The Eagle E-edition, Sept. 24, 2020

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Sept. 24, 2020 THURSDAY

Issue No. 6



Eagle the


Semper veritas

The voice of Chadron State College since 1920

100 1920 – 2020

NOTICE >> Because of midterms

The Eagle will not publish Thursday, Oct. 1


‘I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change.’

Theatre department to open performances of its latest play, Oct. 1 Please see page 16


Former players add to CSC legacy

Barthwell, Wood return to coach defensive backs for Eagle football Please see page 19

INDEX News 2 Opinion 5 Lifestyles 16 Ag & Range 18 Sports 19

Photo by Brandon Davenport

MARCHING FOR THEIR LIVES - CSC senior Tyler Freeman, of Perris, California, holds up a fist as he marches in the Black Lives Matter protest, Thursday. CSC students organized and participated in the march. See our coverage on page 2.

At 100, The Eagle is old news(paper) Tuesday, Sept. 22, The Eagle hit the century mark


hrough wars, natural disasters, times of turmoil, and times of celebration - even through a global pandemic - The Eagle and its staff has steadfastly and proudly served the student body at Chadron State College. Today, we ask that you help us celebrate a tradition that began 100-years ago on Sept. 22, 1920, when founders John Castek, Blanche Blair, Frank Forney and their staff first printed and distributed The Eagle.

A century later, we are still proud to serve as student journalists at this fine publication and we still appreciate and respect our loyal readers. Here’s to 100 more years.

See our special section commemorating The Eagle’s milestone on pages 7 through 14

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