August 15, 2019

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Aug. 15, 2019 THURSDAY

Issue No. 1




The voice of Chadron State College since 1920





Vintage photos, cheerleader uniforms, letter sweaters and Elmo costume highlight show Please see page 8



Football, volleyball coaching staffs set; cross country team still needs a head coach Please see page 5

INDEX News 2 Sports 5 Lifestyles 8

Illustration courtesy BVH Architecture

An architectural rendering depicts how the Math Science Building might look when the renovation and addition project after completion.

With $28m facelift, new wing, M&S expects to soar Project approval spawns myriad emotions u By Aubrie Lawrence News Editor

Excited. Anxious. Overwhelmed. Grateful. Those are among the emotions math and science faculty and students said they felt when they heard Nebraska State Senators the renovation and addition of Chadron State College’s Math

Science building was officially a reality thanks to the recently approved budget by Nebraska State Senators and Gov. Pete Ricketts. A May 30 press release from the Nebraska State College System office notes that included in the state’s budget is the bond repayment for CSC’s $28.5 million project to renovate and expand the Math Science Building. As part of the funding package, $4.525 million is required for the capital project, and the college and Chadron State Foundation are partnering to secure that funding. Foundation CEO Ben Watson, said Monday that the foundation has already secured

more than $1.6 million and is working to secure additional funds through its Next Horizon campaign. Robert Stack, mathematics professor and chair of the natural sciences and mathematics department, admitted he was skeptical about whether the project would fly when it was in its infancy. But now that it’s a reality, his view has changed. “This is the most significant renovation of an academic building on the campus.

Please see MATH SCIENCE, page 3


Aug. 15, 2019 | The Eagle |



Eagle The voice of Chadron State College since 1920

EDITORIAL EDITOR Chase Vialpando NEWS EDITOR Aubrie Lawrence OPINION EDITOR Devin Fulton SPORTS EDITOR Brandon Davenport LIFESTYLES EDITOR Samantha Persinger PHOTO EDITOR Brandon Davenport EXECUTIVE ADVERTISING DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE EDITORIAL ASST. & DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Brendan Fangmeier NEWSROOM CONTACT PHONE & EMAIL Editorial: 308-432-6303 Advertising: 308-432-6304 GENERAL EMAIL QUERIES MAILING ADDRESS The Eagle Old Admin, Room 235 Chadron State College 1000 Main St. Chadron NE 69337 FACULTY ADVISER Michael D. Kennedy Office: 308-432-6047 MEMBERSHIPS Nebraska Press Association

Participation on The Eagle staff is open to all Chadron State College students. As a public forum, The Eagle invites guest columns and letters to the editor from all readers. Opinions expressed in submissions belong solely to the author(s) and DO NOT necessarily reflect the opinions of The Eagle staff, its adviser, CSC students, staff, faculty, administrators or governing body. Please limit all guest columns or letters to 400 words. Deadline for submissions is noon Monday for consideration in the following Thursday’s edition. The Eagle reserves the right to edit or reject all submissions.

The Eagle file photo by Michael D. Kennedy

Ashley Swanson, left, and T.J. Thomson, both former editors of The Eagle, photograph the Douthit wildfire, burning in August 2012 along Table Road south of Chadron. Swanson, who succeeded Thomson as editor in 2013 after he graduated, is now news editor at the Clay County News, Sutton. Thomson is a lecturer of visual media at the School of Communication and Digital Media Research Center, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. In July he earned the 2019 Anne Dunn Scholar of the Year Award presented by the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association and the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia.

Former editor earns research award down under CSC grad is 6th recipient of award named after respected Australian journalist, media scholar u From CSC College Relations and The Eagle Staff Earning a bachelor’s degree in communication at Chadron State College was a formative step for 2013 graduate T.J. Thomson, and a stepping stone to an academic career that has recently been recognized with an international award for research on communication and journalism. “It was (at CSC) where I gained an appreciation for tight writing, where I received countless opportunities to hone my photography and design skills while working on The Eagle, and where thoughtful, patient, and generous professors inspired, motivated, and shaped me into the person I am today,” Thomson said. The Australian and New Zealand Communi-

cation Association (ANZCA) and the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia (JERAA) named Thomson in early July as the recipient of the 2019 Anne Dunn Scholar of the Year Award. “The support and advocacy I received at CSC placed me on a fantastic trajectory where I now work alongside academics at the best School of Communication in the country and the top 16th worldwide,” said Thomson, now a teacher and researcher at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia. Thomson is the sixth recipient of the award, which was established in 2014 to honor the memory of respected Australian broadcaster, journalist, and media scholar Anne Dunn. It recognizes excellence in academic research on communication and journalism and carries a $3,000 AUD ($2,033 USD) prize. After completing his bachelor’s degree at Chadron State, Thomson, a Golden, Colorado, native, completed his M.A. and Ph.D at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia. He worked as a freelance visual journalist and designer before accepting his position at QUT. While here, though, he left a big footprint at

Chadron State, particularly at The Eagle. From spring 2011 to spring 2019, The Eagle has been judged Best in Overall Excellence eight consecutive times in the Nebraska Collegiate Media Association’s annual Golden Leaf Awards. The association revamped its contest in 2018 and did not conduct a competition that year. Thomson, who served as The Eagle’s editor from January 2010, the middle of his sophomore year, to May 2013 when he graduated, earned countless individual Golden Leaf Awards for his reporting, newspaper design and photojournalism, and led The Eagle to its first three Best in Overall Excellence awards, 2011-13. “That’s great news, but I am not surprised,” The Eagle Adviser Michael D. Kennedy said about Thomson earning the Anne Dunn Scholar of the Year Award. “T.J. has more talent, intelligence and tenacity in his little finger than most people can even dream about, including me. “He always held himself to high journalistic standards when he was editor, and the student staff jumped on board. He was like the Pied Piper of journalistic quality.

Please see THOMSON, page 3



from page 1

It’s an unbelievable addition, not only for Chadron State College, but for the entire region,” Stack said. “The level of excitement among the faculty in the building is off the charts.” Geo-science Professor Michael Leite, who also leads the department’s annual Geology Field Camp, said he, too, was pleased to hear funding was approved. “It’s about time,” Leite said. “Those of us who do research here and have collections are really happy to see these changes happen and make our work a lot easier.” Joyce Hardy, physical and life science professor, said she was excited but anxious about the project. “I have anxiety about the building being as functional as we need it, because I know we can work with the current building, although not perfectly,” Hardy said. “I have anxiety about being out of the building for a year or a year and a half and how I still can continue to teach my students, and teach them well. I mourn the loss of our atrium be-

Thomson, | The Eagle | Aug. 15, 2019

cause that is a fire hazard and it will go away. “But I am really excited to see what opportunities active-learning classrooms and laboratories (have) that are more conducive to the way students currently learn. Those opportunities will be exciting,” Hardy said. Faculty aren’t the only ones happy about the new building. “I am really excited for not only the math and science department, but the entire school as well,” said senior geoscience major Gasper Dominici of Denver. “I think the building needs to have a lot more pizzazz, so as soon as you walk in you’re like, ‘wow this is cool, this is math and science.’’’ “I think it’s great,” said senior Chance Adolf of Papillion, also a geoscience major. “I think the Math and Science Building really deserves it.” Although the project has been in the works since 2013, planning began in earnest after it was formally approved at the Board of Trustees’

June meeting, CSC President Randy Rhine said Monday. He added that a construction manager will be selected later this month and will begin working on construction documents with the architect and consultants. He said construction is expected to begin in spring 2020 and last roughly 18 to 24 months. In the May 30 press release, Rhine expressed gratitude for all who worked to approve the project. “Chadron State College is grateful to the state senators, appropriations committee, and Gov. (Pete) Ricketts for their support of this project and putting us in the position to benefit our students and western Nebraska,” Rhine said. “This project will allow Chadron State College to prepare healthcare professionals and teachers who will continue to live in our communities and give back through their service and careers. This project is also significant for western Nebraska, and I’m excited to see how far-reaching its impact

from page 2

“He set high standards when he was here, side of their profession, and how visual and and over the years the student editors who verbal journalistic stories compare. He was followed after him have consistently main- co-author of a study focused on the types of tained them. That’s his legacy at The Eagle,” news images that draw engagement on InsKennedy said. “Earning the Dunn award un- tagram that generated media attention from derscores the exceptional news outlets around the work he produced then, world. and clearly is producing Thomson also is the The support and now.” author of a soon-to-beadvocacy I received at released book about how While at CSC Thomson also was active in CSC’s journalism is proCSC placed me on a visual student government and duced, with a focus on was a member of Blue Key fantastic trajectory ... the impact of environhonorary society. ments where images are - T.J. Thomson made, the interaction beFurthermore, he was named the Great Plains tween photographer and Student Photographer of subject and their reaction the Year in 2013. The award is among the to the representations that are created. The Great Plains Journalism Awards, presented book, from publisher Rowman & Littlefield, annually by the Tulsa (Oklahoma) Press Club headquartered in Lanham, Maryland, just and Benevolent Association. The eight-state outside Washington, D.C., is titled: “To See competition includes Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Be Seen. The Environments, Interactions Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, North Da- and Identities Behind News Images.” kota and South Dakota. Thomson said his time at Chadron State Thomson began working as a lecturer in was valuable for his personal and academic visual media at the QUT School of Commu- development. nication and Digital Media Research Centre “Being involved in student government, in June 2018. His research examines how numerous clubs, participating on commitvisual media are produced, organized, rep- tees and task forces complemented wonderresented, and interpreted in journalistic and fully the training and instruction I received digital arenas. He has published articles on in the classroom, and ensured I was able to how people behave in front of news cameras, maximize my opportunities following gradhow visual journalists manage the emotional uation,” he said.

will be.” The release also stated that the Math Science Building has long been the top construction project for the Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees. The project calls for the renovation of the existing east and west wings, while adding a north wing. “On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Chadron State College, and our students, I would like to express our gratitude to the (Nebraska) Legislature for their continued support of higher education and the Nebraska State Colleges,” NSCS Board Chairman Gary Bieganski said in the May 30 release. “In recent years, more than 10 state senators and Gov. Ricketts have toured the facility and saw the need and prioritized the Math Science Building renovation to move forward.” In the same press release, NSCS Chancellor Paul Turman concurred with Bieganski. “Gov. Ricketts, the Appropri-


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ations Committee, and the entire Legislature understood the need for the renovation of the Math Science Building as well as the return on investment that the project will provide to the state and region,” Turman said. “This investment will place Chadron State College and its students on the cutting edge of learning and technology while maintaining the College’s affordability and accessibility.” The release also stated that the Math Science project has received widespread support in the region with more than 40 organizations, including school districts, city governments, hospitals, and employers in western Nebraska endorsing it. Rhine also said the project will have a positive effect on western Nebraska and CSC’s current and future students. “Chadron State College is grateful to everyone who has joined this project as donors and pledged their support,” Rhine said.


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Aug. 15, 2019 | The Eagle |


Where to go, when to be there

*All times subject to change. Official event agenda will be provided to students at check-in. THURSDAY, AUG. 15 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Residence Hall Move In 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Event Check-in, north side of the Student Center (near the Clock Tower) 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Registration for Where is My Classroom? Campus Tours, Event Check-in 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. – One-Stop-Shop at the Student Center *Pick up Student ID/Eagle Card *Get assistance logging into the CSC network, MyCSC and EagleMail *Request official major/degree program changes *Make necessary course schedule changes with an academic adviser *Ask questions regarding financial aid and scholarships *Pick up your CSC parking permit *Meet with Student Health Services *Visit with VA/Military Services or ROTC LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 1-4 p.m. – Where is My Classroom? Campus Tours, Start at the Student Center 2-3:30 p.m. – Transitional Studies Session, Memorial Hall 4-4:30 p.m. – Eagle Welcome, General Session and Class of 2023 Photo, Amphitheater 4:30-6 p.m. – Welcome Picnic, Tent 6-9 p.m. – Bands on Bordeaux: The Encore! Downtown Chadron

FRIDAY, AUG. 16 7:30 – 8:15 a.m. – Breakfast: Groups 1-20, Student Center Dining Room 8:15-8:45 a.m. – Breakfast: Groups 21-40, Student Center Dining Room 8 a.m. – Noon – Registration for Where is My Classroom? Campus Tours, Student Center Main Desk 9-10:15 a.m. – Eagle Expectations - STUDENT-ONLY SESSION - Student Center Ballroom 9 a.m. – Noon – Parent/Guest Sessions, Memorial Hall 10:30-11:45 a.m. – Get to know your academic department, various locations Noon – 1 p.m. – Lunch, Student Center Dining Room 1-2 p.m. – Information Fair at the Clock Tower 1-4 p.m. – Where is My Classroom? Campus Tours, Start at the Student Center SPECIAL SESSIONS (FRIDAY, AUG. 16) 2-3 p.m. – Parents of Education Students, Old Admin 136 2-4 p.m. – International Student Orientation, Old Admin 109 2-4 p.m. – Open House: Student Services, various locations 5 p.m. – Backyard Barbecue & Bash - Kent/High Rise/Andrews Backyard 8-10 p.m. – REQUIRED SESSION – Residence Hall floor meetings SATURDAY, AUG. 17 9-11 a.m. – Pancake feed sponsored by Zeta Alpha Kappa and Xi Delta Zeta, Kent/High Rise/Andrews Backyard Noon – 3 p.m. – Yard Games, Kent/High Rise/Andrews Backyard 8-11 p.m. – Street Dance sponsored by NOCS, Kent/High Rise/Andrews Backyard SUNDAY, AUG. 18 7-9 p.m. – REQUIRED SESSION – Hypnotist sponsored by Residence Life Association, Student Center Ball-room, and Rob Hackenson Jr., present ing on alcohol awareness and other health information






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MONDAY, AUG. 19 First Day of Classes! 4:45 p.m. – Campus Activity Board Meeting, Student Center Scottsbluff Room 5:30 p.m. – Student Senate Meeting, Student Center Scottsbluff Room 7-9 p.m. – REQUIRED SESSION – Adulting at CSC, Student Center Ballroom TUESDAY, AUG 20 6-8 p.m. – Condom Olympics sponsored by Western Community Health Resources, Kent/High Rise/Andrews Backyard WEDNESDAY, AUG. 21 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Uptown on Campus, Kent/High Rise/Andrews Backyard 7-10 p.m. – Carnival sponsored by RLA, Kent/High Rise/Andrews Backyard THURSDAY, AUG. 22 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. – LLC Open House sponsored by the Library Learning Commons, King Library, Main Level 7-10 p.m. – Dungeons and Dragons Art Night sponsored by the Social Sciences Club and Plainswalkers, The Hub 9 p.m. – Midnight – Dance sponsored by The Pit, Student Center Ballroom FRIDAY, AUG. 23 Evening – Night on the Town! Downtown Chadron SUNDAY, AUG. 25 7 p.m. – Free Movie Night sponsored by CAB, Eagle Theatre, Downtown Chadron

Sports | The Eagle | Aug. 15, 2019

Fall sports teams stride through coaching shuffles



Athletes return to fields, courts, and new faces


u By Brandon Davenport Sports Editor

CSC student athletes returning to campus for the upcoming fall sports season will be adjusting to what has been an offseason of change in the coaching staffs of multiple teams. In all, nine coaches are either new hires or find themselves in new positions with one of the college’s fall sports teams. That number will become 10 when last year’s cross country head coach Scott Foley is replaced. Foley recently accepted a job as head cross country coach at Black Hills State University. The departure is a flashback to last season when former head coach Brian Medigovich also resigned in August. CSC Athletic Director Joel Smith joked that the number of coaching changes might be abnormal for other programs, but it hasn’t been abnormal for him. The bulk of change stems from the departures of Chris Stein and Jeff Larson, former CSC football offensive and defensive coordinators respectively, and Riann Mullis, last year’s head volleyball coach. Smith said the moves by Larson to head football coach at Mayville State in North Dakota, and by Mullis to the athletic director’s post at Neosho County Community College, Chunte, Kansas, are evidence of the quality of individuals CSC has hired to coach its teams.

Please see COACHES, page 6

Lunch & Dinner Specials As of Aug. 13, 2019

1. CSU-Pueblo 2. Colorado School of Mines 3. CHADRON STATE 4. Colorado Mesa 5. Dixie State 6. South Dakota Mines 7. New Mexico Highlands 8. Adams State 9. Black Hills State 10. Western 11. Fort Lewis Photo by Brandon Davenport

CSC’s newly promoted Defensive Coordinator Craig “Jersey” Jersild animates his point as he addresses Eagle football players during practice Aug. 9. Jersild, the team’s former defensive back and special teams coach, was among several football and volleyball coaches who were promoted or newly hired in 2019.


Some old, familiar faces & few new ones to watch in 2019



CRAIG JERSILD PROMOTED: Defensive Coordinator Most Recent Post: CSC Defensive Backs & Special Teams Years Coaching: 27 - 14 with CSC at different times Player Position/College: Defensive back, Colorado State University

LOGAN MASTERS PROMOTED: Offensive Coordinator Most Recent Post: CSC Receivers Coach & Game Operations Mngr. Years Coaching: Nine - two at CSC; seven at Wayne State College Player Position/College: Receiver, Wayne State College

CLINT SASSE NEW HIRE: Asst. Coach, Special Teams/Linebackers Most Recent Post: Defensive Line & Special Teams, Montana Tech Years Coaching: Five - two with CSC as Grad. Asst., 2014-15 Player Position/College: Linebacker, Chadron State College

BRYAR DeSANTI PROMOTED: Asst. Coach, Receivers Most Recent Post: CSC Coaching Asst. RBs 2016-17; TEs 2018 Years Coaching: Four - three at CSC; One at Lead-Deadwood (SD) H.S. Player Position/College: Running back, Black HIlls State University

JENNIFER STADLER NEW HIRE: Head Volleyball Coach Most Recent Post: Head Coach, Sheridan College, Wyoming Years Coaching: 11 - Eight at Sheridan; three at Black Hills State Player Position/College: Setter, Black Hills State University

KIM DAVIS NEW HIRE: Coaching Asst., Volleyball Most Recent Post: Head Coach, Hay Springs High School Years Coaching: 28 - All H.S. - Hay Springs; Wheatland, WY; Merino, CO. Player Position/College: V’ball, B’ball, Northeastern Junior College, Sterling, CO.

1. Adams State 2. Black Hills State 3. CHADRON STATE 4. Colorado Christian 5. Colorado Mesa 6. Colorado School of Mines 7. CSU-Pueblo 8. Dixie State


Aug. 15, 2019 | The Eagle |


CSC football players practice Aug. 9 in the shadow of a backhoe operating at the new outdoor track and field work site.

Puffy, summer clouds linger over top of CSC’s outdoor track & field work site south of the Chicoine Center on Aug. 9.

Outdoor track and field construction’s on track Three months after breaking ground on the new outdoor track and field complex just south of the Chicoine Center, CSC Athletic Director Joel Smith said the project is continuing as planned without major interruptions. “I think by the end of October we’ll have it substantially completed with


some other things that we need to kind of put on at a later date,” Smith said. According to the CSC Sports Information office, the $1.8 million project had an original timetable of about six months. That rough estimate put the completion at about November. There are no plans for CSC to host an outdoor meet during

the upcoming outdoor track and field season, which begins in March 2020. CSC Sports Information Director Kaleb Center said last week that the college is now part of the rotation for campuses hosting the RMAC Outdoor Championships. He added that he expects CSC will host the event in 2024.

A forklift operator rounds a turn Aug. 9 on what will be the new track once construction is finished.

Story & Photos By Brandon Davenport

from page 5

“As much as we’re going to miss (Mullis) and the kids are going to miss her, it’s a great opportunity for her and her family,” Smith said. In addition to Mullis leaving the volleyball program, last year’s assistant coach Paula Okrutna also left, leaving both coaching positions open. Though Eagle football’s seven coaching changes represent the largest shakeup of any CSC team this season, both Smith and Head Football Coach Jay Long said they believe it’s a change for the better. “I think our football changes were all really positive and you’re going to see it on the field,” Smith said. “We get some really young dynamic people that look for opportunities and we have a chance to give them an opportunity.” Eagle football used its departures to promote from within, moving former receivers coach Logan Masters to offensive coordinator and former special teams and defensive backs coach Craig Jersild to defensive coordinator. The team also brought back a familiar face in Clint Sasse who

will coach special teams and linebackers. Sasse played linebacker for the Eagles from 2009-13 and spent the 2014-15 seasons serving as a CSC coaching assistant. He left the Eagles to become head coach at Lee Williams High in Kingman, Arizona, and had a brief stint as defensive-line coach at Montana Tech, Butte, before returning to his alma mater. The team also promoted Bryar DeSanti to assistant coach from his previous position as coaching assistant. Another familiar face will be former Eagle standout Jake Geil who was hired as a coaching assistant after graduating in May. The hiring of coaching assistants Luke Bengston and Steven Koch rounded out the staff. Mullis’ departure from the volleyball team led to the hiring of new head coach Jennifer Stadler who spent the past eight seasons as the head coach at Sheridan College in Wyoming. “The time she spent in Sheridan and her experience as an assistant at Black Hills (State University), and also playing there, means she

understands the league and recruiting area we’re in,” Smith said. According to CSC Sports Information, Stadler led the Sheridan College Generals to a Region IX North title match in 2017. She also had three 20-win seasons from 2013-15. Stadler also boasts an impressive resume of student-athletes who have succeeded as well academically as they have on the court. Her athletes at Sheridan earned 20 Academic All-Region, 13 Academic All-America and a Sheridan College Student of the Year honors, according to CSC Sports Information. As she moves from coaching in the National Junior College Athletic Association to NCAA Division II, Smith said he believes the increased resources CSC can provide will help her build on former successes. “It’s not by design, but we’ve been really lucky that we’ve gotten junior college coaches that have come here and been successful. It’s not a bad model if it works,” Smith said. Joining Stadler will be new assistant coach

Kim Davis who comes to CSC as the former head volleyball coach at Hay Springs High School. Foley’s departure from the CSC cross country program leaves the athletic department searching for a new head coach less than a month before the start of the 2019 season. Last August, Foley was a good fit for CSC, given his familiarity with the RMAC as an assistant coach with Black Hills State and the short amount of time CSC had to find a new head coach. “Scott was a really great find for us in a bad situation last year and he did a great job while he was here,” Smith said. In a text message Aug. 1, Foley said the decision to resign from CSC was the most difficult of his coaching career. Smith said feedback from Eagle cross country runners was that they’d prefer the athletic department take its time and find a good person rather than rush a hire. “We’ll take the time we need to do that,” Smith said. “Hopefully, not too long.”

Sports | The Eagle | Aug. 15, 2019


Geil swaps pads for a polo shirt Former CSC offensive line standout takes reins as Eagles’ coaching assistant u By Brandon Davenport Sports Editor

Photo by Brandon Davenport

CSC Coaching Assistant Jake Geil watches players conduct a drill during practice Aug. 9 at the team’s practice field. After his senior year as a standout center for the Eagles last season, Geil accepted an offer to join the team’s coaching staff this year.

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Like he’d done the previous four years, the Eagles’ Jake Geil, a Casper, Wyoming native, once again took part in pre-season practices, but this time instead of wearing a helmet, he wore a hat and a whistle. Geil, a four-year starter on CSC’s offensive line, graduated in December of 2018 with a criminal justice degree, but couldn’t resist an offer to rejoin the Eagles as a coaching assistant. “I went home for a bit and didn’t know what I was going to do,” Geil said. “I got the call from Coach (Jay) Long to come back and be part of the o-line and it was an opportunity I couldn’t turn down.” Geil received plenty of accolades during his time playing for the Eagles, including being named to the All-RMAC First-Team following

last season, but he’ll now have to influence the team’s success without lacing up his cleats or throwing on his shoulder pads. “It’s different, but I’ve acclimated to it pretty well,” he said of being on the other side of the game. “I can’t physically go out there and change things. But I can do it mentally and through preparation with the guys, which to me is almost, if not more, fulfilling.” Geil said he’s living in the moment concerning a long-term future in coaching. “Right now coaching is my number-one priority and when my next life opportunity comes along I’ll have to make a decision and go from there,” he said. Geil said he’s enjoying being a coach and that it’s a job he’s always had in the back of his mind. “It’s been really great to interact with the guys in a different way, especially since I’ve played with pretty much all of them,” he said.



Aug. 15, 2019 | The Eagle |

Via memorabilia, CSC history is focus of M-Hall exhibit Elmo costume, vintage photos among highlights of ‘Chadron State through the Years’ exhibit u From CSC College Relations

Photo by Brandon Davenport

Arms open, an Elmo costume stands in a corner of the Main Gallery at Memorial Hall as part of an exhibit titled, “Chadron State Through the Years.” Featuring vintage memorabilia, including letter sweaters, a cheerleading outfit and vintage photographs, the show, free and open to the public, runs 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. through Aug. 26.

An exhibit featuring vintage memorabilia and photographs of Chadron State’s history since 1911 will be on display Aug. 5-26 in Memorial Hall’s Main Gallery. “Chadron State through the Years,” is free and open to the public from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. The display includes an Elmo mascot costume, a wool blanket, a cheerleading outfit, a letter sweater, and a slide show of archived photographs designed by Digital Graphic Designer Daniel Binkard. Binkard created the slideshow for the show from photos in the College Relations historical photo archive. “This archive is an ongoing project to catalogue the photos that are in Con Marshall’s collection, plus photos in the college relations collection that

have been taken by myself, Dewayne Gimeson, Justin Haag, and Jerry Ingram, among many others,” Binkard said. “I’m glad to have an opportunity to showcase some of the photos in the archive as I continue to add to it and refine the information in it.” The collaboration included the Chadron State Foundation and Alumni Office, the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center, the Galaxy Series Committee, the Conferencing Office, Art Professor Laura Bentz, and College Relations Director Alex Helmbrecht. “We’ve received a lot of items through the generosity of alumni and their families,” Director of Alumni and Development Karen Pope said. “This show gives us the opportunity to display some of these items where more people can see them and enjoy them. It’s remarkable to walk through the show and compare the historic photographs to the campus today.”

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