Feb. 16, 2012

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THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 2012

Eagle the

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The Voice of Chadron State College since 1920


Dissecting the


Silence surrounds CSC’s NCAA investigation

math&science explored pages 8-9

T.J. Thomson

Executive Editor

Photo by T.J. Thomson

Twila Fickel, Physical and Life Sciences assistant professor and Health Professions director, gestures toward a board Tuesday in the Math and Science Building’s Gross Anatomy Lab.



College heralds new head football coach

Page 3

Columnists tackle issue of Tebow imitators


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‘Absurd’ art speaks to viewers

Basketball on brink of post-season play Pages 6

Investigation continues, information doesn’t. Monday marked the four-month anniversary since Chadron State publicly announced it had self-reported concerns to the NCAA about possible football fundraising violations. Now more than 120 days later, officials from CSC and its governing body, the Nebraska State College System, have released relatively few details about the investigation. “I wish that I could tell you what’s going on right now, but I can’t. I know that sounds like an easy glib answer, but it would be a whole lot easier for me if I could tell you,” NSCS Chancellor Stan Carpenter said to the CSC campus community in November during his state-ofthe-system address. Responding to a Sunday inquiry about whether the NSCS would release the NCAA-issued “notice of inquiry,” Carpenter stated via email Tuesday “the notice of inquiry was given orally, thus, there is nothing in writing regarding the notice.”

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