The Facilitator Magazine March 2018 Issue 3

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“Inspired leader unleashed”

ISSN 2521-2699

R 29.90

ISSUE NO. 3 March 2018








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The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

Publisher Isaac Mavuso Editor Isaac Mavuso Layout & Design The Facilitator Team Printing & Production Online Editor— Isaac Mavuso

Images Picture editors Jemito Khoza and Thato khwinana websites, online ,the facilitator team/ featured Contributors

Cover Picture by Moeletsi Mabe

Publisher Details ITCED—Isaac Mavuso

Facilitator Team

Katlehong Family Skills Centre

Mr. Marvin Manaswe

555 Tsolo Section Katlehong , 1431

Bongani Mdakane

(+27) 78 568 8726 All rights reserved. The publishers accept no legal responsibility for loss arising from information in this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the publishers. l 3

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

Could we be turning a new leaf as a country? Clearly the past few years have been very challenging to everyone. We witnessed majority and minorities flex their collective voice the best way the know how and against our leaders failed leadership. The county was plunged in to a technical recession due to political instability. Interestingly it was the instability within the ruling party, with little or no influence from the opposition. Since last year December we have seen a country trying to make a mends with a promise of a new deal form the new leader. We are happy, even the rand’s recovery has been productive, inspiring no increase from the reserve bank and twice petrol price reduced. Sustainable growth we need, there has been a lot of damage and to reverse that will take time political will and strategic dedicated leadership. The reality is not to be fooled by small wins along the journey, though encouraging. We must stay resolute and we all need to play our part discharging our God given talents, uplifting our communities & our country.

Facilitator l Speaker l Coach l 4

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POWER Constructed CV . . .

28 12




20 27

44 l 7

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

There is no greater feeling than that feeling of accomplishment! With Damelin Correspondence College you will be on your way to achieving your goals. The convenience and flexibility of distance learning has empowered our students for the past 63 years. l 8

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

South African politics are truly a page from a bestseller. This movie, this TV series is a gripping one indeed even Oliva Pope is scrambling for my audience considering the sheer drama in our parliament, the media briefings and within news platforms Looking back from where our country comes from, I have never thought that our beloved country will be entangled in such a corrupt web filled with so many accounts of lies where every turn of explanatory events leaves one more confused more than ever. Like any great movie or TV series it will have a focal point – the story line, with many twists and turns that will leave you jaw dropped and hungry for more while your emotions will be all over. I must say, growing up Saturdays and Sundays were peaceful days without political drama. Nowadays, the drama is without end 24/7 – 365 there is no dull day in SA. You miss a day of news you miss a lot, and too bad there is no omnibuses for this drama. The catch ups available such as week in

one are not enough. Our political series begins in 1994 and with characters historical and background going so far back in time, for now it stops with Jan Van Riebeek. Where we are now, we are dealing with the most amazing, thought provoking story sophisticated story line “State Capture”. The amazing part in this story is the rise of a family that everyone thought were the most upstanding citizens or let’s say reputable business people to be safe, it can be confusing even the people involve can’t keep up nor explain who’s who in this drama. They are strategic I must say, think about it they have created industries that spoke to the South African vision to create meaningful jobs and now South Africa will be left to l 9

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

deal with the fallout. Since they have gone below the radar. Thought provoking, over the past twelve months as the drama unfolds we learn how deep the family has penetrated and got hold of our most state-owned entities even the private sector is in waste deep and that is the level of influence they have. This is the most sophisticated capture, I believe this is the staff for the Guinness book of world records is made of, the staff legends are told, yet if someone

told the story, you could appreciate and enjoy the story and the passion, but you will not believe it. Some of the resent dramatic and devastating events in South African, like electricity challenges such as load shredding can be attributed to this very family. They have the power to oust a sitting president and to influence parliamentary appointments and strategic state-owned appointments for the boards, CEO’s and CFO’s. with a few strokes they plunged us to a tech-

nical recession and unprecedented downgrades with all the ripple and butterfly effects that left the 104year-old organisation divided. What you will appreciate about this family, is how intentional and dedicated they are to their cause. They have been very quiet, off the spot light. In the process the rest are trying so hard to explain what is happening and getting tongue tide in the process. What a drama. Isaac Mavuso Facilitator Speaker Coach l 10

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The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

‘’The smallest spark can start the largest fire, but the fire won’t start until the spark is there. The sparks of my life are; curiosity, enthusiasm, excitement, and positive attitude. I have come to realise that with these almost any-thing is possible and that without them not much can be achieved.’’ Ezra Ndwandwe

QUOTE OF THE QUATER MEET THE MAN.. Ezra Ndwndwe is a visionary and the embodiment of an African dream, the story of Mama I made it. His life’s success is inspired by his disciplined and inquisitive mind the ambi-

tion to explore his personal growth, his academic achievement. These are basic achievements that inspired a move he made that wrote his name and legacy in corporate Africa.

Mr Ndwandwe is a strategist and a change management specialist. He started Ndwandwe Consulting business advising corporates on how to get the best out of their employees, in l 12

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

particular the empowerment of black supervisors, managers and business leaders to take ownership and responsibility for their careers. The growth and success of Mr Ndwandwe Consulting work led to the establishment of Dual Point Holdings a dynamic company with several subsidiaries Dual Point Consultants, Dual Point Media and Dual Point Mining.

To this point his entrepreneurial success inspired him to helping other disadvantaged entrepreneurs through his initiative such as The Big Break Legacy TV show, and that was not enough he is also cofounder of the Youth Entrepreneurship Fund with an aim to empower local and entrepreneurs with skills, access to markets, funding as well as mentoring and coaching. WOW, GIVE THIS MAN A _ _ _ _ _. l 13

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

Skills T H R E E STEPS TO FACILITATE A PRODUCTIVE WORKING MEETING A meeting is a gathering of people with a specific purpose, to have a formal discussion intended to reach a particular objective. Many people struggle to have a productive meetings making it difficult to reach the intended objectives. First is to understand there's a basic science to this. How to facilitate a productive and result driven meeting. We must understand the basics. It’s a three over three approach. A working meeting is progressive. Intro to topic , discussion and action with time frames. Lets unpack them. Remember to simplify every time. Confused planning will have a confused meeting.



Pre-meeting Activities 2. THE DISCUSSION The Meeting 3. WIND –UP


Post Meeting Activities l 14

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

Skills 1. PLANNING 

It is very important to know what is the objective of the meeting, be clear what is the end result of a meeting. Where is the meeting area, set-up. Set a clear agenda for the meeting (make it short) , and share it before the meeting. Set up meeting rules, must be agreed by the members, this could be done in the initial meeting. Remind every all. Set out who does what and Refreshments.



Start the meeting on time always and allocate time for each agenda.

Review the meeting what went well and how can it be improved.

Stick to the agenda and make sure your chairman is skilled and partial.

Create a welcoming environment. And make sure that your chairperson is aware of the character and to bring balance between out spoken and introverts.

Send a thank you note within 5 hour of the meeting. Advise members that they will receive minutes of the meeting within the next 24 hrs.

Start first minutes draft in the first 3-4 hrs and send it within 24 hrs.

Ensure correct notes and accurate for the minutes are taken.

Note: Every meeting will yield results as inspired by the environment created and inspiration by the leader.


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The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

POWER Constructed


“Put your best foot forward” A CV is the most important document that goes ahead to represent you to potential employers and other opportunities in your absence. It is important that you “Put your best foot forward” when developing it How to compile a more professional

The Power of a well-constructed CV will:

attractive and interactive CV format that I

use. Inspired by the JOB Magnet ™ Report by the Dependable Strengths Foundation

read your entire CV •

and the conventional CV. Times have changed; we live in a very competitive

be clear specific and illustrate what

you have to offer •

world that demands nothing less than outstanding.

e compliant and attract people to

get you remembered and possibly referred

ultimately secures you an interview

Below is the CV outline: This is a guide and You better be in line, for there’s no place

not the only one, there are many others

for second best in this game. Almost does

available online checks them out. create

not put dinner on a table. CV’s have gone


beyond compliance, to demands serious

“UNIQUE!” This CV format can also be used

attention and skill in developing one as well

by business and Social Entrepreneurs as a

as manage it. The good thing is you can

PROFILE that is unique, clean, slick &


cheek. “Put YOUR best foot forward”




screams l 17

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18 NOTES:


Make sure your CV does not exceed two pages; manage it well and up-

ID. No.: ###### #### ## #

date it regularly, Tailor prepare your

Address: Street address, Area, Town & area code

CV to a job opportunity you applying

Cell: 111 111 1111 E-mail:

for or interested in. THING TO EXCLUDE ON YOUR CV:

Personal Profile

Religion, Sex/ gender, age, date of

In this part write a simple catchy short self-descriptive paragraph about you not more than five lines. It must be easy to the eye yet putting your best foot forward. This is your introduction; give it POWER.

birth political affiliation, photo and reasons for leaving previous job, health status, marital status and criminal record if none, place of

A Dynamic and dedicated Small business and personal development facilitator and coach with proven leadership qualities and human relations skills, takes initiative

birth, height/ weight unless modelling.

and manages others well. Goal driven and follows projects through to completion. Organizes and coordinates workshops and events well, inspires teamwork and co-


operation, effective communicator, public and inspirational speaker with excellent presentation skills a practical strategist and analytical problem solver. Speak read

Give one phone number with pro-

and write four languages, with C1 driver’s licence.

fessional voice mail no caller tunes; answer your phone with respect

Evidence of Effectiveness:

especially if it’s a private number.

This section support what you gave on you profile an expansion piece, this must

E-mail address make sure it works

illustrate what you can do based on what you did, skills and experience this part is

and your check it daily. If you use a

your value proposition.

smart phone sync it and get you mails instantly and acknowledge

In 2012 facilitated competency sessions for MultiChoice in Johannesburg and Cape

emails immediately.

Town, through Phaphama Initiatives. Over four years’ experience in project management, managing and facilitating life skills training program, coordinating gradu-


ations, contracting facilitators, managing meetings and debriefing camps. How to do this: first you must know Work Experience:

what you good at the experiences

Start with the current position you are in and list the rest in chronological order.

you have. So look at your CV and

Put relevant information above and show how dynamic and valuable you are.

identify qualities skills and strengths


you possess. List these qualities as

Facilitator Foundation for Professional Development

Since 2014

action verbs that describe you, draft a paragraph that tells a story, who


you are and what you can do rather

Add your qualifications beginning with you most recent or that which you are cur-

than what you did.

rently studying (to write as your topic.)

You can add language proficiency


School or organisation

Currently second year student:


name them if you want and you can include drivers licence at the end. l 18

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18 Diploma Human Resource Management MBT College


Certificates HRMT


Varsity College

Briefly include certificates, important and relevant ones first, not more than six. Certificate name


Year obtained


PS Development


Gender Reconciliation Facilitator Satyana Institute


WHAT IRRITATES EMPLOYERS RECRUITERS? Bad written documents with a lot of spelling errors and gramma.

Use basic clear fonts not more than two types if you want to use more than one, use one Calibri (body),

Other Achievements Include: List a few awards that you received and that complement your application.

Arial or Times new roman,.

Performance award from the Dept. of Education (Gauteng On-line) Course Champion, Public Speaking Course, Errol Clack Training

Font size is very important use size 11/12 not more than 14 for body text.

Leadership Roles: If you have a leadership role you play in your community somewhere please include it on your CV. Start with the current and not more than four. You want to illustrate community involvement or leadership skills, not over commitment that could turn people of and you could lose opportunities.

Make sure you have equal spacing in between your lines and paragraphs. EDITING YOUR CV:


Organisation (always begin with current leadership roles)

Chairperson Tsohang Youth Project

Proof read your CV over and over

Executive Member


Dependable Strengths

Don’t depend on a spell

check on you PC. References: Full Name

Role /organisation

Contact No.:

You can also give it to your friends


and approach former teachers or


people with good writing skills to assist you.

References are very important to your securing employment and this is one area where people mess it up. No family or friends. Ask permission to include you refer-

It will never be perfect but it will be

ences on you CV and advice what you interested in, and carbon copy them each

attractive and will live to the expec-

time you email your CV and your references must not be more than three.

tations you developed it for.


Now that we have completed the

Looking for work is a job on its own and that requires dedication, plan and massive

best CV possible to the best of our

action. The first thing that must really reveal value and spark interest to the reader

ability, we can now get in the next

is your CV. With that I invite you to stop waiting for luck and create your own luck,

step which is to study it. Be familiar

no one claims it will be easy yet the prize is great to enjoy.

with our content.

The next article we will be covering interview skills how to prepare and understand-

Start sending it out...

ing the purpose of an interview. Remember “Luck is an opportunity meeting readiness. Are you ready…? l 19

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The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

O R F E A R, Y O U CHOOSE l 21

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

The most crippling emotion that holds millions of people back from experiencing their excellence and achieving their goals is FEAR. This emotion takes over and breaks you, bit by bit; it’s a creepy-crawly snake with its eyes fixed on its prey. Clutching its prey while spitting in your eyes, it blinds and disorientates you while it rolls itself around your body patiently with such grace, paralysing and breaking bones with every squeeze, taking it’s time swallowing you as it claims its victory.

Each time you want to pur-

this, as you stand as witness

dient. The story on tower of

sue your goals with the

to your own painful down-

Babel is the biblical story of

hope that you will build a


men in disobedient, God

good life and enjoy success,

want us to fill the earth glo-

fear will creep in and build

Tower of Babel:

rify Him and men decided

in you a Tower of Babel, the

Our lives have a purpose

to unite in building s city



that is greater than us. With

and a tower that gloried

which seem immovable. All

all that, we need to be obe-

themselves. God confused


of l 22

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18



They used brick instead of

tions to shreds, reducing

scattered the all over the

stone, and tar for mortar.

you to nothing. If you rest

world. The Tower of Babel.


Then they said, “Come, let

in the comfort of mediocrity

11 Now the whole world

us build ourselves a city,

and self-pity, fear will con-

had one language and a

with a tower that reaches to

quer you. The nail in this

common speech. 2 As people

the heavens, so that we

coffin is accepting such as


may make a name for our-

what is – calling it FATE be-

found a plain in Shinar[b] and

selves; otherwise we will be

cause you have been con-

settled there.

scattered over the face of

sumed by fear.




the whole earth.” 3

They said to each other,

So, what are we afraid of?

“Come, let’s make bricks

Fear will destroy your excel-

What is your fear? Human

and bake them thoroughly.”

lence and tear your aspira-

beings mostly fear the un- l 23

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

known, especially rejection. A simple NO

over it. We can experience fear, but we

hits so hard and can have the power to

have the POWER to overcome it. We can

make you quit. Just a single NO… and you

choose to rise above any kind of fear.

can find yourself making excuses as to why it will not work out.

So much of our time is spent making excuses to convince ourselves why our business

The remedy and the keys are contained within the text; “for we have not been given the spirit of fear, but we have dominion over fear. It is conquered with the power of love, and of a sound mind”.

won’t work. We ignore our very dreams and aspirations and pull ourselves out of our

Remember love is kind and patient; that is

dreams. We find reasons to convince our-

who we really are. We just need to act with

selves that we are the wrong people to pur-

love and with a sound mind. Nelson Man-

sue and achieve those goals. Another nail

dela once said; “courage is not the absence

in the coffin is when we start throwing our

of fear but rather the judgement that some-

dreams in the world beyond our own and

thing is more important than fear” and “The

claim, perhaps not in this life, but maybe in

brave man is not he who does not feel afraid,

next life time.

but he who conquers the fear.”

The scriptural teachings from the book of 2

The following are the most common fears:

Timothy 1:7 puts it in a context that is easy

Rejection – someone makes a call to pro-

to understand; “For we have not been given

pose or sell something, perhaps they are

the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of

looking for work. The moment they hear a

a sound mind”. Let us explore this context a

NO, they are paralysed by fear and lose the

bit, the Bible tells us we have not been given

confidence to make another call.

the spirit of fear – what does this mean? Failure - What will people say if I don’t make Well, simply put, there are elements of fear

it? Maybe you start something and things

however “we have not been given the spirit

somehow do not go your way or a deal goes

of fear but (the spirit) of power”. This is our

wrong; it’s easier to stay down because the

authority over fear - the power to prevail l 24

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

fear of being seen as a fail-



and women have learnt and

ure or loser paralyses you.

thoughts - you can only

understood that the spirit

You even stop trying.

have one thought at a time.

of fear is an issue of mind

Which one will it be? YOU

over matter. Each time you

Success/Unknown – What


are overcome with fear, just

will happen when I get

You can live a good, suc-

remember that “courage is

there? Will I change? Will I

cessful life, but you will

never the absence of fear,

cope? What will people say

need to work at it daily, one

but the ability to pursue and

about me? The source of

step at a time. Remember

focus on your goal despite

this fear is that somehow,

that you are not exempt

the presence and the experi-

we secretly hate rich peo-

from fear or from the other

ence of fear in your life.” It


realities of life. Awareness

is just mind over matter;

is key; be aware when fear

you are in CHARGE! Claim

Your thoughts are more

creeps in. This is the key to

it and fly high into a good

powerful. The more you en-

building the courage and




tenacity you need to soldier

been given the spirit of fear,

thoughts, the less oppor-

on and fulfil your goals. If I

but of power, love, and of a

tunity you will have to

am aware of things, I can

sound mind”.

achieve great things. Think

deal with them. Great men



You have not l 25

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The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

Facilitators are leaders on the go, honestly, they don’t have time to stay long for a meal. Great facilitators are light eaters, a banana is a great fruit filled with goodies we need.

Eating this fruit on a regular basis has real health benefits for your well-being. Bananas are packed with; Protein, Vitamin A & iron, Minerals, Phosphorus, Carbohydrate and Vitamins it also has natural fats good for the brain, omega 3 this fruit is a force and a must have daily. Two bananas a day you keep you light and filled. l 27

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

BOOK REVIEW REFINEDLEADERSHIP BY APOSTLE PETER MOTSHITELA In South Africa, leadership has lost its moral compass. Refined leadership is a practical dose we need to get back to that moral high ground, with inspired leadership that is for the people. The book explores eleven personal limitations of a leader, these limitations are universal key problems and challenges in leadership, also in leadership positions.

APOSTLE PETER MOTSHITELA founder of he Leadership Institute Consultancy and President of IMF South African Chapter l 28

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

This is a biblical approach to leadership. Apostle Peter Motshitela is the President of International Ministers Fellowship South Africa, and he is a dedicated to man of God, facilitating the word of God to the most vulnerable whether you are rich or poor, affluent or not. His approach is to simplify the biblical innuendos leaving you with the truth that will empowers you to feel and experience the LOVE of the Father as a child of God. “Only when you know your power can you play a significant role in this world regardless of your iniquities� he believe. The Apostle facilitate African Dream sessions in Sandton every month. The Apostle highlights the impact and consequence when a leader ignores responsibility to address problems. In the book you will learn the redefinition of leadership, the concept of vain leadership and looking at the idea of a leader dealing with animal characters.

He is an author of four books an entrepreneur passionate a leader. He travels around the continent to facilitate biblical empowering leadership sessions. For Bookings and book orders Contact 076 336 0893 I l 29

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

I wanna be there when the people start to turn it around. When they triumph over poverty, I wanna be there when the people win the battle against AIDS. I wanna lend a hand. I wanna be there for the alcoholic, I wanna be there for the drug addict. I wanna be there for the victims of violence and abuse. I wanna lend a hand. Send me. Hugh Masekela, “Thuma Mina� l 30

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

The winds of change are blowing to the right direction, and South African economy is about to change, as the new state president, Cyril Ramaphosa steers the wheel to the greater heights. The country which was plunged into crisis when former president, Jacob Zuma failed to control the ship that was sinking into state capture and massive corruption under his administration, is slowly, getting back to the calm waters under Ramaphosa’s captaincy. WRITES BONGANI MDAKANE-NKABINDE


As he leads the country to the new direc-

elected president, Cyril Ramaphosa has tak-

tion, aiming to bring stability in economy,

en upon himself through the assistance of

the former trade unionist is on a warpath to

his newly elected cabinet and advisors that

restore the South African economy through

he is aiming to steer the country to the new

his driving programme of economic recov-

direction. Ramaphosa’s strategies are aimed

ery. With his vision to turn tables around,

at turning the crisis South Africa had found

Ramaphosa is also pushing forward to deal

itself in, into fortunes and success in terms

with the high unemployment rate that is

of restoring the dignity of the country that

causing a major headache in the country, as

was won back from apartheid era govern-

this had plunged the country into crisis due

ment through sweat and blood in 1994.

to criminality and social instability. l 31

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

First step that he took to

ments and a better South

unemployment and inequal-

bring back hope to the citi-


ity continues to be black.

zens of this country, started

He is aiming to restore the

The struggle to ensure that



credibility of the justice sys-

all South Africans share in

changes in his cabinet, and

tem and at how to improve

the country’s wealth must

promised to deal harshly on

the quality of education

therefore stand at the cen-



while making sure that so-

tre of our national agenda.

state capture to bring back

cial services also run effec-

hope to the country that

tively without any hiccups.

had already gone down the

He said that poverty and in-

drain. The new dawn of

equality were the major

change, Ramaphosa also

concerns defining features

aims to win the confidence

of the South African society.

of investors as he believes


that this country has a

and inequality continue as

bright future towards build-

defining features of our so-


ciety. In the face of poverty,







“This is why we need to do something new, something bold, to strike a new deal among all stakeholders that are committed to accelerating



transformation. This should

be a new deal that has a clear action plan with de- l 32

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

fined time frames and a

formed, unequal and unjust

country, Ramaphosa says a

clear set of enabling condi-


new deal for fobs, growth,

tions,” says Ramaphosa.

“The economy we inherited

transformation and equality will




He adds, “Before I outline

was in crisis and near col-

what I think must be done

lapse. It was an economy

to transform our economy

that was designed under

and society, let us for a mo-

colonialism and apartheid

His strategy is to bring eve-

ment, understand what we

to serve the needs of the

ryone one together in terms

inherited from the inhuman

white minority, and to delib-

of building this country as

and callous system of apart-

erately exclude over 80 per-

South African foundation

heid. In addition to the hu-

cent of the population.

shook when corruption and

man cost of the deliberate



looting took the centre

disempowerment of black

South Africans participate in

stage. In his new deal, he is

South Africans, the apart-

the economy of their own

looking forward to bringing

heid economy had severe

country and specifically de-

together government, busi-

structural flaws. There are

nied our people the right to

ness, labour and civil socie-

many structural features of

own land, to run business-

ty so solidify the foundation

our economy that we need

es, to acquire skills or to

of economy and to bring

to radically transform.”

even permanently reside in

stability in our economy.

Ramaphosa also pointed


economic centres,” he says.

around and build a more equal society.

Through his National Devel-

that the democratic state

Through the role which he

opment Plan and the poli-

“inherited a broken, de-

plays as the president of the

cies of the ruling party, the l 33

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

African National Congress, where Rama-

pact and not diverted to servicing debt or

phosa is also the president, this new ap-

populist projects. We should never burden

proach must be defined by a renewed unity

future generations with the cost of our poor

of purpose and action, an effective and

management of the economy. As in any

committed leadership team that promotes

other country, our economy must reflect in

the interests of the people above all other

every respect the demography of our coun-

interests, changing the system of running


public services programmes, an unrelenting commitment to the implementation of decisions and policies and the laws of the Republic and also an uncompromising rejection of corruption, patronage, cronyism and wastage among others.

“We will never have inclusive growth for as long as the ownership and control of our economy continues to be vested in the hands of a minority. We need to explore more effective and sustainable models of black economic empowerment, where

He says, “For South Africa to succeed, we

communities, entrepreneurs and workers

must travel a transformation path that is

participate meaningfully in the wealth crea-

radical in its content not merely in its rheto-

tion of companies,” he says.

ric, that builds and does not destroy, that advances and opens up opportunities for all our people and does not hold back enterprise. We want our country to traverse a transformation path that promotes hope

Ramaphosa also says that there is progress in terms of empowering black South Africans and to make sure that this country takes a new direction towards prosperity.

and not fear. This is a transformation path

“We have already made a start with the de-

that will fix our eyes on the horizon of a

velopment of black industrialists. We need

better tomorrow and not a failed yester-

to massify the creation, funding and devel-


opment of black-owned small businesses,

He also states that South Africa should not fall into an unsustainable debt trap, where ever-rising debt payments cripple the coun-

township businesses and co-operatives. This will give our people the opportunity to succeed in their business operations.

try’s fiscus, leading to a situation where ex-

Ramaphosa has a vision to push boundaries

ternal creditors can impose conditions and

and rebuild the bridge that collapsed when

limit our policy options.

Zuma took over and he says that he is fully

“We must maintain fiscal discipline to ensure our resources are directed to where they have the greatest developmental im-

committed to fix the mess created in the past. Follow the writer on @bongsmdakes l 34

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The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

On the 12 February 2018 over 500 South

The key objective is to support high-

African youth entrepreneurs from


potential youth-owned business to be-

around the country were introduced to the

come suppliers to organisations in the pri-

SAB Kickstart Boost Boot Camp, a five day

vate and public sector, thereby increasing

business Master class aimed at empower-

their success, and fast-tracking transfor-

ing entrepreneurs with the 21st century

mation of the economy.

skills to running as successful businesses.

The Boost Boot camp programme is SAB’s

In 2018 the SAB KickStart Boost is focusing

flagship programme that has been running

on empowering the entrepreneurs to un-

since 1995 and focuses on youth owned

derstand the SAB supply chain.

businesses. It is focused on investing in l 36

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18





tween the ages of 18 and





Platform, an online practi-

cesses and tools, access to

cal tool to guides you to ar-


business skills support, fit-

ticulating your idea to man-

neurs with existing busi-

to-purpose mentorship, fi-


nesses that provide prod-

nancial and non-financial

platform uses the business

ucts and services that are



model Canvas on steroids.

aligned to supply chain

market access. The out-

A simple and practical tool

needs, by helping them to

comes are an improved lev-

you need to bring your ide-

grow into sustainable busi-

el of competitiveness driv-

as to life.

nesses that create jobs.

en by the right capabilities


and capacities to ensure

com a global platform li-

SAB KickStart Boost will run

success as an emerging

cences to only two people

for the next six months,



with over 1.2 million invest-

As if that was not enough,


ment, for the winners. The

entrepreneurs were intro-












Africa, and



Shonisani l 37

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

In 2018, the programme

complete the application

in SAB and partner organi-

has identified the following


sations, and selection to

five areas.

Candidates that meet the

more advanced supplier de-

selection criteria will be


1. Green Economy (e.g. Re-

shortlisted for the founda-

SAB partnered with Tech-

newable energy, Waste



Management, Recycling,

A selection process will

menting partner for the


identify finalists for the

project with a team of facil-

2. Logistics

technical business develop-

itators dedicated to devel-

3. Manufacturing



oping entrepreneurs. Their

4. Technology

Graduation to the end of

entrepreneur development








the programme will include

experience is untouched.

(e.g. HR, Legal, Financial

further assessments based

You just need to visit their

services, Marketing)

on targets and milestones

flagship project The Box


Shop in Soweto, Vilakazi



STEP BY STEP: How the pro-

comes include access to


supply chain opportunities


Street. l 38

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18 l 39

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18 l 40

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18 l 41

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18




Victor Galeboe



Based: Cell: Email: Social:

Mamelodie East 073 670 2730 FB — Vicsion l Twitter —@vicsionwear Models: Noel Nathaniel Lesego Lucius Photographer: Thato Khwinana & Ananias Makgatha l 42

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18 l 43

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

If there is any thing we could learn from the Listeriosis outbreak is how far government is from the cooperate and the business sector. Particular the department of health in this case. Any thing without proper and structured supervision is meant to fall flat. And in this case almost a 1000 people were infected and almost 200 are dead. Leaders must be willing to sit next to each other to discuss especial the most difficult issues, using the adult to adult conversation, rather than a blame game. It is clear that the Enterprise (Tiger brands) and the

Department of health have somewhat dropped the ball. Sadly live put at risk and lost. This tragedy dad as it is presence an opportunity for business and government together in a unity that will be pro people. l 44

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18 l @hustle_central l 45

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

Alumni can provide organizations


its members with important


mation they would not normally have access to such as how to overcome obstacles, ing



alumnus, and realworld


{Volkwein, 2010}. Active stakeholders is imperative and

It merits mention that social binaries, alt-

concurrently acts as a force of inclusion

hough oftentimes overstated, are indicative

and exclusion (Mpe, 2016). It com-

of an array of alumni who if granted the op-

pletely affects the direction this glorious and vibrant organization is likely to comprehend, propaganda the agenda

portunity, would give light contribution university societies have made in preparing them for the corporate world and their lives.

of transformation within communities from which it operates.

These people, are products of the University societies. Active stakeholders are in this

This article is premised on the rationale and

context defined as members of the Univer-

notion that members of the association,

sity societies previous and present, who are

graduates the enrolled, are willing to help

keen to assist in programs aimed at advanc-

shape the future of the child in their com-

ing the development of a youth, elderly, and

munities and further posits challenges so-

economically disfranchised, to mention few.

cial structures is eminent.

Assistance can come in different fashions, l 46

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

oftentimes overlooked due to veneration of societal norms. This challenge is seen to be perpetuated by the other section of older generation and those who hold a traditionalist point view. Whether a myth or truth, the above cited challenge are indeed critical and pivotal in discouraging people to willingly give back to their communities. It’s a challenge, entrepreneurial students need to overcome in order to break the generational profanity of illitera-


cy, poverty and teenage pregnancy.



whether material or moral,

members within the con-

afford to take a passenger

depending on the circum-

fines of their communities

sit in matters of develop-

stances members are accli-

are not immune to the


matized to. Those who are


lettered in NGOs jargons,

pandemics. It is however

Having identified the imme-

are said to have coined this

advisable to realize that

diate challenge facing the

process as ‘giving back to

charity begins at home,

pursuer and the pursued, it

the community’.

these stakeholders need to

is morally ripe to adopt a



model of change and imple-

The immediate task ahead

guised as barriers facing

mentation. The diagnosis of

of stakeholders is to identify

them in pursuit of this co-

this quagmire can easily de-

challenges facing their com-

lossal assignment. The most

duce panacea through para-

munities and the global

critical challenge facing the

digm shift. It is a liberating


youth of our communities is

realization that, a change in





and l 47

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

mind shifts can bring forth,

time we travel; we stop at

Israelites to Canaan as nar-

a whole new setup. There-

the University of Johannes-

rated through biblical dic-

fore, it is passable to take

burg where a female stu-

tums in the scriptures of Le-

an imaginary tour. Let us

dent registered for an LLB

viticus. Jehovah God,

travel to a rural area in Gi-

degree at the Auckland Park

through the agency of Mo-

yani where a matric learner

Kingsway campus is missing

ses, tells the children of Is-

who is unable to go to ter-

most of her academic lec-

rael not to forget where he

tiary in 2018 due to lack of

tures due to the fact that

saved them from. He fur-



she cannot afford sanitary

ther reminds them of the

guidance. Perhaps we can

towels during her monthly

hardships they endured

then visit Bushbuckridge in


when they were enslaved in


Mpumalanga where a for-

Egypt. He further urges

mer North West University

These challenges are lived

them not to imitate their

Vaal-Triangle student has

realities. It is Inimical to

Egyptian masters and nei-

dropped out of university

consider these as conven-

ther to adopt the ways of

due to financial exclusion,

tional whereas the change

those in Canaan. Alumnae

preventing him to obtain his

in minds shift has proved to

were once undergraduate

bachelor’s degree. Let us

be the viable avenue in re-

students. They know the

once again visit the TUT

constructing social customs.

hardship associated with

Main campus where a black

History is never forgetful,

being a university or college

child pursuing a Btech in

neither is it biased under

student. It is therefore an-

Human Resource Manage-


ticipated that they wouldn’t

ment is failing to cope with

Hence community develop-

want current students to

the pressure of university

ment organizations would

endure similar difficulties as

due to continuous inability

be reminisced by history

they did.

to buy grocery.

according to their contribu-


tions to humanity. Those in We can then finish our jour-

university societies periph-

ney at UNISA where student

ery are likely to be thrown

is failing to complete his Na-

to the litterbin of history as

tional Diploma in Infor-

quitters and audiences on

mation Technology course


due to the difficulties associated with distance learn-

It is tempting to follow the

ing. I suggest that the next

event during the journey of

If a letter was to be dispatched to the alumnus in correlation to his muchsought help in the community development, it would likely look like this: Marvin Manaswe l 48

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18

Dear University alumni I write this letter with a hope that it reaches you in a state of renewed faith and material enhancement. Allow me to confess that, I look up people like you who continue to progress in life due to their trust in God. You might not know it, but I am your number one fan! My senior, despite my best wishes for all your future endeavours, I am deeply concerned about you. Concerned that after your graduation, you do not want anything to do with the community development. I am concerned that you took a voluntary retirement from affairs of community development. Do you remember those heydays when you were a young student at university? I have faith that from today onward, you will remember the community development and its strong impact, developing exemplar modification with regards to the role you have to play in shaping a better your community and South Africa. You are cordially invited to have a change of mind and come to the vessel of social reconstruction that you were once a beneficiary of. Raise your fingers and count your blessings. Your community needs you! Yours sincerely, Marvin Manaswe Community Development l 49

The Facilitator Magazine, Mar 18 l 50

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