The Eagle: Nov. 20, 2018, Special Edition

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CSC’s Thanksgiving Break starts Wednesday, Nov. 21, and runs through Friday, Nov. 23. Classes resume Nov. 26.

NOV. 20, 2018

SPECIAL EDITION The Voice of Chadron State College since 1920


H H H SPECIAL EDITION H H H CSC’s first Mini Big Event called success

Senate pushes Big Event vote to Monday

Katelyn Lambert Lifestyles Editor Members of The Big Event staff volunteered at five jobsites around Chadron as a part of the first-ever Mini Big Event, Thursday. The nine student staff members worked at three residences and two Chadron businesses for three hours, said Shaunda French-Collins, associate professor of communication and The Big Event adviser, and Kelsey Brummels, graduate assistant for The Big Event. “It’s a way to kick off The Big Event,” French-Collins said. “I’m so glad that we were able to put it together this year.” The Big Event, a student-led community service day, has been a staple Chadron State College since 2013. Now planning for their seventh Big Event, the event continues to grow, both in terms of volunteers and jobsites. The idea for a smaller Big Event for just the staff came about after French-Collins and Brummels joined other schools to discus The Big Event at the One Big Thanks Please see Mini Big Event, page 3

Shannon Schneider News Editor

Photo by Krystal Kesselring

Lukas Klueber, foreground, 21, junior of Rapid City, South Dakota, and Kelsey Brummels, graduate assistant of The Big Event, rake leaves at a residence on North Maple Street, Thursday, in Chadron.

After weeks of discussion, Senate motioned to delay the vote for The Big Event budget until Monday, Nov. 26. Though the vote was scheduled for Monday night’s meeting, Vice President Konery Klueber, junior of Rapid City, South Dakota, motioned to postpone voting for The Big Event’s budget allocation until after Constitutional Court concludes their investigation on the minutes for the meeting on Nov. 5. The Court will be investigating the veto action and whether or not it was carried out correctly according to by-laws and the Student Association Constitution. Vice President Konery Klueber said the extra week will give time for the Court verdict to come in and for Senators to vote based on the outcome. “There’s no reason to vote now and have to the Court say somePlease see Senate, page 2

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