ThUrSdAy, SEPT. 20, 2012
Eagle the
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NCAA faults O’Boyle, college
L L O &R
T.J. Thomson Executive Editor
s 8–9 e g a p e e S
Photo by T.J. Thomson
Cameron Gwaltney, of Harrisonburg, Va., points his finger toward the audience while speaking into the microphone Sunday evening during a concert in Memorial Hall’s Auditorium. Gwaltney and his band, The Beautiful Refrain, were one of three that played during the concert.
Party lines prevent progress
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see NCAA, Page 3
Senior stays on course Page 4
The NCAA officially notified Chadron State Monday that the college has until Dec. 17 to respond to four main allega allegations of rules violations, and has set a Feb. 22-24, 2013, hearing for the college to appear before its Committee on In Infractions. The formal allegations stem from the college’s Oct. 12, 2011, self report to the NCAA about possible football fundrais fundraising violations. The allegations focus on former head football Coach Bill O’Boyle’s behavior, his management of the football program’s finances, and the college’s lack of institutional control and oversight. The first allegation cites three offcampus bank accounts and their use, and states, “some funds in the accounts were used to provide recruiting inducements,” and “extra benefits to student-athletes.”
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