Nov. 29, 2012

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THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 2012

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The Voice of Chadron State College since 1920



FYI: Failing jeopardizes students’ futures

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explore the boiler house on p. 3

T.J. Thomson Executive Editor

Photo by Ashley Swanson

see FYI, Page 2

Johnnie Olivas, of Crawford , uses a metal rod to clean a fire box in the Eugene Sheaman Heating Plant Tuesday evening.



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Consequences for failing courses aren’t new, but for nine entering freshmen, failing a First Year Inquiry course has more far-reaching effects. The bad news is that students failing one of the new FYI courses face a boatload of problems including lack of course substitution and loss of financial aid. The good news is that administrators say they are aware of this, and are working on a solution. With the introduction of FYI courses and CSC’s change from a general studies program model to the new essential studies model, the college altered how it approached education, and requires students to alter how they earn credits and, ultimately, how they learn. “Students have to take a total of six credits from First Year Inquiry,” said Joel Hyer, dean of B.E.A.M.S.S. and curriculum and academic advancement.

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