The Evolve Mag Magazine, May 2020

Page 60

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4 Ways to Help Nurses During the Coronavirus Pandemic America’s nurses are on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus, providing safe, quality, compassionate and nondiscriminatory care to those they serve, many of whom are doing so at significant risk to their own well-being. The American Nurses Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the American Nurses Association, created the Coronavirus Response Fund for Nurses to provide direct financial assistance, mental health support and science- and data-based information to nurses serving on the front lines. “Nurses always answer the call to serve their patients, communities and country during times of crisis,” said American Nurses Foundation Chair Tim Porter-O’Grady, DM, EdD, ScD (h), APRN, FAAN, FACCWS. “As we confront the new and emerging challenges of this pandemic, nurses are and will continue serving on the front lines in extraordinary ways.” 60 T H E E V O LV E M A G M AY 2 0 2 0


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