Sept. 13, 2012

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ThUrSdAy, SEPT. 13, 2012

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We are the ‘95%’ System office unveils new advertising campaign focusing on strengths of state colleges T.J. Thomson Executive Editor Nebraska State College System person personnel are changing up the system’s public image through a new advertising cam campaign, an administrator said during the Board of Trustees’ Friday business meeting in Chadron. Korinne Tande, NSCS vice chancelchancel lor for student affairs, marketing, en enrollment & public information, said the change was prompted due to an evaluation conducted at an annual retreat. Tande said the past campaign, which has been in place for several years, focused on past graduates and their accomplishments. effec “It [the former campaign] was effective, but we evaluated, and determined we would either need to interview new grads or take a stab at a new look,” Tande said Monday afternoon via telephone. The new advertisement Tande presented Friday to the board featured “a simple look with promi cleaner lines” that prominently features the figure out “95%” above a subtle outline of a dollar symbol. Photo by T.J. Thomson Tande said the lack of Korinne Tande, vice chancellor for student affairs, marketing, enrollment & public information with the Nebraska State College System, displays a new context is intended to advertising campaign Friday morning during the NSCS Board of Trustees’ business meeting in Chadron. draw the viewer’s atten-



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tion and encourage the viewer to read the smaller text at the bottom of the ad, which states, “95 percent of Nebraska State College System graduates are employed or working on a graduate degree. That’s an ‘A’ in anybody’s book.” Daniel Binkard, CSC graphic design artist, designed the ad. The system is developing a series of other ads stemming from the minimalist concept, all of which prominently feature numbers and statistics, Tande said. Other possible ad ideas include using the dollar amount each college awards in scholarships and how many degrees the college awards in a time period. The ads are destined for inclusion in the “College Fair Guides” published by the Lincoln-Journal Star and the Omaha World-Herald. Both ads are slated to run Oct. 21. In other business, NSCS Chancellor Stan Carpenter updated the board on the information breach into the Nebraska Student Information System earlier in May. Carpenter said as of Friday, there is “no reason to believe that data was copied from the server.” Carolyn Murphy, vice chancellor for finance & administration, said that the NSCS’ bond rating is “A+” with a stable outlook. The designation is regarded as an “upper-medium grade.” Standard & Poor’s ranks an “A+” rating at fifth of out 22 in its index.

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