April 12, 2012

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Park to retire; Rhine steps in T.J. Thomson

Executive Editor

Photo by Kristina Harter

Chadron State College President Janie Park announced Tuesday she was retiring effective May 11, and that Randy Rhine, vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Services, would serve as interim president. Park’s resignation seemed abrupt compared to other recent retirement announcements that were made many months in advance of their effective dates. Although the retirement announcement was made a month and a day in advance of its effective date, Rhine thought the timing was logical. “President Park’s timing makes perfect sense,” Rhine said Wednesday, adding that Park would have time for closure, and that this plan “was in place for some time,” meaning her retirement has been in the works for several months. Rhine is working on the transition to make it as smooth as possible. “I had a meeting with the steering committee yesterday after the announcement,” Rhine said. “We need to keep doing good work and stay focused.” Rhine said that some restructuring would take place to allow him to manage both his current duties and his new ones. Park “They’ll be some rearrangements,” he said. “There are some things I plan on keeping close to me. The first is enrollment management and the second is college relations.” He added that additional structures were put in place to allow the college’s administrative systems to function efficiently during the transition. Rhine said he didn’t know if he would be leading the search committee for Park’s replacement; however, he said he has considered applying for the position. “I believe I will be interested,” he said. “I do like Chadron State College very much. There are great people; great students here.”

Randy Rhine, vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Services, gestures during an interview with The Eagle Wednesday.




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