Feb. 3, 2022 THURSDAY
Issue No. 4 csceagle.com
Play the game of CSC and see what year you are Please see pages 8 & 9 Semper veritas
Giving voice to Chadron State College students since 1920
Jumper and relay team set meet records
CSC track & field teams place first in 12 events during the Don Holst Open Please see page 13
ESports finishes tryouts with 26 members New members join Eagle Esports to compete in eight games on 10 different teams
Please see page 7
Public asked to help find elusive species Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has released a spotted skunk survey
Dining director responds to criticisms
Please see page 11
By Aubrie Lawrence Editor-in-Chief
INDEX News Opinion Lifestyles Ag & Range Sports
Photo by Mackenzie Dahlberg
STAY WARM - Rayne Charging Thunder, 18, freshman of Gordan, walks past Sparks Hall in the snow while holding onto her hoodie Wednesday afternoon.
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CSC’s Dining Services director disputed criticisms of the food service that appeared in an article published Jan. 28 in The Eagle, calling them “unfair and unethical.” “The article by itself was very - let’s put it this way - very discouraging for somebody like me in Dining
Services who made a lot of effort in the last three months to change what it has been,” Senthil Rajamani, director of Dining Services, said Tuesday. Rajamani said the claims in the article made by Trent Grizzle, 22, senior of Fairbury, that there was no food in the cafeteria on Jan. 18, were not entirely true because there was only a “10-minute lapse” before more food was put out.
Please see, Dining Services, page 2