Aug. 23, 2012

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ThUrSdAy, AUG. 23, 2012

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Dean preps for challenges; eager for future T.J. Thomson Executive Editor

Photo by Ashley Swanson

see DEAN, Page 3

Joanna Forstrom, Dean of Teaching and Learning and the School of Liberal Arts, sits in her office while being interviewed by The Eagle Tuesday morning.



Columnist examines the meat of summer flicks

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College welcomes students with BBQs, bands

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Since assuming her duties Aug. 1, Joanna Forstrom, Chadron State’s new dean of Teaching and Learning and the School of Liberal Arts, stands ready and is optimistic to meet the challenges posed by a rural institution. Forstrom, daughter of an air force pilot, is a native of the Midwest who was raised in Rapid City, S.D. Forstrom said she became familiar with CSC when she participated in the college’s scholastic day competitions, an annual academic contest for regional high school students. Returning to the college as dean instead of high school competitor, Forstrom is still trying to find a balance in her dual roles as dean of Teaching and Learning and the School of Liberal Arts, something that the more than 20 candidates prior to her failed to do to the satisfaction of the seven-member search committee. “I’m still sorting out my roles,” Forstrom said, noting she has only been in Chadron since late July. The new dean said she is gaining feedback about the needs of programs she oversees, and is obtaining it from a wide cross-section, including faculty and administrators.


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