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The Voice of Chadron State College since 1920
NCAA postpones infractions hearing
Getting twisty see p. 8–9
T.J. Thomson
Executive Editor
QUICK CUTS TO MORE CA$H See why graduating as soon as possible will save you in the long run.
FACULTY DEBUT FINE ART See photos from the Art Department’s ongoing faculty art show.
INDEX NEWS ........................2 2 OPINION ...................5 5 TAKE TEN................10 10 SPORTS ..................11 11 LIFESTYLES............14
Photo by T.J. Thomson
Tiffani Roelle, 21, senior of Columbus, squirts yellow dye onto her tie-dye project during “Art 437: Creative Crafts” Tuesday morning. Art 437 meets twice a week and allows students to explore a number of projects in the applied arts arena.
CSC HOSTS RMAC TOURNEY CSC is hosting the Rocky Mountain Athletics Conference wrestling tournament beginning at 11 a.m., Friday in the NPAC. Twelve teams will compete for the RMAC Super Region Four championship.
The NCAA notified Chadron State Monday that it had postponed CSC’s initial Friday hearing before its Division II Committee on Infractions. Administrators from the Nebraska State College System and CSC were planning on attending the hearing in Indianapolis before the NCAA’s fivemember committee to see what disciplinary actions, if any, the committee would level on the college following its 2011 self-report of football fundraising violations. Both parties involved, CSC and former Head Football Coach Bill O’Boyle, issued responses to the NCAA’s allegations Dec. 21, 2012. Once involved parties respond to allegations, the infractions committee reviews the case and then hosts a hearing, materials from the NCAA’s website states. The committee then makes a decision, drafts a final report, and announces its decision, a process that takes from eight to 12 weeks. The NCAA’s Division II Committee on Infractions does not have set meeting times throughout the year, and meets “as needed.” Additionally the site states the meetings are private, and limited to “school leadership and athletics representatives, NCAA enforcement staff members, individuals named in the allegations, and respective legal counsels.” see INFRACTIONS, Page 3
CHAMPION COWBOY RIDES TO CSC World championship bull rider Charlie Sampson is speaking to the Chadron State community tonight at 7 p.m. in Memorial Hall’s Auditorium. Tickets are not required, and the event is free and open to the public.
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