THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 2011
Eagle the
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The Voice of Chadron State College since 1920
Public art fund brings sculpture to campus Ashley Swanson Reporter
Photo by T.J. Thomson
The statue, “The Three Muses,” by David Alan Clark is transported onto the plinth outside the east doors of Old Admin.
Facebook reform fires up campaign trail
The Eagle recalls great sports moments
Centennial celebration full of fun, festivities Page 6
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Sandoz exhibit highlights building history
Page 15
Following its commission, which was announced earlier this year, the bronze sculpture, “The Three Muses,” was delivered to campus 8:30 a.m., Wednesday. After carefully bracing the sculpture, it was moved to a platform, where its orientation was planned – including which direction each of the three muses would face. Installation was temporarily halted after the insertion of three metal poles into the base of the sculpture, because of the presence of steel rebar, which required special drills to penetrate. The sculptor, David Alan Clark, accompanied the sculpture to campus in order to ensure its proper installation and presentation. The following are several questions posed to the artist: Q: How long did the process of designing the sculpture take you? A: The whole commission process, including selection, sculpting, and time with the foundry process (the bronze casting), took about a year. Q: What was your inspiration? A: “Probably a little bit of, just of the university and university setting.” The sculpture ties in with academic, art, and athletics because they all work together to make a more inspirational figure for everyone. Q: Are all your sculptures bronze? Why do you choose bronze? A: Yes, all of my sculptures are bronze. Bronze is exceedingly durable and easy to shape and sculpt. see SCULPTURE, Page 3
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