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Senate election results released



Kelsey Amos Reporter

- PAGE 17

Photo by Kinley Q. Nichols

Jazzlynn Seumalo, 20, junior of Bremerton Wash., sings “Notice You” by Wiremu Hohaia during High Rise Open Mic Night on Thursday in the Student Center Lounge.




Plaza to celebrate college centennial Page 4

Gotcha! nerf wars trigger campus fun

Danny Woodhead in running for game cover Pages 8-9

Join or start an online discussion @


Students gear up for future plays Page 15

Page 19

The student body voted in eight new members during the senate elections that took place 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday. Nathan Pindell, Nisha Durand, and Sammi Shaykett were elected to the senate’s constitutional court. Jocelyn Utecht was elected to the School of B.E.A.M.S.S. Sarah Kingsbury and Elizabeth Rice were elected to the School of E.H.P.C.P.S.W. Morgan Nelson was elected to the position of Student Association president, and James Bahensky was voted in as vice president of the Student Association. Senate Chief Justice Riley Machal said that Senate is currently running on bare bones. “I’d like to encourage anyone who can to apply,” Machal said. “Senate needs to have equal representation,” she said, noting the uneven distribution of senators among the three schools. Students and RSVP, a volunteer organization composed of senior citizens aged 55 and up, manned the voting booths in the Student Center. One volunteer, who wished to remain anonymous, said there had been only about 20 voters in the almost two hours the individual had been working at the booths. Dr. Matthew Brust, assistant professor of Physical and Life Sciences, is responsible for counting the ballots, and will run the scantrons through a reader with technology housed in the Burkhiser Technology Complex.

“Minecraft“ video game review by Kevin Oleksy, Page 20







Senate approves $140,000 budget, allocates additional $1,000 to ‘Release’

More interaction requested from clubs at CAB meetings

Melissa Minasi

Kelsey Amos

Reporter Student Senate unanimously voted to approve the Senate Finance Committee’s recommended allocations of $140,000 in student activity funds for the 2011-12 academic year. The senate also allocated $1,000 to Marty Lastovica, junior of Omaha, to cover additional production costs for Release, a live music and arts revue planned for April. CAB previously allocated $2,000 to Lastovica after his request at its Jan. 25 meeting. Lastovica said Monday he miscalculated the initial budget, and the event is now over budget by $500. Lastovica requested the additional $1,000 as a “safety blanket,” but said he would settle for $500. Lastovica said this will be the program’s fifth year. Last year, Release drew 600 people from the campus and the community. Lastovica said the show brings people together though the arts. About 25 artists are slated to perform at Release 7:30 p.m. April 30 in Memorial Hall. In another matter, Trevor Dietrich, student

trustee, said Gov. Dave Heineman named Riley Machal as CSC student trustee for the 2011-2012 school year following last week’s NSCS board of trustees meeting at Peru State College. Jacob Karmazin, senate president, proposed a revised amendment to election procedures. Karmazin proposed the amendment last week but it was tabled for further consideration. The senate unanimously approved the revised amendment, which takes effect Friday. The change moves senate elections to the third Wednesday in September each fall semester and the third Wednesday in February each spring semester. The amendment also changes the petition process for filling vacant senate seats. Under the current procedure, petitions are voted on at the meeting after they are submitted. Under the new rules, petitions will be held until after elections and only considered if vacancies remain. Karmazin said he hopes the changes encourage more candidates to run in the elections so the student body has greater choice in who is on the senate.

Reporter The Campus Activities Board covered much business in the Tuesday meeting, including allocating money for a seminar for students on professional development and announcing the new CSC student trustee. Many clubs also announced their upcoming events. President Christine Kambarami started the meeting with the request that “If you’re in the ‘Gotcha’ game, please don’t shoot anyone during the meeting.” CAB allocated $1,300 to help fund guest speaker Olivia Weter’s seminar on professional development which is April 20. Seth Hulquist, adviser, said Weter charges $1,450 for the two- hour seminar. Career and Academic Planning Services is paying $600 toward the event, and the Health Professions Club is donating $100. Hulquist said that of the $1,300, $750 will cover the rest of the seminar’s cost, while the remaining $550 will cover other expenses includ-

ing marketing, fliers, and nicer prizes for the “Dress for Success” competition which will follow the seminar. Any remaining money will be returned to CAB, Hulquist said. Trevor Dietrich, student trustee, said that last week the governor appointed Riley Machal, junior of Gretna, as the new CSC student trustee. There was some discussion about Scholastic Day, which is Friday. Kambarami said that RLA is having a barbecue and games from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. She requested that club reps who aren’t doing anything Friday see if Laure Sinn, coordinator of student activities, needs help. Laure Sinn, adviser, reminded students to, “be safe, have fun, and be aware of what’s going on.” She said she didn’t want to see any students’ names in the police log. Luke Wright, secretary, said the CAB account contains $3,296.43. He said the budget meetings went well. see CAB, Page 5

Thursday 31

Friday 1

Tuesday 5

Wednesday 6

-Smarties!, 7-8 p.m., Brooks Hall -Late Night at the Pit, 9-11 p.m., Student Center Pit

-Psychology Fair, 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Brooks rooms 103 & 104 -High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -Scholastic Days, 7 a.m.-12 p.m., Student Center all rooms -Smarties!, 7-8 p.m., Brooks Hall

March 31 - April 6 Saturday 2

-High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -Sand Volleyball Tournament, 2-4 p.m., sand volleyball courts south of dorms -Smarties!, 7-8 p.m., Brooks Hall

Sunday 3

-High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -Community Choir, 3-5 p.m., Chadron Arts Center -Smarties! 7-8 p.m., Brooks Hall

Monday 4

-High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -Student Senate, 5-7 p.m., Student Center Scottsbluff room -Smarties!, 5-7 p.m., Brooks Hall

-High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -Campus Activities Board Meeting, 6-7 p.m., Student Center Scottsbluff room -Smarties!, 7-8 p.m., Brooks Hall -Make Your Own Sushi Roll, 8-9 p.m., Red Room -Chi Alpha, 8-10 p.m., Student Center Ballroom

-High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -Salsa Extravaganza, 4-5 p.m., Red Room -Scents of Spring, 5-6 p.m., Red Room -Schindler’s List, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Red Room -Smarties!, 7-8 p.m., Brooks Hall -Campus Crusade for Christ, 8:3010 p.m., Student Center Ballroom


BUG IN YOUR EAR - with Laure Sinn

Class registration quick and easy

Students are urged to register for the classes they need and want to take as soon as possible in order to ensure their spot in that class. Students can register for the Fall and Spring semesters from their MyCSC accounts.

— Compiled by Ashley Swanson


NSCS trustees approve $19,500 parking lot contract The Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees, awarded a $19,500 contract to CG Architects of North Platte, for construction of the parking lot that will replace Kline Center. The lot is slated to hold 75 parking spaces, Physical Activities Coordinator Blair Brennan said. According to its website, CG Architects acquires 80 percent of its contracts in Nebraska; 17 percent of all its contracts are with educational institutions.

Wildlife club sponsors campus-wide photo contest The CSC Wildlife Club is sponsoring a photography contest, open to students and faculty. Any photography work can be entered under the categories: Wildlife, Landscape, and Human Dimensions. Entry forms are $5 for one photo and $10 for three photos for students, and $10 for one photo and $20 for three photos for faculty. Entry forms, money, and photos obtained at time of submission, may be dropped off to Dr. Teresa Zimmerman, assistant professor of Applied Sciences, in room 221 of Burkhiser, between April 6 – 8. The photos should be 8-by-10 and cannot be framed or matted. Included on the entry form should be the participants name, address, e-mail, phone, and category that the photo is being entered. Submitted photos will be displayed outside the Student Center cafeteria, where ballots and a ballot box will be available. Students and faculty can vote, and the two winners in each category will get a cash prize. The prize amount will be determined on how many pieces are entered, and after that, the remaining 25 percent will be donated to the Wildlife Club. Voters are encouraged to vote only once in order to give everyone a fair chance.




Q&A with Student Senate Executives

Editor’s note: On Monday, Morgan Nelson and James Bahensky responded to one-on-one interviews. Their comments have been edited for space considerations.

Morgan Nelson, president-elect

James Bahensky, vice president-elect

body. You have to do what’s best for everybody; not necessarily what’s going to be the most fun for you, or exactly what you want, you know. You play fair, you try to like keep everyone happy, but to the point that you still do your job well. Q: What do you think of the current senate sponsors? A: They do a great job. I think they do a great job helping us regulate what we do, you know, ‘cause its easy for things to go a certain way really fast, without proper consideration, because people sometimes, people like to get out of the meetings a little fast, but I think they’re great. Q: Would you like to see the involvement of the sponsors increase, decrease, or stay the same? A: Well, I mean, they, I think they regulate well, like, what they do now, I mean, Dr. Schaeffer spoke up, I’ve never really seen Dr. Brust, you know, say one way or the other. I think they do a good job. I mean, they had something of like a workshop for new senators at the beginning of the year, which was really helpful, about like ‘parli’ ‘pro’ and stuff, but I think they do a great job the way they are. Q: As you might be aware, the senate can have a maximum of three sponsors. Are you planning to use the maximum number during your administration? A: Yes, I would. I think diversity is really good, as far as anything in senate, you know, we have a lot of health professions senators right now, and I’m really pushing to get a diverse group of senators from every area, and so I think that also should reflect in the faculty. I think I’d like to see all the sponsor’s spots be filled promptly, so that things are running, you know, the way they could be and should be. Q: Have you established any issues that you feel are especially relevant to the student body? A: Making, study areas and libraries more student-friendly. I like libraries, but I don’t really like ours as much, cause its kinda cold - like I love the staff and everything and everybody there - but its really bland and bleak. That’s something I’d like to change, even like, in any way that we can, you know, we don’t have to like, build a new library; its just like a coat of paint, the way its arranged, you know? I think that students would benefit from more places like that that are really friendly for studying purposes. Q: What is one thing you don’t like about the current senate system, and how would you change it? A: Currently, I think that there is not enough diversity as far as who’s on senate, depending on residence halls. Especially even off-campus. I mean, they deserve quite a bit of a voice on senate as well. I’d like to see more diversity in the people. There’s different aspects of thinking in every major, and to compliment our system, the best way to do it is to have the most amount of diversity. Q: So you’ve identified that some of the areas that you want to change as being more diversity based on residence location and diversity by academic major, but how do you want to work on changing that problem? A: Well, currently, when I first started senate, I had a problem trying to get in. I was scared to get in. I was really timid. I didn’t know a thing about the system. I think the biggest way to go about changing that is to make it obvious that senate is a friendly place. We’re just students, and we’re trying to represent the students.

my classes were tasking, and I wanted to make sure I could still work with my school work, and so I took the year off. Q: So as I understand it, you were previously involved in the academic review committee; what other campus activities are you involved in? A: I moved off campus last year, so its been a different experience for me. I still am on the senate finance committee, and we just allocated all those funds. I was really pleased this year, it didn’t take the four days it took last year. We had enough money that not everyone had to come in and I think we allocated pretty fairly this year - trying to make what - make up for what people needed, and its hard to with such a limited budget, but that, and then I was pretty active in the dorm program when I was on campus. I live in Math and Science this year, so its been hard to really be involved on campus, but through health professions club, we do the concessions stands and work with high schoolers on health profession stands and stuff like that. Q: What would you say is your greatest strength [e.g., personal attribute or characteristic]? A: I think my greatest strength is helping people. Its like an emotional high for me. Q: You mentioned “having the qualities needed to bring CSC into its 100th year” in the March 24 issue of The Eagle. What are your plans for the student body in the centennial year? A: Beginning with senate, I think, Becca Kathman at the last senate meeting, said it best she was like “I think” she said “we need to start putting our minutes online,” and I think that would cut down on a lot of paper, and school’s all about going green now, it seems. The cafeteria has gone trayless. I’d like to see maybe more, it’s hard to do with student senate, where, but I’d like to maybe more televisions? It’s hard balance, I guess, because you want that study atmosphere, but, like in the recreational rooms, like the Red Room, and the basement of Andrews. The basement of Andrews is kinda, I don’t know, gloomy and dark, so, I don’t know, make it more lively, make it a place people are more likely be, to go to study. I mean, there’s just so many little things that you want to deal with, but there’s so little time to do it. Q: Yes, there are always improvements to be made, but as I’m sure you are aware, those things take money. So how are you planning to fund raise to finance the cost of those improvements? A: In coming from a small community like Chadron, you can’t go out into the community and ask for so much money. It was brought up, I’m drawing a lot from senate finance, the alternative spring break club, they brought it up, and it’s like, you can’t ask a community like this to donate $10,000 to a single cause year after year; it’s really hard. And for, for being on campus, I think, more, its just like budgeting wisely, maybe giving up one thing to do another. Q: What are some of those small, non-essential things, that could be given up to make room for bigger innovations? A: It’s hard to comment on that because, yeah, could you please just skip that. There’s a lot of different things that, in my opinion, could be cut, but, because of closed meetings, I can’t talk about it. I should have a better answer for that, sorry.

Q: What does leadership mean to you? A: Leadership. Leadership is not enforcing what you think on every-

Q: How long have you served on senate? A: I served for a year, last year, and then I took a year off because





Japan radiation no threat to Nebraska, CSC

Illustration courtesy of Lucinda Mays

Plaza celebrates CSC’s centennial T.J. Thomson Executive Editor The area north of Old Admin, known as the “Dean’s Green,” has been experiencing continued capital improvements and renovations over the past few months, beginning with the removal of several trees in order to make way for the new Centennial Plaza. Construction, which

began on Nov. 17, 2010, will include three new flag poles which are planned to be located near the north end of the structure by a bench. Flags are being ordered representing the State of Nebraska, Chadron State College, and the United States each. Emphasis lighting will be installed to illuminate the flag poles at night, and the surrounding grounds of the plaza are slated for extensive landscaping improvements. The plaza is planned to measure 42 feet in diameter.

Applied Sciences professor earns NSCS teaching nomination T.J. Thomson Executive Editor Dr. Jay Sutliffe, professor of Applied Sciences, was recently nominated as the NSCS teacher of the year for Chadron State. The award, which is given to one faculty member from each of the three NSCS schools, will be conferred at spring graduation in May. Sutliffe, who has taught at CSC for six years, has been in the education field for 10 years, and finds the “wellness field as a whole” to be his primary inspiration. The NSCS award selection process begins with a student nomination that is submitted to the vice president of academic affairs, and

then the vice president’s recommendation is forwarded to the NSCS Board of Trustees. Sutliffe said that his enthusiasm was, in his estimation, the single most-important element of his teaching style that helped him be nominated for the award. “It’s a humbling experience,” Sutliffe said about being selected. The most rewarding part of teaching, for Sutliffe, is being able to see the development and maturation of students and individuals. “Passionate” was how Sutliffe described himself with a single word, and would advise those interested in pursuing a career in education to “follow your passion.” Sutliffe described his passion for teaching, and his enjoyment for promoting healthy and stable physical states for those around

him, and said “I can’t imagine doing anything different.” “Seeing people live healthy and vibrant lives” was mentioned as another inspirational aspect of Sutliffe’s work. Sutliffe said his future goals and plans include increased re- Sutliffe search in his field and continued publication of his scholarly material in peer-reviewed journals. Sutliffe’s achievement is scheduled to be recognized at the all-campus meeting at 11 a.m., April 14.

The Dawes County Sheriff’s Office has had several calls from people with concerns about radioactive fallout from the nuclear power plants that were damaged by the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan. The research Karl J. Daily, Dawes County sheriff, has done indicates that there is no need for alarm. Based on the radioactive release rate, Daily said he believes that owing to wind patterns, distance and other factors there is very little or no need for concern about this by the people in Nebraska or the U.S. The Sheriff’s Office has radiological monitoring equipment and Daily said he has monitored the air in and around Chadron at least once or twice a day since the issue was brought up in the national news. “If the near zero (and well within normal) conditions change, I will contact the proper authorities and advise the public of the findings. As for now, there is no need to purchase potassium iodide or any other ‘anti-radiation’ medical supplies or equipment,” Daily said. Daily also said, “I will be more than happy to work with Chadron State College or any other group or organization in monitoring and dealing with this issue.” For questions or more information, call the Sheriff’s Office at 432-3025. —Press release courtesy of Dawes County Sheriff ’s Office





Faculty rate well in recent employment evaluations T.J. Thomson Executive Editor Four former associate professors were recently promoted to the rank of professor, and one assistant professor was promoted to associate professor at the NSCS Board Meeting Friday. The application process begins with optional letters of support from colleagues, accompanied by a portfolio demonstrating research, campus and community involvement, and awards and accolades submitted to the dean of the faculty’s department. Pending the dean’s recommendation, the portfolio is then reviewed by the Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee, and subject to approval, their recommendation is forwarded on to Dr. Lois Veath, vice president of academic affairs. Next, a recommendation from the college President, Dr. Janie Park, is required before the application is finally submitted to the board of trustees, who vote on the candidates at one of their five to eight scheduled board meetings during the year. The ranking system adopted for academia in the United States follows the system of instructor; a non-tenure track professor, who may not have a Ph. D., assistant professor, an introductory-level professorship; associate professor; a mid-level, usually tenured professor; and professor (or full professor), who is a senior level, usually tenured individual. Six members from the CSC faculty applied for rank promotion; however, only five re-


from Page 2

Senate approved the clubs’ budgets Monday. The Senate Finance Committee wants clubs to discuss their activities more in the CAB meetings. Wright said that if the committee hears that a club is more active, it might affect how much money that club receives. Budget appeals are 6:30 p.m., April 5. Clubs who want to appeal the Finance Committee’s decisions should attend, as should inactive clubs or those who didn’t submit a budget packet. Jaqueline Valero, a student who works for

quests were granted. This year, for the first full year, the applications were submitted in online format via a Sakai work site, said Don Watt, professor of HPER and Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee chair. “The Sakai website is much more organized,” said Watt, “it really streamlined the process.” The four individuals on which full professorship was awarded include Michael Bogner and Tracy Nobiling, of the Justice Studies Department; Matthew Evertson, of the English and Humanities Department, and Ann Petersen, of the Education Department. Una Taylor, of the Music Department; was promoted from assistant professor to associate professor. Nobiling has been teaching both at the college level and at CSC the longest of those promoted with 20 years of experience, while Una Taylor has the lowest number of years taught, with a total of 6 years at the college level. Nobiling said the most rewarding part of teaching is “getting to work so closely with students.” Further, Nobiling said she enjoyed seeing the students develop and helping them prepare for their careers. In addition to the rank promotions, the college has a total of 11 faculty who have acquired tenure in 2011. Among those 11, five of the faculty are representative of the Department of Business. Chadron State led the members of the NSCS colleges in the number of tenured individuals with 11. The next highest awarded institution was Wayne State with three tenure awards.

Laure Sinn, asked the club reps for help making a video of the campus and upcoming club events as a promotion for the college. Jazzy Seumalo, special and cultural events coordinator, said there will be a luau 5 p.m. April 7 in the Student Center Ballroom for Asian Pacific Island Month. Tickets are free for students with their ID and cost $7 otherwise. Kyle Klammer, vice president, said the floor would open for executive board nominations at the next CAB meeting. CAB reps who want to run for the executive board have to have been a member of CAB for at least one semester. Jamie Keller, secretary, said the Pit is looking for co-sponsors for a foam dance.

Photo by Ashley Swanson

Con Marshall, Information Services Officer, flips through the proof of the Centennial History Book during an interview Tuesday.

Centennial book to open its pages this summer Ashley Swanson Reporter CSC is celebrating its centennial year by not only having many events set up, but also introducing the book, “Chadron State College: A Century of Service,” by Con Marshall. This is Marshall’s second book written for CSC; the first commemorated CSC’s 75th year. He started writing this book about two and a half years ago, getting a starting point from his first book. Although some of the information had to be changed, he didn’t want to completely reiterate information. “I didn’t try to re-invent the wheel,” Marshall said. To get information, he interviewed former faculty members and some alumni, in order to get a wide sweep of memories and facts about the college. When asked how things have changed over the past 25 years, Marshall said the school has made a lot of progress. Methods of delivering each course were much different from today, and they were just getting into using computers. The book is set up to read decade-by-decade, with pages filled with important events and inter-

esting facts, as well as pictures. There’s a wide array of photos that date back to 1911. The pictures are from a large collection of news and sports photos, as well as homecoming parades, among others. Through the many drafts Marshall wrote, thousands of words had to be cut, and certain information taken out. “I think my biggest hope is that it’s satisfactory for readers,” Marshall said,. Hoping as well that all the information that was put in the book was sufficient to show everyone CSC’s history. The hardcover, 240-page book is slated to hit shelves between the end of the school year, and early summer. Marshall is not in charge of marketing, so he could not say where it will be available. It can be ordered through the Alumni Office, and is planned to be available in The Eagle Pride bookstore, but details have not been firmed up. The final proof was sent in last week for a final look through before the printing starts. It took three proofs to get to the final one. Marshall said, he hopes that, in the end, it will, be something of which the whole college can be proud.





States wrong to attack public workers’ benefits Many people may have been watching or listening to coverage about the battle between the Wisconsin state government and public sector unions. To achieve a balanced budget and reduce the deficit, Gov. Scott Walker proposed cutting public service employees’ benefits and collective bargaining rights. This resulted in major protests all over Madison, Wis., most notably when the workers flooded the state capitol building and refused to leave until the cuts were eliminated. Critics argued that it wasn’t fair for the state to eliminate its workers’ collective bargaining rights and their benefits in order to make ends meet. They also pointed out that Walker was using the cuts to cover the nearly $1 billion budget shortfall from tax cuts to corporations. Regardless of his own reasoning, other states, including Nebraska, are now following suit and are contemplating cutting the pay and benefits of teachers, firemen, policemen, librarians, sanitation workers, professors, and others in the public sector. It seems that for the sake of big business, executive golden parachutes, and lower tax rates for the wealthy the burden will fall on those who make the least in our society. Not only that, the right to strike and collectively bargain for better wages is now coming under attack. But the real reason behind these cuts is not financial, it is political. With public workers no longer allowed to be the model for collective bargaining, there will be nothing to stand between the working class and the wealthy class’s control over policy. Our professors and faculty at Chadron State College are some of the hardest working people around, yet they are portrayed as the problem and the reason for our economic woes. Our public sector workers need our support, not our condemnation.


Americans are more ignorant than ever WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Aaron Gonzalez Opinion Editor

I always find it amazing that the country I love, America, has so much to offer to everyone: opportunity, democracy, freedom of choice, and ample access to knowledge. Knowledge is the pinnacle of free inquiry, provider of technological and medicinal wonders, and the basis of civilization. The problem is, despite all these opportunities, so many Americans are just plain dumb. Newsweek recently published the results of a survey showing just how little the average American knows about many important issues. The results are so horrible they make me want to laugh and cry at the same time. To start off, many Americans love to bash illegal aliens for ruining our wonderful America and insist that foreigners “don’t know nothin’ about this country.” Interestingly, in a survey of 1,000 average Americans almost 40 percent of those citizens failed the U.S. Citizenship Test. One would think questions like “What country did America fight against during the Revolution?” would be easy, but apparently not. On Newsweek’s website you can answer some questions from the Citizenship Test. After each question the next slide shows the correct answer with the percentage of

respondents that answered right. One question was, “What happened at the Constitutional Convention?” The answer is that the Constitution was drafted. One of the comments left by a person (who appeared to be in her 20s) said, “OMG... if they are just going to give the answers, what is the point? This should be a multiple choice quiz. This is a poor set up.” Have fun flipping burgers, lady. Here are some additional sad facts: 80 percent don’t know who was President during World War I; 40 percent don’t know the three nations we fought in World War II; 81 percent can’t name one of the federal government’s constitutional powers; 29 percent don’t know the current Vice-President; only 39 percent accept evolution by natural selection as fact; nearly 20 percent think the Sun revolves around the Earth; 90 percent can’t find Afghanistan on a map; and only 53 percent know Judaism is older than Christianity. I don’t include these figures because I want to show how much smarter I and my “elitist” brethren are. (If knowing information that doesn’t revolve entirely around men in spandex chasing after pigskins, Jesus of Nazareth, or a deranged pop singer who wears meat makes one “elitist”, then by all means I am.) I include these statistics as an alert to my fellow students and citizens. It doesn’t do us justice as a nation to have such low intelligence.

As Susan Jacoby reminds us in her book “The Age of American Unreason”, it isn’t age or ideology that determines intelligence. The reason, Jacoby asserts, is that there appears to be a popular idea in America that higher knowledge is somehow a waste of time, or even that universities and colleges lead children “astray.” Not to mention the almost perpetual distractions of technology and the trivial gossip that passes for TV news. Glenn Beck, a college dropout, has recently rehashed this college-is-evil theory by quoting President Woodrow Wilson’s statement on higher learning: “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible... The university should generalize the treatment of its undergraduates, should struggle to put them in touch with every force of life.” I personally don’t see the problem, as the whole point of higher learning should be to enlighten and educate, and thus radically transform a youth from his parents. I have talked to people who share Beck’s paranoia, but also add that colleges are “dens of sin” because they teach sex-ed classes and Darwinism. Well, if parents truly fear reality-based knowledge then there’s always reaffirmation schools to go to like the laughable Liberty University and others. It reminds me of the Book of Genesis where it was righteous to stay away from the “Tree of Knowledge,” and it is the evil one who encourages such advancement. Head toward the tree people, head toward the tree! Read a real book, watch PBS, watch a documentary, or read a newspaper. Just don’t make the American stereotype come true.


Did you vote in the Student Senate elections? “No, I just haven’t.”

Rachel Smidt, 21, junior, Education major of North Platte

“No, I didn’t know it was happening.”

Erik Wedel, 19, freshman, Criminal Justice major of Norfolk

Compiled by Chelsie Moreland

“No, I’m lazy.”

Xavier Kvistad, 18, freshman, Sports Mngt. major, of Crawford

ON THE WEB: Contribute your own Man on the Street answer at

“No, I’m busy so I didn’t know.”

Julia Bayer, 23, senior, Human Biology major, of Stuttgart, Germany




Facebook users, beware of what you post The social network is a great place to share ideas and chat, but it can get ugly

Sara Labor

Lifestyles Editor Facebook is that technological wonder that we’ve all become familiar with. We check it almost daily; some of us even check it hourly. It’s a way to keep up with friends, check what your younger sibling has been up to, and see what fun events or parties are coming up. In fact, Facebook has become such a staple in our daily lives that some of us don’t think when we post anymore. And when we don’t think, things tend to come out online that we would normally never say in public. I was appalled a few weeks ago when I saw a post from a friend that was exceedingly bigoted against Muslims, and President Obama. It made me disgusted first to think that people actually think these

things, and second that they had no qualms posting it on Facebook where everyone could see it. I also saw a friend who is still in elementary school drop the f-bomb in a photo comment. I’m pretty sure that she wouldn’t say that to her mother! I’ve seen friends talk about their sex lives on Facebook, or the party they just got trashed at (even if they’re only 19.) Wow, really? I’ve seen statuses where a girl is mad at her boyfriend, so she says something she thinks is obscure, but everyone actually understands perfectly. Let us not forget to mention all the people who have gotten into big fights on their Wall. What could be a bigger waste of space than having to look at a strewn out argument that no one else cares about? What some people don’t seem to understand is that anyone and everyone can access Facebook statuses, photos, quotes, and information. Teachers, employers, and parents can see what you post. I even have my pastor as a Facebook friend, and it wouldn’t surprise me if others could see the same thing. For this reason, I don’t understand why people would post statuses about getting drunk the night before, or post pictures where they are barely wearing any clothing.

Not to sound like your parents, but those sorts of things can and will affect your future. Do you think that a future employer is really going to consider you if your profile picture is you, passed out on a couch, beer in hand? Or if your status is “Don’t call me, I’ll be locked in my room with the porn on?” Because the answer to that is probably going to be no. Facebook posts have their consequences, so don’t be surprised if you get caught. Why would you even post that in the first place? If you were to do that in the real world you would be isolated from everyone the minute you said it. It doesn’t really say much about your personality either. Furthermore, who cares? No one wants to see your dirty laundry strung out across Facebook. Facebook should be used for what it was meant for: socializing. It’s really no longer fun when people start using Facebook to make racist jokes, sexual allusions, and gossip. It’s painful. The bottom line is that people should watch what they say on Facebook. Be professional. Don’t say anything on the internet you wouldn’t say to your boss or your professor or your mother. Because if it’s on Facebook, you’re actually saying it to everyone in the real world.



Eagle Executive Editor

T.J. Thomson

Sports Editor

Julie Davis

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Sara Labor

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Vera Ulitina

Contributors Kelsey Amos, Stephanie Eggleston, Christina Ferrero, Kristina Harter, Jamie Holmes, Cyd Janssen, Jamie Keller, Rian Mamula, Melissa Minasi, Chelsie Moreland, Kevin Oleksy, Ashley Swanson

Contact Us Faculty Adviser

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Advertising Advertising Director

- “Gotcha!” is a great way to make new friends, even if those friends are trying to shoot you.

-Getting shot by Nerf guns, even though that person is not playing, may seem fun but annoys the person being shot.

-Minecraft is an awesome game full of zombies, lava, and lots of building and destroying.

-The weather is in a tizzy and can’t make its mind up, between snow, rain, and sun.

-Going to see movies on the weekends is a great way to have fun and relax.

-There are now fewer and fewer people to shoot in the “Gotcha!” game.

-There are only four more weeks of classes left, which means that students won’t have homeworks, tests, or lectures.

-There are only four more weeks of classes left, which means that midterms, homework, and projects will be due.

-Homemade cookies, especially those made by friends, are the greatest thing ever!

-Math is an okay subject when it doesn’t deal with formulas that don’t make any sense!

Brittney Deadmond

Please call 308-432-6304 to speak with an advertising representative, or to obtain our sizes and rates. Deadline is noon Monday to publish in the following Thursday’s edition.

A glimpse into the past . . . v Thieves get away with stealing equipment, then rethink - March 31, 1983 - Unknown thieves got away with stealing almost $4,000 worth of photographic equipment, supplies, and office machines. As if they didn’t want to get caught, an anonymous caller called Chief Ted Y. Vasting and told him where all the stolen merchandise could be located. Vasting found all of the stolen merchandise in a box, lying in a ditch by a fire hydrant in Pony Park.

Compiled by Ashley Swanson -Source: The Eagle Archives

Distribution Manager

Evan Mehne

Editorial Disclaimer Guest columns and letters to the editor are encouraged. The opinions expressed in such submissions belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the opinions of The Eagle staff, its adviser, or the students, staff, faculty or administration of Chadron State College. Please limit letters to 250 words; guest columns and editorials to 700 words. Deadline for submissions is noon Monday for consideration in the following Thursday’s publication. The Eagle reserves the right to accept, reject or edit all submissions.





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Ben Ferrero



Julie Davis

Number: 12 Position: Inside Center Year: Junior Hometown: Bayard


as of 9 p.m., March 30


Ferrero scored 3 tris at Wayne State College this weekend. The team tied for first in its division.

Amy Schartz Softball

Number: 1 Position: Utility Player Year: Sophomore Hometown: Brady

Photo by Kinley Q. Nichols

Eagle’s Brittany Chacon, (24), junior of Broomfield, Colo., slides into third base as Viking’s Jenny Brown, (18), sophomore of Omaha waits to catch the ball during Tuesday’s game.

Schartz homers, Eagles win 9-6

Schartz hit a three-run walk off home run during the second game against Augustana to win 9-6.

Julie Davis Sports Editor


Photo by Kinley Q. Nichols

Christina Lewis, (17), junior of Delta, British Columbia, reacts by turning away after a pitch during the game on Tuesday against Augustana .

Amy Schartz, sophomore of Brady, hit a 3-run walk-off homerun in the Eagles’ second game against the Augustana College Vikings Tuesday at home. The Eagles lost the first game 8-2. Aryn Gryusiewicz, freshman of Denver, pitched all seven innings and gave up 8 hits and the Eagles had 7 errors. Gryusiewicz has 3 losses this season. The second game, Christina Lewis, senior of Delta, B.C., led off the second inning and hit a homerun over the left field foul pole for the first run of the game. The third inning, Angela Jay, junior of Victoria, B.C., hit a double down the right field line. Katie Bolin, senior of Kearney, grounded out, but Jay advanced to third. Jamie Mazankowski, senior of Kearney, hit a homerun, bringing Jay in, for 2 runs. The Eagles were comfortable at 3-0. In the top of the fourth inning, Lindsay Spanton, freshman of Apple Valley, Minn., hit a 2-run homerun over the scoreboard, putting the score at 3-2.

The Eagles did not answer in the bottom of the fourth inning. The fifth inning, Nikki Ritzen, sophomore of Chadron, slid and caught a fly ball for the third out, leaving a base runner on second. Jay fouled out, and Bolin doubled to left. Bolin scored from Manzankowski’s base-hit, bringing the Eagles to a 4-2 lead. The sixth inning, Lewis took the mound from Stephanie Townsend, junior of Roosevelt, Utah, with a runner on first. Spanton hit her second homerun of the game for 3 runs, bringing the Vikings to a 5-4 lead. Ritzen singled to center field, scoring two baserunners for a 6-5 lead going into the seventh. Kate Pinder, sophomore of Fallon, Nev., took Lewis’s place with runners on first and second. A base hit scored 2 runs for the Vikings to tie the score 6-6. In the bottom of the seventh inning, Bolin and Lewis stood on first and second, and Schartz’s homerun over left center gave the Eagles the win 9-6. The team plays the Western New Mexico University Mustangs in Silver City, N.M. this weekend.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Colo. Mines 15-5 Metro St. 15-5 Adams St. 13-7 Mesa St. 10-10 Neb. Kearney 9-9 Regis 9-9 Western N.M. 9-9 Chadron 9-11 CSU-Pueblo 9-11 Fort Lewis 8-10 UC-Colo. Spr. 7-13 N.M. Hi-lands 3-17



In the March 24 issue, “I never expected . . .” reported he is a senior. Gamble is a graduate student competing in his senior year of eligibility.

This Day in Sports History Gordie Howe: NHL – Born March 31st 1928 (age 82) in Floral, Saskatchewan Source:


Track and Field


University of Nebraska Kearney Saturday in Kearney



Colorado State University Rodeo

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Fort Collins, Colo.



Nebraska -Wesleyan Invitational Sunday and Monday in Lincoln



Western New Mexico

Noon Saturday and 11 a.m. Sunday in Silver City, N.M.





Golf team overcomes winter weather With poor weather limiting its practices, CSC’s golf team still played well at Pueblo Kristina Harter Reporter Despite harsh winter conditions that forced limited practices, the Chadron State golf team finished sixth of eight in the twoday Thunderwolf Ladies Spring Invite tournament at Desert Hawk Golf Course in Pueblo, Colo., Sunday. The Eagles fired a 358 in the first round Saturday and finished with a two-day total of 715 on the longest course that they will play at competing in the RMAC, said head coach Terri Connealy. “The last two tournaments had late starts because of frost. But as long as the course is open, we play,” Connealy said. Allison Rowden, junior of Broken Bow,

Emilee Pilkington, freshman of Scottsbluff, and Caitlin Parker, senior of Rock Springs, Wyo., finished in the top 25 on Saturday. Rowden led the Eagles, tied for sixth after shooting an 83 Saturday. Pilkington took 13th with a score of 86. Parker finished 25th carding a 96 for the day. Alissa Peterson, senior of Lusk, Wyo., shaved 11 strokes off her first day’s score. She shot an 85 Sunday for a tournamenttotal 181.

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Photo courtesy of

Rowden added 11 strokes to her first round of 83, finishing with 177 strokes for the invite. The Mesa State College Mavericks led the tournament both days with a total of 661. The Mavericks had four of the top 10 individual finish-

ers, shot a 661. Montana State University-Billings, just 3 strokes behind, finished second. The Eagles trailed Colorado Christian University by 4 strokes for the sixth place, but

out-played Regis University and Oklahoma Panhandle State University and who placed seventh and eighth respectively. Ashley Kurtz, junior of Valentine, Michelle Haynes, junior of Crawford, and Heather Lutter, junior of Valentine, also contributed, finishing with totals of 192, 195 and 218 respectively. “I was pleased with the finish,” Connealy said, “We have not had the opportunity to practice because of the cold weather.” The Eagles will not compete in the Nebraska-Wesleyan Invitational, Connealy said, but travel to Sioux Falls, S.D., for the Augustana University Invitational, April 9-10. “We thought it would be too much since we are taking five girls to the RMAC championship in Phoenix, April 18,” Connealy said.

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Photo courtesy of Jacy French

The Chadron State men’s rugby team after a long weekend in the mud at the 90 Team Battle on the Prairie Rugby Tournament this weekend.

Men’s rugby ties for first in social division at March Madness Julie Davis Sports Editor Chadron State’s men’s rugby team tied for first place with Doane College in the social division at The 90 Team Battle on the Prairie Rugby Tournament Saturday and Sunday in Wayne. Ruggers expect to get muddy, according to senior Jamie Keller of Scottsbluff, and the weekend’s rain and snow mix prepared the field. The team lost its first game against a unionized North Dakota team. The game came down to the last 5 minutes when the North Dakota team scored a tri, but failed on the conversion, leaving the Eagles behind for their first loss 5-0. The second game, Chadron State beat South Dakota State University. Ben Ferrero, junior of Bayard, scored the first tri allowing Tim Vogt, Chadron alumni of Gillette, Wyo., to complete the conversion for a 7-0 lead. CSC’s defense kept SDSU from scoring, although the ball was on the CSC half for most of the first half. The second half, SDSU scored a tri to bring the score to 7-5. Ferrero scored another tri for Chadron State to increase the lead to 12-5. SDSU scored the last tri with few minutes left to go. SDSU trailed 12-10 for Chadron to

advance. Chadron State faced Augustana College in the third round. The game was scoreless until the last 5 minutes when Chadron State drove Augustana back 15 yards, pushing the ball over the goal line in Augustana’s possession. Chadron State alumni player Nicholas Wignall, 25 of Kadoka, S.D., grabbed the ball and scored a tri for the team to win 5-0. The win brought Chadron up from consolation to the winner’s bracket, forcing Chadron State to play the SDSU team again. Halftime ended at 0-0 and the second half, Ferrero received an outside pitch and ran 35 yards to score a tri. SDSU kicked off and was penalized, leading the teams to a scrum down and Chadron took the ball. Matt Neilson, senior of Brunswick, led a line out and pitched to Josh Eckhardt, CSC alumni of Gillette, Wyo., for a tri. Chadron State won another scrum down and line passed to Tim Vogt, CSC alumni of Gillette, Wyo., who scored the last tri. Derrick Duncan, Peru College alumni, completed the conversion. Chadron State shut-out SDSU 17-0. The team was supposed to face Doane College to win the social division, but time conflicts in the tournament did not allow the teams to compete in the division championship.

Photo courtesy of Jacy French

Morgan Nelson (right), sophomore of Norfolk, shivers next to the referee on the field at Wayne State College during the March Madness 90 Team Battle on the Prairie Rugby Tournament.

Three women Rugby members injured, team suffers at tourny Jamie Keller Reporter The Chadron State women’s rugby team competed in the March Madness Tournament at Wayne State College Saturday and Sunday. The first game, the team played Doane College. Chadron immediately took the lead by winning the first scrum down and scored a tri by Kate Seifer, sophomore of Tryon, but failed a conversion. A strong punt return for another tri by Dani Buckley, sophomore of Palmer, Alaska, led to another failed conversion. The Eagles led Doane 10-0 at half time. CSC managed to shut down Doane’s defense once again to complete another tri. The team failed the conversion by Jacy French, freshman of Ogallala, putting the score at 15-0. Within the last few minutes of the game Lindsey Wilson, sophomore of Mullen, ran through several tackles for the final tri and failed conversion of the game. Chadron State won 20-0 over Doane. The win

resulted in three injured Chadron State players. The team, playing with three substitutes from another team, advanced to play the University of North Dakota. Chadron State played hard but took a loss to UND 7-5. “Playing with subs is better than playing three girls down, which we have done before,” said French. “But they didn’t know our offense which did affect our overall game play.” The loss placed Chadron against the College of Saint Benedict, which ended in another loss since the women played missing three players and no substitutions. The final Sunday match was against Bemidji State University. Chadron State lost 17-0 to Bemidji. “We played strong even when we played with only 12 girls on our final matches” French said. “We gave 110% in our first game which ended up injury three of our players, that really came back to get us in our later games.” The team plays again at Chadron’s home field on April 9.





Rodeo team saddles for Fort Collins Kelsey Amos Reporter The Chadron State College Rodeo Team competed Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Eastern Wyoming College in Torrington, Wyo. The women’s team placed third with 1,215 points, while the men’s team placed ninth with 1,400 points. Kaylee Gallino, junior of Wasta, S.D., placed third in women’s all-around with 670 points and won in barrel racing with 460 points. In bareback riding, Whiten Hoover, junior of Ainsworth, placed fourth with 585 points, while Collin Chytka, freshman of Broken Bow, was eighth with 95 points. In bull riding, Justin Ellis, junior of Kirby, Wyo., tied with Sheridan College’s Kacy Townsley of Riverton, Wyo., for 12th place with 110 points. In steer wrestling, three members of the men’s team placed. Miles Spickelmier, junior of Imperial, was third with 310 points, while Chytka placed ninth with 180 points. Tyrel Bonnet, junior of Newell, was 15th place with 140 points. In breakaway roping, four members of the women’s team placed. Kelsey Scott, junior of Douglas, Wyo., earned second place with 265 points, while Gallino was fifth with 210 points. Kaycee Werdel, freshman of Chadron, was eighth with 180 points, and BoDelle Mueller, junior of Sutherland, earned 11th place with 150 points. The riders will compete in Fort Collins, Colo., at the Colorado State University Rodeo this weekend.


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Photo courtesy of Brian Gauck, of CSU

BoDelle Mueller, junior of Sutherland, ropes a calf in Torrington at the Eastern Wyoming College rodeo. Mueller placed third in the long go, won the short go, and placed second in the average.


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Madden ‘12 keeps Woodhead running Julie Davis Sports Editor All 32 teams in the National Football League were issued a player to be nominated for EA Sports’ Madden NFL 12 Cover Vote Campaign. Fans of the game and NFL players vote for their favorite picks for the video game’s cover. The New England Patriots were fortunate enough to have Chadron State College’s own Danny Woodhead entered into the cover’s bracket. Woodhead won the first round, by votes of users with 62 percent. His opponent, Steve Johnson of the Buffalo Bills, lost with 38 percent of votes. In the Madden NFL 11, Woodhead is listed as a New England Patriot, but the game did not include information of his attendance of Chadron State College in the player profile section. EA Sports Director of Public Relations Rob Semsey stated, “We are limited in the total number of colleges we can list in our database in-game. Thus, some of the less known schools are unfortunately left out. Chadron State College didn’t make the cut for Madden NFL 11.” Semsey also stated that Chadron State College would be listed in the Madden NFL 12 database. Woodhead faces the New York Giants’ Hakeem Nicks in the second round of the bracket. Nicks beat Brian Orakpo of the Washington Redskins with 61 percent to 39. Other winners include Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers, with a 72 percent. Rodgers won over Detroit Lions’ Nda-

makong Suh, who was the first round draft pick for the 2011 season and attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Sam Bradford of the St. Louis Rams won with 57 percent over Larry Fitzgerald of the Arizona Cardinals. Maurice Jones-Drew of the Jacksonville Jaguars won with 66 percent over Dwight Freeney of the Indianapolis Colts. Jamaal Charles of the Kansas City Chiefs received 64 percent of votes over Denver Broncos’ Tim Tebow. Peyton Hillis of the Cleveland Browns won with 62 percent over Ray Rice of the Baltimore Ravens. Atlanta Falcon Matt Ryan beat his opponent Jordan Gross of the Carolina Panthers with 89 percent of votes. Phillip Rivers of the San Diego Chargers won with 67 percent over Darren McFadden of the Oakland Raiders. Minnesota Viking Adrian Peterson won with 57 percent over Chicago Bear Julius Peppers. Mark Sanchez, New York Jet, beat Jake long, Miami Dolphins, with 55 percent to 45 percent. New Orleans Saint Drew Brees won with 56 percent over Josh Freeman of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Michael Vick, Philadelphia Eagle, won with 76 percent over Dallas Cowboy DeMarcus Ware. Andre Johnson of the Houston Texans won over Chris Johnson of the Tennessee Titans with 69 percent compared to 31 percent. Patrick Willis of the San Francisco 49ers beat the Seattle Seahawks’ fan, the 12th man, with 54 percent of votes. Hines Ward of the Pittsburgh Steelers won with 72 percent over Carlos Dunlap of the Cincinnati Bengals.

Madden 2012 video game cover contest bracket rankings:

Standings as of 8 p.m., Wednesday. Voting results are scheduled to be announced on Mondays. Graphic illustration by T.J. Thomson; File photo by Daniel Binkard


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Students learn difficulties of aging in RLA event Vera Ulitina Web Administrator

Photo by Vera Ulitina

Megan Greenwood, 20, sophomore of Sidney, Mont., tries to assemble her name from the letter beads while wearing goggles greased with vaseline during the Show Us Your Strength event in the Ballroom last Thursday.

An RLA event helped students understand old age through a series of activities in the Student Center Ballroom. Show Us Your Strength, organized by Keanna Gross, sophomore of Ainsworth, and Kelsey Warren, senior of Rawlins, Wyo., offered the students a number of games as “a way to simulate aging for younger generations,” Warren said. There were four main activities at the Show Us Your Strength event. In the first activity, the participants were to assemble their names with beads and put them on a string while wearing goggles greased with Vaseline. The activity simulated partial loss of sight. Megan Greenwood, 20, sophomore of Sidney, Mont., said that assembling the name was a very difficult task, and putting the beads on the string was even more impossible. Cory Schroeder, 20, sophomore of Wright, Wyo., tried two other activities: step-ups while breathing through a straw, which simulated loss of lung capacity; and buttoning a shirt with his fingers taped, which simulated arthritis. “It was challenging,” Schroeder said. The fourth activity was not as popular as the first three. This activity used earplugs to simulate the loss of hearing. The total turnout for the event was 46 people, some of whom took part in all the events, some who tried just one, and the others who just came to watch.




Common sense with Cyd

The Eagle’s ‘Tube Topper’

Word of the Week

“So what if, for safety, Japan moves production off-shore while they stabilize? Like to the U.S.? We have the capacity, and supply/demand forces will respond somehow. Interesting economic development policy discussion.”

Sara Bareilles covers Beyonce’s song “Single Ladies.”

“The first thing I’ll do when I get to New York is buy a pretzel.” —Monday, Brooks Hall “You should have played in the Gotcha game, because you wouldn’t have gotten out, because you’re like a ninja.” —Monday, Student Center Disclaimer: “Overheard at CSC” uses quotations obtained and verified by The Eagle staff and is for entertainment purposes only.

SOLUTIONS Sudoku puzzle

sanguine | saŋ-gwәn adj a) bloodred to watch

b) consisting of or relating to blood c) bloodthirsty Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.

– Cyd Janssen, Contributor

Solutions: On the rocks All in the game

ExtendedWEATHER Chadron weather

Today 55 ° |

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Sunday 57° |

Monday 50° |

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Air Force Brass Band to perform free concert Stephanie Eggleston Reporter

Photos by Kinley Q. Nichols

Tala Alapai-Ahonina, 19, of Kailaua-Kona, Hawaii plays the song “Notice You” by Wiremu Hohaia on the guitar Thursday night during High Rise Open Mic Night in the Student Center Lounge.

Students show their skills at High Rise open mic Antonia Avila, 20, sophomore of Loveland, Colo, smiles as she sings “At Last” by Etta James.

The U.S. Air Force Academy’s Stellar Brass Band is set to perform at 7:30 p.m. April 7, in the Chadron Arts Center located on the corner of Fourth and King street. The band plans to play a variety of musical styles performed for a broad range of audiences led by Lieutenant Colonel Larry H. Lang. Sergeant Tim Blake said, “[The concert’s] a way to recruit for the Air Force and create a bond with the public.” Music will include styling from the Renaissance Period, American Folk songs, Latin styles, orchestral transcriptions, and Dixieland. The Stellar Brass Band consists of Master Sgt. Gary Poffenbarger, group leader and tuba player; Senior Master Sgt. John Gohl, trombone player; Senior Master Sgt. Steve Kindermann, trumpet player; Master Sgt. Tim W. Allums, trumpet player; Senior Master Sgt. Gary Stephens, horn player; and Technical Sergeant Tim Blake, percussionist who combines percussion instruments with a traditional brass quintet, resulting in an original musical performance. This band is one of the 10 performing groups that makes up the 68 member Academy Band. “The band is one of the Air Force’s most lethal weapons. We don’t blow up bridges, we build them,” Blake said. The Stellar Brass Band’s performance on April 7 is free and open to the public.

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CSC Women’s Choir Conquers

Chantel Sullivan Reporter On March 8, the women’s vocal ensemble, Arioso, ventured to Salzburg where Spider Man jumped out of a bar, squatted in front of us, and attacked with his invisible webs. “Fat Tuesday” in Austria is apparently more festive than Halloween in the United States. We spent two days in Salzburg, Austria, also known as the city of Rumors, according to our tour guide Monika. We learned that Salzburg is famous for its gossip and its large dessert, soufflé which flops like a deflated balloon when punctured. The joke is that Salzburg cooks with hot air, Monika said. We also fulfilled one of my life long dreams: we visited several places where “The Sound of Music” was filmed. We walked through the gardens, and some of us went up to the Abbey where Maria Von Trap was first a nun. We were given the opportunity to visit a Viennese high school choir and orchestra rehearsal for their performance of Vivaldi’s “Gloria” and “Juchzet dem Herm alle Welt,” from Mendelssohn. “You’re not together. Pay attention. Vowels. Consonants. Stop talking. This was good. Do it again.” Although this was being said to music students in German, Arioso knew all too well what the Viennese School director was expressing to his students. We made our way to the classroom, which, to many of us, resembled a typical band-room with hard wood floors, blank walls, and a man with a baton. We giggled through the rehearsal with thoughts of our own choir classes in mind until it was our turn to perform. When we were announced, the room full of high school students roared with applause. Even after we performed, the applause continued like it never stopped in the first place. Something everyone noticed was the fact that there was no language barrier. It made all of us consider why we should embrace other languages as the other students were expected to embrace English. “I feel like we, as Americans, should focus more on learning a second or even third language. Although I took two years of Spanish while in high school, I am by no means fluent in Spanish. On our trip, we encountered so many wonderful people, many of whom were bilingual. They may see learning English as a necessity, but I was still very impressed,” Kelsey Kaitfors, 22, of Whitwood, SD said.

Photos by Chantel Sullivan

The Hohen Salzburg Castle, located in Salzburg, Austria was one of the places that Arioso visited during their time in Austria March 8-9.

Facts about Austria

•Capital: Vienna This giant chess set was located in the Town Square of Salzburg, Austria.

•Official Language: German •Other languages: Slovene, Croatian, and Hungarian •Government: Democratic Parliament •Area: 32,377 square miles •Population: 8,356,707 •Currency: Euro

St. Peters Cemetary, located in Salzburg, Austria, which the cemetary in “The Sound of Music” was based off of, was one of the places Arioso toured on their trip to Europe

•National Anthem: Land de Berge, Land am Strome (German), or Land of Mountains, Land by the River

LIFESTYLES Paranoia grips campus as ‘Gotcha!’ Nerf tournament heats up WWW.CSCEAGLE.COM

Sara Labor Lifestyles Editor The best part about a campus-wide Nerf gun war? The paranoia, of course. Since the event began Friday, I found myself holding my Nerf gun and three foam bullets close at all times. Across campus, I saw others carrying their guns and looking over their shoulders constantly. It got worse for me when I saw several friends who warned me that they’d just seen three people get out in the Pit. I ended up running frantically back to my room. The Gotcha! event has struck campus with full force. Across campus, you can hear students comments about how much fun it is to try to find their target. On Facebook, you see comments like “Gotcha! puts me in a better mood.” Even people who aren’t participating have been enjoying watching the goings on of the event. At first I was skeptical about the concept of Gotcha!. Being a bit of a shy person, I was nervous about having to hunt down a person I barely knew. However, I found myself enjoying the event immensely over the past week. The first time I went after my target was Monday. I found out that day that I have terrible aim after I missed my target by a good five feet. I then took off running, but found myself shot in the back. Such is life. After being shot by my own target, thus getting me out for 30 minutes, I had the opportunity to talk to him, and found out he was a pretty nice guy. Although no one ever said it directly, part of the fun of the Gotcha! event is being able to meet people you may have never associated with. My former target is majoring in Science. I avoid the

Math and Science building like the plague. If he hadn’t been my target, I probably would never have met him. Another fun part of the event is getting involved with clubs that you might not usually get involved in. Prizes have been offered for attending club events like the Night of Country Swing (NOCS) and Chi Alpha. This means Students then get to step out of their comfort zone and try new things, a great way to show what clubs are on campus. One of the best things about Gotcha! is the feeling of being paranoid. I felt kind of like a spy whenever I would walk out the back door of my building, looking in every direction before dashing to Memorial Hall. Unfortunately, I’m not much of a spy. On Tuesday, disaster struck. I was distracted by a friend, and did not realize that I was being followed. While walking to my room, I was struck in the back. Although I am out of the game, I’m still lucky enough to get to participate in events. Gold and silver darts, which can be turned in for prizes, are held by teachers, who can shoot participants. If a teacher shoots a student who is trying to steal their dart, that student is out for a half hour, and they have to drop the dart. Even if a student is out of the game, they can still try to find the darts. The empire of Sandozia, or the Sandoz Center, is also still open to students who are out. Every day a participant visits Sandozia, they are given Sandoz dollars to turn in for prizes at the end of the event. Gotcha! is quickly turning into an event that’s fun for all. Meeting new people, getting involved in clubs, and just enjoying a fun game has been great for students on campus. For more information about the Gotcha! event, you can check out the center spread on pages eight and nine.

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Photo by T.J. Thomson

Ten-minute play auditions open

Asha Martin, 18, freshman of Scottsbluff, gestures while performing her monologue titled “Spoons” for auditions for the 10-minute plays, 1 - 3 p.m., Saturday. The 10-minute plays, directed by students in the Beginning Directing class, wil take place Saturday, April 30 in the Black Box Theatre in Memorial Hall.

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‘Craft’ game more addictive than quilting Kevin Oleksy

in? Minecrack—oops, I mean Minecraft—is like virtual Legos™. If you can imagine it, you can Contributor build it in blocky splendor. Multiplayer servers are filled with massive userMost current video games offer players a chance generated cities, home to all sorts of logic-defyto do one or two things on an infinite time scale then respawn and repeat. These games simulate ing buildings. I’ve seen everything from floating shooting everything in sight, working on friends’ houses made of glass, underwater laboratories, farms, or raiding the same dungeon five nights a massive castles, and simple log cabins. On one week in the hopes of getting a pair of boots that server, a scale model of the Taj Mahal sat next to a lighthouse topped with a glass sphere full of lava. have a 0.0000001 percent chance of dropping. But before you can build all that great stuff, Sure, it’s great to fly into Orgrimmar mounted on a dragon it took you six months to acquire. you’ve got to harvest resources. You’ve got to Yes, it’s exhilarating to take down hordes of Nazi mine before you can start crafting. Get it? I know, zombies. And if I get one more Farmville™ invite, you got it. Players start with nothing in a brand new world I swear I’ll block everyone on my friends list. But where can a gamer who has seen it all turn for populated by day with pigs, cows, sheep, and chickens. By night the baddies come out. Zomsomething different? bies, skeletons, giant spiders, and creepers (little The answer is Minecraft. Minecraft is a whole different animal. It is a green men with permanent frowns and insides game of infinite destruction and creation. Many full of dynamite) converge to kill you. In order to survive, players must quickly learn years before Minecraft was around, an Internet crackpot wrote, “Creation is cubic.” While in real- to punch trees. Literally, punch them. Punch ity he was just a crazy man ranting about “nature’s them till your little avatar fist should probably be harmonious time cube,” in Minecraft he was ab- a bloody pulp and yet magically it is not. And how solutely right. else does one gather wood without an axe? Minecraft has purposely simple graphics. AlOnce you get some wood, you can craft it into most everything is rendered with 1-meter cubes. tools. Wood can be Because of this crafted into simple visual oversimplitools to gather stone, fication, the game and stone crafted into is able to generate better tools to gather a random world iron. With iron one roughly eight can craft fairly awetimes the surface some tools. Then of the earth. things turn toward the That’s a huge exquest for diamonds, plorable area, it’s because diamonds chock full of subare forever—almost. lime landscapes But much like the real and vast underworld, diamonds are worlds of spooky deep in the earth. Uncaverns brimming like the real world, diwith treasure and amonds frequently apbad guys and lava. pear near pools of hot Yes lava—actuliquid magma, which ally it’s technically as I mentioned before, magma since it’s I am really good at fallunder the earth’s ing into. surface, but when I initially dismissed my avatar falls in Minecraft as an indie it, he burns up the game unworthy of my same either way. $20. But six months Also, you can Courtesy screenshot of Minecraft saddle up pigs and Kevin Oleksy’s avatar rides a saddled pig in this screenshot from Mine- later, I found out I was completely wrong. hop on for a ride. craft. For more in-game images, visit The game is incredibly I haven’t really figured out the purpose of this feature, but it’s good addicting, its blocky visuals are endearing, and its monsters an endless challenge. Check it out today for a laugh. So, where do the destruction and creation come at!

Photo by Kinley Q. Nichols

Alleviate stress: slow down Leslie Caswell, graduate assistant for the Education Department, motions during her presentation titled “Holistic Health and Work Place Wellness” 7 p.m. Tuesday. Caswell’s lecture was the latest installment of the Dorset Graves lecture series.



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