The Facilitator Magazine June 2017Issue1

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The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

June/July 2017 R34.99



ISSN 2521-2699

Dr. Grace Makgoka beauty, brains and wit RADICAL TRANSFORMATION IS A JOURNEY careers l training l fashion l food

l 1

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

XC40 “Style class elegance and safety comes standard� l 2

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017


Dr Grace Makgoka beauty, brains and wit

BOOK REVIEW Author Loyiso Majola



19 22 08 27 30 36 32 l 3

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

Dear Concerts SA friend,

We would like to notify you of a fraudulent activity being perpetrated against certain music promoters and venue managers. It has recently come to our attention that some music professionals have received an email, purportedly sent by an employee of the Samro Foundation’s Concerts SA project, offering funding for up to 50% of artist performance fees. The email comes from, and in

cludes non-official, altered versions of Concerts SA's #MobilityFund docum ents - the Call for Proposals and the Application Form. Please note that Concerts SA, the SAMRO Foundation nd SAMRO will not email you from an email account that is not an official account i.e. with the suffix, or the email addresses: and Should you receive any communication such as

the above, or you are contacted in any manner which may seem questionable and relates to funding opportunities, you are strongly advised to alert Concerts SA at Warm regards

Andre Le Roux Managing Director: SAMRO Foundation T: +27 011 712 8409 SAMRO Foundation NPC 20 De Korte Street Braamfontein 2017 Johannesburg, South Africa Facebook | Youtube | Twitter l 4




The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017


Editor Isaac Mavuso -

Layout & Design The Facilitator Team Printing Images - websites, the facilitator team and featured Contributors—Facilitator Team

PUBLISHER Katl e h o n g Fa m i l y S k i l l s C e ntre 5 5 5 T s o l o Se ct io n Katl e h o n g 1 43 1 (+27) 78 568 8726 l m @ is a a c m a v u s o. c o. za l w ww. i s a a c m a v u s o. c o. za All rights reserved. The publishers accept no legal responsibility for loss arising from information in this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the publishers. l 5

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

The Facilitator Magazine is a publication that seeks to facilitate a selective yet empowering reader experience with thought provoking text that will challenge and engage facilitators, as well as motivate our readers by sharpening the minds while enriching your perspective. We live in an information age where on daily basis there is so much information traffic, inspiring information including less inspiring. The space we want to play in is providing the reader

with helpful information served simply on a medium that is affordable and really easy to access even on the move. The Facilitator Magazine will be a bimonthly publication aimed at training and development facilitators, trainers. Accomplished and aspirering facilitators, industry leaders and organisation, affluent and stylish South Africans. It's the only magazine in the country that cartels compelling facilitator content for business, fashion and health lifestyle.

ISAAC MAVUSO Facilitator l Speaker l Coach l 6

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

“To run your life for success”. l 7

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017


For a while now South Africans have been introduced to the term Radical Transformation, more interestingly the word

and revised credit rating status to one notch above junk a questionable term by George Herman he suggests Junks Sta-

“Economic” it is this word that has South Africans interest captured and at times restless to what is the real meaning of this well welcomed term. The wonder of what it will look like in real life for the rest of South Africans, mostly the black communities entangled by the triple challenges.

tus should rather be sub investment level.

Any way In this article we are going try and bring some meaning on the Term Radical Economic Transformation and then we will look at how can it be approached from a facilitators perspective to achieve its intended objectives. Lastly we In the coming months the rest- will look at five elements to lessness will be more evident pursue this Radical Economic as compounded by the recent Transformation. announcement of the country’s In radio 702 interview conductdive in to technical recession ed by Stephen Grootes the Afri-

can National Congress's (ANC) subcommittee Chairperson on economic transformation, Enoch Godongwana said there is still no clarity around the phrase Radical Economic Transformation. Even though he is confident that once it is properly defined, people will rally behind it. Let’s understand the meaning of Radical Economic Transformation from the online English | Oxford Dictionaries. RADICAL: adjective 1 (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough. ‘a radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework’ ECONOMIC: adjective 1 Relating to economics or the economy. ‘the government's economic policy’ (of a subject) considered in relation to trade, industry, and the creation of wealth. TRANSFORMATION: noun 1 A marked change in form, nature, or appearance. l 8

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

‘South Africa underwent a radical transformation in 1994’ 1.1 A sudden dramatic change of scenery on stage. Putting the definitions together and getting a clear meaning to the term let’s use the meaning elaborated by the Wits Universities associate professor of economics Christopher Malikane. His statements elaborate the meaning on Radical Economic Transformation as changing the composition of output that the economy is producing and ownership and control patterns – who owns the entities that are making most of the production in the economy, and who manages, who makes decisions about investment patterns, employment patterns, pay in the labor market. Currently the challenge about this radical transformation and the economic element around this are confusing statements from government, when the ministers and the governing party including our president talk to the masses, the term used is, South Africa needs Radical Economic Transformation and the very same people when they address business and investors locally as well as inter-

national people the massage seem to change to inclusive growth. Now, in my opinion, within Radical Economic Transformation you must find Inclusive Growth if that is the intention of the transformation, therefore Radical Economic Transformation cannot be Inclusive Growth the two term cannot be synonymous to each other. The nature of this confusion about Radical Transformation and Inclusive Growth is unsettling for the haves and the have nots. Our developing state has sophisticated tensions due to uncertainty and clarity, the tensions will continue to bring a rift particularly the blacks and whites. One might ask what needs to be done? The answer to this will be A VISION and the ability to articulate this vision and how will it translate to South Africans. When delivering his lecture on the 27 January 1987 in Georgetown University Oliver Tambo shared what was the vision at the time and that vision was "We seek to create a united Democratic and non-racial society. We have a vision of South Africa in which black and white

shall live and work together as equals in conditions of peace and prosperity. The vision was clear. Radical Transformation is a Structures Journey not a destination, and this will require proper planning and a clear vision with sound objectives. It is important to realise the massive resources needed to pursue such an ambitious project. From a facilitation point of view this is what could have been done, first was to have a clear vision and let it be known. There are five elements to consider whenever you are transforming. The truth about transformation is that it is not easy, such that it must be clear the benefit over the cost. FIVE ELEMENTS 1. What is the need or challenge – this will be your what and the why 2. Research to understand the structure and nature of the current system and resources. What is there. 3. Planning – how, the map to change the status quo, you need think tanks and industry giants, the who will do this. l 9

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR DAY? Success is intentional, to achieve take it one day at a time. It’s a given, we all have equal time, 24 hours every day. Then how come some people seem like they have more hours than the rest? The answer to that I found from my observation through reading successful people’s habits, attending seminars and workshops such as goal setting. What was clear is how successful people choose use their time and most importantly the commitment and dedication they invest to execute the task at hand their intentions. The most important thing now is to know and to understand about any given day is that you have 24 hours with two kinds of events and activities, planned and unplanned. Our greatest struggle as people we want to live a balanced life, and what I have learnt about life is there is no such, we can never have a balanced life, we only juggle priorities. What is important today might not hold the same value over time so its not a bout balance, its about priorities. What is your priority today?





GOOD PLANNING: Planning is about understanding you goal and getting ready from brainstorming setting out what needs to be done (wish list & to do list) and what resources you will need to do so. It can start as a yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly to daily goal setting activity. The secret is simplicity. PRIORITISING Remember we are juggling priorities daily so on your to do list you need to select what is important and focus on that.

Make sure you’re clear and you make a list that is small and don't overwhelm yourself CLEAR ACTION Once you have a clear to do list, you will have to allocate sufficient time to each task and give it your all. TIPS TO A PRODUCTIVE ACTION 

Have an early start—Morning

Exercise and Break fast

Eat the frog— do the challenging task first.

Work 25 min on a task uninterrupted and take a 5 min break.

Set out any extra recourses and references you might need.

Put phone off or on silence and have the courage to say sorry I cant talk or see you now.

For continued productive days and guaranteed success it is important for you to find your style a system that works for you and to build your own productive habit. l 10

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FACILITATOR development

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

tator to be skilled long term. You can call it sucstructured and stra- cesses if you will. tegic to deliver a comprehensive goal orientated process.


All this for the benefit of the group to The facilitator’s role is to help reach their intended goals. people navigate their way to Through out the process the

1) An unbiased perspective: 2) Sensitivity to the feelings of individuals: 3) Sensitivity to the feelings of the

the desired results to find their facilitator must be able to group truth as well as the meaning check and gage whether the 4) Ability to listen: and the value as it relates to set goals are being achieved.

5) Tact:


6) Commitment to collaboration:

At the end of it all you have to

Facilitation is structured and be able to measure success imstrategic. This require the facili- mediately in a short term and

7) A sense of timing: 8) Resourcefulness and creativity: 9) A sense of humor l 12

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The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017



800 Ă— 450 -

The Facilitator celebrates South African sons and daughters who’s hard work, dedication and tenacity to their trade has earned them the prestige 2017 SAMA Awards SALUTE!!! l 14

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

Dr. Dambisa Moyo

Dr. Dambisa Moyo is a global financial think

Barclays Bank the Barrick Gold, Chevron and

tank, an investment strategist influential in pub-

Seagate Technologies.

lic policy.

Moyo was named in the 100 most influential people in the world, she holds a PhD in Economics from Oxford, a Masters from Harvard. She is a three Times New York Bestselling Author: Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There is a Better Way for Africa How the West Was Lost: Fifty Years of Economic Folly and the Stark Choices Ahead and Winner Take All: China’s race for Resources and What it Means for the World. The spirited African woman runs marathons and does yoga to keep fit.

Her unique approach and perspectives has earned respect within the financial circles and a seat at the World Economic Forum in Davos this year 2017. She is a force with a flair for economic investable opportunities. Her trusted opinion on macroeconomics and her insight on geopolitics, her view on technology in the progressive and developing world has proved her to be an authority and leader in the space such that she is a Board member of the l 15

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The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017


Author Loyiso Majola Only when you have been on rock and a hard place you can claim where there’s a will there a way. This has been the life of Loyiso Majola. Loyiso has been in situations where his life felt empty, aimless and ineffective. There are so many things he wanted do and achieve but without means to do so, he’s had ideas and the will, but no resources. Such an experience seemed his dreams may never be realised. Challenges he’s overcome are testament to the abilities within us to endure life’s challenges and obstacles, ultimately to enjoy the fruits of our labour. Many are times we come up with excuses why we are not able to pursue our dreams, to this effect he is a living example that passion and determination, we can achieve all that God has destined for us.

Interestingly the book was written using a Huawei Y220 phone. This is a book that is dedicated to all the people whose trials and tribulations have kept them from achieving their dreams. Endure Before You Enjoy is not a memoir but rather a motivational book that aims to inspire and motivate people. “I hope to inspire everyone who reads this book, to push towards their dreams and never build obstacles but rather see opportunities in every challenge.”

pany that focuses on offering creative communications solutions and manufacturing, as well as facilitation and business seminars. Loyiso believes that he was born to unlock the Godgiven potential in people to awaken their leadership potential and to inspire them towards spiritual growth and innovative pursuit to leave the world a better place. This book a must read.

Released on 01 June 2017 1 June 2017, R120 a copy. orders can be via WhatsApp: 081 537 Loyiso Majola, (32) man of God 4469 E: founder and a Pastor at Lighthouse Kingdom Advancement International a ministry dedicated to the revival of the spirit, soul salvation as well as mentoring people using biblical principles to impact growth and personal development. Mr Majols is also a Founder and Chairperson for Boys Be Men Schools Mentorship Program, a schools’ based initiative aimed at empowering boys to be men of excellence and integrity. He truly is a passionate leader. An entrepreneur at heart, Loyiso is also founder of Intathakusa Lifestyle Solutions, a com- l 17

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The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

This is a legislated structure that is very important to the development of our communi-

LEADERSHIP BEGINS IN YOUR WARD There are three spheres of government, national, provincial and local – which is the municipalities and the metros. All these need to work for the people and the structure here ultimately seem to invest the power back to the municipalities via the ward committees and the gate keepers and ambassadors of local development and advocacy. In August 3rd 2016 the county held its fifth local municipal elections, which changed the country’s political landscape. Every five years the local municipal elections heralds the local ward based leadership change the ward committees. The municipality will open nominations fallowed by elections of the ward committee members.

ties. Former president Thabo Mbeki once said: “We must engage one another in a similar manner on a whole range of important specific issues such as improving service delivery and strengthening local government, including the Ward Committees. The committees are formed by ordinary members of the community the workers to a pastor they play a critical role in ensuring the necessary contact between the people and our institutions of government.” Of particular importance in this regard will be the need for this structure to ensure that the local government Ward Committees meet regularly and function as they were intended as prescribed on by The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 in Chapter 7 Section 152; outlines the objectives and the aims of local government. LEGISLATION The Local Government on the Municipal Structures Act, 1998 Sections 73 and 74; highlight the rules and regulations on the es-

tablishment of ward committees The Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000. This speaks to the legislation on public participation opportunities every community can anticipate in their municipalities ROLES/ RESPONSIBILITIES At the core of the ward committee responsibility is being an advisory body to the ward councillor. One can ask advising on what? That is very easy, as members of the community they are believed to be closer to the rest of the community and their proximity affords them a unique opportunity to identify needs and concerns of the people in the ward. Members will then communicate their needs and grievances in

their meetings and constituencies where such information can be prioritised to form part of the ward action plan that could be elevated to create the Municipal Action Plan that can be include to the



Plan. Lest support these structures and serve our people. STAND-UP AND BE COUNTED. l 19

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The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

MORE DETAILS COMING SOON Isaac Mavuso Email: l l 21


The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

In business there will always be tough times ahead and how you deal with them will determine whether you will go under or live to tell the story. A lot of SMME especially kasi (township) businesses think they are the only ones experiencing challenges; well I invite you to watch business news daily and you will learn two things the challenges of starting a business and for big business the challenge is keeping afloat and profitable. This is an uphill battle that really needs a sharp confident and dedicated mind.

the way in which small business run their daily business operations, cash flow will be impacted. Remember such increases tend to have a far reaching consequence as they have a butterfly effect. For some businesses though this may well be the very devastating blow that could sink the ship.

of; at the forefront is poor planning. Thousands of businesses never take time to really plan. They live on day to day eventualities without control of their destiny, and such behaviour fuels the inevitable failure as a consequence.

Let me ask this question, as a small business since the break of news on the increases and WHAT HAS SUNK THE BOAT hikes n the rates, taxes last year FOR MANY COULD SINK what have you done apart from complaining about price inYOURS? crease? Apart from increases and other challenges that you could think The 2017 –2018 electricity hike, followed by the mother of all

The recent municipal local rates and taxes increase are nothing to what coming, thanks to the technical recession. This will change lot things, especially in l 22

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

the recession. HAT HAVE YOU REALY DONE? Believe you me only a few thought of going to the drawing board to establish what these increases will mean and how they will impact on their business including their personal lives, so as to make informed decision that are well thought rather than emotional and rushed one’s. >

order. You will have to revisit action. Your action must be fothe vision and the objectives to cused to the following: see if they are still relevant to  Know your business and be the initial goal in light of these clear on the state of affair of changes and other influencing your business factors such as customer be-  Research: what do you know haviour and buying patterns. about your business and the industry  Identify key industry players from the biggest and smallest.  Be clear who is you customer and what interest them.  Finally review your product and service also identifies how you can improve it?

The decision may not necessarily be about you increasing your prices or buying less quality and that quick fix that will compromise your business in the future. If you want to survive you need to go back, begin to take stock of what’s happening and how to deal with such proactively and to employ proper planning and strategies to enable you to stay afloat as Now the question can be how you strengthen your business to stay on top of your busito profitability. ness? At this point many business That can be a tricky thing since strategies and plans including it is not as straight forward as yours if you have one, are due you could hope. You will need a for serious attention, in-depth combination of a few things review to adjust financials proyour passion or hunger to grow jections, accessing loans and and unwavering dedication to repayment plans will be a tall

To get to greater heights you cannot do thing as they are or were done you need to redefine statements such as business as usual by being on top of your business. The best thing is to know how to get help, building and nurturing relationships. Turn your cell phone to a useful resource a management tool and a research resource.


Dr Grace Makgoka

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

beauty, brains and wit l 24

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

Growing up I learnt that you

acquired vast experience in the

such as Integration of Sexual

can’t have beauty and brains as

medical field and practice has

and Gender Based Violence

a person, that seemed an im-

been shaped and tested by


possible combination in particu-

worked for hospitals such as in

Teachers, Police, Social Work-

lar for a woman. It is believed if


ers, Attorneys, Judges and

she is beautiful she won’t be

Mankweng and FH Odendaal

intelligent and if she is intelli-

hospital as well as in Gauteng

gent the expectancy will be she

Mamelodi hospital in Pretoria.

Her work credit stretches na-

is compensating. This is a myth


tional and international devel-



that Dr Grace Makgoka poked




community leaders etc.

oping and training health care

so many holes without

professionals in the field

trying such that this

of HIV, TB and Gender

bucket of lies can

Based Violence. She

never hold water.

is also a clinical fac-

She rewrites the

ulty teaching topics

stereotype, she is a

such as HIV/TB/STI


across the country.


with beauty, brains wit and a committed

She is also very pas-

hard worker.

sionate about the nurse mentorship programme which

Dr Grace Makgoka is a qualified

has seen nurses empowered

medical doctor, a captivating

Makgoka worked as an HIV Cli-

and improving the health care

facilitator and achieve, model a

nician in Cullinan. She was pro-

system in South Africa. Dr

leader and she is an activist,

moted to Head of Health Sci-

Grace Makgoka a leader in her

passionate about children and

ence Faculty at the Foundation

own right is currently serving

the people living with disability.

for Professional Development

as a board member of the

With over 10 years’ experience

(FPD) where she is also a facili-

Medical Women Association of

in the public health sector. Her

tator for a number of programs

South Africa (MWASA) a l 25

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

realized early in her career that




plays a vital role in a young woman's life. As a result, she sits on a panel at the FPD, where she encourages young women and men to take care

of their portrayed image and to dedicate themselves to continuous personal development and to self a brands. Her dedication to personal development has seen competing for

the 2015 Mrs. South Africa and recognized as a finalist.

One of her favorite quotes by Bills Gates says "The world is not fair, get used to it and play it at its own game" and her mantra to life is, Love and Leave a Legacy.

cle to empowering women and vulnerable orphaned children as QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS doctors in South Africa.

a result of HIV/AIDs.


Grace and her family support the Kids Care and Support Trust She also supports a Home for Q_ TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF an




Bronk- children and adults with disabili- YOUR,




horstspruit. This facility assists ties. As a professional, Dr Grace FROM AND SCHOOL l 26

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

A--_ I was born in a small village A_ I had to make some sacrific- believe that he is in charge will

called Ga-Lebelo, rural Limpo- es to make time for studying. I find this a challenge and would po where I also grew up. I am knew I needed to stay focused overreact. I believe that the the second born of four sib- and disciplined so I would turn challenge that is facing the 21st lings. Primary attended a cath- down invitations to parties and century woman is the fact that olic boarding school Motse other activities that are known she is not heard or listened to. Maria till high school, after to be the highlight of every I think most of us have seen a

graduating my high school I young person's life. I had to picture of a White House went


MEDUNSA. miss most of these so that I meeting earlier in March this

Q_ YOU ARE QUALIFIED AS A could study. Needless to say, it year about a new healthcare MEDICAL DOCTOR, WHAT IN- was



it. bill affecting access to pregnan-



THE CHALLENGE FACING THE meeting – and not a single

A_ I have always been passion- 21ST CENTURY WOMAN?


ate about taking care of others, A_ The older I get the more I I also believe that the behavbeing the second born in my realise that the challenges that iour that an adult male exudes family required me to always women are currently facing to- is learned from a very young look out for my little brothers day are due to the fact that the age. The media has also had a in every way possible. I knew I women have learned to stand huge impact on this generawas destined to be a doctor up for themselves and for each tion. They have been taught to from




age. other. They have become more believe that everything is in-

Q_ WHAT CHALLENGES YOU’VE knowledgeable and powerful. stant and can come easy. Our OVERCOME TO BE WHERE YOU It would make sense that a young men are not being ARE TODAY?

man that has been raised to taught to build and be patient. l 27

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

Q_ IT IS YOUTH MONTH WHAT A_ Abraham Lincoln once said came into the picture. I am also

DO YOU THINK THE YOUTH that a nation divided against very passionate about sharing NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT YOU itself cannot stand. Our biggest knowledge. DID NOT KNOW IN YOUR challenge as a country is that YOUTH?





A_ Repetition and consistency is whether it’s between governthe secret to achieving any- ment and the nation or within

thing in life. There is a saying the nations itself, and everythat goes: Success does not thing that ever needs to hapcome from what you do occa- pen requires time. (I hate polisionally. It comes from what tics) you





A_ As a doctor part of my oath

A_ I have a very understanding is to serve humanity to the and supportive husband. I’m best of my ability, caring for the also determined and I push sick, promoting good health, myself to do the things that I and alleviating pain and sufferdon’t even feel like doing at ing. To assist my patients to times. It takes focus and disci- make informed decisions that pline. I have to admit that coincide with their own values sometimes I don’t even know and beliefs and uphold patient how I am going to get every- confidentiality. To recognize thing done, but it still gets the limits of my knowledge and done.

seek to maintain and increase

Q_ WHAT DO YOU THINK my understanding and skills Q_ WHAT IS THAT ONE THING ABOUT THE STATE OF OUR throughout my professional YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE? COUNTY?

life. And this is how facilitation A_ I would like to leave behind l 28

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

a legacy that my children can Q_ WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO ing on the level of urgency and

be proud of. To have a belief A



WHO importance. I listen to my voice

that anything is possible if you WOULD LIKE TO BE A FACILITA- massages and go through emails TOR?

and my calendar and try to

A_ I would tell them to study make plans such as organising and to keep studying. They meetings and such. should also have passion, read I am responsible for overseeing every material that she can get my managers and teams as they her hand on. But first and fore- progress on various clinical promost she must always be grammes. I help them with any aware of what is going on issues they may be having. I around her. Because, truth be keep in touch with clients, uptold, it is not lack of knowledge date them on our progress and that holds us back but igno- make sure they are satisfied rance. with certain projects and clinical Q_ WHAT IS YOUR DAY LIKE?

programmes. At times I would

A - My typical day starts as early be busy making presentations as 5:00 am, HOME I am prepar- for different workshops, or ing myself and my kids to get to training the trainees on different school and work. I always make aspects of the health and other sure that I take my kids to crucial matters. school in the morning unless if I am not around that day. I love this part of the day because we laugh, discuss and plan things together. put your mind to it. If I can WORK, Planning the day, work achieve that then I would know on my list of activities I have to that




well. complete and prioritise depend-

Truly the world is a better place with such a great woman. You are an inspiration beauty, brains and wit. She is a dedicated hard working visionary, destined to succeed. l 29


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The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

Imp res s ion is s imp le d res s ing f or it is a not her , ohhh it s not a one d a y t hing ... l 31

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The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017

The month of June is historically important for the youth and the rest of South Africa. It commemorates youth month which is rooted from the students uprising in June 16, 1976. This was first commemorated as the Day of the African Child an initiative by the OAU in 1991 recognising and honouring the participants of the Soweto uprising at that time. The uprising was an event that spread all around the country, changing the narrative as well as the geopolitical landscape. Forty-one years later the South African government will honour and commemorate 2017 youth month honouring the legacy of OR Tambo’s centenary and such inspired this year’s theme: THE YEAR OF OR TAMBO: ADVANCING YOUTH ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT.

South Africans all around celebrate this prestigious month by impacting and empowering the youth the best way they know how. On the 10 June 2017 at Sir Van Ryneveld High School in Kempton Park, Jedidiah Events company founded by Bridget Mohloba organised The Fathers and Sons of Honour event themed

Returning the Fathers Hearts to their Sons. Speaker included the Fred Bohasu team building expert a motivational speaker facilitator and keynote speaker and author of man of the year, Lemmy Zibuse Kunene a member of Dads in the Picture a Non-profit organisation, public speaker and life coach. The keynote address was delivered

one of the greatest, Dr John Tibane a leadership and health consultant, a professional speaker, trainer and Facilitator. He is a loving husband and a dedicated Father. His passion and dedication to human and personal development as a leader makes him a PIONEER. What an interesting and unique way to commemorate the month. l 33

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JOB Opportunities

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017


Head of Department: Strategy and Corporate Planning Reference Number: HOD/SCP01 Remuneration Package: R 1 490 566 - R 2 235 649 per annum TCTC Key Performance Areas: Develop research, monitor and advise on long-term organizational strategy into operational objectives, while e suring delivery of functional strategic plans; Maintain strategic relationships for purposes of expectation management, knowledge sharing and integration. Drive organizational governance and compliance processes and practices as determined by internal stakeholders, specialists, industry groups and legislative requirements. Coordinate, oversee and facilitate the development, alignment and implementation of effective strategy and planning delivery programmes across the organization. Oversee the preparation of monthly and annual financial reports in accordance with statutory requirements and presentation to Council. Drive and align client service excellence culture which builds enduring rewarding relationships; proposes innovation and allows others to provide exceptional client service. Establish and maintain strategic internal and external relationships inclusive of customers, service providers and relevant legislative agencies and structures, manage direct and indirect teams by providing context, assigning tasks and educating on process, quality and policy. Prepare and deliver detailed monthly, quarterly and annual reports as per set standards and requirements, legislation and regulations Core Requirements: A relevant Business degree or equivalent NQF Level 7 qualification 10 years’ relevant Management experience of which at least 5 years must have been at Senior Management level. A proven track record in strategic planning, Strategic leadership competency. Sound knowledge of Local Government mandates. Stakeholder relationship skills, The ability to facilitate Organizational Performance Management. A proven track record in strategy planning processes and facilitation. The ability to lead a learning and knowledge management culture, The ability to be competitive and take risks in growing the organization’s profitability. Meeting the skills and competency requirements set in Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, as amended, and relevant regulations thereof l 38

The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017


• Be a qualified SDF with paperwork to prove this JOB DESCRIPTION • Have a relevant degree/Qualification • Have previous project management experi• Implement skills development services ence • Manage a team of skills development imple• Have excellent Behavioural & Skills compementation resources tencies • Mobilise and monitor resources to deliver • Have excellent communication skills skills development services • Have excellent business verbal & written • Provide various skills development facilitaskills tion services to clients such as: • Have excellent presentation skills • Maintain relationships with all SETAs • Be self-motivated • Ensure that solutions meet internal and ex• Have excellent delegation, organisational ternal client’s needs and time management skills • Crafting solutions to meet client’s require• Be computer literate ments • Have valid driver’s license & own vehicle • Ensuring that the overall quality of delivery • Have an excellent understanding of disabilmeets the client’s requirements ity, learnerships, relevant legislation and B• Remain up to date with SETA funding opBBEE portunities • Apply for SETA funding 1. Copy of CV in Word format (with 3 contactable refer• Complete SETA vendor documents ences) 2. Copy of ID • Follow internal processes & keep relevant 3. Copy of Driver’s License administrations up to date 4. Copy of most recent payslip 5. Copies of all Qualifications

Fax your CV to 0864837431 l 39

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The Facilitator Magazine JUNE 2017


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