focused avatar collections in the metaverse, the bar is full of community engagement from giveaways and contests to fan-art and good conversation. The team are actively working on new utility and fun collections for their loyal holders with an upcoming feature to combine all 3 of the Sad Girl collections into a Super-NFT.
The roadmap and utility of this project extends beyond the metaverse and into the real world too – there is merch for holders, an NFT cocktail book from real world bartenders and even an upcoming album with an acclaimed jazz musician! The ultimate goal? To open a Sad Girls Bar in the Metaverse.
Collection: 10K Owners: 4.3K Floor: 0.04 Ξ Not for sale: 79%
The Gene Girl
We sat down with the artist and ins project: Glam Beckett who very kin to talk with us.
What inspired the noir/ dark-art style behind Sad Girls Bar? Is it true the characters are based on yourself?
A. Of course SGB collection
represents my own artistic view and style. I love dark aesthetic and alternative fashion, and I used it to create SGB. Many traits are actually based on my own wardrobe, like ghosts sweater, fluffy and mesh jackets, chokers, etc. So I feel very related to all the girls, and the project in general is very personal and special to me.
Com hand-dr program trait sel pretty c it a cha process
apparel and even tattoos, you’ve found so many ways to express your art but how did you discover NFTs?
Not r draw eac layer an look goo everythi all traits in one N an exclu program balaclav with any masks. A was fina checked sure all t worked a perfectly
Q. Do y
Q. From art-prints, stickers,
I’ve first heard about NFTs in March 2020, but wasn’t really interested and didn’t make any research on it. But in summer my friend invited me to be an artist for NFT project, which later became SGB, and fully introduced me to NFT space.
Sad Gir
A. It’s h
but I can the girls
esis Sad
spiration behind the ndly took the time
mbining the humanly rawn artwork with matically randomised lection sounds complicated, was allenging creation s?
really, I just had to ch detail on a separate nd make sure it will od in combination with ing else. Of course not s could be used together NFT, so our dev made usions written in the m code. For example, vas can’t be combined y hairstyles, glasses or And after the collection ally generated we d every NFT to make the exclusions actually and the traits combined y.
you have a favourite rl?
hard to choose just one, n say my favourites are s with cat companions.
Happy Hour a This week SadGirlsBar announced an official partnership with Rarible, the popular NFT marketplace, expect to see these girls more in the coming weeks as Rarible are expected to launch a marketing campaign to showcase their new marketplace design overhaul and features. With the partnership came an additional announcement that SadGirlsBar will be featured at Art Basel, a world-famous contemporary art exhibition that takes place in Miami. To celebrate Glam will be whipping up some new NFT Cocktails while the community are
running a contest for cocktail names and the chance to have their Sad Girl featured holding the cocktails. We look forward to seeing more from this exciting project and hopefully we can all grab a drink in the metaverse someday.
at SadGirlsBar
Alethe Meet Alice – the world’s first intelligent NFT, Alice was auctioned at Sotheby’s on June 10th 2021 for $478,00. Invented by Arif Khan, an iNFT is a fusion of Blockchain & AI. It’s giving your NFT the ability to be interactive, engaging, alive. iNFTs use a decentralized protocol built on Ethereum to access networked Intelligence and become capable of conversation, interactivity, sense making and maybe even eventually producing Terminators. 3 months ago Alethea AI secured $16 million in funding via private token sales and with some big-time backing from DapperLabs, Mark Cuban and more capital than the alphabet, you can bet this AI is just getting warmed up. If you have a gaming PC strong enough to run the website you might feel a bit overwhelmed – protocols, algorithms, trainto-earn, Noah’s Ark? Indeed, but remember this project is pushing the boundaries of not one but two cutting-edge technologies, each with their own broad concepts. I think we can help explain it though, Noah’s Ark is just the name for Alethea’s intelligent metaverse, which in turn you might say is just the collective
name for everything this has to offer.
First of all let’s talk about Personality Pods, an ERC721 collection with differe intelligence levels and on personality traits, a pod c be fused with any ERC-72 NFT making it interactive intelligent. It’s worth noti however that the project a phase of Shared Intellig Training where over 6,000 pod holders have staked their personality pods to receive rewards such as A the protocol’s native ERCArtificial Liquid Intelligenc Token.
This event is set to run al way up to December 21st un-staked pods can still g on some fun with an upco Individual Intelligence Tra event (timelines TBC).
Aside from Personality Po you can also get your han on a Revenant – for the lo price of 63Ξ you could ha of a 100 iNFT collection b on historical and cultural from Nikola Tesla to Cleop these sentient beings wer smart enough to follow u Twitter!
Another interesting NFT i Noah’s Ark is Portals. An 721 asset that “opens up gateway to an AI generat
ea AI project
t ent n-chain can 21 e and ing is in gence 0
ALI, C-20 ce (ALI)
ll the t but get in oming aining
ods nds ow ave 1 based icons, patra, re even us on
in ERCpa ted
Metaverse” giving the purchaser the right to create a 10K iNFT collection of their own, and to form DAOs that control those assets.
We’re just scratching the surface of what Althea are up to, this project’s complexity, scale and magnitude can leave even the smartest degen feeling like a boomer, but iNFTs may well be the future, and that’s something you don’t want to miss.
GM Dilan Dibek
It’s our pleasure t Dilan Dibek – a m disciplinary artist of styles from per to digital form. Yo Dilan’s work on h, m and objkt.
Dilan’s art expres coloured portraits broken loops and interactivity. Her explores understa the concept of sel connection with th of everything else an audio-visual ex collaboration with and music produc space.
As most artworks in gif format, it’s you really need to for yourself, we re the ΞLΞCTROFACΞ Regeneration coll Dibek 101. Dilan NFTs on the way r you can check ou and we’re excited next for this amaz artist.
to showcase multiwith a range rformative art ou can find her website, makersplace
sses vividly s, animated d even process anding lf and its he nature e, creating xpression in h visual artists cers in the
s are expressed something o go see ecommend ΞS and lection as your has some new right now that ut on her twitter d to see what’s zing crypto-
Decent With so many different projects popping up everyday within the space, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for teams to differentiate themselves and give potential collectors a solid reason to pull the trigger on what they’re offering. Fortunately for you, we’re here to tell you about a project that is really going above and beyond in that respect Decentrazines!
Although the main purpose of today’s article is to highlight their upcoming Community Collection, don’t worry, we’ll be providing you with plenty of background information so you can really get to grips with what they’re doing over there! Kicking things off with the art... Given that Decentrazines is a blend word, birthed from ‘decentralised’ and ‘zines’ (we love them already!), there’s definitely no prize for guessing what their style is! The idea comes from their artist, Wintersucks!, who has a particular love for areas like punk, street and graffiti art. The team couldn’t find much of this represented in the NFT space and saw a great opportunity to plug that gap! With regards to the team, the three core members are fully doxxed and have all previously occupied roles that certainly
put them in a strong position to deliver, even if they weren’t strictly within the realm of crypto & NFTs. @theesportsplug is project creator/lead, @Wintersucks! takes care of all things art and @ghostrider90 is their dedicated community manager. With over 20 years of business, graphic design and quality assurance experience under their belts as a trio, it’d be more than fair to say that zine holders are in safe hands! It’s also refreshing to see that the founders are building with the right motivations... whilst they would obviously like to earn some money from the project, their extremely generous 0.03E mint price demonstrates they have collectors’ interests at heart. In fact, a core part of their operation is making it accessible to and helping/reaching as many people as possible. Now, getting into the good stuff - minting and collecting! The genesis, zineart pieces from Wintersucks! ‘aren’t just a pretty face’ so to speak; they also double up as an ‘entry pass’, allowing collectors to benefit from airdrops, purchase from future drops and participate in community activities! In terms of utility, those who take the plunge and purchase a Decentrazine also get access to the community wallet, which has some really
awesome mecha a very quick ove community walle divided into 10,7 (one for each of zines, with the fi 1.5x value). 20% sales will be allo fund, along with proceeds from a In order to ‘cash fund, holders wi piece(s) for ever want to withdraw this, those who diamond hand w increased scarcit no way to re-ent a share of the w genesis pieces a illustrate, let’s ta where a holder h zines; they are e 20/10,750ths of wallet and decid of their allocatio 10 works, every of the pie would larger, as the wa current/future m is now only split The team’s visio to help collector an alternative an investment vehic assets will appre from both added deflationary stru
As mentioned at of this article, th here is on the w ‘Community Coll
anics. To give erview, the et will be 750 portions f the 10,000 first 1,500 given % of all initial ocated to the h a cut of the all future drops. h-in’ on the ill need to burn ry portion they w. Because of continue to will benefit from ty, as there is ter or pick up wallet once the are sold out. To ake an example has 20 genesis entitled to f the community de to claim some on. After burning yone else’s slice d become slightly allet and all money within it t 10,740 ways! on behind this is rs by providing nd, frankly, fun cle where their eciate over time d value and a ucture.
t the beginning he main focus wonderful lection’ the
guys over at Decentrazine HQ are bringing to their members. Following a bit of a slow start in terms of minting and adoption of the genesis pieces, this collection was actually announced in early November, along with the news that minting would be paused for around a month whilst they continue to flesh everything out behind the scenes. By this point, you’re probably wondering what on earth the deal is here? Well, fear not, we’re going to spill the beans right now! The collection is a super ambitious initiative, in which the team has gathered hundreds of artists and tasked them all with creating a 1/1 piece, each modeled around a common focus word: community! As a result of enlisting so many different creators, this will bring an array of different styles, mediums and interpretations to the collection. What’s even more exciting is the range between the artists themselves… The team have signed off on everything from an 11-year-old kid releasing their first public work, to a super famous NFT creator whose pieces regularly sell for in excess of $50,000! We’re willing to bet the next Beeple is in there somewhere! The collection itself will go live on OpenSea in the first half of December, with every piece subject to a 7-day auction. Whoever holds the highest bid on each piece at
the end of this period (as long as they own a zine!) will then receive the artwork, with 100% of the cash going back to the artist! Personally, we think John and the gang have really tapped into a brilliant form of marketing here - each maker brings with them their own community and fan base, helping to snowball the project in an organic way where collectors with a shared passion can mix, discover new artists they enjoy, benefit from all the utility and value the team are providing and share some really cool artwork!
Honestly, we could go on for days about why this project and its creators are so awesome, but we’ll leave you to join the great community and get involved yourself if you’d like to find out more!
Words by @early_alpha
This week in the M (Nov 22nd – 26th Wizard’s Nouns Some talented Forgotten Runes Wizard Cult members have just launched a 2.5K collection allowing Wizard holders a free mint of their wizard nounified. Drop Magazine covered this community in Issue #6 for those that want to know more about the magical group and future blue-chip.
NFT infl new co Genesi OpenS his info podcas guy liv
Metaverse 2021)
fluencer Zeneca’s ollection ZenAcademy is is available now on Sea. Zeneca is known for ormative newsletters, st and twitter threads, the ves and breathes NFTs.
It doesn’t have to make sense to make cents Have you heard about ConsitutionDAO? The landmark event / project was built around buying The Constitution of the United States but were unsuccessful as they were outbid by part-time Bond Villain Kenneth Griffin. The project has still yielded successful results however, with the project’s $people token 10X’ing after the auction ended. It seems memes really do come true.
With thanks to ou
ISSUE#1 (SOLD OUT) DScheezy2
ISSUE#2 (11 AVAILABLE) Hans YahtzeeFish Tambay Bellenger InItForTheArt
TiberiasMax RB27 Subadaya MFGravyTrain
ISSUE#6 (82 AVAILABLE) Hans Hojo282 JPOneSix ThomIvy NARDLEON
qeshmar Rwar ElfJTrul jakep kaocryptobulls Kel
ur early adopters
KennySchachter Hans ABOSCH_1111
SOLOMONKEY lordampersand
Issue #9 – Sad Girls Bar was written by The Drop Magazine & @early-alpha with support from @GlamBeckettArt, @didaktilo, @real_alethea, @Decentrazines & the Sad Girls Bar community! Always DYOR