Sept. 27, 2012

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ThUrSdAy, SEPT. 27, 2012

Eagle the

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College sets sights on new logo T.J. Thomson Executive Editor

Photo by Ashley Swanson

Frantzlee LaCrete, 18, freshman of Lewellen, focuses on stacking nuts during the Minute to Win It program, Sept. 19 in the Student Center’s lobby. RLA sponsored the event, which included a series of timed competitions, for a crowd of more than 50 students.



CSC preps pixels for website launch

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see LOGO, Page 3


Rodeo team wrangles fast times Page 2

Chadron State is contracting with the international Logo Design Works agency to design a new logo for the institution, Marketing Coordinator Justin Haag said Monday. Triggered by outdated signage and exacerbated by misuse, the college hopes to improve the continuity of its institutional identity by developing a new logo, Haag said. “There’s quite a few marks out there,” he said. “We hope to create less confusion by bringing in the new mark.” Haag said he and his College Relations staff noticed an increased use of the college’s athletics logo in cases where the institutional logo should have been used. Noting the signage on the east and west sides of campus that features an outdated CSC logo, Haag said the timing for an identity update was ideal, as the decision coincides with the college’s plans to replace a majority of its signage.

“We’re looking to replace signage anyway,” Haag said. “Those outdated signs triggered the discussion of the logo and where we wanted to go.” From its Cleveland office, Logo Design Works created three prototypes that the college presented Tuesday. The college is hosting another information session at 11 a.m. today in the Student Center’s Ponderosa Room. The college is paying the graphic design agency $1,500 for its design services. Haag said that the college is looking for feedback on the three designs, and that he hopes to have a design adopted soon. “We’re just trying to get feedback at this point,” Haag said. “It’d be nice to adopt one by the end of the year.” Haag also said the college wants to use as much of its current stationary and business cards as possible prior to the switch to prevent waste and save money.

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