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O’Boyle, college admit to ‘major’ NCAA ‘infractions’
T.J. Thomson Executive Editor EDITOR’S NOTE: The Eagle has done its best to summarize and condense two detailed responses–one from the college, and one from former Head Football Coach Bill O’Boyle–to the NCAA’s al allegations. Copies of each party’s response may be accessed at www. csceagle.com or www.nscs.edu.
Three artists use their media to teach.
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SPORTS 3 Photo by Ashley Swanson
Ashley Young, 21, senior of Gordon, pours clay dust into a clay mixer to make new earthenware clay.
INTERIM DIRECTOR NAMED INDEX NEWS ........................2 2 OPINION ...................4 4 TAKE TEN..................7 7 SPORTS ....................8 8 LIFESTYLES............11
The NSCS Board of Trustees appointed Beverly Russell to serve as interim director of King Library beginning on Dec. 4, 2012 with a starting salary of $29,982.14.
Chadron State College and its former Head Football Coach, Bill O’Boyle, publicly admitted Wednesday to “major” NCAA “infrac “infractions” that occurred as early as 2007 and continued through 2011. The Nebraska State College System posted on its website the college’s 33-page response and O’Boyle’s 25-page response to the NCAA’s “Notice of Allegations” surrounding football fundraising activities and a lack of institutional oversight. The posting of both documents came five days after The Eagle requested a statement and copies of the college’s response. The NCAA issued its notice in September 2012, alleging four major policy violations. In addition, the NCAA required that the college and O’Boyle respond by Dec. 17, 2012. After receiving a four-day extension from the NCAA, both submitted responses dated Dec. 21, 2012. “Our attorney, Scott Tompsett [of Stinson Morrison Hecker, LLP., Kansas City, Mo.], had an extension approved by the NCAA,” NSCS General Counsel and Vice Chancellor for Employee Rela Relations Kristin Petersen said Friday. The NCAA made four main allegations, each accompanied by from two to six specific alleged violations. Generally, CSC’s and O’Boyle’s statements agreed that violations occurred, but each dis disagreed with some of the specifics. The NCAA’s first main point contained six specific allegations of rules violations concerning a lack of institutional control and “im “impermissible accounts at off-campus financial institutions.” see INFRACTIONS, Page 3
CSC REMEMBERS LIFE OF MLK JR. CSC plans to celebrate the life of MLK Jr. beginning at 11 a.m. Monday with a roundtable discussion in the Student Center’s Scottsbluff Room. See the weekly calendar on page two for the full schedule of MLK events.
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