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Women’s track team ranked No. 1 Kristina Harter Reporter “It feels great to break a school record, especially because we were so close last year,” Meghan Finney, sophomore of Almont, Colo., said. “It’s like all our hardworking paid off.” The women’s track and field team is ranked first in the Central Region of the RMAC because of its performance at the University of Colorado Invitational Meet last Saturday in Boulder, Colo. According to the NCAA Division II Regional Team Index listings on Tuesday morning, Chadron’s women obtained a week total of 334.71 points. “Our women have improved and can win conference. We’re ranked number one in the region since the first time I have been here,” Ryan Baily said, who was named Head Coach in 2010. In the women’s 4x100 relay runners Finney, Hannah Lee, freshman of Elizabeth, Colo., Trae Patch, sophomore of Lingle, Wyo., and Monique Fair, sophomore of Denver, Colo., posted the fastest time in school history, placing fourth in 47.63 seconds. University of Northern Colorado, Division I, won the race in 46.87. “In track and field we don’t take the Division I hype. It’s overrated. A mark is a mark and if you run well you can beat anybody,” Coach Ryan Baily said. Several women’s throwers also placed high. Alyssa Norton, sophomore of Rushville, took third sailing the discus 147-5 feet while Sadie Waugh, sophomore of Paxton, trailed at 145-5 in fourth. see TRACK, Page 11

Theatre plays ‘Wilde’

– Review and coverage pages 8 - 9 Photo by T.J. Thomson

John Worthington, played by Marty Lastovica, senior of Omaha, reacts during a scene from Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest.” The play runs tonight through Sunday in CSC’s Memorial Hall Auditorium.




The Eagle captures top spot in state

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Campus feasts on island color

Woodhead slips off Madden ‘12 game cover

‘Liking’ on Facebook is not activism Page 4


Page 6

Page 12

Page 14

‘Stellar Brass’ concert coverage on page 15 by Nick Snyder






Senate discusses technology fees allocations, upgrades Mariah Cook Reporter Technology on campus was the main topic of discussion at this week’s Senate meeting. Jacob Karmazin, president, discussed personalization of senate Tshirt and jackets, constitutional and by-law amendments. Travis Doht, former technology chair member, spoke on behalf of the technology fee committee. Doht said funds will go to maintenance and infrastructure upgrades. Summer projects include looking into new print stations that would allow students to print documents from their computers and virtualizing servers to help reduce electricity consumption and duplicate hardware. Doht also said users of mobile Internet devices still cannot connect to campus Wi-Fi because they are cre-

ating IP address conflicts on the network. According to Doht, Ann Burk, director of information technologies, said Information Technology is working on the issue with the vendor that provides the network access control device. As soon as the source of the problem is corrected, mobile access will be restored. IT hopes the issue is resolved soon but cannot provide a specific date. Riley Machal, chief justice, swore in recently-elected constitutional court member Nisha Durand. Laure Sinn, coordinator of student activities, said that Olivia Weter, a professional development speaker, will give a two hour seminar starting at 6 p.m. Wednesday. Senate made motions to change all references to “petitions” within the by-laws to “ballot forms,” and allocated $350 from the student activity fee account for senate T-shirts.

CAB discusses executive board positions, allocates $1,800 to free movie night Kelsey Amos Reporter CAB allocated money for a free movie night, and opened nominations for executive board members for the second time at the Tuesday meeting. CAB allocated $1,800 for free movie night after Christine Kambarami, president, requested the money. The event will be 7:15 p.m. Sunday at the Eagle Theater. Kambarami reminded students to bring their IDs. Kambarami said that CAB would close the floor for executive board nominations next week. Voting for CAB executive positions will occur during the April 19 meeting. Kambarami reminded the nominees that their let-

April 14 - 20 Saturday 16

-High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -Chess Tournament, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sandoz Center -Spring Read, 3 p.m., Black Hills Overlook Trail -Trail Walk, 1-3 p.m., Chadron State Park -“The Importance of Being Earnest,” 7:30-9:30 p.m., Memorial Hall


Sunday 17

-High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -“The Importance of Being Earnest,” 2-4 p.m., Memorial Hall -Everyday is Earth Day, 2-5 p.m., C-Hill & Campus -John Marquez Student Recital, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Sandoz Center Atrium

Monday 18

-High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -Connecting to Collections, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Sandoz Center -Oprah Winfrey No Phone Zone Challenge, 11 a.m.-1 p.m, Student Center Lounge -Student Center, 5-7 p.m., Student Center Scottsbluff room

ters of intent are due 5 p.m. Monday to the CAB/Student Senate office in the Student Center, and explained that the letter should detail why the nominee wants the post and how he or she would be beneficial to CAB and the campus body. Letters are set to be read at the April 19 meeting, alongside voting. Laure Sinn, coordinator of student activities, encouraged students to fill out the FAFSA, or provide proof that they don’t qualify for the FAFSA, when they register for Fall 2011 and Spring 2012. She said those who register for both terms and declare their FAFSA status will be automatically registered in a drawing to win either a highdefinition, big-screen television, a blue-ray disc player,

or an iPod nano. Luke Wright, treasurer, said the CAB account contains $1,996. Budget appeals are finished, and the final club allocations are posted in the senate office window. Seth Hulquist, adviser, revealed the prizes for the “Dress for Success” competition, which will follow the seminar. The prizes include $100 worth of Wal-Mart gift cards, a Garmin GPS, a Nintendo Wii gaming system, and an 8 GB iPod Touch. A “foam dance” scheduled from 8-11 p.m. today at the basketball courts south of High Rise has been revamped and rescheduled because of weather threats. The dance is now 9 p.m. to midnight in the Student Center lobby and will not include foam.

Thursday 14

Friday 15

Tuesday 19

Wednesday 20

-Linedrives and Lipstick, through May 25, Sandoz Center -Sexual Assault Presentation, 7-8 p.m., Student Center Scottsbluff room -“The Importance of Being Earnest,” 7:30-9:30 p.m., Memorial Hall -Thirsty Thursday, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Red Room -Late Night at the Pit, 9-11 p.m., Student Center Pit

-High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -Campus Activities Board, 6-7 p.m., Student Center Scottsbluff room -Slum Dog Millionaire, 7-9 p.m., The Bean Broker -CSC Wind Symphony and Community Band Concert, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Memorial Hall Auditorium -Chi Alpha, 8-10 p.m., Student Center Ballroom

-Senior Art Show, 4-6 p.m., Memorial Hall Lobby -Battle of the Bands, 7:00 p.m., Student Center Ballroom - “The Importance of Being Earnest,” 7:30-9:30 p.m., Memorial Hall -Easter Games, 8-9:30 p.m., Red Room -Easter Egg Hunt, 9-10 p.m., NPAC

-High Rise Recycling, all day, High Rise -Brand Imaging Seminar, 6-9 p.m., Student Center Ballroom -Campus Crusade for Christ, 8:3010 p.m., Student Center Bordeaux, Ponderosa, and Lakota rooms




‘Spring Read’ to trek through area parks

The Eagle adviser elected Executive Director of NCMA

Ashley Swanson

Kelsey Amos

Reporter The second annual Spring Read is scheduled for 3 p.m. Saturday, at the Black Hills Overlook Trail, spanning both the Nebraska State Park and Chadron State Park. If the weather is poor, the hike will be moved to Sunday. Dr. Matthew Evertson, associate professor and Department Chair of the English and Humanities department, with help from the department, created the Spring Read. The department wanted to give students the chance to focus on the strengths of the region. “We have great natural beauty,” Evertson said. The founders also want to promote an intense emphasis on reading and writing, as well as the environment surrounding campus. On the hike, students and faculty will be able to see the Nebraska National Forest, and make

stops along the trail in order to discuss and read some of their favorite authors and books. The two-mile hike will start in the Nebraska National Forest and end at the Primitive Tent Campsite at the Chadron State Park. At the end of the campsite there will be a cookout and more discussions on everyone’s favorite authors. Anyone who would like to camp overnight will need to pay the park entry fee of $4 daily or $21 annually, as well as a tent reservation fee of $7 to $12. Hikers may need to bring water, insect repellent, comfortable hiking shoes, a book or two, writing materials, and sleeping things if they are camping. A free copy of “Walking,” by Henry David Thoreau, will be given out to the first 20 hikers. A map of the trail will also be available online at or from the English and Humanities department on the second floor in Old Admin. If you have questions or would like to join, contact Evertson at



CSC STUDENT CENTER BALLROOM Doors will open at 6:30 p.m.



Reporter Members of the Nebraska Collegiate Media Association elected CSC journalism instructor and adviser to The Eagle and Michael D. Kennedy as its new executive director. The election took place Saturday at the 2011 NCMA Conference and Golden Leaf Awards at Hastings College. The executive director is responsible for overseeing the business of the NCMA, which includes scheduling the as- Kennedy sociation’s fall meeting and spring conference. Kennedy said that in addition to executing his duties, he has several goals for the association, including establishing a consistent identity for the NCMA, such as a logo, developing an efficient means of communication among NCMA members, and revamping the group’s website to make it a more viable means of disseminating information. In addition, the association re-elected Dr. Michael Marek, Wayne State College, as its competition coordinator. Marek is an associate professor and adviser to 91.9 the CAT, WSC’s radio station. The group also re-elected Andy Newman as its treasurer. Newman is an English instructor and adviser to The Spectator, the student newspaper at Western Nebraska Community College, Scottsbluff. NCMA Secretary Sharon Brooks, Hastings College, was elected at the association’s fall 2010 meeting. Her term expires this coming fall.

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The Eagle grabs No. 1 in state; No. 2 Simply the best, and, well, second best. divisions. Professional journalists and multi-media specialists In 2009 and 2010, The Eagle finished second in Best Overall That’s how CSC’s student newspaper The Eagle and its com- from outside Nebraska are tapped as judges for each division. Newspaper. Kennedy said it was the students’ commitment to panion website finished respectively in the 2011 The best overall winner from each medium is determined by their work that led them to the winner’s circle this year. Nebraska Collegiate Media Association’s Golden Leaf Awards a sweepstakes point system. An institution earns three points “It is a bit cliché,” he said, “but I’m always telling them that if presented Saturday at Hastings College. The Eagle won Best for first place, two points for second place, and one point for they work hard and focus on the substance of their work, the Overall Newspaper and took second place in Ex- third place. No points are awarded for honorable mention. The rewards will take care of themselves. They proved that axiom cellence in Digital Medium at the NCMA’s 18th annual confer- medium that earns the most points from its students’ perfor- Saturday.” ence and awards ceremony. mances in the individual categories wins the best overall title Although he said he was pleased and excited about his stuFollowing the announcement of the individual award win- for that division. dents’ accomplishments, Kennedy said his proudest moment ners, the top honors for Excellence in Digital Medium and Best In the Best Overall Newspaper category, The Eagle earned 30 came when a fellow adviser pulled him aside after the ceremony Overall Newspaper were announced in descending order, third points for individual awards earned by its staff members. The and quietly praised The Eagle staff. through first place. Wayne Stater finished second with 25 points, and The Doane “To me, one of the most telling moments about the students’ Kevin Oleksy, junior of Chadron, designed and launched cs- Owl finished third with 18 points. accomplishments came from a fellow adviser who stopped me in January 2010 and entered the infant site in last In the Excellence in Digital Medium category, after the awards ceremony and said ‘You guys are doing a great year’s Golden Leaf Awards where it finished third in Best Over- of Doane College finished first with 34 points; job, Mike.’ I smiled and replied ‘Well, we’re trying.’ And he said, all Website. Taking cues from comments by last year’s judges, took second with 14 points, and of Hastings ‘No, you’re not trying, you’re doing.’” Oleksy revamped the site in fall 2010, which led to its secondCollege took third with seven points. – From staff reports place finish this year. “I love that the competition allows us to measure our work against real-world expectations,” Oleksy said. “Winning is that much more valuable, since we know that we have real-world comparison.” Michael D. Kennedy, journalism instructor and adviser to The Eagle and, said he was proud of the students’ accomplishments. “Without question, I’m proud of them,” Kennedy said. “They are a solid team. They’re smart, hard-working, selfless, tenacious, and the most dedicated bunch of studentjournalists that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. From academic to athletic achievement, Chadron State has many students and student groups to be proud of. The Eagle staff is among those elite groups, not just for what they earned T.J. Thomson Julie Davis Kinley Nichols Sara Labor Vera Ulitina Kevin Oleksy Saturday, but for the way they comport themselves individually and as representatives of the Communication and THE EAGLE STAFF AWARDS INDIVIDUAL AWARDS Social Sciences department, the School of Liberal Arts and Chadron State College.” The NCMA is composed of 10 schools statewide. Its The Eagle..................................................Best Overall Newspaper T.J. Thomson..... Three 1st Places, Two 2nd Places, One honorable active members are Chadron State College; Wayne State ......................... 1st place Layout and Design (Complete Newspaper) mention College; Peru State College; Hastings College; Doane Col......................................................... 1st Place Series/Special Section Julie Davis...................................................One honorable mention lege; Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln; Western Kinley Nichols............................................One honorable mention Nebraska Community College, Scottsbluff; and Northeast 1st Place Design Sara Labor................................................................One 2nd Place Community College, Norfolk. 1st Place Multimedia Features Vera Ulitina............................................................. Two 1st Places The Golden Leaf Awards began in 1993 and media stu...................................................1st Place Use of Digital Technology Kevin Oleksy........ Three 1st Places, Two 2nd Places, Two 3rd places, dents from the NCMA-member institutions compete in ...................................................... 2nd Place Best in Digital Media Two honorable mentions four divisions – television, radio, newspaper, and website.

2011 NCMA Golden Leaf Awards Winners

The Eagle competes only in the newspaper and website



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Sunday through Friday and Thursday Saturday

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7:15 & 9:15

Box office opens at 6:45   •  Sunday Matinee at 1:30



The semester is almost over, but don’t slow down The air is warming up the frozen sandhills of Chadron, the days are longer, and the animals are coming out of hibernation. Judging by Nebraska’s weather standards, the real beginning of spring is coming soon. This means that the end of the semester is approaching. Time to get ready for warm days, extra money for summer work, swimming, late nights, and — except for summer classes — no homework! But with all of this anticipation there comes the risk of slacking off until the last minute. Everyone knows at least one person who is only going to classes sporadically, and some having resigned long ago to their rooms or off-campus merrymaking. All that is good and fun now and then, but school isn’t over until it is over. All of us still have some delayed projects, essays, research papers, designs, experiments, events, speeches, and reports still to finish by the beginning of May. It seems to many that there is so much work but so little time. And don’t forget that finals are coming soon too. But don’t worry, for the best way to deal with these burdens is one day at a time. Planning and being willing to sacrifice personal time for work will be beneficial in the long run. After all, the sooner you get done with the homework and other academic functions the more time you will then have for fun. Nothing feels better than enjoying yourself without having that little cloud of “I have to do that thing” lingering around you. You don’t have to deprive yourself of free time, but just don’t let a five minute break on Facebook turn into an all night chatroom party. So don’t panic, stay focused, and get what you can done now. The old saying “Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow” doesn’t work when tomorrow is the deadline for that paper!



Trump trumps up Birther conspiracy WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Aaron Gonzalez Opinion Editor

It’s rare that one can seriously leave one’s area of expertise and nudge nicely into an entirely polar opposite career without looking stupid, or making people think that he or she is losing it. A minor example of this rule is former “Saturday Night Live” actress Victoria Jackson. Ever since “Garfield and Friends” went off the air in 1994 she has had little work, leaving plenty of time for extreme right-wing conspiracy theories and homophobic tirades about “Glee.” Watching her old skits you’d think her high-pitched voice and dumb demeanor is an act. Pity that it isn’t. Unfortunately when it comes to Donald Trump it is hard to tell if he’s acting or not, especially when he could be the next person in control of our nuclear arsenal. Trump is now seriously thinking of running for president and one must take what he says seriously, especially considering that his babbling could be a sign that he’s a nutjob. Of the bizarre policy ideas he’s spreading, Trump’s biggest is the “Birther” conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was not born in the U.S., thus he can’t be president. With 51 percent of Republicans believing that,

Trump already has a huge foundation to pander to. Trump ranted on the “Today” show last week, “I am saying I want to see the birth certificate. It’s very simple. I want to see the birth certificate. How come his own family doesn’t know which hospital he was born in? [In] the hospital itself, there’s no records [sic] of his birth.” Like Groucho Marx said, I thought my razor was dull until I heard him. It’s time for some fact-checking, so this may be painful for those who hate facts. It’s a no-brainer that Obama is a US citizen. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961 (it became a state in 1959, but citizenship also applies in US territories). Obama’s birth certificate already has been presented, but it’s labeled a “forgery” by Birthers because the serial number is blacked out (per Hawaiian law). They also claim that it’s a “Certification of Live Birth” and not a “Certificate” of birth. When it comes to birth certificates and certifications of live birth, the government of Hawaii states, “Birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth and Certifications of Live Birth)… are the primary documents used to determine native Hawaiian qualification. […] Although original birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth) are preferred for their greater detail, the State Department of Health (DOH) no longer issues Certificates of Live Birth. When a request is made for a

copy of a birth certificate, the DOH issues a Certification of Live Birth.” Even the lunatic fringe website World Net Daily’s Drew Zahn admitted on Aug. 23, 2008, “A separate WND investigation into Obama’s certification of live birth utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic.” To rational people this information would be enough, but not Birthers. Perhaps the feeble-minded will be convinced with pictures. On there are photos of the birth certificate with the official DOH signature, the serial number, and the raised seal showing it’s legal. Photos are also posted of the Honolulu Advertiser in 1961 showing the birth announcement. Despite all of these photos, records, and facts, it still isn’t good enough for Birthers. said it best about the adamant Birthers, “Of course, it’s distantly possible that Obama’s grandparents may have planted the announcement just in case their grandson needed to prove his U.S. citizenship in order to run for president someday. We suggest that those who choose to go down that path should first equip themselves with a high-quality tinfoil hat.” I agree, and it would look better on Trump’s head than the creature already up there. Whether he’s actually a Birther or not, it’s quite obvious that Donald Trump is exploiting this debunked talking point to spread fear-mongering and gain a political advantage. Such dishonesty is shameful and should morally disqualify him for office.


With the semester coming to an end, do you feel prepared or are you scrambling? “I’m prepared, it’s pretty slow.”

Ethan Teter, 21, senior, Range Mgmt. major, of St. Paul

“I feel prepared I guess. I’m not stressed out.”

Ethan Duin, 18, freshman, Business major, of Omaha

“I feel mostly prepared. There’s two classes I need to get more work done in.”

Alaina Jackson, 20, sophomore, Pre-Engineering major, of Chadron

ON THE WEB: Contribute your own Man on the Street answer at

Compiled by Chelsie Moreland

“I feel prepared. All my classes are easy.”

Brock Yauney, 19, freshman, Undecided major, of Chadron

OPINION 6 Liking this article on Facebook won’t change the world WWW.CSCEAGLE.COM

Important real-world conversations shouldn’t begin and end online

Kevin Oleksy Reporter

I woke up this morning, and my roommate’s Facebook status was: “Remember when teachers, public employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of our 401Ks, took trillions in TARP money, spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico, gave themselves billions in bonuses, and paid no taxes? Yeah, me neither.” I quickly copied it and made it my status as well. Two minutes later, Student Association President-elect, Morgan Nelson, made it her status. Hey, we’ve got a student government official involved! I feel accomplished. So accomplished I’m going to take a nap. Okay, not really. But, now what? Well probably nothing.

No offense to Nelson or my roommate, but even if two million people make that their status, and we all have a good laugh, cry, and OMG about it, nothing will change. Our federal government will still be a shameless corporatocracy run by cronies and lackeys and shills. Birther consipracy theorists—and Donald Trump—will still say that President Barack Obama isn’t a legal U.S. citizen. And the Cubs still won’t win the World Series. Why do we allow so many conversations to begin and end on Facebook and never go anywhere else? I attended a media conference in Hastings this weekend. The keynote speaker the first night told the audience that “our generation” is bad at communicating face-to-face and thus everything is text messages and Facebook statuses. He then went on to give a detailed explanation of how he and some cohorts exploited the malleable nature of online content to make lots of money for BMW and themselves. The gist of the scheme was that they created a huge farce, made YouTube videos of it, engaged the interests, hopes, and desires of hundreds of thousands of viewers, and then pulled the rug out from under them. The video so many people

watched and became engaged in was in fact a hoax to advertise the new BMW 7-series. Even though the videos were admittedly false, BMW still received 2,500 pre-orders for the new car. So a falsehood on the Internet affected the real world. This is the same model that activist statements like this morning’s Facebook status update need to follow. Stir up the passionate dissenters on the Web, but move that conversation into real world action. That keynote speaker may be right about our youthful propensity to communicate via text and Facebook, but we cannot allow ourselves to think that virtual communication is the same as realworld action. Advertising can’t be the only medium where the crossover into legitimate action occurs. So, let’s not stop having those Facebook conversations. If you agree with that status about the backwardness of our money-hungry society, post it as your status. But don’t let the conversation end there. Write to your senators, join an activism group, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or get involved with the student government here at CSC.



Eagle Executive Editor

T.J. Thomson

Sports Editor

Julie Davis

Lifestyles Editor

Sara Labor

Opinion Editor

Aaron Gonzalez

Chief Photographer

Kinley Q. Nichols

Web Administrator

Vera Ulitina

Contributors Kelsey Amos, Stephanie Eggleston, Christina Ferrero, Kristina Harter, Cyd Janssen, Jamie Keller, Rian Mamula, Chelsie Moreland, Kevin Oleksy, Ashley Swanson

Contact Us Faculty Adviser

Michael D. Kennedy

Executive Assistant

Ashley Carson

Newsroom Phone 308-432-6303 Mailing Address:

The Eagle Old Admin, Rm. 235 Chadron State College 1000 Main St. Chadron, NE 69337

Advertising Advertising Director

-Having curly hair keeps a fun spring in peoples’ steps throughout the day.

-Allergies and sinus problems created by the springtime weather are horrible.

-Warmer weather means more time to spend outside having fun and exercising instead of being stuck indoors.

-Dust particles from the demolition are floating around campus, making students cough and get watery eyes.

-Free pens are a great way to promote different companies and schools.

-Not being able to see family members and friends for a long time is depressing.

-Disney movies are a great way to kill time while taking a long road trip!

-The televisions in the cafeteria distract people from socializing and acknowledging others.

-Kline is almost gone.

-Twitter is way too addictive!

-Having most of your schoolwork done ahead of time helps clear your mind!

-People who don’t answer their phones create frustration for the person trying to call them.

Brittney Deadmond

Please call 308-432-6304 to speak with an advertising representative, or to obtain our sizes and rates. Deadline is noon Monday to publish in the following Thursday’s edition.


A glimpse into the past . . . v Junior high students take a tour - April 13 1973 - Over the past two months, over 300 sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students had taken a tour of the Science Department. Students were shown the many different types of laboratories throughout the department, and were given affirmations by faculty members and students. After that, students were shown the college’s new planetarium, which is located in the science building basement.

Compiled by Ashley Swanson -Source: The Eagle Archives


Evan Mehne

Editorial Disclaimer Guest columns and letters to the editor are encouraged. The opinions expressed in such submissions belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the opinions of The Eagle staff, its adviser, or the students, staff, faculty or administration of Chadron State College. Please limit letters to 250 words; guest columns and editorials to 700 words. Deadline for submissions is noon Monday for consideration in the following Thursday’s publication. The Eagle reserves the right to accept, reject or edit all submissions.





Hatred knows no limits, do not tolerate it from any group Evan Mehne Contributor

After Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans there was a slow response from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Some black Americans believed that their race influence the government’s less-than immediate response. Dr. Kamau Kambon, a former professor at North Carolina State University, expounded this conspiracy theory on CSPAN in October 2005. “The problem on the planet is white people . . .” he said. His rant went on for 10 minutes. “How do I know that white people know that we (blacks) are going to come up with a solution to [this] problem? I know it because they have retina scans, they have what they call ‘racial-profiling,’ DNA banks, and they’re monitoring our people, to try to prevent ‘the one’ person from

coming up with ‘the one idea.’ And the one idea is how we are going to exterminate white people because that, in my estimation, is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet, to solve this problem.” Kambon’s paranoid and racially charged comments were not solely those of a lone extremist, but are now institutionalized by the New Black Panther Party. “I hate white people. All of them,” said Samir Shabazz, leader of the NBPP in Philadelphia. “You want freedom? You gonna have to kill some crackers,” he said. “You gonna have to kill some of their babies.” I can feel the love this guy has for white people. Most people probably haven’t heard much about the New Black Panther Party. There was a controversial case in Philadelphia in 2008 where two NBPP guards intimidated voters at a city polling office. Of course, the NBPP does not even remotely represent the views of most African-Americans. But just what does this party think, and what kind of connection does it have with mainstream black organizations? The original Black Panther Party of the

60s and 70s, not to be confused with the New Black Panther Party, is now known as The Foundation or the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation. It denounces the NBPP’s exploitation of its name and history. The Foundation publicly stated that first and foremost, the members of NBPP were never part of the Black Panther Party. It also states, “the Black Panthers were never a group of angry, young militants full of fury towards the ‘white establishment.’ The Party operated on love for black people, not hatred of white people.” Noting the difference between the original Black Panther Party and the NBPP, the question arises, where did all of this hatred toward white people come from? I’ve sent e-mails to the NBPP, asking this question, but so far I haven’t received an answer. Also, whenever I look beyond Wikipedia, there doesn’t seem to be anything straight from the source explaining the reasons they bear this hatred toward white people. The NBPP is planning a “National Day of Action and Unity” for April 23 in more than 60 cities in the U.S. and abroad. The party states its reason is, “because blacks worldwide are dissatisfied at their current condition.”

The group plans to use rallies, marches, programs, confrontations, and even demonstrations throughout the host sites. The New Black Panther Party claims to be against everything that the white-supremacist Klu Klux Klan stands for. This seems a bit ironic considering the groups ideals and methods are similar to the KKK’s. The KKK seeks to “preserve white culture.” The NBPP seeks to “preserve black culture.” Both groups use hatred and anger to promote their ideals rather than nonviolence, peace, and love. The NBPP has not existed as long as the KKK, but it still poses an equal threat. I’m all for cultural independence and freedom of religion, but I can’t help question why their intolerant beliefs persist. I believe no person, white or black, should feel ashamed or intimidated for his or her culture. These never-ending race wars won’t breed anything more than continuous hatred for each others’ differences. Call me naive, but I consider myself lucky not to personally encounter extremism to that level. Let’s not tolerate groups like the New Black Panther Party, the Klu Klux Klan, or any other organizations that promote hatred in any form.

teams or where players were needed. I would also like to give a big shout-out to the college. This spring they helped the club in purchasing brand-new jerseys. The members of the Women’s Rugby Team would like to send a big “Thank you!” to the college for their support and aid in making this possible. Now, the team took 13 players down to Wayne, a fact Keller failed to mention. Other players were supposed to be available to play with the team at the different games, as a full side has 15 players, but at the first and last game did not show up, forcing us to play with what we had. Most of the other teams were gracious enough to play down as well or did not have a full side of 15. Doane only had 12, so they played with 12 as well in the first game. However, in the last game against Bemidji, CSC only had 11 uninjured players, and Bemidji went ahead and played with 13. The win over Doane only resulted in one

injured player, not three. We also had another injured by the last game against Bemidji on Sunday. When the story stated, “The team failed the conversion by Jacy French,” against Doane. This is also incorrect. Kate Seifer kicked all of the attempted (failed or otherwise) conversions throughout the tournament. However, Jacy French was the player who scored the try this time. Two tries were scored by mauling the ball into the endzone (a team effort), an event that was a first for CSC. CSC also played with one substitute, not three. The UND only had 14 players, so they agreed to play down a man. Against the college of Saint Benedict, there were four substitutes, allowing both teams to play 15. The team would like to express their appreciation for the support from the college and fans. We hope to keep the activity growing and

provide more home games in the years to come. —Kate Seifer, sophomore of Tryon

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Editor’s Note: The Eagle has received a letter without contact information. We are willing to print letters anonymously, but must have contact information for verification purposes.

Dear Editor: I would like to bring to light some points that were reported in Jamie Keller’s article about the women’s rugby team, which recently participated in the annual Wayne Rugby 90 Team Tournament. To begin it is worth noting that this was the first time in Chadron State College Women’s Rugby history that we took our own team down to Wayne and competed as CSC Women’s Rugby. In the past, there have not been enough athletes for a full side. CSC had only taken enough players for half a side, and played with other half-

Dear Editor: I am writing to congratulate Aaron Gonzalez on his article of March 31, 2011 about the state of the intelligence of the American people. I, too, am chagrined by those facts. While my own intelligence may not be stellar I feel that my education and my continued pursuit of knowledge therefore puts me in his “elitist” category. Please tell Mr. Gonzalez that there are numerous individuals out here who truly appreciate something other than “trash journalism.” Thank you and keep up the good work. —Bruce Huckfeldt, of Chadron





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Cowgirls shutout Eagle softball

Karl McFarlane Track and Field

Chadron State softball split with New Mexico Highlands, winning 10-6 and losing 3-0

Event: Hurdles/Sprints Year: Sophomore Hometown: Montego Bay, Jamaica

Stephanie Eggleston

McFarlane he won first place in hurtles last weekend at the Colorado Invite.

Reporter The Chadron State Eagle’s softball team showed heart at its doubleheader against the New Mexico Highlands University Cowgirls in Colorado Springs, Colo., taking home a win and a loss. The first game of the day, the Eagles won 106. According to the CSC athletics page, the Chadron State softball team scored seven runs in the second inning. Chadron State benefitted from some timely hitting in the first game, scoring five of its seven runs in the second inning with two outs. The final score of the game was, 10-6 with an Eagles’ win over New Mexico Highlands. Katie Bolin, senior of Kearney and CSC’s career homerun record holder, hit a three-run bomb over center field, giving CSC a 7-0 lead. The second game ended in favor of New Mexico Highlands 3-0. Starting strong, but without much advan-

Jazmyn Webster Track and Field

Event: Jumps Year: Freshman Hometown: Cheyenne, Wyo. Webster took second in the long jump and high jump at the Colorado Invite.


tage, Melissa Martinez of New Mexico Highlands pitched a shutout in the Cowgirls’ 3-0 win. “We got 6 hits, but found ourselves too anxious. We ended up getting shutout for the third time all season which was surprising because we were hitting the ball,” head coach Rob Stack said. “We had opportunities, but we didn’t come through.” According to the CSC athletics page, Highlands’ Martinez shut down the Eagles’ offense. Nikki Ritzen, sophomore of Chadron, had the only extra-base hit with a double in the third inning. Only two other CSC players reached second base in the game. “This weekend we learned what we didn’t do well, we are going to work on it during practice, and improve it in our game against Colorado Springs this weekend,” Stack said. The Eagles host the University of ColoradoColorado Springs Mountain Lions in a fourgame Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference series this weekend, beginning with Saturday’s doubleheader at noon.


from Page 1

Norton also was sixth in the shot put and senior Jessica Horsley was fourth in the hammer throw at 178-3. Freshman Jazmyn Webster, of Cheyenne Wyo., secured second place in both the long jump at 18-2 ½ and the high jump at 5-5 ¼ , while senior Julia Bayer of Stuttgart, Germany took third in the long jump at 17-9 ¼. “When you’re competing you don’t think about whose DI or DII. Our marks show that we’re just as good or better and we take pride in that,” Webster said. The men’s team is ranked fourth in the Region with 295.12 points and displayed stellar marks at the Boulder Invite as well. Sophomore Karl McFarlane, of Montego Bay, Jamaica, beat numerous Division I ath-

Photo by Bryant Pritchett

The ball flies out of a Spearfish Buzzard’s hands as senior Kyle Keller (3) of Scottsbluff tackles him Saturday behind the CSC Softball Field. Nick Wignall, 25 of Kadoka, S.D. runs toward the play.

letes, placing first in the hurdles at 14.38 seconds. According to the CSC Sports Information website, his best time was posted Thursday at 14.20 during the South Dakota School of Mines Invite, which broke the school record he set last season. The men’s 4x100 set the schools third best time in history. Keegan Parr, senior of North Platte, Neb., McFarlane, Brandon Segelke, redshirt freshman of Sidney, Neb., and Jake Gruver, senior of Cheyenne, Wyo., placed second at the meet posting a 41.20. Chadron will head to the Colorado StatePueblo Invitational next weekend. “We will see some more Division I this weekend. We need to compete against the best to be the best,” Baily said.



as of 9 p.m., April 13

Softball 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Colo. Mines Metro St. Mesa St. Regis CSU-Pueblo Adams St. Western N.M. Chadron UC-Colo. Spr. Neb. Kearney Fort Lewis N.M. Hi-lands


This Day in Sports History Pete Rose: MLB – Born April 14th 1941 (age 69) in Cincinnati David Justice: MLB – April 14th 1966 (age 44) in Cincinnati Greg Maddux: MLB –April 14th 1966 (age 44) in San Angelo



Track and Field


CSU-Pueblo Invite

Today in Colorado Springs, Colo.



Casper College Rodeo

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Casper, Wyo.



UC-Colo. Springs

Noon Saturday and 11 a.m. Sunday at home

20-7 19-8 15-11 15-11 15-13 14-14 13-13 13-15 12-15 11-14 9-15 4-24



RMAC Tournament

Monday and Tuesday in Goodyear, Ariz.





Woodhead tackled in EA’s elite eight

madden nfl 2012 cover contest bracket

Julie Davis Sports editor Four players are left in the running for the cover of Madden NFL 12. Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers beat Danny Woodhead of the New England Patriots in Monday’s third round with 56 percent to Woodhead’s 44. Woodhead won the first round over Steve Johnson of the Buffalo Bills, with 62 percent to 38. Woodhead took the second round from Hakeem Nicks of the New York Giants with 57 percent to 43 percent. Rodgers advanced to the final four against Peyton Hillis of the Cleveland Browns who beat Jamaal Charles of the Kansas City Chiefs with 60 percent to 40. Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings won with 62 percent of votes to New Orleans Saint Drew Brees’ 38 percent. Peterson is matched with Philadelphia Eagle Michael Vick. Vick won the third round with 61 percent over Patrick Willis of the San Francisco 49ers, who had 49 percent of votes. According to, over 10 million votes were cast the first three rounds on’s “SportsNation.” The semi-finals winners will be announced at 2 p.m. Mountain Time. The competition ends April 25 and is encouraging voters to participate every day. Only one vote per day can be cast per computer.

Standings as of Monday. Graphic illustration by Julie Davis; File photo by Daniel Binkard


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Rugby team falls at home round robin Contributor

Mariah Cook Reporter

Photo by Bryant Pritchett

Ethan Duin, right, freshman of Omaha, grabs the ball away from his opponent. above CSC with a final of 20-5 tournament. for CSC’s last game. “I’ve never been in a fist fight, Kearney-Gillette then lost to but I think I’ll consider this day Rapid City 7-5, and each team to be my first” James Miller, borrowed players from Chad- senior of Scottsbluff said. “You ron for the final game of the should see the other teams.”

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Golfers shoot short, prepare for final match

Evan Mehne The first game was delayed over an hour because of the weather at Chadron State’s round robin rugby tournament Saturday. CSC played the Rapid City Dead Presidents, which ended scoreless. The Spearfish Buzzards lost to the combined team of Kearney and Gillette the second game, with a final score of 17-3. The Buzzards lost 13-0 to the Dead Presidents the third game. Chadron State lost to Spearfish the fourth game. The first half, the Buzzards scored 6 points while Chadron responded with 5 points of their own. Chadron fought hard against the Buzzards until they scored with 2 minutes left. CSC lost 12-5. Kearney-Gillette came out


The Eagles’ golf team finished 13th of 14 teams Sunday at the Augustana Invitational. The team still managed to beat the University of NebraskaKearney Lopers, which, according to head coach Terri Connealy, was the most positive thing. The golfers shot a collective 358 during Saturday’s opening round, and finished one stroke ahead of rival UNK. Two Eagle golfers had 36-hole totals in the 170s. Allison Rowden, junior of Broken Bow, carded a 174 and Alissa Peter-

son, senior of Lusk, Wyo., finished with 175. Emilee Pilkington, freshman of Scottsbluff, finished with 184, Chelsea Murrell, freshman of Mitchell, had 194. Michelle Haynes, junior of Crawford, and Ashley Kurtz, junior of Valentine, each carded 196s. “We played down from our average, but the girls are still excited to go to the RMAC tournament,” said Connealy. The Eagles will wrap up their season sending five golfers, according to Connealy, Monday and Tuesday to the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Tournament at the Golf Club of Estrella in Goodyear, Ariz.

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LIFESTYLES 14 Students explore Pacific culture WWW.CSCEAGLE.COM


Stephanie Eggleston Reporter

Aloha! Chadron State College students, faculty, and members of the community enjoyed authentic Hawaiian/American Samoan style entertainment as well as food that complemented the occasion Thursday evening. Around 200 people gathered in the Student Center to enjoy the Hawaiian dinner and entertainment. Hayden Jones 19, freshmen of Cheyenne, Wyo. said “As soon as I walked in the doors it felt as if I was really in Hawaii!” The rooms were decorated with grass skirts, flowers, huts, and palm trees. The room temperature was warm which made the room feel tropical as though everyone were in Hawaii. Those who attended enjoyed spinach salad, pork, chicken, sticky rice, sweet potatoes, fish, and fruit. Entertainment was led by Ottely Wright who introduced all performers, while getting audience members involved. Performances included solo and group hula-dancing, as well as a stick dance. Sarah Polak, director of the Sandoz Center, said “I hope this event brings the Chadron State College community together. With a fun event and good food, people always have a good time.” The purpose of this event was to bring awareness to Asian and Pacific cultures, through traditional food and dances of the culture. The event was hosted by Chadron State College President Dr. Janie Park, CAB, Diversity Committee-Asian/Pacific Island, the Print Shop, and the Conferencing Office here on campus.

“Sex is over rated.” —Sunday, Brooks Hall “Do you have a problem with meat dresses?” —Tuesday, in Old Admin

Photo by T.J. Thomson

Cody Mathewson, 23, senior of Sterling, Colo., fills his plate at the Asian-Pacific Islander Diversity Awareness event. The event, branded as a luau, included elaborate decorations and regional cuisine. Participants were given either flower leis or shell necklaces.




Common sense with Cyd

The Eagle’s ‘Tube Topper’

Word of the Week

Athletes showcase their free running and parkour skills at an indoor obstacle course.

Recognize Earth Day Friday Take care of me, and I’ll take care of you. Sincerely, Planet Earth to watch

Disclaimer: “Overheard at CSC” uses quotations obtained and verified by The Eagle staff and is for entertainment purposes only.

SOLUTIONS Sudoku puzzle

circuitous | ser-KYOO-uh-tus adj a) having a circular or winding course b) not being forthright or direct in language or action

Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.

– Cyd Janssen, Contributor

Solutions: Blind date String quartet


Chadron weather

Today 39 ° |

Friday 44° |

Saturday 56° |

Sunday 57° |

Monday 49° |

Information courtesy of





Band wows crowd with ‘Stellar’ performance Nick Snyder Guest Contributor “Stellar Brass” of the United States Air Force took the stage in the Chadron Performing Arts Center Thursday for a performance that can only be described by their name. The band’s repertoire included many styles of music ranging from New Orleans’s style jazz, to contemporary works, to classic rock. Those who aren’t fans of brass instruments would change their minds after a performance such as this. The band approached their material with such precision that even music majors such as myself were in awe. It left everyone wondering how one could attain the same potential as these amazing musicians. Senior Master Sgt. Gary D. Stephens said the group aims for at least two hours of practice within the ensemble a day. When asked what the group suggested for other musicians, Master Sgt. Tim W. Allums said “Most importantly, learn to play well with others. It’s not just about who can play the loudest or best, but accuracy and being humble towards one another. Everyone respects a musician who doesn’t boast about his talent.” Those in the audience were also amazed at

how the band seemed to continue to have fun. Technical Sgt. Emanuel Jester III said “The playfulness between us is because of our love for the music. The music speaks for itself.” “Stellar Brass” also critiqued the CSC Music Department Master Class. The Master Class includes Zack Kirchmeyer, Nathan Snyder, Nick Snyder, Collin Lyearger, and Tommy Miller. “I think their critique of using more air was very helpful,” said Tommy Miller. “I’ve been using their method this past week, and it’s helped my tone production a lot.” The “Stellar Brass” members listened to a group piece from the Master Class and then solo pieces from Kirchmeyer, Snyder, Lyearger, and Miller, critiquing each one. “It’s nice to hear outside comments,” said Snyder. Words are simply not enough to describe how amazing of a performance “Stellar Brass” gave for the people of Chadron. One had to be in attendance to truly experience the amount of talent that was exhorted during this evening of entertainment. Editors Note: This article was written with contributions by Chelsie Moreland, photographer.

Photo by Chelsie Moreland

Stellar Brass members from left; Tim Blake, 42, of Binghamton, N.Y.; Gary Stephens, 49, of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Tim Allums, 39, of Beaumont, Texas; Steve Kindermann, 46, of Dallas; John Gohl, 49, of Moorhead, Minn.; Emanual Jester, 32, of Orlando, Fla., play trash cans during their performance Thursday night at the Chadron Arts Center.

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Chadron State Choir sings its way into Spring concert Kristina Harter Reporter A total of 39 Chadron students in the men’s ensemble, women’s choir, and concert choir performed a successful choir concert at Chadron Arts Center Sunday afternoon according to conductor Una Taylor. Chadron State’s women’s choir, Arioso, toured in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria during March and delivered over half a dozen performances on the choir’s first-ever foreign tour. “We’ve been preparing since the beginning of the semester and they performed very well today,” Taylor said. The performance consisted of 26 songs ranging from traditional spir-

ituals to contemporary tunes. One of the most entertaining pieces was an Australian choral work called “Past Life Melodies” by Sarah Hopkins. The a capella choir utilized several non-traditional vocal qualities including open-throat chanting, earthy vocal drones, Aboriginal inspired chant and harmonic overtone singing that resembled the sound of a didgeridoo. “The kids have been working hard and the crowd enjoyed themselves,” conductor Joel Schreuder said. The CSC Wind Symphony will join the Community Symphonic Band for a concert Tuesday, and the CSC instrumental and vocal jazz ensembles will perform April 29. Both events begins at 7:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall.

Photo by T.J. Thomson

Students survey stars A black-lit mural glows in the Planetarium of the Math and Science Building. Students travelled to the Planetarium as part of Thursday’s Late Night at the Pit to witness a presentation on celestial elements titled “Night Under the Stars.”

To be automatically entered in the drawing to win a 42-inch high-definition TV, all you need to do is get set for the coming year at CSC: Register for Fall ’11 and Spring ’12 classes, before May 6. Complete and submit a 2011-2012 FAFSA, before May 6. For registration information, contact your advisor or the Advising Center (308-432-6388). For FAFSA information, contact the Financial Aid office (308-432-6230). Winner will be notified via EagleMail by the Financial Aid office.

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