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Joanna Lavoie/Metroland
Jonah Arens, 3, (left) Catharine Corbin, 2, and Sania Douglas, 2, play with puzzles at the Dentonia Park Co-operative Nursery School Tuesday, March 21.
Nursery school hoping to avert closure JOANNA LAVOIE A well-loved east Toronto resource is facing an uncertain future. The Dentonia Park Co-operative Nursery School, which is located in the lower level of Faith Presbyterian Community
Church at 140 Dawes Rd., just north of Danforth Avenue, has been struggling with enrolment challenges in recent years. To remain afloat, the not-for-profit school, which welcomes children ages 2 to 4 for a half-day program, must have at least a dozen students confirmed for the 2017-2018 school year.
"If we don’t get 12 children enrolled by April 15 we will be closing," said Clifton Corbin, whose two-and-a-half-year-old daughter Catharine attends the local nursery school. "Register now. We can’t afford for you to wait. We are guaranteed to be open for another year if we can get four or five new fami-
lies to join." Parent Amy Demoulin, who is also the president of the board of directors, said there are a number of reasons why enrolment is down. She pointed to the fact more and more parents in the city need to return to work after a
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l See SCHOOL, page 12