This the last edition of The Eagle for the fall semester. Publishing will resume Jan. 11, 2018.
DEC 7, 2017 ISSUE NO. 14
The Voice of Chadron State College since 1920 NEWS >>
Smooth Tones
FACULTY MEMBER PRESENTS NOVEL READING Markus Egeler Jones, assistant professor of English and Humanities presented a reading of his soonto-be published novel, “How the Butcher Bird Finds Her Voice.”
Vocal Jazz and Jazz band perform winter concert. Please see page 8.
Please see page 3
WRESTLERS BEAT MESA FOR 2ND STRAIGHT YEAR For the second consecutive year, CSC defeated Colorado Mesa University on criteria, Saturday in Grand Junction. Please see page 12
NEWS.........................2 OPINION....................5 TAKE TEN...................7 SPORTS..................10 LIFESTYLES............13
Photo by Krystal Wilson
Joe Cline, 24, senior of Morrill, plays a trumbone solo during the CSC Jazz Band concert Tuesday night in Memorial Hall Auditorium.
‘HAPPY ACCIDENTS AND ODDITIES’ HIGHLIGHTS SENIOR ART STUDENTS Three senior art students, Tory Snyder, 22, of Pierre, South Dakota; Brook Nelson, 23, of Philip, South Dakota; and Rebecca Barger, 21, of Atkinson,
were featured at the senior art show, “Happy Accidents and Oddities.” Please see page 16