Dec. 6, 2012

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THURSDAY, DEC. 6, 2012

Eagle the

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The Voice of Chadron State College since 1920


Rhine primed for CSC’s future

Bringing the


T.J. Thomson Executive Editor

to happen on camAs new changes start ed; classes are ect aff ics t the only top ing offered for pus, buildings are no be Outdoor Activities is course gives too. The HPER 120-99 it ed -cr ee thr ester. The countr y ski the first time this sem sshike; learn how to cro d even how students a chance to an ll; ba cce football or bo t involves and kayak; play flag tha e course is anything to tie fishing knots. Th ’t tied to just one sport. d isn outdoor activities an yaking, se courses, such as ka tho of st mo , lly na Origi com re we y the s before were one-credit course tivities class. As of Ac or bined into the Outdo only offered in the right now, the class is ss has an increase fall; however, if the cla chance that it is a in enrollment, there fall and spring. the in d ere off be ll wi

Steven Overshiner, senior of Chadron, carries the ball down CSC’s practice field Wednesday afternoon during a HPER course taught by Donna Ritzen.


‘ACCLAIM ‘comes to Chadron State Page 2



Women’s basketball team sinks first season win

Vocal Jazz provides upbeat semester finish

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Photo by T.J. Thomson

For the man who will lead Chadron State as the institution’s 11th president beginning January 2013, it’s all about the people. Randy Rhine, who came aboard at CSC in 2005, has served as CSC’s interim president for the past eight months following Janie Park’s retirement in May. Rhine outlined his position, priorities, and predictions for the coming years Wednes Wednesday morning from his office in Sparks Hall. “The primary responsibility [of this office] is to lead the institution with integrity,” Rhine said. “It means doing the things we say we’re going to do and doing them well.” Rhine said he wanted the college’s dealings with students, faculty, staff, and the Chadron community to be accurate, fac factual, and data-driven. Rhine acknowledged CSC’s unique geographic, demographic, and economic con context, and said he wanted to embrace these elements to bring about positive change. see PRESIDENT, Page 2

Publishing Notice The Eagle won’t publish again until Jan. 10 due to finals week and the subsequent holiday break.

Page 15 Need a laugh? Check out our comics section on page 7

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