THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 2011
Eagle the
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EMT course proposed for CSC curriculum Ashley Swanson Reporter Two weeks ago, CSC student Nevin Price, sophomore of Alliance, presented the idea of getting an EMT course on the Chadron State campus to the Student Senate. Price put together a petition for anyone to sign, stating that the thought of an emergency medical technician course is a good idea. The Chadron Fire Department is willing to support the program and help with finding a class for the students interested in participating in an EMT course. There are two options for taking the course. The first is paying $1,200 for a 13-credit-hour course. The second is, if a student can get obtain a letter of support from a fire department with which the individual is associated, that person will only have to pay $500 (the state of Nebraska will pay the balance), but the course won’t count toward college credit. There will be two parts to the course, one that will be in the classroom, and the other will be clinical. A majority of the class will be handson in order to give students a better view of how to do things. If the course is offered, it will be available through Western Nebraska Community College. A professor for the course has yet to be determined, but it might be a faculty member from WNCC. see EMT, Page 2
– Full coverage on page 15 Photo by Kinley Q. Nichols
Matthew Nelson fixes his tie in the dressing room before he goes onto stage after the intermission during the performance Thursday night in Memorial Hall.
Senate to survey online courses’ validity
Eagles capture first win; set sights on Grizzlies
Lasers light up Late Night Page 3
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College poised to light C-hill Page 10
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