The Eagle, Feb. 2, 2012 Edition

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THURSDAY, FEB. 2, 2012

Eagle the

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The Voice of Chadron State College since 1920


Filmmaker may explore CSC prof’s death T.J. Thomson Executive Editor




Photo by T.J. Thomson

Michael Kruger, 20, junior of Gordon, uses an electric saw to trim a set wall in preparation for the CSC Theatre Department’s production of “An Adult Evening with Shel Silverstein.”




Lady Gaga makes columnist gag

High-tech messages brought to campus Page 3


‘Dictionary’ defines love differently

Eagles basketball returns home Page 4

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Chadron State College may be a location for an upcoming film on the death of former college faculty member Steven Haataja, according to an email sent Wednesday by CSC President Janie Park. Haataja came to CSC in 2006 as an assistant professor of math, and went missing five months later, in December. Haataja’s death was confirmed in March 2007, when his body was found three-quarters of a mile from his former office in the Math & Science Building. The film about Haataja’s death is being coordinated by independent film producer Dave Jannetta, who wrote, directed, and produced the 2010 drama “Rachel and Diana.” Park’s email concerning the film was to instruct CSC employees on the parameters established by the college and the Nebraska State College System office. The email outlined criteria for the production as it relates to CSC and its personnel. They are: CSC/NSCS will not enter into a location agreement related to this production. All production related activity including, but not limited to, interviews and filming may only be conducted in the public spaces on campus. The production is not granted any access to nonpublic areas on campus. The production company does not have permission to conduct any production activity, conduct meetings or interviews in nonpublic areas, including but not limited to, employee offices, classrooms, or residence halls. If CSC employees elect to participate in this production they are solely and personally responsible for their comments and participation.

Need a laugh? Check out our comics section on page 10

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