Ruzsa Quarter Horses "Fall Extravaganza" Horse Sale

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fall extravaganza sales graduate Sawyers Frosted Moon

(Sawyer Wood - French Chicaros, Frenchmans Guy)

Futurity/Derby LTE $26K

TABLE OF CONTENTS Ruzsa Quarter Horses .................................... 04 – 19 Johnson Stables ............................................... 20 – 23 Sitnal Livestock Horses ................................ 24 Huffman Ranch ................................................. 25 Langdeau Quarter Horses ........................... 25 U Bar Bar Performance Horses ................ 26 Wood Performance Horses ........................ 27

LOT #9: Ima Game Changer

day of sale information Auctioneer

Lynn Weishaar 605.641.6278


John Johnson 605.787.5387

Sale Day Phone

Jennifer Ruzsa 605.848.0887 Jodi Johnson 605.430.7980

* Note that horses will not sell in catalog order

Ruzsa stallions // 605-848-0887

Tres Kings si 91

Bay Stallion // 2.06.09 Reference Sire

Tres Seis

First Place Queen


Streakin Six Chicarun

Our Third Delight

Rebs Policy Tinys Delight

First Prize Dash

Dash For Cash First Prize Rose

Illusive Princess

Illusivo (Beduino) Kipty Kate

Sired by Champion Two-Year-Old Colt TRES SEIS si 97 ($856,901), sire of earners over $23 Million. Also, the sire of Barrel earners of over $1.5 Million. Out of Million Dollar Producing Dam, 2-Time G1 Stakes Winner FIRST PLACE QUEEN si 110 ($880,860, Ntr), full-sister to G3 Stakes Winner FIRST PLACE PRINCESS si 103 ($74,269). Full-brother to G1 Stakes Finalist Tres Queens si 96 ($75,270), half-brother to G1 All-American Derby Finalist WONDERBOY si 104 ($242,443), half-brother to G1 Stakes Winner MR QUEENS MYSTERY si 101 (599,381). 2nd Dam 2002 Broodmare of the Year/Stakes Winner ILLUSIVE PRINCESS si 99 ($27,283), half-sister to Stakes Winner and Producer RUNAWAY KATE si 102 ($29,011). Barrel Eligibilities: Future Fortunes, 5-State Breeders, Southwest Desert Classic, & Valley Girls Barrel Association. Racing Eligibilities: Northers Plains & Minnesota Stallion Breeders’Futurity


Ruzsa stallions // 605-848-0887

AP Six Frosted Moons Chestnut Stallion // 5.28.02 Reference Sire

Marthas Six Moons

AP Lily Frost

Six Fols

Easy Six Long Chance

Lady Bugs Martha

Lady Bugs Moon Lan Lay

Sun Frost

Docs Jack Frost Prissy Cline

Chappelle Lily

Rapidland Laughing Lex (Laughing Boy)

Genetics, Conformation & Disposition! This incredibly polite stallion stands 16hh, and comes from top genetics in the industry. Marthas Six Moons si 99 a Multiple Graded Stakes Winner and a Sire of Stakes Winners & Race Earners of $2.9 Million and Barrel Champions & Earners of over half a million. Combine that with Sun Frost, a producer of earners in access of $2 Million, and one of his most prolific crosses on Laughing Boy breeding. Half-brother to Shezastreaknsunfrost Multiple Futurity Wins/Placings, $23,441 Futurity LTE Eligibilities: Future Fortunes, Triple Crown 100, 5–State Breeders, Select Stallion Stakes, Southwest Desert Classic, Valley Girls Barrel Racing Assoc., Grid Iron & Cornhuskers

Sawyers Game Changer

Buckskin Stallion // 3.21.12 Reference Sire

Sawyer Wood



Orphan Drift Poco Judy Sue

Driftalong San

Sak Em San Driftalong April

Dash Ta Fame

First Down Dash Sudden Fame

DPI Treasury Note

This Snow Is Royal First Down Rebel

2016 Multiple Top Placing Futurity Finalist including Old Fort Days Futurity & Barrel Futurities of America and a top 1D Money Earning Barrel Horse. Sired by Sawyer Wood, a Nationally Ranked Barrel Horse Sire to sire Top Barrel Futurity/Derby Horses, including in 2019 Sawyers Frosted Moon. As a Sire, Sawyer Wood has also sired NBHA Champions, & ProRodeo Money Earners. From Tie-Down Roping, Team Roping, Barrels to Cutting, they can do it all! Cross that with a AAA Black Type Bred Dash Ta Fame daughter;, Imarealtreasure si 104, 2nd Dam DPI Treasury Note si 97 a Stakes Placed Race Winning mare to produce AAA/AAAT Race Winners, 3rd Dam First Down Rebel si 96 Rainbow Futurity qualifier and multiple Race Winner to produce AAA/AAAT Stakes Placed Race Winners. 2018 FIRST FOAL CROP - ELIGIBILITIES: Future Fortunes, 5–State Breeders, , Valley Girls Barrel Racing Assoc., Southwest Desert Classic, & Select Stallion Stakes (2018 Yearlings) 5

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887


Tequila Games

Buckskin Colt // 4.10.19 AAA Dash Ta Fame daughter Fames Rockette is full sister to Tequila Heat that in 2005 with Terri Wood-Gates placed 2nd at the BFA World Finals Futurity and Barrel earnings of 64K. Dam Fames Rockette is carrying on the winning talent as the dam to Sydni Blanchard’s horse she won or placed at several rodeos, including Pendleton Roundup to qualify for the NFR in 2017. With Sawyers Game Changer also a BFA Finalist, amongst several top Futurity finishes, it is a NO BRAINER this colt is destined for the Barrel Pen! HOLD ON!!!

Sawyers Game Changer

Fames Rockette


Sawyer Wood

Cinderwood Driftalong San


Dash Ta Fame DPI Treasury Note

Dash Ta Fame

First Down Dash Sudden Fame

Squeeky Rocket

Proudest Effort Haula Rocket

Baileys Sweet Cream

Bay Filly // 4.20.19

This filly has a lot of room to grow into her size and shape! The Driftwood breeding in this filly the Ruzsa’s have had huge success with. Incorporating Frostys War Chief, Cibecue Ike, & Sun Frost, Ruzsa’s have raised horses to compete at the NFR, Barrel Futurities, earn World Records and win Championship Titles. With this filly’s sweet personality, curiosity and learning ability she will not only be a stand out choice to compete on, she also will provide longevity as a future broodmare to carry on some exceptional proven genetics!

AP Six Frosted Moons

JF Bailey


Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily

Cibecue Ike

Wayward Ike Lady Roanie Bay

Seneca Chilena

Frostys War Chief HLC Freckles Jane

Big Money Guy

Palomino Colt // 5.10.19 After you get past how gorgeous this colt is his disposition will win you over! This colt would like to do nothing more than to just follow you around. Sired by Traffic Guy a Stallion to sire Top Futurity, Derby, and Rodeo Winners with $408,000 in progeny earnings. The Dam Miss San Antonio Red is Sired by 5-Time World Champion Barrel Sire, On The Money Red si 103, also a Multiple Stakes Winner himself. One thing that is evident is the dam definitely stamps her foals with good bone, size and incredible personalities. Traffic Guy

Miss San Antonio Red


Frenchmans Guy

Sun Frost Frenchmans Lady

Evening Traffic

Dash Thru Traffic Bunny Eve

On The Money Red

Bennies Big Red Dolly Priest

Hailey Adair

San Antonio Jet Joper Adair

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887

Marthas Easy Six

Chestnut Colt // 5.05.19


Dam Leos Sun Frost in all of her years as a Broodmare, the Ruzsa’s get the best feedback on how great minded they are with their big shapely conformations. Leos Sun Frost, is full and half-sister to some talented barrel & rope horses as well as a World Champion Mounted Shooting Horse. The 2nd dam Seneca Silk is the foundation for a lot of the Ruzsa broodmares producing Futurity Champions and All-Around Rodeo horses. You want a trustworthy honest prospect this colt is your top choice! AP Six Frosted Moons

Leos Sun Frost

Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily

Ima Sun Frost

Mr Docs Dakota Surena Serenade

Seneca Silk

Jae Bar Chico Saline Silk

Dashin Ta First

Sorrel Colt // 5.28.19


PROVEN Barrel Racing Sire, Sawyers Game Changer a 1D Top Futurity Finalists to include the BFA and Old Fort Smith Futurities, crossed on Proven Producer Miss Sugar Wood. For years Miss Sugar Wood was known as a fantastic rope horse producer till Sophie So Sweet. Sometimes it takes those crosses for someone to take a chance and head to the Barrel Pen and that is what Jade Crago did. Ruzsa raised Sophie So Sweet, the gorgeous shapely black filly that has captured the hearts of many, is a MULTIPLE FUTURITY / DERBY PLACER! SOLID prospect to take to the barrel pen for RATE, HONESTY, CONSISTENCY & SPEED!!!

Sawyers Game Changer

Miss Sugar Wood

Sawyer Wood

Cinderwood Driftalong San


Dash Ta Fame DPI Treasury Note

Cibecue Ike

Wayward Ike Lady Roanie Bay

Senceca Silk

Jae Bar Chico Saline Silk

I B Charmed

Palomino Filly // 4.14.19


This filly is going to follow in her Dam I R Negrita’s footsteps in disposition, talent & Conformation! This filly is going to be tall and has been extremely smart to train. Crossing Negrita on Dinero has not only produced a FANCY Chocolate Palomino, we are excited to see the dynamics of the breeding head to the Barrel Pen. A sire with LTE of over $400,000 to sire close to one Million in Earnings, this is sure exciting to see this filly mature and take to a performance lifestyle!

PC Frenchmans Hayday

I R Negrita

Sun Frost

Docs Jack Frost Prissy Cline

Caseys Charm

Tiny Circus Caseys Ladylove

Illegal Runaway

Runaway Winner Almost Illegal

Dutchess Ann

Ronas Ryon Bette Davis Eyes 7

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887


Tres Seis Queen

Bay Filly // 6.07.19

Sired by a Race Winning AAA son of TRES SEIS si 97 ($856,901, Champion Two-Year-Old, Sire of 23 Million). Tres Kings dam is none other than Million Dollar Producing Dam, 2-Time G1 Stakes Winner FIRST PLACE QUEEN si 110 ($880,860, Ntr). Dam, My Paramour, is Sired by Sawyer Wood a PROVEN sire of TOP FUTURITY horses and she is out of a mare line to produce NFR/ProRodeo horses and money earners in Barrels, Poles, Team Roping, Steer Wrestling & Working Cow Horse. Watch for the full sister, in a top Futurity/ Rodeo home, as she is training exceptionally well. WOW PROSPECT! Tres Kings

My Paramour


Tres Seis

Sixarun Our Third Delight

First Place Queen

First Place Dash Illusive Princess

Sawyer Wood

Ciderwood Driftalong San

Flit Bar Squaw

Lasaber Streak Silva Squaw

Snazzy Speedy Man

Sorrel Colt // 5.24.19

Miss Snazzywood is a Senior Mare and over the years is stamping Barrel Horses with maturity and natural ability! One of the oldest out of this mare to go to the barrel pen was quick to win & comes from a mare line proven to produce Barrel Champions. Super excited with this mare crossed on AP Six Frosted Moons, several full siblings to this colt are winning over their owners with their willingness to learn. Not to mention AP is stamping his hip, good bone and size on this cross. If you want the ease of training one to get ready for the Barrel Futurities we couldn’t think of a better prospect! AP Six Frosted Moons

Miss Snazzywood


Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily

Setumup Speedy

Speedy Man Setumup Miss

Snazzy Folk Dancer

Folk Dancer Twice Snazzy

Ima Game Changer

Gray Filly // 4.16.19

LLE Jillunimator has some exceptional prospects out there we are excited to watch mature and enter the performance arena. As you can see she stamps big shapely prospects, that are super smart and FRIENDLY! With this filly’s proven Barrel Sire, and with Sawyer Wood’s Top Futurity Siring ability in the Barrels, crossed on Mr Illuminator breeding will make for an exceptional prospect. Mr Illuminator is the sire to TR Dashing Badger, aka Dolly, whose LTE’s exceed $850K, a 4x NFR Qualifier, 2x NFR Average Winner, 2x Reserve World Champion. Sawyers Game Changer

LLE Jillunimator

Sawyer Wood

Cinderwood Driftalong San


Dash Ta Fame DPI Treasury Note Dick Badger Miss Frosty Clegg

Mr Illuminator LLE Jewel


TC Little Boy Blue Skips Jewel Dee

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887

Prissy Miss Martha

Sorrel Filly // 6.04.19


Barrels to Roping, YOU CHOOSE! This filly has the mind and is bred to go any direction. When you have a horse that can rate a cow, they are a natural rating a barrel. Adding the Marthas Six Moons speed, here you have a quick snappy athlete. Dam DGB San Doc Drift is full sister to a talented Tie-Down/Team Roping mare, Lil Miss Sawyer who consistently performs has won well over $20K in the World Series of Team Roping in the USTRC. This filly is bred to be your All-Around Talent! AP Six Frosted Moons

DGB San Doc Drift

Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily

Sawyer Wood

Ciderwood Driftalong San

San Doc Besst

Stans Sandoc Docs Bester

Mr Laughing Boy

Chestnut Colt // 5.07.19


AP Six Frosted Moons offspring in the Barrel Racing are showing to be competitive 1D horses and here is a fantastic prospect for futurities. Dam Illuminatorsbabybear goes back to Grey Badger 8 times and is packed with Easter King and Easter Gentleman breeding who were prominent reining horse sires in the NRHA and leading All-Time Sires of Reining horses listed by Equi-Stat. This colt has a fantastic balance of speed, cow and reining talent. Not to mention the size and substance to hold up to competition! AP Six Frosted Moons


Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily

Illuminators Totonka JK Baby Bear

Mr Illuminator Miss Tonka Revenue General Forrest Twilite Vantage


Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887


Perrys Ladylove

Palomino Filly // 5.14.19

Lady Perry Too, AAA Race Winning daughter of Mr Jess Perry, has produced over $135K on the track including AAA Stakes Placed horses from limited starters. She has also proven to produce Barrel Champions to include Triple Q (Dash Ta Fame), ridden by Jordan Moore to win the 2017 Kansas City American Royal Rodeo & Multiple 1D Championship Titles. Crossing this speed and ability on Top Futurity/NFR Siring Stallion Frenchmans Fabulous will make for a top end prospect! Frenchmans Fabulous

Lady Perry Too


Frenchmans Guy

Sun Frost Frenchmans Lady

Caseys Charm

Tiny Circus Caseys Ladylove

Mr Jess Perry

Streakin La Jolla Scoopie Fein

Miss Dasher Too

Ima Dash Too Somebunny To Luv

My Own Easy Fortune Buckskin Colt // 3.07.19

Champion blood running through a strong stout colt! Watch for prospects out of My Miracle Fortune to do big things in the barrel pen as Ruzsa’s are getting some outstanding feedback. Dam is a race winner & 7/8 sister to Stakes Winner TRES FORTUNES. Both parents to this colt have great dispositions. What is fun to see is he takes after his sire Sawyers Game Changer with his laid-back personality. That was the best part about Gamer, cool calm and collected up until he turns it on for a run. Also watch for this colt to shed to be a smutty buckskin like his paternal grandsire Ciderwood! Sawyers Game Changer

My Miracle Fortune


Sawyer Wood

Cinderwood Driftalong San


Dash Ta Fame DPI Treasury Note

Dean Miracle

Streakin Six Our Third Delight

My Own Fortune

Six Fortunes Makeitonmyown

Driftalong Ike

Brown Colt // 5.15.19

JAM PACKED DRIFTWOOD BREEDING! Sire Driftalong Dillon is an own son of Sawyer Wood a Sire of Top Barrel Futurity Horses also to sire Stand out Rope horses to include Tie-Down Circuit Champions. Driftalong Dillon’s dam Miss Turkey Wood has produced several high-end rope and barrel horses. One of her biggest achievements as a mare was to produce RU Drifting Joe, rode by Brock Hanson, to win a Turquoise Circuit Championship, Multiple NFR Qualifier/ Round Winner, and tied the World Record in Team Roping. The Dam to this colt herself was an incredible heel horse with natural reining talent. Driftalong Dillon

Serendipidy Bell 10

Sawyer Wood

Ciderwood Driftalong San

Miss Tukey Wood

Blanton Wood Miss Turkey Double Drift Diamond Isle

Drifts Chip Miss Harlanwood

Wilywood Kings Ginger Harlan

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887

Chasin The Thrill

Buckskin Filly // 5.16.19


Dam HLH Fire Chasin Fool was a talented barrel horse retired due to injury. Coming from a proven mare line to produce barrel horses now she is producing beautiful prospects like this filly. Here is a dynamic cross of genetics to take to the Barrels. Tres Seis is quickly becoming one of the top crossover stallions in the barrels. Here is a very sensible filly to train and has been so fun as she is a quick study!

Tres Kings

HLH Fire Chasin Fool

Tres Seis

Sixarun Our Third Delight

First Place Queen

First Place Dash Illusive Princess

Chasin Firewater

Fire Water Flit Has The Touch

Tinys Gay Jet

Mito Jet Tiny Raza Pizzaz

Slick Charged Up

Sorrel Colt // 5.05.19


Pink Buckle Eligible! Sire Slick By Design All-Time Leading Barrel Racing Stallion with $568,000+ in earnings to include 3x NFR Qualifier, 11 WPRA Rodeo Championships, AQHA Champion, & Fort Smith Derby Champion. It is an exciting cross with VF Shiny Red Stone as she is known to make her offspring extremely athletic and eager for a job. With this colts coupled loins and long underline he is sure to gather up and cover ground fast. If you are looking for a snappy fast horse, HERE IS YOUR PROSPECT! Slick By Design

VF Shiny Red Stone

Designer Red

On The Money Red Pin A Rose On Me

Dreams of Blue

Dream On Dancer Ms Sun Pass

Sticks An Stones

Easy Jet Hop Skip And Jump

Miss Red Ghost

On The Money Red Evening Ghost

Crowned Doc Quixote

Buckskin Colt // 5.05.19


Great Stallion Prospect! Out of an own daughter of Ciderwood whose breeding goes back to the legendary Doc Quixote, Poco Bueno, Skipper W and Blondys Dude breeding through the mare line. This colt also has a great balance of Driftwood breeding, from both Sire & Dam, with the added speed for good measure coming from Marthas Six Moons si 99 an All American Futurity Qualifier. Dam Crowned Honey Cider consistently produces incredible disposition with a willingness to learn. Here is your chance at a super fancy AP to mold into your next prospect and potential Stallion!

AP Six Frosted Moons Crowned Honey Cider

Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily


Orphan Drift Poco Judy Sue

Bridgers Ms Quixote

Crowned Okie Skip Em Honey 11

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887


Tierra Frost

Palomino Filly // 4.26.19

An AP Six Frosted Moons wrapped up in a gorgeous palomino color with the breeding to back her ability to head to the arena. 2nd Dam Tuff Time Muffin was an exceptional all-around talent for the Ruzsa’s in competition. There wasn’t anything she couldn’t do and was frequently seen running barrels/poles, reining, or working cattle at the Ruzsa place. She was a snappy fast footed athlete and known for stamping these quick athletic traits. Combine that with the Marthas Six Moons and Such Easy Cash size & speed will add that extra-long stride to win! AP Six Frosted Moons



Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily

Such Easy Cash

Dash For Cash Such An Easy Effort

Tuff Time Muffin

Tuff Time Peppy Sierra Frost

Asporty Game Bay Colt // 4.06.19

SPEED WILL NOT BE AN ISSUE! AAAT breeding from BLACKTYPE mare lines. Sired by Sawyers Game Changer whose dam Imarealtreasure is a AAAT race winning mare from several generations of AAA/AAAT mares. The dam to this colt Asporty Chic si 107 is a proven producer of Multiple Race Winners also from a Champion mare line; 2nd Dam Go Elegantly AAA Stakes Producer & All-Time Leading Race Producer, 3rd Dam Charger Bar 4-Time World Champion and Champion 3-Year-Old. HUGE POTENTIAL RIGHT HERE! Sawyers Game Changer

Asporty Chic


Sawyer Wood

Cinderwood Driftalong San


Dash Ta Fame DPI Treasury Note

Chicks Beduino

Beduino A Classy Chic

Go Elegantly

Easy Jet Charger Bar

Frosted Louie

Red Roan Colt // 4.21.19

Frosted Louie is going to be tall! This colt comes from 3 generations of Ruzsa Mares known to produce talent to go to the arena, whether in the roping or the barrels. It all started with Electric Dancer who was an incredible Barrel, Pole and Reining horse for the Ruzsa’s. Some of the top winning horses from this mare line includes Cruizen To Win – 2016 IBRA Wisconsin 1D Adult Champion. With this colts’ eligibilities he is an excellent candidate to go to the barrel pen and you will definitely get noticed with this flashy guy!

AP Six Frosted Moons

Miss Cinderwood Dell 12

Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily

Diamon Louie

Diamon Dell Chinkie Louise

Laughing Cinderwood

Cinderwood Doc Electric Dancer

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887

Dashing Bianca

Palomino Filly // 3.3.19


CALM, & EXTREMELY FRIENDLY! Follow & befriend anyone who visits, yep that is Dam Bianca My Dear & Dashing Bianca. Dam Bianca My Dear ran top of her schooling race & Works from the Gates in times down at Remington Park, an injury as a long yearling wouldn’t allow her to stay sound to actually get to race. 2nd Dam Lady Perry Too has produced Multiple Race Winners, Stakes Placed Horses to run out $135K on the track as well as Top 1D Champions to also win ProRodeo’s such as the Kansas City American Royal Rodeo. Lady Perry Too’s race horses are known for quick speed first to leave the gates & that translates exceptionally well to the Barrels! HERE IS YOUR DISPOSITION & SPEED!!!

Sawyers Game Changer

Bianca My Dear

Sawyer Wood

Cinderwood Driftalong San


Dash Ta Fame DPI Treasury Note Corona Cartel Dashing Phoebe

Furyofthewind Lady Perry Too

Mr Jess Perry Miss Dasher Too

Laugh Dillon Laugh Buckskin Colt // 5.13.19


NFR Breeding Top & Bottom! Dam Laugh Flit Bar is a top placing Futurity Working Cow Horse that is full sister & half-sister to 1D Barrel Horses, Top Rope Horses & a ProRodeo Hazing Horse. Twice Da Sugar Flit, Full brother to Laugh Flit Bar, has helped several cowboys win Rounds at the NFR, ProRodeo’s & the Texas Circuit Finals. Sire Driftalong Dillon is half-brother to one of Rodeo’s All-Time Top Team Roping horses rode by Brock Hanson. RU Drifting Joe, out of Miss Turkey Wood, won Rounds at the NFR, ProRodeo’s, and tied the WORLD RECORD in the TEAM ROPING! STALLION PROSPECT!

Driftalong Dillon

Laugh Flit Bar

Sawyer Wood

Ciderwood Driftalong San

Miss Tukey Wood

Blanton Wood Miss Turkey

Ima Sun Frost

Mr Docs Dakota Surena Serenade

Flit Bar Squaw

Lasaber Streak Silva Squaw

Frosted Grey Badger

Gray Colt // 5.21.19


GORGEOUS BIG FRIENDLY GRAY COLT! Out of an own daughter of Mr Illuminator, a Stallion known to produce Rodeo, Futurity, WPRA/NFR Champions. Sire AP Six Frosted Moons is siring diversity from Rope Horses to Barrel Horses. With his Dam AP Lily Frost known to produce diversity from Barrel Champions to Rope Horse Champions. Ruzsa’s strongly believe if you want a top horse it comes from a top mare line!

AP Six Frosted Moons

Lle Miss Illumbally

Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily

Mr Illuminator

Dick Badger Miss Frosty Clegg

Cj Peppys Bally Hi

Peppys Litter Ripper Els Vega Cat 13

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887


Wanna Jet

Sorrel Filly // 5.20.19

THE SURE BET FOR THE RACETRACK!!! Race or Barrel Race this filly & BOOST YOUR PROGRAM. Out of AAA Race Winning and AAA STAKES PRODUCING Ruzsa mare WANNA BE SPECIAL(Oak Tree Special). Sired by ROYAL QUICK DASH si 101 Champion/Champion SIRE, $20+ MILLION SIRE EARNINGS. Best thing about this filly as an individual is how kind and receptive she is to work with. Ruzsa’s running bred mares are not only known for Speed, Dispositions are key! Royal Quick Dash

Wanna Be Special


First Down Dash

Dash For Cash First Prize Rose

Harems Choice

Beduino Flicka Your Bic

Oak Tree Special

Special Task Easy Lady Oak

Wanna Be Me

Disco Jerry Be A Lady Bee

Its Fair Game

Brown Colt // 2.26.19

Very confident curious friendly colt! From day one this colt was not afraid of anything, making this the type of prospect that will learn with you and at your pace. Feedback on the Dam Fairly Done, from previous owners, was she was also a confident and friendly horse making training her effortless. She also handled new environments like a seasoned veteran. With Its Fair Game’s personality and how calm he was to train, he will be a perfect match for a youth rodeo prospect or the futurity pen. SUPER MATURE DISPOSITION PACKED WITH SPEED!

Sawyers Game Changer

Fairly Done


Sawyer Wood

Cinderwood Driftalong San


Dash Ta Fame DPI Treasury Note

Spanish Boot

Royal Quick Dash Hempens Angel

Fair And Fast

Gray Slewpy Flirty

Speedy Surena Bay Filly // 5.24.19

Ruzsa’s are excited with the career of Broodmare Little Orphan Ahni after hearing feedback on her offspring. As with this filly, they are super calm mature minded prospects. It is one thing to hear that from one owner, it is what we are hearing from everyone to own one. The best part is they are fast footed big-hearted athletes eager to learn. Probably not a coincidence the mares foals have all been sired by AP Six Frosted Moon, also knowns for stamping mature minds! AP Six Frosted Moons

Little Orphan Ahni 14

Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily

Mandrift Dancer

Mandrift Electric Dancer

Jet Speedy Surena

Ima Sun Frost Docs Mona

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887

Setumup Dillon

Palomino Colt // 5.28.19


DRIFTWOOD BREEDERS!!! Sire Driftalong Dillon is Driftwood TOP & BOTTOM with Setumup Speedy, a 28% Driftwood stallion, on the Dam’s side. Driftalong Dillon’s Dam, Miss Turkey Wood, goes back to one of the most proven prolific top crosses of Sage Hen on Driftwood. Driftalong Dillon is half-brother to one of Rodeo’s All-Time Top Team Roping horses rode by Brock Hanson. RU Drifting Joe, out of Miss Turkey Wood, won Rounds at the NFR, ProRodeo’s, and tied the WORLD RECORD in the TEAM ROPING!

Driftalong Dillon

Miss Double Leowood

Sawyer Wood

Ciderwood Driftalong San

Miss Tukey Wood

Blanton Wood Miss Turkey

Setumup Speedy

Speedy Man Setupup Miss

Seneca Silk

Jae Bar Chico Saline Silk

Fiestas Pistol Annie

Gray Filly // 5.20.19


Sired by Fiestas Gotta Gun an own son of Playgun, who’s offspring have won over 7 million dollars in cutting, reining, and reined cow horse and whose dam is the great Firewater Fiesta, who doesn’t need much of an introduction. Her earnings exceed $800,000 and she has already produced futurity, derby, and AQHA champions. Out of Heading Away a proven producer on the track of AAA race winners. The 2nd dam, Sheza First Down a Multiple Graded Stakes Winner. 3rd Dam, Justincopy Multiple Stakes Placed. Future Fortunes, BBR Select Stallion, & WPRA PESI eligible

Fiestas Gotta Gun

Heading Away


Freckles Playboy Miss Silver Pistol

Firewater Fiesta

Fire Water Flit Mighty Mindy

Streakin La Jolla

Streakin Six Bottoms Up

Sheza First Down

First Down Dash Justincopy

Marthas John Red Bay Roan Colt // 5.21.19


Named appropriately being a descendant of John Red carrying the Roan Coloring. Also, John Red was known for his natural speed and to give his all every race. With all the talent in this colt’s breeding he is sure to be a natural. Here is a great mix of the John Red/Marthas Six Moons Speed with rate/cow from Gay Bar King and being double bred Sun Frost. There are lots of options with the eligibilities with this colt! AP Six Frosted Moons

Cm Bronsins Gaywindow

Marthas Six Moons

Six Fols Lady Bugs Martha

AP Lily Frost

Sun Frost Chappelle Lily

Pc Bronsin

Sun Frost Red Rockette

Janie Gay Bar

Gay Bar King Mother Jane 15

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887


Jetta In The Money Black Filly // 5.8.19

Born Black and Shedding Black! Sired by Jodys Money Pop si 106 ($303,026) an own son of Jody O Toole si 106 ($280,721) to Sire Race Earners of over 8 Million who is out of Gotta Money Pop si 90 to produce earners of $563,242. With the dam being an own daughter Sawyer Wood, and his ability to sire top Futurity horses, you have an excellent prospect here with added SPEED. This filly is showing a lot of super athletic quick footed ability as she runs and play! Jodys Money Pop

Sawyers Jewel


Jody O Toole

Jodys Glory Jetta O Toole

Gotta Money Pop

Man In The Money Gotta Pop Pop

Sawyer Wood

Ciderwood Driftalong San

My Family Jewel

The Desert Jewel Meleeka

Blazen Treasure

Palomino Colt // 3.03.19

Sooner Glow is a super sweet mare that stamps all of her foals with her disposition and also, she stamped this colt with her size! Blazen Treasure is showing he will have some height to him and definitely has a lot of speed to his pedigree. Sawyers Game Changers dam, Imarealtreasure, is a AAAT Race Winning mare AAAT backed by strong Race Winning/Producing mares. Sooner Glow had a short race career but her maternal line are also all race winning dams to have multiple race wins under them with AAA Speed Index’s. INCREDIBLE SPEED & DISPOSITION!!!

Sawyers Game Changer

Sooner Glow


Sawyer Wood

Cinderwood Driftalong San


Dash Ta Fame DPI Treasury Note

Blazen Bryan

Chicks Beduino And So It Goes

Sooner Take Greene

Takin On The Cash Sooner Girl Greene

Docs Oaks Dillon Bay Colt // 5.13.19

ROPERS!!! PC Frosty Sis is gaining a reputation for making them BIG, STOUT, with great dispositions and tons of cow sense. With Driftalong Dillon’s talent as a heel horse, & coming from proven parents to make top rope horses, this is a Ruzsa pick to head to the roping box. With his conformation and size he could rope both ends! Driftalong Dillon

Pc Frosty Sis


Sawyer Wood

Ciderwood Driftalong San

Miss Tukey Wood

Blanton Wood Miss Turkey

Pc Fire N Smoak

Docs Oask Sugar Cross Fire Kate

Pc Miss Leo Time

Tuff Time Peppy Frosty Miss Leo

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887

My Golden Miracle

Palomino Stallion // 5.12.18


1/2 Sibling by AP, and first born for the Ruzsa’s, out of mare My Miracle Fortune is showing HUGE Talent with owner Bill Kennedy to be a Superstar Futurity horse. Crossing a dam showing incredible producing ability on Stallion Sawyers Game Changer, who has proven himself to qualify and place at some of the Nation’s Top Barrel Futurities makes this Stallion a standout. Dam is a race winner & 7/8 sister to Stakes Winner TRES FORTUNES! Whether you keep him a stallion or not, he definitely will be your barrel prospect and get that competitive edge!

Sawyers Game Changer

My Miracle Fortune

Sawyer Wood

Cinderwood Driftalong San


Dash Ta Fame DPI Treasury Note

Dean Miracle

Streakin Six Our Third Delight

My Own Fortune

Six Fortunes Makeitonmyown

Heading Ta Fame

Sorrel Gelding // 4.25.18


Up to date, Paid into PINK BUCKLE!!! Sired by Eddie Stinson si 111 ($200,016), OFFSPRING EARNINGS are in excess of $1.4 Million in the Arena. Out of Heading Away a proven producer on the track of AAA race winners. The 2nd dam, Sheza First Down a Multiple Graded Stakes Winner. 3rd Dam, Justincopy Multiple Stakes Placed. A big strong horse with a powerful hip! There is a ton of potential to this breeding to go to the barrels or the track! Eddie Stinson

Heading Away

Dash Ta Fame

First Down Dash Sudden Fame

Casino Lights

Sixarun Ease On Down

Streakin La Jolla

Streakin Six Bottom’s Up

Sheza First Down

First Down Dash Justincopy

Dash Ta Holland

Sorrel Gelding // 5.30.18


With the BLACKTYPE breeding to both the Sire’s Dam Line and the Dam Line you could go to the track! With his long legs and how smooth he moves, you will cover a lot of ground fast on the barrels. Out of a SOLID 7 GENERATION of DAMS to PRODUCE CHAMPIONS! Dam Wicked Business has produced over $100K, 2nd Dam produced over $250,000 including Stakes Winners, 3rd Dam AAAT Graded Stakes Winner earning over $209,000 and an All-Time Producing Dam of over $316,000 and multiple Stakes Winners, 4th Dam a Stakes Winner to produce over $283,000 and Stakes Winners, 5th Dam produced over $330,000, etc... Sawyers Game Changer

Wicked Business

Sawyer Wood

Cinderwood Driftalong San


Dash Ta Fame DPI Treasury Note First Down Dash Easy Henryetta

Holland Ease Finished Business

Streakin Six Sweet N Special 17

Ruzsa Quarter Horses // 605-848-0887

French Victoria


Sorrel Filly // 5.12.18

GRITTY FAST FOOTED ATHLETE! Sired by PC Frenchmans Hayday, aka Dinero, that has shown HIGH LEVELS of talents from the Barrels to the Roping Box! Walt Woodard, Cory Petska and Sherry Cervi have all ridden this stallion to show off his caliber of diversity. As an NFR Barrel Horse, Dinero has also sired multiple NFR competitors. French Victoria has had some basic ground work training and has shown a lot of natural athletic ability. Your chance to own a VF Shiny Red Stone and get a piece of that athletic ability she is known to stamp! PC Frenchmans Hayday

VF Shiny Red Stone

Sun Frost

Doc’s Jack Frost Prissy Cline

Caseys Charm

Tiny Circus Casy’s Ladylove

Sticks An Stones

Easy Jet Hop Skip And Jump

Miss Red Ghost

On the Money Red Evening Host

Eyem Judge Cash


Gray Stallion // 6.04.18

Friendliest in your back-pocket kind of STALLION! You could take him to the racetrack or the barrels with the proven talent behind the breeding and with how trainable/well-mannered he is! Sired by none other than the immortal NFR/Racehorse MILLION DOLLAR SIRE Judge Cash si 110 (34 Starts 12-10-3 Race Record, All American Futurity qualifier). This Stallion is out of Eyem A Miracle si 90 with 2 wins, 3 times 2nd, & twice 3rd. 2nd dam DALTS PISTOL si 103 3 wins to 3 and a finalist in the Black Gold Fut. Championship. Paid into Future Fortunes! Judge Cash

Eyem A Miracle

Dash For Cash

Rocket Wrangler Find A Buyer

Mary Mito

Mito Paint Shelly Leo Bar

Dean Miracle

Streakin Six Our Third Delight

Dalts Pistol

Mr Eye Opener Little Wise Native

Ruzsa Proven Performers MR FAMOUS JESS

SAWYERS FROSTED MOON Jess Louisiana Blue – Fames Rockette, Dash Ta Fame

Sawyer Wood – French Chicaros, Frenchmans Guy

Multiple WPRA/ProRodeo Wins and Placings to include a 3rd Place Pendleton Finish to qualify for the 2017 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo

Multiple Barrel Futurity and Derby Placer to include being an Old Fort Days Futurity & Derby Finalist -

Owner: Sydni Blanchard


LTE $26K Rider: Marne Loosenort


SHEZASTREANSUFROST Fire On Bug – Miss Sugar Wood, Cibecue Ike

A Streak Of Fling – AP Lily Frost, Sun Frost

Multiple Barrel Futurity and Derby Placer

Half-Sister to Ruzsa Stallion AP Six Frosted Moons

Owner: Crago Quarter Horses

Multiple Futurity Wins/Placings, $23,441 Futurity LTE Rider: Shawn Varpness

Rider: Jade Crago


TRIPLE Q Sawyer Wood—Miss Turkey Wood, Blanton Wood

Dash Ta Fame – Lady Perry Too, Mr Jess Perry

2017 Top Futurity Finisher in the 2D


Owner: Rodney Ruzsa

Rider: Jordan Moore–Miller


THISAINTMYFIRSTRODEO Sawyer Wood—Imarealtreasure, Dash Ta Fame

Sawyer Wood—Bucks Josie Bar, Mr Docs Dakota

2016 BFA & Old Fort Days Futurity Finalist & 1D Barrel Horse

Top Futurity Champion, NBHA 2D Open World Champion, ProRodeo Money Earner

Owner: Jennifer Ruzsa


Rider: Marne Loosenort

LAUGH FLIT BAR Ima Sun Frost—Flit Bar Squaw, Lasaber Streak

Ima Sun Frost—Flit Bar Squaw, Lasaber Streak

2014, 2016 & 2017 National Finals Rodeo Steer Wrestling Hazing Horse

Working Cow Horse top 3 Multiple Futurity Finalist

Owner: Ben Shofner


Owner: Jennifer Ruzsa

CARTELS SPECIAL GIRL Ima Sun Frost—Snazzy Folk Dancer, Folk Dancer

Furyofthewind—Wanna Be Special, Oak Tree Special

2014 NBHA SD Senior Division Champion; 1D Barrel Horse & Heading/Breakaway Horse

2018 South Dakota Bred Quarter Horse Futurity Champion Owner: Valerie Shoun

Owner: Kathleen Carlson


MERCURYS LOST MOON AP Six Frosted Moons – Flit Bar Squaw, Lasaber Streak

Frostys War Chief—Miss Turkey Wood, Blanton Wood

First year to compete as a 5-yearold placing top of the 2D in NBHA competitions, money earned and currently a 1D Barrel Horse

Team Roping Heading World Record Holder, 2012 NFR Qualifier & Multiple Round Winner, 2012 Turqouis Circuit Champion amongst top PRCA Rodeo Wins

Owner: Barbie Luhman

Owner: Brock Hanson


SIX MOONS COUNT DOWN First Moonflash—Lady Perry Too, Mr Jess Perry

AP Six Frosted Moons – DM Genuine Rose, Genuine Count Down

2017 & 2018 Race Winner at The Downs, Albuquerque, NM—350yards

Mackenzie Miller placed 4th in the 1D at the 2017 North Dakota NBHA State Finals

Owners: Pierre & Leslie Amestoy

Owner: Jenny Engels 19

Hasta Be Fast

si 95 (Pritzi Dash X Hasta Be Special by Special Effort) 2020 FEE $1000 COOLED SEMEN AVAILABLE

ELIGIBILITIES: • • • • • •

5-State Breeders Barrel Futurity MN Stallion Breeders Futurity Grid Iron Barrel Futurity Cowboy States Stallion Incentive MN Futurity Breeders Incentive Homegrown Classic Futurity

Faster Than Hasta Hasta Be Fast X Leadmetoyourladder

si 102, earner of $178,109

Owned by John G. Johnson Breeder: Wardell Quarter Horses

We Strive for Disposition & Versatility! LEMMON, SD

“Look For The Rafter JJ Brand”

Inquiries to: Gary Johnson (605) 374-3684 or (605) 430-7980 10

johnson stables // 605-374-3684


Brown Gelding // 4.26.18


Well put together gelding that will have some size when he’s done growing. He’s kind, willing and athletic. His sire, Hasta Be Fast, really stamps his colts with ability and disposition. His maternal grand-dam was AA and by the great Dr Kirk. With his pedigree, he should be able to perform with the best and stay honest. PIF to the Cowboy State Incentive. See Hasta Be Fast ad for eligibilities. Owned by Gary & Jodi Johnson

Hasta Be Fast

Autumn Moolah

Pritzi Dash

Dash For Cash Prissy Fein

Hasta Be Special

Special Effort Hasta Go

No Brakes Now

The Signature Timeto Brake

Miz Autumn Kirk

Dr Kirk Miss Autumn Monk 85

Plain Ole Fast

Brown Gelding // 4.22.18


Big, correct colt that should be able to perform with the best. His mother is a stakes winner of the Minnesota Stallion Breeders Futurity, and from the great mare family of Rainbows Comeandgo, an own daughter of Dash For Cash. Nominated to the MN Stallion Breeders Futurity & PIF to the Cowboy State Incentive. See Hasta Be Fast ad for eligibilities. Owned by Gary or Bob Johnson

Hasta Be Fast

Empress Mable

Pritzi Dash

Dash For Cash Prissy Fein

Hasta Be Special

Special Effort Hasta Go

No Brakes Now

The Signature Timeto Brake

Kirks Pot of Gold

Dr Kirk Rainbows Comeandgo

Just Walkin Fast

Sorrel Gelding // 4.22.18


Need some chrome along with athletic ability and a great disposition? Look here! Sired by Hasta Be Fast, this colt got his daddy’s kindness. This gelding’s mother, Walkin Thru Ice si 98, is by the great Walk Thru Fire who has sired winners with earnings of over $35 million and 8 World Champions! This colt is big, flashy and should be able to go to the arena or the track. Nominated to the MN Stallion Breeders Futurity. See Hasta Be Fast ad for eligibilities. Owned by John G. Johnson

Hasta Be Fast

Walkin Thru Ice

Pritzi Dash

Dash For Cash Prissy Fein

Hasta Be Special

Special Effort Hasta Go

Walk Thru Fire

First Down Dash Sweet Beduino

Slightly Icy

Chicks Beduino Icy Morn 21

johnson stables // 605-374-3684


Fast Ivory James

Sorrel Gelding // 3.22.18 This guy should be able to take you to the pay window! May it be the arena or the track, this colt is bred to be fast! His mother is a stakes winning daughter of Ivory James who is fast becoming a superior sire and broodmare sire in the arena and on the track. Come take a look at him! Nominated to the MN Stallion Breeders Futurity. See Hasta Be Fast ad for eligibilities. Owned by John G. Johnson Hasta Be Fast

Tickle The Ivorys


Pritzi Dash

Dash For Cash Prissy Fein

Hasta Be Special

Special Effort Hasta Go

Ivory James

Corona Cartel Dashin Follies

Luva Shake

Shake It Special Bookes Lota Kirket

Born To Be Fast

Brown Gelding // 5.4.18 Big, stout colt with lots of arena or track potential. He should have the size and athleticism to take you where you need to go. His mother is by leading sire Mr Eye Opener si 106, earnings of $202,978. Hasta Be Fast si 95 sires versatility and disposition. Nominated to the MN Stallion Breeders Futurity. See Hasta Be Fast ad for eligibilities. Owned by John G. Johnson

Hasta Be Fast

One Eye Opener


Pritzi Dash

Dash For Cash Prissy Fein

Hasta Be Special

Special Effort Hasta Go

Mr Eye Opener

Dash For Cash Bedawee

One More Perfection

Barrymore Mid Etta


Sorrel Gelding // 5.16.18 Here is a colt that has the disposition and athletic ability to be a winner. He is sired by Myers’ promising young stallion, Ima Special Kindaguy, who is showing his talents in the barrel pen and also as a rope horse. His stakes placing dam, Blaze Of Orion si 90, is the dam of 7 performing colts which 2 AA & 2 AAA. Her leading money earner is Splash Of Nash si 96 and earner of $40,824. She’s also a proven 1D barrel producer. He is PIF to the Future Fortunes & nominated to the Pink Buckle. Owned by Alan Ham & Gary Johnson

Ima Special Kindaguy

Blaze Of Orion


Frenchmans Guy

Sun Frost Frenchman’s Lady

Melt Away

Special Leader Coming Alive

Ronas Ryon

Windy Ryon Rona Bar

Anitas Feature

Truckle Feature Easy Carrie Ann

johnson stables // 605-374-3684

Lika Kind Guy

Palamino Gelding // 4.27.18


Here will be a pretty performer! His dam, I Jess Lika, has 5 performance foals with 4 AAA and 1 AA and total winnings of over $155,000. Her top foal is Jess Lika Blair si 98 and earnings of $87,400. Jess also has several colts performing well in the barrel pen. He is PIF to the Future Fortunes & nominated to the Pink Buckle. Owned by Alan Ham & Gary Johnson

Ima Special Kindaguy

I Jess Lika

Frenchmans Guy

Sun Frost Frenchman’s Lady

Melt Away

Special Leader Coming Alive

Jess Louisiana Blue

Mr Jess Perry The Louisiana Girl

Call Me Lika

Call Me Together Sompinlikafeature

Sells w/ Application

Sorrel Filly // 5.13.19


Take a look at this filly, she’ll be your next winner!! Sired by the up and coming sire & performer Mr. Sassy Frenchman and out of the proven barrel producer Jenny Kirk. This filly’s grand-dam, Sheza Dr Kirk is the mother of Sheza Frenchman Guy who has barrel earnings of over $52,400 and Whats A Guy To Do, with barrel earnings of over $29,800. This filly has barrel racing in her blood, should make an incredible prospect! Nominated to the Pink Buckle. Owned by John G. Johnson Mr Sassy Frenchman

Jenny Kirk

Frenchmans Guy

Sun Frost Frenchmans Lady

Jess Sass Me

Mr Jess Perry Sassy Smith

No Brakes Now

The Signature Timeto Brake

Sheza Dr Kirk

Dr Kirk Do It Do It

Jess I Wood

Sorrel Colt // 4.6.19


Nice colt, super prospect! He wants to be your buddy. Both sire and dam are 5 Panel N/N. Callie Wood is a 2D barrel producer crossed with Cowboy Cartel. Oriana’s Magic has 3 wins and earner of over $129,000 on the track, is multiple AAA and produce earnings over $235,000. Jess I Wood is eligible for the Blue Collar Breeers, Future Fortunes, VGBRA & 5-State Breeders Barrel Futurity. Owned by Jim Uhrig & Gary Johnson

French Streakin Jess

Callie Wood

A Streak of Fling

Streakin Six Moon Fling

PC Frenchmans Flirt

Sun Frost Frenchman’s Lady


Dash Ta Fame Champagne Lane

Oriana’s Magic

Kipper Kelly Magic Meadow


sitnal livestock horses // 605-641-3518


SL Hacker

Sorrel Gelding // 5.16.18 This flashy yearling gelding is by Dot Com Guy. Dot Com Guy is a full brother to Frenchmans Speed who has Futurity, Maturity, and pro rodeo winnings in excess of 75,000.00. His colts are showing tremendous athletic ability and we can’t wait until they are running age. Limit the Cash is by Texas High Dasher who has sired several winning rodeo and performance horses. This is a nice kind colt that will have the ability to take you to the pay window. Future Fortunes paid in full, 5 State eligible Dot Com Guy

Limit the Cash


Frenchmans Guy

Sun Frost Frenchmans Lady

Speed Dot Com

Sixarun Five Dashes

Texas High Dasher

On A High Cherri Ohs

Do It Limit

Next To The Limit Do It Do It

SL Streaker

Chestnut Filly // 4.1.18 Streaking Ta Fame was an American Qualifier top 4 finalist. By the Great Dash Ta Fame and supported by a strong mare line. This filly is out of Big Booty Trudy an own daughter of Miss N Cash. Take a close look at this filly she is built right, great bone, lots of muscle, and super kind. Paid in full to the Future fortunes and triple crown 100.

Streakin Ta Fame

Big Booty Trudy


Dash Ta Fame

First Down Dash Sudden Fame

Streakin By Three

Streakin Dash Miss Jet Three

Miss N Cash

Dash For Cash Doc N Missy

CC Lenas Peppy

Lena Lucre Peppys Santa Rufa

SL Fire Wall

Chestnut Mare // 4.25.18 This is an outstanding Filly by Dot Com Guy. He is a full brother to Frenchmans Speed Multiple Futurity, Maturity, and circuit finals qualifying mare. We are very Pleased with the minds and athletic ability Dot Com Guy has been putting into his babies. One of our favorite crosses so far has been on Dashing With Cash mares. This filly is correct and has nice size and bone. She will make an excellent performance horse prospect. Paid in full to the future fortunes. 5 states eligible. Dot Com Guy

Dashing Thru Fire


Frenchmans Guy

Sun Frost Frenchmans Lady

Speed Dot Com

Sixarun Five Dashes

Dashing With Cash

First Down Dash I Owe You Me

Jets Of Fire

Fire Water Flit Dash of Honor

huffman ranch // 605-848-2523

Filly by Moons Fuel

Buckskin Filly // 5.19.19


Here is well put together filly by Moons Fuel. Dam Call Yas Last Effort is a AAAT daughter of Proudest Effort. This filly could go any direction.

Moons Fuel

Call Yas Last Effort

Oklahoma Fuel

Jet Fuel Yellow Hankie

Lady Lark Blue Moon

Moon Lark Catcha Mito

Proudest Effort

Special Effort Winning Copy

Call Ya Later

Mr Collator Tinky Dixie

Shez A Tener X ASOF

Sorrel Colt // 5.5.19


Shez A Tener is a AAAT daughter of Oak Tree Special. This is a very laid back colt by A Streak Of Fling that could really go any direction in the performance world.

A Streak Of Fling

Shez A Tener


Streakin Six

Easy Six Miss Assured

Moon Fling

Fast Fling Moon Beam Lady

Oak Tree Special

Special Task Easy Lady Oak

RC Pass N Time

Its Royal Time Lady Can Pass

JKL Kateys Smoothguy

Sorrel Gelding // 5.7.17



Mouse is one of the nicest two year-olds we’ve ever started. We believe that he would be a great arena prospect because he very quick and wants to please. Mouse has a really nice stop, lopes soft collected circles, stands tied, great with his feet, he loads in the trailer and is easy to catch. If you are looking for an exceptionally bred arena prospect with a great mind, Mouse is the horse for you.

A Smooth Guy

PR Katey Cat

Frenchmans Guy

Sun Frost Frenchman’s Lady

Docs Movida

Dry Doc La Movida

Siner Smart Cat

WR This Cats Smart Miss Shiner Dear

CC Ole San De

Twister Dial Peppy CC Ole Blue Lady 25

u bar bar performance horses // 605-645-9164


TG Choice Bully

Bay Stallion // 6.3.18 Conformation and disposition are the best words to describe this Stallion! His dam and only maternal sibling were both super personable and the easiest horses to break to ride. He is proving to have that same easy-going personality. His sire, Platinum Bully by champion BULLY BULLION si 104 ($225,384), sired Brazilian standout DASH BULLYON, 8 sub-17 second runs on a standard pattern, Western States Futurity Reserve Champion CEE THE ROCKSTAR, Triangle Cross Futurity 2D Champion BULLIESGOINPLATINUM. His dam is a 7/8th sister to the great producers BRANDY LORD FOUR who is a producer of barrel money earners in excess of $20,000 including WANTASTREAKERREBATE.

Platinum Bully

Dixie Prairie Rose


Bully Bullion

Special Effort Mary Poppins

Blue Array

Bold Array Iris Joe Pansy

Figure Four 555

Figure Four Fritz One Eighty One

Dolly Rusy Dixie

The People Choice Rebel Rusty Lord

TG Shake Em Phling Red Roan Filly // 4.9.19

By MY VEGAS PHLING, sired by FRENCH STREAKTOVEGAS the winningest son of A STREAK OF FLING. MY VEGAS PHLING is on track to futurity in 2020. This filly’s dam is BB ME IS SHAKIN si 83 is a 3/4th sister to ROYAL SISSY IRISH the dam of DM SISSY HAYDAY aka Sister (Hailey Kinsel’s mare). Talk about a pedigree packed full of winning bloodlines! She will not only get you noticed by her pretty color but also her conformation! This stout filly is the total package. My Vegas Phling

BB Me Is Shakin


French Streaktovegas

A Streak Of Fling PC Frenchmans Flirt

Jerrys Tp Seepai BB

Jerrys Disco Moon Pittses Jocko Be

Royal Shake Em

Royal Quick Dash Shake Em Six

Me Is Dashin

On A High Uno Mas Tiempo

Ivory Phling

Bay Roan Colt // 6.13.19 By MY VEGAS PHLING, sired by FRENCH STREAKTOVEGAS the winningest son of A STREAK OF FLING. MY VEGAS PHLING is on track to futurity in 2020. This colt’s dam is ZIZZLE si 92 has produced a handful of correct foals! We kept this colt’s full brother from last year which is very personable, easy-going, and intelligent. This colt has a ton of leg and should mature to be a big boy, packed with pedigree, looks, and personality.

My Vegas Phling



French Streaktovegas

A Streak Of Fling PC Frenchmans Flirt

Jerrys Tp Seepai BB

Jerrys Disco Moon Pittses Jocko Be

Ivory James

Corona Cartel Dashin Follies

Special Phebe

Special Effort Powerful Performance

wood Performance horses // 307-467-5401

WPH Sun In My Coffee

Grullo Mare // 4.7.18


This snazzy grullo filly is sired by 1D and Derby champion Guys Dash A Latte and out of Swanee Trinket this mare came from the heart of my good friends Jim and Peggy Reeds program. Tho none of her foals have made to the barrel pen yet there are several of her foals in the roping and ranching with the owners loving them. This cross always throw such great minds that are easy to get along with and athletic enough to get any job done. Coffee is paid in full to Future Fortunes and eligible for 5 State, Cowboy State, and Grid Iron barrel incentives.

Guys Dash A Latte

Swanee Trinket

Frenchmans Guy

Sun Frost Frenchmans Lady

Mocha Latte

Dash Ta Fame Creme De Mocha

Oak Whiz

Oak Bar Buck Miss Tammy Whiz

Swanee Dancer

Masterhorn Karion Janie Lee

WPH Shakin A Latte

Buckskin Gelding // 5.16.18


Sired by Guys Dash A Latte a multiple 1D and derby winner with $11000+ in earnings and is still competing and out of Bootie Shaker with LTE of $7000+ on the track. This is a great combination of Frenchmans Guy, Dash Ta Fame, Royal Shake Em. This snazzy yearling is easy to work with and very athletic. WPH Shakin A Latte is paid in full to Future Fortunes and eligible for Cowboy State, 5 State, Grid Iron barrel incentives. Check out Guys Dash A Latte’s facebook page for updated pictures and videos of this great buckskin yearling or of Guys Dash A Latte’s runs,

Guys Dash A Latte

Bootie Shaker

Frenchmans Guy

Sun Frost Frenchmans Lady

Mocha Latte

Dash Ta Fame Creme De Mocha

Royal Shake Em

Royal Quick Dash Shake Em Six


Bold Ego Wee Ta



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« Fall Extravaganza Horse Sale Notes »


! e n i l n Bid O

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Videoing • Video Sales • Clerking • Bid-by-Click Online Sales

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You will receive an email when you are approved for bidding. All applications will be reviewed and processed promptly. You will receive a bidder number only after you have made a purchase in the sale, and that number will only be used at that sale. When the sale is completed, please contact the sale owner or manager for instructions of payment and delivery of your purchase. To use our service, you must have access to High Speed Internet.

Questions? Contact Aaron Friedt at (701) 590-9597 or Jared Peterson at (605) 641-7573

SALE TIME: 1:00PM (MT) SALE PREVIEW: 11:00AM (MT) LOCATION: CENTRAL STATES FAIR GROUNDS Rapid City, South Dakota SALE DAY PHONE: Jennifer Ruzsa 605.848.0887 Jodi Johnson 605.430.7980 AIRPORT: RAPID CITY REGIONAL AIRPORT HOST HOTEL: BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA HOTEL 2111 N LaCrosse St. RAPID CITY, SD 605-343-8550 PHONE BIDDING: Phone Bidding is provided as a customer service for those who cannot attend. All successful phone purchases will be required to wire transfer funds immediately Monday morning following the sale and prior to shipment. All horses must be insured by the buyer at sale settlement the night of the sale. ABSENTEE BIDS: Anyone wishing to bid and cannot attend the sale may place phone bids by contacting Jennifer Ruzsa 605-848-0887 or Jodi Johnson 605-430-7980. Please make phone bidding arrangements THE WEEK PRIOR TO THE SALE. Be prepared to fax or email a bank letter of credit. ATTENTION: NO ONLINE BIDDING HORSES WILL NOT SELL IN CATALOG ORDER!

TERMS & CONDITIONS: Terms of sale are cash or personal check (US Funds). A personal check will be accepted in lieu of cash with proper identification. All buyers must bring a letter of credit when registering as a buyer. There will be a $150 assessed on all returned checks. All cost of collection (including attorney’s fees) shall be paid by buyer. No horses will be sold prior to the sale. Every animal sells to the highest bidder with auctioneer settling disputes as to bids. Announced changes to catalog information on sale day take precedence over printed material in this catalog. Any defects will be announced before each horses is sold. All horses are buyer’s property as soon as sold. No delivery is available until settlement is made on all purchases. Buyers must make arrangements for care of horses at their own risk until delivery is taken. Any person attending this sale does so at his or her own risk. Neither the owners, sale management, Fall Extravaganza LLC, Central States Fair, nor any other person connected with this sale assumes any liability, legal or otherwise. GUARANTEE: To the best of our knowledge, every horse in the sale is free of disease or defect. Known defect(s) will be called at sale time. Each horse has passed a general, visual vet examination for physical soundness. HEALTH: Individual Health Papers with a Coggins Test will be issued for shipment. REGISTRATION & TRANSFER: All horses sell with registration papers or a registration application and a registration transfer. INSURANCE: Insurance may be arranged through Plains Horizon Equine Insurance, Marve Tavarez, Pleasonton, TX, 830-708-3870. If buyers request consigner to board a horse after the sale for any period of time, insurance is required.



Fall Extravaganza, LLC 31123 135th Street Selby, SD 57472-5908

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