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APA’s office accuses administration of mismanagement
T.J. Thomson
Executive Editor
Photo by T.J. Thomson
Annette Langford, distance learning coordinator, scrapes ice off of her vehicle’s windshield Tuesday afternoon after CSC administration announced the early closing of campus due to icy conditions.
CSC clubs’ off-campus accounts closed, NSCS claims
‘War on Religion’ on a short fuse? Page 2
Masqued fun romps at CSC for Mardi Gras
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In a statement Tuesday, the Nebraska Auditor’s Office accused both CSC and the Nebraska State College System of poor decision-making and oversight. The criticism came in the APA’s management letter, signed by Assistant Deputy Auditor Don Dunlap, which details deficiencies and weaknesses of the audited unit. In the letter, Dunlap stated that CSC was in its current position “due, in large part, to an overall lack of institutional control and poor decision making and/or oversight by multiple parties, including the administration of the institution itself.” All calls to CSC President Janie Park about the audit were being referred to the System Office, Pam Anderson, Park’s secretary said Wednesday morning. NSCS Chancellor Stan Carpenter did not respond to eight telephone calls throughout Wednesday. In addition, emails to Carpenter and Brad Smith, CSC athletic director, requesting interviews were not returned by press time Wednesday. Dunlap stated that if CSC’s administration had been observant, the organization would have had ample opportunity to recognize and fix many of its current problems relating to the recent football fundraising scandal. Dunlap went on to highlight 14 of what he classified as “some of the more glaring indicators of problems” the APA’s office noted during the 2010-11 NSCS audit. Included in the letter’s list of indicators was Smith’s attendance at and approval for resources related to the Last Chance for Glory Golf tournaments and senior college officials’ discussion regarding the liability of transporting individuals to the tournament. see AUDIT, Page 2
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