English language magazine for the Deux-Sèvres and surrounding areas
Tourism, TV, Tidying and Tandems Book Club
Tips and reviews PLUS can you learn French from reading books?
37 jobs for your garden this month
Plus much, MUCH more
Issue 120, September 2021
Welcome to Issue 120 (September) vP ÉC R]u}vR[uP]vÉRÉvo]'oÉ]+ÉÉv (}u RÉ v}uo ÉU LÉ ]oo˙ u}vR }( }v É U } PRÉ ~`R} o]É ]v RÉ UKZ R Év able to visit. Sadly, our son was not able to come too ~Rvl}R]uv}˙ÉÉ]vPRoo}`É[`}i]Z R been a lovely break nonetheless. This brings the double ÉPÉ `} }( } É]É } NOT `}l v Év uÉ `]RRÉBUTRÉ}v}(v˘É ÉuuÉuÉ}PÉ the work done. DÉ]É É˙R]vPU `É RÉ uÉ ] ~iZ v É v}` o}}l]vP (}` } l]vP ~É(oZ vPÉ }( RÉ o]PRÉo˘}v]vÉoÉ]ÉuÉv}]](u]o˙v (]Év ]v RÉ UK (} }oÉ }( ˙ ~l ]v uÉ } Éo]ÉRÉuP]vÉZX H}]vP ˙} RÉ oo R RÉ }}v]˙ } PÉ }uÉ (u]o˙uÉ]vPR]É]É(}u]}v É X S˙(ÉX
Tony & Lyn
Tel:XXæXæX Email: ]v(}RÉɢÉÉu}vRo˙X( Website: ```XRÉɢÉÉu}vRo˙X(
Contents BooÉvB} Technology rZA }(RÉC}uuvÉ]vRÉDɢrSÉ HÉoRUBÉ˙vF]vÉ OF˙F]Év H}uÉvGÉv F}}vD]vl OvTRÉR} À La Carte CovA}]}v Take a Break LV]ÉEvFvÉ Book Club B]o]vPvRÉv}}v B]vÉvF]vvÉ P}É˙
24 27 30 33 34 44 54 æ
4 11 12 14 15
112}ÉE vEuÉPÉv˙ 113 Drugs and Alcohol
This Month’s Advertisers ABORD]uu} A]vB'É.Éo~Hv˙uvZ A+}oÉUKDÉ]Pv~K]RÉvUPVCD}oÉGo]vPZ AKEPÉT˘~B]oÉZ Alcoholics Anonymous AuvJ}Rv}vrTRÉSÉuIFAG} AvÉ`L}vPuv~Pou]vPHÉvPZ ARBFÉvRP}É˙ A}}voÉCRÉo]É[Ev]Pv vÉA M}~GANPRÉv˙Z BɢV]ooPÉIuu}]o]É BÉooÉFoÉrNoIvÉRÉÉoovM}]]É BHvÉA lAoo]vrIÉooÉWv BoÉ]vFvlF]vv]oMvPÉuÉv ˙B BÉ~CoÉv]vPSÉ]ÉZ CÉvÉR P]}voR ]vÉL]É CRÉ˙P]lÉH]É~T}v˙M}Z CRÉCR]É[TÉR}}u CR]'BÉ C}v}v CR]P}v~PouÉlHÉvPEvP]vÉÉZ Clean Sweep Chimney Services CLE~CRÉvÉL]u}]vÉE˘RvPÉZ Darren Lawrence EvPo]RS}lÉvX}u F!ÉÉCRu]Pv}v FvPo]DÉo]É]É~Tv}RÉu}oSÉ]ÉZ HooulEoÉ]] H]}vH]~M}]oÉH]ÉÉZ H]oÉ˙L}}v]PPÉR]ÉvP}v`}l HMJ~RÉv}}vÉ]ÉZ HRB]o]vPSÉ]É I]vPL}}vrD]PPÉH]ÉvGÉoÉo]É]É JÉ+ [MÉo`}l J}RvPRÉrM}]oÉMÉRv] KÉ]RBvlP}}oSÉ]É KJP]vvPv}vP É LÉ(C UC]˙ LÉPPÉ'Iuu}]o]É LÉRÉPo[}v~BvRÉvZ LPVTÉRv}o}P˙~ITÉ]ÉZ MP]RÉv}}v~M]RÉoGo}ÉZ MlSÉv]rRÉv}}vvC}v}v M]RÉoM}}É~EoÉ]]vZ M]RÉoÉ~C B ]vÉulÉZ M]lÉS`ÉÉvÉ˙rM}}}EvP]vÉÉ]vP ML Computers M}oo˙BRÉoorRÉo˘Uv`]vMPÉ MF]˘I~GÉvM]vÉvvÉZ MÉooÉÉP}]ÉvÉA MVSÉ]ÉrS+}o]vP NÉÉHvSÉ]É~G«vPX É Z PuÉoI]vP~H}o]TRÉ]Z P}]ÉB]A]} RJCP}}oSÉ]É R}BÉ˙~PoÉÉZ R}ÉMvv~UR}oÉ˙Z R}HÉv˙ SR˙SR'ÉrSR'ÉÉ]v]vvP Simon the Tiler SuM}ÉrRÉu}oS}PÉ SuSÉ]É~H}uÉvGÉvSÉ]ÉZ SÉRÉvSR`P]vÉ SÉÉC}ov~Pou]vPvÉv}}vZ SÉÉR}]v~Pou]vPURÉvPUÉoÉ]Z S]o˙R}}.vP SÉPÉ B ~FÉvRCoÉTvo}vZ Sunny Sky Cars SvM˙oo~Au]vS}Z TRÉEvPo]RMÉRv]S}vrT}v˙˙ÉE TRÉF]˘ÉrR]lDÉv}v TRÉFÉvRH}ÉSÉoo]ÉTV TRÉT]vPP}~IvÉv}voF}}D]vlZ Tim Électricien 79 T}v˙Mv~P}É˙M]vÉvvÉZ VoA]~Tvo}vSÉ]ÉZ Vienne Tree Services ÉvZ SÉv]~Tvo}vSÉ]ÉZ
2 33 57 51 59 5 57 59 14 54 æ 19 7 52 51 51 50 33
44 7 49 14 52 51 52 52 59 53 7 æ 7 11 53 49 11 14 19 57 49 51 14 2 2 53 19 11 51 53 21 53 51 51 50 39 39 39 49 49 21 39 19 39
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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 3
Bulletin Board TRÉN}voH}o]˙URÉo]P]}v FÉ˙D
2021... F]Jv˙ SvA]o M}væA]o SM˙ SM˙ TRM˙ SvM˙ M}vM˙ WÉJo˙ SvæAP M}vN}ÉuÉ TRN}ÉuÉ SæDÉuÉ
NÉ`YÉ [˙D ~ Jour de l’anZ ÉSv˙ E ~ PâquesZ ÉM}v˙ E ~ PâquesZ L}˙D ~ Fête du premier maiZ VEıæ~ Fête du huitième maiZ AÉv]}v˙D ~ AscensionZ WR]Sv˙~ PentecôteZ WR]M}v˙~ Lundi de PentecôteZ ooÉ B ˙D ~ Fête nationaleZ Au}v˙D ~ AssomptionZ AooS]v[˙D ~ ToussaintZ Au]É˙D ~ ArmisticeZ CR]u˙D ~ NoëlZ source
The Filling Station - Poitou-Charentes. L}o R] C v }( oo v}u]v}v É `R}uÉ(} É ]]ovÉÉ `ovvPÉ É o]uX}}o˙v C }v É C ææıX
ALL SAINTS, VENDÉE - Puy de Serre. We hold two services each nd u}vR~A=Sv˙R}}oU Z }vRÉ and 4thSv˙RÉRR}( SXMRÉUP˙SÉÉ U É uX The English Speaking Church of the Valley of the Loire (ESCOVAL) meets at the R.C. Church in Arçay every 3rdSv˙}(RÉu}vR Xu~i}+RÉæ D ıUTR}}L}vX Z Eglise Vie Nouvelle ]o]vPo B ~FÉvRlvPo]R E `ÉZ lo˙ É ]v É]ÉÉ ]C ˙ See }v C æı The Chaplaincy of Christ the Good Shepherd, Poitou-Charentes, v}uoo˙R}oSv˙]É]v É vPo]R E XPoÉ}É `ÉÉ ]É(} vÉ ]v(}u}vP
LOC A L MA RKE TS M}v ˙ X X X X X X X X X B É vÉ æ ı L C R ]PvÉ ]É ~o M}v ˙ ]v u}v R Z æ LÉ v o}‘ É ~ M}v ˙ ]v u}v R Z TÉ ˙ X X X X X X X X X LÉ ˙ ı C] ˙ C } o}vPÉ r ro [A ] É ı Thouars 79100 - and - Bressuire 79300 Vasles 79340 WÉ vÉ ˙ X X X X P RÉ v ˙ ı r v r C É ooÉ r rB É ooÉ ı R ((É TR ˙ X X X X X X X X S rV ] ı ı r v r N]} ı L M} RÉ S H ˙ ı GÉ v ˙ F ] ˙ X X X X X X X X X X XTR} XXX ı X r v r MÉ ooÉ ı æ SÉ }v ]Pv˙ ı ~ u Z r v rS A ]v oÉ C o} ~ u Z C ] ˙ ~ u oo (}} u lÉ Z A v ]Pv˙ æ ~ v F ] ˙ r u Z L M} RÉ S ]v rH ˙ ı ~Po É C o uÉ v É Z Saturdays........ Bressuire 79300 - and - Champdeniers 79220 C RÉ ( rB } }vvÉ ı A ] o ı r v r N]} ı S ]v M ]˘É v ro [É }oÉ ı F}v É v ˙ roÉ rC }u É æ R ((É M Pv ı v M}v } v ı S v ˙ X X X X X X X X X X XC }X o}v ı æ r v r NÉ ]ooÉ r É rP}] } TR vÉ ˙ ı ı Saint-Varent 79330 S ]v rL} rL u ] ı
07 68 35 45 18 4 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
print. as we go to y a -d y -b PLEASE y a get it but u leave anging d n ch ca re e a w s g s a yo Thin as accurate ered before tion here isbeen cancelled or alt a rm fo in e t Th . ts have no the house check even
“WHAT’S ON” DIARY Lots of local events will take place during the weekend of the 18-19 to celebrate the European heritage days (Journées européennes du patrimoine). Check with your local Office de Tourisme to find out more. 03/09 FÊTE DES ROSIÈRLAMOTHErSAINTr HERAYıXıuPÉ}(G}(}u RÉOvPÉ]ÉXuLPÉ.É`}lU˙}r uÉo}]R}`U(ÉÉ RuÉvv( (}}XFÉÉX 03-05/09 HOT AIR BALLOONSSAINTEr VERGEıXæR}r]oo}}v`]oolÉ }+(}uoÉ }]vvG˙}ÉRÉ]˙ ÉvÉ}(TR}v]}v]vPX 04/09 APÉRO-CONCERTSAINTrMAIXENTr L[EOLE C ıX'ÉÉB vÉ]vP}v site. 9-11pm. 5€ 04/09 150th ANNIVERSARY OF THE PLACE DES HALLESNIORTıXGÉ(ÉÉ Év]vP`]Ru]vvPruX
17-19/09 FESTIVAL “FOOD TRUCKS N’ROLL” CHAURAYıXC}u]v]vP(}}l vRÉ`}o}(RÉXF}}l }+É]vP`}o]]vÉ~BÉoP]vUÉ}oÉ C U JvÉÉvMɢ]vZ]vvu}RÉÉ}( RÉıærXFÉÉX 18/09 MARCHÉ DES PRODUCTEURS DE PAYSLESCHATELIERSıXB]vP˙} oÉ˙UoÉvPoÉXF}uuX 18-19/09 JOURNÉES EUROPÉENNES DU PATRIMOINEALLOVERFRANCEX 25-26/09 FESTIVAL A NOS AMOURSSAINTr MAIXENTrL[EOLE C ıX˙} ÉA }Pv]]vP ˙}`É]vP}ÉoÉ}vMC}uÉv meet the service providers in the sector `R}`]ooR}`ÉRÉ]lv}`rR}`JPÉ on Saturday and Sunday to discover dresses, }uÉUG}`ÉUulÉUR]˙oÉX XuruXFÉÉX
25-26/09 MAQUETTE EXPO BRESSUIRE 79300. An amusement park in miniature by o}ou}ÉoulÉuruXƒX
04/09 BOUGE TON BOCAGE FESTIVAL CHANVERRIEæXTRÉ(ÉoÉoÉÉ its 10th anniversary. Street arts and music ]v(ÉÉv(]Évo˙]ooPÉu}RÉÉX F}uuX
If you are aware of any events coming up in October or November, please let us know so we can tell everyone else.
05/09 FÊTE DU PAINNIORTıX Avvo(Éo]voÉvÉ}(RÉ ıUPuÉvoÉ]É}(˙ÉÉ˙ÉX RÉ(ÉRuÉvv+É}v]ÉXur 7pm.
16-20/09 FESTIVAL AH? PARTHENAYıXA i}˙(oÉoÉ}v}( }`v}`vPRÉv˙ with street shows, impromptu scenes and concerts.
05/09 Fête du VillagePuo]ÉıXV]É PÉv]ÉU]v É É(}uvÉU]]} RÉo]É]ÉU(v(ÉRÉÉvUR}} ˘R]]}v É U(}}v]vlUvu}ÉXFÉÉ v]ooÉ(}v˙lLÉ}oÉ `R}`}oo]lÉ}˘R]] É XF}(RÉ]o É oÉ}v É ~EvPo]RZX
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 5
Chez Christie’s
DELICIOUS HOME-BAKING ~ TEA ROOM & TERRASSE ~ Scones, Cupcakes, Fruit Cake … Homemade Lemonade & Iced Tea Serving Warm Welcomes since 2004! GREAT GIFTS & BEAUTIFUL CARDS Scarves, Tapestry, Candles, Mugs, Heat Packs, Jewellery, Bags, Tins, Books, Notepads, Pens, Puzzles, Socks, Cat. 1--and Face Masks 1€ … TUES - FRI: 10am - 12 noon : 3pm - 7pm SAT: 10am - 12 noon : 3pm - 6pm
Latest details on Website & Facebook: GENÇAY (86) - behind the Mairie
Siret: 47876969800018
Fish and Chips British Indian Curry Kebab - Burgers
Regular venues at: • • • • • • •
Aulnay de Saintonge 17470 Beauvais Sur Matha 17490 SJÉvD[AvP o˙ S rV]H}Éııı V]ooÉi CR}˘æ P]ÉÉ]vP
Tel: 06 02 22 44 74 SIRET : 537 606 972 00025
Venues :
Saint Jouin de Marnes - outside the }ovPÉ]ÉrÉ˙TÉ˙Év]vPP rP Louin (Le Cafe de L’union) - 1st and 3rd F]˙}(RÉu}vR(}uPrP Bar Genneton rvvRF]˙}(RÉ u}vR(}uPrP
Funny Farm Cat Rescue - Saint Germain de Longue Chaume - August 25th PrP~Ér}É}vo˙Z AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
Tel: 06 23 25 48 36 SIRET : 850 442 203 00012
TRADITIONAL BRITISH COOKING SatPF}vÉv˙roÉrC}uÉ~uR ZU Vendée and at S]vrJÉvr[AvP o˙ ~uR ]v ]ÉZU Charente-Maritime SunPAov˙~uR ZU Charente-Maritime Open mornings WE DELIVER THROUGHOUT FRANCE
Tel: 05 46 01 54 65 SIRET : 484 920 285 00018
You can collect your DSM magazine from these venues. Why not advertise YOUR event here?
Le CaféCivray French Conversation classes Golden Girls Meet up Friday 24 Sept: MacMillan Coffee Day with Raffle Regular hours 9am-4pm Tuesday-Friday
24 rue du commerce 86400 Civray SIRET 820 301 299
Check out our events on Facebook @LeCafeCivray
Prailles La Couarde (79)
Maison Peleboise
ce S in 3 1 99
festival mycological exhibition guided picking - craft market performance conference about mushrooms
Sunday, oct. 10th
Infos : 06 72 20 10 04
Centre Régional « Résistance & Liberté »
To understand and live our freedom
Explore the history of the Second World War and the everyday life in occupied France. Follow the steps of those who said "no", from individual acts of civil disobedience to collective actions of Resistance, through a path based on regional history. A journey to the past to get a better understanding of our current world through this interactive and unique exhibition with original photographs, clandestine newspapers, letters and videos. Audioguides in English Activities proposed for groups (Please contact us for details)
Open 2.30 to 6 pm July > September 30th : Tuesday to Friday and Sunday Closed on public holidays
From 2 € to 4 €
(Cash and cheque only)
Écuries du Château Rond-point du 19 mars 1962 79100 THOUARS 05 49 66 42 99
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 7
International Day of .....
... World Tourism Day (27th September)
by Beryl Brennan
É[É oo Év }] v ] [ an industry hit extremely hard ]vP RÉ o u}vR É }( OVID C rıX T}]u RÉo }v}u] É P}`R }( }v˙ } ÉP]}vU `Éoo Éuo}˙uÉv v }RÉ }+R}} businesses which rely on tourism. All the more reason to celebrate World Tourism Day.
TRÉ É ` R}Év É ] }uÉ RÉ Év }( RÉ u]v }] É}v ]v RÉ v}RÉv RÉu]RÉÉ v RÉ }( RÉ tourist season in the southern hemisphere. A special assembly held in Mexico City on 27th September, 1970, adopted the SÉ}(RÉW}oT}]uOPv]}vXF}uıR]É has been celebrated as World Tourism Day. T}]u ] Éoo]vP v ˘o}}v É U oÉv]vP } ]+ÉÉv ÉU }v]ÉU oÉU R]}˙ } o](É˙oÉU `RÉRÉ `É travel to a local museum or beach, or take a plane or train to another country. During the pandemic, we have largely been }R]]É (}u }]vP v˙ }( RÉÉ R]vPX TRÉ vÉ` R Év (oo }( ]É }( Éu˙ ÉRÉ ]v S]vU Éu˙ u]É ]v FvÉ v ]o]vÉ }v RÉ `}o ]l }( P}]vP vlX }E ] v}RÉ o˙ }u]vÉ Éo }( ˘] ÉB v RÉvÉu]XC}v(]}vRÉ]PvÉ RÉB]RG}ÉvuÉv RvPÉ RÉ Éo o]lÉ RÉ B]R uuÉ `ÉRÉU oÉ]vP}]vÉv]l]vPR]PRR}Éo(ÉÉ(}]}ovPX O`vÉ }( }v É R}uÉ } RÉ Év l ]v RÉ UK `R]oRÉ](˙(]ÉvRÉvÉ l]vlÉvvÉov'É]É `]R ovP É }X TRÉ vÉu] R }PR R}uÉ } oo R}`É]vP}]v+É}uÉvovR˙]o`ÉooÉ]vPX Iv RÉ ıı É]}v }( W}o T}]u ˙D RÉo]vIvoUTlÉ˙URÉGÉvÉo Assembly decided to designate a host country each year to celebrate the ]É]˙}(]]]vÉUR]}˙UovPPÉU u]U G} v (vX PÉ]} R} }v]É ]voÉ É]iv A U HvP˙ vIv]X Because the pandemic has had such a huge social and economic impact on all economies, including marginalised groups, World Tourism Day 2021 is (}]vP }v ST}]u (} Ivo]É Growth”. Member and non-member states, agencies, businesses and individuals are being encouraged to }Év P]v v o}}l } RÉ (ÉX
C}v]É É oo˙ É]vP lÉ } (} }v Éo v Éuo}˙uÉv ]v oo RÉÉU (}u ] v ]o v} } ˘] v ÉX H}Éo vÉÉ } (} }v 8vPU (}u oÉvÉ v l]RÉv `}lÉ } (}v }( R}É +X O+R}} É v vÉ U }R]ÉU o](ÉPr RÉ o]P}`X I [˙É } É R}]uR}uÉ É ]oo˙]u}v]Pv].v]v}uÉ PÉvÉ}(}RÉ}v}u˙ É }(uv˙}v]ÉUÉ]oo˙(}RÉ smaller islands which rely solely on the tourist trade. (}É BÉ RÉ vÉu]U }]u }vÉ (} u}É Rv A9 }( Po}o GDPX A RÉ `}o o}`o˙ } }ÉÉ (}u RÉ v]PRuÉ }( RÉ vÉu]U RÉ UNWTO uÉÉ }]u R (ooÉv ˙ }É A9 ]vÉ ı v RÉ }o}}l ] Évo˙ vÉ]v`]Ruv˙}v]ÉooÉ]vPo}É}]]}XSuoo ]ovÉR RÉMo]ÉUF]i]URÉBRuvRÉF E RÉ Év RÉ RÉ R]X OÉ æ Sv]R R}Éo `ÉÉ (}É } o}É ]v v ]v FvÉ RÉ Éo(rÉ]vP }É RÉÉvo˙R]XD}uÉ}]uR}LÉvÉRÉo}`} }uɢÉÉ vUo}vP`]RP}ÉvuÉv.vv]o]vÉvo ]vÉ`]É É o˙]]Év}o]˙}o}v]uoÉuÉvÉU the economic recovery will be slow. Some tourist dependent }v]É RÉ Éo}É vÉ` ]v]ÉX F} ˘uoÉ É U ]v C} R] v}vo R}o]˙ RÉ Év u}É } M}v˙ } ˘ÉÉ v `ÉÉlÉvX B} R ]v}É RWÉo}uÉ Su[U `R]R allows employees a one-year residency permit to live and work RÉÉX F]i] R BoÉ LvÉ ]v]É oo}`]vP ˙R } ÉR ]v ]u]vLÉ]vvÉvvP É É]ÉuÉvRÉ been met. Jamaica is allowing buyers in the hotel industry to ]Éo˙RÉP}}(}uo}o(uÉXTR]ov]R]L]vP} niche markets such as adventure travel and health and wellness tours. Co]uÉ CRvPÉ ] ]vP R]L }` }}]u É `]R RÉ (} }v }vÉ}v v o}o i} }v É ˙ oo}`]vP v}vr }]u}É }}PR É ]v}RÉ(}o~Ro}o}É (}u P]oÉU uv(]vP v ÉvÉ]vuÉvZX RH}uÉ P}`v[ }] ]vÉÉ vÉÉ } R]vl } }vÉ]}v˙ RPÉU É]o ]}v v lPÉ } PÉ RÉ (}}oo across the threshold. Shorter travel distances should result ]v o}`É Év]}vuÉvo ]u } }uÉ }]u }o ÉvÉ. É}oÉ ]}É RÉ]ÉP]}vo v o}oÉX BÉ]É vÉ U }o }vvÉ } }+É lÉr`˙ uÉo uÉv }( lÉ]vP É RÉ o}o }uuv]˙ }PÉRÉX I oo }uÉ vÉ RÉ R}]u[ vvÉ } }u}É u}É ]voÉ v resilient tourist economy whether local or global. H˙W}oT}]u˙D X
Letter From Blighty September 2021
hat a rum summer! One minute it’s T-shirts and shorts, then long sleeves and trousers! Oh for the long hot summers of France! Not the only thing I miss about France either. Oh for the variety of fresh veg and fruit in French markets! Veg here are prepacked so I can’t buy in the quantity I want. Tomatoes – boring red or small cherry yellow – no large green, yellow, orange and dark red ones we’re used to. Farmers markets you say? Disappointing. And cheeses – the only place selling French cheeses is Morrisons and not much selection there! Niort market and La Flotte on Ile de Re are distant memories now! Councils here could learn a lot from the French about attracting stallholders back to town market places. It’d help tourism too. I know you don’t much like sport but I hold my hand up – Roland Garros, Queens, Eastbourne and then Wimbledon – I admit I overdosed on tennis, brought back memories of visits past. The Olympics coverage wasn’t up to the usual standard, trust Sky and Discovery to buy up most of the rights to televise them, poor old Beeb didn’t have the money to compete. We have to pay for a TV licence now so I don’t see why I should have to pay extra to other channels. Interested to read about the Tour de Poitou Charentes. Brought back memories of when we first moved over when we had the B&B. One
by Beryl Brennan
weekend we had four English lads come to stay, with their bikes. They’d come by train and were going to follow the Tour when it went through La Chataignerie. So I asked what they wanted for breakfast, assuming things like bananas to give them strength, and what training they had done. They wanted full English breakfast and hadn’t done any training! The application’s now gone off to the DVLA to register the Peugeot here. What a palaver! First the headlights had to be changed – because of Brexit the local garage had difficulty getting hold of the correct ones from France for the 2008. I’ll be really sorry to lose the French registration – makes it easy to spot our car in the car park – too many models look the same. Then we’ll have to pay for road tax. Another rip off! Wouldn’t be so bad if the money collected was used for road maintenance. Must admit it’s hard to find anything to like about being back. Empty shelves in the shops now, partly due to Brexit and partly to a severe shortage of lorry drivers. Many of them Europeans who have gone back home. There’s also a shortage of lorry drivers and experienced staff to use the refuse and recycling equipment. It’s not even safe to walk dogs; recently a dog walker was attacked by 2 men with a van trying to grab his dog. He ended up with broken ribs after successfully fighting them off. Even though ‘Freedom Day’ is long gone, we still avoid large groups and use our masks and gel. Visiting the coast is not on our calendar until schools are back – pictures of crowded beaches are enough to put us off. At least, being retired, we have the choice of when to go - suppose there’s got to be one advantage to being ‘old’! A bientot.
Forum des Associations (Chef-Boutonne) RLV]ÉA}]É[]v]u}v}(FÉvRo](ÉU}+É]vPoo}}(oÉ]Év}vo É ]X A}]}v}ÉÉ˙R]vP(}u}U}uuv]˙}Pv]}vU}v É UooÉv}iuooP}`vvP}o˙ SoÉ}}vÉ`ÉÉl(}˘uoÉ É X Av}]}v]v}v}.ul]vPvvÉ`]R}vo˙É}oÉX F}u}}'É˙U(}}oo}i}UvÉ}u]ÉRÉÉ]oo˙}uÉR]vP(}É˙}vÉX OvÉ˙ÉRÉo}ouv]]o]˙}Pv]ÉRF}uÉA}]}v[RÉÉP]vv]vP}(SÉÉuÉiLÉRÉR}}oP}lXI ]v}}v]˙(}ooRÉ}]}v]vRÉ}É PÉ}PÉRÉ`]RvÉRU}˘o]v É vR}``RRÉ˙}v}.v vÉ`uÉuÉXUoo˙RÉÉu}v}v`ÉooX J}]v]vPv}]}v]`}vÉ(o`˙(}v}vFÉvRÉlÉ}Él]vPFÉvRv.vvÉ`(]Év]v}v]]o u}RÉÉXY}R}˙U}}]vÉP]É É ˙}}uu}vP}v]v`R]R}}vÉ}vV}uv˙uÉ`ÉÉ }Él]v]+ÉÉvovPÉ`É}v[lv}`R}`}ÉP]v}`R}˙V}}ÉR`}l]oUu] É }U}vRÉ (}}oo.Éo~}RÉLÉ`]vRÉZ}RÉo]vP}Pv]ÉooÉvU}vÉ}vÉuÉvÉvi}˙ÉX S}o}}l}(}˙}o}oF}uÉA}]}vUP}o}vPU.v}u}ÉUlÉR É vi}]v]vX CRÉ(rB}}vvÉ RSÉÉuÉX}X Stade J. Courivaud ]v(}PM]]ÉÉCRÉ(rB}}vvÉæXıXıXX u]]ÉRÉ(r}}vvÉX(
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 9
EvPovX L]'oÉ W]oo]É ` ( (}u v }Év]PR ÉX I weighed 14 tons, got stuck in trenches and crawled over rough terrain at only two miles per hour. September 10th, 1897 ær˙Ér}o L}v}v ˘] ]É GÉ}PÉ Su]R }uÉ É RÉ . }v É (} É vl]]vPLÉR]vPR]]v} ]o]vPXSu]RoÉoÉÉP]o˙v`.vÉæR]oo]vPX September 12th 1940 NÉ M}vPvU FvÉU }ooÉ}v }( ÉR]}] É ]vvP ] ]}ÉÉ ˙ (} ÉvPÉ `R} uoÉ }v RÉ v]Év `}l LÉ (}oo}`]vP RÉ] }P }`v v}` ÉvvÉ]v}ÉvXTRÉæU}U˙É}o]vvPU }v]vP u}o˙ }( v]uo Év}vU É u}vP RÉ .vɢuoÉ É }((}uRÉUÉPoÉ}o]R]É]}X September 14th 1982 P]vÉGÉ}(M}v}vRÉAuÉ]vr}v(}uÉ.ou GÉKÉoo˙U]ÉRÉPÉ}(æ(}u]vi]É+ÉLÉ É RÉ ovPÉ}+u}v]v}vÉM}vÉCo}XTRÉ]} É day she had been driving with her youngest daughter Stephanie `RÉvRÉÉ}Éo˙+É}lÉ É vo}}v}o}(RÉX
September 1st 1939 Iv RÉ Éo˙ u}v]vP R} }( R] ˙U H]oÉ ]vÉ P}ovU +É É Éo˙vPW}oWII]v}ÉE X September 1st 1985 SÉÉv˙rRÉÉ ˙É LÉ ] vl } RÉ N}R ov A }Év G}}U i}]v UXSXrFÉvR ˘ÉÉ ]}v o}É RÉ `Él }( RÉ RMS T]v]X TRÉ vlÉv o]vÉ ` } u]oÉ É }( NÉ`(}vov ]v RÉ N}R ov A U }uÉ U (ÉÉ Éo}` RÉ(ÉX September 2nd 1666 Iv RÉ Éo˙ R}U RÉ GÉ F]É }( L}v}v Él } ]v RÉ R}É }( K]vP CRoÉ II[ lÉ }v P]vP LvÉX I }}v É } Thames Street, where warehouses .ooÉ `]R }uoÉ v }vP Éo˙ `]v v(}uÉ RÉ oÉ ]v} v ]v(Év}X WRÉv RÉ GÉ F]É ` .voo˙ ˘vP]RÉ É U ˙ oÉU u}É Rv A9 }( L}v}v R Év }˙É É X M]o}o˙U }vo˙ people died. September 3rd 1783 TRÉ AuÉ]v RÉ}o}v }8]oo˙ }uÉ}vÉv`RÉvÉvÉ }( RÉ Uv]É SÉU GÉ B]]vU S]v v FvÉ ]Pv RÉ TÉ˙ }( P]X TRÉ ]Pv]vP ]Pv].É AuÉ][ (ÉÉ v}v B]]v (}uoo˙}Pv]É É RÉ]vÉÉvÉvÉ }(](}uÉAuÉ]v}o}v]ÉX September 6th 1915 A }}˙É vl v]lvuÉ L]'oÉ W]oo]É }oo }+ RÉ Éuo˙ o]vÉ ]v
10 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
September 20th 1946 TRÉ.vvoCvvÉF]ouFÉo}Év RÉÉ}]˙}v RÉ FÉvR R]]ÉX TRÉ (Éo R ]vÉvÉ } ulÉ ] É ]v SÉÉuÉ ııU RÉ }Él }( W}o WII (}É ] vÉoo}vX September 21st 1792 IvRÉ}o}v˙FvÉURÉLÉP]oÉAÉuo˙}É}}o]R RÉ u}vR˙ v o]R É RÉ F] RÉo]X TRÉ uÉÉ uÉ }vÉ ˙É LÉ K]vP L}] XVI Éovo˙ }É vÉ` }v}vR]ÉR]u}(uR}(R]}`ÉX September 23rd 1846 A RÉ BÉo]v OÉ}˙ RÉ GÉuv }v}uÉ J}Rvv G}“]É GooÉ ]}É NÉvÉX TRÉ ˘]É É vÉ }( RÉ ovÉU RÉÉ]PRR(}uRÉvU`}oÉ˙RÉFÉvR}v}uÉ U]vrJÉvrJ}ÉR LÉ VÉ]ÉU `R} ooÉ ] [}˘]uÉ o}}v ˙ studying gravity-induced disturbances ]vRÉu}}v}(UvX September 28th 1928 H]vP oÉL oÉ }( R˙o}} É]v}ÉÉUAoɢvÉFoÉu]vP v}ÉRu}oRR(ooÉv}v RÉoÉl]oo]vPuv˙}(RÉÉ]X HÉ ]Év.É RÉ u}o Év]]oo]u v}uU ]u]o } RÉ l]v (}v }v ÉXA˙ÉoÉFoÉu]vP]v}É his mould by-product, called penicillin, }É]o]v(É}vX September 22, 1862 PÉ]Év Ru A L]v}ov ]É RÉ Euv]}v P}ou}vU `R]R ended slavery in the territories held ˙ RÉ C}v(É˙É U +É É É Jv˙ U X Iv ]É }( RÉ o]vPU RÉ C]]o W `}o v} Év (} v}RÉ ˙É vRo(X
Photo by David Mark via WWW.PIXABAY.COM
September 19th, 1957 TRÉ Uv]É SÉ }vÉ É Xrl]o}}v voÉ `É}v ]v v vÉP}v vvÉo RÉ NÉ TÉ S]É ~NTSZU UærÉru]oÉR É ÉvÉo}Éæu]oÉv}R}(L VÉPX TRÉ U É lv}`v R]v]ÉU ` RÉ . (oo˙ }v]vÉ vÉP}v}v}v É X
Technology Satellite TV
by Stuart Wallace
ell hello there. I hope you’re having a W good summer. Well, given the weather we’ve had, perhaps I should say I hope you’re
not getting wet anymore. It seems scarcely possible that it’s September already. By the time you read this we’ll all be starting to think about Christmas (136 days at time of writing). Well, I won’t. I’m not really a Christmas sort of person. Nothing against it really, it’s just that my head is too small to keep the cracker hats on and I’ve got more than enough nail clippers. Still, there’s always the John Lewis advert to look forward to.
As always, please feel free to get in touch if you would like any further information or would like to discuss your requirements. Contact details can be found on the advert. Keep up the good work. Have a good month. SvTRÉFÉvRH}ÉSÉoo]ÉTV ORÉ}v]o É ]vR]É]vRÉB]o]vP RÉv}}vÉ}v}(RÉuP]vÉ
However, in the run up to Christmas, it might be an idea to consider having a second TV location in the house for when the inevitable argument happens. Queen’s Speech or the Great Escape? A twin LNB, a second cable from the dish and another receiver box and you can banish Granny (or whoever you please - other family members are available) to another room to watch The Polar Express or Xmas Bargain Hunt. It also helps if you can banish those who have reacted badly to the sprouts. Just make sure the room is well ventilated. There may be some who disagree with me, but they’re wrong, so please carry on reading. If you arrange for a satellite installer to put up a dish at your house, make sure that they are not using those tiny little ‘region 1’ Sky mini dishes seen far and wide across the UK. They are simply too small to be of use this far south when the weather gets bad. That and they can be bought for about 4 quid in the UK. They’ll seem fine in summer, but come autumn and winter, they’re not always so clever. So, if someone tries to put one on your house, once you finish shaking your head and thinking murderous thoughts, politely ask them to fit a proper satellite dish. One that will collect enough signal in bad weather to mean that you don’t lose reception in all but the very worst of weather, not just a light shower. Also, you cannot easily use a French LNB on a Sky dish meaning it’s harder to replace should you need to. I attended a call out recently where not only had a minidish been ‘professionally’ installed (though not by an advertiser in this publication), it was mounted so close to the gutter on the house it was blocking most of the available signal. Why? Whilst we all agree that Freesat and Freeview are NOT the same thing, a reader (Yes! I’ve got one!) has asked me to point out that if you have French TV via a terrestrial aerial, you could use a UK Freeview box as a recording device. Only for French TV mind, but it might be a useful option if you record lots of telly. Connect the aerial cable to the Freeview box and the Freeview box to the TV and away you go. You’ll need to set a manual recording if you want to use the timer function. Thanks Charles. Top of the class. It is generally accepted that if you want to record UK TV, then if you don’t have a Sky package and recording box, the next best thing is Freesat+. However, these are not your only options. There are a number of twin-tuner satellite receivers out there that will do an excellent job of allowing you to record one or more channels whilst you watch another. The only potential downside for some is the lack of the electronic program guide which means that in most cases, for nonSky or non-Freesat receivers, you will need to set a manual recording. However, if this isn’t a big issue for you then feel free to jump into the world of real satellite receivers. Just be careful though as not all come with a hard-drive installed. Some companies allow you to choose your recording capacity and fit the appropriate drive before shipping.
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 11
A-Z of the Communes in the Deux-Sèvres Saint Rémy
Church at Saint Rémy
]vR u˙]]ÉN}RrWÉ}(N]}Ui(É` u]vÉ(}uRÉM]P}]É]vXTRÉÉu}ÉRv one thousand inhabitants in the commune and they are known as the Remytois and Remytoises. TRÉ}uuvÉ`RÉ]v]}v(}RÉ]uP]v˙ ]ooPÉ}(S ]Pv˙]vRÉv}ÉoUoÉG]ÉvvÉi˙EvÉ P }R}vXTRÉv}Éo`o]RÉ]vıv]} RÉo](Évo}}(}v˙`}uÉv]vRÉDɢrSÉ ]vPRÉ.`}o``RÉvRÉuÉv(}ol`ÉÉoo`˙ .PRvPRÉ(}vXW]RRÉuÉv`˙URÉ`}uÉv vÉ}É }vvÉ]vP]vPvvP É RÉR]oÉvU ovPRÉovUo}}l]vPLÉRÉo]É}lX É TRÉ `}uÉvuÉÉ RÉlÉ~oÉ É P]ÉvvÉZ}(RÉR}uÉ and the land.
S]É}vRPÉo]vU`]RRo˙v˙R]ooURÉo]'oÉ }`v}(S]vR u˙U`R]R]}vo˙(É`l]o}uÉÉ (}uN]}]vRÉDɢrSÉU}É ÉUvPÉ] u˙ÉuU]RRÉvÉ}vRÉÉoov˙}( F}vÉv˙roÉrC}uÉX TRÉ.lv}`vvuÉ}(RÉ}`vU É ]v]vRÉ u}(S]vrC˙]ÉvUTÉSvRÉuÉ]]]vN]}Év]U RÉvSvRÉu]P]]vXIvRÉ]R uÉÉ lv}`vS]vrRÉu˙rÉrorPo]vÉX ÉvE (}É É RÉ]RRR`]oURÉÉ` BÉvÉ]vÉ]}˙RÉÉVRÉP]}˙}(S]vrMvrÉr L] ÉXTRÉ]}˙vRÉu}vl`R}o]ÉRÉÉvÉ on a neighbouring abbey at Saint-Liguaire. The priory church was used as the parish church. 12 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
O(RÉXIIRÉv˙]o]vPU`R]R`vlÉ]v ˙RÉ}Év}o]É}(RÉL}}(SGÉo]U}vo˙RÉ R}]vRÉÉ'É}ouvÉu]vXTRÉÉ}]É `]v}`}Év]v}RÉÉ}vo˙RÉ}vÉ}vRÉoÉL ]v]ÉvXTRÉ}RÉ`É}ÉÉ ]vRÉXIXRÉv˙X TRÉÉ]Éu]vÉ}(vv]Év˙u}o}(RÉvv `}`RÉÉoÉoÉ}vRÉ}'}u}(RÉoÉPÉX TRÉ}}(RÉ}ouvÉ]uÉv˙XTRÉÉ Éoo}`É`]ooÉXTRÉRRRÉoo(}u Fv]v}vÉv]vLR}RÉooÉXTRÉÉoo`(}vÉ]v ˙FXL}ÉooÉXTRÉvÉ`]o]vıUvÉ RÉu]v]˙}(A DÉv]ÉX A Voir / Must see A XVth century house Av}o}`v`Éoo]vPU`]Rv]vÉvP É XVRÉv˙ (ÉURÉvo]ÉR]}]ou}vuÉv]vÉ ııXTRÉ]ÉR}ÉRÉ(o}vÉ]Év `}oPÉ.ÉoÉX Lords and fiefdoms… IvıUFv}]rAuvÉL}]vÉURÉ]}}(RÉ R}˙o˙AÉ }(N}ÉrDuÉÉCRÉooÉ~F}uÉ}vZ ÉvÉ}U(}vvvou}(RÉÉR}v}vU RÉR}ÉUv.É(`R]RÉvÉ}vR]˙É } Dv]ÉoPÉ}U]É}(BÉo]oÉUvuÉRv]vRÉ}`v}( S]vrR u˙X
by Sue Burgess
IvU}É R}`RFv}]ÉrMPÉ]ÉÉo B ]ÉÉvÉRÉR}ÉUovv.É(}u}(S]vr R u˙rÉvrPo]vÉ}]ÉJÉvDÉ]ÉXIÉuRRÉ` o}}l]vPLÉRÉov}(RÉ(RÉUFv}]rAvvÉÉo B ]ÉU]v}(RÉP}}v]vRÉÉP]uÉv}(o B ]ÉXO]v]˙RÉo]É]vRÉRÉ}(R}RÉ]v BÉu}v~V]ÉvvÉZ`RÉÉRÉ]É]vX
l}R]RÉXBRÉv]PR(}É É CR]uU]]vÉ v]RuÉv}ÉvPÉ}(˙ÉÉ .v v}r}vÉ`]ooÉ lv}`URÉRÉ}(B}]É`}˙É É ˙É]oÉ .ÉXTRÉ}vÉ]RÉ]vRÉGuÉXN}ÉvRÉ chapel survived. And since then, buried in the ruins, the bells toll at midnight on Christmas night.
LG}]ooÉ`}v]ÉÉ}(RÉÉ}(F}vÉv˙r oÉrC}uÉ(}É É RÉRÉ}o}vX
In Saint-Rémy…
B}]É`.É(ÉoÉv}(S]vrR u˙XARÉoUooÉ S]vJ}Rv[RÉoUÉvÉ}v]v`É parish church by the local priest. The two towers The two towers are the Éu]v}(v}oXVIR chateau. Six deserters hung OvS˙N}ÉuÉ 1574, Michel le Riche writes in his diary, six (}u É RÉ}} }(RÉHPÉv}]v M}o}vv]ÉoÉLRÉ]u vuÉ]v}S]vrR u˙X TRÉ˙ÉvÉÉRÉR}É}( uvooÉR}+Év LÉR]vP}oÉvR]vP (}uR]R}ÉlÉR]u (}v}uX
IvS]vrR u˙U`}ÉD]vU the prefet of Deux-Sèvres in 1804, wheat, rye, oats, hemp ; millet and potatoes are harvested. There is a lot of mediocre wine. There are natural fields and a windmill. The land of the commune is a huge quarry of limestone. Commerce consists in the sale of mules, horses, cattle and sheep. S]vrR u˙~RÉÉZRR]v]væU ıæ]vUæ]vUæ]vıUv]vıXIv URÉvuÉ}(]vR]v`}É(}RÉ. uÉXW]RRÉo}É}˘]u]˙}(N]}(}`}lURÉuoo town has become a popular place to live.
ALÉÉo]É}v˙CRoÉÉN]}Uo]ÉÉvv}(RÉ MÉRvP}}URÉ]˘}o]ÉUPR]o]ÉTvRvU L}]GÉ}PÉooÉUoGvPÉiURÉv LvPÉ]vUAR]ooÉ Év]lvuÉ D UoÉiC vG]ÉoLÉvU`ÉÉ RvPÉ(}uÉu]vRÉuÉRv[RooN]}X IvRÉXIVRÉv˙URÉ}`É(olÉJÉvÉB˙}o RÉÉ}oÉ}(S]vrR u˙URRÉ˙R}lÉ]]vv }P}vPRÉRÉ}(N]}XAÉv˙oÉRÉ o}oÉooÉP]vR]]É}É}(RÉ]o}X The story of the lord of Boisse and his unfaithful betrothed TR]]}˙(}uRÉuÉ}(RÉÉXTRÉ˙}vP o}}(oG}]o]ÉU`R}`}RÉ É }R]vÉ]PR} RÉPRÉ}(RÉL}}(B}]ÉU`Év`]R}RÉo}o v}oÉ}.PR]vRÉH}o˙LvX AoLÉo}vP`](}RÉvÉ }(RÉ}RÉ É URÉ young girl chose another husband. YÉÉX OvÉ`]vÉÉv]vPU]vPRÉ]o˙}ooURÉo˙uÉ a pilgrim dressed in a shaggy cowl. She spoke with him (}`R]oÉXJRÉ`}}ÉoR]]Év˙URÉ o}}(oG}]o]ÉUÉ]`]vÉÉR]uUv}É R]v˙`É]vPv}vRÉ.vPÉ}(RÉ`}uvRÉ R}PRRÉv(]R(o}R]uX}lÉ B vRÉÉURÉ`Év
The full collection of A to Z articles is now available via our web site The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 13
Health, Beauty and Fitness Mobile hairdresser, specialising in classic cuts and short hair Vidal Sassoon qualified Based near Melle (79190) Tel: 07 88 72 46 76 Facebook: harrisonhair Instagram: gillharrisonhair Siret number: 893 356 006 00013
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niymas. As a reminder, here they are.
The five yamas: R]u A ~v}vrRu]vPZ ˙É A~v}l]vP`R}Év}o}vP É }˙}Z RuR˙ B ~ɢo]v É Z S˙~R(ovÉZ ]PR A ~v}vro]vP]vPX Z The five niyamas: SR~oÉvo]vÉZ Sv}R~}vÉvuÉvZ T~Éo(r]]o]vÉZ SR˙˙~Éo(r]v]˙Z rv]Rv I ~ÉP}rvÉÉ Z Both the yamas and niyamas are related to our behaviour, which (}u˙}P] ]voÉ É É É oÉ `ÉoouÉvoR]} É o}vP `]R R˙]o }vX TRÉ ˙uÉ oÉÉ } R}` `É behave towards others, whereas the nyimas are concerned with }vo É R]} É } «ÉX I ] v ]vÉvP É ˘ÉÉ ]É } examine them in complementary pairs. Last month we looked at RÉ˙u˙É ~v}l]vP`R}Év}o}vP É }˙}vZ RÉ v]˙uv}R~}vÉvuÉvX Z TR]u}vR`É[ooo}}l]vP É RÉ yama brahmacharya together with the niyama tapas. RuR˙ B ] }LÉv voÉ ˙ u}Év }uuÉv} Rɢo]v É [XF}u]É}v É R]uÉv.Éo]˙Uv(} a single person it implies total celibacy. This is less about moral ]uÉRv É ]]}o( É r}v}oX I]`}RuÉÉ uÉ]vP Roo RÉ ˙uv v]˙u `ÉÉ ]vÉvÉ }É É ]Éoo˙ `]R]v ]]o }uuv]˙ } RRu[ v v} ]v RÉ }vɢ}(}]v˙(u]o˙o](ÉXIuÉoÉ RuR]]vIv]U ˙}vP uoÉ ]v]ÉÉ ]v É `R]Év]`}l]vP ]vRu `R}RiÉRÉ É `}oo˙o](Év`R}o]Éo]lÉu}vlXTR]] RÉ]}vov}oo˙vÉ}}«vP É v]Pv].vÉ}( RuR˙]vH]voÉURÉ]É v}RÉ]vÉ}v É that is more universal. TRÉo]Éovo}v}(RuR˙]R}vÉ`R}]o]PvÉ`]R RÉ ]]vÉ[X I ] u}É }( v ]vÉvo «É }(o( É r}v}o Rv about external behaviour. This is where Brahmacharya intersects `]RRÉv]˙uUU`R]RuÉvRÉo(r]]o]vÉ[XT]RÉv RÉ ]vÉvo«vP É (}RuR˙X IvR]`˙URuR˙ B ]oÉ}Rɢo[]v É Rv ]]}]v É ]v PÉvÉo R}PRl]vP É }oR]R(}u lÉÉ }o]vP É XTRÉ`˙`É lÉ RÉÉR]]R}PRR[XTR]}( ]É ]}]ÉÉ `]RRR]XT]}uÉuÉvoÉ R]ÉÉ [I(ÉÉ }R]vl}(RÉuR[É X TÉ v} iRÉÉ RÉuÉoÉ RÉ +} É `É uo}˙ É }˙RÉu }Xv˙ A uÉ `É'Éu} }PuÉ ]v v˙ ]]o]vÉ `É vÉX É WÉ RÉ } ]v }uÉ +} É X WÉooÉuvvÉoÉoÉ }(}uÉuÉ}v}RÉU `RÉRÉ`É[É˙]vP}}]v lÉÉ ]ÉU}o} É v˘ÉÉ ]É }vÉU}vÉ }}u}l]vPXOvRÉY}P]PRU]v}oÉ ˙}PUuÉ]}vUv]}oÉv]vPRv]É É ]vi ]o˙ É (ÉÉ }v˙R É ]Éo( É r]]o]vÉ](]oÉ (RÉ}vRÉR} }vvÉ}v `]R }ÉSÉo(X T ]]o˘ÉÉ ]É}LÉv]v}oÉ]} É }(}o]ÉvR]] lv}`oÉPÉ RR]X WÉoo lv}`U]oo˙ É É R}É }( `R} o]Éo}vÉU R}`RÉÉ o}oÉ }( ˙É}( (}É]}o}v RÉRooÉvPÉ}]o]É} u]v]v }uÉvovR˙]o ]o]]u É X Lo˙Uo]Éoo˙ uÉvRRÉ[U R`uR[U }R.É[U `R]RoÉÉ }]].}v(v}v}(v]vP}+}olu] ]ÉÉ]v}v É (}vÉ``˙}(]vP É X RÉ˙}ÉÉ o(U˘o}É É ˙}Éo(X
Private courses available online and in-person F}u}É]v(}u}vu]o É Po]Év˙}P É Pu]oX}u h'Pll```X(É}}lX}ulP}lo]Év˙}P É 14 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
Our Furry Friends Motus
Siret n° 508 517 455 000 12
Association : W792005754
The Assocation Orfée tel: 09 77 48 71 43 or by email:
Mimi Mimi is an adorable and sociable three year old collie x who is great in the house and car, loves }RÉ }P v }oÉ É `R} .v v R]lÉv }} ˘]vP É (} `}X ~WÉ R]vl RÉ[ ]voÉ`]R}R]vuÉX Z vo˙ É C ]v(}É]vU É M]u]`}o]v É (u]o˙ (}vÉÉ voÉU v `]R v vo}É É PÉv (} }}u]ÉX
The Association En Route tel: 07 69 18 56 81 or by email:
Visit the website:
I( ˙} É ]v}oÉ `]R v v]uo R]˙U } }]}vU v `}o o]lÉ } É v v]uo (} }}vRÉ~oo˙ É (É}( É RPÉZ }`]ÉR}oÉ}v˙}R]˙U why not drop us a line at
Ouna o˙ C P]o r ˙É }oX OUNA ]É RÉ }]}v ˙ `]R RÉ }RÉU RÉ PÉ` ]v RÉ 'É˙ `RÉÉ RÉ ` v} oÉ to blossom at her best. She has recently been (}ÉvÉ ]R}`]vPooRÉ}Évo`ÉÉ vo˙l]'˙XSRÉ]˙É ouUv}oov} É ~RÉ`]oo˙o}É} RÉR}uÉvZ VERYPÉ˙É X OUNA`}o(ÉÉ v}}RÉ`]R}RÉ}}PXuoo A PÉv`]ooÉ o(}RÉo}uÉ É vX N}`˙}lv}`˙R]vP É }RÉU}}v[RÉ]É}}uÉvuÉRÉ É ]vRÉ(}ÉR}uÉU`R}`]ooo]PRÉ É }]v}ÉRÉ}˙}X email : (in English or French) Chemin des Perchées, 85200 Fontenay le Comte SIRET : 508 517 455 000 12
Whiskey & Bailey
Hope Association Charity Shops - Helping animals in need Please check the website for shop opening hours as they are subject to change and/or temporary closure due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Hope 16 Confolens
Hope 79 Sauzé-Vaussais
Hope 87 Eymoutiers
51 route de Confolens La Tulette, 16500 Ansac-sur-Vienne
2 Route de Vauthion 79190 Sauzé-Vaussais
2 rue de la Vieille Tour 87120 Eymoutiers
N RNA W792002789
Whiskey and Bailey are our newest arrivals, o]' ˙`ÉÉ o}X RÉÉ v]É TRÉÉ ˙ vÉÉ P (} É É FIVvFÉoVv`]ooÉ PÉ«vP˙}}v ]v ]vÉ v.ÉÉ X TRÉ }v ˙(} É ˙É É XV]]RÉu voo l]'vÉ }}v É}RÉÉ u˙vÉWÉrTRÉ u Fvv˙FX RÉÉuC
Association W793001884
]P B }˙MOTUS}}˘ÉvM O]P}˙`]R]PRÉMOTUS]P}]vP }}É }(}vRP A U}`RÉv this advert is published we will know much more about him as he will have been microchipped, tested and new pictures S}oÉ}v É }}]v(}u}v É X I(˙}`}oo]lÉu}É]v(}u}v}vR]uUoÉ}v É }v }ı u]o É P}X}(Éo}É É XvÉ
Le Grand Beaupuits, 79200, Saint-Germain-de-Longue-Chaume A}]}vvuÉWıX Email:
Leila LEILA ] vv]vP ]r}o}É (ÉuoÉU born Jan 2014. She arrived here with 7 vÉ`r}v]ÉX H]o˙UooRÉ l]'Év were adopted and now Leila needs a R}uÉXSRÉ]o}`o˙vP}]vÉvo˙RÉoÉv} P]vU]`]oolÉuÉUvÉÉ Uvl]vvÉXvC ˙} P]É(o É LÉ]o`RRÉvÉrÉ l]vR}uÉv}uÉ`RÉÉ RÉvvÉ RÉ}( É RÉo](É(Éo]vP É o}ÉM~LÉ]o]]o]É É U ]vÉUv]rR]ÉX Z Chats de Chatillon Cat Refuge & Pension Email : Phone : 06 85 63 55 94 Website : The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 15
Home and Garden
Love your
garden I
uv]vPRÉ FÉvR `]v}`o}}l]vP }}v} PvÉ ]]vP É É ˙Év}RÉ}Évo}`v}}(]vJTR]RvÉ ˙ (RÉ `É'ÉuuÉ `É RÉ ˘ÉÉ]ÉvÉ RÉQ É QXv oR}PR}uÉuÉRÉ`]vR vÉ }vP ˙É U]Rvv[É }oJIRvÉ ]u}]oÉ}}vvÉ`]RRÉP«vPU} ˙`RÉ É É `]oo É vÉP}} É ]uu]vP(}É É Iv]}vRÉ next dry, sunny day. ˙R]vP ÉE RP}`vRPÉo˙vRÉG}`É]vPRvÉ (vX RE vv]o É É U]R.v]RÉG}`É]vPURvÉ (}oo}`É˙ v}RÉ]v]+ÉvÉ }o}v]ÉXTRÉ`R]ÉRo}˘RÉu}uÉv is towering over everything except the cannas and the ginger lilies `R]RP]vv]vP Éi }RÉ]u]oo]}v É }vPÉ}RÉu]˘X TRÉ]o]o]É A RvÉ É Po}]}vIuvPÉ}}uRÉ o]o˙ É oÉ(oo˙ É É LÉl' RÉP]vv]vP É }( ]vPXTRÉvv]o É É PÉv]uRÉlR vÉ i˙É R i}É}uoÉ É o˙ É RÉP]v(}v}(RÉ]X É RR}vvÉ[ ]˙(RÉoÉ]ÉÉ ˙XIoÉ]É U]]oÉv` oo˙}ÉRÉ RPov}(RÉvÉ C ˙[ }oÉ }( ˙ÉP}X PÉvv]o É PÉv]u }˙É }É P}`vG}`É}vv}o˙(} u}vRXWRÉvRÉG}`É . ]vPP]v É }(ÉURÉ˙vÉ«vP É lou}}RÉP}vU}}u}É}v É G}`É]vPXI(oÉL Rv[URÉ˙v}uÉ É RoÉPP˙vRG}˙[X I[uv}`oo]vPRÉR}R.o]PÉ[ou} É ooRvÉ iÉÉ }oP}v]ol'QÉ]Éu˙+} É É }v}oJTRÉoÉÉ o]lÉ É oÉURÉG}`É Rv 'ÉÉ É X É É TRÉ˙RÉÉ }(o] É oÉÉ }]}oÉvP]v É RÉ(}o]PÉURÉ˙}v `ÉooXTRÉ}v]É É ]˘ÉÉ ooÉvo˙vIvoÉÉ o˙v}``R]R need to be moved into more spacious surroundings. A new bed that IuÉ(}uoÉÉ vovÉ`]RoÉvRÉ vÉ`]uÉv]}vUvRÉ˙vÉRÉ o˙v˙'Év}vX
TRÉ]É oo}uR}}v](RÉ`ÉRÉ}vvÉo]lÉR]U u˙PÉÉ'É vR}É É `]oo}uÉ É (PÉ É v«vPv ovvP É `}lR}XI`]oo}vÉ ]É É v}R R} É S MBu˙ ]É }uv]}v}]P}É}R}`UR vÉÉ ]˙É o]lÉovvPUvP}Rv]vRv`]RuvÉ u˙RÉuJ WRÉ˙} É }]v˙}PvÉ Uvi}˙ É ]U}](Éo˙vlÉ.É and well.
• PovvÉ` R˙vv]o É É ]v G}`ÉU É `R]oRÉ}]o ] oo `uvuv}PR É }}}}P}`RX]]ÉD RÉ}É vv]o É É } ]vÉÉ R}l[ v lÉÉ ov ]P}} v RÉoR˙X TÉvÉvv]o É É R (R]U o}vUovvX É R}o}PR É ]v]É](RÉÉ] vPÉ}((}X • KÉ}v É ]vÉvRvP]vPlÉo}}l]vPP}}˙Po É RÉÉ ]vPv}vvÉ`]Rvoo}Érov(}}X
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Now is the time to:
• Pov]vPG}`É]vPoURÉo+}]oUv]]U} vo]o}˙}uÉ]+ÉvÉ oR]oov oÉoo É XPovo]v}}PRU}v}ÉXI[ulÉ]vP É v˙ÉÉ }(}RD oP}`É ]vP É vÉ`]ÉÉ online that will be available to us here. • RÉovo( É ]ÉrÉvv]o É UR(}˘Po}ÉU]v}(ÉÉ }]}vUR˙u}vÉ(}˘uoÉ É UQQQRÉ(}˘Po}É]v u˙PvÉ o`˙RÉÉ uÉoÉ]v}G}`É}`]R}RÉ ovUvIvÉRRÉuvRÉu}RÉG}`É}ÉX • S}uÉvv]o É É `]oo}vvÉ}G}`É]vRÉ}ÉURo] (}˘uoÉ É `]oo˙ o}}l]vP P}}]PRvoRÉvÉ }( N}ÉuÉQQXXRo}˘UvvUvÉ u}v É vP]vPÉo]o]ÉÉ u}vP}RÉR(}u]vP É lÉÉ `Éoo}`RÉvÉ }( RÉ}v É XQQXiRÉlÉÉ ]vP v (É]vP É X TooU oÉ G}`É]vPovUXP É XU É `]oovÉl]vP É RÉ]o˙ ˙É damaged by strong autumn winds. • Tl]vP«vP(}uvv]o vÉÉ É R]uÉ}(˙É}LÉv oÉ ]vU 'ÉÉ }vPÉovURÉRv`]vPvo]vP vl]vPRÉu (}u }É`]vÉÉRvÉ []uÉ É vX A o`˙UlÉRÉ«vP(}uo}` É i oÉ(i}]vv]u}+ RÉo}`ÉoÉX É RÉ]v}vÉ i }`}RÉoÉ}É }(RÉ «vPXIvÉRÉ «vP}vRÉPÉÉ }(}.ooÉ`]R P]'˙v«vP É }u}XS}lRÉ}vRÉvoÉ] into a closed bag or a covered propagator and leave to root. Air RÉ}Poo˙ É v}}R}o `]R]v É (É``ÉlÉ X Y}vo}RÉ«vP]v}PÉvR}É É U](˙}}v} RPÉÉ vÉ R}ÉU«vP`]oo}}˙É `Éoo}v`]v}`]oo `R]RP}} ]ÉÉ É u}v}(vR]vÉX • }ooÉ C vP v }]vP É (}uvv]o ÉÉ RÉ oo }]vPÉ RÉ]v}RÉ P}} `˙ }(˘ÉÉ v]vP } replacing stock. Seeds should be stored in paper bags or vÉÉ o}Év}É ]v }}o˙ oÉX }v D [É o PRÉvÉ }uÉ É uvv} É PÉRÉP}`R}( moulds that lead to the seed developing mildew and spoiling. S}uÉR˙vvo v}`v É v}`ovvP i RÉu directly into the soil. These will survive the winter as long as it is v}}}RRUv}G}`É É o]É É ]vRÉ]vPX • GÉvÉ }}(uÉ }}u]vP É ]É(R]}voÉRÉu}uÉvU vv}`]RÉuÉ}}`RÉuXPÉRÉÉ }}(˙}É]vP `]RuÉuvÉURÉl]vP(}É É Rv](]`]oolÉRÉ`É]PR }(RÉ}]ov`˙} É P}]vP É }vÉX É MlÉvPÉÉ }
An Autumn Moving The Browns are coming back to town, the Greens are going away; ‘Twill make a striking difference in our neighbourhood they say. For the Greens are jolly, cheery folk, the Browns are rather sad, A dull and sombre family, while the Greens are always glad. I’m very fond of all the Greens, from little Greens to big, I like to see them dancing by, as merry as a grig. And yet I think I’m going to like the Browns’s more sober style, After the riot of the Greens, twill rest us for a while. And I’ve a notion that some week of windy, frosty nights, The Browns in turn will go away, and in will move---the Whites! Anon (grig: a happy convivial person. USA) RÉ]vP É É }É }RÉovl}]o(}u(oo]vP}+RÉ }}(XlB .oo `]R}u}u]˘É`]R}uÉ .vÉ PoÉ } u]o]É É vov`]R˘](PÉUu}ÉoÉvvX • PvÉo]u]vPvuo]vP}É`RÉvRÉ˙ RÉ .v]RÉ G}`É]vPXLÉRÉÉ v]vP}(G}`É É É ]vPvo ]ÉÉ oÉ]vRÉ X ˙É M}}É]É}É É R[lÉ (}u RÉ}( É RÉovXTRÉo}}l É o]lÉo}vPGÉR˙PÉvÉ uÉ U `]R}G}`Év`]RuRuooÉoÉGÉ}vRÉ uÉ X RÉC o}vP É uÉ }+RÉÉ ˙`]ooRÉov vÉÉ P˙vÉ (}}}É`R]R}o}É]É }]vPu}ÉG}`ÉX • S}`]v É `É}o É (uÉ}PÉvR}É É X
}«vPRÉ ]v}}u}}v]v]vP.vÉPoÉ }RÉ] }}v} É ]«vP]v`É}v]}vX • M}` o}vP PvÉ (]}É ulÉ ]]ÉÉ }} `]v(ooXI(RÉ`]v(oo}} É o˙uPÉ}U É oÉÉ }uÉ }vRÉ]oÉ (}RÉ]}vÉv˙ RÉPÉR}P R`Éoo]vP[R˙} `}( É X • lC (]ÉvÉ }( uuÉ]ÉU É oÉ]vP RÉ vÉ`PÉvÉ vÉ(}vɢX ˙É T]É]vRÉvÉ`vÉ}} structures, e.g. grillage or poles. • TlÉ R`}}«vP}(vU P}}É]ÉÉv.P} ]vÉ}lÉ (}vɢX ˙É
• T]˙`É˙ ovU«vP }+ v˙}É ]ÉÉ (}o]PÉUuÉ }vvÉXoÉC `˙v˙]˙`uoRv replace with newer mulch to prevent pests and diseases being harboured during the winter months.
• S}(É]vP É R]v}v]vÉU}RRÉ˙}v}v [ vÉ` P}`RR`]ooovÉ É oÉ}(}X
• P]l }+ }«vP (] (}u (] É they can spread disease. Cover wall trained peach trees to vÉ É oÉ(o(vP ]v(ÉvPRÉX (]É TRÉ (vPvÉ`ÉÉ }v]}v}]v(ÉRÉ plants.
• RÉu}]vPoÉ(}u É }vovURÉoRÉ}É É ]l}(}`É˙u]oÉ`XI(u]oÉ`]oÉ˙vÉ É Uu}É É v}˙É ]v(ÉuÉ ]o É vRÉ `É u]v]vP É ov Poo˙ É XR IR u]˘ É É }( É u]olv]v `É RÉ} }(P]P}} vÉ É P]v É R]X ]ÉÉ IRvÉ []É ]˙ÉU]u]PR`}R É ]o](˙}oPÉ É `]RR] plant spoiler.
• v˙ A G}`É }`v É earlier in the summer, (}˘uoÉ É UoÉvoU erysium, limnanthes and centaurea, will vÉovvP É }v}`X
• PvÉ v˙ oÉ G}`É]vP RR RÉo]vRÉuuU }Éu˙U]vovÉÉ XMlÉ]É [}vÉ(}É É RÉ winter months arrive..
• Divide overcrowded ou }( }}u]U u}vÉvRÉ˙R]uU}«vP É RÉ vÉ` Rou[ ]v} }}v]v]vP}u}vu]o]É É ~}]]vPÉvZ `]vP É `ÉooX]]ÉD ou}(o]vÉRÉuÉuÉUrÉ
• PoÉ }}}uÉ }}(}vÉvÉR ]Év]vP ul]v}vÉ É RÉ}«vP ]É XRÉHÉ (]}vÉ l]vvo˙ É É }o}ÉXLÉA RvP É Uoo}`RÉl]v} harden in the sun. This takes about 7-10 days. The pumpkins should then be stored in an airy, dry space.
• LÉÉ RÉ G}`É]vP RÉ }v u} RÉ v oÉ R˙vPÉ}vRÉ]uÉ ]v}( É RÉÉ ]vPRÉuU RÉ`]oo É }ÉvÉÉ vÉR `(}u]vP É o}` Éi RÉG}`ÉXPvÉ]vo˙ É }]vP oÉ ]vX É
• KÉuÉÉ oo]vR}}Év}v`Éoo R]É`É uÉ}( }˙ÉvÉ P}} É o}uÉ É É v(}vɢ˙É[G}`ÉX
• SÉuÉÉ P}} ] uÉ}u] ÉlÉ r]É«vP(}uRÉU É heathers, viburnums and privets.
Continued overleaf .....
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 17
Continued .....
• PooRÉ(}o]PÉ}+u]v}}}ÉP}voÉoÉ (É` `ÉlÉ (}É É o]L]vP RÉ }V R]vÉ É o]PR }É ]v(ÉvP˙} RÉÉ o]LRÉuX}]vP D R]`]ooo}RÉoRÉ l]v}(RÉ}}É}.uXOvÉRÉP}} ˙É ]Év ˙}É o]LU}]]lo˙UoÉ]vPRÉu}v]v]É (É }˙ }Éo˙XOvÉ˙URÉ˙v}É]v É }É RÉ]vlX OvÉ}'Év}}v]v`R}oÉ}U}ulÉ }É R}` away any that are diseased or have been eaten by something. SoPo}ÉRÉ }( É RÉuuR`É}J • R]ÉRÉRÉ]PR}(u}`ÉoÉ`RÉv«vPRÉPv}` RÉ P}`RÉ ]o}`]vP}`vX S](˙ o`vu}]vP É u}voÉX É É LÉÉ É A`U}vÉ (ÉÉ (}v]u}Éo`vvɢX ˙É }v C }ooÉRÉil`]R É ]}o}P]o}v}oXTRÉ}v]oÉ ˙É É (}vP É RÉ}}}( Pv}LÉ É vvÉ É ]vRÉ}]oRÉ}'}u}(G}`É pots too. • OvÉvÉ ov vÉ R.v]RÉ É }]vPU RÉ(}o]PÉ down to ground level, leaving the roots in the ground where they will slowly release nitrogen back into the soil as they break }`vXWRÉvRvP É RÉ}Uo}}l}(}}uÉ}(RÉ} `R]Ru˙R]Éo]'oÉ É QQ˙}voo É ](RÉ˙R'oÉ[URÉ˙ have dried. Shell these pods and collect the peas, leave them in `uU˙oÉ(}(É`˙voÉo}É]v PÉ vRÉ˙}É vÉ˙É ˘U ˙É M} o( É É r}oo]vÉU} these pea seeds will produce plants true to type. • }}É`]R C É ]vÉuÉR}}G]É É É `R]R are prevalent in autumn. • KÉRvP É É }u}ÉXoI( ]É˙RvÉ oo˙ É }o].R]U ˙É ]l(É`(]RÉ}É [XSÉÉ É RÉ}u}v}ooÉRÉGÉRv]v} É uoo}`oX LÉ(} É (É`˙]v`uoÉvoRÉu]˘P]v ÉÉ } (ÉuÉvXSRÉu]˘]v} É i}(v`É }vo˙RÉlÉÉ RÉ]vl}RÉ}'}uXR]vÉRÉR}}PRo˙ É ]v]ÉÉ and leave to dry on some kitchen paper. When dried completely, nTRÉDɢrSÉM}vRo˙USÉÉuÉ
label, date and store in a paper envelope and sow in the usual way next year. • Make sure that onions which have been allowed to dry out, are }É]v`Éoovo É }v]}v É V • PovvÉ`lR É `R]oRÉ}]o]oo`uXTRÉÉ É uv˙]ooÉ ]ÉÉ }˙R]uÉ }(X ˙É M}}( RÉu`]ooR]vÉ É vP É (}o]PÉ}uÉ }o}R]PRÉv up the autumn borders. The most popular and generally easy to grow include Bay, Japanese Acers, Viburnum, Cupressus, H}oo˙U}v C UuÉA ovR]ÉUS}U}v˙u E U]É U É B YU Cordylines. • PoÉ vÉ«vP }É}v}}}oo}v˙ (ooÉvuv }v oÉÉ u]vvPRÉX `É • ]} ÉC RÉPÉQXXR`R}vU R}vÉuURÉ V v}` R v} É ] o}vPÉvÉvPX • I(v˙PÉÉ oÉo}P}]vP É }RÉÉ u˙[R]`]vÉU}` PÉvÉ uvÉ}v]R É RÉ}]o˙É (}vÉ}v ˘É }`]vPX • `É}v HÉ }XT}](É ]]˙ÉU]vR lÉvÉo `]R.vPÉv]oXu]ol˙ A ]oÉÉ ](É RÉ}]]ÉXI(RÉ lÉvÉR˙ oÉ U˙}[ÉoÉLRvP É }}ovÉ ](RÉ is watery they need a bit longer to ripen on the plant. • P}vvu]v É ]vÉu}É]o˙ É v}`u}uR]]v have completed their breeding cycles and they have not yet P}vÉ]v}R]Év}vX • }vvÉ C }RÉÉ }ÉUoG}`É É ]vPvv]o É É ]v} and borders and container plants such as geraniums.
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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 19
] (ÉvÉX M˙ ov ]} ulÉ `oo v `R] oÉL }( RÉ straw bales on the bank then the vuvP}``RÉRÉÉ ˙ o]lÉv}ÉRÉ(ÉvÉXI`]ooÉ }u]v}v}(v}]Pv` bale gardening and the rainbow RR Ro( É É ]v} É RÉ oÉv o} P} RÉX É I[oo vÉÉ RÉ } ˙ vu }]v}`RP]v É JI will also make it easier to cut the paths in the potager and anything RuÉÉ ]}v(}uÉJ The tomatoes in the bales, again }v É ˙ÉU(]vP É `Éoov I[É R(É`]É }vÉRÉ ones in the soil are struggling and IRÉvÉ }uÉo]PRU}RÉ˙ are probably going to be a write }+XI[o˙u˙(oI]v[ voÉ É RÉu o˙ É v}PR É vo˙RÉ+ÉÉ }(o]uÉ RvPÉU IR]vlX Y}[R]vl `]R global warming, the tomatoes `}o É (É (}u o]PR RÉ }u]v}v }( `É'É v warmer weather has given the ]Éo}v]}v(}RÉ(vP} R]ÉXIo}u]}v}o}}l]vP LÉRÉov`ÉooR]˙ÉX Sadly, other things have taken }É v I[u É RÉ vuÉ }( R} ]v RÉ ˙ R vÉ reduced lately!
R}É } P]É ˙} }uÉ }]É vÉ` R] u}vR Qv[X WR]oÉ R]vP É l]vP }+ v I RÉ vÉ oÉ } RÉvP }PÉ'É I[uoo v}RÉ R}R v}Uv}RÉlP }(}PÉ'É[PÉU `R]R(ÉoÉ ˙É vPÉJIRÉ(É`˙uÉ too but my cornichons plants have disappeared under RÉuP]vP ]} }(]}RÉ }( }vPÉ R] vuXI(˙}˙ÉvuÉuÉ Uu˙ potager would win a gold medal but they are bordering }vl]vP }ÉX SooU RÉÉv ]vÉo}É RÉuJ The biggest rampage is in the second-year straw bales }oPÉ É o˙o( É U É É oR}PRIu]PRRÉl (É`˘É ]vUi]vU É ˙}lv}`XOvRÉv}RÉv }É}( u˙}PÉ] (vv˙vlV ]]o]lÉÉ }`v(}uRÉ.ÉoU`R]R}É vÉ }Rv
20 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
]vRvI[oo}uÉu}É}} É ]vvÉ ](RÉ root is very small, the tops make a good green veg or v]v É É W]vÉoXI}o}É}} É X(}É ÉB IuÉÉ PÉÉ ]vU}} É `]RÉ É ]loÉU]v o}}v}`]]}vÉ}(RÉu]v]vPÉ]Év `]R }vÉ }( u˙ (}]É]vP É }]RÉ }( }} É UR}É(}v`ov}}} É (o(ÉoX TRÉ vÉ É }]vP }v[ uÉ } É }o]. o˙ÉU I R]vl RÉ˙É .PRvP `]R RÉvuJIR]vlvɢ˙ÉI`]ooP}`Rv o]u]vPvÉ I[É(}v}uÉ]vÉvP É (} É R]}U}vÉ}(RÉu]vP É ]v X É v}RÉ A ] vP É RÉu]PR}+RÉovQ
All photographs by Donna Palframan
Baby courgette
I RÉ vÉ R]vl]vP } u˙ Autumn and Winter garden and I[ÉP}}uÉPÉÉ oÉvP }+(}RÉ}o}v É W`ÉÉ and radis noir are doing well, as RÉÉ loÉvI[ÉRÉvÉ bought some Brussel sprouts to P} ]vX Io}ov}}` o}}(
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My favourite beetroot salad with sour dough bread.
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N}o}}(RÉvPRvÉ RÉv]vP}uÉ to previous years but the produce is dribbling through to the kitchen, which is the main thing.
Haricots feeding us AND something else. No pesticides or herbicides here The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 21
[ÉRÉ]]R˙}uÉÉ PÉ(}uo}l}`v}vÉ}( RÉ(}oo}`]vPPRvlURvlU}vlXWR]oIu`]oo]vP }u]RI]É]v}ooRÉ}( É R}É}]]o]É}É RÉ˙ÉURÉ]É]+ÉvÉ `}`R]RR.vÉ É u˙ lockdown experience.
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22 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
by Becka
I`u}uÉv]o˙R]vÉ˙É RÉ(Ruv˙o}oR]˙ R}v} É vo˙ É vP É }v}v}É o}l}`vU I`ol˙RI`}l]vR}}o`R}`É`]oo]vP É } oo É }}(]Éu(}}oÉro˙U}v É }vUv}RÉ u˙É]}}vo É ]ÉXTRÉu}v}(]Rv recycling that my household produced also seemed to double R`ÉlÉ UIR˙]oo˙(}Éu˙˙o]vP É r]vo]o}ÉRÉ v]PR(}É É }ooÉ}vX IuRÉ RÉ˙`]oo}uÉ`RÉvIoo˙ É }vÉoPÉ É oÉvÉUvR É I`]ooo}}ll`]RPÉÉ }vvP]U ]IvÉ]É MM}.v]É É o˙v}Uvu˙u˙É˙u}}R]É drinking guests will simply have to take turns using the two}v É oÉvÉJW]ooIu]u˙]vlÉUu˙}o]R˙U u˙R]u C P]LPvRÉlv]'É}˙RR}uÉR}` lÉv]ÉÉ vÉ}Éu˙(]PÉMO(}ÉI`}v[UÉ É IRÉRÉR}}}(u˙i}vÉ˙URÉuÉu}]É}((o É Christmas and the knowledge that there will be many more R˙u}uÉv}}uÉ]vRÉ(X É
Cut it out !!
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IvÉ}RRÉ `ÉÉv[u]]vPW the people were. During the Covid-19 pandemic travel has been nigh-on impossible, and so a oPÉvuÉ}(R}o]˙ homes have remained unvisited by their owners. The expected swarms no }IDD oÉ]vRÉ trees and bushes but, undisturbed by humans, }vvÉ}vRÉ]`˙ to their new homes vv}ÉXTRÉuÉ. the swarmed bees were }'É``RÉvRÉ vlÉÉ (]Év checked the holiday R}uÉVR[`RÉvRÉ phone started to ring! SUuURÉ }É É }o}v˙ É }(lÉ behind the window” was a sentence we heard }Év}ÉXO]v]o }v É RÉÉ uÉ
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and a hive. Then we set about «vPRÉ`˘}uUoÉ( ˙oÉ(Uo}}l]vP(}RÉvÉ at every stage. The leaves }(}u }v} ÉÉ É (uÉvlÉ]voÉ`]R oÉ vURÉvoÉ]v RÉR]ÉX ˙É 'É É B RÉuÉoo}(RÉ}}vRÉ vÉ U}](`ÉvPÉRÉÉ ]v}RÉR]ÉURÉui}]˙}( RÉ`]oo É (}oo}`XWÉÉ u}].ÉuoÉvÉ 'RÉ}lÉ}l up any bees that remain and RÉ}v} É RÉ]v É (}v }(RÉR]ÉX}}v A RÉ˙ ]lRÉuÉoo}(R}uÉU they march themselves into the hive. We will clear away all }(RÉ`˘oo'RÉ}RÉ o]vÉoU`]v}`vR'ÉUv
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Food and Drink Slap on Some Slurry, Make Lotsa Money The Story of Caudalie [u PÉ]vP u} }( ˙} `ÉÉv[ ]˙ } RÉ RvP]vP }}u vÉ }( uÉ (}}ooÉu]vRÉ vıXBI[u o}'˙ É É R˙} R]vl ˙} RÉ P}}]É}(RÉo]u]É}]RvÉ ÉvÉ }vX Y}[É R]vl]vP }( RÉu v}`U ]PRM W}vPX Ovo˙ `RÉv `É ÉuÉPÉ (}u RÉ ]vvÉ vu `}o `É }o]P]vPo˙ }v.u ˙} }vÉ É }v ˙ R]«vP ÉR }RÉ `]R } l]PU R}vP}Éo˙}(U É ˙vP]oXW]R]vUR]vP]lo˙ ˘RÉ É RÉ R]o }] }( RÉ vlv}`v uoÉ Év }( (ÉÉ ÉU vÉ }É }( RÉ} R]vP }( P]v oÉ}]o}PÉuUvRÉRÉ˙Éu}(v]ÉvR}`ÉU ol `}o v vÉÉ o˙}˘(}o]}v É v RÉ oÉl]vÉ }X WR]R ]vP uÉ v]Éo˙ } Co]ÉX I( ˙} RÉv[ RÉ}(]U˙`]RuÉ}] ['˙ É vÉ}˙X Iv RÉ RÉ˙ U Dv]ÉoR] C `v v}u]vP l]ÉU ]v(}v}u]vPRRÉ`}(RÉFÉvRW]vÉ Oo˙u] l] Éu RÉÉ ˙ RÉ oÉPÉv˙ JÉvrCoÉ K]oo˙X D˙ R (}vÉ uoo P} }( ÉulÉU GÉv˙r Cathiard, so no doubt young Dan was indulged ]v R] ]}v (} l]]vPX HÉ o} R ]}v (} }vÉ }( R] Oo˙u] l] ÉuuÉU ]v É Fo}ÉvÉX They got married. Daddy died unexpectedly. Dan and Fo} R ÉulÉ R]v } vX ~N}É R}` I oo}u PÉ(oo˙ RÉ }oÉ }( R]}˙XZ TR]}oP}}vÉ}(`} `˙P É]RÉ RÉ˙ (]'É ] oo `˙ ~P]]vP vÉ`U }]PvvuÉv]vP}SKI]vP W SÉv]vP K] IvRÉ]vÉZU } RÉ˙ ulÉ P} }( ]X Tv } R Dv ` '˙ É uU v ~I ÉZ Fo} ` Év uÉX TRÉ uoo R]vuÉÉ uR]PPÉR]vXTRÉ˙(}vÉRÉ }R]vG}S}X˙B ııURÉ`R}oÉP}Rvvvo v}É}( ƒıv ~R[vU v} ˙}ZX A`R]R }]vRÉ˙ R }vÉ}v`R]R`Év}PRo˙(}oo}`P SL}}lFo}U}`É`v}˙}vG}PP]vPoÉPuÉv]vÉ }RÉR}]}oo}](}RÉ}( É }o]ÉM N}o]lÉo˙UDvUu˙X É WÉoo RÉÉ `É É RÉvX LÉ (}oo}` } ÉuU v˙ } v˙ É UvG}P`]vÉ}u}É]Év]vPo]ÉvÉoÉX Sounds like a plan, Dan.” S}U LÉ DvU RÉ PÉ }( æU R R ˙ u]ro](É ]] ˙É }( ]o]vP } RÉ ov A U oo˙]vP ]v Mɢ]}U v vv]vP RÉ NÉ` Y}l uR}v ~o]lÉ ˙} }ZU RÉ˙ }o everything, lock, stock and barrel, and bought Chateau SmithHrL.'É ]v RÉ GÉ ÉP]}v }( B}ɢ ]v ııX OvÉ }vuÉURÉRÉRÉv`ÉooÉPÉv}É '˙ É P}}`]vÉVv}`]` uU}U RÉR] C ` ]U ovlvX TRÉ˙ ]vÉÉU RÉ˙v(}uÉU RÉ˙ ] o}}˙ P}} i}X TRÉ˙ v}` }É }uÉ }( RÉ .vÉ `]vÉ in Bordeaux. They also, along the way, produced daughters Mathilde and Ao]ÉX MR]oÉ u]É vBÉ TR}uX Iv ııU ˙ `R]R uÉCRÉSu]RrHrL.'ÉRo]RÉ É ]Éo(}vÉ}( 24 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
the top Bordeaux producers, the young couple invited a certain P}(É} J}ÉR }v ÉvC U RÉ }( RÉ RuÉo ÉuÉv}(B}ɢUv]É]˙U}]]RÉRÉXWR˙UI have no idea, but it proved to be a cataclysmic encounter. They `É}oo]vP É R}PRRÉ}}u`RÉvRÉP}(v}ÉR RÉo˙oÉLRÉ}'}u}(RÉLÉ(ÉuÉv}v` É]vP lÉ } v R}`v `˙X I ]É R]u }l]vP R] É~v˙ÉRÉ]RÉ ZÉ(}É'É]vPRÉ`} `R]R `}o }uÉ Éu]ÉP SÉr} É } iÉÉ }MD}˙}Éo]É˙}[ÉR}`]vP`˙P}oM C}r]Év.]vÉoÉXGÉ]U}(RÉ(}ÉuÉv}vÉ o˙UvÉ ]u}v}É}(}o˙RÉv}o`R]Rlv}`v É (} RÉ] v}˘]vU vrÉ]o v vr]vGuu}˙ }ÉÉX WRÉv }ÉÉ }]Éo˙ RÉ˙ v RÉo uPÉ l]v v}ÉÉ Éo]˙}ÉuÉo˙ P]vP l]vX IvR}URÉouÉl]vÉ}Uvoovo}}}X MR]oÉ v vBÉ `ÉÉ Z v} u v Z v} o}RÉX J `} ˙É oÉU LÉ }É RuÉo vP É v }oURÉ˙ovRÉRÉ].RÉl]vÉ É }XI] their cause no harm at all when Victoria Beckham `ÉÉ RÉ }É RL[E É BÉ [X TRÉ Co]É R] }vvÉ } ]o (oo Éu RÉX F]v RÉ] ever increasing range at your local pharmacie or, naturellement, on line. TRÉ˙[É v} RÉU ](u˙(]˙}]É}uÉ `]R ]ÉPI}v[ really mind. Why the SCo]É_ IRÉ˙}lX G}} }v É X TRÉ ˙}vP ÉvÉÉvÉ`Éo}}l]vP É (} }uÉR]vP(Éu]v]vÉ`R]Ro} }+É]R}RÉ]v}}}}(RÉ] ]vÉXI˙É RÉ˙ÉiÉÉRBÉo[}RS] [ } RBvR['˙ É ]lo˙ (}É É }u]vP }v `}R[É ]v `]vÉvPX A Ro]É[ ] RÉ uÉ ]v }v É R `]vÉ ]É }uoo˙ ]v ˙} }o ]˙ ~]É RÉ `R}oÉ u}R v v}É }u}ZX A æ o]É ~É}vZ `]vÉ ]É o}vPÉ Rv o]É~É}vZ`]vÉXRC[]RÉLv(}R]o[U ]É}uÉR]vPÉ]vP`˙XBÉ]É`R]RURÉ˙`}ov[RÉ ooÉRÉ]vPÉRSÉ}v[U]PRMIo}Éu}RÉ`R]+ }(]ÉvÉ}]Uu˙ÉR[iuÉX WR }( Ao]ÉU I o} RÉ ˙} lX Y} ÉuÉuÉU RÉ }RÉ PRÉX ALÉ uÉvP É RÉ (É RvU J }uÉ T}]ÉU ]vÉ R}}o ]v B}ɢU RÉ ` vP }v (} ]vÉ }}v]ÉU ]vÉ R}}o É}oÉ }X SRÉ ˙É o}É } R}uÉ v `} v `} }PÉRÉP D˙ [[`]vÉ]vÉv][l]vÉ]vÉXS}`}v LÉS}ÉCo]É É U.Érv]v}RÉ˙(]o]˙ ]vRÉP}v}(RÉRÉXY}v}(}É]]}RRÉ RÉvRÉ ~`]R]}`v}uu}}vUvÉ É ZU v `R 'ÉÉ `˙ } } ] Rv `]R FÉvR W]vÉ T}M
John Sherwin, French Wine Tours 07 50 90 02 00 or
name Photograph by BÉviu]vZ]vPPUS`]Éov
by John Sherwin
Saugé Vintage Tea Room Château de Saugé
79400 Saivres 06 29 15 36 55
A couple of my favourite recipes this month
Given we are always busy around the Chateau I find myself using my slow cooker more and more. It’s wonderful to stop work and tea is ready A hearty meal at the end of the day. and waiting. Here are a few tried and tested recipes perfect after Slow cooker vegetable stew with a hard day.….Donna cheddar dumplings
This pudding is wonderfully rich and indulgent perfect to sit down to after a hard day. ^@Kv KK? [ ^e2 ?| eK'' Xh 2F(
250g pitted dates, chopped 100g butter, plus extra for the basin 4 tbsp treacle 1 tsp vanilla extract 250g light brown soft sugar 300ml double cream 2 eggs, lightly beaten 200g SR flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda vanilla ice cream, to serve. Put the dates in a bowl and cover with 150ml boiling water - leave to soak for 30 mins. Butter a 1litre pudding basin and line the base with parchment. Tip half the butter, half the treacle, the vanilla, 75g of the sugar and the cream into a pan set over a medium heat. Cook for 4-5 mins, stirring, until the sugar dissolves. Turn up the heat, bubble for 3 mins, then whisk in a pinch of salt. Pour a third of the sauce into the basin. Beat the remaining butter, treacle, sugar and the eggs together, then fold in the flour, bicarb, ¼ tsp salt, the dates and their soaking liquid. Spoon into the basin and smooth the surface, leaving a 1cm gap from the top. Cover with a double layer of parchment and foil, making a pleat in the middle so the pud can expand. Secure with kitchen string. Set the slow cooker to low. Sit the basin inside, then add boiling water so it comes halfway up the basin. Cover and cook for 7-8 hrs. Run a knife around the edge of the pudding and turn out onto a plate. Reheat the remaining sauce and pour over. Serve with ice cream.
Vintage Tearoom & Now Open
Apple & Gin Autumn Cocktail Tart, slightly sweet and downright delicious
4 oz Gin 4 oz Apple Cider 1 oz Lime Juice 2 oz Honey Simple Syrup Dash Cinnamon Honey Simple Syrup: ¼ Cup Honey ¼ Cup HOT Water
Make the honey simple syrup: Add the HOT water and honey to a mason jar and shake vigorously until the honey dissolves. For the cocktail: Combine gin, apple cider, lime juice, honey simple syrup, and cinnamon in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously until chilled. To serve: Fill two glasses with ice and matchstick apples. Strain cocktail to glasses and garnish with sprigs of thyme. Enjoy!
Every Friday, Saturday & Sunday other times by appointment
@ Château de Saugé
Buy all your UK Food and Drinks locally
2 tbsp olive oil 200g carrots 3 leeks , cut into thick slices 3 garlic cloves , crushed 3 tbsp plain flour 400ml vegetable stock 2 courgettes , large chunks 2 x 400g cans butter or cannellini beans 1 bay leaf 4 thyme sprigs 200ml crème fraiche 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard 200g broad beans or peas 200g spinach ½ small bunch of parsley Dumplings: 100g SR flour 50g Suet 100g mature cheddar ½ small bunch of parsley , finely chopped
Set the slow cooker to low. Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a frying pan and fry the carrots for 5 mins until just golden, add to slow cooker. Heat the remaining oil in the pan and fry the leeks with a pinch of salt for 5 mins until soft. Add the garlic and stir in the flour. Gradually add the stock, stirring, until the flour has dissolved and there are no lumps. Bring to the boil, then add to slow cooker. Add the courgettes, beans and herbs, topping up with water to cover the veg, if needed. Cover and cook for 4 hrs. To make the dumplings, tip the flour into a bowl and stir in the suet. Add the cheese, parsley, ½ tsp cracked black pepper and a pinch of salt. Mix in 3-4 tbsp cold water with your hands to make a soft, slightly sticky dough (add a little more water if needed). Divide into six and roll into balls. Add the crème fraiche, mustard, broad beans or peas and spinach to the slow cooker and turn it to high. Arrange the dumplings over the stew, cover and cook for 1-2 hrs more until firm and doubled in size. Scatter with parsley and serve. Will keep for up to three days in the fridge or in the freezer for up to three months.
SEPTEMBER IN THE GARDEN Stock, Zinnias. Iris. Lillium Stargazer. Orchid Cymbidium. Snap Dragon.
Château de Saugé 2 Saugé 79400 Saivres 06 29 15 36 55
Siret: 84890418100015 Chambres d'hôtes – Gites – Event Space – Vintage Tearoom – Trading Post
Please like us on Social Media:
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 25
Gluten Free Recipes
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by Megan Like
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Gluten and Lactose Free Crepe Style Pancakes Makes 3 large, crepe-style pancakes Delicious served sweet or savoury
I[ÉooÉu˙ÉvRÉ`R]vPRoÉXI`]RRÉuÉ }v É É˙˙U R}o I RÉ `R]vP uR]vÉ }v v}`U } oÉM TRÉv I RÉ} (} ]v RÉ ]l }( ]oo É]vP ˙ ˙ RÉ uÉ RÉ .L˙ru]vÉ }E `R R .v]RÉU } I v RvP ] }]ÉX I( ol ] }v u˙ ]ÉU RÉ `R]vP `]oo É ÉPPÉ out onto the airer, a cunning device that can be picked up, at ÉU `RÉv I ]v }]É ˙É v}RÉ PÉ˙ o} }oo ]v vRÉ]v}(oo}vÉu}ÉXTRÉ]ÉvIRÉvÉv RÉ LÉv}}v v]vP }PÉRÉ `ÉÉ Év RÉ o}vPÉ v RÉ PÉvU }P]vP RÉ }`v} ]v u˙ }v É } ˙ RÉ o}RÉXIu˙P}o É uÉovUI(ÉÉoRÉ}É }( a summer this year. RÉ A ]l}(}v]vPo]lÉÉo`ÉRÉr`R]vPÉURv˙}vÉ ÉoÉ v}É R RÉ Év]vP }RÉU RÉ `]v ]É }`vURÉo}v](˙}Év}PR}˙]«vP }U RÉ P]É uPv].Év ]o˙M É˙E uÉU ] ]É my hopes that dawn will be accompanied by a clear sky, the sun will rise high and hot, and summer will do its thing. The reality }( }Év]vP RÉ R'É } o}`U PÉ˙ o} R }u]É ]v and more rain, hits me hard. TRÉÉ }uÉ ]v RÉ PÉv `R}U oR}PR RÉ˙ `ÉÉv[ }} lÉÉv}vRÉo}`}uuÉURÉR]É]vooR]]vVRÉ }PÉ'ÉXWÉu]PRRÉ}vo˙]lÉRÉ]ÉÉ }u}ÉU I[u ]vo˙ É oÉÉ `]R RÉ l]o} }( u}vÉ }PÉ'É I[É PRÉ]v É }(XTRÉÉ]o}IRÉ(}RvÉ˙v
lvÉ` ] ` (É v PÉ ]}v } } `RÉÉoÉ (u]o˙X I v[R]vl}('ÉÉ `˙}ÉoÉv]vP É .L˙RvR]vP u˙ }`v ]˙oÉU `]R `]lÉ lÉ (oo }( }}lU } ˙oÉ ]v} RÉo]˙É˙˙XI[uo]]vPu˙ÉuX
PPoÉvr(ÉÉo]v`R]ÉG} 1 egg æuoo}Ér(ÉÉu]ol AR}(}]o(}RÉv T}]vP}(˙}R}]É
Equipment: F˙]vPvUoPÉ}`o}iPUo
Method: P C}u]vÉ RÉ G}U ÉPP v Ro( }( RÉ u]ol ]v} oPÉ iP or bowl. P BÉ ]v} u}}R ÉX So}`o˙ RÉ Éu]v]vP u]olU ]vPvo˙}ÉoÉL`]RR]v'ÉX PAR}(}]o}(˙]vPvvRÉX
É ].oo]vPv]Éo˙U o]RÉ ]RÉ(ÉU É `RÉÉ u˙ P }( }É }PÉ'É É É l]vP U É˙ (} }v`É XI[ooÉ É (} v˙R]vP winter can throw at me with my reserves }( }vÉ }R }l v}PÉ'ÉX September is my birthday month and R] ˙É] []P }vÉX F}u ˙}vPPÉUI[É always coveted a bike with a wicker basket, } `RÉv PRoÉ˙ P]vÉ S}ÉÉ]Pv uÉ (} oÉ locally, the Rolls Royce }( lÉÉ ]˙oÉU I Email:
PGÉvo˙}}v}}}uo}('É]v}RÉRÉÉ vXR}ÉRÉvPÉvo˙voRÉ'É}ÉRÉÉX æP Aoo}` RÉ vlÉ } }}l (} }vÉ } `} u]vÉU vo ] o}}ÉvÉ]o˙(}uRÉvv]P}oÉvr}`vvÉvÉRX P Fo] } } RÉ vlÉ v }}l (} v}RÉ u]vÉU vo both sides are golden. P A ˙} (}]É }]vP v Évi}˙ ~I }uuÉ É v R}}oÉ v v É `]R (ÉR `É]É RÉ ]}vo `É˙ iu } P v oÉu}v `}l i `ÉooZX
On The Road Karma(NN) will get you in the end !!
RÉ vÉÉ } }É SGPR]_ } uÉÉ R] Éuv v }vÉ RÉ u}É ov v (v}vo `R]R R Év their mainstay.
R] É(o o]'oÉU `R]R I `}o É É˙ happy to own, is }LÉv}Éo}}lÉX
Kuvv GR]U oR}PR vÉÉ É }U least had the appearance, ]( v} RÉ }`É }( o˘˙ sports car.
Iv RÉ ˙É LÉ the war, people had begun to Éuv 'ÉÉ U more stylish and elegant products, and car uv(É(Éo
With a 1192cc engine pushing } (ÉÉoÉ RU `R]R ]vÉÉ ]v ı } RU RÉ É(}uvÉ .PÉ were never going to set the `}o o]PRX H}`ÉÉ RÉ ÉoÉ}v ` ÉuÉ acceptable because the car only weighed approximately 1,750 pounds, or about 150 pounds more than the Beetle, and coupled with the aerodynamic body, the car }oÉRou}uRX
TRÉ}vÉ`]uoÉV]oP}}o}}l]vP}}ÉU]vP uv˙}u}vÉv}]oÉ(}uvo}}vX TRÉ.V}ol`PÉvKuvvGR]}}˙É`vÉ]oÉRÉ ıæ P] }A SR}`X I ` `Éoo É]É v uv˙ o]uÉ ] design. WRÉv]v}É(}o]oÉ]vıææURÉV}ol`PÉvKuvv Ghia appealed to the market, and was an instant success, being o`ÉooR]vPo˙˙o]RX TRÉ Kuvv GR] }u]vÉ RÉ R] v uÉRv]o }( RÉ }v}u˙ É VWoÉBÉ U`]R˙o]vP˙L]P]SÉPÉ}(RÉÉoÉÉ Io]v É]Pv R}É SC}É] GR] SA_ v Rvr]o }˙`}l˙RÉGÉuv}R]oÉSKuvv_X Iv R}U RÉ KG R RÉ o}}l v (ÉÉo }( Rv ]o }U `]RRÉvv]vP}}(RÉ`}ou}]vɢÉv]É}}`vX VWR(}vulÉv]RÉ(}v˘} É ro}}l]vP}v}u˙ É X The car was incredibly complex to build, being welded and lead.ooÉ˙Rv(}uo}}(uoo}u}vÉvX TRÉKuvv(}˙]vOvl`}uooURRÉ˙}ov[ }É Év RÉ vuÉ }( É]É (} RÉ É ovR ]v ıææU}RÉÉ`ooÉ(}`}uÉu}vRX H}`ÉU É É]É RÉ} É P}PÉ} }˙`}lU RÉ KG ` v}Éo˙RÉÉ]v`}o(o}R]vPX NuÉ }vÉ }( RÉ u} É(o } ]v RÉ `}oU v }LÉv }uÉ } RÉ P}RÉ SÉU É RÉ V}ol`PÉv
˙ HÉoÉv T]rW]PR
Iv ı RÉ ` É]É `]R o}lU `R]R }vo˙ oÉ ˙ÉU RÉvU }vÉ }( VW[ .vÉ ÉvP]vÉU RÉ æU }`ÉÉooGR]vo] [.vo PÉ } v] ]v ıU`R]R}vvÉvoRÉ cars demise in 1974. S]vÉ RÉ É]Pv }( RÉ VW Kuvv GR] ` }vÉ }( its strongest selling points, RÉ ] vÉÉ }( RÉ Kuvv GR] u}Éo Éu]vÉ unchanged throughout the ÉR]oÉ[r˙ÉR]}˙X TRÉKGuÉÉ }vÉu}˙ o] v ] Éu}É }u}É (R]}vX TRÉ GR] ` } S}u}]o]˙ _ `R CR]v D]} [ NÉ` L}}l ` } RÉ (R]}v `}o r ]}v É }(}u}ÉRÉ}ÉX AoR}PR ]o ]v É}voÉ vuÉ ~}v U }É v i vÉ U ]}oÉZU RÉ Kuvv GR] ` vÉÉ vÉ}]vur}ÉvÉv}Éu]v]É rare. T}˙ RÉ V}ol`PÉv KuvvrGR] ] ˙o]RU +}oÉ }ooÉ} [ R[ ÉoÉo˙ ]vɢÉv]É } ˙U v v u]v]vU v ] }vÉ }( RÉ u} }PR LÉ ]r}}oÉ V}ol`PÉv u}ÉoU É]oo˙RÉ}vÉoÉX With engine and suspension components shared with the Beetle, those parts are readily available to current owners. A P}} ÉoÉ}v }( ]]vP ˘uoÉ É v É (}v ]v AuÉ]U `RÉÉ uv˙ }( RÉ `ÉÉ ˘}É É }U ]uo˙ É RÉ KG ÉvÉ } U v RÉ US`ÉRÉ`l]vÉ}RÉuRvRÉ }ÉE vo]uÉX A RÉ u}Éo }RÉ ] R ]R˙U](˙}(v˙}vÉURÉV}ol`PÉv Kuvv GR] ] Éu]rÉ }ooÉoÉ `R]RvÉÉ(]o}vRÉX The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 27
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Gazelles Update SEPTEMBER 2021
`]R HÉoÉv T]rW]PR v SÉ AoÉuvv
RÉ u]vÉ lÉ ˙ towards the DSM copy Éo]vÉU v I R}PR I `}o`]vP É }˙`É `ÉÉv[ É ]( `É `ÉÉ P}]vP } v}U I É]É the long awaited email ˙]vP R `É .vÉ É o˙ WILL É oÉ]vP (} RÉ Morocco mid September! ALÉ } uv˙ Éo˙ v (oÉ U RÉ vÉ` ] PÉ i}˙UvRɢ]É É uÉvoÉÉoRiP}vÉv}RJ N}`RÉ}v}`v]Éoo˙}vX O vÉ` R] u}vR ] oo } }v É QXX } ul]vP É P]]oo ] ]v } }ÉU } «vP }v RÉ }8]o lÉU } ]voo]vP RÉ } (} RÉ É]uÉv RÉ organisers will use to track our progress through the desert, and } RÉl]vP v }oÉ RÉl]vP oo RÉ É]ÉuÉv (} ÉRv]oÉ].}vX We have two main ]ÉÉ}(É]uÉv in the car. FIo˙RÉUv]l`R]R is a very precise trip counter used to measure acurately the distance we travel. This is very important as the rally goal is to travel the shortest distance, and every km counts!
We are planning } S}8]oo˙ _ oÉÉ (} N]É (}u RÉ B]} at Doue la F}v]vÉ }v æR September. We do not yet have all RÉ ]o É (} ˙}U RÉl]vP]v}v}}]ouÉ](}vÉ`X
so please keep
WÉ}RÉ}v.u}v}(}uÉ(v.PÉÉP]vPRÉ oo˙]vU`R]Ru˙É}(]vÉJÉ TRÉÉ ı Éu ÉP]ÉÉ (} RÉ oo˙U }( `R]R É ]v the 4x4 category, our category. v}vo]É É ÉvÉP FvÉU BÉoP]uU S]vU L˘Éu}PUIo˙UP}PoUS`]ÉovUL]Rv]UUKUM]U JvU Tv]]U M}}} vU }( }ÉU NÉ` Éov Z `]R SÉ É]vPRÉ.K]`]]v]vRÉR]}˙}(RÉoo˙X J]vÉ˙}É`}vÉ]vP`R˙RÉÉ GÉooÉURÉÉ ] Éu }( o]É ]v lU }vÉ }( `R]R ] o]vJ WR RooÉvPÉ (} RÉJ SRÉ ] o} RÉ ˙}vPÉ ]v i ˙É}(PÉXTRÉ}oÉo]ÉÉX Y} `]oo É ]vP R] } .vo }v É É vÉ`˙U v`Éo}}l(}`}É}vP}vRÉÉv}v}vÉ JJ Iv RÉ uÉvuÉU ˙} v (}oo}` }v RÉ o]É l]vP during the event. The website address is www.live2021. vU }( }ÉU RÉÉ `]oo É (}u } }]o uÉ] ÉuU M]Éo v JÉvÉ'ÉU }v } ]ÉV @gitigazelles }v FÉ}}l v IvPuU `Éoo É }v RÉG]T]ÉPÉXD}v[(}PÉR}ÉuvuÉ]ıJ
TRÉv `É RÉ RÉ I]l˙ÉuU `R]R oo}` RÉ }Pv]É} u}v]} } }]}v oo uÉ (} É]˙ É}vU o} allows you at home to track us via the website. Ivoo}v }( }R ˙Éu RÉ É]É o} }( ]uvo]vPU ]oo]vPv`]]vPv`ÉRvlCR]É˙uR(}R]ÉvÉ
]v P]]oo v the things we need to be able to lay our hands on easily are accessible.
See you on the other side !!
in doing this.
uÉv}vÉ }ÉU SÉ ] }vv]vP `]R RÉ v]P}v o}«vP É v I ]É `RÉvÉÉ }]oÉ QXX v} R R ] RR]J O(}ÉURÉ`ÉRÉR ÉvoÉRv uuÉ˙}( oÉ}oÉvuÉu}(ÉÉu}ÉRvJ
} }( }v É
All photographs courtesy of Helen Tait-Wright
As well as the things `ÉRÉ}}UIRÉ R o]'oÉ o˙ `]R upholstering the central cubby box lid to give our principal vÉU G] T]ÉU more exposure within the car! oo
O vɢ ]P i} ] ]o l]vP v } ÉvÉ oo } PÉ . The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021| 29
À La Carte
The commune that wanted to change the world by Lynne Wigmore
30 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
]É `ooRÉPÉLR]ÉuÉÉ ˙É ]vP] To.PRÉRÉlv}`v SLÉMF É _XI`RÉR É RÉ }(RÉP]}uuvÉ C `ÉR} É ]vM˙
˙VÉ]ooÉ}}X˙É E ˙ÉUR}v}(}RFÉvR v]vÉv}vo}]]]R]˘oÉ É uÉu}]o}(RÉ labour movement to honour their memories. TRÉ}uuvÉ C P] É `o]RÉ É }vMR vP}ÉvÉP](}`}u}vRUvoM˙U`]R }o]]ÉRvÉÉ }`}PÉ]ÉUvrÉo]P]} ˙Éu}(}]ou}˙ É XFÉu]v]U}]o]UvvR] currents played important roles in the Commune, although RÉ˙R˙É o]'oÉuÉ}R]ÉRÉ É ]P}o É X MR}(`RoÉ}RÉ(}u}v}(RÉP]}uuvÉ C vlÉ É}]ÉÉ }(}o}v É `ÉÉ vÉ ı vU]vP`R]RuÉvuÉ É v}(}o}v É R lÉvR}o`]R]vP]X FvÉo}RÉFv}rP]vW]vU`R]RoÉ} RÉ]ÉPÉ}(P]vRÉovP É ˙É É ]vJv˙ XMv˙oÉLr`]vPP]]v`É].ÉÉ `]RR] }}uÉv(ÉoRRÉ`R}oRÉ}vvÉXA }(RÉu]ÉPÉuÉÉ vUP]v}}`ÉÉ (}u É P]vRÉN}voG~}ovÉu˙ É }(u}o˙]v]o`}lÉ`ÉZ ]vÉ É }lÉ}ÉÉ ]v RÉ]oXWRÉv]PRr`]vPui}]˙`vÉÉ ]vP RÉFÉ˙N}vooÉÉ }vURÉP]]v}o}v]É É (ÉovÉvÉÉ U(É]vPvÉ }M}vR˙X Uv}`r}}oÉU É }vÉvv}vRRvÉ ] (}˙RÉP]o]]]}vu]vÉ É ]vRÉ ]˙LÉRÉ`XTRÉvÉ`vo ÉC }uu]'É C }( É RÉ N}voGUv}`}u]vÉ˙]oU]ÉÉ } put the cannons in parks in working-class neighbourhoods }lÉRÉ É u`˙(}uRÉPo É u˙v}(ÉÉ v RÉ]˙P]vv˙'l˙RÉv}voP}ÉvuÉvX }oRÉ A TR]ÉWR]É(˘ÉÉ }( É RÉTR]RÉo]v }RÉ}}(RÉu]ÉW`oo˙ É u]vÉ É } ]vPRÉvv}vvÉv}vorP}ÉvuÉv}v}oXTRÉ N}voG(ÉÉ }vr}`vU}É˙uv˙ P]]v]ÉvUvRÉovP É R}o]ÉoÉ}RÉR É }(`}P}ÉvuÉvPÉvÉovu]o]˙(}u É P]XTRÉv}voP}ÉvuÉv`o}É É }VÉ]ooÉ vRÉP]}uuvÉ C `}vXMv˙}(RÉ}PÉ}] ]Év}(P]oÉÉ }É oÉP] É R]uÉUo]Pv]vP themselves with the government.
]voÉRÉ}v É }(RR C vU É o}o`} `}l]vP É R}vRÉ}o]}v}(R]oo}XTRÉ˙ (}É}v}]o]v]ÉR}l]RÉvU(ÉÉ R}}o(}R]oÉvUv]}v É (}vu]É}uv]}v vR]oÉv}(v}voPuÉvl]ooÉ]v]ÉÉ U }PÉRÉ`]R`}lÉ[]PRRRÉ]PR}(uo}˙É É É }vvvÉÉ ]É](˙É v}`vÉX W}uÉvo˙Év]u}v}oÉ]v}RRÉ]v]}vv RÉP}ÉvvÉ}(RÉ}uuvÉ C UR}PR`}uÉv}ov} }É]vRÉ}uuvÉ C oÉÉ }vvRÉ`ÉÉ v} É oÉÉ É `}uÉvuÉuÉ}(RÉ}uuvÉ C ]Éo(XTRÉ]]}v ]voÉ]o]vP]Év]vP(}`}vÉ .PRÉXS}uÉ(}vÉ(ÉR}}o É vlÉ]Év}RÉ ooÉ(}RÉvÉ }(v˙]Év˙`ÉÉ vÉ RÉ}]}v }(`](Év}v]vÉvoÉP]uÉv]ooÉP]uÉ children. F}u]]vÉ}vURÉ`É ˙É }vPvroÉ]o u}}XTRÉR]R} A }(P]vvuÉ}(]É `ɢÉÉ ]vP É o}}˙ B WÉlÉ U]vo]}v É (}RÉ ˘ÉÉ }v}(}uuvÉ C }o]É˙RÉPo É u˙XTRÉ }v É }(RÉVÉvuÉ}ouv C R}v}]vPRÉ]}]É }(N}oÉ}vIU}É˙}( É RÉuÉE }U`}vÉ }(RÉu}}u]vÉv]]vÉ ]vPRÉ}uuvÉ C X v]}v ÉA }ÉURÉvÉ `ÉvÉRTR]É``]vP at Versailles and an army was regrouping outside the ]˙V}oÉ É uÉÉ ]]}}(v˙}˙`R}u]PRÉ against the Commune. Commune leaders were convinced RFÉvRu˙}o]É`}o(ÉÉ }.É}vv}vo guardsmen, although several skirmishes between the two ]ÉRoÉÉ ]vPuÉv(}v`]R`É}v]vP É executed. The commune issued a decree announcing that ˙É ˘ÉÉ }v}(v}(RÉ}uuvÉ C }(P] `}ouÉÉ `]RRɢÉÉ }v}(]oÉRÉvuÉ}( hostages. ]}É D ]vPvvÉ(ÉvÉRR}PRRÉ(}.}v on 21st May, the government army pushed through into the vÉÉ }(RÉ]˙XTRÉvP É }uuv C }˙É É ]o]vP}]ÉÉ v.ÉÉ ]vuv˙É ]vo]vPRÉv]vP}(RÉT]oÉ]ÉPoÉvRÉHÉo V]ooÉ É XOÉRÉvɢ`ÉlÉ URÉu˙(}` É ]v} RÉ}uuvÉ C [}vPR}o]vM}vuÉvoÉÉ `RÉÉ
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Continued .....
]vRÉv}R}(P]v}lÉRÉ]]vÉ É ]r ˙r]UoPÉo˙R}PRRÉ`ÉÉ ]PR}(vuÉX TRÉ`ÉÉ uÉÉ }v}R]ÉW]`˙É o}}˙`ÉlÉ ]vÉX É TRÉ.vo'oÉvÉÉ `RÉ uÉÉ ˙É }(PÉrLR]ÉU`RÉPÉÉ .PRvP }}loÉ}vRÉ}uvov]PRoo}v RM˙`RÉvRÉoæPuÉvUuv˙}( RÉu`}vÉU.voo˙vÉÉ X É TRÉÉ PuÉv`ÉlÉÉ v}RÉ`oo}(RÉuÉÉ ˙É U lv}`v}˙RÉ}uuv C [WooUvR}X T]o`ÉRÉ É o(}æUıæ]}vÉU}(`R}u Uæ`É(}v É P]o˙Xıæ`ÉvÉÉ vÉ }R É Væ}(}Éo}V}ÉæU`ÉÉ deported ands more than 3,000 imprisoned locally. ]ÉÉ A `]voo}`Éuv˙}RÉRÉ] sentences reduced or even receive pardons. The }8]o}É uÉv}vÉ}vo˙u˙ A oÉ `R]Ru}vÉU(}u]o A R}PRM˙U} l]ooÉUUæ`}vÉUvu]]vPXTRÉ}É ]v(}u}v É }v}uuv C oÉ }vo˙SÉ˙]v}uoÉ_É XLÉ}É PÉR É at least 10,000 to 20,000 men, women and children ]É]vRÉ.PRvPX S}}vLÉRÉP]}uuvÉ C }}l}`É]vP]U }o}v˙ É v}]o]P}]voÉ }RÉFÉvR ]É]É}o]R É RÉ]}`v}uuvÉXTRÉP] }uuvÉ C vÉ oÉÉ PÉ}RÉoPÉ]É}v}PÉ É RÉuXTRÉo}vPÉrovP}uuvÉ}]ÉP]`R}( MÉ]ooÉU(}uMR}]o A U`R]R`É `]RRÉo}}(R]˙}o]Év}vÉRvÉv.L˙ ]vPÉvXN}vÉ}(RÉ}RÉ}uuvÉ C oÉu}ÉRv (É`˙Uvu}vÉÉ `]Ro]'oÉ}v}o}}RÉX OvRJo˙UTRÉN}vouo˙ ÉA RÉ É }v}v}(RÉ]o] B }(S rC}vM}vuÉU vÉRÉo}}v}(RÉvv}vlU](˙]vP É R]` vÉ}É Sɢ]ÉRÉ]uÉ}(RÉ}uuvÉ C _XoÉA vRRUN}ÉrDuÉrÉrOPÉ~OL˙}(RÉ H}PÉ}v Z RÉH˘}UulRÉoÉ`RÉ.L˙ É R}PÉU ]vo]vP]ÉUPÉvuÉv(}]]o]vU`ÉR} É ˙ .]vPXoÉA o}ulRÉ`oo]vPÉLR]É uÉÉC ˙É X}uuÉ C u}}vRÉ É oRÉuÉÉ ˙É ˙É ˙É]vM˙Xv}RÉ A oÉUR]v É RÉHÉoV]ooÉ É Uul RÉ]É}(uPÉ}(}uuv C R}˙RÉu˙X Their remains were later reburied in city cemeteries. Two vuÉ É LÉRÉP]}uuvÉ C V}vÉ]RÉPoÉ oÉ }uuvÉ C rÉrP]URÉ}RÉ]RÉvP C ˘P]SÉ }(H}R] C M]vR]˙ C UV]ÉvuX
TR]É`oÉÉ RÉ É .PÉ]Év}(RÉFÉvRTR] RÉo]]vXHÉ`oÉÉ ]v˙MMR}vU oÉ}( É RÉPo É u˙RRÉRÉ}uuvÉ C X GÉ}PÉoÉC uÉvÉURÉu˙}}(M}vuÉRÉ P]vv]vP É }(RÉ}uuvÉ C UuÉÉ RÉoÉ}( É RÉR]o P˙]vRÉFÉvRRuÉ C }(vÉ D P]uÉ É M]v]É}(FvÉ]vPRÉ]}o˙É}(W}oWIX S}uÉoÉ}( É RÉ}uuvÉ C ]É}vRÉ]É most survived and lived long lives, with some resuming }o]o]v É FvÉXL}]ÉM]RÉoURÉ(u}SRÉ V]P]v_}(M}vuÉU`vÉÉ vÉ}v}}v} RÉvo É }o}v˙}(NÉ`oÉC }v]`RÉRÉ É É R}}oÉRÉXRÉ]]vP É vuvÉ˙]vURÉvÉÉ } P]`RÉRÉ É uÉÉ RÉ`}lvvR]XÉ A oÉ uÉURÉ`(É(}oo}`]vP É RÉ]vÉv}v É }( Georges Clemenceau. She died in 1905. TRÉ}uuv C `vÉ}vP]RÉ˙`.`]R v}P É }RÉ}( É FvÉrP]]v}RÉv}Éoo u˙}voıUo˙}}((É}(`RRÉ]o`}o }](]R}}uR}`Év`Év]}`v`˙]R tried to under the Commune. KoM˘UF]É]RvPÉ E oUVo]u]LÉv]vv}RÉ }o}v]É É `RÉ}uuvÉv˘uoÉ É }(RÉ }`É}(RÉ`}l]vPoVLÉv]vPÉR] (o`ÉlvÉ`R]]uo˙`v[RoÉ v}PR É XIu]v É ovul(}RÉoÉLv(}RÉ }o}v˙ É ]v]vFÉvR}o]XTRÉ}uuvÉ C [ violence also remains a warning as to where radicalism can lead. o]É E R]˙ÉUuÉu}]o]A ~vÉ É } NÉ`oÉC }v]`Z ovÉ]vM}vuÉ˙RÉ M˙}}(P]UvvÉ A H]oP}U}(RÉæR vv]É˙}uuÉu}}vU`R]R]voÉ]ÉÉ }(˘R]]}v É UoÉvÉ }vÉUo˙v}É˙ readings. æ˙É}vURÉ]É oouRR`ÉvoÉv(}u RÉP]}uuvÉ C XoR}PR A RÉ˙ouÉo˙(ÉooURÉ˙ RRÉvPR É }(}v]}v}.PR(}RÉ]o]É É ( vv(}RÉ]PR}(RÉ]}oÉ É UvÉ ](] uÉ}XPÉRRÉ˙`É}} É ]P]]vRÉ] o]É É (˙ÉuUR É RÉ˙vÉ}É }ÉÉ v} compromise, but their memories live on to inspire us today.
32 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
check with re that you su en e as le P u are sociation yo as r o b u cl any tting off. t BEFORE se si vi to g in n plan
Clubs and Associations
WHY NOT JOIN THE RAF FAMILY? RAFA Sud-Ouest France Le Pérail 17250 BEURLAY 05 46 95 38 89
The charity that supports the RAF Family
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 33
Take a Break DSM Easy Crossword (with thanks to Rob Berry) Clues ACROSS XN}}Év~Z XMoÉRGɢRÉ(}Éu~Z XSo˙`]R}]]}v(} ].É }É~æZ ıX]˙A }(S}RÉvFvÉ~Z 10. A large commercial ship that vPÉ ]ÉÉ ~æZ Xuoo A G]vPo}vÉ]v (}v}(RÉlvÉi}]v É ~Z XRÉoÉ(}u É }uÉR]vPR R}o(~ıZ æXT]É}uÉo˙o}vP~Z X}v D [}R]MMvvÉ]vPJ~æZ XTRÉJvÉ}( É (}o]vPÉ ~Z X}A ]vRÉ(}v~æZ ıX˙}vP A `v~Z
20. A ceremonial procession including }oÉ É uR]vP~Z Clues DOWN XFo]u'ÉUP É X`É~Z X}uÉ C ]vvuÉuÉ}(TRÉ G}}v~ærZ 5. Someone who creates new dances ~Z XS+}vrG}É]R}(]ÉU RÉoo.RvR]lÉv~Z XGÉ˙É vP˙vG˙]v}PÉ ~rrZ Xv˙ A }É}(oÉ}`É~Z XT˙É}(oÉÉ `]R(}oÉPv ]vP É ]o~Z
Clues Across XG}ÉR É ˘oÉ É (}u vÉ ol]vP}]vM~æZ XL}(]É}vU}vo˙ É ]v FvÉU}}vM É ~Z XL}(}}l]v(}v}( o]ÉM~Z ıX]v B (}v}vRÉ}RÉ]É}( RÉ}vXXXXXXXXXXXX~ıZ 10 ...........what dummy is there `]RRÉuM~UZ XLÉ A vU][uÉ(}lÉ X ~Z XL]lÉıAU}v(]vP}É }ÉRÉM É ~UæZ æXKÉ}É R]R]PRÉP}v]v KÉvM~Z XSÉ]v}Pv]}vv} P}}oÉ M~ıZ X}ooÉ C PÉPÉÉ }LÉvvÉ vÉ .Uv}`}]vP}vo˙ }vÉM~ıZ XO+Év]ÉuÉ (}Io]v v]vP É (}u`uÉ]˙M ~Z XF]vÉ}u]vP(}É É R]v o]u}ÉÉ É M~Z 22. Allege body missing, present }(} A }˙ÉooÉM~æZ
How many words of three or more letters can you make from the letters in our square? There is one word of nine letters. If you want to make it harder, only allow words that contain the centre letter. We estimate about 140 words are possible. 0 - 50 Not bad 90 - 120 Quite good
50 - 90 Very good 120 + Expert
34 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
Clues Down XMuÉ.}`}l`]R R}É(ÉÉ }É ]vM A N} ˘o˙ É X~Z 2. Sea-going bandit has his own o]Év]vP]ÉÉ U`É}o É M~ıZ XM]u]}RÉ}+É]vPoÉ }oÉ]v]É É X~Z X]v É E GBU]`v} }vPrÉÉ }É]vRÉUSM~UZ 5. Stage hero re-appearing, not `ÉÉ vÉ ævR É M~æUZ XTRÉvÉ }(}vÉR]ovÉ` P]vv]vP É M~Z 7. Cricket match introducing vlv}`vov É M~æZ XI]vÉvÉ`} }vÉ]vÉ.ÉÉ M~ıZ X]vl D uÉ}É]˙ É vÉÉ }ÉRÉX É XXXXXXXXXXM~ıZ 14. ..........They take this perhaps, uÉ(}uv˙oÉ ˘o}]}v É M~Z æXTRÉ˙PÉRÉu]vV`É }vo˙PÉRÉ}}M~æZ X}]vP A vPÉ(RÉ`]R v}(}v}vM~Z ıXF]vooÉ]o}É M~Z
DSM Toughie Crossword (with thanks to Mike Morris)
What connects the following ... 1. 2. 3. 4.
3 5 8 8 4 6 1 2 2 4 7 8 6 6 7 8 3 1 8 5 3 9 7 7 6 3 4 2 8 1 3 8 5
a. Henry b. Charles c. Albert d. David a. Gnu b. Wretch c. Knee d. Written a. King George II b. King Louis XIV c. Queen Henrietta Maria d. William Penn a. Robin Hood b. John Lennon c. Prestwick d. Stanstead
Word Search Generator U J G K C R M I V F M C J G W F C Y Q Y
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 35
Image by Diego Alvarado via Pixabay
`vÉÉ o}vÉo˙ o}U } I `}o ]( I }oX F} }vÉ R]vP ] [RÉ R}}o R}o]˙U } o}vÉo]vÉ ] }U v (} v}RÉ] []u}]oÉ}]Pv}ÉRÉ(RRÉo}É vPÉ `]R u}l]vÉ (}u RÉ `]o.É P]vP } RÉ countryside, and indeed the planet. The other day, smoke (}uRÉOÉP}v`]o.ÉovlÉ}RÉv]vNÉ`Y}l[ CÉvoPlU}uÉUu]oÉ`˙X É WRÉ]É ovÉ ]v}}v.É]]É]vP`oo}`É˙vP É G}}U} ]É `]R }PRU } `RÉÉ }uÉ vɢX H}U C}vvÉ~u˙R}uÉ}ÉÉZ ııF~CZRÉÉv }( JvÉU uR]vP RÉ R]PRÉ RÉ}É RÉo ]vÉ ıX J`ÉooRRÉP˙(}uRÉB]oo]}v]ÉCoRRÉ] É }vP `RÉv RÉ˙ ] ] u˙ }}v É vÉ u}É ]8oU ˙}v É ]ÉoÉU } PÉ Év ]É` }( R E (}uv˙`RÉÉX
But whilst the super rich have been having (v}vo˙RÉ˙lv}` R}`U RÉÉU (u]o˙r wise, we have been u}Éo˙ ÉoÉvP ]R˙X IÉ Éu ˙ ~C}}l]É M}vÉ BoÉ ] (}]ÉZX I seems such a short uÉP}R`É`ÉÉ ]vP }ÉoÉ (} RÉ . R}}o ˙ }( } ˙}vPÉU now the yellow school }vÉ ] }}} ˙É˙É oo ]v }PÉ(}RÉ˙}vPÉ (u]o˙ uÉuÉX F} F] DPRÉU R}`ÉU É RÉ vɢ ]P R]vP ] } RÉ v } ]É }vÉÉo( } H]PR SR}}o v} oÉX M˙ É `É}v]Ru˙]v}v}uU]RPÉR]LU `R]R ] v} } (u]o] v oÉ o]lÉo˙ } É ]v Éuv ˙ transport-needy, lets-drive-your-car, school chums. Driving [ `]oo É R]oo É (} }Éo˙ PÉrR]L]vP ]vÉF]DPRÉ}vo˙XARRX F}}vÉ}(RÉÉv }v }( ]R˙ P]L ]É (}u RÉ UK ]v RÉ (}u }( R }( }}l ]v RÉ RH}]oÉ H]}˙[ É]ÉX TR] } }( oÉ PÉ ]É} o} }( }˙]R R]o]˙ (} its perceived strange ovPPÉ REvPo]Rr ]u[V R}`]vP
É(Éo˙ RÉ }É}v ˙ GÉ}PÉ BÉv SR` R we are two countries separated by a common language. O]}o˙U R}PRU PÉ P]P v (u]o˙ É }]vP RÉ] level best to sort out language issues all around the globe, vRÉ]v É RÉUSRÉÉ}R]}v}PÉ RÉv}PÉ}uÉR]oÉv}}]ÉB]RÉvU tomaaaato now becoming tomarrrto. Who would have R}PRU ÉRM B PÉU Rv }P}]vP ÉR}}o ]P [U ] (vR]É`]R É ]PU]PU(o É ]vÉ]}vU vI(}}vÉuRvl(oR}l]RÉÉ PÉP]P `ooÉ PÉ }( `R]R I u v} (vX H}`ÉU É u]v(o }( PÉ[}uuÉ]o ÉU I (ÉÉo PÉ u}]É É }vRWooSÉP É M}vÉ˙NÉÉSoÉ[É (}uo}oÉv O `]vvÉU v I u 'o]vP É }`v right now to sketch out a screen play. At u˙ Él RÉ É excitement is ]o]vPXIvou} ]PR É v}`RÉ( P}`v RPÉ `]oo wear to make her acceptance speech, escorted onto the stage by Gordon Gekko lookalikes and other cast members. What a triumphant evening it will be...
} } v˙ ÉvvPÉÉU Évv HÉv˙ u oÉvÉR˙}}uÉ}UvulÉRÉ É ˙(ÉÉ o˙ } }( ÉR }( RÉ vÉ` }}uÉX TRÉ }r R]oo}l ]v L}v}v[MoÉR A uÉ Éo˙R]PR É }vRÉ]]vP o] }( uv˙˘]É É uÉvrÉÉl]vP R}o]˙ }][ ]vÉ˙ ]( RÉ}Éo}É É v]]v}]v]vPXGÉv]vPP} ]Év]vP PÉ `]R }ÉÉ vÉÉv } Év RÉ ]É(]UCR]ulÉ]vPÉ]ÉvPÉX N}` }v[ } in to try out v˙ }( R BMX +U v}r handed 720s, double-tail`R]v(}vr side nose grinds in the skate park without wearing ˙} (oo }ÉÉ l]U and remember } ˙ (ÉU v Évi}˙ ˙} summer.
Anyway...must get on with some work. D}v[ (}PÉ } }+É
Alley oop, Expat
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 37
La Vie En France C’est la Rentrée
by Sue Burgess
RÉ l] }v[ Éu } RÉ Év on holiday long and there are oÉ˙ oPÉ }o}(o ]Pv ]v RÉ R} SL RÉv É_ ~l } R}}oZX The supermarket aisles are rearranged and several aisles are taken over ˙ S (}v]É }o]É_ ~R}}o É]uÉvZX
Aoo RÉ RÉÉ R}}o }vÉU } FvÉUP}l}R}}o}vRÉuÉ LÉ É RÉo}vPuuÉR}o]˙X TR] ˙ÉU U RÉ l } R}}o É So É o Év É_ ] SÉÉuÉ vX GÉvÉoo˙ all primary school classes go back on this day, but }v˙ É R}}o u˙ oÉ vÉ` . ˙É ]o ~uÉ } vÉZ ˙ Éo]É Rv RÉ }RÉ oÉ } R RÉ˙vPÉ}É RÉ]vÉ`}v]vPv.vRÉ]`˙ around. The teachers have their pre-school year day on the 1st September. U L[oo}}v É v É }o]Éi ~ARSZU ~RÉ Bl } SR}}o Aoo}`vÉ]Z P]Év}(u]o]É`R}RÉ}vÉ}u}ÉR]oÉv PÉ `ÉÉ Év v `R} É ]v (oo uÉ }v É U ]( RÉ (u]o˙ ]v}uÉ ] v} }É ]v É o]u]X TRÉ oo}`vÉ ] } RÉo RÉ (u]o]É } ˙ É˙R]vP RÉ R]oÉv vÉÉ (} R}}o v ] u}v Év }v RÉ PÉ }( RÉ R]oU RÉ oo}`vÉ (} ]u˙ R}}o R]oÉv É]vP o}`É Rv R (}R]PRR}}o]oX
Vocabulary / Vocabulaire LÉF}v]ÉS}o]É
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CHEDÉ TTERIES U}É]v(}u}v}}Év]vPR}U ]}v É U(} É ˙}o}o RÉ'É]ÉM Visit the website (}]o É F}`É]}o}]É}(RÉ DɢrSÉRÉÉ[voÉvÉ website
D NIF the CHA E SEP T LEUF prices in your area. This government run website }]É }uÉ }o É v ]ÉoÉ ]É]voo}( É FvÉX J]uo˙oÉÉ ˙}uÉÉ v (}uRÉuUv}]oJ
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 39
View from the Vendée ˙KÉvT˙o}
September 2021
v˙u}}vP}U`RÉv`É`Éoo É o]]vP]vRÉUKUI` ]v]É } 'Év SÉÉ`ÉA vÉ }ÉC ~OKU OKU } R É I `PR }v uÉ (} ]]vP }oÉ }( uR }ÉRÉ o]u]JX Z v˙`˙ A U RÉ }]v ]R I[lÉv u˙ É `RÉvI`i˙É}oUI(ÉoRI['ÉÉ R}vÉ}vRÉ H]PR`˙ }ÉC (}É É 'Év]vP RÉ }ÉX Ov RÉ}]vÉ ˙U I ]É RÉ vÉÉ ]v O˘(} ˙É } v`É v˙ }v É R`R}`v uÉU } u˙]É `É `ÉÉ oo É ]v (}v }( ]v]]o vÉ } `R ]ÉÉ }( ]É}X F}vÉo˙ `É `ÉvÉ [iÉÉ } (}}PÉ }( F F]}} MM˘U ]v }vÉo}v É `É `ÉÉ R]Év[ o}vP }(} (É` u]vÉRÉvlÉ} ]Év(˙ RÉ}]PvR`É[ivÉ XI`Ru}uÉvRI o]É É u˙ol}(}É}vl]ooU}]vÉRÉvI[É}uÉ É }uÉ`R}(}]Pvv}lJ
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PR}} P WÉ o]É }`v RÉ } (}u RÉ ]ÉA É o VÉv É }vRÉ Au}}`˙U I uu]U I Rv[o]É É R }uÉR}lÉRÉ]}`v]v]oÉR]Q 40 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
Karen runs a gîte business on the Vendée coast. You can contact her on:
Photos by Karen Taylor
PR}}PN}`RÉ[É }v(]vP}vÉWRÉN}v˙ E ]PvuÉv R v}r}vÉ v ]É }`v RÉ }U ][ o} N} Through Road, then surely no-one can drive up it either!
Velo4Violet : September
by Lisa Jones
pleased to be able to report that our training regime has started with regular daily rides which are designed to help build strength and stamina so that when we start the event ]vN}ÉuÉU`ÉÉuÉvoo˙vR˙]o.X
RÉ ÉP]vv]vP AP I}GÉ É }( RÉ(}u }oo}`]vP }v}( (}u oÉ`]v]vRÉo]PR AP É]}v}ovÉ LR}RÉthe ooÉXresponse N}oo˙]vÉvP É tov}the ˘ÉÉ }vo ˙} DSM, Velo4Violet challenge has been ˘ÉÉ R ] `R(}uÉ RAF RÉ CR]uvl `Éu]PR }uÉXR]vl F} U v˙}vÉ u]PR u]É ]]vÉ UU]vP ]v [ æR ˙ ˙ÉU I } }`}RÉPÉ }v N}ÉRÉuÉ ˙ÉR] ˙É `É Avv]É É l]vP (}vv˙}vÉ ]PÉ Uvv]É(} i}]vÉ RÉ ov]vP ]] } .v]R ˙}]lÉ A}]}v V]}oÉJA}]}v V]}oÉ`]R É(É }R}`v u}É(v Rv]v R˙v] }]É RÉovX }}MR (u]o]É vR]oÉ v]v FvÉUvÉuÉ o]lÉ ÉvG˙]vP X É v RÉIRUK `R} +ÉCR]uvl (}u oÉC (}ÉPo˙ U D˙}v] } E]oÉ˙XTRÉ(u]o]É É vÉRÉ É o]v}É}ulÉRÉ]o˙ PPoÉ iRo]'oÉ Bl RÉ RvP I R ]}É]ÉX P]v }v u˙ (É `R]R ˙ oÉ ] }vo˙ o}`o˙ (]vPX OvÉ }( } }v Él}v ] `]oo vÉÉ Velo4Violet anyone who might want to set their P]o Éu}oX P]l is v SÉopen É `ÉÉ u} PÉÉoÉto R}U }`v É }RÉ vIR}É}vo É uRooÉ }i}]vvPÉ RÉSvOÉ]ÉvR B (}}(RÉRÉA}]}vX TRÉ ]vÉ } ˙}X o} } }É RAF] A}]}v XTRÉ OR(v]]vP U v I RÉ PÉPÉvÉ}] ]v]}v you. Where you go, who you go with, and how you get there the experience.
is up to you too.
O }`v }vo É RooÉvPÉ ] } }É ]vÉ }( æ l]o}uÉÉ }É RÉ u}vR }( N}ÉuÉX TR] `]oo É R]ÉÉ `]R ]o˙ ]vÉ RooÉvPÉ }( lu ÉR ˙ vooRÉ}É`]oov.v]R(}u}R}uÉ]vN}R Deux Sevres. We are not avid cyclists and, to be honest, are ] } }( }v]}v } R] oo˙ É ] RooÉvPÉ (} } (}uv}R]vP}}É]vPRRPÉ]vÉXWÉÉ
S]vÉ}oÉU`ÉRÉÉ]ÉRPÉ}(}u (]Év v (u]o˙ U ]v ]}v } R]U `É RÉ o} É]É}uÉÉ˙l]v}v}v}(]˙oÉ]v]É˙}( }v]}vX S}uÉ }( RÉÉ i vÉÉ ] }( `}l } PÉ them back to being road ready, others will be upcycled into }ÉÉ ]ÉuXAoo}(RÉ}v}v É `]oo}o É vRÉ }.`]ooP}}RÉA}]}vX
There are so many ways in which you can get involved too. HÉÉ(É`PPÉ}vP
Sign up and take part Get in touch with us via our website www.associationviolet. com and register your interest to take part. We welcome É˙}vÉ v v˙}vÉ v v} u'É `R ˙} }vo É cycle challenge is, we will support you all the way.
Donate your unwanted cycle equipment I(˙}RÉv˙v`vÉ}vÉ˙oÉÉ]uÉvURÉo RÉA}]}v˙R]vPoÉ}v}vÉ]}JWÉ `]oo ÉvÉ} } u˘]u]É RÉ oÉ }( ÉR }v}v } v}u'É`R}v]}v]]]vU`É`}oÉ˙PÉ(o to receive it.
Corporate Sponsorship I( ˙} É ]vÉ }`vÉ v `}o o]lÉ } } RÉ A}]}vU`É`}oo}É}ol}˙}}R}``Év work with you.
Donate A}]}v V]}oÉ ] v }oÉo˙ }v ]É }v}v v }É v} É]É v˙ P}ÉvuÉv (v]vPX I R vÉÉ Év É]É } }vÉU i ]] } `É]É ```X }]}v]}oÉX}uvo]l}vRÉo]vlX
Further updates will be posted on the Association Violet Facebook and Instagram pages and more information on our progress will be in next months DSM edition!
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 41
Two Doors Down A Tale of Two Ladies
R}˙}]vPR}uÉ R}o]˙}Év]MO(}É R] u˙ É v }}oÉÉ }v É P]Év R RÉ rÉ RvP]vP Éo ]}v É }vvÉX YÉU `]R]v FvÉU I Éu}]]}uÉ`RÉvÉÉ `vvÉ `]R}'oÉ}(`]vÉ } RÉÉ v }uÉ o}o RÉÉ RvlRÉ }U v}} uÉv}v}]}u}v}(ÉPovRÉooX OÉRÉ˙ÉUI[É}ooÉv}u É }iÉVÉ˙uooo˙ R}É[RÉ (}u S]]o˙ ~vÉÉ lÉ ]v o}É }˘]u]˙ } u˙ ÉZU`}o]'oÉo]oo]˙u](}uPÉ`RÉÉUuoo (PuÉv}(RÉBÉo]v`ooUvRÉo]P}É}vQ
Iv RÉ R R Év]ÉU v} É o EvPo]Ruv[ }v É ` }uoÉÉ `]R} Éul]vP }v RTRÉ Gv T} [XF}uoÉ u}vR}oÉ ˙ÉURÉ]R É }] }uÉ }ÉE U }LÉv }uv]É ˙ }U ˙]vP ]v o}]vVÉv]ÉR}uÉUÉv]vPRÉ]˙u]]vPÉoÉ `}lU}uÉuÉ'ÉuvPRÉ]}`vuÉ]ÉÉv Évi}˙]vP u]o }] ÉX TRÉ˙ `ÉÉ RÉ ÉoÉ ÉuU ]uÉ]}voÉ ˙}vP uÉv `]R }LÉv o]u]oÉ (v `R} `]RÉU R}PR RÉ] }ooÉvPU } ]uÉ (]Év v ÉoÉ }v RÉ]vÉ R}uÉX WR]o u} }iÉ [`ÉÉ }oÉU RÉ u}É u]} }ooÉ} }PR } Éu}É o]oÉRRÉuR}vÉÉEoP]vMoÉX
OvRÉÉ}]vÉ U}}u`ÉÉ]É]vRÉ]R}uÉ } ]o˙ v ]uÉ RÉ] (]Év v (u]o˙U É `ÉÉ oÉ ÉP]oo˙ ]v RÉ] P}v v }uÉuÉ o]'oÉ ÉuoÉv(}oo]É`ÉÉ]o}Éoo˙R}`}+X Two doors down in Château de Dampierre, they have their }`v ]vÉ }( ]}]ÉX I ] `Éoo `}R RÉ o]u } RÉ }}(RÉS}RT}`É}ÉRÉ}ooÉ}v}(U`Rv}vo˙ É]ÉUv}u}iÉÉvvPRÉ(}}vÉ }(RÉ`}ovRÉRÉÉoÉuÉvPÉRUÉvl˙X WR]o }uÉ`R u}É u}É }ooÉoÉ v (}]vP }v vo ]É ~ÉÉ]oo˙ (}É ˙ oRÉu]U RÉ RÉ R uv˙ oRÉu] o]vlZU RÉ˙ É ]oo˙ ]É R}o]˙ }Év] }( ˙ P}vÉ ˙X TRÉ ]o }}u is dominated by a huge globe and all the in-between spaces u}vPRÉ]v]É`}}ÉvÉ]o]vPR}uÉ É }}vÉ}v ]ÉÉR}]RÉPPU(}]oU`}.Ru]vRÉ.R and a Samurai puppet, all closely watched over by a suspended baby crocodile and baby shark. I .v ] }u(}vP } think that, throughout the centuries, the impulse to collect threads through, oR}PRI`RÉo]vÉ +É PÉ v ˙ tortoise shells. PÉR v}` ] RÉ uÉ to curate my treasures, É]É}}u(}ooRÉ R]vP I }v[ lv}` `R } } `]RX OR `]J TR '˙ É uRÉ]ÉooRÉ}}u]vu˙R}ÉJ Château de Dampierre sur Boutonne is open in September from 10.30 – 6.30 (except Mondays = 2 – 6.30) and October times are afternoons only 2 – 6.30.
42 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
Life in 79 The Alchemist ]vRÉ]ÉRÉPÉv]vPP(}uu˙(RÉXI}v[lv}`v˙ }(RÉov[ovvuÉURÉvÉÉRÉHoÉÉo}( my soil and must be the only person in Christendom incapable }( }]vP (] (}u RÉ] }RU RÉ PÉv ] RÉ oÉIP}](I`v}Éo˘X AvvUu˙`](ÉURv}]vÉÉ]vR]uÉXIRÉ]É} }v u˙ Évi}˙uÉv }( R}oÉ ˙ Év}P]vP RÉ } i}]v uÉ ]v RÉ PÉ É oÉ RU RÉ R É}oÉo˙ÉU }v uv˙ }]}vU PÉv]vP ] v} (} RÉX SRÉ o}É É]vP in the great outdoors, riding up and down on the sit-on lawn u}`ÉU ]( lÉ } (ÉR RÉ É (}uRÉ}«vPRÉRÉ`}oPPoÉX HÉ]vÉo]É É ÉoÉ`RÉÉX When we lived in Lincolnshire we R }'É PÉ ]vÉ P]Év } X I ] v}R]vPU `RÉv planted in the ground it took }+U o]lÉ ÉvolU } RÉ l }( RÉ R}É v `]R]v (É`˙É`}É]v É PÉX Anna announced she was going } ulÉ `]vÉX I }+É ]v }É } }( `˙U oPÉ u}v}(˘ÉÉ v]ÉÉ]uÉv ` RÉ ~]vo]vP v Év}u} RÉu}uÉÉZ v oPÉ É }( RÉ R}É dedicated to her new hobby. TRÉ . ˙É [`É U `R]R RÉ vuÉSR`rru'U`v} ``]vv]vPXIu}É É o]lÉRÉ˙vR}}ÉÉ R}PR]vÉ É }PÉRÉR][}XRÉ B R}vÉ]X ALÉ vÉo˙Él]vP u˙ u ˙]vP} }l RÉ }'oÉ `]R `}É(oo˙ ]vÉÉ ]ÉUÉv PÉÉv }'oÉU oÉooÉU}} proudly on the table. Last year, the vintner in Anna was reborn with a vine laden with i]˙UvRÉ}(`R]ÉPÉX
H]vP.ooÉoPÉo`]RRÉRÉUAvv]v]É }]vP ] RÉ]}vo `˙U }É]o]É RÉ (ÉU É }vvÉ RÉ swim suit and clambered into the tub to do some marching on the spot. My weeding in the vegetable patch was interrupted ˙R]Él]vP(}uRÉ}XAvv[GvOoDlÉ}(Y}lR Év }} PPÉ]É v R o] RÉ o X A ]ÉoÉ oÉ }( É]} PÉ i]É ` É]vP }É RÉ ]vP slabs. BÉ]vP Ro}l}`v[U É]uÉv ` R } .vU v ˙ RÉ u]PRAvv}o v} PÉRÉ Rv }v Éu]i}Rv } ]o}lU }RÉÉu]v]vPi]É` ]v} oPÉ o }'oÉ v a complicated arrangement }( o ]vP v }'oÉ }( `É ~vP ulÉR]L ]o}lZ ` ]É ÉR]v RÉ ÉoÉ]]}vX I o}}lÉ o]lÉ she was cooking crystal meth and television watching would be accompanied with a ]}vÉvPo]vP}vX A }'oÉ }lÉU `É oÉ ]}ÉÉ ` (} ]vP É }'oÉU ` RÉ v I vÉo˙ PÉ u˙Éo( RÉv] ˙]vP PÉ RÉ }l ]vX ALÉ uR 8vP É v iÉ8vP and a severely torn bicep we resorted to uR]vP RÉ}l]v `]R ] }( }`o]vP and a hammer. I u v} `]vÉ }vv}]ÉU É]É RÉ lÉ U SR`[SR]É WR]É ] `oÉooÉU `Éo]]}V É˙o}R}o]oÉi]ÉXTRÉ}uuÉ É v}v}vRÉoÉo was to again pour through a tea strainer and not be consumed vÉvlÉGuÉX RÉ A Év}( o}vP˙}(É]vP]vRÉPÉvU]vRÉu}vR }( }o]ÉU `É `}o o]L } ]] `]R }'oÉ }( SSWX WÉ o}}l (}`U `]R v]}vU } R] ˙É `É XXX`É i vÉÉu}É}oX
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 43
Cartoon by STEVE SHAW
by Stephen Shaw
Book Club Do you feel lucky? Well, do you?
he perpetrator in the Dirty H˙ .ou `v[ É W v that was his bad luck. Clint `}} E [RÉU IvÉ} H˙ CooRvU `R} }lÉ R}É `}U P} R] uvX Iv Éo o](É `É ˘ÉÉ ]ÉvÉ Év happy moments or unexpected }]É}}uÉU}ÉR `É }v }ÉoÉ (}vÉ ]v RÉ o]É `É É o]]vPX I ] P}} olM TRÉv RÉ }}( o}` }+ ]v }uU RÉ]voÉl}Éo]}v É (oo}vÉ}C}]rıX WÉ(ÉÉoR}vÉr˙W}]]olM Iv } `]vP `É v }}` oo }( R]X O( }ÉU `É `v our protagonist to win through, learn a valuable lesson or at oÉÉRÉ]o}XOvRÉ`˙URÉ˙vRÉ}É}(olX I( ˙} RÉ ] }]vP `ÉooU lv}` RÉ É}oÉ RÉ˙ vÉÉ } v ulÉ RÉ] `˙ } (}˙ }vo]}v }( RÉ }˙U`ÉoÉÉ (} É RÉuX]( B ] [(]]o]vPooRÉ`˙U something vital is missing. Iv R]ooÉU RÉÉ[ oo˙ ]oo]v v ]} }oÉ such as awkward superiors and incompetent or unreliable }ooÉPÉ v `]vÉÉ } RÉ}lRÉ}]vÉ .PR }v `]R P]u Éu]v}vU (ÉÉ vP ÉR }oÉuX B `R } ]viÉvP }uÉ }`v]PR olM A ˙ÉU } v} Éo]ÉÉU(oo]vP}ÉRÉl][LÉP}`RÉvR]vP}}`}l W˙}lv}`RÉR]vPXS}uÉuÉ] [u}ÉÉ]}W`]vÉ R]vP RÉ 'lU (}Év] ]ÉÉ vÉ }vu]v}vU v} Éuuv]}vo]X Iv }uvÉU RÉ RÉ}]vÉ[ ]v }o É vÉooÉ oÉ]vP RÉ (u]vP }v (É]vP É o}uX TRÉ RÉ} }o É l ]v 8 } (}P} } RPÉ R] R}vÉ } RÉ v[ }v RÉX H]}]o v}Éo }v `]R ol W oPÉU ouÉ R}ÉU ships sinking.
by Alison Morton
put down to the number }( H]o M˙ you recited, } (} RÉ Romans, what the auguries said when you ].É a lamb or a ooX Mv˙ }( us cross our .vPÉ (} olv](o]]oUR}`(É`P]v}ÉRÉoÉLR}oÉ `RÉÉRÉ]o É ]XLÉ [v}Év}volJ O RÉ v É }É ˙É `R} o`˙ lÉ v}É }( }uÉvU vuÉU v É oÉÉU `R} }o ]v RÉ }É }( }˙ }uÉ } É R ] [ RÉ˙ RÉuÉoÉ `R} ulÉ RÉ] }`v RP}}[ ol R}PR R `}llo}˙o˙l É]vP l]v } }RÉl }PÉ} ÉX O}]É R ] RÉ }uoÉÉo˙o}P]oUS}lro]lÉ}}ovo˙`R}R]vlR(}r oÉ( o}ÉU ol˙ RuU v˙É} RÉ P} É (} RÉ ]X B ]( }uÉR]vP ˙}v É RÉ] }ÉÉ `}o Éu } ]vGÉvÉRÉ]}É ÉURÉ˙u˙(}É É }}v]É É X Av`R(vR]Uul]vPRÉRv[J H}`ÉU É `v]vPJRS}lÉ}(ol[R}o }vo˙É }vÉ ]v }}l v ˙} u ulÉ ] o]oÉX I( RÉ }o}v } É}o}v } }˙ G]É ]v } }( v}`RÉÉU É v É ]}]vÉU]Éo]É]vP}ÉvvP˙X(ÉA `oÉUR}`ÉÉ }ÉU}É]vo}vPRÉ`˙R}oRÉ É `˙(}RÉ Rol˙[Éo}uÉvX H˙`]vPJ
G}}olRRvÉuÉvP É UvvɢÉ}}v]˙ É or a legacy can be celebrated and woven into the story. This ] É]oo˙ } `RÉv RÉ RÉ o]É ]v v PÉ } «vP É `RÉÉ}v ] ](ÉX Iv RÉU uR P}} (}vÉ `
Alison has compiled a selection of articles from this column in ‘The 500 Word Writing Buddy’, available as an ebook and paperback. She is now drafting the sequel to her latest thriller, ‘Double Identity’.
Problematic Proverbs TR]u}vR[}É]P SC]}]˙l]ooÉRÉ_
Looking for an English speaking business in France? Find one on
44 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021
Generally assumed to be a warning against being too curious }]v]]ÉU}É RÉ}Évo(}u](}vÉ}vPÉU ]v o]˙ RÉ }É .v]RÉ `]R S (}v }PR ] l_X I R]PRo]PR RU uÉU R]vP v ]v]]vP u]v ] `}R`R]oÉ ]( ] oÉ ˙} } ]}É }uÉR]vPvÉ`XTR]`.]vÉ]vıvu˙o} (ÉÉ }RÉ]ÉRRÉv]vÉo]ÉX
This Month’s Book Reviews The Secret Recipes of Sophie Valroux by Samantha Verant
Review by Jacqui Brown
R] }}l }v R]PRX TRÉ }( ˘]É É uÉvvv]}v]vRÉl]RÉv }( P]} É NÉ` Y}lvÉ v É (Éo RÉ RÉ( `] v ]u}v R}vÉ ooX TRÉv `RuJ Iv v ]vv ] [ oo lÉv `˙ v S}R]É É RÉ Éu }( É]vP M]RÉo]vrÉ}Pv]É RÉ( ]]vÉPÉ }v RÉX A RÉ vuÉ ] ]vÉU I (Éo RÉ ooRÉ}(]v]vu˙RÉ RÉ]viÉ }(`RRRÉvÉ}RÉXS}R]É]o ]v}É]RÉo}ÉRÉ`˙U}R]vo](É v]vRÉl]RÉvUvRÉ]l}(v]vP]v}}lÉv`}uvU like her mother, suddenly seems very real. A o]'oÉ ] }( FÉvR uP] v RÉo } RÉo Év RÉ u} }lÉv }( RÉ v R ] i `R ] }+ÉÉ } S}R]ÉX AoR}PR ] R Év uv˙ ˙É ]vÉ RÉ Év v˙ uÉ ]v FvÉ `]R RÉ GvruÉÉ OÉ'ÉU ÉoÉR}vÉ oo } ˙ OÉ'É]v}`Éoo]Év}PR(}S}R]É}lRÉP]vNÉ` Y}lvG˙]v}T}o}É}`]R É RÉXSRÉu˙RÉRÉ RÉ R˙ uÉu}]É }( uuÉ ]v FvÉ } RÉ l }( RÉ mind since her mum died, but being back in the chateau and É]vP (u]o] (É ]vP RÉu o]É }vÉ u}ÉU v RÉ ÉP]v}Éo]É`RRÉR].É}(}oo}`RÉÉuX There was a lot to keep me entertained in this book, including (v v }uÉuÉ ]l˙ }( RÉX S}R]É uÉ } o](É R}PR RÉ Éu}}voo˙ RPÉ u}uÉvU (}u RÉ despair at the beginning to the understanding and acceptance RuÉ `]R RÉ (u]o˙Éo]vP RÉ u]]vP ]ÉÉ }(RÉo](ÉXI(}v]˙É }]o]ÉRÉRÉURÉulÉ vRÉ}( É T}o}ÉU`ÉooRÉuÉoo}(RÉl]RÉv v RÉ }É (}u RÉ PÉv v ]vÉ˙U v v É }v RÉÉ É]É ]voÉ (} }uÉ }( S}R]É[ (}]É ]RÉX TRÉ u}É I ÉU RÉ u}É I ` .ooÉ `]R R}ÉRRÉ`}o.vRÉÉo(vRÉR}uÉX
I(˙}Évi}˙v}Éo`]R}vPRÉUÉvÉ}(oÉv o]'oÉ ] }( FÉvR uP]U ˙} `]oo o}É R] }vÉX TRÉ PÉ vÉ` ] R RÉ }v É }}l ]v R] É]ÉU S}R]É Vo}˘[ P]S`]ooÉoÉÉ]vO}ÉR]˙ÉX
The Lies She Told by Lynda Renham
Review by Jacqui Brown WRÉv KÉ ] 'lÉ ]v RÉ l]RÉvU RÉ ]É O˘(}R]É ]ooPÉ }( S}vÉÉv ] R}`v]v}É}(R}XTRÉ}vÉ(ÉU (]Évo˙ ]ooPÉU `RÉÉ }uuv]˙ ]] ` ]ÉÉ v É˙`RÉÉU ] (É ˙ Éu]vPo˙ ]u}]oÉ ]vÉP}v `R}É v˙ É v}r}vÉ `É ]] RÉ o]É }( }uÉ }( RÉ RÉ v loÉ }uÉ]8o}]vÉo}vR]]ÉX AR BÉ HÉ v T}u M]ooÉ ˙ } ]ÉÉ }PÉRÉ RÉ Évv.vRÉ]ÉÉ vÉRÉ˙vÉÉURÉ](}É}Éo secrets about her recent divorce and his arrival in the village is R}É]vvv`É}v É XHÉRo]'oÉvÉv]vP }( ]ooPÉ o](É v v.v]RÉ ]vÉ ]v L}v}vU `R]R }LÉv RuÉ RÉ] ]vÉP}vU I R (oo }v.ÉvÉ ]v R BÉ (}u RÉ ÉP]vv]vPX DÉ]É RÉ }vo É }oÉuU I lvÉ` RÉÉ`v]vvÉÉvPRi`]vP}(ÉX I vi}˙É É (}oo}`]vP RÉ +É É }( RÉ R}l `É R ]oÉ } LÉ RÉ 'lU +ÉvP É˙}vÉ ]v RÉ ]ooPÉ ]v ]+ÉÉv `˙U v }uÉ }]vU u} }( RÉ RÉ became guilty in my head. This book totally took over my mind I]É}`}l}`R}]]Uv`R˙X
Read a good book recently? Why not share your thoughts? Drop us an email to find out how ...
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 45
Relaxing in French – Can reading books in French be enjoyable? ˙H}`NÉÉ
his article has its origin at the beginning of our French period, some 20 years ago, during an exploratory shopping trip in Niort, and was prompted by a recent conversation about books and literature with a British woman who had just moved to France. When I explained to her my experience of reading in French, her reaction was, “You could help other people if you wrote an article on what you have just explained.” The reason for writing this article is not to blow my own trumpet, but to encourage others. Before relating my relationship with books in French, I need to explain my relationship with foreign languages. At school in the UK, I had very poor marks for French, and taking an O level in French wasn’t even a remote possibility. When I was 21, I met a Dutch woman who would become my wife. A few years later, I emigrated to Holland to live with her and take up a position as an engineer . I stayed there until we were pensioned and we emigrated to France. During that period in Holland, I quickly picked up Dutch, to the point of being able to use it competently as a second language in conversation and reading; writing was more laborious. My colleagues at work had said, “We are not going to speak English to you” and, to a lesser extent, my Dutch family-in-law did the same – and so I learnt. Language education in the Dutch school system was, and is, extensive;
many Dutch people can speak Dutch, English, French and German, and enthusiasts add on a couple more. I had thought to emulate this and started on German but failed miserably – partly due to the method of instruction, which was “learning as a child does” and involved fast spoken German from tape recorders, and no grammar. However, English was and is the language of engineers, and so on foreign business trips I had no real problems knowing only English and Dutch. I still remember a French engineer who was put into a working group because of his technical competence but who had almost no English at all – I felt very sorry for him and could well understand how he must have felt. Towards the end of our working life, my wife and I realised that we had the choice of staying in the house where we had lived for 25 years or moving. We felt we needed a change and so the idea of emigrating to France germinated. This led to my wife saying (stipulating?) that we both needed to get our French up to speed, and so we started on a computer-based course with one-to-one lessons. The lady giving the course was Swiss, and the base language was Dutch, but since the majority of the brainwashing was done by computer, in French, this did not really form an impediment. The course was grammar based, with merciless interrogations from the computer on verbs and their conjugations and tenses, genders, pronouns, numbers, days of the week, and so on. This course actually
helped a little, and a year or so later, when we were purchasing our dream house in the Deux-Sèvres, I could read and understand some of the documentation, albeit with difficulty. Spoken French was and still is a problem, compounded by deafness and age in general, and, to be honest, leaves me with a feeling of inferiority. I came to France expecting to follow the same rapid learning process for French that I had experienced for Dutch so long ago, but this was not to be. Without making excuses but naming factually a number of causes, I can say that it proved impossible for me to achieve any really proficient level of spoken French. The reasons are many, but deafness limits any conversation even in English, because we interpolate a lot of what we hear and because in our replies we reuse vocabulary and grammar. If you don’t hear well, then this whole process, including learning, breaks down. Add to that the difference in social life between that of a young working person with children at home and all the interactions that implies, in the Netherlands, and that of a retired person with a very small circle of social contact with his environment, in France, and you can see that attempting to become fluent in an additional language under those conditions is very much uphill work. As many of you will have done, I started with French lessons once we had settled in. At that time, the Centre Socioculturel in Bressuire had commenced a course of lessons, and the lady instructing us gave the lessons using grammar as the base. She required written homework from us, in French, and this worked very well for me. I was there for three years, I think, and I learnt a lot – she was a very good teacher. But the course came to an end, and I did not search for another – a mistake, perhaps, but it leads me to the start of this article. I read a lot for relaxation and whilst in Niort that day shortly after we’d moved to France, we went into a bookshop (which has since moved or gone out of business), to browse as we were used to back in Holland. The English section was small. But there was a vast selection of French books, and I realised that if I was to continue reading, I needed to have a big choice available at hand, and I thought what a pity it was that I could not read all those French books. I resolved there and then to see if I could develop a pleasure in reading in French. Once home, I took out a French copy of Marcel Pagnol’s Jean de Florette and started to read, with a dictionary on my knee (later I bought a dedicated electronic dictionary, which helped enormously). That first book was not easy, and nor were the subsequent books. I soon realised that there was a learning process involved – not so much one of vocabulary, but one of assimilating, first, what a phrase meant, then, later, a sentence and then, a lot later, a paragraph. Going through this process took more than a year , but as bigger and bigger groups of words began to make sense, my pleasure in reading increased, as did my speed. Weirdly enough, a newspaper such as Le Monde proved hard to understand, to the point that it was very easy to lose interest in articles, whereas a magazine such as Pour la Science, dealing with facts in the present tense, was quite understandable from the beginning.
I think that the turning point with reading in French was when I nearly fell over a pallet of books in a Le Relais shop in Gare Montparnasse returning from a family visit. The pallet was fully loaded with a selection of detective paperbacks by a French author, and on the spur of the moment I bought a couple, after which I settled down in the TGV to Poitiers to read one. To my surprise, I enjoyed them both, even though I had to guess at a lot of the French police jargon. But that is the way it is – every new undertaking in a foreign country requires new vocabulary. From there onwards, I started reading other French authors and authors in translation, including some British ones. A lot of the books were parts of series, and I have tried to read all the books per series, in sequence, because life is easier if you understand and know the characters and the way the author expresses him- or herself (or should I say themselves these days?). I graduated after a few years to a Kindle e-reader and benefited from the built-in dictionaries, which allowed consultation on the fly. The enrichment I found in this process of reading French has included gaining self-respect; learning a lot about French history, about the French and their attitudes, and about the French countryside; and increasing my French vocabulary. I also found that I read books a lot more thoroughly in French than in English, although more slowly – no skip-reading in French. All very positive indeed. All in all, having access to a large source of authors, most of whom would not be translated into English, is an enrichment and the variety of information, ideas, and explanations allows a better comprehension of the society around us. This article was actually an introduction, because, if our editor and publisher agrees, I will every so often write about the books and particularly the various series I have read in French. To kick off, I would mention Marie-Hélène Texier, an author whose books I discovered some years ago. She writes historical fiction covering a thousand years, from Charlemagne to almost the present day. The language is not complex, she leaves the worst violence of bygone ages out, and the historical accuracy seems excellent to me. I will return to her books later, but one that stays in my mind was about late 19th century London and the Post Office messenger boys scandal, which was unknown to me (later I found reference to it in the TV series Ripper Street). She approached the subject from an unusual angle, and that made the book for me.
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C O T # I N S A T I A T E
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W # C # # # O # I # # # E
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Business and Finance
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Why it’s time to ‘think local’ for your financial planning in France
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Recently become resident in France? Looking for financial advice? If you are new to France, you need to understand how the local tax and succession regime affects you and your family, as well as what opportunities are available to improve your situation and protect your wealth. Blevins Franks has been providing effective tax and estate planning solutions to British expatriates for 45 years, along with investment and pensions advice.
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I N T E R N AT I O N A L T A X A DV I C E • I N V E S T M E N T S • E S T AT E P L A N N I N G • P E N S I O N S Blevins Franks Group is represented in France by the following companies: Blevins Franks Wealth Management Limited (BFWML) and Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF). BFWML is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority, registered number C 92917. Authorised to conduct investment services under the Investment Services Act and authorised to carry out insurance intermediary activities under the Insurance Distribution Act. Where advice is provided outside of Malta via the Insurance Distribution Directive or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II, the applicable regulatory system differs in some respects from that of Malta. BFWML also provides taxation advice; its tax advisers are fully qualified tax specialists. Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF), is registered with ORIAS, registered number 07 027 475, and authorised as ‘Conseil en Investissements Financiers’ and ‘Courtiers d’Assurance’ Category B (register can be consulted on Member of ANACOFI-CIF. BFF’s registered office: 1 rue Pablo Neruda, 33140 Villenave d’Ornon – RCS BX 498 800 465 APE 6622Z. Garantie Financière et Assurance de Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle conformes aux articles L 541-3 du Code Monétaire et Financier and L512-6 and 512-7 du Code des Assurances (assureur MMA). Blevins Franks Trustees Limited is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for the administration of retirement schemes. This promotion has been approved and issued by BFWML.
Ask Amanda by Amanda Johnson
manda, now we are emerging from A the COVID pandemic, do you have any top tips for financial planning in the event of other unforeseen circumstances?
WR]o `É vv} (}ÉÉ `R `]oo RÉv ]v RÉ (ÉU ]ÉÉ `]vP ]É v RÉo Év .vv]o R}oo ]]vPv]v]vP˙}o](É]vFvÉX HÉÉ}uÉR]vPRu]PRRÉoX Emergency fund Iv v ]Éo `}o ˙} `}o RÉ oÉ RÉÉ u}vR[ expenditure in a savings account. A Livret A account with your local bank will give you instant access to your savings and a small interest rate without paying any income tax or social charges on the interest paid to you. Review current investments and pensions to see if current attitude to risk still matches IvMR`É`RÉ}lulÉ}(RÉ`}oouuÉU }ÉÉ ]vP }É RÉ (}oo}`]vP u}vRX I( ˙} `ÉÉ } l]vP ˙} Év]}v } v ]v}uÉ É }v RÉ oÉ }( your investments at the market lows, your income would have been reduced. By regularly reviewing what you have and when you are going to need your money, we can help ensure that RÉÉ (É`É ]P ]É v R v˙ R } ]É RÉ oÉ]u}v˙}o](É˙oÉX Budget plan I(˙}lv}``R˙}Évo˙˙]vP}U`RÉv˙uÉv are due and when you receive your income, you may be able to ]Éo `˙ }uÉ u}vÉ˙ uÉ ]v P}} uÉ (} É ]v RÉ leaner months. Money leaks OvÉ ˙ÉUP}R}PRooRÉ }v˙}R}vÉvRÉl ˙} u}vRo˙ ]}v} ulÉÉ ˙}É ]vP oo RÉ R]vP ˙} ˙ (}X OLÉv ˙} v É }uÉ u}vÉ˙ i ˙ ÉoÉvP ]}v ˙} v} o}vPÉ ÉX Y} v } R u}vÉ˙]v}˙}ÉuÉPÉv˙(vX Best wishes Amanda Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below and I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for our financial planning reviews, reports or recommendations.
Amanda Johnson Tel: 05 49 98 97 46 or 06 73 27 25 43 E-mail:
Tel: 05 49 98 97 46
Wi t h C a r e , Yo u P r o s p e r TSG Insurance Ser vices S.A.R.L. • Siège Social: 34 Bd des Italiens, 75009 Paris • R.C.S. Paris B 447 609 108 (2003B04384) « Société de Cour tage d’assurances » « Intermédiaire en opération de Banque et Ser vices de Paiement » Numéro d’immatriculation 07 025 332 – « Conseiller en investissements financiers », référencé sous le numéro E002440 par ANACOFI-CIF, association agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers »
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 57
Property I
And the living is easy .....
v Dɢ SÉÉU RÉ v}u ] o}vPU o˙ uuÉ `]R Po}]} `ÉRÉWRÉ`ÉRÉRvPÉUv`uÉ`]Ru}ÉvR]vÉ RÉu}uÉv˙}}RÉL}]ÉXÉvE ]vU`RÉvRÉÉ]É˙ mixed weather, as soon as the sun comes out the temperature shoots up! TR] ] `RÉv }}o }uÉ É Évo RÉ Rv }uÉR]vP } u]ÉX TRÉÉ[}uÉR]vP } (o É v Éo˘]vP } P]vP }É ˙o oÉ `É }` RÉ É(o }v˙]É `É[É oÉÉ`]RX I(˙}[Éo}}l]vP(} }É˙`]RGɢ]]o]˙U}}u (}(u]o]É]vÉ(ÉR}o]˙R}uÉU}(}v]v}uÉÉuUR] u}vR`É[ÉÉoÉÉRÉÉ}(RÉ(} É oÉ`]R}}oX
TRÉ . ~LÉPPÉ' (É P AZ ] vÉ L CRÉooÉrS]vrÉÉvvÉ small village near Moncoutant and É]ÉB XSÉ}vuPv].Év in-ground heated pool with separate i]U É(É (} `} (u]o]ÉU rental income or maison des amis, ] [É `]R }vvÉvP }} between the two dwellings. The charming home is well maintained and decorated, its main house R ]}}u(}oÉ o]]vPU RÉÉ P}v G}}}}u É v uÉ]É]UuÉv]vÉ˙}ÉRÉo]]vP}}uvRÉ l]RÉvl]v]vP v PuÉ }}u }Éo}}l RÉ }}oX TRÉ }v É R v 'É }ÉÉ vP É É ]} o]]vP v RÉÉ }}u É X W]R vÉG}} v P Évo RÉvP R] o˙ ] R}uÉ(}ooÉ}vXLPÉ]ÉPÉvu]vo˙ É o]}o`v `]RuÉ}`W]˙oo]ƒıUX TR] (}uÉ`Éu]oo vÉ RÉr}o É S]vrM]˘Évro[E}oÉ ~ıæ]Z ]Éo(}R}É`R}o}É}}}o](ÉXC}uoÉÉo˙]ÉU ] [ o} RÉ ]Éo (} R}É Él]vP Gɢ]]o]˙ ]v }uu}}v vl} `]R ]}vo ]v}uÉX TRÉ u]v R}É R É oPÉ
}}u `]R oÉ G}} v uv˙ }]P]vo (ÉÉU vv]vP o]]vP }}u `]R }vÉ `oo v oÉ G}} v RÉÉ }}u É X TRÉ main gîte has large open plan living with two bedrooms upstairs while a (RÉuoo'RÉR}É}+É Év u}É }uu}}v `]R }Évovo]]vP lÉ}}uXO]É RÉÉ[oPÉRÉÉ`]uu]vP}}oUo}Éo˙ÉU}}oR}ÉU P˙uUoÉUolÉU.Éov`}}ovWÉ(É(}v˙˘ÉÉ vÉ (u]o˙WƒX Iv S}]Pv U o} o}É } S M]˘ÉvU R] o}Éo˙ o}vPÉ ~ıZ has three gîtes clustered around another super swimming pool. EvÉ]vP ˙ ]É ]É`˙ R}PR ovÉ lov v PÉv `R]R o}É }`v } ] '˙ É olÉU RÉ Év }`vÉ RÉ ]o É˙ (o É ]vÉ }É RÉ æ ˙É `]R uR É ]vÉX TRÉ o}vPÉU }vÉ (uR}É v}` o}Éo˙ home, has great living spaces, (}}}u É `]R]É`}É the grounds, integral garage and wine store as well as gas Évo RÉvPX TRÉ oPÉ gîte has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, the others RÉ `} }}u É ÉR W all have private terraces and PÉvX TRÉÉ[ oPÉ v `]R PÉ[ PuÉ }}u v RÉ É(ÉuÉ}`(}u]vPrƒUX Joanna Leggett is marketing director at Leggett Immobilier – you can view their full portfolio of properties for sale in France at
€84,999 HAI
Ref. A04761 - Semi-detached 4 bedroom house with garage, garden and outbuildings.
DPE: E ENERGY CLASS: 243 CLIMATE CLASS: 47 Agency fees to be paid by the seller
€272,850 HAI
Ref. A07235 - Lovely 3 bedroom house with swimming pool, outbuildings and gîte. DPE: A
Agency fees included : 7% TTC to be paid by the buyer
LOCAL KNOWLEDGE YOU CAN TRUST Buying or selling a property? Contact us now!
€245,500 HAI
Ref. A06998 - Charming 4 bedroom house with outuildings, garage, gîte and parking.
€172,800 HAI
Ref. A06336 - Beautiful 3 bedroom house with outbuildings, parking and garage.
€255,000 HAI
Ref. A06999 - Renovated 3 bedroom house with garage, outbuildings and parking. No DPE required Agency fees included : 6% TTC to be paid by the buyer
€104,395 HAI
Ref. A05663 - 3 bedroom house with office townhouse, great condition and double glazing.
Agency fees included : 7% TTC to be paid by the buyer
Agency fees included : 8% TTC to be paid by the buyer
Agency fees to be paid by the seller
+33 (0)5 53 60 84 88 - - SARL Leggett Immobilier, 42 rue de Ribérac, 24340 La Rochebeaucourt et Argentine - SIRET : 521 133 835
Our clients are ready to buy NOW Contact us for a FREE Valuation and Marketing Advice Deux Sevres 2021 08.indd 1
11/08/2021 15:21:32
Sell your property with Beaux Villages ! VENDU
VAS1471 ASSAISLESJUMEUX A ƒ DPEV]ÉPÉ PÉv}É(uR}É}vRÉÉPÉ}( a village 3-4 beds possible large barn and æułHPÉ}Évo NÉ]Ƀ
VSA1341 NÉCHAMPDENIERS 412 000€ DPED Superb rural house with swimming pool vułXNÉ`}}(v(}ÉR }v(}u FÉÉ]voÉ]vRÉ]É
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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, September 2021 | 59