The Eagle Nov. 3, 2011 Edition

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THURSDAY, NOV. 3, 2011

Eagle the

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Public rallies for O’Boyle despite NCAA probe Community support for Coach O’Boyle grows

Golf tourney may be key to NCAA investigation

Chris Clark

T.J. Thomson Executive Editor

Sports Editor Fair treatment. More information. Personal support. All signs indicate that the Chadron community sympathizes with the plight of recently suspended football coach Bill O’Boyle. Posted in the windows of local businesses, they read, “We Support Coach O’Boyle,” or some variation thereof. The grassroots support movement is the brainchild of Chadron resident Chad Feik of Feik’s 120 Bar and Restaurant. After hearing about O’Boyle’s removal as CSC’s head football coach, Feik decided to take action. “It was my idea,” Feik said, “I made a sign that said ‘OB we got your back’ on an impulse. The first thing was to get by his side and rally the troops, if you will.” Feik later replaced the hand-written sign. The new sign, in white lettering on a maroon background reads, “We will always ride for your brand coach O’Boyle.” “It’s humbling. It’s amazing how many people support our program and what we’ve done,” O’Boyle said, speaking for the first time since the NCAA’s investigation began, “It’s overwhelming how many people have come forth. That’s what’s special about Chadron.” O’Boyle also said he hoped to continue to coach at Chadron State College in the future. see O’BOYLE, Page 9


Faculty offers award for qualified students

Photo by T.J. Thomson

A man enters Feik’s 120 alongside a sign supporting Head Football Coach Bill O’Boyle. The sign states, “We will always ride for your brand Coach O’Boyle.”



UK right to defund anti-gay countries Page 2

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Childhood tempered by the Great Depression

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Eagles defeat Skyhawks, 45-21

Proceeds from a fundraising golf tournament designated specifically for the CSC football program and stored in an off-campus account appear to be the center of the NCAA investigation of the program, The Eagle has learned. The tournament, titled “Last Chance for Glory,” raised about $30,000 over the past four years, including $16,000 in 2011, for the football program, according to a July press release appearing on CSC’s athletic department web site. Former CSC football players Mike Brownfield and Cody Beguin, both of Omaha, Trevor Moon of Buffalo, Wyo., Pat Nickodemus of Lakewood, Colo., and Joe Planansky of Ft. Collins, Colo., “began the Last Chance for Glory tournament in 2008 to help raise funds for the CSC football program,” the release states. In a telephone interview Wednesday afternoon Brownfield confirmed that the account existed, but said he was not sure how much could say about it, given the current NCAA investigation. “I was the treasurer on that account,” he said. He also declined to elaborate about which officials from CSC knew about the account or when they discovered its existence. “I think it would be prudent not to comment on that,” he said.

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