Sept. 6, 2012

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ThUrSdAy, SEPT. 6, 2012

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The Voice of Chadron State College since 1920


CSC loses two, plans tribute T.J. Thomson Executive Editor

UNITY ThroUgh TragedY

See pageS 6–7 Photo by T.J. Thomson

Bryan LaPorte, of Chadron, and his daughter observe the smoke trail from the top of “C” Hill Friday at 6:10 p.m. in Chadron.



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see LOSS, Page 2


Football travels to Texas after loss Page 4

Friends and family are expected to gather 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Chicoine Atrium of Chadron State’s Sandoz Center to commemorate the lives of Dorset Graves and Milton Wolf, former CSC employees who died this past week. Reta E. King Library staff and faculty members organized the tribute, which opens this semester’s inaugural Dorset Graves Lecture Series Graves, 87, died Saturday at Crest Graves View Care Center, where he had resided the past two months after breaking his hip. During his 32-year career at CSC, Graves, a consummate reader, was a fixture at King Library, so much so, that in 2006, the library staff named its bi-weekly lecture series in his honor. Wolf In addition to teaching, he served as chairman of the Division of Language and Literature for 29 years. He retired in 1990, but spent another 15 years teaching as an adjunct in that department, now known as the Department of English and Humanities. Survivors include his wife Meredith, two sons and six grandchildren. Wolf, 70, died Thursday from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

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